computer security the world of cyber crime presentation details this presentation will explain the...

Computer Security Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime The World of Cyber Crime

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Page 1: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

Computer SecurityComputer Security

The World of Cyber CrimeThe World of Cyber Crime

Page 2: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

Presentation Details

This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information. This presentation will also show how it’s commonly done and how to prevent such things from happening to you.

Page 3: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

Understanding the Topic

Computer security first started with fraud by Ian Murphy in 1981, he bypassed the security of a U.S. phone company and changed the clock time, thus making millions of the customer’s bills extremely cheap. This presentation will help you to understand how to stop this and various other things from happening.

Page 4: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

Computer Security is not just hackers or bad passwords on a computer, it canAlso be the safety of the computer itself. Computers should be put on a placeWhere pets cannot get to or reach. Laptops on the floor like in the picture aresusceptible to many things, one being the hardware inside the thinner laptopsBeing crushed under the weight of the animal and having to replace it, and inExtreme cases may cause you to reformat the computer, so having your databacked up on a disc is vital.

Page 5: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

There are many companies that may not specialize in the field of Computer Security,however by realizing it as a necessity for concerned clients, it has become a big partof most internet companies. Conventions like these are too raise awareness of thepossible threats and to improve their own business.

Page 6: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

When the idea of computers being, “hacked” into came to be, the obvious thing is toprovide ways to stop this. Thus came companies like Symantec who provides themost widely used anti-virus program in the world, Norton Anti-Virus. By selling thissoftware which prevents viruses from being run or getting on your computer so thingssuch as keyloggers or trojans can’t get on your computer without being detected,many companies prospered, even now computer security against viruses are stilla major issue.

Page 7: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

The advantages to having some sort of security on your computer is obvious.With proper security, your friends can’t just turn on your computer and viewprivate files such as a digital diary without providing a password. Also you won’t have to reformat your computer if a virus does something like prevent it from turning on or make you unable to open and use programs by preventing it from running or even existing on your computer. There is no perfect security, any computers security can be bypassed, however having the proper security is necessary because 90% of the people who try to bypass security can’t defend against software built to prevent them from accessing your computer.Anyone who has the knowledge and skill to do so wouldn’t even bother unless you had something extremely important on your computer, as these, “Hackers” or anyone who can bypass a good security wouldn’t risk being caught for minor things.

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Another advantage to having security on your computer is it relieves you mentally if youHave knowledge of how to bypass security or how easy it is. With some sort of securityOn your computer, you wouldn’t go paranoid on whether to download something or not toif it seems doubtful to you, but you know you have to have what it supposedly is becauseyou know that if it is something bad, it will most likely be caught 99% of the time if youhave up to date security. Having up to date security is extremely important as new formsof viruses are created almost everyday.

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As good as the security is now in this day and age, it could also be a disadvantage, you may think you are too secure and end up getting a virus which hasn’t been found yet, or a hacker may bypass your security software. No matter how protected you are, if a skilled and dedicated hacker was determined to get in, he WILL get in, but if there’s proper security, he will be caught and jailed if he tries to do anything that may take longer than a few seconds.

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Another disadvantage to having computer security may be that if your computer is not good enough, it may take up too much memory on your computer or slow down all other functions on the computer. So the problem is the program itself, and if there’s no way you can afford to get or can get more memory, then you’re at a disadvantage because you most likely wouldn’t want to have the security if it would cause major performance loss.

Page 11: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

Of course, computer security will get better and better, however there will always also be new ways to bypass security. Computer security is changing and growing quickly and will lead at the same time lead to better viruses and ways to bypass security settings.

Page 12: Computer Security The World of Cyber Crime Presentation Details This presentation will explain the purpose of bypassing security or stealing information

People who bypass security such as hackers get into computers by either using programs or using a security flaw against you that you have on your computer. If you have file/printer sharing on, then hackers can do a wide range search with a program for IP’s with this on, and say they want to use the printer/file folder and do other things once they’re in. To get passwords, hackers sometimes use programs that are made by hackers and try a dictionary of words until it works. These are some of the common ways it happens, there are of course more complex and efficient ways.

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This graph shows the relationships of computer crimes in the year 1998, 1999, and 2000. Computer theft was generally

higher in 1999.

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The End!!!!