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One Direction

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Post on 20-Aug-2015



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One Direction One Direction


Zayn Zayn



Liam Liam


Facts about ZaynFacts about ZaynZayn Malik was born on 12th January 1993 in St Luke’s Hospital, Bradford. He’s the second oldest member of One Direction

Zayn’s favorite book is Harry Potter.

Zayn can’t swim and is scared of open water (also known as Aquaphobia). Despite this he likes sharks – especially hammerheads!

Zayn’s name is actually spelt with an ‘i’ (Zain)

Facts about HarryFacts about HarryHarry was born on 1st February 1994 making him the youngest member of One Direction.

His middle name is Edward.

Harry’s mom is called Anne Cox and his dad’s name is Des Styles.

The first song Harry knew all the words to was ‘The Girl Of My Best Friend’ by Elvis Presley.

Harry’s first girlfriend was called Emilie – he was 12 when they started going out.

Facts about NiallFacts about NiallNiall Horan was born on 13th September 1993.

Niall’s mom is called Maura Gallagher and his dad’s name is Bobby Horan.

Niall has an older brother called Greg. He’s 24-years-old.

Unfortunately Niall’s mum and dad split up when he was just five years old. He and Greg divided their time between the two homes but eventually they stayed with their dad Bobby in Mullingar, County Westmeath in Ireland.

Facts about LiamFacts about LiamLiam Payne was born on 29th August 1993.

Liam has two older sisters called Ruth and Nicola.

Liam’s parents are called Karen and Geoff.

Liam’s favorite color is purple.

Liam’s favorite film is the Toy Story trilogy.

Liam has a very unusual phobia – SPOONS! He admits it’s “very strange”.

Facts about Louis Facts about Louis Louis Tomlinson was born on Christmas Eve in 1991.

Louis is the oldest member of One Direction. He’s 13 months older than second eldest Zayn Malik.

Weirdly, Louis is a big fan of girls who eat carrots! Maybe it’s because they can see in the dark?!

Louis was born to mother Johannah Poulston and father Troy Austin.