composer at scale, release and dependency management

Composer at Scale, Release and Dependency Management Joe Ferguson

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Post on 28-Jan-2018




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Composer at Scale, Release and Dependency

ManagementJoe Ferguson

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Who Am I?Joe Ferguson

PHP Developer

Engineer @ Aol.

Twitter: @JoePFerguson

Organizer of @MemphisPHP

OSMI Board Member

@NomadPHP Lightning Talks

Passionate about Community

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This is not a Composer Talk

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What’s “Scale”?

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“At Scale”

“…at the required size to solve the problem…”

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What’s “Enterprise”?

Any undertaking or project, with the implication that it is of reasonable size

and complexity.

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Everyone is at “Enterprise” “Scale”

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Enterprise === A lot

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We’re a small(ish) team

2 Front End Devs

6 Back end Devs

1 Architect / Product Manager

1 Manager

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Foundation of our Applications


Well Tested

Semantic Versioning

Peer Approval

Continuous Integration

Client Focused Solutions

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Our CMS Application

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Start with a strong version control process/strategy

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New Feature Git Workflow

Pull master branch

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New Feature Git Workflow

Pull master branch

checkout new branch named feature/new-feature-description

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New Feature Git Workflow

Pull master branch

checkout new branch named feature/new-feature-description

change code <where the magic happens>

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New Feature Git Workflow

Pull master branch

checkout new branch named feature/new-feature-description

change code <where the magic happens>

Commit changes and open pull request against the develop branch

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New Feature Git Workflow

Pull master branch

checkout new branch named feature/new-feature-description

change code <where the magic happens>

Commit changes and open pull request against the develop branch

Wait for two peers to approve changes <jeopardy theme plays>

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New Feature Git Workflow

Pull master branch

checkout new branch named feature/new-feature-description

change code <where the magic happens>

Commit changes and open pull request against the develop branch

Wait for two peers to approve changes <jeopardy theme plays>

Merge pull request into the develop branch

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Commit & Versioning Tools

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Emoji in your commits!

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Commit tool to automate messages

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export GIT_EDITOR=~/PhpstormProjects/commit/bin/commit

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Commit tool to automate messages

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Identify What Changed

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$ bump major|minor|patch

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Wait for package repo to index new version

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Deployment Cycles, Waterfalls, Sprints, Kanban, and bears oh my!

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Find what works for you

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Two Week Release Cycle

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Code Freeze and Release Branches

Two Week Release Cycle

Wednesday before release is a Release Candidate Code Freeze

Release branches are created from develop branch

Release branches deployed to staging servers

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Testing on Staging Servers

Two Week Release Cycle

Wednesday before release is a Release Candidate Code Freeze

Release branches are created from develop branch

Release branches deployed to staging servers

Developers & Clients test changes on staging servers & sign off

From Wednesday to Tuesday is testing time

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Production DeploymentTwo Week Release Cycle

Wednesday before release is a Release Candidate Code Freeze

Release branches are created from develop branch

Release branches deployed to staging servers

Developers & Clients test changes on staging servers & sign off

From Wednesday to Tuesday is testing time

Tuesday following the RC freeze is production deploy

Release branches are Merged into master via same 2 peer approval pull request process

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Production DeploymentTwo Week Release Cycle

Wednesday before release is a Release Candidate Code Freeze

Release branches are created from develop branch

Release branches deployed to staging servers

Developers & Clients test changes on staging servers & sign off

From Wednesday to Tuesday is testing time

Tuesday following the RC freeze is production deploy

Release branches are Merged into master via same 2 peer approval pull request process

Code is deployed to production

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When something breaks…

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Hotfixes and Bugfixes

Hotfixes are branches named hotfix/description that are opened against master

Hotfixes are how we patch production

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Hotfixes and Bugfixes

Hotfixes are branches named hotfix/description that are opened against master

Hotfixes are how we patch production

Bug fixes are when we find issues after the RC freeze but before RC branch merging to master

Bug fix branches are named bugfix/description that are opened against the release branch

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That’s how we deploy features to our CMS

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Our CI/CD Hero

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Jenkins Automation

Build & Run Tests

Build Docker Images & Test

Build & Deploy Applications

Sound the alarms when something breaks

Slack Notifications in a CI/CD Channel

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That’s how we deploy features to our CMS, API,

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That’s how we deploy features to our CMS, API, Design Tool,

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That’s how we deploy features to our CMS, API, Design Tool, and other standalone applications

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Design Tool

A lot of shared logic

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Enter: “Core”

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Design Tool


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composer require aol/core

*not the actual package name

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Control Version Constraints

{ "require": { "aol/core": "^17", }}

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Lock To A Minor Version

{ "require": { "aol/core": “^17.10", }}

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We now have access to all of the logic in Core in all of our applications

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Core Git Workflow

No develop branch

No Hotfixes, or Bugfix branches

All changes are via pull request against master

After PRs are approved and merged version tags are bumped

Semantic versioning is your friend

Individual applications update their own core versions at their own pace (During normal deployment cycles)

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Design Tool


Version 15.1.3

Version 17.6.13

Version 17.0.0

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Remember Scale?

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Core is just another application…

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“Compromise is essential because there are no ideal solutions, only


Thomas Sowell - “A Conflict of Vision”

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“Medium” Services

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Follow your process

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Joe FergusonTwitter: @JoePFergusonEmail: [email protected]: joepferguson

Contact Info: