compliance health check

0203 051 2049 or email us at [email protected] Legal-Eye Services Legal-Eye Searches UK Free Mini Health Check | | | | OPTIMISING BEST PRACTICE & PERFORMANCE DOWNLOAD Legal Eye APP FREE Contact us today before it costs you! 0845 241 1815 Searches UK have joined forces with Legal Eye to offer lawyers a free mini health check. Searches UK are recognised nationally for their expertise within the Search Industry whilst being passionate about providing additional offerings to lawyers to help them combat some of the stresses associated with running a law firm in today’s market. One of the greatest daily stresses is Risk and Compliance and it is sometimes the smallest of things we can slip up on. We are therefore delighted to be able to offer our lawyers the following FREE mini health check completed by Legal Eye. The mini health check includes the following: Review of a client care letter, estimate of fees and disbursements and Terms of Business Review of your email footer Review of your website Review of your letterhead Review of your ICO registration Data Protection Review of your Financial Services EPF Registration if applicable All you need to do is email a copy of your client care letter and Terms of Business to [email protected] and Legal Eye will revert back to you with the results of your review. or email us at [email protected] OPTIMISING BEST PRACTICE & PERFORMANCE Searches UK, have once again demonstrated the high quality and professional service they provide by attaining the Legal Eye Quality Standard for the third year in succession.

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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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  • 0203 051 2049or email us at [email protected]

    Legal-Eye Services

    Legal-Eye Searches UK

    Free Mini Health Check | | | |

    O P T I M I S I N G B E S T P R A C T I C E & P E R F O R M A N C E


    Legal Eye


    Contact us today before it costs you!

    0845 241 1815

    Searches UK have joined forces with Legal Eye to offer lawyers a free mini health check.

    Searches UK are recognised nationally for their expertise

    within the Search Industry whilst being passionate about

    providing additional offerings to lawyers to help them

    combat some of the stresses associated with running a

    law firm in todays market.

    One of the greatest daily stresses is Risk and Compliance

    and it is sometimes the smallest of things we can slip up on.

    We are therefore delighted to be able to offer our lawyers the

    following FREE mini health check completed by Legal Eye.

    The mini health check includes the following:

    Review of a client care letter, estimate of fees and disbursements and Terms of Business

    Review of your email footer Review of your website Review of your letterhead Review of your ICO registration Data Protection Review of your Financial Services EPF Registration if applicable

    All you need to do is email a copy of your client care letter

    and Terms of Business to [email protected] and

    Legal Eye will revert back to you with the results of your


    or email us at [email protected]

    O P T I M I S I N G B E S T P R A C T I C E & P E R F O R M A N C E

    Searches UK, have once again demonstrated the high quality and professional service they provide by attaining the Legal Eye Quality Standard for the third year in succession.