complete installation and configuration of oracle data integrator

Complete Installation and configuration of Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), ODI Web Services with JDeveloper, BPEL By Kavin Mehta on Aug 31, 2009 Installing Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle Data Profiling, Oracle Data Quality Click on setup.exe . Click Next Check "Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle Data Profiling, Oracle Data Quality" and click next

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Page 1: Complete Installation and Configuration of Oracle Data Integrator

Complete Installation and configuration of Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), ODI Web Services with JDeveloper, BPEL

By Kavin Mehta on Aug 31, 2009


Installing Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle Data Profiling, Oracle Data Quality

Click on setup.exe . Click Next

Check "Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle Data Profiling, Oracle Data Quality" and click next

Page 5: Complete Installation and Configuration of Oracle Data Integrator

Configuring Repository

After install is finished execute the script to create master and work repository user. You can use the one I did

-- tablespace for master repository create tablespace ts_odim   logging   datafile 'C:\oracle\ora10g\database\oradata\orcl\ts_odim.dbf'   size 32m   autoextend on;

-- tablespace for work repository create tablespace ts_odiw   logging   datafile 'C:\oracle\ora10g\database\oradata\orcl\ts_odiw.dbf'   size 32m   autoextend on;

create temporary tablespace tmp_odi   tempfile 'C:\oracle\ora10g\database\oradata\orcl\tmp_odi.dbf'   size 32m   autoextend on ;

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Launch bin/repcreate.bat or bin/ to create Master Repository. Complete fields and click OK


When prompted, click OK

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To connect to the Master repository launch the Topology Manager script (bin/topology.bat or bin/

Click on the button New

Click on Test to check the connection is working. Validate by OK, then OK. Topology Manager opens.


Page 8: Complete Installation and Configuration of Oracle Data Integrator

The default password of the SUPERVISOR is SUNOPSIS.

In the icon list Topology -> Repositories -> Work repositories, click with the right button, then choose Insert work repository.

In the connection window, complete the parameters and click OK

Page 14: Complete Installation and Configuration of Oracle Data Integrator

Deploying ODI Web Applications - Lightweight Designer

Open Enterprise Manager console Click oc4j_odi > Applications > Deploy

Browse to location <ODI_DOWNLOAD_DIR>\setup\Manual and select oracledilwd.war file (Lightweight Designer)


Click Next

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Configuring Repository Connections

Lightweight Designer connects the repositories though JDBC datasource. Update data-sources.xml to have connection pool and datasources configured as below.

<managed-data-source user="snpm" password="snpm123" connection-pool-name="ODI_CONNECTION_POOL" jndi-name="jdbc/ORACLE_MASTER" name="ODI_MASTER_DS"/> <managed-data-source user="snpw" password="snpw123" connection-pool-name="ODI_CONNECTION_POOL" jndi-name="jdbc/ORACLE_WORK" name="ODI_WORK_DS"/> <connection-pool name="ODI_CONNECTION_POOL">    <connection-factory factory-class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl"/> </connection-pool>

Add the entries to link the datasource in the application context. Edit web.xml located under <OC4J_ODI>\applications\oracledilwd\oracledilwd\WEB-INF\web.xml

<resource-ref>     <description>Oracle Datasource for the Master Repository</description>     <res-ref-name>jdbc/ORACLE_MASTER</res-ref-name>     <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>     <res-auth>Container</res-auth>     <res-sharing-scope>Unshareable</res-sharing-scope> </resource-ref> <resource-ref>     <description>Oracle Datasource for the Work Repository</description>     <res-ref-name>jdbc/ORACLE_WORK</res-ref-name>

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    <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>     <res-auth>Container</res-auth>     <res-sharing-scope>Unshareable</res-sharing-scope> </resource-ref>

Define the Lightweight Designer login information to the work repositories. Edit repositories.xml located under <OC4J_ODI\applications\oracledilwd\oracledilwd\

<login name="My Work Repository">     <master name="jdbc/ORACLE_MASTER" masterDriver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"/>     <work name="jdbc/ORACLE_WORK" workName="WORKREP"/> </login>

Deploying ODI Web Applications - Metadata Navigator

Click oc4j_odi > Applications > Deploy


Browse to location <ODI_DOWNLOAD_DIR>\setup\Manual and select oracledimn.war file (Metadata Navigator). Click Next

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Configuring Repository Connections

To configure the connections to your repositories in the web application, we need to follow two steps.

Configure the connection to the work repository in Designer. Copy the snps_login_work.xml file from <ODI_HOME>\oracledi\bin directory into


Configuring Apache Axis 2 (ver 1.2)

Download Axis 1.2 WAR file from It would be a zip file download, simply rename it to axis2.war

Click oc4j_odi > Applications > Deploy

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Click on the Validate button, the happy axis page will appear: http://oc4j_host:oc4j_port/axis2/axis2-web/HappyAxis.js

Click on the Administration link will take you to http://oc4j_host:oc4j_port/axis2/axis2-admin the default username/password are: admin/axis2 

Deploy odi-public-ws.aar located under <ODI_DOWNLOAD_DIR>\oracledi\tools\web_services using the "Upload Service" link or drop into webapps/axis2/web-inf/services directory

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Deployment confirmation page showing success (or in cases will show errors)

Copy odiInvoke.wsil from <ODI_DOWNLOAD_DIR>\oracledi\tools\web_services to <OC4J_ODI>\applications\axis2\axis2\axis2-web\OdiInvoke.wsil

Change Location attribute from




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Configuring JDeveloper

To show local WSIL registry uncomment External Source for WSIL lcoated under <JDEV_HOME>\integration\bpm\designer\config\serviceexplorer_plugin.xml

Create inspection.wsil  manually to the same directory where serviceexplorer_plugin.xml is located. <JDEV_HOME>\integration\bpm\designer\config\inspection.wsil

<?xml version="1.0"?> <inspection xmlns=""             xmlns:wsilwsdl="">     <link referencedNamespace=""

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                location=:/axis2/axis2-web/OdiInvoke.wsil">:/axis2/axis2-web/OdiInvoke.wsil">:/axis2/axis2-web/OdiInvoke.wsil">:/axis2/axis2-web/OdiInvoke.wsil">:/axis2/axis2-web/OdiInvoke.wsil">:/axis2/axis2-web/OdiInvoke.wsil">http://<host>:<port>/axis2/axis2-web/OdiInvoke.wsil>             <abstract>Oracle Data Integrator Public Web Service</abstract>     </link> </inspection>

Restart JDeveloper and you should be able to see service in "Service Explorer". You can now use it with BPEL, AIA, OSB or any other service aware application.

Page 29: Complete Installation and Configuration of Oracle Data Integrator

Category: Installation

Tags: JDeveloper ODI ODI Web Applications ODI Web Service Oracle Data Integrator

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« Using Oracle SOA... | Main | JGroups Log Configur... » Comments:

Kavin, Thanks for this insightful article. Being a newbie to Java and ODI, I have a couple of questions pertaining to installing accessing Metadata Navigator. 1.) Installing the WAR file needs IAS to be installed and up and running ? My OEM doesnt show me any options for "Application Control" 2.) After installing the "oracledimn.war" file, why do you configure Apache Axis 2 and subsequently JDeveloper ? What is their need and relevance for Metadata Navigator. Thanks

Posted by Ankit Jain on September 08, 2009 at 09:02 AM EDT #

Regarding Q# 1, if you have Enterprise Manager running for your application server, you can use it to install / deploy apps in any other oc4j associated with that EM. If your application doesn't have AS control up and running, please refer to one of my old blogs to how to enable ascontrol application. Regarding Q#2, you need Axis to host / expose ODI web services to be able to communicate with other products like AIA, BPEL, ESB. Also JDev step is for the same purpose. So now if you want to create a BPEL process to kick-off ODI session, use ODI web service as partner link and perform the operation. HTH, Regards, Kavin

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Posted by kavin.mehta on September 08, 2009 at 09:20 AM EDT #

Thanks for this article. I have installed ODI 11g and SOA suite 11g with weblogic I am having 2 problems 1. When connecting to Lightweight Designer; in the login page I am getting a warning message: "While trying to look up jdbc in java:comp/env." . You have an idea why I'm this warning message?? 2. I have downloaded the latest version of Axis 2 (1.5), I have renamed the zip file to .war; after deploying I cannot access the axis page. I have also tried to unzip and deploy the war file; while doing so I had an error hence the deployment cannot be done in this way. Do you know why I cant access the Axis page??

Posted by Mevin on October 10, 2009 at 09:22 AM EDT #

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