complete alphabetical index to srimad bhagavad gita


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Bagavad Gita


Page 1: Complete Alphabetical Index to Srimad Bhagavad Gita




Page 2: Complete Alphabetical Index to Srimad Bhagavad Gita



Many of us who have taken up serious study of the Bhagavad Gita and have not yet become thoroughly acquainted with it, and even those who have been familiar with the Gita over the years but don’t remember each and every verse of it, may have experienced the fact that the verses relating a definite subject may be scattered throughout the 18 chapters. Most of the publications of the Gita do not seem to contain a detailed subject index indicating the verses relating to those subjects. They may have an index which may give the page numbers of the publication; but these page numbers often relate to the interpretations of the Gita by the author and not the verses relating to the subject. It is to fulfil this need of a comprehensive and verse by verse index of the Gita that this compilation has been attempted. The Sanskrit terms which are commonly found in English language, such as Karma, are left normal, while others are in italics. In addition to main subjects, there are sub-indices. These show the content of the verses in brief. So it is hoped that the reader may easily locate the particular verse he may have in mind. It is hoped that this index may be useful as a reference book not only for personal study of the users, but also for preparing classes, talks, satsangas relating to various subjects.

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SUBJECT-WISE INDEX OF THE VERSES FROM THE GITA Abhayam (fearlessness): Ch. 16:1 Abhiman (arrogance): Ch. 16:4 Abhyasa (see also Practice, study) : Ch. 6: 35, Ch. 12: 9, 10, 12

(as part of discipline of speech) Ch. 17: 15; (leads to God) Ch. 8: 8;

Absolute Consciousness: Ch. 8: 20 Abstention from Sense Pleasures: Ch 2: 59, Ch. 3:6, Achapalam (absence of restlessness/useless pursuits): Ch. 16:2 Action ( see also actionless/inactive state; duty; inaction; karma; Karma Yoga):

Art of proper action and Yoga- Ch. 2:50; Action and the Ashwattha tree- Ch. 15:2; Action and attachment/detachment- Ch. 2:48, Ch.3: 7, 19, 28, 29; Aum and Karma/action- Ch.8:3; Yogi’s attitude towards/motivation for action- Ch 5: 7-11, Ch 18: 9-10, Ch. 6:1; Desire motivated action leads to bondage- Ch. 5: 12; Action and devotion- Ch. 18:57; Ego as the cause of action- Ch. 18: 14-17; Prakriti as the cause of action- Ch. 17: 21; Action and evenmindedness- Ch. 2: 48; God’s detached activity in creation- Ch. 3: 22-24, Ch.4: 14; Action and Gunas- Ch. 3: 5, 27, Ch.14:8- 9, 16, Ch. 18: 23-25; Freedom from compulsory action- Ch. 3:17-18; Five factors involved in all actions- Ch. 18: 13-16; Inaction/renunciation of action- Ch. 3: 5, 8, Ch. 18: 1-11; knower, knowledge and object of knowledge as motivations for actions- Ch. 18: 18; All actions are somehow imperfect- Ch. 18: 48; How to reach actionless state- Ch. 18: 49, 50; Action and renunciation- Ch. 4: 41, Ch. 6:1, Ch. 18: 2 to 4, 7 to12, 49; Right/ dutiful action- Ch. 3: 7,8, Ch. 4: 15, Ch. 6: 1, Ch. 18: 41-48; Right and wrong -proper and contrary- action- Ch. 4: 16-17; Action and Sankhya- Ch. 8:13; Action and Yoga- Ch. 2: 50, Ch. 12: 10;

Adhibhoota (the physical) : Ch. 7: 30; Ch 8: 1, 4 Adhidaiva ( the astral) : Ch. 7: 30, Ch. 8: 1, 4 Adhikara (Right): (man’s right limited to action, not its fruit) Ch. 2: 47, Adhiyajna (the spiritual): Ch. 7: 30, Ch. 8: 1,4 Adhyatma: Ch 8: 1, 3,

Adhyatma jnana as a part of true Jnana- Ch. 13: 11/12; I am Adhyatma Vidya among Vidyas- Ch. 10: 32;

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Aditya: Ch. 8: 9; I am Vishnu among Adityas, i.e. sons of Aditi- Ch 10: 21, Ch.11: 6, 22;

Adroha (non-hatred) Ch. 16: 3 After-death states: (see also astral/causal/physical bodies; death; karma; reincarnation) :

Ch.2: 22, 26-27; -of imperfect yogis- Ch. 6: 41, 42; -and reincarnation, liberation- Ch. 2: 37

Agatasun: Ch. 2:11 Ahamkara (see also ego): Ch. 3: 27;

As part of Apara-Prakriti- Ch.7: 4; -as part of the Kshetra- Ch. 13: 5/6; -I am the doer feeling- Ch. 8: 17; -and asuri tapasvis- Ch. 17: 5; -and Rajasic Karma Ch. 18: 24; Egolessness-anahamkara / nirahamkara- Ch. 2: 71, Ch. 12: 13, Ch. 13:9 Ch. 16: 18, Ch. 18: 26, 53; -Not listening to God because of ego will lead to destruction- Ch. 18: 58, -Your nature will force you to fight, even if the ego says no- Ch. 18: 59, 60

Ahimsa (non-injury): Ch. 16:2 Air/Breeze, as Prana, breath of life: (Pavanah Pavatam Asmi) Ch. 10: 31 Airavata: Ch. 10: 27 Ajnana (also see Ignorance):

-covers or hides wisdom- Ch. 5:15; -Whatever is not Jnana Ch 13: 12; -as an asuri quality- Ch. 16: 4

Akanksha (Expectation/craving): Ch. 18: 54 Akasha: (ether): Ch. 9: 6,

-the taintless nature of the soul similar to akasha- Ch. 13: 32; Kham- as part of apara-prakriti- Ch. 7: 4;

Akriya: (inactive state) Ch. 6: 1 Akrodha (not getting angry/calmness): Ch. 16:1 Akshara ( see also avinashi, eternal, sanatana, indestructible, akshaya, Aum) :

-as the source of Brahma- Ch. 3: 15, Ch 8: 11, 13, 21; -is the Kootastha- Ch. 15: 16; -I,the Paramatma, am higher than Kshara, the material creation and Akshara the Jeevatma- Ch. 15: 18; I am the letter ‘A’ among aksharas, i.e. alphabets- Ch. 10: 33; God as Akshara, i.e. unchanging- Ch. 11: 37

Almsgiving (see also charity/dana): Ch. 16 : 1 Aloluptam (non-covetousness/non-attachment to objects of senses): Ch. 16:2 Aloneness/aloofness: (of a yogi) Ch. 6: 10, Ch. 13: 10/11; Amrita (see also Amritam, mortality, liberation, mukti): Ch. 2: 15, Ch.10: 27; Ch.

14: 20; I am death as well as immortality- Ch. 9: 19;

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Anadi (Beginningless): Truth or Brahma is beginningless- Ch. 13: 12/13, -both Prakriti and Purusha are beginningless- Ch. 13: 19/20, 31/32;

Anahamkara: see Egolessness / Nirahamkara Analysis: (knowledge that analyses one into its parts and divides is rajasic) Ch. 18: 21 Ananda: (Endless bliss) Ch. 5: 21; (in a state beyond the senses) Ch.6: 21 Ananta (in the sense of endlessness) : Ch. 11: 11, 16, 19, 38, 40, 47, Ananta: (I am Ananta among the Nagas) Ch. 10: 29, Anantavijaya (Yudhisthira’s conchshell) : Ch. 1: 16 Ananya (one-pointed, single-hearted, without diversions, single-minded) : Ch. 8: 14,

Ch. 9: 13, 22, 30, Ch. 11: 54, Ch. 13: 10/11, Ch. 12: 6, Anger (also see krodha): Ch. 2: 62, 63; Ch. 3: 34, 37 ,Ch 5:23, Ch. 14: 21, Ch. 16: 4,

21, - absence of anger- Akrodhah- Ch. 16: 2, Ch 18: 53, -and desire- Ch. 3: 37, Ch. 5: 23, Overcoming- Ch. 5: 23

Ancestors: (oblations to) Ch. 1: 42, (original progenitors of all creatures) Ch. 10: 6, Aryama- Ch. 10 : 29, Aham bijapradah Pita- Ch. 14: 4

Apaishunam (absence of faultfinding/non-critical): Ch.16:2 Apana (power of excretion) : Ch. 4: 29 Apara Prakriti: Ch. 7: 4,5 Aparigraha (non-accumulation): Ch 6: 10, Ch. 18: 53 Arjavam (simplicity/straightforwardness): Ch 13: 8, Ch. 16:1, Ch.17:14, Ch. 18: 42 Arjuna: (despondency of) Ch. 1: 27-47; Ch. 2: 4,5,

-refuses to fight- Ch. 1: 47, Ch. 2: 9; -seeks Krishna’s counsel- Ch. 2: 7; -Surveys opposing armies- Ch. 1: 26; -unmanliness rebuked by Krishna- Ch. 2: 2,3; -his nature/duty as a warrior- Ch. 2: 32

Arrogance (see abhiman) Artharthi: Ch. 7: 16 Aryama: Ch. 10: 29 Asana: Ch 6: 11, 13 Asat: Ch. 2: 16,

I am both Sat and Asat- Ch. 9: 19; Brahma cannot be called as Sat or Asat- Ch. 13: 12/13; -all things done without shraddha or faith or devotion are called asat- Ch. 17: 28

Ascension/ descension of Consciousness: Ch. 6: 3,4, -at death- Ch. 8: 23-26,

Asceticism: Ch. 6: 46 Ashanti (restlessness, lack of peace): (see also restlessness of mind, self-control, peace,

shanti) Ch. 2: 66 Ashvattha tree: Ch. 10: 26, Ch. 15: 1,

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Ashvins: Ch. 11: 6, Astral Body: Ch. 15: 8, 10,

-and Prakriti- Ch. 7: 4, Ch. 8:1 -and death- Ch. 8: 9,10, Ch. 15: 8

Astral Heaven and Reincarnation: Ch. 9: 20-21 Astral/Causal/Physical Bodies: Ch. 8: 4, Ch. 13: 1;

-and death- Ch. 8: 9, 10; -and Prakriti- Ch. 7:4, Ch. 8:1

Astral/ Causal/ Physical worlds: Ch. 8: 4, Ch. 7: 4, Asuras: Ch. 11: 22, Ch. 16: 6, 19, 20, Ch. 17: 5, 6, Asuri (Demonic) Qualities/ Behaviour : Ch.16: 4, 7-18,

-are binding- Ch. 16: 5 Aswini Kumars: Ch 11: 6, 22, Atimanita (conceit) : (natimanita-lack of conceit as a Daivy quality) Ch. 16: 3 Atma (see also Purusha and Soul): Ch. 2: 55;

-how senses,desire, mind and buddhi cover up the jnana of the soul- Ch. 3-38-40 ; --hierarchy of body, senses, mind, buddhi and soul- Ch 3:42, -conquering desires by controlling the mind with the help of buddhi- Ch. 3: 41, 43, -as one’s own friend or enemy-Ch 6: 5,6, -I am the soul- Ch. 10: 20, -both Prakriti and Purusha are beginningless- Ch. 13: 19/20 , -Atma=Paramatma=Purusha- Ch. 13: 22/23, -different ways to know or experience the Atman- Ch. 13: (24-25)/(25-26), -as non-doer- Ch. 13: (31-32)/(32-33); -example of the sun- Ch 13: 33/34; -as part of God- Ch 15: 7; -attracts mind and senses- Ch 15: 7, -reincarnates by taking the senses along- Ch. 15: 8, -only with spiritual eye can one see the soul in body or out of it-Ch 15: 10, -purity of heart needed for knowledge of he soul- Ch. 15: 11, -Atman is not the doer- Ch. 18: 16,

Attachment: -cause and effect of attachment- Ch 2: 62-64, -God’s freedom from attachment- Ch. 4: 14, -and Prakriti as the cause of embodiment- Ch. 8:21, -and gunas- Ch. 14: 5-9

Attachment to fruits of actions (see karma yoga, tyaga, sannyasa also): Ch. 2: 47, 48, 49, 51 Ch. 3: 9, 19, 25, 27, Ch. 4: 14, 21, 22, Ch. 5: 7, 8, 9, 10, -act for purification- Ch. 5:11, -attachment leads to bondage- Ch. 5:12; -attachment to gunas leads to physical births- Ch. 13:21; - and gunas- Ch. 14: 5-9; -egolessness in actions- Ch. 18: 17

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AUM (see also Pranava): -I am Pranava of the Vedas- Ch. 7: 8; -I am Omkara- Ch. 9: 17; -as Visarga and Karma- Ch. 8: 3; -dying while meditating on Aum- Ch 8: 13, -significance of Aum-Tat-Sat with respect to yajna, dana, tapa- Ch. 17: 23, 24, 26, 26,27

Austerities (see also Tapas/self-discipline): Ch. 6: 46, Ch. 16: 1, Ch. 17: 14-17, 24, 25, 27; Ch. 18: 3; -and Gunas- Ch. 17: 24, 28, Ch. 17: 18,19, -physical- Ch. 17: 7

Avatar: Ch 4: 6, 7, 8; -and delusion- Ch. 10: 4, 5;

Avinashi: (see also indestructible, eternal): Ch. 2: 17 Avyakta (Unmanifest): Ch. 2: 25, 28;

-God’s true nature being misinterpreted by ignorant- Ch. 7: 24, 25; Ch 8: 18, 20, 21; -comparison with sakar bhakti- Ch. 12: 1, -nirakar sadhana- Ch. 12: 3, -difficulties of niakar sadhana- Ch. 12: 5; -as part of the Kshetra- Ch. 13: 5/6;

Avyayam (permanent): -God’s true nature being misinterpreted by ignorant- Ch. 7: 24,25; -see also eternal, akshrara- Ch 9: 13, Ch. 11: 2, Ch. 14: 5

Balam (force): Ch. 18: 53 Balance (see also equanimity): Ch. 12: 18, 19, Ch. 14: 22-25 Balanced living: Ch 6: 16,17 Behaviour: (see under qualities) Beeja (seed):

-I am the seed of all creatures-Ch. 7: 10, Ch. 10: 39 , Ch. 14: 4; -I am the cause of all creation, preservation and destruction- Ch. 9: 18;

Bhah (Light): Ch. 11: 12; Bhakti (see devotion): Bhakti Yoga: Ch. 12 (full), Ch. 14: 26 Bhaya (see also fear): Ch. 2: 7, 35;

-trayate mahato bhayat- Ch. 2: 40; -paradharmo bhayavahah- Ch. 3: 35;

Bhumi (Earth): Ch. 7: 4 Bhutas (in the sense of disembodied beings): (worshipped by tamasic) Ch. 17: 4, Bliss/ joy: Ch. 6: 20,21,28 ; Ch. 2: 65; Ch 5: 21, 24; Ch. 18: 76-77;

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Body (see also Deha, Kalevaram, Sharira/Kshetra/Kshara): Ch. 2: 13, 30, Ch. 8: 4,5,6; - and Ashwattha tree- Ch. 15: 1-4; -perishable- Ch 2: 18; -as garments- Ch. 2: 22; -actions needed to support the journey in body- Ch. 3: 8; -yogis act through bodies for purification- Ch. 5: 11; -how a yogi lives in a body- Ch. 5: 13; -posture- Ch. 6: 13; -samskaras of earlier bodies- Ch. 6: 43; Ch. 15: 7,8,13,14,16 ; -conception of body- Ch. 7: 30; -tapa for body- Ch. 17: 14; -kalevaram- Ch. 8: 5,6; -God’s Cosmic Body- Ch. 11:15-30; -as cause of actions- Ch. 18: 14-15; -control over body- Ch. 18: 52; -nine gates of the body- Ch. 5: 13, Ch. 8: 12-13; -as Kshetra- Ch. 13: 1/2, 3/4 ,6/7; -origin/development of body- Ch. 13: 20/21; -body and Prakriti- Ch. 13: 20/21; -body & Prakriti’s 24 principles- Ch. 13: 5/6 ,6/7; -body and soul- Ch. 13: 20/21;

Brahma: Ch 2: 72, Ch 3: 15 ; Ch. 4: 24, 25, 31, Ch 8: 25, -beginningless Brahma cannot be called as sat or asat- Ch. 13:13, -Nature of the soul as Atma or Brahma- Ch 13: 13-18, -Aum as the name of Brahma- Ch. 17: 23, -how one attains Brahma- Ch. 18: 50, -how to get established in Brahma- Ch. 18: 51-53; -four sons of Brahma- Ch. 10: 6

Brahmachari/Brahacharya: Ch. 6: 14; Ch. 8: 11; Brahman: (Spirit) Ch. 7: 24, Ch. 8: 3;

-as Aum-Tat-Sat- Ch. 17: 23; -mouth of Brahman- Ch. 4: 32, Ch. 18: 53; -nature of God/Brahman- Ch. 14: 27;

Brahmasutra: Ch. 13: 4/5; Brahmin caste: Ch. 17: 23; (duties of Brahmins) Ch. 18: 41, 42 Breath (also see prana) : (and Kriya Yoga) Ch. 4: 29, Ch. 5: 27 Bhrigu: (I am Bhrigu among Maharishis) Ch. 10: 25 Buddhi: Ch 2: 39, 41, 44, 49, 50, 51 52, 53, 63,65, 66;

-nature of those whose buddhi does not lead to Samadhi- Ch. 2: 41-44; -how senses,desire, mind and buddhi cover up the jnana of the soul- Ch. 3-38-40; -hierarchy of body, senses, mind, buddhi and soul- Ch 3:42; -conquering desires by controlling the mind with the help of buddhi- Ch. 3: 41, 43; -yogis act with mind and buddhi for purification- Ch. 5: 11, 13;

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Buddhi contd….. -establishing the mind & buddhi in equanimity means union with God- Ch. 5: 17, 19, 20; -controlled mind and buddhi means freedom- Ch.5: 28; -as a carrier of samskaras to new incarnation- Ch. 6: 43; -as one of eight aspects of Apara-Prakriti- Ch.7:4; -I am the buddhi of the intelligent- Ch. 7: 10; -unite your buddhi with Me- Ch. 8: 7, Ch 12:8; -as part of the Kshetra- Ch 13: (5/6); -perception of a clouded intellect about actions- Ch. 18: 16 ; -egolessness in actions- Ch. 18: 17; -sattwic, rajasic & tamasic buddhi- Ch. 18: 29, 30, 31, 32; -detached buddhi as a way to siddhi- Ch. 18: 49; -as discriminative intelligence- Ch. 18: 51; -Buddhi-yoga- Ch. 2: 39, 49, Ch. 10: 10, Ch. 18: 57

Calmness (see also equanimity, peace, tranquility, stillness, balance): Ch. 6: 7, Ch. 16:2

Caste system: Ch. 4: 13, Ch. 2: 54 to 68, -duties of different castes- Ch. 18: 41-44

Change: (essential part of nature and life) Ch. 2: 13, 14, 27 Charity (Dana) :

-Daivi quality- Ch. 16:1 , -tyaga of yajna, dana, tapa not advisable- Ch. 18: 2

Chitta/Chetana (heart, feeling, consciousness, awareness): Ch. 8: 8,14; -and action Ch. 4: 21, 23 ; -how yogis/devotees live- Ch.10: 9; -to unite one’s heart with God- Ch. 10: 9, Ch. 12: 7,9, Ch. 18: 57, 58; -control through Yoga- Ch. 6: 10, 12, 14, 18,19,20; -As part of Khetra- Ch. 13: 6/7; -stillness of chitta as part of true jnana- Ch. 3: 9/10;

Christ Consciousness: -seeing God everywhere- Ch. 5: 18, Ch 6: 9, 29,30,31,32, Ch. 10: 20, 22; -seeing the changeless God in all changing things is true seeing and leads to freedom and immortality) Ch. 13: (27-28)/(28-29), 30/31; -God as supporter of creation, within creation- Ch. 15: 13,14,17

Cleanliness ( also see shoucham, purity, purification) : Ch. 12: 16; -as part of real Jnana- Ch. 13: 7/8, Ch. 16: 3

Clever (Daksha): Ch. 12: 16; Compassion (Daya): Ch. 6: 32, Ch. 16: 2 Consciousness (Awareness/Chetana): (I am the consciousness of creatures) Ch. 10: 22 Contentment: Ch. 2: 55, Ch. 4: 21, 22; Ch. 12: 14, 19; Cosmic Vision: Ch. 11: 15-30 Courage: Ch 2:3 Creation:

i)Creation & dissolution of Creatures/souls : Ch. 8: 18-19 , Ch. 9: 7, ii)Cycles in Creation: Ch. 3: 14, 15, Ch. 8: 17,18, 19, 20; Ch. 9: 7, 8

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Creation contd….. iii) Creation within God but God beyond creation: Ch. 9: 4-8; Ch. 13: 32/33, 33/34; (e.g. of air & sky) Ch. 9: 6; iv) Acts of creation not binding on God : Ch. 4: 14; Ch. 9:9 v) Creation run by God’s will: Ch. 9: 10, Ch. 18: 61; vi) I am the Beginning, middle and end of all creatures: Ch. 10:20 vii) All creation comes as a result of union between Kshetra and Kshetrajna i.e. Prakriti and Purusha) Ch. 13: 26/27 viii) Prakriti as the womb and God/Purusha as the planter of the seed of all creation) Ch. 14: 3, 4; (Creation and Prakriti) Ch. 7: 4,5, Ch. 9: 10, Ch. 13: (4,5)/(5,6) v) Creation and the upside down tree similie: Ch 15: 1-4, vi) (how God supports all creation on earth with His power) Ch. 15: 13, 14, 15, 17 vii) (I am the father, mother, supporter, grand-father of all creation) Ch. 9: 17,18,19

Creator: -I am the source of all creation- Ch.9: 8, 10, Ch. 10: 4,5, 6, 8,31; -I am the father of all creatures- Ch. 9: 17, Ch 14: 4; -how God supports all creation on earth with His power- Ch. 15: 13, 14, 15; -Uttama Purusha, the supporter of all three worlds, is distinct from Kshara & Akshara- Ch. 15: 17

Criticism/fault finding: Ch. 3:31, Ch. 16: 18; Dama (self-control/self-restraint): (as a Daivi quality) Ch. 16:1 Dambha: (in the sense of Vainglory) Ch. 16:4, 17, Ch. 17: 5, 18, Dana (also charity): Ch. 8: 28,

-not enough to get a vision of God Ch. 11: 48, 53; -as a Daivi quality- Ch. 16:1, -Sattwic, rajasic and tamasic dana- Ch 17: 7, 20-22, -tyaga/renunciation of yajna, dana, tapa not advisable- Ch. 18: 3,5,6;

Danavas (Titans): Ch. 10: 14 Danda (rod): Ch 10: 38 Darkness:

-and after-death states/fate and rebirth- Ch. 8: 25,26,27; -God leads from darkness to light- Ch. 10: 11;

Darpa (pride): Ch. 16:4, 18, Ch. 18: 53 Day and night of Brahma: Ch. 8: 17-19 Daivi (divine) Qualities: (26 qualities of the soul) Ch 16: 1-3,

-lead to freedom- Ch. 16: 5 Daivam (fate): (as one of the factors involved in actions) Ch. 18: 14 Daya (compassion) : Ch. 16: 2

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Death: -better than dishonour- Ch. 2: 34; -right understanding and attitude to death- Ch 2: 11, 13,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27,28; -death is preferable to para-dharma- Ch. 3: 35; -After-death states/fate/reincarnation- Ch. 2:37, Ch. 6:43, Ch. 8: 25-27; -how to know God at the time of death Ch 8:2, 5; -thoughts & feelings at death) Ch 8: 6 -perfect way to die- Ch 8: 10, 11, 12, 13 , -In uttarayana- Ch 8: 24, -in dakshinayana- Ch. 8:25; -death and Gunas- Ch. 14: 14,15; -death and liberation- Ch. 8: 6-10, 23-26; -as Yama- Ch. 10: 29; -I am death as well as deathlessness- Ch. 9: 19;

Deha (also see body, sharira, kalevaram, Kshetra, death): Ch. 2: 13, 18, 22 Deities (see also Devas) : Ch. 7: 21,22; Delusion (see also Maya/Moha): Ch. 2: 52, 63, 67, Ch. 3: 27, 38, 39, 40; Ch. 4: 16;

-the whole world is deluded by three gunas- Ch. 7: 13; -all creatures are deluded by duality- Ch. 7: 27; -leads to demonic and evil tendencies) Ch. 9: 12, Ch. 18: 60; -renunciation out of delusion is tamasic- Ch. 18: 7; -delusive motivation makes an action tamasic- Ch. 18: 25;

Demon/demonic (see also asuric): Ch. 16: 7-18 Desire (see alsoKama/ Desire, attachment, lust, karma): Ch. 3: 30, Ch. 7: 11;

-conquering desires by controlling the mind with the help of buddhi- Ch. 3: 40, 41,43, Ch. 5: 23; -Ichcha as part of the Kshetra- Ch. 13: 6/7, -desire motivated action doesn’t get you anywhere- Ch. 16: 23, Ch. 18: 53 -and Ashwattha tree- Ch. 15: 2; -and Gunas- Ch. 3: 37, 38; -influence/effect of- Ch 2: 7, Ch 3: 37,38; -and karma/reincarnation- Ch. 2: 42-44, 49, Ch. 5: 8,9; -and rebirth- Ch. 6: 42,43, Ch. 8: 23-26; -and rajas- Ch. 3: 37, Ch. 18: 24; -and renunciation- Ch. 6: 2

Detachment (see non-attachment also) : -Right Attitude to fruits of action- Ch. 5:11; -leads to eternal peace- Ch 5:12; -leads to Eternal Ananda- Ch. 5: 21; -sannyasi & yogi- Ch. 6:1,3,4; -from desires- Ch. 6: 18; -from family, home etc. as a part of true Jnana- Ch. 13: 9/10; -Supreme Self’s non-attachment- Ch. 13: 31;

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Detachment contd…… -as the weapon to cut the bondage to the tree of samsara- Ch 15: 3; -way to attain success or siddhi- Ch. 18: 49; -regarding the place of dwelling-Aniketah-as a quality dear to God- Ch. 12: 19

Determination (see also Dhriti, will power): Ch. 12: 14; Devadatta (Arjuna’s conch shell): Ch. 1: 15 Devas (astral deities): Ch. 3: 11, 12; Ch. 4: 12, 25; Ch 8: 4;

-and knowledge of Spirit- Ch. 10: 2, 14; -as “seven angels” or sapta rishis, creators/sustainers of macro/microcosmos- Ch 4: 25; (worship of Devas) Ch. 3:11-12; Ch. 4: 25; Ch. 17: 4, 14;

Devotee: -I never lose sight of him, neither does he lose sight of Me- Ch. 6: 30; -four kinds of- Ch. 7: 16; -Jnani is the best & dearest- Ch. 7:17; -My devotees come to Me-: Ch. 7:23, Ch.9: 25; -those gone beyond duality- Ch. 7: 28; -divine protection of sadhakas- Ch. 9: 22; -devotees are in Me and I am in them- Ch. 9:29; -even sinners can become free through devotion- Ch 9: 30, 31, 32, 33; -My devotee never perishes- Ch. 9:31; -be My devotee- Ch. 9: 34; -I destroy their ignorance- Ch. 10:10,11;

Devotion (see also Bhakti, bhakti yoga, love): Ch. 3: 31, Ch. 7: 17-21, Ch. 8: 22,

Ch. 9: 25-31, Ch. 12 (full), Ch.17: 2-3, Ch. 4: 10, 11, Ch. 6: 31, 47; -and action- Ch. 18: 57; -to God as Friend- Ch. 5: 29; -To different gods or deities-: Ch. 7: 20-23; - all worship comes to Me- Ch. 9: 23,24; - I accept whatever is offered- Ch. 9: 26; -do everything as an offering to Me- Ch. 9: 27; -I am in the devotees and they are in Me- Ch.9: 29; -God gives hope of liberation to all- Ch 9: 30-33; -give all your devotion to Me-Manmana Bhava- Ch. 9: 34, Ch. 18: 65 , 66 ; - of Jnanis- Ch. 10:10; -and Gunas- Ch. 14: 26, Ch. 17: 1-4; -to guru- Ch. 4: 34-35; -lack of- Ch. 4: 40; -and liberation- Ch. 7: 11, 27-34, Ch. 8: 65-66; -to manifest/unmanifest Spirit- Ch. 12: 3-5; -necessity of devotion- Ch. 3: 31, Ch. 17: 27-28; -objects of devotion- Ch. 4: 11, Ch. 9: 25, Ch. 12:-7, Ch. 17: 4; -to personal vs impersonal God- Ch. 7: 23; -devotion and personifications of God- Ch. 7: 23;

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Devotion contd….. -as Shraddha- Ch. 17: 1-4, Ch. 17: 27-28; -stages of- Ch. 4: 39; -and union with Spirit- Ch. 18: 54-56; -path of devotion and wisdom- Ch. 9: 15, Ch. 12 full; -comparison with sakar bhakti-Ch. 12: 1; -nirakar sadhana-Ch 12:3, -difficulties of niakar sadhana- Ch. 12: 5; -as a part of true Jnana- Ch 13: 11; -God devoted to God- Ch 15: 4; -who attains supreme devotion- Ch. 18: 54; -A devotee gets to know Me as I am- Ch. 18: 55; -as the secret of secrets- Ch. 18: 63, 66, 68;

Difficulty in mind control: Ch. 6: 33-36 Digestion: (how God digests the food within creatures) Ch. 15: 14 Dharma (general): Ch. 1: 40, 41, 43, 44 ; Ch. 7: 11, Ch. 14: 27, Ch. 18: 66;

-purpose of an avatar- Ch. 4: 7, 8, Dharma (as duty): (see Duty also): Ch. 2: 31, 33, 40;Ch. 3: 22, 35,

-of different castes- Ch. 18: 41-44, -success is attained by worshippng God through right action- Ch. 18: 46, -better to do one’s own duty even if not perfectly than someone else’s duty Perfectly- Ch. 3: 35, Ch. 18: 47

Dharmakshetra/Kurukshetra: Ch. 1:1 Dhrishtadyumna: Ch. 1: 17 Dhrishtaketu: Ch. 1: 5 Dhritarashtra: Ch. 1:1 Dhriti (as patience or fortitude, see also determination, perseverance) : Ch. 10: 6,34,

Ch. 13: 6/7 Ch. 16: 3 ; -sattwic, rajasic & tamasic dhriti- Ch. 18: 29 33, 34, 35; -needed for realizing oneness with Brahma- Ch. 18: 51;

Dhyana (see also meditation, concentration, contemplation): -different ways to know or experience the Atman- Ch. 13: (24,25)/(25,26);

Dhyana Yoga: Ch. 8: 24, Ch 18: 52 Diet/Food/Eating: Ch. 4: 30, Ch. 6: 16-17, Ch. 15: 14,

-food and origin of creation/man- Ch. 3: 14; -food and yajna- Ch. 3: 13; -and Gunas- Ch. 17: 7-0; -lagvashi- Ch. 18: 52; -regularity in eating- Ch. 6: 6-17

Dishonour: Ch. 2: 34 Doubt (or Sanshaya): Ch. 4: 40, 41, 42,

-about success at yoga- Ch. 6: 39, -right attitude of one who is wise and without doubts- Ch. 18: 10

Drona: Ch. 1: 2, 25, Ch. 2: 4, Ch. 11: 6 Drupada: Ch. 1: 4, 18

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Duality/Dvandva: Ch. 2: 45, Ch. 4: 22, Ch. 7:27,28, Ch. 15: 5; -even-mindedness towards, see also equanimity/even-mindedness etc- Ch. 5: 3, 19;

Dukhhah ( see also sorrow, pain, suffering) : -pain of criticism- Ch. 2: 36; -of ill fame- Ch. 2: 34; -how yoga helps to overcome- Ch. 6: 22, 23; -balanced life removes sorrow- Ch. 6: 17; -bliss through yoga helps to conquer sorrow- Ch. 6: 22, 23, 32; -sorrow as part of Kshetra- Ch. 13: 6/7;

Duryodhana: Ch. 1: 2, 23 Duty, dutiful karma (also see Kartavya) : Ch 2: 31, 33, 40, 47; Ch. 3:9, 22, 35,

Ch. 6:1, -freedom from compulsory duties- Ch. 3: 17-19; -and castes- Ch. 3: 35, Ch. 18: 41-45; -inborn- Ch. 18: 47-48; -right way to act- Ch. 16: 24; -tyaga of yajna, dana, tapa not advisable- Ch. 18: 2,5,6; -duties of different castes- Ch. 18: 41-44; -paradharma/svadharma,- better to do one’s own duty even if not perfectly than someone else’s duty perfectly- Ch. 3: 35, Ch. 18: 47; -lesser vs highest- Ch. 18: 66; -and renunciation- Ch. 5: 1-3; Ch. 18: 1-6, 66

Dvandva (also see duality): as “connective element” or samasa: Ch. 10: 33; Dvesha (see also Hatred/aversion): Ch. 2: 64, Ch. 7: 27, Ch. 12: 13, 17, Ch. 13: 6/7;

Ch. 14: 22; Ch. 16: 19; -as part of the Kshetra- Ch.13:6/7

Dvija: Ch 17: 14 Earth (Bhumi): (as part of apara-prakriti) Ch. 7: 4; Eating: see diet Effort: Ch. 6: 24-26, 43,45, (as one of the five factors/causes in all actions) Ch. 18: 14 Ego(see also Ahamkara): Ch. 3: 27,

-as part of the Kshetra- Ch. 13: 6; - as part of asuric tendencies/qualities- Ch. 16: 18; -as cause of action- Ch. 18: 14,17,18; -not listening to God because of ego will lead to destruction- Ch. 18: 58, -your nature will force you to fight, even if the ego says no- Ch. 18: 59, 60; -and karmic effect of killing- Ch. 18: 17; -and Prakriti- Ch. 7: 4; -and peace- Ch. 2: 71; Ch. 18: 53;

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Egolessness (anahmkara/nirahamkara) : -who is dear to God- Ch. 12: 13; -as part of real Jnana- Ch. 13: 8/9, -beyond the three gunas- Ch. 14: 25, -sattwic karta or agent of action- Ch. 18: 26; -essential for realising Brahman- Ch. 18: 53


-one is one’s own enemy- Ch. 6: 5,6; -yogi’s attitude to enemies- Ch. 6: 9, Ch. 12: 18, Ch. 14: 25,

Equality (samatva): (seeing equality in all beings) Ch. 18: 54 Equanimity/even-mindedness (samatvam): (see also detachment);Ch. 2:15, 38, 48; 56,

57; Ch. 3: 28; Ch. 4: 22; -establishing the mind in equanimity means union with God- Ch. 5:19, 20, Ch 6: 7, 8, 9, 22,23, 32 ; -a quality dear to God- Ch. 12: 15-19; -as a part of true Jnana- Ch. 13:9/10; -seeing the changeless God in all changing things is true seeing and leads to freedom and immortality- Ch. 13: (27,28)/(28,29); -nature of the gunateeta/or a jeevanmukta- Ch. 14: 22, 23, 24, 25; -and action- Ch. 2: 48; -method for attaining- Ch. 2: 15; -toward all people- Ch. 6: 9; -toward change and death- Ch. 2: 11; -toward duality- Ch. 2: 15, Ch. 6: 7-9; -toward senses/sensation- Ch. 2: 14; -toward success/failure- Ch. 2: 38; -and Yoga- Ch. 2: 48, Ch. 12: 13-15; -as a sign of spiritually successful person- Ch. 18: 54;

Eternal (see also avinashi, akshaya, sanatana, shashvatam, akshara, avyaya): -nature of souls- Ch. 2: 12, 17, 23, 24; -sanatana beeja- Ch. 7: 10; -time-akshaya kala- Ch. 10: 33; -soul as avyaya gets body-bound by gunas- Ch. 14: 5; -eternal peace as grace of God- Ch. 18: 62;

Example for Society: Ch.3: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Expectation (Craving/Akanksha): (renunciation of) Ch. 8: 54 Eye :

-Conentration at the point between the eyebrows-Ch. 8:10, -Kootastha- Ch. 12: 3; -spiritual eye needed to see God- Ch. 11: 4, 8; -spiritual eye of wisdom- Ch. 13: 34/35, Ch. 15: 10, -physical eye- Ch. 11: 8, Ch. 15: 9;

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Eyes: (position of) Ch. 5:27, Ch. 6:13 Failure at Yoga: Ch. 6: 37-45 Fame: (see also Kirti) Ch. 10: 34, Ch. 12: 18,19; “Family”, destruction of, rationalizations: Ch. 1: 38-44 Father, God the (see also Cosmic Consciousness, Sat, Spirit): Ch. 9:17;

-Omniscient awareness of- Ch. 13: 13-17; -and Prakriti- Ch. 13: 29, Ch. 14: 3-4; -and Purusha- Ch. 13:1; -and Sat- Ch. 17: 23, 26,27; -as Supreme Ancestor Prajapati- Ch. 11: 39, Ch. 11: 43, Ch. 14: 3,4;

Fate (Daiva, sanskaras of good and bad actions of the past) :

(as one of he five factors involved in all actions) Ch. 18: 14 Fault-finding, absence of (apaisunam): Ch. 16: 2 Fear (see Bhaya also): Ch. 2: 35, Ch. 12: 15;

-feeling afraid during he vision of God- Ch. 11: 45 Fearlessness (Abhayam): Ch. 12: 15, Ch. 16:1 Feminine manifestations of God as Prakriti: Ch. 10: 34 Fire: Ch. 15: 12;

-path of fire- Ch. 8: 24; -fire ceremony- see Yajna; -“Anala”- as part of Apara-Prakriti- Ch. 7: 4


-and balanced living- Ch. 6: 16, 17, -how God digests the food within creatures- Ch. 15: 14, -Food, yajna and tapa and dana according to gunas- Ch. 17: 7, -Food of satwic people- Ch. 17: 8, - food of rajasic people- Ch. 17: 9, -Food of tamasic people- Ch. 17: 10, -eating little as a part of sadhana- Ch. 18: 52

Forgiveness/forebearance (Kshama) : Ch 10: 34, Ch. 13: 7/8, Ch 16: 3, Ch. 18: 42 Fortitude(dhriti): Ch. 10: 34, Ch. 16: 3, (three kinds of) Ch. 18: 29, 33-35; Free choice and pre-destination: Ch. 11: 32-34, Ch. 18: 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, Freedom from action: Ch. 3: 17, 18, 31; Ch. 18: 49; Freedom from Karma (see also Karma, freedom from; Karma Yoga, surrender) :

Ch 2: 39, Ch 3: 28, 31, Ch. 4: 14, 16, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 37, Ch 5: 3, 7, 8, Right attitude- 9, -example of drop on lotus leaf- 10, - God not bound by His acts of Creation- Ch. 9: 9 , -surrender of fruits leads to freedom- Ch.9:28

Freedom from Reincarnation: Ch 2: 51, Ch. 4: 9, Ch. 5: 17, Ch 8: 21, 23, -listening to and following those who know God leads to freedom- Ch. 13: 26, -spiritual experience of Kshetra & Ksherajna leads to freedom- Ch. 13: 35, - devotion leads to- Ch 15: 4,

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Free will (see free choice) Fruits of actions: (see Karma, Karma yoga, tyaga and sannyasa also):

-Mixed fruits of action come to those who are attached, not to sannyasis- Ch. 18: 12

Gambling (Dyutam): Ch. 10: 36 Gandharvas: Ch. 10: 26, Ch. 11:22 Ganges: Ch. 10: 31 Garuda: Ch. 10: 30, Gatasun: Ch. 2: 11 Gayatri: Ch. 10: 35 Gentleness (Mardavam) : Ch. 16:2 Gift-giving (Dana): Ch. 18: 5,

-and Aum- Ch. 17: 24; -and Gunas- Ch. 17: 20-22; -and Sat/Tat- Ch. 17: 25-28

Glory (see also Tejas, radiance): (of God) Ch. 11:12, -the glory from all sources is Mine- Ch. 15: 12, -as a Daivy quality- Ch 16: 3

God (see also creation, creator, Ishwara, who/what I am in creation, powers of God): -attributes of, twenty six- Ch. 16: 1-3; -lesser gods- Ch. 7: 20; Ch. 9: 23-25; -God-seekers, four types of- Ch. 7: 16; -Nature of God-Brahmano Hi Pratishthaham- Ch. 14: 27; -Nearest of the near- all-pervasive- Ch. 13: 15/16; -Nature of God- all that He does within us- Ch. 15: 13-15; -Birthless, deathless- Ch. 4: 6; -His nature in ceation- Ch. 9: 17-19; -as Kshetrajna- Ch. 13: 2/3


-Grace of God leads to freedom even while doing one’s duties- Ch. 18: 56, -My Grace will take you across all difficulties-Ch 18:58, -God’s Grace will give eternal peace- Ch. 18:62, -Arjuna’s doubts are gone by His grace- Ch. 18: 73

Gunas: Ch. 2: 45, Ch.3: 5, 27, 28, 29, 37 , Ch 4: 13,

-and delusion- Ch 7: 12, 13,14; -created by Pakriti- Ch. 3: 5, Ch. 14: 5, Ch 13: 19/20; -contact of Purusha with Prakriti as the cause of experiences of gunas- Ch.13: 21/22; -contact with Gunas as the cause of births- Ch. 13: 21/22; -knowledge of Purusha and Prakriti and its gunas leads to freedom from reincarnation- Ch. 13: 23/24; -nirguna nature o Atma- Ch. 13: 31/32; -on the three Gunas- Ch 14(full),

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Gunas contd….. -I am beyond the three gunas- Ch. 14: 27; -and Ashwattha Tree- Ch. 15: 2; -and Castes- Ch. 4: 13, Ch. 18: 40-41; -freedom from- Ch. 7: 12, Ch. 14: 21-25; -and Pleasure/Happiness- Ch. 18: 36-39; -Gunas and Shraddha- Ch. 17 (full);

i) Gunas are created by Prakriti: Ch. 3: 5, Ch. 13: 19/20,Ch.14: 5; ii) Gunas bind the soul to body: Ch. 14: 5, iii) Sattwa binds to light, purity, happiness, and jnana: Ch. 14: 6, 9 iv) Rajas binds to Anger, desire and compulsions and actions: Ch. 14: 7

, 9 v) Tamas, which deludes all body bound ones is born of ignorance: Ch

14: 8 vi) Tamas binds to pride, laziness ad sleep: Ch. 14:8, 9 vii) Decrease/supression of any two gunas leads to the increase of the

third guna: Ch. 14: 10 viii) Balance of three gunas: Ch. 14: 10 ix) Signs of increase of Sattwa: Ch.14: 11 x) Signs of increase of Rajas: Ch. 14: 12 xi) Signs of increase of Tamas: Ch. 14: 13 xii) Death while Sattwa is predominant leads to higher astral worlds: Ch.

14: 14 xiii) Death while Rajas is predominant leads to rebirth as one attached to

actions: Ch. 14: 15 xiv) Death while Tamas is on the rise leads to rebirth as a deluded one:

Ch. 14: 15 xv) Good actions result in Sattwic, pure, results: Ch. 14: 16, (and to

jnana) 14:17 xvi) Rajasic actions result in sorrow: Ch. 14: 16, (and to greed) 14:17 xvii) Tamasic actions result in ignorance: Ch. 14: 16, (and to pride,

delusion) 14:17 xviii) Sattwic ones rise higher: Ch. 14: 18 xix) Rajasic ones stagnate in the middle: Ch. 14: 18 xx) Tamasic ones go downwards: Ch. 14: 18 xxi) One who sees the gunas as the main doer, experiences Me as the one

beyond gunas: Ch. 14: 19 xxii) Rising above three gunas leads to immortality: Ch. 14: 20, 26 xxiii) Nature of he one who has gone beyond the gunas: Ch. 14: 21-27 xxiv) (in the similie of upside down tree) Ch 15: 2 xxv) (Sattwic, rajasic and tamasic Shraddha) Ch. 17 (complete)

xxvi) (people worship according to their guna) Ch. 17: 4, xxvii) (Food, yajna and tapa and dana according to gunas) Ch. 17: 7,

xxviii) (Food of sattwic people) Ch. 17: 8, xxix) ( food of rajasic people) Ch. 17: 9,

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xxx) (Food of tamasic people) Ch. 17: 10 xxxi) (Sattwic, rajasic and tamasic yajnas) Ch. 17: 11-13,

xxxii) (Sattwic, rajasic and tamasic tapas or austerities) Ch. 17: 17-19 xxxiii) (Sattwic, rajasic and tamasic dana) Ch 17: 20-22 xxxiv) (sattwic, rajasic and tamasic tyaga) Ch. 18: 7-9 xxxv) (Right attitude of a sattwic person towards duties) Ch. 18: 10 xxxvi) (sattwic, rajasic and tamasic jnana) Ch. 18: 19,20,21,22 xxxvii) (sattwic, rajasic & tamasic karma) Ch. 18: 19,23, 24, 25, xxxviii) (sattwic, rajasic & tamasic karta-agents of action) Ch. 18: 19, 26, 27, 28, xxxix) (sattwic, rajasic & tamasic buddhi) Ch. 18: 29, 30, 31, 32, xxxx) (sattwic, rajasic & tamasic dhriti or fortitude) Ch. 18: 29, 33, 34, 35, xxxxi) (sattwic, rajasic & tamasic pleasures) Ch. 18: 36, 37, 38, 39

Grief: (-not to grieve over anything or anyone) Ch. 18: 54, 66, Guru Disciple relation: Ch 2:7, 8;

-dearness, nearness, friendship- Ch 4: 3, Ch. 18: 64, 65, 68, 69 , - listening to and following those who know God leads to freedom- Ch. 13: 25/26; -serving, questioning, honouring Guru- Ch. 4: 34, Ch. 13: 7/8;

Happiness (see also Ananda, joy, pleasure): -from overcoming desire& anger- Ch. 5:23, -by practice of yoga- Ch 6: 20, -sattwic food leads to happiness- Ch. 17: 8, -3 types, depending on 3 gunas- Ch. 18: 36-39

Harmony with natural cycles: Ch. 3: 16 Harshness (Parushya): Ch. 16: 4 Hatred (see dwesha also): (as part of the Kshetra) Ch: 13:7, Health: (and sattwic food) Ch. 17: 8 Heart:

-how to die- Ch. 8: 12, 13, -purity of heart needed for knowledge of he soul- Ch. 15: 11, -I am in the heart of all creatures- Ch. 15: 15; -God is in the heart of all creatures- Ch. 13: 17/18, Ch. 18: 61;

Heaven : (see swarga also): (who goes to heaven) Ch.9: 20, 21 Hell: Ch. 16: 16, 19, 20, (three doors to hell) 21 Himalaya: Ch. 10: 25 Honour/Dishonour: Ch. 2: 34, 35, 36 Hope (see also promise of Lord Krishna):

-even greatest sinners can be saved- Ch. 4: 36; Ch. 9: 30-34; -I will cover their deficiencies and make good their gains- Ch. 9: 22; -I will deliver you from al sins- Ch. 18: 66

Horse (Uchchaishravas) : Ch. 10: 27 Hri (Modesty-feeling ashamed to do wrong) : Ch 16:2 Human side of divine incarnation: Ch. 11: 41, 42 Humility: (anahmakara as part of true Jnana) Ch. 13: 8, ( and peace) Ch 2: 71

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Hypocricy: Ch. 3:6 I am the Sorce & sink of everything: Ch. 7:6, Ch. 10: 5-8 I am the father of all creatures: Ch 14: 4,

-I am the supporter of all creation from within, yet beyond it- Ch. 15: 17, 18 Ichcha (see also Kama, desire): Ch. 7: 27 Ignorance ( also see Ajnana):

-covers up wisdom- Ch. 5:15, -whatever is not Jnana- Ch. 13: 12, Ch. 16: 4

Ikshvaku: Ch. 4: 1 Immanent/Indwelling God/Spirit: (offending the-) Ch. 17: 6, Ch. 16: 18 Immortality (see also Amrita, Akshaya, Akshara, Kshetrajna, Spirit, soul, freedom):

Ch. 2: 17; -I am both death and Immortality- Ch. 9: 19; -seeing the changeless God in all changing things is true seeing and leads to Immortality- Ch. 13: 28-29; -transcending gunas leads to immortality- Ch.14: 20;

Inaction: Ch 3:4, 5, 8, 16, 17, Ch. 6:1, -total inaction impossible for an embodied person- Ch. 18: 11

Indesructible (Avinashi, see also eternal): Ch. 2: 17; Individuality and union with Spirit: Ch. 18: 54-56 Indra (Vasava): Ch. 10: 22 Indriyas (instruments; see also senses, sense pleasure, self/sense-control) :

-as part of the Kshetra- Ch. 13: 5/6 ; -of the indriyas I am the manas or the mind- Ch. 10: 22; -and their influences- Ch. 2: 58-60; -and Sthitaprajna- Ch. 2: 58, 61, 68; -yoga means control of indriyas- Ch. 6: 8,12, Ch. 13: 8/9; -as residence of desires- Ch. 3: 40; -a yogi’s attitude towards actions-pashyan, shrinvan etc… Ch. 5: 8,9;

Indriyagochara (objects of senses) : Ch. 13:6 Intelligence( see also Buddhi, Buddhi & Manas): (Medha) Ch. 10: 34,

-and gunas- Ch. 18: 29-32, -and Prakriti’s eightfold differentiation- Ch. 7: 4

Instrument of God’s will (Nimitta): Ch. 11: 33 Intellectual Knowledge: Ch. 2: 46, Introspection: (as part of tue Jnana) Ch. 13: 9 Intuition (as Prajna): Ch. 2: 67 Ishwara: Ch. 4: 6, Ch. 5: 29, Ch. 9: 11, Ch. 10: 3, Ch. 11: 3, 16; Ch. 13: 23, 28, 29;

-Uttama Purusha, the supporter of all three worlds, is distinct from Kshara & Akshara- Ch. 15: 17, -dwells in the heart of all creatures- Ch. 18: 61

Janaka: Ch 3: 20 Japa-Yagna: Ch. 10: 25 Jiva: (see also Atman, soul): Ch. 7: 5, Ch. 15: 7, Jivan-mukta: (freed while living) Ch. 5: 6, Ch. 10: 3, Ch. 14: 21-25

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Jnana (also see wisdom, wise) : Ch. 2:39 ; -how desire clouds and covers wisdom- Ch 3: 38, 39, 40, 41, Ch. 4: 19, 23, 27, 28; -Jnana Yajna the best- Ch. 4: 33; -Jnana & Jnanis- Ch. 4:34; -Power of Jnana- Ch. 4: 36; -destroyer of Karma- Ch. 4: 19, 37; -leads to peace- Ch. 4: 38, 39; Ch. 5: 15, 16, 17; -how to know God- Ch. 7: 1, 2; -knowledge of Kshetra and Kshetrajna is real Jnana- Ch. 13: 2/3; -qualities of the soul as the real Jnana- Ch. 13: (7-11)/(8-12); -Soul or Brahman as Jnanam, Jneyam, Jnanagamyam- Ch. 13: (17,18)/(18,19); -seeing the changeless God in all changing things is true seeing and leads to Freedom- Ch. 13: (27,28)/(28,29); -leads to siddhi and freedom- Ch. 14: 1,2; -sattwa binds to jnana- Ch. 14: 10; -knowledge of the upside down tree-true knowledge- Ch. 15:1; -only with spiritual eye can one see the soul in body or out of it- Ch 15: 10; -I am the source of all memory, jnana, purification, Vedas and their knower in Ceatures- Ch 15: 15; -jnana as motivation for action- Ch. 18: 18; -sattwic, rajasic and tamasic jnana- Ch. 18: 19,20,21,22; -Goal of JnanaYoga- Ch. 18: 50

Jnana-Yajna: Ch. 4: 33, Ch. 9: 15, Ch. 18: 70 Jnana Yoga: Ch. 3: 3, Ch. 4: 27,

-and other paths of God-union- Ch. 5: 4-5; Ch. 16:1, -Goal of JnanaYoga- Ch. 18: 50

Jnani: Ch. 4: 34, Ch. 6: 46, -best of 4 kinds of devotees- Ch. 7: 16, 17, 18, 19, -who attain liberation- Ch 15: 5, 6

Jneya (that which is worth knowing): Ch. 13: 1, 12, -Soul or Brahman as Jnanam, Jneyam, Jnanagamyam- Ch. 13:18-19; -as motivation for action- Ch. 18: 18;

Joy of Self: Ch. 2: 64, 65, 66; Ch 5: 3, -how a devotee lives in His joy- Ch. 10: 9; -joyfulness as part of sadhana- Ch 18: 54

Jyoti (also Light) : -I am the sun among lights- Ch.10:21, -Soul or Brahman as the Light of all lights- Ch. 13: 17/18; -Light of agni, sun, moon- Ch. 8: 24, 25;

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Kala ( in the sense of destroyer, see also Time, cycles of creation, past, present, future) :

-God as destroyer- Ch. 11: 32; -Among the reckoners, I am Kala or Time- Ch. 10: 30; -I am the Kala without end-meaning as Mahakala, the destroyer of Time- Ch. 10: 33;

Kalpa: Ch. 9: 7 Kama/Desires: Ch. 2: 43, 55, 62, 70, Ch 3: 37, 38, 39,43; Ch.4: 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20,

21, Ch. 6: 24, Ch. 7: 11, 20,22,27, Ch. 9: 21, Ch. 15: 5, Ch. 16: 10,11,12,16,18, 21, Ch.17: 5, Ch. 18: 2,4, 34, 53,

i) Freedom from hidden desires: Ch. 2: 59, 60, 70, Ch.3:6, Ch 5:23 ii)Power of desire of senses: Ch 2: 60 , 67, Ch 3: 38, 39, 40, 43 iii)Source of desires and attachments: Ch. 2: 62

iv)Leads to worship of different gods: Ch 7: 20, v) Giving up desires needed for realising Brahma: Ch. 18: 53

vi)Creates/results in reincarnation: Ch. 9:21 vii)As a door to hell: Ch. 16: 21 Kamadeva/Kandarpa: (God’s Creative aspect): Ch. 10: 28 Kamadhuk: Ch. 10: 28 Kapila: Ch. 10: 26 Karana (instruments):

-created by Prakriti- Ch. 13: 21, -as one of the five factors involved in all actions- Ch. 18: 14, 18;

Karma (see also action, attachment, desire, karma yoga) : Ch. 2:39, Ch 3: 7, 8, Ch. 4: 12-21, Ch. 7: 29, Ch 8 :1, -Visarga as Karma- Ch. 8: 3; -in the similie of upside down tree- Ch. 15:2; -and action- Ch. 2: 47, Ch. 3: 9, 27, Ch. 4: 20, 21, -Svakarma- Ch. 18: 46; -of evil men- Ch. 16: 19-20; -Freedom from Karma through God-centered action- Ch. 2: 39, 47, 50, Ch. 3: 9, 31, Ch. 4: 21-22, Ch. 5: 8,9, Ch. 9:28; -freedom from karma through renunciation- Ch. 18: 12, Ch. 9: 28; -freedom from karma through Yoga and Union with Spirit- Ch. 2: 39, 50, Ch. 4: 14, 36, 37, Ch. 5: 10, Ch. 18: 12; -freedom from Karma through Yajna of wisdom- Ch. 4: 19,23, 33, 37; -Kamya Karma-desire motivated action- Ch. 18: 2, -Five factors/reasons involved in all karma or actions- Ch. 18: 13-16, -karma and gunas- Ch. 16: 19, 20, Ch. 18: 41; -sattwic, rajasic and tamasic karma-as action- Ch. 18: 19,23,24,25, -Karma binds one to one’s nature which forces one to act- Ch. 18: 60; -and free will- Ch. 18: 66; -karma and justice- Ch. 4: 36, Ch. 16: 19, 20; -How God is free from karma and His acts of cration don’t bind Him- Ch. 4: 14, Ch. 9:9;

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Karma Yoga: -Surrender of fruits of action- Ch 2: 47, 48, 51, Ch. 3 (complete), Ch. 5: 2, Ch. 12: 6,10,11; -different ways to know or experience the Atman- Ch. 13: 25-26, -non-attached nature of Atman- Ch. 13: 32,33, -karma yoga as the definition of tyaga- Ch. 18 : 2, -yajna, dana, tapa and all duties to be performed- Ch. 18: 5,6, 9, 10, -karma yogi is the true tyagi- Ch. 18: 11, -how a Karma Yogi remains in God- Ch. 18: 56 , -as a way to unite with God- Ch. 18: 57

Karyam (material action): Ch.3: 19, Ch. 6: 1, (Prakriti as the cause of -) Ch. 13: 21; Karman (spiritual action) : Ch. 3: 19 Karmendriyas (Instruments of action) : Ch. 13: 21, Ch. 18: 14 Karna: Ch. 1: 8, Karta (Doer-agent of action):

-one of the five factors involved in all actions- Ch 18: 14, -Atman is not the doer- Ch. 18: 16, -sattwic, rajasic & tamasic karta- Ch. 18: 19, 26, 27, 28,

Kartavya (see duty, dutiful karma): Ch. 18: 3-7; Kashiraja: Ch. 1: 5 Kaya: Ch. 6: 13 King: (I am King among men) Ch. 10: 27; Knower/Knowing/Known: Ch. 8:1,2, Ch. 18: 18 Knowledge (see Jnana also):

-sattwic, rajasic and tamasic knowledge- Ch. 18: 19-22, -through devotion it is possible to know God as He is- Ch. 18: 55

Knowledge of God (see also jnana, wisdom): -even gods & rishis don’t know My origin- Ch. 10:2, -leads to freedom- Ch. 10: 3, -knowledge of My powers leads to freedom- Ch. 10: 7,8, -as a sign of spiritually successful person- Ch. 18: 55;

Kootastha (see also posure, position of eyes, death, spiritual eye): Ch. 5: 27, Ch. 6:8, Ch.8: 10, Ch. 12: 3; -is the Akshara-Ch. 15: 16

Kripa: Ch. 1: 8, Kriya Yoga: Ch. 2:40, Krodha (see also anger/wrath): Ch. 16:4, 18, Ch 18: 53 Kshama (fogiveness):

-as a feminine manifestation of God- Ch. 10: 34; -as a Daivi quality- Ch. 16: 3;

Kshara (see also body): (bodies of all creatures are Kshara) Ch15: 16 Kshatriya: Ch. 2: 31, 32; (duties of Kshatriya) Ch. 18: 41, 43

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Kshetra (field) : Ch. 13 (full), -the body is the field, its knower the Kshetrajna- Ch. 13: 2, -brief description- Ch. 13: 6, 7, -all creation takes place as a result of union between Kshetra and Kshetrajna- Ch. 13: 27, -example of the sun- Ch 13: 34, -spiritual experience of Kshetra & Ksherajna leads to freedom- Ch. 13: 35

Kshetrajna (knower of field) : Ch. 13 (full), -all creation takes place as a result of union between Kshetra and Kshetrajna- -Ch. 13: 27, -spiritual experience of Kshetra & Ksherajna leads to freedom- Ch. 13: 35

Kubera: Ch. 10: 23 Kurukshetra: Ch. 1: 1 Kusha grass: Ch. 6: 11 Laghvashi (light eating): Ch. 18: 52 Life and Death: Ch 2: 11 through 29; Liberation (see also Karma, freedom from-; Self-realization, Spirit, union with -):

Ch. 2: 51, Ch. 13: 16, 34, Ch. 14: 1,2; Ch. 15: 5,6; Ch. 18: 62, 65; -and Ashwattha Tree- Ch. 15: 3, 4; -and Bhagavad Gita dialogue- Ch. 18: 71; -and Brahmi state- Ch. 2: 72; -and castes- Ch. 9: 28-33; -conditions for liberation- Ch. 2: 51, Ch. 4: 9, Ch. 8: 16, Ch. 10: 3, Ch. 11: 52-55, Ch. 13: 23, Ch. 15: 3-5 ; -and actionless state- Ch. 18: 49; -at death- Ch. 8: 5, -and death- Ch.8: 7-10, 23-26 ; -and devotion- Ch. 18: 65,66; -and ego- Ch. 18: 58, 59; -and Grace of God and Guru- Ch. 10: 11, Ch. 18: 55, 56 ; -and Gunas- Ch. 14: 19, 20, Ch. 16: 5; -helping others to attain- Ch. 18: 68, 69; -and listening to Guru/realized souls- Ch. 13: 26; -signs of liberated souls- Ch 5: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; -controlled mind and buddhi means freedom- Ch.5: 28, Ch. 6:6,7; -knowledge of My powers leads to freedom- Ch. 10: 7,8;

-knowledge of Purusha and Prakriti and its gunas leads to freedom from reincarnation- Ch. 13: 24;

-spiritual experience of Kshetra & Ksherajna leads to freedom- Ch. 13: 35, -true jnana leads to siddhi and freedom- Ch. 14: 1,2, -freedom from the three doors to hell leads to liberation- Ch. 16: 22; -and wisdom- Ch. 10: 10,11; -and worship of lesser gods- Ch. 7: 23

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Light (see also Prakash, Jyoti, Bha, Prabha): Ch. 15: 6, 12, 13, Ch. 13: 18, Ch. 14: 6,11,22, -Light of God- Ch. 8:9; -of sun and moon- Ch. 7: 8, Ch. 8: 24, 25;

Light/darkness and death: Ch 8: 24, 26 Lion: Ch. 10: 30 Lobha (see also greed): Ch. 14: 12, Ch. 16: 21 Logic (Vada): Ch. 10: 32 Love, divine: Ch. 6: 29, 30; Ch. 18: 64, 65; (I am equally present in all) Ch. 9:29 Lust (see also desire, kama): Ch. 3: 37, Ch. 5: 23, 26, Ch. 16: 10, 18, 21, Ch. 18: 53 Mada, (pride): Ch. 16:17 Madyaji: Ch. 9: 34, Ch. 18: 65 Mahabhutas:

-as part of the eightfold nature of Apara-Prakriti- Ch. 7: 4; -as part of the Kshetra- Ch: 13:5/6

Mahat-Brahma: Ch 14: 3 Mahatma (see also wise, wisdom, rishis, sages): Ch. 9: 13, 14 Makara: Ch. 10: 31 Mamah (Mineness): (lack of) Ch. 18: 53 Manas (also mind):

-attachment of mind to senses-Ch 2:60, 67; -how senses,desire, mind and buddhi cover up he jnana of the soul- Ch. 3-38-40 ; -hierarchy of body, senses, mind, buddhi and soul- Ch 3:42; -conquering desires by controlling the mind with the help of buddhi- Ch. 3: 41, 43; -yogis act with mind and buddhi for purification- Ch. 5: 11, 13; -establishing the mind in equanimity means union with God- Ch. 5:19; -uncontrolled mind makes the self one’s enemy- Ch. 6:6; -controlling the senses by the mind- Ch. 6: 24; -controlled mind and buddhi means freedom- Ch.5: 28; -controlling the mind- Ch. 6: 7, 12,14, 15, 25, 26; -stillness of the mind- Ch 6: 27; -restlessness of the mind- Ch. 6: 34, 35, 36; -mind straying away from yoga- Ch. 6: 37; -as one of the eight aspects of Apara-Prakriti- Ch. 7:4; -unite the mind in Atman- Ch. 6:25; -and Yoga- Ch. 8: 12; -among the indriyas I am the mind- Ch. 10: 22; -unite the mind in Me- Ch. 8:7, Ch. 9: 34, Ch. 12: 8; -as part of the Kshetra- Ch. 13:6; -soul’s instrument for getting sense experiences- Ch. 15: 9; -tapa / discipline for the mind-Ch. 17: 16

Manipushpaka (Sahadeva’s conch): Ch. 1: 16 Manu: Ch. 4: 1; (14 Manus) Ch. 10: 6

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Mardavam (gentleness/softness) : Ch 16: 2 Maruta: Ch. 10: 21; Ch. 11:22 Matter: Ch. 7: 4 Maya (see also duality, Tamas, darkness, Ignorance, Prakriti): Ch. 7: 14, 27, 28; -How even avatars take the help of maya- Ch. 4: 6;

-effects of- Ch. 2: 60, Ch. 5: 15, Ch. 7: 14, 27, -God and liberated yogis unaffected by maya- Ch. 4: 6; -freedom from- Ch. 7: 3, 27, 28; -difficult to overcome- Ch. 7:14, -prevents from seeking Me- Ch. 7: 15, -I am hidden behind my Yoga-maya- Ch.7: 25, -I am all duality- Ch. 9:19, -how all creatures run like machines by God’s maya- Ch. 18: 61

Medha (discriminative intelligence): Ch. 10: 34, Ch. 18: 10, Meditation (see also dhyana, concentration, contemplation): Ch. 12: 4,6, 12,

Ch 13: 24; -and chitta- Ch. 6: 18; -and hindrances- Ch. 6: 10; -meditation seat- Ch. 6: 11; -and mental restlessness- Ch. 6: 25-27, 33-36; -objects of meditation- Ch. 10: 17; -posture- Ch. 6: 11-13; -on God, with or without form- Ch. 12: 1-6;

Memory (of Self): Ch. 2: 63, Ch. 3: 6, Ch. 10: 34;

-I am the source of all memory, jnana, purification, Vedas and their knower in Creatures- Ch 15: 15

Mind (see also Buddhi/Manas): -I am the mind among indriyas- Ch. 10: 22; -austerities of the mind- Ch. 17: 16; -control of mind- Ch. 6: 34-36; -with respect to sattwic dhriti- Ch 18: 33; -Uniting mind and buddhi with God- Ch. 12: 8,9,14;

Modesty (Hri/power to feel shame from wrong doing)) : Ch. 16:2 Moha (see also delusion) : Ch. 2: 52, 63;

-“kasmalam”- Ch. 2: 2; -role of desire- Ch. 3: 40, Ch 11: 1 ; Ch. 7: 13, 27, 28; Ch. 9: 12; Ch. 14: 8,13, 17,22; Ch.16: 15,16; Ch. 18: 7,25,39,60,72,73

Moksha (see also freedom, liberation, Karma, freedom from-): Ch. 18: 66 Moon: Ch.10:21; Ch. 15: 6, 12;

-waxing/waning stages- Ch. 8: 24,25 Mother (see also Prakriti, Gunas, womb):

-I am the Mother of all creation- Ch. 9: 17;

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Motivation: -determines the guna behind everything- Ch.14, 17 & 18, -right motivation for actions- Ch. 18: 9, 10 -for actions- Ch. 18: 18

Muni: Ch. 2: 69; Ch. 5: 6, 28; -I am Kapila among munis- Ch. 10: 26

Nakula: Ch. 1: 16; Narada: Ch 10: 13,26; Nasikagram: Ch. 6: 13 Natimanita (lack of pride/conceit): Ch. 16: 3 Nature of the mind not focussed on God: Ch. 2:41 to 44, Nature (see also Prakriti):

-everyone acts according to one’s own nature- Ch.3:33; -of things in creation bring about doership, karma etc- Ch. 5:14; -how God supports all creation on earth with His power- Ch. 15: 13; -one’s own nature compels one to act- Ch. 18: 59, 60

Nearest of the near…: Ch. 13: 16, Niragni: Ch. 6: 1 Nirguna: (nature of Atma & Paramatma) Ch. 13: 31, 32 Nirmamah (lack of mineness): Ch. 18: 53 Nirvana: Ch. 6: 15 Nishkama Karma (see also Karma, Karma Yoga, etc):

Ch. 4: 19-22, Ch. 5: 8-13, Ch. 18: 2 Non-attachment to actions (see detachment, karma yoga, sanyasa, tyaga, also):

Ch 2: 48, 71, Ch 3: 9, 19, 28; Ch. 4: 14, 22, -soul as non-doer- Ch. 13: 32, -example of sky or ether- Ch. 13:33

Nothing exists higher than Me or beyond Me: Ch 7: 7, Oblation: see Yajna Ocean: Ch. 10: 24, 29 Offering (see oblations also):

-food offering- Ch 3: 12 -devotional, all offering is Brahma- Ch 4: 24, -various kinds of offerings in various kinds of fires- Ch. 4: 25-32, -I accept all offerings- Ch.9: 26 , -offer everything to Me- Ch.9: 27

Ojas: (how God supports all creation on earth with His power) Ch. 15: 13 Omnipresence:

Ch. 5: 15, Ch. 6: 29-32; Ch. 9: 4-6, 15-29; -Brahmarpanam- Ch. 4: 24; -I am in all creatures- Ch.9: 29; Ch. 10: 20, 40-42; -There is no end to my presence- Ch. 10: 19; -Cosmic Form- Ch. 11; -Param-Brahma- Ch. 13: (13/14)-(18/19); -Ashwattha tree metaphor- Ch. 15: 1-3;

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Omnipresence contd…… -how God supports all creation on earth with His power- Ch. 15: 13; -Namo Namastestu… Ch. 11: 39-40; -seeing God in all creation- Ch. 6: 30-32, Ch. 13: 30/31

One above duality of sorrow and joy, anger & hate etc:(see also duality, dvandva, equanimity) Ch. 2: 56, 57, 64

One in a thousand seeks Me…:Ch 7: 3 Pantheistic vision of God: Ch. 5: 18, Ch. 11:7, 15-30,

-seeing the changeless God in all changing things is true seeing and leads to Freedom- Ch. 13: 28-29, -upside down tree similie- Ch 15: 1-4

Papam (see also sin, karma): Ch. 1: 36, 39,45, Ch. 2: 33, Ch. 3: 13 , 36 , 37, 41; -Jnana and sin- Ch. 4: 36; Ch. 5: 15, Ch. 6: 9, Ch. 7: 28, Ch. 9: 32,33, Ch. 18:

66 Para-Brahman: Ch. 10: 12, Ch. 14: 27; Ch. 17: 23 Paradharma-Svadharma: Ch 3: 35; Ch. 18: 47 Paramatma (see also Para-Brahma/ Spirit etc):

-Atma=Paramatma=Purusha- Ch. 13: 23, -as non-doer- Ch. 13: 32, -as Purushottama, the supporter of all three worlds) Ch. 15: 17, 18

Parushya (hard-heartedness, harshness) : Ch. 16: 4 Paundra (Bhima’s conch shell): Ch. 1: 15 Patience (Dhriti): Ch. 16: 3 Patient Practice: Ch 6: 24-26, 35, Ch 8: 8 Peace (Shanti): Ch. 2: 66, 70, 71, Ch. 4: 39, Ch. 5: 12, 29, Ch. 6: 15;

-Peace leads to joy- Ch. 6:27; -even a sinner can attain - Ch. 9: 31, Ch. 11: 12; -surrender of frits of actions is immediately followed by peace-Ch: 12:12 -as a Daivi quality-Ch. 16: 2, -result of renunciation of ego etc.- Ch 18: 53; -grace of God leads to eternal peace- Ch. 18: 62

Philosophical knowledge: (God as the source of-) Ch.13: 11/12, Pitris (also Ushmapa, see ancestors aslso): Ch. 1:42, Ch. 9: 25, Ch. 10: 24; Ch 11: 22 Powers/Glories of God (see vibhutis also): Ch. 7: 4-6-12, 14, 26, Ch. 9: 5,7,8,10,17-19;

-No end to My powers- Ch.10: 19, 40; -creation is a small fraction of My powers- Ch. 10: 41,42; -detailed description of the various manifestations of God- Ch.10 (complete)

Prabha (see also light, bha) : (of the sun and moon) Ch. 7: 7 Practice (see also Abhyasa): Ch. 6: 5, Ch. 12: 9,10,12, Ch. 17: 15;

-among sattwic pleasures- Ch. 18: 36; Practice of the Presence of God-verses relating to: Ch. 8: 5, 7, Ch. 6: 30,

Ch. 9: 26, 27, 34, Ch. 9: 22, Ch. 10: 9, 25, Ch.18: 61, 62, 65 Prahlada: Ch. 10: 30 Prajapati: Ch. 3: 10, Ch. 11: 39 Prajna (discriminative Intelligence/ intuition): Ch 2: 54 to 68, Prakasha (see also light) : Ch. 14: 22

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Prakriti (see also nature, creation) : Ch. 3: 5, 29, 33, Ch.4: 6,

-8 fold apara- Ch. 7: 4, -para- Ch. 7: 4, 5, 8 ; Ch. 13: (1-5)/(2-6), (18-20)/(19-21); Ch. 9: 7, 8, 10; -and creation- Ch.7: 5,6, Ch. 13: 4/5; -and 24 Principles of creation- Ch. 13: 4/5; -feminine manifestations of- Ch. 10: 34; -and Gunas- Ch. 3: 5, 29, Ch. 13: (18-20)/(19-21), Ch. 14: 3-5; -both Prakriti and Purusha are beginningless- Ch. 13: 19/20 ; -contact of Purusha with Prakriti as the cause of experiences of gunas – Ch.13: 21/22, -knowledge of Purusha and Prakriti and its gunas leads to freedom from Reincarnation- Ch. 13: 23/24; -seeing Prakriti as the true doer in all activities- Ch. 13: (28,29)/(29,30); -as the womb of creation- Ch. 14: 3, 4; -one’s own nature forces one to act- Ch. 18: 62, 63

Prana: Ch. 4: 27, 29, 30, Ch 5: 27,28;

-how God digests the food within creatures- Ch. 15: 14; -and death- Ch. 8: 10, 12; -action of prana with reference to sattwic dhriti- Ch. 18: 33

Pranayama: Ch. 4: 27, 29, 30, Ch.5: 27, 28 Pranava (see also Aum): Ch. 7: 8, Ch. 8: 13, Ch. 9: 17 Pratyahara: Ch. 2: 57 Pre-destination (vs Free choice): Ch. 11: 32-34, Ch. 18: 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, Pretas: Ch. 17: 4 Pride (and words of similar connotation) : (Abhimana) Ch. 16: 4;

(darpa) Ch.16: 4, 17, 18, Ch. 18: 53; (dambha) Ch. 16: 10; (mada) Ch. 16: 17; Procrastination: (as part of tamasic nature) Ch. 18: 28 Procreation: Ch. 10: 28 Promise of Lord Krishna:

-Jnana will save even the greatest of sinners- Ch. 4: 36; -Always watches over His devotees- Ch. 6: 30; -no spiritual effort is ever wasted- Ch. 6: 30,31,40; -protection of sadhakas- Ch. 9:22; - hope of freedom for all- Ch. 9: 30-34, Ch 12: 7, 8, 9, 10, Ch 18: 65, 66, 68, 69

Purification: -a Yogi acts for- Ch.5:11; -yoga for- Ch. 6:12; -purity of heart needed for knowledge of he soul- Ch. 15: 11; -I am the source of all memory, jnana, purification, Vedas and their knower in Ceatures- Ch 15: 15; -yajna, dana, tapa are acts of purification- Ch. 18: 5,6;

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Purity (see also shoucha): Ch. 12: 16, Ch.13: 7/8; -of heart) Ch. 16:1,3; -of Buddhi- Ch. 18: 42, 51

Purpose of Krishna’s incarnation: Ch. 11:32-34 Purusha (also see Atma, Brahman, Spirit and Soul): Ch 2: 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30;

Ch. 8: 22; Ch. 10: 12; Ch. 15: 4, 16, 17; Ch. 17: 3; -how senses, desire, mind and buddhi cover up jnana of the soul- Ch. 3:19, 36, 38-40 ; -hierarchy of body, senses, mind, buddhi and soul- Ch 3:42, - as one’s own friend or enemy-Ch 6:5,6; -Nature of the soul as Atma or Brahma- Ch 13: (12-18)/ (13-19); -both Prakriti and Purusha are beginningless- Ch. 13: 19/20 ; -as Experiencer- Ch. 13: 20/21; -contact of Purusha with Prakriti as the cause of experiences of gunas- Ch.13: 21/22; -Atma=Paramatma=Purusha- Ch. 13: 22/23; -knowledge of Purusha and Prakriti and its gunas leads to freedom from Reincarnation- Ch. 13: 23/24; -different ways to know or experience the Atman- Ch. 13: (24,25)/(25,26); -seeing Prakriti as the true doer in all activities & not the Purusha- Ch. 13: 29/30; -as non-doer- Ch. 13: (31,32)/(32, 33); -example of the sun- Ch 13: 33/34; -as the planter of he seed of creation- Ch. 14: 3, 4 , Ch 15: 7; -attracts mind and senses- Ch 15: 7; -reincarnates by taking the senses along- Ch. 15: 8; -gathers experiences using the senses with the support of the mind- Ch. 15: 9; -only with spiritual eye can one see the soul in body or out of it-Ch 15: 10; -purity of heart needed for knowledge of he soul- Ch. 15: 11; -two kinds of Purusha-Kshara & Akshara- Ch. 15: 16; -Uttama Purusha, the supporter of all three worlds, is distinct from Kshara & -Akshara- Ch. 15: 17

Purushottama: Ch. 11: 3; Ch. 15: 17-19

“Qualifications” for receiving the “grace” of divine vision: Ch. 11:48, 53, 54

“Qualifications” for getting established in oneness with Brahma: Ch. 18: 51-53 Qualities (and Behaviour):

Qualities of a devotee dear to God: Ch 12: 13-20; -of the liberated one who has real Jnana- Ch. 5: 7-10, 18-26, Ch. 13: 8-

12; -26 qualities of the soul- Ch 16: 1-3 Qualities of the soul: -as the real Jnana- Ch. 13: 8-12, -as non-doer- Ch. 13: 32,

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Qualities contd….. -26 qualities of the soul- Ch 16: 1-3 Daivi and Asuri qualities: Ch. 16 (full) Qualities of a Sthitaprajna: Ch. 2: 55-68; Qualities of one who is dear to God: Ch. 12: 13-20; Qualities as Gunas and their influences: see Gunas Qualities of sattwic, rajasic and tamaic doers: Ch. 18: 26-28

Radiance (Tejas/Glory): Ch. 7: 10, Ch. 10: 36, Ch. 11: 12, Ch. 16: 3, Ch. 18: 45 Raga (see also attachment, karma, desire): Ch 2: 64, Ch.3: 34, Ch. 4: 10, Ch. 14: 7,

Ch. 17: 5 Rajas (see also under Gunas):

-gives rise to desire and anger- Ch. 3: 37, -desire and craving give rise to rajas- Ch. 14: 7

Raja Yoga: Ch. 4: 1,2 Rajarishis Ch. 4: 1,2 Rakshasas: Ch. 9: 12;

-I am Kubera among Yakshas and Rakshasas- Ch. 10: 23; -Rajasic ones worship Yakshas and Rakshasas- Ch. 17: 4;

Rama: Ch. 10: 31 Rasatmaka: Ch. 15: 13 Reflection: (on the painful side of life as part of true jnana) Ch. 13: 8/9

Reincarnation: Ch 2: 12, 13, 22; Ch. 4: 4, 5, 9, Ch. 6: 41,42,43,45,Ch. 7: 19; Ch. 9: 21;

-and death- Ch. 2: 26, 27; Ch. 8: 6; -and desire- Ch. 2: 22, 42, 44; Ch. 8: 6; -freedom from- Ch. 2: 51, Ch. 4: 9, Ch. 8: 15, Ch. 13: 23, Ch. 14: 2; -knowledge of Purusha and Prakriti and its gunas leads to freedom from reincarnation- Ch. 13: 21-24; -according to prevalent gunas- Ch. 14: 14, 15, 20; -of “imperfect” yogis- Ch. 6: 41-43; -struggle over many lives- Ch. 6: 45; -memory of past lives- Ch. 4: 5; -soul’s sameness through incarnations- Ch. 2: 12; -reincarnation and spiritual evolution- Ch. 7: 19; - freedom from reincarnation after reaching God- Ch 15: 4, 6; -of the soul by carrying the senses along- Ch 15:8; -of evil men into asuri lives- Ch. 16:19, 20; -and desires- Ch. 9: 20, 21;

Remembrance (see also smarana, practice of the presence of God): -of God at death- Ch. 8: 5, -remember Me always- Ch 8: 7, -Constant remembrance of God- Ch 8: 9, 14

Renunciation (see also tyaga/ sannyasa): -as tyaga- Ch. 16:2, Ch. 18: 1-11 ; -and action- Ch. 6: 1, Ch. 18: 2,11,12; -and dharma-“Sarvadharman…”- Ch. 18: 66;

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Renunciation contd….. -Renunciation of fruits of action- Ch. 2: 47, 51, Ch. 4: 19, 20, 41, Ch. 12: 11, 12; Ch. 11, 12, 51, Ch. 18: 2, 11; -renunciation of fruits of action by yogis/sannyasis- Ch. 3: 30, Ch. 6: 1,2; -three kinds of renunciation according to gunas- Ch. 18: 7-10; -inner/outer renunciation- Ch. 2: 59, Ch. 5: 2, Ch. 6:1; -sannyasa/tyaga- Ch. 18: 1,2; -and yoga- Ch. 5: 6, Ch. 6, 1,2;

Renunciation of action: -not possible to live in body without performing action- Ch. 2: 5,8, Ch. 3:4, 5, Ch. 18: 1-11

Repulsion: (see aversion / dvesha) Restlessness of mind: Ch. 6: 25-27; Ch. 6:33- 36; (absence of-“achapalam”) Ch. 16: 2; Results of Yoga: Ch.6: 27, 28, 44; Ch. 12: 13, 14 Rig Veda: Ch 9: 17 Rishis ( sages/wise men, see also Mahatma, wise, wisdom, muni): Ch. 5: 25,

Ch. 7: 16-18; Ch. 10:6 , Ch. 13: 4/5, Ch. 13: (6-10)/(7-11); -and knowledge of God’s nature- Ch. 10: 2; -how they live- Ch. 10: 8, 9; -How God helps them- Ch. 10: 10,11; -desire as the enemy of wise men- Ch. 3: 39;

Rites: see Yajna Right (Adhikara): (man’s right is limited to doing his duty) Ch. 2: 47; Right Attitude leading to Freedom: Ch. 2: 54 to 68; Ch3: 28, 31, 35,

Ch 4: 14, 20, 21, 22, Ch 5: 6, 7, -Indriyas are doing their thing- Ch. 5: 8, 9, -Lotus leaf- Ch. 5:10, -purifying- Ch. 5: 11, -leads to peace-Ch 5: 12,13

Rod ( of discipline) : Ch. 10:38; Rudras: Ch. 10: 23; Ch. 11: 6, 22, Sacrifice: see Yajna Sage: see Rishis Sahadeva: Ch. 1: 16 Sahaja: Ch. 8: 48 Sadhana: Ch. 12 (full),

-comparison with sakar bhakti-Ch. 12: 1, -nirakar sadhana-Ch 12:3, -difficulties of niakar sadhana- Ch. 12: 5, - listening to and following those who know God leads to freedom- Ch. 13: 26, -sadhana summarized- Ch 18: 51-56

Sadhu: (an Avatar’s purpose is to help the sadhus) Ch.4: 8;

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Saguna/Nirguna upasana: Ch. 12:1-6 Sama Veda: Ch. 9: 17, Ch. 10: 22 Samadhi:

-who do not reach Samadhi- Ch. 2: 41-44; -what leads to Samadhi- Ch. 2: 52, 53; -nature of those who are established in Samadhi- Ch. 2: 54-66; -….Brahmakarma samadhina- Ch. 4: 24

Samsara: Ch. 12: 7, Ch.16: 19 Samyama (see also self-control, sense control, senses, sense-experiences/pleasures):

Ch. 6 (full) , Ch. 8: 12, Ch. 10: 29 Sanatana (see also eternal, indestructible): Ch. 2: 24; Ch. 8: 20, Ch. 11: 18, Sanjaya: (awestruck by the Gita dialogue) Ch. 18: 74-77 Sanskara: Ch. 6:43,44, 45,

-as one of the five factors involved in all actions- Ch. 18: 14 Sankalpa (see also kama, desire):

-as selfish planning- Ch.6,: 2,4, 29 Sankhya Philosophy and Yoga (see also Jnana yoga): Ch. 2 complete; Ch. 3: 3,

Ch. 5: 4, 5, -different ways to know or experience the Atman- Ch. 13: 25-26, -Five factors involved in all actions, as explained in the Sankhya- Ch. 18: 13-16

Sannyasa (see renunciation): Ch. 5: 1, 2, 3, 6, 13;

-definition of difference between tyaga & sannyasa- Ch. 18: 1, 2, 7; -karma sannyasa not advisable- Ch. 18: 5,6, 7; -as a way to attain highest spiritual success or parama-siddhi- Ch. 18: 49, 50;

Sannyasi (see also renunciant): -and yogis, definition- Ch. 6: 1-4; -and liberation- Ch. 5: 26; -yatis- Ch. 5: 26; -true sannyasis, who are un-attached to the fruits of actions, are not affected by the fruits of their actions- Ch. 18: 12

Sanshaya (see also doubt): Ch. 4: 40-42; Ch. 6: 39; Sapta Maharishis: Ch.10: 6 Sat (see also Aum-Tat-Sat, Truth, Kshetrajna, Spirit): Ch. 2: 16;

-I am both Sat and Asat- Ch. 9: 19; -Brahma cannot be called as sat or asat - Ch. 11: 37, Ch. 13: 12/13, -significance of Aum-Tat-Sat- Ch. 17 : 23-27

Sattwa: See under Gunas Sattwasamshuddhih: (as one of the daivi qualities)Ch. 16: 1 Satyaki: Ch. 1: 17 Satyam (Truthfulness): Ch. 16: 2 Saubhadra: Ch. 1: 18 Savikara: (vikaras of the Kshetra) Ch. 13: 6/7 Scriptures: see Shastras Seclusion: Ch. 18: 52, (of a yogi) Ch. 6: 10, Ch. 13: 10/11;

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“Secret of secrets” (as told by Lord Krishna in the Gita): Ch 4: 3, Ch. 9: 1,2, Ch. 10: 38, Ch. 15: 20, Ch. 18: 63, 64, 68;

“Seed” (beeja) of all beings, Spirit as: Ch. 7: 10, Ch. 9: 18, Ch. 10: 39 “Seed” (beeja) of creation: Ch. 14: 4 “Seeing” God in everything and everything in God: Ch. 5: 15, Ch. 6: 29-32,

Ch. (27,28)/(28,29) Selflessness (Nirahamkara): Ch. 2: 71, Ch. 13: 8/9;

-living for well-being of others- Ch. 5: 25, Ch. 6: 4, Ch. 16: 2; Self-realization (see also liberation, Spirit; union with): Ch. 3: 42, Ch. 4: 31;

Ch. 5: 16, 18, 21, 24, 25; -and action- Ch. 3: 17; -attainment of- Ch. 8: 12-14, Ch. 18: 49, 51-57; -God’s immanence/transcendence- Ch. 9:1, 34; -three paths to- Ch. 13: 24;

Self-restraint: See self/sense control self/sense control (see also self-discipline, austerities, tapas):

Ch 2: 58, 60, 61, 64, 68-70, Ch. 3: 6, 7, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, Ch. 4: 26, 27, 39; -Chapter on yoga of self-control- Ch.6 (full); Ch. 6: 12, Ch. 8: 12, Ch. 16: 1; -on suppression of the senses- Ch. 2: 59, 60, Ch. 3: 33, -attraction/raga and repulsion/dvesha of senses- Ch. 3: 34; -how senses,desire, mind and buddhi cover up the jnana of the soul- Ch. 3:38-40; -hierarchy of body, senses, mind, buddhi and soul- Ch 3:42; -conquering desires by controlling the mind with the help of buddhi- Ch. 3: 41, 43, Ch. 4: 26; -controlling the senses by the mind- Ch. 6: 8, 12, 24; -in the upside down tree similie- Ch. 15: 2; -soul gathers experiences using the senses with the support of the mind- Ch. 15: 9; -and yajna- Ch. 4: 26, 27; -leads to wisdom—Shraddhavan labhate jnanam- Ch. 4: 39; -Self-control as a daivi quality- Ch. 16: 1;

Self/Soul (see Adhyatma also): Ch. 2:11-28, Ch. 3: 42, Ch. 4: 24; -and action- Ch. 8: 28-34; -and bliss- Ch. 5: 21, Ch. 6: 20-23; -and body- Ch. 2: 30, Ch. 13: (19-21)/(20-22), (30-32)/(31-33); -hierarchy of body, senses, mind, buddhi and soul- Ch 3:42; -defined/described- Ch. 2: 20-30, Ch. 13: 31/32; -and ego) Ch. 6: 5-7; -identification/communication with- Ch. 2: 65, 66; -immortality of) Ch. 2: 11-28; -individuality of- Ch. 4: 30,31; -as Jiva- Ch. 7: 5, Ch. 15: 7-9; -as Kshetrajna- Ch. 13: (0,1)/(1,2); -“offering of the self by the self”- Ch. 4: 25; -perception of- Ch. 2: 25, 29;

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Self/Soul contd….. -Prakriti and Spirit- Ch. 13: 19/20; -and reincarnation- Ch. 2: 12, 22

Senses and Sense Experiences/ Pleasures (see also indriyas): -attachment to sense experiences and reincarnation- Ch. 2: 42-44; -on suppression of the senses- Ch. 2: 59, 60, Ch. 3: 33; -sense control & Samadhi/sthitaprajna- Ch. 2: 58, 61, 67, 68; -Control over senses leads to Peace/Happiness- Ch.2: 64-66;, -attraction/raga and repulsion/dvesha of senses- Ch. 3: 34 -temporal in nature, leading to misery-Ch 5: 22, -and Ashwattha tree- Ch. 15: 1-2; -sattwic, rajasic & tamasic pleasures- Ch. 18: 3 6, 37, 38, 39, -renunciation of- Ch. 18: 52

Serpent: Ch. 10: 28, Ch. 11: 15 Shabda-Brahman: Ch. 6: 44 Shaibya: Ch. 1: 5 Shankara,leader of the Rudras: Ch. 10: 23 Shantih/Shanti (see also Peace):

Ch. 2: 66, 70, 71, Ch. 4: 39, Ch. 5: 12, 29, Ch. 6: 15; -Peace leads to joy- Ch. 6:27; -even a sinner can attain - Ch. 9: 31, Ch. 11: 12; -surrender of fruits of actions is immediately followed by peace- Ch. 12: 12 -as a daivi quality- Ch. 16: 2, -result of renunciation of ego etc.- Ch 18: 53; -grace of God leads to eternal peace- Ch. 18: 62

Shastra (scriptures): -as a guide to duty) Ch. 16: 23, 24; Ch. 17: 1; -non-shastric tapas- Ch. 17: 5; -secret scripture- Ch. 15: 20

Shraddha (also see faith and devotion): Ch. 3: 31, Ch. 4: 39, 40, -lack of- Ch. 9: 2, -in sakar worship- Ch. 12:2, -who is very dear to Me- Ch. 12: 20, -Three types of Shraddha Ch. 17 (full), -Sattwic, rajasic and tamasic shraddha- Ch 17: 2, - As the shraddha is so is the person- Ch. 17: 3, -Sattwic ones worship Gods, rajasic ones yakhsas and rakshasas, tamasic ones bhutas and pretas- Ch. 17: 4,

Shoucham (cleanliness) : -among the qualities which make one dear to God- Ch. 12: 16; -as part of real Jnana- Ch 13: 7/8, -as a Daivy quality- Ch 16: 3; -as part of discipline of the body- Ch. 17: 14;

Siddha: (One in a thousand seeks Me….) Ch. 7: 3; Ch 10: 26, Ch. 11: 22, 36;

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Siddhis (also see success): -How Janaka etc. attained siddhi- Ch. 3: 20; -how success is attained- Ch. 4: 12, 22, Ch. 14: 1, Ch. 16: 23, Ch. 18: 13,26, 45-50, 78; -success is attained by worshipping God through right action- Ch. 18: 46, -one with a detached buddhi and is passionless attains supreme siddhi of actionless state through sannyasa- Ch. 18: 49; -for spiritual success- Ch. 6: 37- 45, Ch. 7: 3, Ch. 14: 1, Ch. 18: 49, 50

Silence (mauna): Ch 10: 38 Skanda: Ch. 10: 24 Similies:

-tortoise withdrawing limbs- Ch. 2: 58; -boat overcome by the wind- Ch 2:67; -smoke covering fire, dirt covering mirror etc.- Ch. 3: 38; -fire consuming offerings- Ch. 4: 37, -lamp in a windless place- Ch. 6: 19; -control of mind more difficult than controlling wind- Ch. 6: 34; -His glory like that of a thousand suns- Ch. 11: 12; -rivers merging in the ocean- Ch. 11: 28 -flies flying into fire- Ch. 11: 29; -as the all-pervading sky does not get attached, so also the Atma- Ch. 13: 32/33; -as one sun illumines the whole world…- Ch. 13: 33/34; -smoke always goes with fire- Ch. 18: 48, -upside down tree- Ch. 15:1, -how air takes the smell with it- Ch 15:8

Simplicity (Arjavam) : Ch. 13:8 , Ch. 16:1, Ch. 17: 14, Ch. 18: 42, Sin (also see papam, karma): Ch. 1: 36, 39, 45,Ch. 2: 33, Ch. 3: 13, 36, 37, 41;

Ch. 5: 15, Ch. 9: 30, Ch. 10: 3; -Jnana destroys sin- Ch. 4: 36; -I will release you from all sin- Ch. 18: 66;

Single-mindedness/single-heartedness: see Ananya Sinner (see also sin): (hope for freedom) Ch.9:30 Sleep: Ch 6: 16, 17, (tamas binds to sleep) Ch. 14: 8 Smarana (remembrance, see also practising the presence of God): Ch 8: 6, 7 Smriti: (As a feminine aspect of God) Ch. 10:34, (I am the power of memory) Ch. 15: 15 Solitude (see also seclusion, aloofness):

-preferred place for a yogi- Ch 6:10 - love for living in seclusion- as a part of rue Jnana- Ch 13:11

Soma: Ch. 15: 13 Somadatti: Ch. 1: 8 Sorrow (see also dukkhah, pain):

-sense pleasures lead to- Ch. 5:22, -balanced life removes- Ch. 6: 12, -yoga helps to overcome- Ch. 6: 22;

-rajasic food leads to sorrow- Ch. 17: 9 ;

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Sorrow/dukkhah contd….. -renunciation out of fear of pain is rajasic- Ch. 18: 8; -sattwic pleasures help bring an end to sorrow) Ch. 18: 36, 37

Soul (see also Purusha and Atma): Ch 2: 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30;

-how senses,desire, mind and buddhi cover up the jnana of the soul- Ch. 3-38-40 -hierarchy of body, senses, mind, buddhi and soul- Ch 3:42; - as one’s own friend or enemy-Ch 6:5,6; -Nature of the soul as Atma or Brahma- Ch 13: (12-17)/(13-18), -both Prakriti and Purusha are beginningless- Ch. 13: 19/20; -different ways to know or experience the Atman- Ch. 13: (24,25)/(25,26); -as non-doer- Ch. 13: 30/31, Ch 15: 7; -attracts mind and senses- Ch 15: 7; -reincarnates by taking the senses along- Ch. 15: 8; -gathers experiences using the senses with the support of the mind- Ch. 15: 9; -only with spiritual eye can one see the soul in body or out of it- Ch 15: 10; -purity of heart needed for knowledge of he soul- Ch. 15: 11; -26 qualities of the soul- Ch 16: 1-3

Source: -of all creation, I am- Ch. 7: 6,7, 10; Ch. 9: 7, 8, 10 -of all the wise, and their qualities- Ch. 10: 3,4,5, 6,8

Space: Ch. 7:4 Speech:

-harshness as an asuri quality- Ch. 16: 4 -tapa/discipline of speech- Ch. 17: 15

Spirit (see also Purusha):

-All-pervasive, nearest of the near- Ch. 13: 16; -as Aum- Ch. 10: 25; -as Aum in he Vedas-“Pranavah sarva vedeshu… Ch. 7: 8; -as Aum-Tat-Sat- Ch. 17: 23; -as known by the wise- Ch.13: (11-17) / (12-18); -cosmic vs human form of- Ch. 11: 45-54; -and creation) Ch. 9: 4-6; -father-mother of creation- Ch. 14: 4, Ch. 9: 17; -originator/sustainer of creation- Ch. 7: 7, Ch. 10: 7,8; -sole substance / consciousness in creation- Ch. 13: (1,2)/(2,3); -as creator of delusion and duality) Ch. 9: 19, Ch. 10: 4,5; -defined and described- Ch. 7: 7; Ch. 9: 17-19, Ch. 10: 19,20, Ch. 11: 37-40, Ch. 13: 2/3, (11-17)/(12-18), 30/31, Ch. 15: 15; -devotion to Spirit- Ch. 6: 30, Ch. 11: 40-43; -as the essence of all creatures- Ch. 13: (25-29)/(26-30); -as the essence of all Vedas/Vedanta- Ch. 15: 15; -as fluidity of waters- Ch. 7: 8; -immanent/transcendant- Ch. 9: 1, Ch. 13: 21/22; -as Ishvara- Ch. 11: 3, Ch. 18: 61;

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Spirit contd…… -and knower/knowing/known- Ch. 13: 17/18; -knowledge of Spirit- Ch. 10: 2,14,15, Ch. 15: 19; -as Kshetrajna- Ch. 13: 1/2; -light of Spirit- Ch. 15: 13, Ch. 13: 17/18; -manifestations of- Ch. 10 full, Ch. 11: 5-7; -manifest/unmanifest—vyakta/avyakta- Ch. 8: 20, Ch. 9: 4-6, Ch. 11: 4-8, Ch.12: 5; -as “manliness in men”- Ch. 7: 8; -as “Myself”, realization of- Ch. 18: 65; -Purusha and Prakriti- Ch. 7: 4-6, Ch. 9: 10, Ch. 13: (18-22)/(19-23), 25/26, 32/33, 33/34, Ch. 15: 16,17; -as Sat/asat- Ch. 13: 12/13; Ch. 17: 23-28; -and Self/soul- Ch. 13: 21/22, 30/31, Ch. 14: 27, Ch. 15: 7; -as silence- Ch. 10: 38; -as “sound in the ether”- Ch. 7: 8; -as the Source of all light- Ch. 15: 12,13,18, -as “sun and moon” - Ch. 7: 8; -union with- Ch. 5: 21, Ch. 6: 31, Ch. 10: 3,9, Ch. 11:53-55, Ch. 13: 29/30; -conditions for union with Spirit- Ch. 13: (7-10) / (8-11); Ch. 18: 51-53 ; - union through devotion to manifest vs unmanifest Spirit- Ch. 12: 1-4; -conditions for vision of Its form- Ch. 11: 48, 53,54; (and yoga) Ch. 12: 1-4;

Spirits of the dead: (worship of) Ch. 17: 4; Spiritual eye (see also eye): Ch. 5: 27, Ch. 8:10, Ch.11: 8, Ch. 12: 3, Ch. 13: 34/35; -needed for seeing God’s cosmic form- Ch.11:4, 8,

-only with spiritual eye can one see the soul in body or out of it-Ch 15: 10 Spiritual “seeing”:

-oneness of sankhya and yoga- Ch. 5:5, -seeing God in everything and everything in Him- Ch. 6: 30, 32, -spiritual eye needed to see God’s true form and glory- Ch 11: 8 -seeing the changeless God in all changing things is true seeing and leads to freedom and immortaliy- Ch. 13: 28-29, 31, -seeing Prakriti as the true doer in all activities- Ch. 13: 30, -only with spiritual eye can one see the soul in body or out of it- Ch 15: 10

Spruha (desire to enjoy pleasures): Ch. 14: 12, Ch. 18: 49, -nispruha-lack of spruha- Ch. 6: 18

Steadiness: Ch. 2:53, Sthitaprajna:

-One of steady wisdom or one established in wisdom: Ch. 2: 54 to 68,

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Stillness (achala): -nature of the soul- Ch. 2: 24; -of the mind and buddhi- Ch 2: 53, 56, Ch. 12: 4, 9, 19, Ch. 13: 7/8; -of body- Ch. 6: 13, -lamp in a windless place-example- Ch. 6: 19,

Straightforwardness (Arjavam): Ch 16:1 Strength (Balam): (I am the strength of the strong) Ch. 7: 11, Success (see also siddhi):

-success is attained by worshippng God through right action- Ch. 18: 46 Sudra: (duties of Sudras) Ch. 18:41, 44 Suffering: Ch 12: 16 ; (freedom from) Ch. 6: 23 Sughosha: (Nakula’s Conch shell) Ch. 1: 16 Sukha (see also happiness, joy, pleasure): Ch. 1: 37;

-attained by yoga- Ch. 6: 21-28, 32, Ch. 13: 6/7; -sattwic, rajasic and tamasic sukha- Ch. 18: 36-39

Sun (see also surya, Aditya): Ch. 11:12, Ch. 13: 34, Ch. 15: 6, 12 Sun and moon: Ch. 7: 8, Ch. 9: 24, 25; Ch. 10: 21; Ch. 11: 19 Suppression: (of one’s tendencies/nature) Ch. 3: 33 Supporter/Sustainer: (of all creation) Ch. 7: 5, Ch. 9: 17, 18; Ch. 15: 13 Surrender (see also karma yoga, tyaga, renunciation):

-doing everything as an offering for God- Ch. 9: 27; -this leads to freedom from karma- Ch. 9:28; -even sinners of all sorts can be freed through surrender to Me- Ch.9:30-33; - of fruits of action leads to peace- Ch. 12:11, 12; -surrender of mind and buddhi to God leads to Him- Ch. 8: 7, Ch 12: 4, 8; -total surrender to God leads to eternal peace- Ch. 18: 62

Sutra: (“thread” as God) Ch. 7: 7 Sva: Ch. 3: 35, Ch. 18: 45-47 Svabhava: Ch. 18: 60, Svadharma/paradharma: Ch. 2: 31,33, Ch. 3: 35, Ch. 18: 47 Swadhyaya: Ch. 4: 28, Ch 16:1, Ch. 17: 15 Swarga (see also Heaven): ( enjoying heaven & coming back) Ch. 9: 20-21 Tamas (see also under Gunas):

-as darkness, maya-Ch. 10: 11, Ch. 13: 17/18, Ch. 14: 13 Tapa (also tapas, austerities, Self-Discipline/Forebearance):

Ch. 4: 28, Ch. 7: 9, Ch 16: 1, -of those of asuri nature- Ch. 17: 4, -of body- Ch. 17: 14, -of speech- Ch. 17: 15, -of mind- Ch. 17: 16, -sattwic, rajasic and tamasic tapas- Ch. 17: 7,17-19, -tyaga of yajna, dana, tapa not advisable- Ch. 18: 3, 5, 6

Tapasvin: Ch. 6: 46, Ch. 7: 9, Tat: (significance of Aum-Tat-Sat) Ch. 17: 23-27, Teacher/teaching of Truth: Ch. 18: 68, 69;

-How not to disturb/confuse deluded ones with one’s wisdom- Ch. 3: 25, 26, 29,

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Tejah (see Radiance/glory): Ch. 7: 9, 10, Ch. 10: 36, Ch. 11: 17, 47, Ch. 16: 3 Temptation (see also self/sense control) : Ch. 2: 59, 60-63, Ch. 3: 6, 7, 36, 37 Time (see also Kala):

-timeless nature of the soul- Ch 2: 12,17,18, 20, 21,30; -I know all the creatures of the past, present and future- Ch. 7: 26; -Brahma- Ch. 8: 17, 18 19; -I am the beginning, middle and end of all creatures- Ch. 10: 20; -Among the reckoners, I am kala, or time- Ch. 10: 30; -I am the beginning, middle and end of all creation- Ch. 10: 32; -I am the Kala without end-meaning as Mahakala, destroyer of time- Ch. 10: 33; -timeless nature of God- Ch 11: 16, 18, 19; -Beginingless and endless nature of samsara- Ch 15: 3

Thunderbolt (vajram): Ch. 10: 28 Titiksha (see also self/sense control) : Ch 2: 14, Tradition: (follow the tradition) Ch. 4: 15, Ch. 16: 23, 24; Truth (satya) : Ch 2: 16, (Brahma beyond sat and asat) Ch 13: 12, Ch. 16:2 Tyaga( see also renunciation): Ch. 16: 2,

-difference between tyaga & sannyasa- Ch. 18: 1, 2, -tyaga of yajna, dana, tapa not advisable- Ch. 18: 2, 5, 6, -Sattwic, rajasic and tamasic tyaga- Ch. 18: 4, -tyaga of actions out of delusion is tamasic- Ch. 18:7, -tyaga out of fear of pain or troubles is rajasic- Ch. 18: 8, -tyaga of fruits of dutiful actions is sattwic- Ch. 18: 9, 10, -complete renunciation of action impossible for the embodied- Ch. 3: 5,6, Ch. 18: 11; -karma yoga is true tyaga- Ch. 18: 2,11, -those who don’t renounce fruits of action reap three kinds of results- Ch. 18: 12

Uchchaishravas (king of horses): Ch. 10: 27 Udasin: Ch 12: 16 Union (see also Spirit, union with):

-that knowledge which leads to union or synthesis is sattwic- Ch. 18: 20 Universal cycles of creation: see creation Uttamaujas: Ch. 1: 6 Vairagya ( also see dispassion, renunciation):

-and endless bliss- Ch. 5: 21; -from sense pleasures- Ch. 5: 22; - as a way of controlling mind- Ch. 6: 35, -as part of real Jnana- Ch. 13: 8/9, -as part of sadhana- Ch. 18: 52

Vainglory (see dambha)

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Vaishvanara (Divine Fire): (how God digests the food within creatures) Ch. 15: 14 Vaishya: (duties of Vaishyas): Ch. 18: 41, 44 Varuna: Ch. 10: 29 Vasudeva: Ch. 7: 19, Ch. 10: 37, Ch. 11: 50 Vasuki: Ch. 10: 28 Vasus: Ch. 10: 6, Ch.11: 6, 22 Vayu:

-as part of Apara Prakriti-Ch. 7: 4; -example of all-pervasiveness- Ch. 9: 6; Ch. 11: 39

Vedas (also see Shastras/Scriptures): Ch. 2: 45,46, Ch. 8: 11, 28, Ch. 11: 48, 53;

-I am Samaveda among Vedas- Ch.10: 22, -true knowledge of the Vedas- Ch 15: 1, -I am the source of all memory, jnana, purification, Vedas and their knower in ceatures- Ch 15: 15, -I am known as Purushottama in the Vedas- Ch. 15: 18; -and Ashwattha tree- Ch. 15: 1; -and Aum- Ch. 7: 8; -esoteric/exoteric aspects of- Ch. 2: 45; -and Gunas- Ch. 2: 45; -hymns, Vedic- Ch. 15: 1; -and knowledge- Ch. 15: 1, 15; -Rig, Sama and Yajur Vedas- Ch. 7: 17; -limited use of the Vedas/scriptures for one who has realized God- Ch. 2: 46;

Vedanta: Ch. 15: 15 Vibhutis (see powers/manifestations of Spirit etc):

-No end to My powers- Ch.10: 19, 40,41,42; -detailed description of the various manifestations of God- Ch. 10 complete

Vibhuti Yoga: Ch.10: 7 Vidya: Ch. 10: 32 Vikara (Modifications, also see Gunas, prakriti, creation): Ch. 13: 5/6, 6/7, 19/20; Virata: Ch. 1: 4 Visarga: Ch. 8:3 Vishnu: Ch 10: 21 Vision of God’s Cosmic Body (Vishvarupa darshan): Ch. 11: 15-50 Vrata (act of devotion) : Ch. 6: 14 Vyasa: Ch.10: 37, Ch. 18: 75 Weakness: (of heart/cowardice) Ch.2: 3;

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Wisdom (see also Jnana, discriminaton; rishis/sages): Ch. 2: 39,50, 66; Ch. 3: 32; Ch. 5: 18, 22; Ch. 7: 2; -and action- Ch. 4: 41; -and sense attachment and anger- Ch. 2: 62-63; -and Gita dialogue- Ch. 18: 63, 70, 71; -influence of sense attachments/ desire on wisdom- Ch. 2: 67; Ch. 3: 39, 40; -effects of wisdom- Ch. 2: 52, 56, 57; Ch. 4: 37-40 ; -of Guru/Sages- Ch. 4: 34; -and karma- Ch. 4: 19, 37; -and knower/knowing/known- Ch. 13: 2; -and liberation- Ch. 10: 10, 11; Ch. 14: 1; -and sin- Ch. 4: 36; -wise men, qualities of- Ch. 13: 7-11; Ch. 18: 51-53; -and Yoga- Ch. 3: 3, Ch 4: 41, 42, Ch. 12:12 ;

Who/What I am in different things in creation:

Ch. 7: 8-11, Ch 9: 16-17,18,19, Ch. 10: 20-42 , Ch 15: 12,13,14,18,19 Who is dear to Me: Ch. 12: 13-20 , Ch. !8: 68, 69 Wise (see also rishis/sages):

-nature of- Ch. 9: 13, 14, -how they live, their devotion- Ch. 10: 8-11, -right attitude of one who is wise and without doubts- Ch. 18: 2, 3, 10

“Witness conciousness” (Kshetrajna): Ch. 13: 1/2;

-Supreme Spirit as the Witness within- Ch. 13: 22/23 Womb: (of creation) Ch. 14: 3, 4, (and reincarnation) Ch. 14: 15, Ch. 16: 19; Worship:

-various ways of- Ch. 9: 13-15, -I am everything in acts of worship- Ch 9: 16, -of all gods comes to Me- Ch.9: 23,24, -you get as you worship- Ch. 7: 23, Ch 9: 25, -of the Guru as real Jnana- Ch. 13: 8 , -people worship as per their predominant guna- Ch. 17: 4; -of formless God is difficult for the embodied individuals- Ch. 12: 5,

Yadava: Ch. 11: 41 Yajna: Ch. 3: 9, 10, 12, 13, 14; Ch. 5: 29, Ch. 8: 4,28; Ch. 9: 16, 24, Ch. 16: 1,

Ch. 17: 7, 23-25; Ch. 18: 3-5; Ch.4: 23, 24, 25; -of self control- Ch. 4: 26, 27, -of material gains, of yoga, swadhyaya, jnana- Ch. 4: 28, -of pranayama- Ch. 4: 29, 30, -for freedom, happiness- Ch. 4: 31, 32, -comparison—Jnana Yajna the best- Ch. 4: 33, 34; -and action- Ch. 3: 9, Ch. 4: 32; Ch. 6: 1, Ch. 18: 5;

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Yajna contd….. -and Aum- Ch. 17: 24; -and creation- Ch. 3: 10; -and devas- Ch. 3: 11, Ch. 4: 25; -and food- Ch. 3: 13; -Japa Yajna- Ch. 10: 25; -Jnana Yajna- Ch. 18: 70; -and liberation- Ch. 4: 31, 32; -I am everything in yajna- Ch. 4: 24, Ch. 9: 16 ; -results of- Ch. 9: 20, 21; -and Tat- Sat- Ch. 17: 26, 27; -as a Daivi quality- Ch 16: 1; -sattwic, rajasic and tamasic yajna- Ch. 17: 11-13; -tyaga of yajna, dana, tapa not advisable- Ch. 18: 3, 5, 6;

Yajur Veda: Ch. 9: 17 Yakshas: Ch. 10: 23, Ch. 11: 22, (Rajasic devotees worship) Ch. 17: 4 Yama: Ch. 10: 24 Yati (see also sannyasi) : Ch.5: 26; Yoga (General): Ch. 5: 1, 5, 6, 7, Ch. 7: 1, Ch. 13: 24/25;

-defined and described- Ch. 2: 39, 48, 50, 53; Ch 4: 1, 2, 3, 27, 28, Ch. 6: 2, 20-23; -and action- Ch. 4: 41, Ch. 12: 10; -how to practice- Ch. 6:10 through 23; Ch. 12: 1, 14, Ch. 15: 11; -problems of restlessness- Ch. 6: 33-36, Ch. 12: 9,10; -and balanced life- Ch. 6: 16-17; -as the highest attainment- Ch. 6: 22-23; -Goal of Yoga- Ch 8: 11-13, 28, -and death- Ch. 7: 30, Ch. 8: 23-26; -and devotion to manifest vs unmanifest- Ch. 12: 1-5; -as final union with Spirit- Ch. 2: 53; -and liberation- Ch. 8: 5, 27, 28, Ch. 9: 34, Ch. 12: 8; -and peace from surrender of results- Ch. 12: 12; -results of yoga- Ch. 6: 18-23, 44, Ch. 12: 13,14; -efforts never wasted- Ch. 2: 40, Ch 6: 37-45; -yoga and Sankhya- Ch. 2: 39; -Yoga and wisdom- Ch. 4: 41, 42;

Yogamaya: (God’s power of delusion hides Him)Ch. 7: 25; Yogaroodha: Ch 6: 4 Yogam Aishwaram: Ch. 9: 5, Ch. 11: 8; Yogeshwara (Krishna):Ch. 11: 4, 9, Ch. 18: 75, 78;

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Yogi: -does work for purification- Ch. 5: 11, -definition- Ch. 6:1,2, 8, -victor over senses- Ch. 6: 19; -greatness of the yogi-: Ch.6:46, -be thou a Yogi- Ch 6: 46, Ch 8:27, -fate of imperfect yogi- Ch. 6: 37-44; -best among yogis- Ch. 6: 47; -yogi transcends all the benefits received from yajna, dana and tapa- Ch. 8: 28

Yoni (in the sense of womb): (Prakriti as womb) Ch. 14: 3, 4 Yudhamanyu: Ch. 1: 6 Yudhishthira: Ch. 1: 16 Yugas: Ch. 4: 8, Ch. 9: 7,8