complementary therapies - st elizabeth hospice

Complementary therapies Services services

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Complementary therapies


Page 2: Complementary therapies - St Elizabeth Hospice

When you’re in our care, you’ll receive the best possible medical treatment. We’ll also offer you help with the psychological and emotional aspects of coping with illness, loss and change.

In addition, you can take advantage of our range of complementary therapies, which we’re able to tailor to your needs.

How can these services help you?

Complementary therapies consider the wellbeing of the whole person and can alleviate physical, emotional and psychological symptoms.

Conditions that can be helped include:

• pain• fatiigue/energy difficulties• breathlessness• nausea• constipation• lymphatic drainage• odour control• muscle tension

Emotional and psychological symptoms, such as:

• anxiety• stress• low mood• insomnia

What’s on offer? At your initial consultation, one of our qualified complementary therapists will assess your needs and agree a programme of treatment with you.

You may need only a single session of a certain treatment, or a course of different treatments over time. Whatever you agree, the therapist will monitor any changes that you experience and – if needed – adjust the programme to make sure it continues to meet your requirements.

Since complementary therapies tend to cause deep relaxation, you should give yourself up to two hours after each session before starting any other activities. We recommend that you rest during this time, and avoid drinking alcohol, eating a heavy meal, or driving.

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To receive reiki healing, you lie fully clothed, on a treatment table while the therapist places their hands lightly on – or just above – your head and torso.

The treatment uses natural healing to promote a feeling of relaxation and comfort.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT is a self-help technique . It involves tapping near end points of ‘energy meridians’ that are located around the body.

It is used to reduce tension and provide a mind-body connection.

It is a quick and easy technique that does not require any equipment.

We provide the following therapies:


Aromatherapy involves the controlled use of essential oils from plants. The therapist blends these oils to create the most appropriate aroma, which you absorb during massage and by breathing.

We can provide you with the blends you prefer, so you can continue to feel the benefits at home.

Bach flower essences

Based on the work of Dr Edward Bach, this treatment uses natural flower extracts capable of producing a positive effect on your emotional health.

Dr Bach discovered 38 different essences that relate to particular characteristics or emotional states. Our therapist will work with you to understand which ones suit your situation, and then use up to six different flower essences to create the best blend.


During this treatment, the therapist will stimulate various reflex points on your hands and feet that correspond to specific areas of your body.

This stimulation can help to activate your body’s healing powers, and start to relieve your pain, soreness, aches and other symptoms.

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What’s the cost of these services?

Most of our services are free. However, if we do have to make a charge, we’ll let you know before you start using that particular service.

The hospice is not part of the NHS but works closely with other service providers including the NHS.

St Elizabeth Hospice is an independent charity and around three quarters of our income comes through fundraising and donations from our local community.

When and how are these services available?

We provide complementary therapy in a variety of settings, including our specialist beds, day centre, outpatient clinics, or your home.

A member of the complementary therapy team will get in touch with you following your referral.

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Tell us what you thinkHearing about your experience of St Elizabeth Hospice can help us to improve our services and provide better care and support for those who need it.

To make a comment or complaint, or to compliment us on something we’ve done well, please write to us or visit

Contact us 01473

St Elizabeth Hospice565 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 8LX