comparativestudy of jnu

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  • 7/25/2019 ComparativeStudy of JNU



    The library connects us with the insight and knowledge, painfully extracted from Nature, of the

    greatest minds that ever were, with the best teachers, drawn from the entire planet and from all

    our history, to instruct us without tiring, and to inspire us to make our own contribution to thecollective knowledge of the human species. I think the health of our civilization, the depth of our

    awareness about the underpinnings of our culture and our concern for the future can all be tested

    by how well we support our libraries.

    Current awareness services alert scholars, researchers, and health care practitioners to recently

    published literature in their fields of specialization. ibrarians who provide these services use

    various methods to keep current with academic and professional literature. Traditional methods

    include routing print !ournals, distributing photocopied !ournal tables of contents, and simply

    browsing professional publications. Newer methods include conducting saved searches in

    preferred databases and creating email table of contents alerts. "ach of these methods has

    disadvantages# $outed print material moves slowly, distributing photocopies is labor intensive,

    and browsing material re%uires extra time and active participation. &aved searches involve expert

    users and continual search amendments. "mail alerts flood in'boxes already brimming with

    unread items. The increasing availability of publisher' and vendor'supplied really simple

    syndication ($&&) feeds provides another option for current awareness services, one thataddresses many of the problems of traditional means. *hile $&& is not a new technology and

    feeds have been commonly available for news and blogs for many years, !ournal content

    providers were slow to follow suit. +oreover, the benefit of $&& for !ournal content in the

    dispersed digital environment is limited, as the identification, location, and management of new

    !ournal articles from multiple feeds can frustrate and overwhelm even the savviest user.

    *hile library literature on $&& feeds has been plentiful in recent years, few articles discuss

    services that fully leverage the push technology- power of $&&. The idea of providing a

    convenient and time'saving service to library users by collecting !ournal feeds and then bundling

    them into outline processor markup language (/+) files categorized by sub!ect has not been

    developed in the literature. nly one 0112 article describes using /+ files to access


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    information from multiple content providers without multiple subscriptions, thereby simplifying

    user access to the material.

    ibrarians at the "bling ibrary recognized the challenges patrons face in keeping current with

    the literature, as well as the potential of new services utilizing $&&. *hile the volume of tables

    of contents feeds supplied by publishers and vendors have increased markedly, feeds were still

    not readily recognized by, or easily accessible to, "bling ibrary3s patrons, few of whom reported

    using $&& as a means of staying current with the literature. The use of /+ was well outside

    the mainstream of librarianship, and, even among colleagues who were aware of /+, few had

    considered how it could be used to easily share groups of feeds between users and readers. The

    value of identifying, collecting, and categorizing new !ournal articles as a service to "bling

    ibrary3s clientele became apparent. 4fter acknowledging this need, a group of six librarians setout to develop and promote a new kind of $&&'based current awareness service that would save

    time, minimize effort, ensure %uality, and allow customization. Inspired by the 5eed Navigator

    developed by the National ibrary of 6ealth &ciences at the 7niversity of 6elsinki , a working

    group was formed and charged with exploring possibilities for an $&& current awareness service.


    The Central ibrary is a 8nowledge Centre which has rich resources mainly in &ocial &ciences,

    6umanities and &ciences. It is a nine'storey tower building and has a carpet area of about one

    lakh s%. ft. It is situated in the midst of the academic complex of the 7niversity and is the hub of

    all the academic activities of the 7niversity and provides comprehensive access to books,

    !ournals, reports, e'!ournal9online databases, e'books, electronic theses and dissertations.

    "stablished in :;ovt. publications and publications of some important International

    rganisations like *6, "uropean 7nion, 7nited Nations and its allied agencies etc.

    The Central ibrary is knowledge hub of =awaharlal Nehru 7niversity, It provides

    comprehensive access to books, !ournals, theses and dissertations, reports, surveys covering

    diverse disciplines.


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    Location:=awaharlal Nehru 7niversity Campus, New ?elhi.The Nine &torey ibrary building is

    surrounded by lush, glossy green trees on the natural landscape of 4ravali 6ills. It is the tallest

    tower of the Campus.


    The library has the largest collection of books, !ournals and other related materials in the field of

    ?istance "ducation, throughout the country.


    The library has the largest collection of books, !ournals and other related materials in the field of?istance "ducation, throughout the country.


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    General Library and Inforation Ser!ice"

    Reference Ser!ice

    4ccording to ?r. $anganathan, reference service is a personal service to each reader in helping

    him to find the documents and answering his interest at the moment pin pointedly, exhaustively

    and expeditiously.- (I>N7@ 011A@ 0

  • 7/25/2019 ComparativeStudy of JNU


    (iblio#ra)*ic "er!ice"

    Dibliographic services basically are those which guide the users of the libraries to the documents

    wherein their re%uired information is likely be available. 6ence these provide some bibliographic

    description of documents for which the users are interested. Information services like C4&, &?I,

    indexing and abstracting fall under bibliographic services of library.

    +urrent ,-arene"" Ser!ice .+,S/

    4ccording to D. >uha a current awareness service is the device of an information system

    through which the users of information can be informed promptly, as soon as possible after the

    publication but before absorption into comprehensive secondary sources, of current literature on

    a broad based sub!ect field or on an area in which a group of persons are interested, and

    presented in a manner, volume, rhythm intended to facilitate or cultivate current approach to

    information. In the context of a library, the time limit should be after the receipt of the

    publications but well before the receipt of the secondary publications containing them.-

    (I>N7@ 011A@ :;E)


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    +*aracteri"tic" of +,S

    &ome essential characteristics of C4& are as follows# It alerts the user about recent

    developments in his area of interest

    It does not answer any specific %uery

    It is a generic browsing tool at a very broad level

    Its contents vary according to institution, customers, resources etc.

    It is an announcement mechanism

    It is aimed at a large group of users and not single person based

    No feedback or correction mechanism of input document selection

    criteria is present

    &peed, currency and ease of use are important

    &ervice has to be %uick within reasonable period of delay

    &election has to be made from different types of documents

    The service is generic

    Currency of information is important

    ?eveloping current approach is the main goal of C4&


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    Selecti!e Di""eination of Inforation .SDI/

    It was 6. /eter uhn who first defined &?I in :;N7@ 011A@ 01B)

    +*aracteri"tic" of SDI

    It uses computers which made their appearance in the :;A1s and were beginning to be

    used in handling information.

    It is concerned with new information or information of recent origin, or that information

    which is current. 6ence, &?I is a form of current awareness service.

    The sources of new or current information may be both within the organisation and

    outside it. The fact that there are too many sources of information necessitated such a

    service in the first instance.

    &?I ensures that new information which is highly useful should be channelled (i.e.,

    directed or disseminated) to those points (i.e. users, scientists, managers, etc.) within the


    The channelling or directing of information to a given user is determined by the nature of

    his current work or interests.

    Inde0in# and ,b"tractin# Ser!ice

    Indexing and abstracting (I F 4) services are the important links in the chain of communication

    between the originator of information and the ultimate user. The ma!or factors that have

    contributed to the launching of secondary periodicals like indexing and abstracting services are#

    :. enormous growth in published literature

    0. diversity of publication

    E. language barrier

    B. scatter of published information etc. Indexing and 4bstracting services are excellent records of

    contemporary published literature, analysis of which would provide very useful indicators for


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    planning research and development. These indicators could throw a flood of light on the

    development of a sub!ect, its rate of growth, unploughed areas for further research and a number

    of other %uantitative and %ualitative data.

    Indexing and abstracting services bring together all or significant current publications, that lie

    scattered in a number of source documents. Indexing and abstracting services may be pertaining

    to a sub!ect or discipline, irrespective of the country from which a document originates, language

    or form (!ournal article, technical reports or thesis). There are also national I F 4 services,

    confining themselves to all documents that emanate from a country.


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    (a"ic" of ,b"tract"

    The 4merican National &tandards Institute defines an abstract as an abbreviated, accurate

    representation of the contents of a document, preferably prepared by its author for publication

    with it. (Germa and Germa@ 011

  • 7/25/2019 ComparativeStudy of JNU


    U"er )oint of !ie- on Library and Inforation Ser!ice"

    Library U"er

    ibraries and Information system are designed and built with the primary ob!ective of meeting

    the information needs of a group of people who constitute their user. The library exists for its

    user and everything that is done in the library is geared to the promotion of service to them. In

    ibrary and Information field, a number of terms have been used to represent users such as

    patrons, clients, members, customers, borrowers etc. Dut the most fre%uently used term in

    libraries is user.

    It represents a person who uses the library for his information needs. The users of one type of

    library are different from those of another type. In a public library the users are mainly children,

    students, housewives, researchers, retired persons, neo'literate etc. In an academic library the

    users are students, teachers and researchers whereas in a special library the users are mainly

    researchers or specialists who are specializing in a narrow field of sub!ect. 5rom what is stated

    above it can be assumed that in public libraries the users are heterogeneous and in the academic

    and special libraries the users are almost homogeneous in nature.

    Inforation Need

    +aurice D. ine has defined information need as, what an individual ought to have for his

    work, his research, his edification, his recreation etc.- (aloo @ 0110 @ :E)

    U"er Study

    J7ser studyK is the means for systematic examination of the characteristics and behavior of the

    users of the system and services. The Juser studyK is directly linked with the effectiveness

    (performance) of library and information services as they aim at satisfaction of user needs. 7ser

    studies imply a willingness to relate product or system design to the perceived needs of those forwhom the product or system designed is intended.


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    2et*od" or Tec*ni3ue" of U"er Studie"

    The following methods may be used for ascertaining the information regarding usersK needs#

    General or +on!entional 2et*od" 4ue"tionnaire

    Interview method

    ?iary method

    bservation by self

    perations $esearch &tudy

    0. Indirect 2et*od"

    4nalysis of ibrary $ecords

    Citation 4nalysis

    S)ecial and Uncon!entional 2et*od"

    Computer feedback

    7nconventional methods

    :. >eneral or Conventional +ethods These are the methods used for social survey but one can

    also use them for conducting user studies Luestionnaire Techni%ue# 4 %uestionnaire is essentially a skillful translation of ob!ectives

    of a particular study into a set of %uestions intended to be answered in writing. The

    %uestions may re%uest the user for some facts, or his opinion. They may be framed in any

    one of the three ways# those answered in yes or no@ those answered by selecting one of

    the given answers@ and open'ended %uestions that may be answered in one or more


    Interview# This involves face to face interaction between the researcher and the

    respondent. It is a formal or informal meeting or conversation with a person to obtaininformation. Interviews are of two types# &tructured and 7nstructured. In structured

    interview, a previously prepared set of %uestions is asked in the same order, while in

    unstructured interview there is no prepared set of %uestions, only the topic is decided in

    advance. 4nswer to one %uestion may be used as the basis for the next %uestion. It has a

    great degree of flexibility and may look like a discussion.


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    ?iary +ethod# This involves giving a diary (notebook) to the respondents or asking the

    respondents to keep a record of their activities. They are to note down the information

    needs that may have arisen in the course of their daily work, the problems involved, how

    the need were satisfied, or problem solved. Consideration will of course have to be made

    regarding the full cooperation of the respondent. /eople tend to take such matters

    casually. The investigator will have to make sure that the dairy is returned on the agreed

    date. &uch a method can be used on small groups.

    bservation (by self)# It is a modification of the diary method. 4 selected sample of

    participants is asked to record the information activity at different points of time. It is

    generally conducted within one building or floor with a facility to inform each

    participant, when he has to record his activity. In this method, demand on the

    participantsK time is reduced to a great extent. +oreover, they have to record only theactivity they are performing at that point of time. 4 number of such observations are

    recorded and later analyzed to reach on some definite conclusions on information

    behaviour of the participants.

    bservation (by others)# This involves the observation of the respondent by the

    investigator. In this method, a selected group of participants is observed at random times

    during working hours and time spent by them on various information activities is

    recorded. ater these observations are analysed and time spent by them on information

    activities, like perusing literature, looking up for references, actual reading, talking or

    listening to a colleague and so on, is calculated. 4 number of such studies have reveals

    that scientists generally spend almost half of their working hours in some form of

    communication and out of this only half the time is spent in actual reading, while rest half

    is exhausted in searching for information. Now, the problem of the information system is

    to design such services that reduce the searching time and provide more time for reading.


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    Indirect 2et*od":

    The above mentioned five techni%ues were general and used in conducting all types of social

    surveys. Desides them, there are some indirect methods used mainly for information need


    4nalysis of ibrary $ecords# "very library maintains a number of records regarding itsfunctioning. $ecords of reference and circulation sections are very important. Number

    of %ueries on different sub!ect fields received and answered, time taken in answering

    the %ueries, sources used for this purpose, number of books issued on different sub!ects,

    are valuable records that help in understanding the reading habits and ascertaining

    information needs of the users.

    Citation 4nalysis# Citation analysis is another indirect method of identifying literature

    use pattern of users. It is based on the premise that people refer relevant earlier studies

    they consulted while writing a particular paper. The bibliographical references

    appended to every scientific communication can reveal a number of facts about the

    information use pattern of authors of the documents. 4n analysis of these citations

    reveal the relative use of different categories of documents, age of documents used,

    most fre%uently used periodicals, literature preference with regard to country, language,

    etc. 4lthough findings of citation studies are ob!ective in nature but they do not reveal

    the whole picture. Citation studies do not reveal use of secondary services like

    indexing9 abstracting services, and use of different channels of communication.+oreover, citation practice varies with individual authors. &ome cite very selectively

    while others are too liberal in this respect, still others prefer self'citations. 4ll these

    practices limit the usefulness of citation analysis.


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    S)ecial and Uncon!entional 2et*od" T*e"e et*od" eit*er *a!e ")ecial area" of

    a))lication or are u"ed rarely%

    Computer 5eedback# This techni%ue is used in computerized information services.

    The producers of computerized databases analyze the search statements of users and

    if a particular pattern is visible, they make use of this information for enhancing the

    usefulness of their database. *ith the expansion of Internet based services this

    techni%ue is increasingly being used.

    7nconventional +ethods# In addition to the above direct and indirect methods of

    conducting user surveys there are some unconventional methods that can also be

    used for this purpose. ne such techni%ue may include asking the authors of

    contributions in a conference about use of various channels and sources in writing

    their contributions. In a different situation, reading of biography of a renowned

    scientist or social scientist may give vital clues regarding their information seeking

    behavior. Thus, the information needs of various users are ascertained.


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    The present study intends to examine the following ob!ectives#

    To procure, organize and disseminate information in different formats.

    To support and promote the use of rich and diverse collection among the users. To preserve and house the collection for posterity.

    To enhance and support the academic environment by providing seamless access to

    information resources.

    To study and to access the information on products and services offered by the

    I>N7,=N7 and ?elhi library in the disciplines of the current awareness services.

    5or the information needs of teachers and researchers and the willingness to identify in

    order to pay for the information of products and services by I>N7,=N7 and ?elhi

    library in the disciplines of the current awareness services.

    To study the knowledge of the consciousness of selling Information /roduct F &ervices

    at I>N7,=N7 and ?elhi library in the disciplines of the current awareness services.

    To study and understand the common problems of user access to information, goods or

    services in I>N7,=N7 and ?elhi library in the disciplines of the current awareness



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    Sco)e "a)le and Hy)ot*e"i"

    The study is being conducted to identify the current awareness services of I>N7,=N7 and

    ?elhi library . The study will include researchers and lecturers from seven divisions namely

    "conomics, 6istory, /olitical &cience, &ocial *ork, /ublic 4dministration, &ociology,

    /sychology and following among the social sciences.

    It gives the target population that will be sampled. This research was carried in New ?elhi and

    using :11 respondents.


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    Re"earc* 2et*odolo#y

    5or the purpose of the investigation was a %uestionnaire. The %uestionnaire was pre'tested before

    using it with the study population. 4ll respondents were given the same %uestionnaire, regardless

    of their status. The %uestionnaire was distributed to all respondents who voluntarily agreed to

    participate in the study. The respondents were also interviewed to fill in the gaps.

    +arketing research is Mthe process or series of processes that consumers, customers and end

    users links to the marketer through information ' information used to identify marketing

    opportunities and problems and define, generate marketing campaigns, refine and evaluate ,

    marketing performance monitoring, and improve understanding of marketing as a process

    +arketing research indicates it is needed to address these issues information, designs the method

    for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection and analyzes. the results

    and shares the findings and their implications.

    It is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing %ualitative and %uantitative data on issues

    related to the marketing of products and services. The purpose of marketing is to identify and

    assess how changing elements of the marketing impact customer behavior. The term is often

    interspersed with market research@ however, practitioners may wish to distinguish, in which

    market research relates specifically to the markets, while marketing research is concerned

    specifically about marketing processes.

    +arket research is often divided into two sets of categorical pairs, either by target market#

    Consumer marketing research, and

    Dusiness'to'business (D0D) marketing research


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    ?ocumentation activities of a country are very buried in connection with the research and

    development efforts of the country.

    $esearch libraries spend vast amounts each year in building their collections and theprovision of library services.

    Dut these are no use if they are not used to satisfy information needs of library users.

    "fficient use of resources and services can be achieved through marketing approach.

    It can help them in the task of designing, developing and delivering the right services and



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    Or#ani6ation of t*e "tudy

    The Indira >andhi National pen 7niversity (I>N7), founded in :;HA by an 4ct of

    /arliament, has sought consistently to build an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive

    education. It has attempted the gross enrollment ratio (>"$) by offering high %uality education

    through open and distance learning (?) mode to increase.

    The university began offering two academic programs in :;H2, ie ?iploma in +anagement and

    ?iploma in distance education, with strength of BA0H students.

    Today, the educational aspirations of more than three million students in India and other

    countries through 0: schools of studies and a network of

  • 7/25/2019 ComparativeStudy of JNU


    The Indira >andhi National pen 7niversity, the National $esource Centre for pen and

    ?istance earning, with international recognition and presence, will be seamless access to

    sustainable and learner'centric excellence education, skill upgradation and training for all,

    through original technologies and methodologies and ensuring convergence of existing systems

    for large'scale development of human resources, which is re%uired for the promotion of

    development integrated national and global understanding.

    The university has a decisive influence in the field of higher education, community education

    and continuous professional development. The university is a network with reputed public

    institutions and private companies to improve the educational opportunities offered by it. 4s a

    world leader in distance education, with awards of excellence by the Commonwealth of earning

    (C), Canada, awarded several times.

    The 7niversity is committed to excellence in teaching, research, training and extension activities,

    and serves as a national resource center for expertise and infrastructure in the ? system. The

    university3s Centre for "xtension "ducation, National Center for ?isability &tudies and the

    National Centre for Innovation was established in ?istance "ducation, focusing on specific

    groups of learners and enrich the distance learning system.

    *ith the launch of "dusat (education satellite exclusively) on &eptember 01, 011B, and the

    establishment of the Inter'7niversity association, the 7niversity has ushered in a new era of

    technology'enabled education in the country. 4ll regional centers and high enrollment study

    centers are e%uipped with active two'way video conferencing network connectivity, which has

    made it possible to handle interactive digital content.

    "mphasis is now placed on the development of interactive multimedia and online knowledge,

    and adding together value to the traditional distance education delivery mode with modern

    technology'enabled education in the context of blended learning.

    ver the years, I>N7 has met the expectations of providing education to the marginalized

    sections of society in the country. 5ree of charge education is provided to all prison inmates

    across the country. 4 large number of &C 9 &T students admitted to the university3s various



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    ibrary is a growing organism. ibrary users, staff, collection and services grow. The sphere of

    knowledge is also expanding very rapidly, and there is a conse%uent increase of library

    documents. 4s a result of all these, the needs of the library users have become very urgent and

    complex. ?elivering services to the users is not sufficient but I& professionals are supposed to

    deliver %uality services. To bring %uality in the services we have to use modern techni%ues and

    Information Communication Technology (ICT). 4 good service adds value to library resources

    by enabling the customers to use those resources effectively. ibraries need to understand their

    customers, the learners, and their re%uirement and expectations. 4 strategic focus on customer

    service can act as an effective tool in helping libraries to accomplish their mission of serving

    users or customers in an improved way.


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    Daradol, 4.8., :;;2. Current awareness service. In# /rasher, $.>. (ed.), ibrary and

    information science parameters and perspective. G0. New ?elhi# Concept /ublishing

    Company, pp:0':;.

    Daruah, 4., 011B. ibrary science prospects in 0:st century. New ?elhi# 8alaso Dooks.

    ?eka, /.8. and &ingh, &.8., 0112. Internet and web technology for library in digital

    environment with reference to college libraries of >uwahati. In# /roceedings of 5ifth

    National Convention on /romotion of ibrary 4utomation and Networking in North

    "astern $egion (/4NN"$'0112), >uwahati, ?ecember 2'H, 0112, IN5IDN"T#


    ?himan, 4.8. and ashoda $ani, 011A. Information and reference sources and services.

    New ?elhi# "ss "ss /ublication.

    I>N7, 0111. Information Institutions, /roducts and &ervices. +I&'1B, Dlock 0. New

    ?elhi# I>N7.

    I>N7, 011A. Information communication technologies# applications, /art I:. +II'

    :1B, Dlock E. New ?elhi# I>N7.

    8hode, &. and ?har, 7., 0110. ibrary services and functions in changing environment'

    an overview. Indian =ournal of Information ibrary and &ociety, :A(:'0), pp 0B'0;.

    8rishan 8umar, 011B. $eference service. New ?elhi# Gikas /ublishing 6ouse.

    8umar, /.&.>., 011B. Information sources and services. New ?elhi# D.$. /ublishing


    aloo, D.T., 0110. Information needs, information seeking behaviour and users. New

    ?elhi# "ss "ss /ublication.

    /athak, &.8., +ishra, 4. and &ahoo, >., 011H. 5uture of web based library and

    information services# an Indian scenario. In# /roceedings of &ixth Convention on

    /romotion of ibrary 4utomation and Networking in North "astern $egion (/4NN"$'

    011H), Nagaland, November

  • 7/25/2019 ComparativeStudy of JNU


    /remoda, 8h., 011;. +odernisation of college libraries in +anipur. 7npublished

    ?issertation (+/hil), +izoram 7niversity.

    $adhakrishna, 8.4., :;;;. Information filters# revival of selective dissemination of

    information (&?I) service in the internet era. ibrary &cience with a &lant to

    ?ocumentation and Information &tudies, E