cómo debe ser la seguridad en el software móvil

Mobile software security done right The five big questions that lead to secure mobile development By Jacob West Chief Technology Officer HP Enterprise Security Products

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Cómo Debe Ser La Seguridad en El Software Móvil


  • Mobile software security done rightThe five big questions that lead to secure mobile development

    By Jacob WestChief Technology OfficerHP Enterprise Security Products

  • Value stream 1: From strategy to portfolio

    In a user-centric world, apps are the heart of how people experience the enterprise. Not so long ago, the task of taking a service from initial request to final production might have been measured in months. But given todays demands for a constant stream of new capabilities, we now measure delivery in weekseven days. This brings a monumental change to every aspect of the strategy-to-portfolio stream.

    Of course, if yours is like most IT organizations, you already have IT portfolio processes and solutions in place. But its likely that you are looking to improve the consistency and quality of the data that those processes produceand youre probably seeking a broader, more complete view of how steps in the processes interact.

    In the midst of all this, in-house IT often doesnt control the end-to-end design of a system and instead must become proficient in rapidly brokering and integrating commercially sourced services and apps as well as creating its own. This has given rise to new development methods like Agile, and programming and delivery methods like DevOps. The bottom line is that we must be able to manage the entire service lifecycle so that we can deliver results quickly, flexibly, and continuously.

    Its no longer acceptable for IT to simply align to the businessit must be a cohesive part of the business, defining and measuring its value in business terms.-David Wray, CTO, IT Performance and Governance, HP Professional Services







    Security in the mobile world

    Why is mobile security an imperative?

    Who will users hold accountable?

    What platform strategy makes sense?

    Where should you develop your mobile apps?

    How do we build secure mobile apps?

    Mobile security self-assessment










  • Security in the mobile worldAs users increasingly work on mobile devices, HP Security Research expects the number of threats and vulnerabilities to grow precipitously in the years ahead.

    Todays security-conscious users will hold someone accountable for every security misstep they encounter on mobile deviceseven if that accountability is ultimately misplaced.

    With security challenges looming, organizations must develop a security strategy that encompasses the varied choices they will have to make in the fast-changing mobile ecosystem.

    Five questions to lead decisivelyHere are five questions that enterprises must askand answerto set a foundation for a robust, cost-effective mobile application security strategy.

    1. Why is mobile security an imperative? Intense worldwide mobile adoption rates are putting a finer point on the responsibilities of mobile app purveyors.

    2. Who will users hold accountable? The perception of fault for vulnerabilities in mobile apps is decided by users.

    3. What platform strategy makes sense? Native apps, once the default choice for many enterprises, often create unnecessary security and support challenges compared to hybrid or cross-platform alternatives.

    4. Where should you develop your mobile apps? From in-house development to boutique mobile-centric outsourcers, where an app is built introduces important tradeoffs.

    5. How do you build secure mobile apps? Security best practices for building traditional software can often be easily adopted by mobile development projects.

    When it comes to secure mobile development, one size does not fit all. Each organization must fully absorb the issues that underlie these five questions. Only then will you have the foundation you need to create a mobile app strategy that offers the best protection for your business and, most importantly, for your users.

    We tackle each of these questions on the following pages.


    Who What Where




  • 4Worldwide device shipments by segment(Thousands of units)

    Why is mobile security an imperative?

    We are in the midst of a huge shift in the technologies people depend on. In Q4 of 2010, the industry shipped more smartphones than PCs (laptops and desktops combined) for the first time. Gartner projects a steady decline in desktop devices and a sharp rise in shipments of mobile devices in the years to come.

    In some developing countries such as India, traffic generated by mobile devices has already surpassed the traffic originating from traditional PCs. While this isnt yet the case in the United States or Europe, the trend is spreading worldwide and impacts the way enterprises connect with customers, partners, and employees.

    As an industry, were moving away from traditional desktop computers in favor of mobile devices for all aspects of our IT interaction. As a result, mobile has become the major area of growth for IT and development investment.

    Clearly, enterprises must adapt to a mobile world. Perhaps less clear, however, is the fact that organizations that do so without properly accounting for security will put themselves at a rapidly growing disadvantage compared to their security-aware competitors.

    Who What Where




    Source: Gartner (April 2013)

    Device type

    PC (Desk-based and Notebook)



    Mobile phone


    Total 2,213,373























  • 5Who will users hold accountable?

    Organizations are not, for the most part, being held accountable for the level of security in their mobile applications. This is because large-scale public breaches still occur far more often in web and traditional infrastructure applications than in mobile applications. But thats going to change.

    Thanks to the rapid adoption of mobile technology, the number of high-profile breaches resulting from vulnerabilities in mobile apps and their back-end infrastructure is sure to grow. As this happens, users are going to look for someone to hold accountable. Who will pay the price?

    Who What Where




    App developersNetwork providers

    App owners

    Manufacturers OS authors


    Security is everyones problem

  • 6Who will users hold accountable?

    App ownersNaturally, users often start with the most obvious association: the app owner. If your logo was on the app that allowed a users data to be compromised, they might (often rightly) assume that it was your code that allowed the breach to occur. But app owners wont be the only targets for user backlash.

    App developersMany users of mobile apps today have no idea who developed them. They often assume the logo featured in the app is the same as that of its developer, but we know that isnt always the case. As users become more mature in sourcing their applications, development shops that dont build security into apps risk incurring ire as well.

    Network service providers, device manufacturers, and OS authors The biggest cost for the users of mobile devices, in most cases, is the monthly payment for a data service plan. The network service provider is responsible for the way apps connect to back-end servers and infrastructure that drive functionality. A compromise might drive users to send that monthly payment to another provider.

    Especially for less tech-savvy users, if something happens to compromise data theyve entered into a device, they might take out their unhappiness on the device manufacturer by opting to purchase a device from a competing vendor.

    Finally, a users choice of operating system typically governs their choices for acquiring new apps. Few app vulnerabilities are caused by the underlying OS. However, the association between an insecure app and the distribution channel over which it was obtained could hurt OS authors who, like device manufacturers and network service providers, rely on brand loyalty.

    In short, every actor in the mobile ecosystem has something to gain from improved software security for mobile apps. When security incidents occur, everyone in the mobile security landscape is at risk of losing the trust of their users. In the face of angry users, the perception of culpability can cost you customers and reputation.

    Enterprises with mobile apps should consider how their choice of platform, development strategy, and delivery impacts users perceptions of fault, and work with partners who are building user trust in the entire ecosystem.

  • 7What platform strategy makes sense?

    Native versus hybridIn the early days of smartphones, we saw a lot of companies jump straight into native app development (primarily Apple iOS and Google Android). We saw it even for apps that didnt require the advanced access to hardware and user interface capabilities that native apps provide. Despite gaining no particular advantage, organizations burdened themselves with multiple development initiatives to support multiple platforms, and faced a corresponding multitude of security challenges.

    Companies are beginning to wise up. Many will soon trade native app development for a single solution that spans as many platforms as possible. Gartner supports this theory: By 2015, 80 percent of available apps will be either pure mobile-optimized web applications or hybrid apps that support multiple platforms by rendering web content in lightweight native containers generated from source code written once and compiled to multiple target platforms.

    Who What Where




  • 8What platform strategy makes sense?

    Choosing a secure language Finally, when it comes to platform strategy, consider the inherent security of the programming language that underpins your targeted platform.

    Objective-C, the language iOS apps are written in, has been around for some time, yet was not widely known before iPhones became popular. Because of this pedigree, Objective-C has legacy challenges:

    1. It is not type- or memory-safe, which means buffer overflows are a major risk for developers building iOS applications.

    2. Because it wasnt widely used in enterprises before iOS, the industry does not have a decades-long backlog of experience, tools, and processes to support secure development.

    In contrast, Android applications are written in Java. This is advantageous for the typical enterprise, which has ample Java development expertise already in house. There is also a much longer history of tool support and processes to support secure development in Java. Finally, Java is a more modern language, which means we can rule out problemssuch as buffer overflowsthat only result from type-unsafe languages like Objective-C. Of course, ruling out a single class of vulnerability doesnt guarantee any meaningful level of security.

    While security issues wont be the only factor in your platform decision, these issues are a major driver pushing enterprises back to mobile-optimized web applications.

    The delivery issue Increasingly, the app store is going to be the control point for mobile security. Once a vulnerable or malicious app has been delivered to the device, its too late to find and eliminate it effectively. Its far more effective to make the choke point at the point of delivery, where resources are more plentiful and no damage has been done.

    Gartner says that by 2017 or 2018, 25 percent of enterprises will have their own enterprise-specific application store for delivering applications to their users. Google Play supports a model for enterprises that want to create their own app stores, but does little to account for security.

    The advantage of the Apple modela closed app storeis centralized control over the ecosystem. Apple has a lot of control over what can be delivered to devices, as well as the ability to revoke applications from devices if the app is found to be vulnerable or malicious. However, enterprises that want to go beyond Apples efforts to secure app downloads have few options.

    As the market becomes more saturated and competition for remaining market share grows more intense, security at the app-store level will be a key differentiator. This differentiator will impact not only commercial app stores, but also enterprises that want to provide secure apps for their workforce.

  • 9Where should you develop your mobile apps?

    Very few companies today write all of their own code. Outsourcing relationships are the norm, not the exception. Mobile growth means accelerated delivery expectations, and that has led many companies to further increase their outsourcing. In particular, companies are often using specialized boutique development firms that only build mobile applications. But is it a good idea?

    Lets consider the pros and cons of mobile development options:

    Who What Where




    In-house Traditional outsource


    Control Integration



    Knowable expectationInfluence




    Unknown expectations Influence/control

    The ups and downs of mobile development options

  • 10

    Where should you develop your mobile apps?

    In-house development Pros

    Leverages your existing investments in infrastructure and process.

    Makes it easier to integrate new development with existing systems.

    Provides control over the secure development lifecycle used to build the software.

    Maximizes ROI on existing secure development processes by extending them to mobile.


    Increases training costs for staff on new technologies, such as for Objective-C or developing on the Android platform.

    Requires diligence when adding on to legacy applications to avoid introducing risk by exposing new capabilities.

    Requires mobile platformspecific knowledge in the central security team.

    Traditional outsourcing Pros

    Removes surprises, as expectations for long-term outsourcers are already established.

    Provides you with greater influence over the way the software is built than you might have with a new company or a specialized outsource firm.


    Makes it harder to find specialized talent on mobile development.

    Doesnt change your accountability for the security of your applications. You must be able to validate that the software is secure when accepting delivery.

    Boutique firmsPros

    Can deliver apps more quickly and at lower cost than the alternatives by utilizing specialized talent for delivering mobile applications on different platforms.


    Tend to focus on delivering a consumer product very quickly, which may lead the firm to have a lack of security expertise or engineering depth.

    Can struggle with back-end integrations due to a lack of experience and limited access.

    May have development and security processes that are not open to external influence.

  • 11

    How do we build secure mobile apps? Security for mobile app development isnt terribly different from security for traditional application development: all the core principles of the traditional client-server relationship still apply. So what do we know about how companies build secure software?

    At a high level, most companies move through three levels of maturity when rolling out a software security initiative.

    Level 1The first level of maturity is the establishment of a central security team whose job is to run vulnerability assessments on a very small set of the most important applications, looking for the most serious vulnerabilities. The central security team eliminates the highest-risk issues, but its a reactive model that does not scale well. Typically, the central security group is just 2 percent of the size of the software development team. The exclusively centralized model is not designed to address all security risks, and increasingly this is what companies must do.

    Level 2The next level of maturity is when the central security group begins to work very closely with the development team, helping them perform security assessments and raising their awareness about secure coding practices. In this model, the central security team focuses on sophisticated issues, while the coding team takes responsibility for simpler tasks.

    Level 3At the most mature stage, the development team is responsible for its own security. The central security group acts primarily as a trusted partner, enabling development, setting policy, and perhaps creating tool and process customizations.

    Who What Where




    Software security assurance journey

    Reactive: assessing and remediating code

    Security team alone responsible for security

    Small set of programs

    Addressing software security after the fact

    High IT value


    In place: software security required before production

    Security team works with development on security

    All critical software secure

    Solving software security during development

    High business value


    Proactive: instilling best practices into future code

    Development takes over responsibility for security

    All enterprise software embedding security into software development lifecycle (SDLC)

    High strategic value


  • 12

    How do we build secure mobile apps?

    The state of security maturityPerhaps the best way to learn best practices for software security is to look at what other organizations are doing. The Building Security in Maturity Model (BSIMM) makes this information available in aggregate across the software community.

    The BSIMM is a study of real-world software security initiatives, organized so that you can determine where you stand with your software security initiative and how to evolve your efforts over time. BSIMM4 describes the software security initiatives at 51 well-known companies. All told, the BSIMM describes the work of 974 software security group members, working with a virtual team of 2,039 people in other roles to secure the software developed by 218,286 developers. On average, the participants have practiced software security for nearly six years (with some initiatives being brand new at first measurement, and the oldest initiative being 17 years old in September 2012).

    BSIMM4 describes 111 activities, organized in 12 practices according to the Software Security Framework. The study keeps track of how many times each activity was observed in the 51 firms. Here are the resulting data. (To interpret individual activities, download a copy of the BSIMM document from bsimm.com.)

  • Mobile security self-assessment If we take the why for granted, there are four questions left to answer as you assess or build a mobile security strategy: who, what, where, and how.

    Who Think first about the type of apps you have: What do they do, and who uses them? Who will your users hold accountable for security mishaps, and how will you respond?

    What Next, think carefully about platform support. Plan to support only those platforms that your users care about, and avoid the security entanglements of native apps unless your business requires specific capabilities they provide.

    Where Decide on the best strategy for app developmentin-house, traditional outsourcer, or boutique mobile development firmto meet your needs. If you go for in-house development, make sure you retain the right security expertise and adopt a secure development process.

    How Finally, decide on a development and delivery mechanism for your mobile apps that gives you control and accountability.

    By asking these questions up front, youll develop a thorough strategy for mobile app security that not only protects your users, but also guards the organization against the damaging effects of security missteps.


    Platform support; web or hybrid over native

    Your users

    In-house development or outside?

    Secure delivery





  • Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

    For more, visit HPs page on mobile application security, and go to Fortifymyapp.com to assess the security of mobile apps youve already developedincluding a free tool to test your code.

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    Jacob West is chief technology officer for Enterprise Security Products (ESP) at HP. In his

    role, West influences the security roadmap for the ESP portfolio and leads HP Security

    Research (HPSR), which drives innovation with research publications, threat briefings, and actionable security intelligence delivered through HP security products.

    A world-recognized expert on software security, West co-authored the book Secure Programming with Static Analysis with colleague and Fortify founder Brian Chess in 2007. Today, the book remains the only comprehensive guide to how developers can use static

    analysis to avoid the most prevalent and dangerous vulnerabilities in code.

    West co-authors the Building Security in Maturity Model (BSIMM) and speaks frequently at customer and industry events, including RSA Conference, Black Hat, Defcon, and OWASP. A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, West holds dual degrees in computer science and French, and resides in San Francisco.