community services

Openbravo Get Together Technology Day Community Services Barcelona, 13 th of April 20 Speaker: Jordi Mas

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Openbravo Get TogetherTechnology DayCommunity Services

Barcelona, 13th of April 2008Speaker: Jordi Mas

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Openbravo Manifesto

Openbravo Forums

Openbravo Bug Tracker System

Source code control with Subversion


Openbravo IRC channels

How to contribute to Openbravo


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Openbravo Manifesto values

Objective: Openbravo company statement regarding its vision and commitments towards open source and the open source projects that is currently leading, Openbravo ERP and Openbravo POS. Transparency. We think that transparency is key when you are working on an open source project and it is fundamental to boost collaboration among different project members. Openness. We believe in open standards, open protocols and formats, and open source as a more efficient way of developing, operating and integrating software solutions. Collaboration. We are open to everyone that wants to collaborate with us as individuals, companies or institutions. We strongly believe in using cooperatives ways of building business solutions. Meritocracy. We believe we should gain people's respect and recognition due to our work. We shall always make sure that people have access to our open resources based on their work and their skills.

Openbravo Get Together – Community servicesOpenbravo Bug Tracker System

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Openbravo Manifesto commitments

Open access to the development trunk: We guarantee read access to the main development trunk for everyone. Commit access is provided to all people that have demonstrated technical skills. Open documentation: We will offer free product documentation for Openbravo ERP and Openbravo POS to everyone. We think that good documentation is a key factor to success for any open source project. Infrastructure: We will provide the necessary infrastructure to make Openbravo ERP and Openbravo POS succeed as open source projects. That includes the software development infrastructure, like bug tracking or source control systems, etc. Legal defence: Openbravo is committed to defend Openbravo ERP and Openbravo POS in the event of any claim or infringement by third parties. Attribution: Openbravo is committed to recognize people's contributions to its products. All the contributor's names ar included as authors in the source code files. Non discrimination: Openbravo will not prevent other companies to offer commercial products and services that compete with Openbravo, such as training, custom development, second level support or similar

Openbravo Get Together – Community servicesOpenbravo Bug Tracker System

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Discussions between the community about common interest topicsDevelopment plans, share experiences, express point of view Requests for community help Main point of meeting of Openbravo community

Openbravo Get Together – Community services

Main purpose


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There are several forums, some for discussion and some for help. Some forums are also in languages other than English.

Please, make sure you post your message in the right forum

Forums are maintened by a community of volunteers

Don't expect commercial support when you ask for help. If you can contribute your experience, do not hesitate to do it. Even if an answer is not complete, it is better than nothing.

In a forum, answers and replies are not inmediate

Try to write clearly your opinions and questions. If necessary, provide the right information about your environment so that people can understand your context properly


Openbravo Get Together – Community servicesForums

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A database of known Openbravo defects and its live cycle during the development process. It is the only bug tracker system that we have. All Openbravo bugs are public. Currently: 244 bugs open, 261 closed (last 3 months average) Bug reporting is an important way for our community to contribute

Openbravo Get Together – Community services

Main purpose

Openbravo Bug Tracker System

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How good bug report looks like

Is Reproducible.. Developers must reproduce it or conclusively prove that it exists. Provide step-by-step instructions for reproducing the bug. Is Specific. Try and figure out exactly what causes the problem. Do not report more than one issue in the same report. Describes your environment. Include information about the versions of your operating system and other components which Openbravo relies on for its execution. Provides a good summary. A summary like "program hangs" is a bad sample of a summary because it does not provide any indication of where or how the program fails. Includes all the bug description fields. It helps a lot when managing the bug reports that users fill up the Category (type of problem) and Group (version) fields. Is not anonymous. Often developers need to contact the user to get additional information about the bug. If the bug reporter cannot be contacted, the developer may not have enough information to fix the bug.

Openbravo Get Together – Community servicesOpenbravo Bug Tracker System

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Subversion (SVN) is a source control system. Provides the means to store not only the current version of a piece of source code, but a record of all changes (and who made those changes) that have occurred to that source code. Everyone can read the code, but only authorized people can changed it This is the tool that vertebrates the development in an open source project

Openbravo Get Together – Community services

Main purpose


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Where all the documentation for Openbravo is published. Documentation is free and released under a Creative Common license.Description of processes (contribution, localization, bug reporting, etc).Helps to coordinate collaborative tasks.

Openbravo Get Together – Community services

Main purpose


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Wiki contents

A web-base collaboration tool Content for users, developers, consultants and system administrators. Everyone (registered) can edit almost everything except for very sensitive

documents. Create new documents or fix existent ones. Possibility to translate documents (Spanish, German, etc).

Useful URL Help: Recent Changes:

Openbravo Get Together – Community servicesWiki

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Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, is the precursor to instant messaging and chat rooms Two channels: #openbravo, #openbravo-es. Around 10/15 people Ideal for real-time, quick answer and coordinate efforts. All the details at:

Openbravo Get Together – Community services

Main purpose


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Contributing to Openbravo

Get some ideas at Help others to install and implement Openbravo (Forums, IRC) Localize Openbravo to your region or language Report (and fix if you wish) any bugs, issues with the software (Tracker, Forums) Share your ideas or request on functionality (Tracker, Forums) Help to create and improve documentation (Wiki) Quality Assurance process involvement (e.g: 2.4x ) Document Openbravo success cases Develop plugins to connect with third party systems Develop new functionalities or modules.

Openbravo Get Together – Community services

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Community Plans 2008

A better Wiki. Building on top of our Wiki we plan to add more exciting functionality: enable users to rate articles, activate the discussion pages to allow people to comment on already existing articles, a better category system, better integration with RSS. New forums. This is has been a long request from our community: to have a better and more powerful forum system. New bug tracking system. Our current bug tracking system at SourceForge has many limitations. Mantis is coming soon. Single sign on for all the community services enabling users to authenticate once and gain access to the resources of multiple community systems. Openbravo Forge. Starting with Openbravo ERP R2.4x series, to be released in June 2008, it would be more easy to develop and deploy plugins, verticals and extensions. The objective of Openbravo Forge is to provide hosting services for projects of Openbravo contributors and to boost collaboration between the different efforts. Services like forums, source control, bug tracking, news publishing or file downloads would be provided.

Openbravo Get Together – Community services

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Questions and answers

Questions and Answers

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Thank you!

Openbravo Get Together