community development programme


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Presented by:Ambuj Dixit\Arpit Gupta\Prita Tiwari


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For the successful completion of this project we gratefully express our sincere thanks to

respected Prof. Katherine Combellick, and our respected director, Dr. Ramani for their

inspiration and wisdom.

Our project guide, Mrs. Yamini Karmakar(program co-ordinator), who steered us out of

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every pitfall, cannot be thanked profusely in any length of prose. It was she who

energized us to initiate this project and inspired us to prove her sanguine expectations.

We feel a deep sense of gratitude to Ms. Mrinalini Shrivastava, and Mr. Vipin Gupta for

their constant help and guidance in giving the important information.

We are also thankful to the principals and staff of various schools for their friendly

behaviour and constant cooperation.

Last but not the least we would like to thank all those who have directly or indirectly

helped us in the development and completion of this project.

PREFACE As the new millennium unfolds itself, there is a plethora of technologies before us. But

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before we get smothered with the bliss and convenience offered by this new era, lets have a look at the other side of the coin: ILLITERACY! To build a strong empire, a deep and an impeccable foundation is a must. Today, the whole world is raving about advancement, digital revolution and what not, but is it really worthwhile when 50% of the population is illiterate and 75% computer illiterate! People consider technology as a panacea for all the problems but with all this we`ll deal only with the symptoms- no matter how conscientiously we do it, the situation will keep getting worse. The problem can be tackled only if we get to the root of the matter. That’s why we need to do something now. Before its too late. The main goal of the project is to take a mentorship role in community. The project seeks to develop potential of the young generation so that they can contribute towards the country as a whole. Their potential can be then converted into a cultural advantage,

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enabling the participants to become good citizen by learning how to manage themselves and serve the community. There are umpteen souls on this earth who are deprived of all wealth, prosperity, human dignity and happiness. Medical ethics says, “Prevention is better than cure”. To give charity to a beggar is social service, to create social atmosphere so that nobody has to beg is social change. To protect a weak person by giving him weapons is social service, to make him strong enough to let him manufacture and use his own weapons is social change. To assure protection to sacred minorities may be social justice, to give them power so that they can defend themselves is social transformation. Thus, here lies the importance of this project that stands not only for social service or social justice but also for social transformation and economic emancipation. CONTENTS:


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INTRODUCTION: CDP stands for ‘Community Development programme’. The goal of the project is to take a mentorship role in community. The project seeks to develop potential of the young generation so that they can contribute towards the country as a whole. Their potential can be then converted into a cultural advantage, enabling the participants to become good citizen by learning how to manage themselves and serve the community.As we have said that the goal of the project is that of a mentor, guiding the people the younger ones, who are just living to live, who are just studying to study, who are neglected by the society, who are not even aware of the of their own future, who are not even aware of their existence. CDP is a collective phrase for all the activities carried out for the community, for the upliftment of mental and social level of the people, for helping the people to stand to the level of normal people, any task done for the welfare of community comes under this project.It is not only upliftment of the poor people, it is also about making each and

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every person a good one, so it is not an hour or 2 hour task, it’s a ongoing activity being done each and every minute, every hour and everyday as it starts from the self. In this project, the CDP governing committee planned to undertake following activities: i. Tutoring at different schools of Indore. ii. Tutoring old people who would like to learn how to read newspapers etc. or just spending time with the old or sick people at hospitals reading newspapers and doing other chores.iii. Lady students acting mentor to girls in troubled condition at love or otherwise (such as work, with a service that offers assistance to the girls or initiate a help-line or hotline at the university)iv. Help dying people or people with AIDS and other disease.v. Spending time at community centers that provide food to the homeless or beggars or people displaced from their homes and doing chores such as cooking food, serving food cleaning tables and dishes Helping rehabilitate street children by guiding them to join child rehabilitation centers and then assisting them to learn various crafts and literacy. In Indore the CDP project has been encouraged by Dr. Ramani (Director IIPS), and the

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Course Coordinator Ms. Yamini Karmarkar. The project was undertaken by the students of IIPS under guidance of Ms. Mrinalini Shrivastava. For this purpose, students were grouped as teams, to give free tuition, guidance and counseling to the student community in different schools so as to bring them into the main-stream of the society and help them in making their career. OBJECTIVE: The CDP`s work is to gather the kind of momentum and scale that the present situation demands and become a national movement indeed. There is a need for many more people to come together and explore ways of creating an effective platform for building a movement for fundamental change. This process requires a deeper dialogue on many more issues and questions than those we have addressed so far. The forte is to take initiatives, formulate strategies and design training programmes which are flexible and easily adaptable to economic realities and basic requirements for children of different strata of the society. In our case, the children of age-group, 13-18 were the nucleus of our project. This is, in fact a very difficult age.for the child, it is more difficult as he himself is trying hard to understand all the stimuli overwhelming him, starting from physical changes. They are inconsistent from day to day, not because they are fickle, but because they are in a

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continous experiment with life, trying to find the right level of comfort. So, we concentrated on such adolescents and teenagers from the less-privileged strata of society, who face numerous dilemmas and who get least opportunities to clear their mind completely.


Students of IIPS were very enthusiastic about this project. Their enthusiasm can be

judged by the contribution they made for the programme.

We students ourselves made the program, and designed the whole matter keeping in

mind the mental level of the students. This thing has made our project a grand success,

because the course structure is designed in such a manner that will definitely help

students. The teachers also appreciated the course content.

After making the outline of “What we will do?” we ourselves chose the suitable schools

and systematically approached to those schools.

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In schools we first described about the CDP project and its history. Then we made them

understand the main purpose behind this project that is to make the students more open

to the current scenario and also to make them aware of the future prospects of different

fields of education. We explained them the way in which we work..

Then we went to the schools, interacted with the students, judged them and accordingly

started following the pre-decided course of action, but, afterwards in few schools we had

to change our course structure so as to reach our aim. It was a new experience for all of

us to teach the students and then only we came to know about the various situations a

teacher has to face.

According to our experience and mistakes which we committed in class 11th and 12th we

made the students aware and showed them the way to acquire the best results.

Everybody enjoyed helping the students and interacting with them about their daily


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In this programme we dealt with the problems that youngsters face in deciding their

careers i.e. which stream to choose, what to do and what not do.

Subjects that were taught to the students include:

1.Indian Culture: In this, we made them talk about the core cultural; key factors of

the Indian society, what culture is basically. Also we explained the true concept of “

Aham Brahamashmi” , “ unity and diversity “ etc. We taught them the concept of

humanity and dharma, artha, Kama, and moksha.

2.General Awareness: In this, we dealt with the current affairs to keep them in touch

with what is going in and out of the country in politics, sports and business. Educating

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them about health and safety, sex and sexuality, govt. laws, their rights and duties etc.

3.Group discussion/personality development programs: This was a step to give

exposure to the students and boost confidence in them so that they meet the outer

world in a better way. We attempted to carve their personalities through SWOT

(Strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) so that they get smart enough to give

way to their ideas and shape their values and thinking, telling them about public

speaking, group skills, how to face people etc. Encouraging them to hit the balance

between the four key dimensions of life- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

4.Arts: We taught them economics - the way the money runs in the country,

geography - natural phenomena, how climate and vegetation affect the culture of a

place. In English- we dealt with literature, grammar and writing skills. Get them

accustomed with poetic and story writing skills. Helping them grow up in literary

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5.Science: In science, we aimed to make them familiar with the concepts of science

and technology. And to aware them of the basics of computer that is the demand of

the dynamic society.

A group of students guided the students to opt for their careers. We developed a

systematic set of various career options, which the students could pursue. We opened

new doors of opportunity before them and how they can benefit from it in the coming

future. We did our task to the best and guided them very effectively as we had

undergone same dilemmas and situations.


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In India, there are number of organizations working for weak, deprived and underprivileged people. There is a plethora of NGO`s and GO`s contributing to the development of women, backward classes and children. But during our survey, we found that most of them does not focus entirely on children. Still organizations like CRY, childline, care, salam balak trust , atc. have done good work to ensure that children need not remain emotionally, morally or materially deprived. There is one staggering fact which limits the desire of people to contribute to such charitable activities in India, there isn`t one cohesive group that works NGO`s in India, with the credibility and scalability to take money and deploy it well among the NGO`s in India. People don`t have a vehicle and even awareness is lacking sometimes. Such institutes are required to come up as that vehicle that can embrace the mission of charity

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and can provide a tool with which the ordinary man can contribute small amounts to make a difference. Other larger contributors too, must be assured that their money will be deployed well among the charitable causes that are close to their heart. Still, there are hundreds of organizations working with children all over India, with little or no resources. And for each underprivileged child there are atleast a handful of people who want to help. These organizations concentrate on raising funds for such children to deliver them better services, to educate them and counsel them. Even though we have been able to make a difference there`s still a lot more to be done, when we look at the enormous task still ahead of us.

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Over 3,00,000 chidren still live on the streets of our towns and cities. Around 111,000,000 are forced by circmstance to do some form of work. Out of that number, over 15,000,000 are bonded labourers. The fate of the girl child is even more disturbing. One out of every six girl childre does not live to see her 15th birthday. One-third of thoe deaths take place at birth. Many of these deaths are due to gender discrimination. Moreover, we observed that there were least organizations devoted to adolescents and teenagers. In the age group 13-17, an individual faces numerous dilemmas and problems which remain unsolved, if not solved correctly. Therefore, we decided to concentrate on this group of children.

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In a sense, the present national policies and its agenda does not cognizance of the issues of the struggling and innocent children- the future of the nation.



India in the last 50 years has developed an extensive education system and has created

a vast body of highly skilled academic people equipped with scientific and technological

capabilities, humanists, philosophical thought and creativity. Still, the new system of

education has not been able to solve the basic problems of the education. One of them is

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that there is a greater emphasis upon learning things than upon developing the talents of

the children. For this the examination system has to be blamed because within a period

of 3 hrs, it is not possible to test the knowledge of a student. Chance plays an important

role in these types of tests. So far we have not been able to develop or discover a better

examination system. Even the system of evaluation is under fire. It is not possible to

evaluate the ideas of the children in terms of marks so accurately. Moreover, evaluation

is more or less subjective.

The present education system burdens the students with a large number of subjects. We

have to unlearn at a later stage what we learn at a junior stage. This is not helpful in

bringing the latent qualities of the children. They should be made to think themselves

and should also be able to form their own opinions. This is possible if we begin with

specialization right from the junior stages.

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Radhakrishnan in one of his essays has pointed out that our education system has lost

contact with our culture. Unless the coming generations are familiar with the national

culture it is not possible to have proper type of progress in any direction. Indian culture,

rich as it is, has not lost its relevance, even today; western people after being dissatisfied

with materialism have started running towards Indian culture. So it is necessary that our

children should be taught about the basic principles of our cultural heritage. The

inclusion of the biographies of Nehru and Gandhi do not acquaint with culture


The educationists have always been thinking of making education job-oriented. In fact

education should not be tagged with any particular aim. It should be for its own sake.

Education is meant for mental enlightenment and for disciplining emotions and thinking.

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It should satisfy curiosity and arouse greater curiosity. But our education is responsible

for the development of repulsion child, even at an early stage, a positive hatred for


At present it is difficult to bring drastic changes in the system of education because a

very large number of the people will be affected. Had this been done when India got independence it would have been easier. A common man never wants to leave the beaten track because it does not involve mental exertion. That is why for a change, there is always a greater resistance. So it is necessary to bring changes slowly and slowly. But none can deny that our educational system needs complete overhauling. Response

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The enthusiasm of our people right from the beginning to the end reflected the common felling of interest and eagerness. First of all there was sense of satisfaction in helping the student in making them aware of all the facts as well as helping them in making their own future. Beside so many they were ready with their socks up to do hard work and help the school students and interact with students to give something to them, somethingsubjective, something hidden, some vision to see forward, some enthusiasm to stand up with the world to fight and be competitive in this digital era.

Our people really enjoyed the work and they feed back from the students of the school was fantastic. Students gradually started taking interest in us and their lots of quarries which were unanswered finally got the answered .we were right, the students w3ere indilemma over their future and we can proudly say that when we were having last talks with them they really forced us to think to tackle this project again andcontinue it.

The response from schoolteachers was also over whelming. They contributed fully with us when they made some efforts to understand our project, they also became interested and contributed in their own way. In school some teachers some teachers even attended our classes and told us 5that they really got something to learn and said that those type of classes helped in reducing gap between the students and the teachers and promised that in future f if need be then they will help us fully and in return we promised them to bethere when ever they will need something from us .

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Response from Fordham

As we were in contact with the students there, right from the starting we became net friends and shared our day-to-day experience with them. We shared a friendly relationship (information also), which we are still continuing. Madam Kate the convener of this project out there in Fordham came here and met us (a few students as it was a vacation time).


“ India the IT power, India the power of future, an emerging power”, we all like this and feel great when we hear it but first abreast yourself with the facts of India, our country.

India will stand when its legs will be strong enough, to support the whole body and we the people sitting out here constitute each and every part of Indian body except the legs. India’s legs are the people who are living out there in 5the villages being brought from the III class education, who don’t even have the complete knowledge about the profession (agriculture) they are doing, many of them who don’t even have the minimum

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qualification of primary education up to class 5th, which our constitution declares as a fundamental right of every citizen of India so proudly. So we are having legs but they are paralyzed.

So what we found is that today’s student should be so nurtured that at least he/she should be so aware to make something big out of him and this problem doesnot exist only with the student’s of lower strata but even the students in public schools and others. So here are some of our findings: -

• None or very few organizations are dealing with the personality overhauling of the students • Rat race in India it is worth to mention that engineering and medical streams are national hobbies whether they fulfill the basic aptitude and attitude need required by the subject or not. • Schools are not cared or looked after by the staff, as well as students ,due to their unconcerned attitude.• Lack of enthusiasm and awareness from both sides.• Faulty Govt. policies.• Huge communication gap between teachers and students. Teacher losing respect and students losing love and trust from each other.

All the problems above seem to be very small but in all they are breaking the backbone of Indian education system.

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SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT IN INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM:The objective of our education should be full and integrated development of the student’s personality providing balance of the student’s personality by providing balance of the five essential components in this respect- physical, practical, ethical, moral and intellectual besides highest sense of idealism, patriotism and service to humanity. Our future welfare will depend more on our spiritual strength than our material wealth. Following are some points that should be considered by government, private units, and individuals to improve upon our current education system: First of all we will have to change the meaning of literacy in India. It is not just signing the name or writing the name, it is much more than that. It is enhancing the creativity through knowledge; it is about acquiring through knowledge of any particular subject Our Indian education is lacking in many things even then if implemented properly it is one of the best education system. But the problem is that it doesn’t reach to the bottom line of the society.The strength lies on the basis on which it is standing. So first of all our education system should be such that it should reach to the lowest possible group, people should be made literate in terms of knowledge not in the sense described officially.There should be a balance between the rural and urban schools means, the education in

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urban schools should not be different than those of schools in rural areas. Quality education should be provided in rural schools also.Quality education should not be limited to upper class or rich class in fact the lower class people should also be given the opportunity to acquire quality education.Primary school syllabus should be revolutionized and proper implementations of the various Govt. plans for primary education should be followed. More and more colleges and schools should be opened for the convenience of the childrens of the village. Experienced professors and teachers should be head of these schools.Training camps for the teachers should be held regularly. Latest methods of education should be adopted.Quota system should be abolished and in place of that the backward candidates should be give financial help and financial help should be given on the basis of the pay of the familyThe old and outdated policies of the Govt. should be revised and if necessary should be dissolvedPeople must be continuously taught about the population explosion, which is the root cause of all the problems. Each and every problem existing India is due to the over loading of people.Private firms should voluntarily come forward and adopt some schools in the rural areas. There is lot of black money in India .to catch that money a trust should be set up in which the money given as the charity should be exempted from tax

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Govt. rules should be made easy in the sense that interference of politics in the field of education should be minimized. CCA activities should be introduced in the rural schools and there should be participation of schools in various events and functions. Teaching about the Indian culture should be made necessary from class 5th onwards. Balanced and responsible behaviour of the teachers towards students, they must be enough aware that student’s life depends upon them Last but not the least and most important is that vigilance commission should be given free hands to inquire about the funds given to various schools and state Govt. which will help in keeping check over the corrupt officers and ministers Limitations

It was a very good opportunity, which knocked our doors and provided us a chance to contribute for our society in one or the other way in an efficient manner

We tried our best & thus putting our best foot forward but as there is the scope of improvement everytime and as our project was not on a big scale, we found manythings that if we were having with us we would have contributed much more.

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We were able to cross every hurdle, which we could have done through hard work and devotion, but we were feeling help less where things were out of our hands,which we think tied our hands and limited our steps in contributing to society

Money and time were the biggest factor. As this was the work voluntarily taken by us so whatever expenses were there were borne by us, which created a sort of monetary vacuum but however we managed it.

Time was another big factor which proved another jolt for us .we were doing this project beside our college schedule so we had to do everything in two hours whichwe got in morning that is from 9-11 or 10-12 and in that we had to keep in mind the schedule of school as many were having their exams at that time or theirschedule of their was different.

Mind set of teachers and students :Earlier there was no support from the student and teachers we had to try really hard to get them under one roof, as when we use to go to classes there use to be handful no of students which showed directly that what is the mindset and what type of devotions isthere in students. The students were taking it as a chance to bunk the classes and the teachers as chance to miss classes and relax. The situations of some schools was really very pathetic we really wanted to bring at least some change in the mindset and we thinkthat we left the students in much better condition compared to what in which we found them.

Volunteer ship :No relation from ngo and go’s . Any work done by NGO and GO’s get the approval easily and they have better data, experience and information in this field .we had got no guidance and there was noone to show the path at odd times when we needed a sort of motivation from experienced people but we are highly thankful to our faculty and director who supported us and gave all the possible help to us.

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The mission of promoting digital revolution only ends when it is able to take the bottom line of people along with it otherwise there will be an irregular and polarized growth in Indian community leading to a highly unnatural structure which will create chaos. As statement made by a prominent personality says that if a student will not sit on Internet everyday for ten hours then the student will be behind by 1 yeareveryday.We believe that information has the power to bring about change and hence is an essential tool in the fight for social change. Disseminating child related need based information can be one of the biggest measures for this cause. So the essence is that instead of resting on the laurels achieved in the field of technology and digital revolution, its inevitable to ponder over the loopholes like illiteracy, poverty, unbalanced growth, inequality, and many and then to use the same technology, first and foremost, to deal with such staggering issues.

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NAME OF SOME ORGANISATIONS INVOLVED IN SOCIAL WORKS Tarun Sanskarcontact H O Mishra, V P Chaturvede1784, RanjhiJabalpur482005Madhya Pradesh330881, 332045 (O), 330230 (R)

BAHA'I VOCATIONAL INSTITUTEFOR RURAL WOMENINDORE, INDIA Baha'i Vocational Institute for Rural Women180 Bhamori New Dewas RoadIndore MP 452008India Tel: (+91) 731 5544066

Bharatiya Kushta Nivaran Sangh, Sonapara

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Address: Shri Pardeep Kumar Sao Bhavan Sonapara, P.O. Champa District Bilaspur - 495 671 Contact: Pardeep Kumar Sao

Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram, Jashpur Nagar Address: Jashpur Nagar, Dist. Raigarh Madhya Pradesh - 496 331 (Serving whole INDIA) Contact: R.K. Deshpande Kripa Prasdji Phone:23253,23370

Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram, Ranchi Address: Old Commissioner Comp. Ranchi - 834 001 Contact: Pranay Dutt Phone: 201360 315506Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram:adult

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education, craft training/agricultural Vanvasi Vikas Parishad, Jabalpur Address: 955/5 Right Town, Madan Das Road Jabalpur - 482 002 Contact: Maniram Pal Phone: 314894

Eklavya Bhopal Group for Information and ActionDr. Anwar JafriE1/208 Arera ColonyBhopal - 462 016Ph: 67150, 61380 The Shramik VidyapeethThe objective is to impart technical and vocational skills forproductive activity and knowledge to improve the quality of lifeof

urban industrial workers and unemployed youth in rural areas. ContactDhobhighat Road, North Kanara DistKarwar581 301

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KarnatakaTel: 08382-20010Fax: 08382-27670

The Sahyog Kushthayagna TrustMain Aim Main interests: 1. Rehabilitation of leprosy afflicted persons 2. Hostels for children of leprosy afflicted parents 3. Residential training centres for the mentally retarded.ContactSuresh Soni, Subash ThakkarRajendranagar Crossing383276Gujarat91-2772-83337

Shri M G Patel Sarvodaya Kendra Main Aim Main interests: 1. Land and Water management 2. Agricultural development and afforestation 3. Education, Health andIncome generationContact

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Hashmukh Patel, Dr Gautam BhattacharyaC/O Shramik Vikas Sansthan, Stadium Complex, below Haumor,NavrangpuraAhmedabad380009Gujarat91-79-642349191-79-6423491 Shrujan TrustMain Aim Main interests: 1. Developing economic self-reliance among rural women 2. Providing training for skill formation and entrepreneurship development 3. Creating wealth generating opportunities for artisansContactChandaben Shroff, Ashish SharmaBehind G E B Sub Station, Post Bhujodi, Dist KutchBhuj370020Gujarat91-2832-4027291-2832-40272

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Jalaram Seva SanghMain Aim Main interests: 1. Poverty alleviation 2. Health and sanitation 3.Community educationContactM T Darji, S K PandyaC/O Manubhai Darji,Madhuvan Park Society, Mahavirnagar, HimatnagarSabarkantha383001Gujarat

National Alliance of People's Movements National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) C/o Shram Sadhana, D.V Pradhan Rd., Hindu Colony, Dadar (East), MUMBAI- 400 014 INDIAPh. (022) 414 2918/414 4336 (O) Sanjay M.G. 536 9724 (R) Fax.: C/o (022) 821 6365 (Attn. Ramesh Kacholia)

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Single Women's Organization. Contact: Indira, F/7 Sagar Apartments, Behind Doordarshan, Opp.Sarthi Hotel, Bodak-Dev Road, Ahmedabad 380054

International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development ICECDa voluntary non-profit, non-governmental organisation, is a pioneerin the field of women development. ICECD, 1, Tapovan Society, Ahmedabad-380015, INDIAPhone : (91-79) 466297, 461620, Fax No: (91-79) 5500066, 5500124, 6568603E-mail: [email protected]

Kutch Kalyan Sangh, Bhuj, Kutch

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Address: Kutch Kalyan Sangh (Behind Santhosh Maa Mandir) Bhuj, Kutch - 370 001 Gujarath

Muni Seva Ashram, Goraj Address: Muni Seva Ashram Post Goraj, Dist. Vadodara Gujarath - 391 765 Contact: Anuben G. Thakkar, President

Shri Apang Parivar Kalyan Kendra, Bhavnagar Address: Shri Apang Parivar Kalyan Kendra Swastik Society, Ambawadi, Bhavnagar Gujarath - 364 001 Contact: Banessih Chauhan, President Phone: 22008

Friends of Women's World Banking, IndiaAddress : G-7 Sakar I opp. Gandhigrano Station Ashram Rd.

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Ahmedabad 380009, IndiaTelephone : 91 79 6420119Facsimile : 91 79 6420119Contact : Ms. Vijayalakshmi DasMembership : National Relevance : Provides housing finance to low-incomewomen.

Disaster Mitigation Institute of Foundation for PublicInterestAddress : 25 Yasundhara Colony Gulbai Tekra Ahmedabad 380006, IndiaTelephone : 91Facsimile : 91 79 462 357Contact : Mr. Mihir BhattMembership : National Relevance : Work on disaster prevention,mitigation, management, relief administration, reconstructionplanning and implementation.

SRISTIThe Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions (sristi) is a

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non-governmental organisation which was set up in 1993 to strengthen the capacity of grassroots inventors, innovators and ecopreneurs engaged in conserving biodiversity and developing eco-friendly solutions to local problems.

SAATH - Integrated Slum Development Programme SummaryContact Person & Address: Rajendra Joshi 2nd Floor, 18 Amber Society, (Opp. Kameshwar School) Satellite Road, Ahmedabad - 380015 Phone: 079-764-0832

Project name: School for the Blind Aim of Project: To help the running of the school, procurement of special educational material Present status: The school provides academic and vocational training for 122 blind children. SUMMARY OF PROJECT: Blind School, Valsar GujaratGROUP National Association for the BlindLOCATION 86, D.N. Shopping Center, Opposite Gandhiji Library Nanakwada District Valsar, GUJARAT 396001

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APPENDIX List of the students who participated in CDP Project: -

● Abhay Shyamdeo● Abhay Tandon● Abhinay Saxena● Abhishek Deb● Abhishek Mehrotra● Abhitanshu Tiwari● Akshaya Singh● Ambuj Dixit● Amit Gangodkar● Amit Shrivastava● Amrita Burman● Anmol Mishra● Arpita Gupta● Ashish Kapur● Ashish Kumar● Deepak Agarwal● Gourav Srivastava

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● Huzefa Malak● Jatin Hura● Kaushik Chatterjee● Kumarjeet Banarjee● Mantu ● Navin Jhawar● Neha Mittal● Nivriti Grover● Nupur Jain● Preetish Gupta● Priya Tiwari● Pukhraj Chauhan● Rahul Choudhary ● Ramesh Kumar● Ranjan Barnwal● Ravi Kumar● Rekha Khandelwal● Sandeep Barod ● Sandeep Chabbra● Saunak Ghosh ● Saurabh Vineet● Shailly Pandey ● Shalabh Kushwaha● Shalini Saboo● Shashank Shukla● Shikha Sharad ● Silpi Sinha

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● Shradha Khandelwal● Siddarth Soni● Smriti Samaiya● Sourav Roy● Sujoy Mukharjee● Sumit Harkauli ● Swati Yadav ● Utsav Rao ● Vaibahv Chalisgaonkar● Vikram Kumar● Vishal Rathor● Vivek Sinha

These students are divided in groups and every group was look after by a group leader. With the consent of all students on the basis of performance and feedback Miss Neha Mittal had been chosen as the Best Group Leader.