communism is treason - columbia

COMMUNISM is TREASON "The Nation's Anti-Communist Newspaper" Common Sense 'All; the News Kept Out of Print" Res. U. S. Pat. Oft. FIFTH YEAR, NO. 138 Entered as Second C!a«s Post Oflice, Union, New Jer: 's. A. UNION, NEW JERSEY, U.S.A., MAY 1, 1951 $1.00 PER YEAR ISTS HIJACK U.SA GET $3 BILLIONS IN PLOT FORC NIST WORL .S.A. $$$ for secret Soviet Union base in Palestine zone vital for U.S.A. defense ETRAY U.S.A. INTO SELF-DESTRUCTION U.S. insure U.S.S.R. victory At the time this paper goes to press, five •eparate assaults are being- made upon the pocket- books of the people of the United States without their knowledge of the harm being- done to them. These five separate assaults will mean a gift of $3,000,000,000. of the American people's good money to the "Zionist authorities in Palestine" (Israel). It is urgent to alert the American people to the critica' consequences which are inseparable from these five assaults upon their shrinking- pocketbooks. The American people have never had their eyes opened to the dangerous impact which these assaults are having upon their welfare and security. It is vital to the survival of the American nation that the American people immediately concern themselves with the great threat now critically poised at their very existence as an independent sovereign nation. It will soon be too late to reverse the trend which is now challenging civilization. NOW is the last opportunity to learn what is secretly taking place behind the "Gold Curtain". NOW is the last opportunity to take that proverbial "stitch in time". PLEASE GOD, IT MAY NOT NOW BE TOO LATE! Zionists pay U.S. $$$ for loot The first of these five assaults are the negotia- tions being conducted between representatives of the United States, the United Nations Organization, and the "Zionist authorities in Palestine" for a FIFTY- YEAR. NON-INTEREST BEARING $1,000,000,000. "loan" by the United States to the "Zionist authori- ties in Palestine". The "Zionist authorities in Pales- tine" propose to use the proceeds of -this "loan" to pay for the loot they have stolen from the lawful inhabitants of Palestine whom they recently drove into exile with U.S. and U.S.S.R. arms. It will be re- membered that in 1948 1,000,000 lawful native in- habitants of Palestine were forcibly ejected from their ancient homeland by the armed Zionist ag- gressors who invaded their country. These armed hordes of alien invaders swarmed into Palestine from their historic countries of origin in eastern Europe. S.E.C. legalizes Zionist larceny Tiie second of these five assaults is the success- ful Zionist assault upon the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States. The invis- Ible and invincible Zionist "state within a state" in the United States which has operated, so successfully inside and outside our government obtained from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) their approval to unload on Americans a §500,000,000. "bond issue" of the "Zionist authorities in Palestine". This $500,000,000. "bond issue" is to be offered to the American investors commencing May 1, 1951. It will receive the support of the Administration under the direction of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb & Company, Goldman Sachs & Company, Bernard Baruch's Dillon Read and Company, and other lead- ing financial masterminds here for the "Zionist au- thorities in Palestine". The scene is set to use un- precedented pressure upon every business firm and every individual in the United States to purchase these "bonds" at the time when United States bonds are going begging at less than their face value. A perfect demonstration of Zionist dual-allegiance and divided loyalty to the United States. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was organized in 1934 to prevent the sale of worth- less securities in the United States to the American people. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was duly delegated by Congress with the authority and the responsibility to compel full disclosure of the financial resources and the finan- cial competence of prospective borrowers as protec- tion for American investors against financial rape. Any leading American enterprise seeking the approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the sale of their securities to the American public on the basis upon which they approved the Zionist $500,000,000. "bond issue" would land some- body in jail. With the single exception of this Zion- ist $500,000,000. "bond issue" the Securities and Ex- change Commission (SEC) has a record of twenty- seven years faithful service to American investors. What mysterious wonders do these unseen Zionist hands. OR MORE LIKELY FISTS, work? Zionist Congressmen on the job The third of these five assaults is upon the Congress of the United States. This assault is for a S500,000,000. "grant-in-aid" from the United States Treasury. A "grant-in-aid" is a $2. word used by the "striped-pants boys" for an international "hand- out". A "grant-in-aid" is a term used to camouflage an otherwise unobtainable gifl sanctified by an un- warranted humanitarian implication. But by what- ever name it is called it will be just another $500,- I 000,000. "down the drain" for the American people. The "heat" was recently put on Congress by the Zionist "state within a state" for the first install- ment of this $500,000,000. "grant-in-aid". On April 2, 1951 the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives, Congressman John McCor- mack, obliged his Zionist panderers by introducing into Congress on that day a bill immediately pro- viding for the first $150,000,000. installment of the $500,000,000. "grant-in-aid" to the "Zionist authori- ties in Palestine". Congressman John McCormack, like all candidates for election or re-election to pub- lic office, from Governors, Mayors, Senators, down to village dog catchers, trample each other under- foot in their mad scramble to become sponsors for this Zionist $500,000,000. "grant-in-aid". Candidates for public office in the United States have learned by sad experience, or the case histories of their re- tired colleagues, that the "O.K." of the Zionist political underground guarantees election to office, and that their "K.O." guarantees VICE VERSA! Acheson feathers future nest The fourth of these five assaults is based upon the "Point Four" agreement shortly to be executed in Tel Aviv by the new Ambassador from the United States to the "Zionist authorities in Palestine". The recently appointed Ambassador from the United States, Monett Davis, earned with him in his brief- case a "Point Four" agreement. This "Point Four" agreement is to be signed upon his arrival in Tel Aviv as his "first official act" according to radio reports. President Truman's "Point Four" program calls for American "financial aid to underdeveloped areas" where NECESSITY for it clearly exists. "Point Four" financial aid by the American people will donate another additional $500,000,000. to these "Zionist authorities in Palestine" with which they can eventually carry out their present program for a "Tennessee Valley Authority" and other extensive reclamation and power projects in Palestine. The first installment for this $500,000,000. program will probably consist of an innocent-looking "toe-in-the-door" donation of a small fraction of the total amount. The valid obligation will rest upon the American people to supply the balance of the $500,000,000. needed to nationalize these industries, Tax-deductible" U.S. war-chest The fifth of these five assaults consists of the ''fund-raising' drives" now going on at top speed all

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Page 1: COMMUNISM is TREASON - Columbia


"The Nation's Anti-Communist Newspaper"

Common Sense 'All; the NewsKept Out of Print"

Res. U. S. Pat. Oft.

FIFTH YEAR, NO. 138 Entered as Second C!a«sPost Oflice, Union, New Jer: 's. A. UNION, NEW JERSEY, U.S.A., MAY 1, 1951 $1.00 PER YEAR


FORC NIST WORL.S.A. $$$ for secret Soviet Union basein Palestine zone vital for U.S.A. defense

ETRAY U.S.A. INTO SELF-DESTRUCTIONU.S. insure U.S.S.R. victoryAt the time this paper goes to press, five

•eparate assaults are being- made upon the pocket-books of the people of the United States withouttheir knowledge of the harm being- done to them.

These five separate assaults will mean a gift of$3,000,000,000. of the American people's good moneyto the "Zionist authorities in Palestine" (Israel). Itis urgent to alert the American people to the critica'consequences which are inseparable from these fiveassaults upon their shrinking- pocketbooks.

The American people have never had their eyesopened to the dangerous impact which these assaultsare having upon their welfare and security. It is vitalto the survival of the American nation that theAmerican people immediately concern themselveswith the great threat now critically poised at theirvery existence as an independent sovereign nation.

It will soon be too late to reverse the trendwhich is now challenging civilization. NOW is thelast opportunity to learn what is secretly takingplace behind the "Gold Curtain". NOW is the lastopportunity to take that proverbial "stitch in time".PLEASE GOD, IT MAY NOT NOW BE TOO LATE!

Zionists pay U.S. $$$ for lootThe first of these five assaults are the negotia-

tions being conducted between representatives of theUnited States, the United Nations Organization, andthe "Zionist authorities in Palestine" for a FIFTY-YEAR. NON-INTEREST BEARING $1,000,000,000."loan" by the United States to the "Zionist authori-ties in Palestine". The "Zionist authorities in Pales-tine" propose to use the proceeds of -this "loan" topay for the loot they have stolen from the lawfulinhabitants of Palestine whom they recently droveinto exile with U.S. and U.S.S.R. arms. It will be re-membered that in 1948 1,000,000 lawful native in-habitants of Palestine were forcibly ejected fromtheir ancient homeland by the armed Zionist ag-gressors who invaded their country. These armedhordes of alien invaders swarmed into Palestine fromtheir historic countries of origin in eastern Europe.

S.E.C. legalizes Zionist larcenyTiie second of these five assaults is the success-

ful Zionist assault upon the Securities and ExchangeCommission (SEC) of the United States. The invis-Ible and invincible Zionist "state within a state" in

the United States which has operated, so successfullyinside and outside our government obtained fromthe Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) theirapproval to unload on Americans a §500,000,000."bond issue" of the "Zionist authorities in Palestine".

This $500,000,000. "bond issue" is to be offeredto the American investors commencing May 1, 1951.It will receive the support of the Administrationunder the direction of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb& Company, Goldman Sachs & Company, BernardBaruch's Dillon Read and Company, and other lead-ing financial masterminds here for the "Zionist au-thorities in Palestine". The scene is set to use un-precedented pressure upon every business firm andevery individual in the United States to purchasethese "bonds" at the time when United States bondsare going begging at less than their face value. Aperfect demonstration of Zionist dual-allegiance anddivided loyalty to the United States.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)was organized in 1934 to prevent the sale of worth-less securities in the United States to the Americanpeople. The Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) was duly delegated by Congress with theauthority and the responsibility to compel fulldisclosure of the financial resources and the finan-cial competence of prospective borrowers as protec-tion for American investors against financial rape.

Any leading American enterprise seeking theapproval of the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) for the sale of their securities to the Americanpublic on the basis upon which they approved theZionist $500,000,000. "bond issue" would land some-body in jail. With the single exception of this Zion-ist $500,000,000. "bond issue" the Securities and Ex-change Commission (SEC) has a record of twenty-seven years faithful service to American investors.What mysterious wonders do these unseen Zionisthands. OR MORE LIKELY FISTS, work?

Zionist Congressmen on the jobThe third of these five assaults is upon the

Congress of the United States. This assault is fora S500,000,000. "grant-in-aid" from the United StatesTreasury. A "grant-in-aid" is a $2. word used bythe "striped-pants boys" for an international "hand-out". A "grant-in-aid" is a term used to camouflagean otherwise unobtainable gifl sanctified by an un-warranted humanitarian implication. But by what-ever name it is called it will be just another $500,-

I000,000. "down the drain" for the American people.The "heat" was recently put on Congress by theZionist "state within a state" for the first install-ment of this $500,000,000. "grant-in-aid".

On April 2, 1951 the Democratic leader of theHouse of Representatives, Congressman John McCor-mack, obliged his Zionist panderers by introducinginto Congress on that day a bill immediately pro-viding for the first $150,000,000. installment of the$500,000,000. "grant-in-aid" to the "Zionist authori-ties in Palestine". Congressman John McCormack,like all candidates for election or re-election to pub-lic office, from Governors, Mayors, Senators, downto village dog catchers, trample each other under-foot in their mad scramble to become sponsors forthis Zionist $500,000,000. "grant-in-aid". Candidatesfor public office in the United States have learnedby sad experience, or the case histories of their re-tired colleagues, that the "O.K." of the Zionistpolitical underground guarantees election to office,and that their "K.O." guarantees VICE VERSA!

Acheson feathers future nestThe fourth of these five assaults is based upon

the "Point Four" agreement shortly to be executedin Tel Aviv by the new Ambassador from the UnitedStates to the "Zionist authorities in Palestine".The recently appointed Ambassador from the UnitedStates, Monett Davis, earned with him in his brief-case a "Point Four" agreement. This "Point Four"agreement is to be signed upon his arrival in TelAviv as his "first official act" according to radioreports. President Truman's "Point Four" programcalls for American "financial aid to underdevelopedareas" where NECESSITY for it clearly exists.

"Point Four" financial aid by the Americanpeople will donate another additional $500,000, these "Zionist authorities in Palestine" withwhich they can eventually carry out their presentprogram for a "Tennessee Valley Authority" andother extensive reclamation and power projects inPalestine. The first installment for this $500,000,000.program will probably consist of an innocent-looking"toe-in-the-door" donation of a small fraction ofthe total amount. The valid obligation will rest uponthe American people to supply the balance of the$500,000,000. needed to nationalize these industries,

Tax-deductible" U.S. war-chestThe fifth of these five assaults consists of the

''fund-raising' drives" now going on at top speed all

Page 2: COMMUNISM is TREASON - Columbia

UgM ca#tM>ut*tUmuutU common tettteA Common Sense "All the News Kept Out of Print"

>ver the United States. Zionists plan to raise a total)f almost another $500,000,000. in the United Statesprimarily for use by these "Zionist authorities inPalestine". The "tax deductible" income-tax featureOf these so-called "contributions to charity" will di-vert approximately $425,000,000. of this $500,000,000.from the United States Treasury to the "Zionist au-thorities in Palestine". This loss of $425,000,000. fromIncome-tax revenues of the United States must beOtherwise obtained by higher income-taxes collectedfrom the American people at large. Zionists make itappear that these "contributions to charity" are usedexclusively for humanitarian activities. The Americanpublic are not aware that these funds are primarilyand predominantly used for political purposes. TheInternal Revenue Bureau is well aware of this factbut cannot oppose Zionist influence at the highestlevels. They have tried and have failed.

U.S. aid to Zionist aggressionWith few exceptions, these funds will be used

to transport "synthetic" immigrants from easternEurope, Asia and Africa to Palestine and to establishtheir economic security there. In 1948 the fully-equipped, invading Zionist armed aggressors drove3,000,000 defenseless lawful inhabitants of Palestinevfrom their homeland for l"<00 years to make roomIn Palestine for these "synthetic" immigrants. Trans-planting segments of population from one nation intothe territory of another nation by armed aggressionagainst the wish, will, and desire of its lawful in-habitants violates the basic American principle of"self-determination". The American heritage rejectsaggression in any form. It is most repugnant toAmerican tradition when aggression of this typeoffers as its alibi a racial, religious or nationalistflimsy myth. Americans are now commencing torealize that the purported Zionist humanitarian ac-tivities have been principally a disguise for terri-torial aggression by an ex-Asiatic horde sufferingfrom a nationalist psychosis based upon a suppressedfanatic psuedo-religious "Chosen People" mania.

Counterfeit Political ZionismWherever reference in this paper is made to

"Zionists" or to "Zionism" it is intended to referexclusively to Political Zionism and not to SpiritualZionism. Spiritual Zionism and Political Zionism areas different and as far apart as Heaven and Hell.At one time in history Zionism had only a spiritualsignificance. Zionism at one time reflected only thespiritual aspirations of orthodox religious pilgrims tolive the remainder of their lives, and die on the soilwhich was to them the cradle of their religious be-lief. For twenty centuries Palestine has welcomedfrom all parts of the world devout pilgrims of thethree religious faiths which regard Palestine as thecradle of their particular form of religious worship.

Spiritual Zionism has always been an expres-sion of the individual. Spiritual Zionism was neverorganized formally on a collective basis. SpiritualZionism had neither a territorial, racial or national-ist implication. In recent years Political Zionists"borrowed" the term "Zionism" as the title with•which to disguise their conspiracy. The historic re-ligious background of Spiritual Zionism completelydeceives the world concerning the true motives andprogram of the Political Zionists. Millions of mis-guided Americans of all religious faiths still believethat Spiritual and Political Zionism are one and thesame thing. It is time they learned the facts.

Political Zionism was conceived and developedin eastern Europe to its present world-wide power bythe original apostles of Karl Marx. Marxists havespeeded their plans for creating a total Marxistworld by camouflaging their aggression behind theword "Zionism". Within the Zionist movement Marx-ists have been using misguided Zionists to promotetheir Marxist program for world domination. Theapostles of Marxism have used the good-will ofZionism to obtain the support of their otherwisenon-cooperative co-religionists of miscellaneous na-tionalities and races throughout the world. In theminds of many millions of their co-religionists andothers of different religious faiths Zionist propagandahas given the world the incorrect impression thatPolitical Zionism expresses a spiritual implication.

Zionism camouflages MarxismIn their unsuspecting or indifferent ignorance

on this subject many misguided millions throughoutthe world are giving aid and comfort to the Marx-ists. Many who hold high places in the governmentsand leading social groups dominating the culture ofthese countries do not suspect the truth. There aremany however who collaborate with the Zionists forthe financial gain and the political power which isoffered to them for their submission to Zionist dic-tation. Intelligent analysis of what is going on inPalestine at the present time is proof that Zionismtoday is an integral part of the Marxist program forworld control. ZIONISTS HAVE NEVER OFFICIALLYANNOUNCED THEIR OPPOSITION TO MARXISM IN


Zionists vote Communist"Forewarned is forearmed" only if we have the

intelligence to recognize the warning when it is putbefore our eyes. The Zionist "kept-press" has care-fully concealed from the American people th« re-lationship between Zionism and Marxism. On theday the General Assembly of the United Nationsopened its session here in September, 1950, Secretaryof State Dean Acheson travelled from Washingtonto New York to address the Assembly. On the open-ing day of its session India introduced a resolutionfor the immediate admission of Communist Chinainto the United Nations. Secretary of State Achesonhastened to address the General Assembly andpleaded with its members to defeat that resolution.Secretary of State Acheson not only begged themembers of the United Nations to defeat the resolu-tion but he pleaded with them to take the vote onit that very day. Secretary of State Acheson ex-plained that delay was dangerous for many reasons.Pursuant to that plea the vote on the resolution ofIndia was taken immediately. In spite of the im-passioned plea of Secretary of State Aeheson tomembers of the United Nations to vote against theresolution to admit Communist China to the UnitedNations the delegation of the "Zionist authorities inPalestine" (Israel) VOTED WITH THE SOVIETUNION AND THE SOVIET UNION SATELLITESAGAINST THE UNITED STATES, VOTING IN FAVOROF THE RESOLUTION TO ADMIT COMMUNISTCHINA INTO THE UNITED NATIONS AT ONCE, THESAME CHINESE REDS WHO ARE NOW MURDER-ING OU« SONS AND BROTHERS IN KOREA!!!

Zionists O.K. Chinese RedsBUT there is more proof to follow. The armed

forces of the "Zionist Authorities in Palestine" afterthe armistice in Palestine proceeded to invade thecity of Jerusalem contrary to the United Nations par-tition plan for Palestine. This partition plan calledfor the internationalization of Jerusalem underUnited Nations control. The UNITED STATES andthe SOVIET UNION voted IN FAVOR of that parti-tion plan. The "Zionist Authorities in Palestine" notonly ignored the partition plan but also a furtherUnited Nations resolution specifically calling uponthem to vacate Jerusalem. In reply to this resolu-tion their armed forces invaded additional areas ofJerusalem. At this time the Soviet Union was work-ing to get as many nations as possible to extendrecognition to the Communist Government of China.The Soviet Union rulers found it extremely easy tomake a "deal" with their blood-brothers who hadbecome the rulers in Palestine and U. N. members.

The Soviet Union offered the "Zionist Authoritiesin Palestine" to WITHDRAW Soviet Union support ofthe United Nations resolution demanding the with-drawal of Zionist Armed Forces from Jerusalem andthe internationalization of Jerusalem if the "Zion-ist Authorities in Palestine" would immediatelyRECOGNIZE the Communist Government of China.In spite of all the efforts by the United States toprevent that "deal" the "Zionist Authorities in Pales-tine" immediately extended RECOGNITION to theCommunist Government of China. IN A MATTEROF A FEW DAYS THE SOVIET UNION NOTIFIEDTHE UNITED NATIONS THAT IT WAS WITHDRAW-ING ITS APPROVAL OF THE UNITED NATIONSRESOLUTION DEMANDING WITHDRAWAL OFZIONIST ARMED FORCES FROM JERUSALEM ANDTHE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THAT CITYUNDER UNITED NATIONS CONTROL!

Zionists on Communist teamIt does not require a big stretch of the imagina-

tion to understand on whose "team" the '"ZionistAuthorities in Palestine" are playing. What can theAmerican people expect from a population which wastransplanted to Palestine from the Soviet Union andSoviet Union Satellites? How many World Wars willthe American people have to fight before they learnthe rudiments of international double-cross intrigue?

As a witness before the Kefauver Crime Com-mittee would say, "The American people are beingtaken for a $3,000,000,000. ride". From all appear-ances it will be a "one-way ride" from which neitherthe $3,000,000,000. nor many other priceless posses-sions of the American people will return. While this"ride" will cost the American people §3,000,000, cash, the actual cost to the American people willbe far in excess of that amount and will have to bereckoned in altogether different values than money.Responsible authorities have great fear that these"rides" will eventually end in the defeat of theUnited States by the Soviet Union in the seemingly

inevitable, and somewhat imminent, third Marxist-engineered World War in our generation. They areaware of the fact that control of the strategic easternMediterranean and its important natural resourceswill determine the outcome of that war when itcomes. WRITE THAT IN YOUR LITTLE BOOK!

Three Marxist-World WarsTwo recent Marxist-engineered World Wars have

left indelible marks upon the American heritagewhich even the blood of a third war cannot erase.Nor is there wealth enough in the world to ransomthe blessings which these two gargantuan struggleshave already robbed the American people. The "realand present danger" to civilization is the existingthreat of a third Marxist-engineered World War. Itpresents the horrifying prospects of the populationof the entire world engaged in a grim struggle withthe most modern mass-production methods for deal-ing out death. It paralyzes the imagination-? AU.S. JURY JUST FOUND THREE ZIONISTS GUILTYOF DELIVERING OUR ATOM-BOMB SECRETS TOTHEIR MARXIST BLOOD-BROTHERS IN THESOVIET UNION! HAVE AMERICANS YET REALIZEDHOW MANY MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WILLBE ROASTED TO CINDERS BY THEIR TREASON?

The outcome of that sa-u^gle matst inevitablyresult in the loss of our independence as a sovereignnation and the loss of the freedom and liberty wenow enjoy under our present form of government.The surviving remnants of humanity will lose foreverthose "unalienable rights" of "life, liberty, and thepursuit of happiness" for which our ancestors willhave shed their blood in vain. The systems of gov-ernment now blossoming throughout the world basedupon government "of the people, by the people, andfor the people" will disappear forever from the faceof the earth to be replaced by universal slaveryunder totalitarian Marxist police-state dictatorships.Marxists give little choice to liberty-loving mankind.Many prefer to die standing on their feet fightingin defense of human rights rather than to live ontheir bended knees as slaves under a totalitarianMarxist police-state dictatorship, THANK GOD!

Sucidal U.S. foreign policyThe Zionist-dictated foreign policy of the United

States is literally and figuratively digging a gravefor this nation in the strategic eastern Mediterraneanarea. The irony of this lies in the fact that this na-tion's grave is being dug with funds provided by theAmerican people. When the deluded Americans wakeup to this fact it may be too late to do anythingabout it. There will be no escape from the fatewhich international Marxists have decreed for theAmerican nation. THEY MAKE NO SECRET OF IT.

The helpful hand of the United States, out-stretched to a world in want, was first "bitten" bythe Lend-Lease nations, and it survived, was then"bitten" by the UNRRA nations, and it survived, wasthen "bitten" by the Marshall Plan nations (ECA),and is surviving, and is now being "bitten" by theNorth Atlantic Treaty nations, and with God's help,will survive that also. But how long can this "luckof the Irish" hold out? It seems already to be wear-ing itself thin in places. THE SAD PART OF IT ISTHAT WE DO NOT TAKE ANY NOTICE OF IT!

U.S. will win with MoslemsThe United States stands as much chance as a

snow-ball in Hell of winning a war with the SovietUnion without the good-will and coopera-tion of the400,000,000 Moslem population in Europe, Asia andAfrica. Nobody, BUT NOBODY, is more aware ofthat fact than the master minds in Moscow. Whenthe Zionist-dominated Administration has drainedoff the last remaining dregs of friendship of our fewremaining friends among Moslem peoples, the So-viet Union will be able to take on and whip theUnited States blindfolded and with both hands tiedbehind her back. Recognition of that fact is whythe Soviet Union since 1945 has concentrated everyeffort to destroy the traditional friendship of theMoslems of the world for the American people. TheZionist-dictated foreign policy of the United Statesin the strategic eastern Mediterranean area has suc-ceeded in accomplishing that result. To convert thistraditional friendship for the American people intoan intense hatred did not require very much extraeffort on the part of the Soviet Union.

400,000,000 Anti-CommunistsFor more than a century the 400,000,000 Moslems

of the world had only the greatest respect, confi-dence, and friendship for the American people. Thatfriendship was a very precious possession of theAmerican people and far beyond any possibility ofevaluation. Now that we are losing it, its tre-mendous value is appreciated. The 400,000,000 Mos-lems of the world inhabit the territory extendingacross North Africa from Casablanca on the Atlanticthe Suez Canal area, they inhabit Turkey and the

Page 3: COMMUNISM is TREASON - Columbia

«ft cam*nu*ui*M-u*iih ccmmAH ie*U*A Common Sense "All the News Kept Out of Print

Balkan States, part of the Soviet Union in Europe,all of Asia Minor and the continent of Asia fromIran (Persia) to China on the Pacific, including alsoIndonesia and the Philippines. About 35,000,000ANTI-COMMUNIST Moslems inhabit the SovietUnion. About 50,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNIST Moslemsinhabit China. About 85,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNISTMoslems inhabit Pakistan, directly to the south ofthe Soviet Union. About.50,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNISTMoslems inhabit India, directly to the south of Com-munist China. About "0,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNISTMoslems inhabit the Arab League states in the strat-egic eastern Mediterranean area which contains 77 %of the world's known oil reserves. More than 50,-000,000 ANTI-COMMUNIST Moslems inhabit Indo-nesia. More than 12,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNIST Mos-lems inhabit the Philippine area. This broad belt ofterritory extending along the underbelly of the So-viet Union is inhabited altogether by about 400,000,-000 ANTI-COMMUNIST Moslems. The religious faithof these Moslems makes them MORE ANTI-COM-MUNIST than the Christian population of the world.

Moslems and A-bomb securityIn any war between the Soviet Union and the

United States victory will be determined in the finalanalysis by the attitude of these 400,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNIST Moslems towards the American people.If these Moslems are forced by the Zionist-dictatedforeign policy of the United States to throw in theirlot with the Soviet Union, it will become impossiblelor the United States to win the war. The UnitedStates might be able to put up a good fight. Butwithout the friendship of these 400,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNIST Moslems victory is highly improbable,if not entirely beyond the realm of possibility. Thestrategic importance of the areas they occupy, theirhuge man-power reserves, and the inexhaustiblesupply of their critical natural resources will provethe deciding factors in any war between the Soviet.Union and the United States. Their importance ex-ceeds that of the atom-bomb. The use of the atom-bomb is a "two-way" street. The United States willsuffer more from atom-bombing by the Soviet Unionthan the compensating damage which we can inflictupon the Soviet Union with our atom-bombs. If the400,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNIST Moslems become thefull-fledged allies of the United States there is noth-ing the Soviet Union can possibly produce to offsetthat tremendous advantage to the United States.

Moslems can win out in AsiaAs an illustration of the great contribution which

can be made by the 400,000,000 ANTI-COMMUNISTMoslems of the world, the Egyptian Government hasrecently announced that it will place an army of2,000,000 Egyptians at the disposal of the UnitedNations if the United States will supply the necessaryequipment. The presence of an Egyptian army ofhighly-trained and well-equipped soldiers will reducethe obligation of the United States to send thatmany American boys to that area. During World WarII the United States had an armed force of about14,000,000 which represented about 10% of the totalpopulation. An Egyptian army of 2,000,000 soldiersrepresents about 10% of the total population ofEgypt. On this basis the 400,000,000 ANTI-COMMUN-IST Moslems can supply about 40,000,000 soldiers. Inaddition to 40,000,000 soldiers the good-will of thenative populations offers another contribution whichcannot easily be computed. This good-will relievesthe United States of sending additional man-powerto the combat area. Under these circumstances itseems utterly out of the question that the SovietUnion would dare to risk a war in Asia, Europe orAfrica without any possible hope for a victory.

Moslem friendship for U.S.A.The Zionist-dictated foreign policy of the United

States in the strategic eastern Mediterranean areadrove the opening wedge between the Americans andMoslems. The Zionists have continued to exercisethis control over the Administration for the purposeof driving that wedge deeper and deeper. The Zion-ist-dictated policy of the delegation of the UnitedStates to the United Nations has virtually destroyedthe last hope for preserving the friendship of the400,000,000 Moslems of the world for the Americanpeople. As a result of the United States-sponsoredZionist aggression in Palestine, for which the UnitedStates must accept full responsibility, the Moslempopulation of the world has lost its confidence inthe integrity of the American people. The Moslemshave no way to learn that the fault lies with theZionist-controlled Administration and not with theintegrity of the American people. The Zionist "kept-press" in the United States has never permitted thetruth regarding this condition to appear in its col-umns. The Moslems of the world cannot learn theattitude of the American people by reading the news-papers published in the United States. The Moslemsof the world judge the American people by the prom-ises and performances of their Zionist-controlled Ad-

ministration. They have abundant material uponwhich to base their attitude towards the Americanpeople and they are not to be criticized for it.

Nothing can destroy confidence more completelythan to preach one gospel and to practice the ex-treme opposite. How can the United States earnthe respect and confidence of the Moslem people un-less it practices what it preaches? The Administra-tion is not doing that. It is doing the exact opposite.The Administration is rubbing salt into the openwounds of the Moslem peoples by continuing to al-low the Zionists to exercise control over the foreignpolicy of the United States in the eastern Mediter-ranean area. The Moslem peoples of the world un-derstand that the $3,000,000,000. which is being madeavailable to the "Zionist authorities in Palestine" willbe used as a war-chest for further aggression inPalestine and elsewhere against the Moslem peoplethere and in the Near and Middle East. The Mos-lems of the world realize that the third Marxist-engineered World War will be the "green light" forthe Zionists to put into operation their plans forfurther aggression and conquest in that area.

Zionist-U.S.S.R. war alliesThe "Zionist authorities in Palestine" are secretly

and successfully converting the territory under theircontrol in Palestine into an impregnable Marxistarsenal. The secrets for manufacture of the mostmodern weapons have been obtained by the "Zionistauthorities in Palestine" through their highly-placedspies in governments and industries of the UnitedStates and other leading countries. The billions ofAmerican dollars which are flowing into the treasuryof the "Zionist authorities in Palestine" are primarilyemployed for creating a Zionist war-machine for fu-ture aggression. Before the conquest of Palestine bythe alien Zionist invaders, in 1948, Palestine was sup-porting a population in excess of 1,500,000 personsin addition to a British Army of Occupation of anadditional 100,000 soldiers. Turough the centuries thepopulation of Palestine has flourished without thenecessity for any financial assistance from foreignsources. Without any foreign financial assistancethe native Palestinians have developed in 1700 yearsa territory smaller than the State of Vermont toa status where the "Zionist authorities in Palestine"are now proposing to pay them $1,000,000,000. whichrepresents only a small fraction of the fair valueunder normal conditions of what they have stolen.

The alien Zionist invaders in 1948 drove intoexile about 1,000,000 unarmed and defenseless nativePalestinians. Since that time the "Zionist authoritiesin Palestine" have brought about 600,000 Zionist im-migrants into Palestine. It becomes apparent thatat the present time Palestine has about 500,000 lessinhabitants than at the time of the Zionist aggres-sion in 1948. At no cost to themselves the Zionistaggressors expropriated all land and other prop-erty legally belonging to the 1,000,000 native Pales-tinians whom the Zionists had driven out of theirhomeland. These "Zionist authorities in Palestine"are now attempting to pay these rightful owners forthe land and other properties which they have stolenfrom them the $1,000,000,000. which they plan toobtain from the United States as a "loan" for FIFTYYEARS, AND BEARING NO INTEREST!!!!

Faked poverty Marxist disguiseIt seems reasonable to expect that the present

reduced population in Palestine should be able tosupport itself without contributions of billions ofAmerican dollars. Millions of penniless immigrant!;from the identical territory in eastern Europe fromwhich the Zionist invaders of Palestine have come,during the past fifty years have immigrated to othercountries throughout the world, notably to the UnitedStates, and have become men of great wealth bytheir own initiative. These millions of pennilessimmigrants to the United States from this territoryin eastern Europe were able to establish themselvesin the United States without assistance and becomevery wealthy. Under the free enterprise system inthe United States this was possible without the as-sistance of billions of dollars to underwrite theircapabilities. But a free enterprise system does notexist in Palestine. The economy in Palestine is or-ganized on Marxist principles. State socialism is thebasis of the economy in Palestine. Consequently,billions of dollars of American money must be dump-ed into Palestine to support the Marxist systemthere. Billions of American money were dumped intoEngland each year since 1945 to support the ex-periment in State Socialism there which would havecollapsed long ago without this assistance. Billionsof American money are now being dumped into Pal-estine to support another experiment in MarxistSocialism. The entire economy in Palestine is basedupon Marxist doctrines. Without a free enterprisesystem there the American people will be called uponcontinually to contribute billions to keep this Marxiststate in existence. Under various pretenses the Zion-ist-controlled "state within a state" in this countrywill see thai the American people supply all thesebillions of dollars • to this Soviet Union satellite.

United Nations a Marxist frontA United Nations resolution in 1948 placed an

embargo upon the shipment of arms into Palestinefor the defenseless native Palestinians. It was anair-tight embargo. But this embargo was only effec-tive against the defenseless native Palestinians andnot against the alien Zionist invaders. Throughoutthe period of this one-sided embargo a fleet of thelargest freight-carrying planes was secretly shuttlingday and night between Kharkov in the Soviet Unionand the Zionist armed forces in Palestine ferrryingto them enormous quantities of Soviet Union tanks,heavy artillery and other modern military equipment.At the same time another fleet of the largest freight-carrying planes was also secretly shuttling day andnight between Czechoslovakia and the Zionist armedforces in Palestine ferrying enormous quantities ofthe most deadly weapons produced in the Skodaarsenal, the greatest manufacturing plant in theworld of the most up-to-date military equipment.For this equipment the "Zionist authorities in Pales-tine" were paying the Soviet Union and her satellitesfhe American "tax-exempt" dollars raised in th»United States for "humanitarian" use among the"DPs". The "Zionist authorities in Palestine" haveofficially complained that "only $125,000,000." of the

total §500,000,000. cost of these military supplies"came from the American people".

The additional $3,000,000,000. which the "Zionistauthorities in Palestine" are now engaged in ex-tracting from the American people will be used tocreate a Marxist "Gibralter" in the strategic easternMediterranean area. This 3Iarxist "Gibralter" willbe PJI ally of ti*e Soviet Union in any fuUire conflict.As an ally of the Soviet Union this Marxist "Gibral-ter" will become one of the most important militarybastions in the world. The "Zionist authorities in Pal-estine" rely upon the cooperation and support of theSoviet Union for their future aggression. The SovietUnion relies upon the Zionists to obtain control ofthe oil and chemicals in that area. This allian-e isthe result of long-range planning which goes backmore than twenty-five years. WAKE UP U.S.A.!

Zionists, Marxists, blood-brothersThe "people" who form the "hard-core" of the

Soviet Union dictatorship are the Wood-brothers ofthe "people" who form the "hard-core" of the "Zion-ist authorities in Palestine". That fact is a matterof public record. There is no attempt made to con-ceal it. It has never been contradicted when it hasbeen publicly alleged. The rulers of the Soviet Unionactually are the blood-brothers of the Zionist rulersin Palestine. The Zionist "kept-press" has neverpermitted the American people to be informed onthis subject. The Zionist "kept-press" does not wishto educate the American people to the fact that therulers of the Soviet Union and the rulers in Palestinehave common racial characteristics, political ideol-ologies and have pledged allegiance to each other!

The blood tie between the rulers in Palestineand the rulers of the Soviet Union is as strong fortheir country of origin as the attachment of immi-grants of all origins. It is not to be overlooked that

92% of the population in Palestine today consistsof people who were either born or who have livedmost of their lives in the Soviet Union or in a So-viet Union satellite. The political idiologies whichthese aggressors carried with them to Palestine areno less Marxist than the political idiologies of theirfathers, brothers, sons and kin-folk who remainedbehind in the Soviet Union and her satellites, ANDRULE THEM TODAY. Zionist invaders have con-verted Palestine today into a colony of the SovietUnion. When trouble comes they will stick together.The American people will get the surprise of theirlives if they think the Zionists in Palestine will jointhe United States as an ally when war comes. Butit was the Government of the United States and themoney of the American people which were solelyresponsible for the successful aggression of the armedZionist invasion and conquest of Palestine. Thatis an unchallengeable historic fact which no Zionistwill dare to deny. The "Zionist authorities in Pales-tine" will not be the first country responsible for itsexistance to the United States to turn today violentlyagainst it. Other examples of this ingratitude arethe Soviet Union, Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary,China, and other nations in Europe and Asia.

The people in Zionist Palestine today are trans-planted segments of the populations of the Com-munist countries of eastern Europe. It is not real-istic to anticipate that these transplanted Commun-ist populations will take up arms against their blood-brothers in their former homelands behind the IronCurtain. They are attempting at the present time tocarry water on both shoulders. They hope to extract83,000,000,000. from the American people withouttipping off their allegiance to the Soviet Union.When the third Marxist-engineered World Warbreaks out the American people will be rudelyawakened from their dream. The "Zionist authoritiesin Palestine" have not miscalculated or underesti-mated bow tlumb the American pe'»ie can be inmatters of this kind based on past performances.

Page 4: COMMUNISM is TREASON - Columbia

Common Sense "All the News Kepi Out of Print"

Sauce for goose, sauce for ganderThe North Atlantic treaty Is the subject of much

Rebate at this moment. The North Atlantic TreatyIs an agreement between twelve members of theUnited Nations under the provisions of the RegionalArrangements Chapter of the United Nations Char-ter. The Regional Arrangements Chapter of theUnited Nations Charter provides for mutual militaryassistance by the parties to any Regional Arrange-ment Treaty. The Regional Arrangements Chapter ofthe United Nations Charter provides that all matterswhich can be determined by local action shall bedetermined by the parties to the Regional Arrange-ments Treaty. The Regional Arrangements Chapterof the United Nations Charter specifically providesthat if any member becomes the victim of aggressionthat it shall become the responsibility of all otherparties to the Regional Arrangements Treaty to re-gard an act of aggression against any one party asan act of aggression against all parties to it.

The North Atlantic Treaty provides that if anysignatory to that treaty becomes the victim of anact of aggression that all other signatories to thetreaty shall consider it as an act of aggressionagainst all signatories. Under this provision it isobligatory upon the United States to declare war iagainst the Soviet Union in the event that the Soviet •Union commits an act of aggression against any na-tion of Western Europe which is a signa^fe^of theNorth Atlantic Treaty. The United Statelc^P thejidentical treaty arrangement with the 21 RepublicsOf the Western Hemisphere under the same RegionalArrangements Chapter of the United Nations Char-ter. It is known as the Pan-American Union. How-ever, the first Regional Arrangements Treaty regis- Itered with the United Nations was the Regional JArrangements Treaty between the eight countriesi the Near East which make up the Arab League.The Regional Arrangements Treaty between Palestine,Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia ,Trans-Jor- ,dan and Yemen was registered with United Nationsin 1946. Under the terms of that Regional Arrange-ments Treaty these eight states of the Arab Leagueput the world on notice that an act of aggressionagainst any one of its signatories will be regarded by !each member as an act of aggression against all (members of the Arab League, Palestine included.

innocent and defenseless 1,000,000 native Palestinianswho were slaughtered or driven into exile as paupers.

Ralph Bunche disgraces Negro raceThe alien Zionist invading juggernaut slaughter-

ed these practically defenseless defenders of theirhomeland in Pale.^iiie on a scale comparable to theslaughter of the atom-bomb dropped on Hiroshima.The defenders of Palestine were literally and figur-atively fighting with pitch-forks against Shermantanks. After the armed Zionist invaders had slaught-ered or driven into exile approximately 1,000,000 de-fenseless native Palestinians and occupied theirhomeland, the "Zionist authorities in Palestine" CON-SENTED to an "armistice" arranged by the UnitedNations. By the terms of the proposed "armistice'of Count Bernadotte, acting on behalf of theUnited Nations, the exiled Palestinians were to boreturned to their homes in Palestine and their prop-erty restored to them. For daring to make that pro-posal the "Zionist authorities in Palestine" murderedCount Bernadotte. After the murder of Count Ber-nadotte the United Nations appointed Ralph Buncheas his successor. Ralph Bunche proved to be very"acceptable" to the "Zionist authorities in Palestine."For the terms of the "peace" arranged by him forthe Zionists he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.To satisfy his Zionist masters Ralph Bunche arrang-ed a "peace" whereby the 1,000,000 lawful native Pal-estinians who had been driven out of their homelandby the Zionist invaders were "sentenced to life" byhim as exiled paupers. The alien Zionist armed ag-ressors were permitted to retain as "loot" the terri-tory and property of these exiled Palestinians. That"peace" plan earned for Ralph Bunche the covetedNobel Peace Prize and the "respect" of the world.We wonder whether Ralph Bunche would recom-mend such a "peace" plan in the United States ifthe armed forces of the Northern states invaded theSouthern states and drove the entire Negro popula-tion into exile in Mexico? That is exactly the kindof "peace" Ralph Bunche established in Palestine.If there is any doubt left in anyone's mind regard-ing who controls the United Nations all doubt aboutit should be settled by the "peace" plan imposedupon the 1,000,000 lawful native Palestinians. It itany wonder that the Zionist "kept-press" and Zion-ist-controlled organizations continue to heap"honors" upon Ralph Bunche? And he accepts them!

United Nations was brought into existence. TheZionists had a reason for exercising their controlover many United Nations delegations. When theBritish Army of Occupation first moved into Pales-tine in 1919 only 7% of the population where pot-ential Zionists. In the period between 1919 and thewithdrawal of the British in 1948 the Zionist popu-lation in Palestine increased to 30% of the totalpopulation as the result of illegal Zionist immigra-tion. A "plebiscite" under United Nations super-vision would not have resulted in the creation of aZionist-con trolled government upon the withdrawalof the British from Palestine in 1948. For thisreason the Zionists PREVENTED the United Nationsfrom holding a plebiscite in Palestine. After the100,000 British soldiers withdrew from Palestine in1948, the armed Zionist invaders drove 1,000,000native Palestinians into exile. They had formed 70%of the total population in Palestine in 1948. Theremaining 600,000 Zionists then made up 99% ofthe population. A plebiscite then became purelyacademic, entirely unnecessary, and was never held.


(Son of Rabbi S. Wise, N. Y.) speaking from thepulpit of the Free Synagogue, Jan. 28, 1934 on "The

; Rising Tide—Will It Overwhelm Us?"

(Note: James Waterman Wise is affiliated with 55Communist fronts!)


British honor hits low of lows U S ' "^-treason *° Almighty God


The alien Zionist armed invaders committed theiract of aggression against the lawful inhabitants ofPalestine upon the withdrawal of the British in 1948.The armed forces of the other members of the ArabLeague immediately came to the assistance of thepeople in Palestine under their Regional Arrange-ments Treaty OBLIGATIONS and RESPONSIBILI-TIES. It was the fulfillment of a United Nationsobligation. It was not an "invasion" of Palestine byall the other members of the Arab League. Thesmall, poorly -equipped armed forces of these othermembers of the Avab League were no match for theforces of the alien Zionist invaders who had beensupplied with unlimited quantities of the most, mod-ern means for conducting blitz warfare by the UnitedStates, the Soviet Union and others. The armedZionist invaders were a well-trained army which hadobtained its training and also all its equipmentin the United States, the Soviet Union and otherZionist-dominated countries. The rest is history. Theconscience of the world will never be able to erasethe blemish of that "double-cross"' of the peaceful,

Common Sense *Union, New Jersey, U. S. A.

Conde McCinley, EditorOne Year $1.00Three Years 2.50

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•Tr«d« M»ik Ktiiiter.d United St.ttJ Patent Oltloe.

The desire by the original Thirteen Colonies for"self-determination" gave birth to the United Statesof America. .Since its creation in 1776, the UnitedStates has been a devout apostle for "self-determina-tion" for all peoples throughout the world. Manyleading countries throughout the world owe theirexistence to the support received by them fromthe Government of the United States and theAmerican people in their struggle for "self-determ-ination". The principle of "self-determination" FORALL PEOPLES OF THE WORLD was made thefoundation of the United Nations Charter. Thesolemn pronouncements of Presidents of the UnitedStates, including recent pronouncements of Presi-dent Truman to aid all peoples "in Europe, Asiaand Africa" in their struggle for "self-determina-tion", emphasizes this basic American idiology."Self-determination" denotes the democratic pro-cess by which the lawful inhabitants of a countrydecide for themselves under what form of govern-ment they choose to exist as a sovereign nation.

Zionists prostitute U.N. CharterThe application of "self-determination" is ef-

fected now by the democratic process known as a"plebiscite". A "plebiscite" is an election by secretballot by which the majority of the population de-termines their form of government. The United Na-tions has called for "plebiscites" in Korea, inKhashimir, in Indonesia, in Lybia, in Indo-Chinaand other countries where the principle of "self-determination" is to be applied for the first time.When the British Army of Occupation in Palestinewithdrew, Zionist-controlled United Nations used allits power to PREVENT the holding of a "plebicite"

i in Palestine. The United Nations thereby prostitutedI the very purpose for which is was brought intoexistence. The United Nations had ordered many"plebiscites" for the populations of backward nations

! to select the form of government they desired byI the process of "self-determination". The Zionist-controlled United Nations exerted every effort toPJBEVENT the people in Palestine from holding a"plebiscite" despite the fact that the ancestors ofthe Palestinians were the most highly civilizedpeople in the world when the populations of West-ern Europe were living in tree-tops like monkeys.

Zionists pervert purposes of U.N.Zionist control of the United Nations has been

used to abort the very purpose for which the



(Mr. Churchill made the above remark in hisspeech at the American Independence Day dinnerat the Dorchester Hotel July 4, 1950. And unless hehas quite forgotten his responsibility in the matter,he must surely have been either boasting orapologizing.)

World Government has been the cry of Marx-ian socialists for 20 years — we are promised avague Utopia for which we are asked to give upour NATIONAL sovereignty, independence, CON-TROL OF CURRENCY, immigration laws, taxingpowers and our political freedom.

James Warburg says, "that WORLD GOV-ERNMENT" would come whether we liked it ornot.

Scott Nearing, listed as a very prominentcommunist, said, "U'NITED STATES must takathe lead in forming a FEDERAL WORLD GOV-ERNMENT, for the UNITED STATES is a threatto the peace and security of its neighbors."

HELP US TO HELP YOU!Common Sense * is a non-profit, non-sectarian,non-political enterprise engaged exclusively inthe task of dnf orming the American people of thedangers which threaten our Republic and theestablished institutions of our kind of civilization.


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