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Alberto Ramirez Org Com. Wright 11/1/2011 Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 9/04/2011 Observed Events 1. Woke up at one in the afternoon with my little sister next to me in bed, since her bed was taken by family who came over. Went to get ready while my father was in the computer lab and wishes me good morning. My sister then got up around 2 and we headed downstairs to have brunch while the rest of the family is watching television. Some of the family already headed back to Del Rio which is where they are from. 2. Stayed home and began working on homework after father paid taxes online. I began talking to my sister about what she had planned for the day. She began to do her homework and I helped her answer some of the math questions she had. It helped her a lot since she cannot ask my father because he does not know how to teach. He knows math but whenever any of us have questions regarding homework, he gets frustrated easily and begins to argue. He does not know how to communicate well when it comes to teaching us (his children). 3. Went to the gym to work out which always releases my stress . I usually run 3- 4 miles and lift weights for arms and chest. Fitness 19 is a simple gym, machines and weights is all they have for exercising and they also have a kids room where the younger children can be watched over while the parents work out. I like the practicality of the gym and especially for 10 dollars a month, I don’t have much to complain about. Having said that, I do have one argument. The gym does not have showers to use. I hate the feeling of and smell of sweat and my body being the way it is, sweats a lot. If they did add showers I wouldn’t have to drive home smelly and shower 20 minutes later. If they fixed this problem, the price of the monthly payment would increase. So in the end you can’t have it all. 4. After coming home from the gym, I showered and began to eat dinner. By the time I come home from the gym, my family are already in bed. My sister is usually in bed by 9:30 since she has to get up early everyday for tennis. She also stays after school for dance team, so by the time she comes home she is tired. My folks go to bed around 10 and watch tv in their room and my aunt stays in her room also watching tv. I usually do research for homework along with social networking. Most times though I watch a movie or catch up on a show on the tv. I sometimes wish my brother was here since the house is quiet, too quiet. Significant Breakdown: Of all four events the communication between my dad and his ways of explaining is a breakdown. My father has an off tone when he tries to explain anything to you, he makes you feel stupid or angry. Even though that is not how he means it, the way he does it says so differently. When you ask him for help, he 1

Post on 18-Oct-2014



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Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 9/04/2011

Observed Events1. Woke up at one in the afternoon with my little sister next to me in bed, since her bed was taken by family who came

over. Went to get ready while my father was in the computer lab and wishes me good morning. My sister then got up around 2 and we headed downstairs to have brunch while the rest of the family is watching television. Some of the family already headed back to Del Rio which is where they are from.

2. Stayed home and began working on homework after father paid taxes online. I began talking to my sister about what she had planned for the day. She began to do her homework and I helped her answer some of the math questions she had. It helped her a lot since she cannot ask my father because he does not know how to teach. He knows math but whenever any of us have questions regarding homework, he gets frustrated easily and begins to argue. He does not know how to communicate well when it comes to teaching us (his children).

3. Went to the gym to work out which always releases my stress . I usually run 3- 4 miles and lift weights for arms and chest. Fitness 19 is a simple gym, machines and weights is all they have for exercising and they also have a kids room where the younger children can be watched over while the parents work out. I like the practicality of the gym and especially for 10 dollars a month, I don’t have much to complain about. Having said that, I do have one argument. The gym does not have showers to use. I hate the feeling of and smell of sweat and my body being the way it is, sweats a lot. If they did add showers I wouldn’t have to drive home smelly and shower 20 minutes later. If they fixed this problem, the price of the monthly payment would increase. So in the end you can’t have it all.

4. After coming home from the gym, I showered and began to eat dinner. By the time I come home from the gym, my family are already in bed. My sister is usually in bed by 9:30 since she has to get up early everyday for tennis. She also stays after school for dance team, so by the time she comes home she is tired. My folks go to bed around 10 and watch tv in their room and my aunt stays in her room also watching tv. I usually do research for homework along with social networking. Most times though I watch a movie or catch up on a show on the tv. I sometimes wish my brother was here since the house is quiet, too quiet.

Significant Breakdown:Of all four events the communication between my dad and his ways of explaining is a breakdown. My father has an off tone when he tries to explain anything to you, he makes you feel stupid or angry. Even though that is not how he means it, the way he does it says so differently. When you ask him for help, he expects so much when he himself has no idea upon the situation. When we think he raises his voice, it is really just him talking. It is frustrating trying to work with because he usually has to be right.

Significant Break through:The fact that I helped my sister with her homework over my dad is a big breakthrough for her. For if she would have asked dad, he would have been yelling at her for not understanding it and she gets upset and decides to pretend to understand so she can leave. That was all avoided because I understand her position and give her examples of what to understand.

Lesson Learned:Considering all the options before taking action is a huge help. In this case my sister evaluated the outcomes and chose which one was more beneficial to her.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 9/05/2011

Observed Events1. Woke up around 10 and started getting ready for the day, turned on the computer and made my coffee (which now

has been addicting). Coffee was not something I drank a lot of, but back when I had summer classes in the morning, it was essential for me to actually focus. The reason I began drinking coffee is because of my mother. For even as a child at the age of 5, I was drinking coffee. My brother and I would drink a glass of half milk and coffee


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with sugar every morning with breakfast. As the years grew, coffee faded away from my routine and I just stopped with it. Until recently coffee has come back and it works for me to stay focused. For as a child I never felt the NEED to have coffee but it was delicious to drink. I always wondered as a child why many people did not like giving coffee to children. Presently I see a lot of people but mainly women say to my sister (14 yrs old) “wow you drink coffee? I never let my child drink coffee.” I feel confused because I don’t know if they are insulting the way she was raised or that it is something that they find unusual.

2. Upon the computer I was to post the Laredo Great Strides event on event calendars in the city’s websites. It was our first walk for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Laredo and I wanted to make sure that awareness was at its highest and that the turnout and goal of raising $10,000 could be done. The problem was that some websites required registration, which I ended up doing but confirmations were never sent to my email. I will wait a day or two to see if they will get back to me for permission to post on the calendars. I was only able to post two and my goal is to post at least on ten different calendars.

3. I then had to go to class for professor Wrights class, it is my only class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I wish class was on Tuesdays and Thursdays that way I could have days to work. After class I logged onto the computer lab across the classroom to register for the CAP mock interviews that were happening soon. I registered for the first day of the interviews available that way if I missed one, I could simply make it to another one. I was excited since I need to practice interviewing for jobs following my December graduation. I have my eyes on one more internship before I graduate but I will in the mean time prepare my documentations for this interview.

4. After class I went to see Felix (guy I am seeing) for a late lunch but early dinner around 4. Upon picking him up, I began talking to his little sister. His sister is a great girl, she is actually a day older than my sister. My sisters birthday is October 15 and Gloria’s is October 14. Gloria and I ended up talking for an hour while Felix was getting dressed and prepared. What turned into an early dinner turned into an actual dinner since we arrived to the restaurant around 6. After dinner we went to go for a couple of drinks and stayed a while longer as some friends joined us. It was a great night, for we all were enjoying each others company.

Breakdown:Although I wanted an eager start on promoting the Great Strides walk today, I was unable to do so. The websites were not allowing me to post anything without registering, which took much of my time. I also felt like the websites were giving me the run around, thinking spam was just going to occur in my inbox rather than the confirmation. I looked up calendar events but many kept showing ones for larger cities such as; San Antonio, Dallas, and NYC. It was difficult to find sites that could reach Laredo.

Breakthrough:As hard as it was to post these calendars, I was able to post two. After registering I was able to promote the event and edit and view as many times as I would like. Luckily the two sites I registered for looked legit since it had over thousands of members joined.

Lesson Learned:That planning ahead never hurt anyone. Even though I am a planner, I did not consider that I would need to for posting events. I just assumed that I could find them in a matter of minutes, I also assumed my boss at the internship would list me where to post. I will set a higher bar for myself next time and be much prepared.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 9/06/2011

Observed Events1. Upon waiting for the shuttle to get to class, there was another woman waiting. She was on the phone, I was not

intending to listen but couldn’t help it since she sounded upset. Apparently it dealt with her job, by what I heard she was yelling at a team member or her boss. She was upset because the person on the line was telling her to do more for her job. She tried to explain that what they were asking her to do was not her job, that she was not going


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to do it. She was telling the other person on the line that if she was going to do it, she wanted to get paid extra. She was at this time very upset and told the person to find someone else to do it and hung up. It was an awkward silence since the bus had not come to pick us up yet.

2. After class I went to the office for my internship to finalize some work. I feel like I am the only one that helps out there, I know there are more interns helping but every time I go in there is only one intern working. I work from home a lot but I get the job done, while I also do others works. I do not understand how people are so lazy. It not only affects those working in the job but also as a person, what they do and do not do is a representation of oneself. Hopefully they will learn sooner or later.

3. Came home and ate dinner with the family. As years have gone by, the tradition of eating as a family has been fading very fast. Everyone, especially me has a different schedule. It makes things difficult to be with family when my schedule and work interfere with that time we used to spend together. At first my parents would get angry with me about not being there for dinner or about me making my own schedule of when to eat. I eat as soon as I get home and I eat fast and most of the time standing up. I am use to being on the move, so when it comes to eating (which is suppose to be slow) I don’t waste time since I have homework and also more work from my internship.

4. Also almost died in traffic because an older woman was on her phone and was not paying attention to the road. I was on I10 W. heading towards 1604 when a lady tries to get in my lane coming from the access road to get ON I10 W. I was going 55 mph on a 65 mph route because I needed to slow down to get on the ramp for 1604, she was entering I10 at full speed. There were no cars behind me so she could of slowed down to fit in with traffic and easily get on I10 but she decided to want to cut me off. Instead it was too late for her and she got in behind me, by this time I was stopping because traffic on the ramp, she stops abruptly a good 100 ft away. I look at rearview mirror to see if all is well and I can see her yelling in her car, shaking her head, which I am sure she was angry at me. I had the right of way and did nothing wrong. I don’t know why she would get on the highway if she was going to get off of it. People are so stupid!!!

Breakthrough: I guess today was more of a breakdown but breakthrough is that I now expect to not have family time when I eat dinner. I am use to eating fast because I do things fast, always on the move.

Breakdown: Definitely almost dying would be the biggest breakdown. The lady not paying attention could have resulted in a horrible situation. If it were not me being cautious, some other driver may have not been so causing them to crash.

Lesson Learned: Times change, with that said customs and traditions do as well. Dinner use to be family time and cell phones are used more for communication than speaking one on one. The worlds’ technology is updated to provide faster services, which in a way has developed into peoples lifestyles.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 09/07/2011

Observed Events1. What a great day this has been… First of all in the past couple of days, I have been talking to my mother about

my sisters quincenera.. It will be in July of next year but have so much to plan now before then. The only thing is I am pretty much the event planner, when it comes to planning I am usually on the ball with it. I researched info on where would be a good place to have, ballroom, hotel, etc. but it seems that all the places I am looking at states that clean up must begin at midnight. In Mexico it is tradition that the party lasts until late. 4 a.m. is the average time that quinceneras end at, so midnight is terribly early. This will be an issue for those who are expect a traditional quince.

2. I have been feeling really sad today, sometimes I get in the mood to cry. I like to cry, but a good cry. A cry with a movie, or the beautiful melody of music. When I get in this mood, all I want to do is just wanting to be loved. Feeling lonely by watching cute sappy romantic movies is usually how I start off. Then go onto music that just gives me time to think, a self retrospect. An evaluation of my life and experiences. Me time is what I


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call it. Most times it pertains to me thinking about why I do not have someone I am over heels in love with yet.

3. Went to the gym to release some stress, usually in moods (like I am today) I focus more on my routines. I feel more motivated to work, as in I push myself to be better than before. I guess moods like this create an evaluation, with the result being that there is always room for improvement. If I want something done, no one is going to do it for me. Being sad and feeling sorry for myself will not make anyone more attracted to me. For I am not even attracted to me, why would I focus on the bad when there is so much good in the world and in myself? I like this way of retrospect because it makes me value the possibilities of life.

4. So upon finishing some work for school, I get a call from Felix. He called to invite me to go out dancing, but I was not in the mood. Although I had nothing to do since homework was completed, I did not want to just sit here at home and do nothing. So I decided to go for a little while, I also invited my friends. I actually did not want to spend the whole evening with Felix since I believe we are no longer a match. He has three jobs and has no vehicle, time and transportation is important to me. And since he has neither, I feel like it is not the time to commit to someone who is not ready for it. So we made it to the bar, I was with my friends and he was with his. We met up halfway through the evening and it was casual, but I did not want to be around him the same way as before. Such as, I would give him more attention. I feel fake if I continue this attention he wants because I am an honest person.

Breakdown: Well I believe out of the day, my relationship with Felix is troubling me the most. I do not know what to do. He is a great guy, he is what I want in a man. But he is not a man yet, not saying I am either. But I am able to provide more, I feel when you care for someone, the relationship should be equal. And it is not.

Breakthrough: Working out is always a breakthrough, it is the only thing that keeps my mind free from negativity. It truly is the only place that I find within myself to analyze my life and world without having someone that cares for me worry. When at home and I think too much, my family thinks something is wrong. But nothing is, I am just thinking. Lesson Learned: Being that I do not show my sad emotions out to the world. Tonight was no exception with Felix, I find it unprofessional and immature to bring a burden to the table when it does not concern others. The problem is between me and Felix. So we all enjoyed being out tonight with no drama or complications.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 09/08/2011

Observed Events1. So woke up and was in a great mood. Got ready with much time on my hands and to make it better, it was a

beautiful sunny day. So waking up like this puts me in an excellent mood, which gives me confidence with what the day has stored for me.

2. I forgot to bring my laptop to class today, since our group in org. comm. Was going to begin researching information about Valero. I did not feel bad because no one else brought theirs, which I found typical because my team is not productive at all. I even got in an argument with our group leader about the scheduling of tasks. He wanted the power point done first, which is impossible because no one except me has done any research. How are we going to make a power point with no information? He kept stressing the power point should be the first thing done because it is the easiest and that another member was going to begin to do it. I argued that this was pointless, we needed to each do our part and put it all together. No one backed me up, it felt like the voice of reason was not important. Hating this group!!!!

3. I talked to some of my peers and coworkers and to my family about what I should do in the situation. All of them stated that I should speak to the professor about it and get his input. I am always a team player so the fact


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that I felt attacked during confrontation earlier was surprising. I was not trying to insult for I was only confused on what needed to be done versus what can be done. I will talk to prof. Wright next class time.

4. So on my way to the gym (which mind you is down the street from home, but not walking distance) and there was construction on the main road to get there. The light on 1604 and Braun is always congested. This caused a heavy traffic jam. I wonder what on earth did the people in the transportation department have a construction on this area when there is good enough space. There are a lot of other areas that needs to be fixed it was frustrating because I spent almost 40 minutes just to go down the street when it takes me two minutes.

Breakdown: My groups leadership was a HUGE breakdown today. I was in shock that these people could be this stupid. I communicated in the best possible way and it blew out of proportion.

Breakthrough: Getting advice on what to do with this useless group.

Lesson Learned: I should have just volunteered to be a group leader, even with missing the day where everyone got to meet and see what was valuable as a member for a team.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 09/11/2011

Observed Events1. Finally had a chance to go to the movie theater and saw Kung Fu Panda 2. I didn't have any plan to do that

today, but when boredom comes knocking the movies is always a good place to go to. I took my sister and enjoyed the movie very much, we both actually cried because it was cute and touching.

2. After the movie, we went out for yogurt which was delicious. My brother and sister always recommended this place by the house, it was so good. The price was not that bad either and much healthier than ice cream. This is the first time I have had yogurt besides that coming from an ice cream parlor or from the grocery store. Definitely coming back, my brother and sister usually come after they play tennis together.

3. It wasn’t until in the later afternoon that I remembered that I forgot my flash drive at the office yesterday. Hopefully it's still in the place where I left it. So I went back to the office to get it. It's a simple example how a simple things could turn into a nightmare if we are so careless about our items. Please be careful of your belongings!

4. Thank goodness the office was still open since we got their at 4ish and my boss usually leaves at around 5:30. We headed home and began to do our work from school. It was nice hanging out with my sister for a little while today. Thank goodness she had a half day and my classes were cancelled for the day. Funny how spending a little time with someone you love for a little while means more as opposed to spending an entire day with them.

Breakdown: Losing my flashdrive! It has all my current Lives’ work. Without it, I could portray a horrible image at my internship.

Breakthrough: Being with my sister and being able to talk to her like no time has gone by. Deep down we know each other best, that is something that we can always confide in each other.

Lesson Learned: To keep my flash drive on my key chain! Organizational skill need to be strict.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 09/12/2011


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1. Yesterday, I got a package in the mail. In the package was the new Windows 8 Developer Preview DVD. Unfortunately, I don't know how the heck I got this software! So instead of throwing away the DVD, i gave it to my father. In the package it mentioned that I entered for it and won the software from buying an outfit online. It said my name so I thought it was legit. My father really liked it.

2. Just came back from having a dinner at a Korean restaurant in the medical center with my friend Jesse and Lori. There was an event held in that place and we just happened to show up on the occasion. The service was amazing, very friendly and the food was delicious. I love spice so I asked if they could make my dish spicy and it was perfection. Going back for sure, next time I am bringing the family.

3. When leaving the Korean restaurant, I noticed it use to be a lot before the building was built. The place has quite a big space and I think it is perfect for a large banquet, I may recommend this restaurant to anyone interested in having a luncheon or some sort of festivity. The owner saw us standing outside for a while and I guess overheard our conversation, he gave me his card and offered a discount if I were to have a party there. Talk about a good deal!

4. I had to go pick up my brothers contact lenses at some optometrist office today. Apparently my brother has been waiting for his prescriptive lenses to come in, but it has been two months. They have not arrived to him yet, he lives in Denton so that means that we either have to mail him or he has to come down for his trial lenses. The office gives him the sample trial for a month of his prescription. Meaning every month he has to get new ones. He paid for new lenses which he can use for a year. The organization is messing up with our service and it is very inconvenient for me to continue getting lenses that are not even mine.

Breakdown: The contact lenses are annoying, they are not even mine but Victor is my brother and I am his older brother. It is my job to protect and help him out, so here I go again for the second month in a row to get his trial lenses.

Breakthrough: Being able to get a business card on the spot for an opportunity to increase my contacts is always a good thing. Regardless if is a hole in the wall restaurant, who knows maybe this restaurant may become popular and famous. Either way, the food was amazing!

Lesson Learned: That patience is a virtue, whether if we are waiting for contact lenses or to sticking around outside a Korean restaurant and meeting the owner offering his services to you. Time goes by too fast, sometimes the best things happen in slow motion.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 09/20/2011

1. Upon riding the bus today I noticed the lack of amount of buses the school has to offer. Or none the less, the poor planning of parking at this campus. Tuition pays for security, the recreation center and the availability/space of campus. Why was this not planned properly? Did no one consider that over the past five years, college attendance has increased. When I attended San Antonio College three years ago, the population boomed! There was a then record of attendance and has been increasing. UTSA has seen such results, I have seen more students this semester than I have seen exactly a year and a half ago. So why is it that SAC was more prepared for such a boom? They built a 5- story parking garage for the boom. UTSA is charging more for parking and has yet to finish the parking garage which looks smaller than SACs’ garage.

2. Was very frustrated all day since I am getting emotional about Felix. He is a great guy but he does not have a vehicle, which is really getting to me. When he does have the vehicle, he hangs out with his friends instead of making time for me. I feel like an unbalanced scale because I am giving him my time and affection while he is not.


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3. So at the end of the day I usually go to the gym but for some reason I felt extremely lazy, all I did was come home from school and do homework and talk with the family. My sister always comes home tired so she comes home, changes and eats. She and I usually eat at the same time since our schedules are somewhat similar. I love her very much but I feel that we are getting farther apart. Once she began high school she has been very busy with pep squad and tennis. She wakes up earlier than I do and also stays after school for practice. So when she gets home she is exhausted. Which interferes with my time of wanting to be around her because she does homework and goes to bed. We use to go get ice cream or just watch a movie at home. We no longer have that time anymore.

4. Today is my friends 30th birthday, usually I am at home for I have to be up for school in the morning but this is an exception. We had dinner at Pappadeoux, which was delicious. Drinks were floating around but I wanted to be able to drive so I had one drink the whole evening. It was not a large group which was nice, the more the merrier but sometimes being less is more. I had a great time, this guy always makes me laugh. Can't wait for next year, it should be a big party or so he says.

Breakdown: Felix, the communication use to be great. At least something out of the guy, now with his jobs and school. He does not even make time to call me or even text me unless I do so first. I know he is busy, but we are still getting to know each other but if it is just me making the effort out of my busy life then I believe he should have time as well.

Breakthrough: Being with friends who I have not seen in a long time. I keep in touch with these individuals, but we all have a life. As long as you keep me in on the loop, I do the same. We are able to function around our schedules meaning true friendship is what we all have.

Lesson Learned: that even though I may not be able to see or hear from others when I want to, does not mean that they do not care. I am so use to making time for others, but I need to understand not everyone is me. I was raised differently than my friend who just turned 30. His priorities are different as are my 14 year old sister.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/08/2011

1. So the family has decided to go to Dallas this weekend to go visit my brother and some family we have up there. I miss my brother very much and can’t wait to see him. The house is a lot more calm and peaceful without him around, since he is the rebellious one of all of us. Him and my dad have a need to argue their point across to everyone.

2. The trip to Dallas or well Lewisville is 5 hours long, especially with my dad driving. He drives pretty slow based on my standards. As long as I have music, I am easily entertained for the ride. In the van is my parents, sister and aunt. We all talk about things on the road, such as friendships, relationships with others, etc. It is nice that we talk about things since I feel like I get an opinion or advice of something I would not have thought of.

3. So we get to Lewisville at around 7ish, we stay at my aunts and uncles house. Their son (my cousin) is 12 years old and an only child. A couple years ago his baby sister died in my aunts stomach because of internal complications. They will never forget about that since they all want another child, although I do question their lifestyle. I do not think they are adequette for another child, since they like to drink a lot.

4. So upon arrival we all wanted to go out for dinner since we have been sitting in the car for so long. But my mom did not want to, since she knows that my aunt and uncle want to stay out late. My mom is a lot of the times not very outgoing. I mean she does but does not stay out too long for most times. We all call her boring so that she can prove us wrong but it does not. There are times when my father wants to go out, for he is outgoing. He is very much like me and finds interesting things to do around the city.


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Breakdown: My mom being the way she is at times. She sometimes is very outgoing but many times she is the Debbie downer. I sometimes beg her to come to a movie with me just to be with her, but she prefers to stay home. I love being home, but sometimes I need to get out!

Breakthrough: That by majority vote I drove most of the road on the trip. My dad is in denial that he is a slow driver, but he also causes some of us to get carsick. So just proves that I am a smoother and faster driver than he.

Lesson learned: That my mom is getting older, and she is a woman. I as a man; regardless being gay, will never fully understand the minds of women. Why she wants to go out when everyone wants to stay home, and vice versa.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/09/2011

1. Today I woke up to do homework before me and the family went out to do any activities. We were going to go shopping first so I check my account balance online and see that I am in the negative section. I look at my transactions and find out almost $400 has been charged at Champs sporting goods. I called the bank and had to declare fraudulent charges to my account. Apparently someone in Michigan had access to my money and used it. I was told I was going to get my money back within days and that my debit card was cancelled out and they were shipping me a new one. So in other words I am on vacation with no money.

2. We went to the Galleria of Dallas, it was huge and nice to sight see but there was nothing really worth buying. So we went to another local mall closer to my aunts and uncles house called the Grapevine. This mall was an outlet mall and there were tons of sales and discounts. Once the family and I learned of this, we all went our separate ways in the mall to see what we wanted to see.

3. After the mall we went to go to a Mexican seafood restaurant for dinner. It looked shady and gross to be honest but never judge a book by its cover. We went in and there was a band playing tejano music, but it was so incredibly loud. I wasn’t able to hear anyone who was talking to me. The waitress takes our order and my sister and cousin had modifications to their seafood cocktail. All they wanted in it was seafood, no veggies or tomato juice. So she repeats the order and I clarified no veggies or juice. She gave me a look that was like “I know, don’t tell me how to do my job” but I was nice about it so she gave me attitude for that.

4. The food took forever honestly. It was about almost an hour until we received it and to no surprise, the waitress got the orders wrong. She put veggies and it was full of tomato juice in the cocktails. Before she was even able to put down the cocktails for them, I told her. She looked at me and said “on both” and I was like yes. I told you three times and you repeated it. We need ones with no veggies and no tomato juice. She went back to fix them. What pissed me off overall was that we had to pay for them and on top of that she added gratuity to our ticket at an insane amount of 24%. I told the family about it, but felt that its best we just never go there again.

Breakdown: The seafood restaurant, one of the worst experiences in the food industry I have ever been in. And having been a server says a lot. Obviously our communication was not worthy for her simple mind to comprehend. Also that $400 was stolen from my account

Breakthrough: That we got to shop and that it was the choice of the family on where to go rather than just my dad make the decision as always.

Lesson Learned: Never go to that restaurant again, but other than that Dallas is a wonderful city. Also that being very careful with my debit card, I believe it has to be from a bar back home. I will start using cash from now on.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/10/2011


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1. Today we had to head back to SA, this time I wanted to drive the majority of the drive. I drive faster than my father so with me behind the wheel, it feels faster than sitting in the back seat. My father likes to not drive the whole way so I drove all the way to Austin.

2. We stopped in Austin because we wanted to go to IKEA. We were redesigning my brothers and sisters rooms. With my brother no longer here, my sister is going to take his room and my aunt is going to take my sisters. We stopped at IKEA and I have been wanting to go for the longest time since I have never been. And design is one of my hobbies, I love designing, rearranging and being creative. A passion of mine is the eye for detail, so when we stopped there I was surprised. My father never told me we were stopping there, he just kept saying that a coworker told him to go to a furniture store that had good prices. So I did not think about it much, but when we stopped at IKEA I was shocked. I said “IKEA?! I have been telling yall about this place for years and not once did yall consider this place.” They just said that they never heard me say that ever, and my sister said “mom, dad he has said he has been wanting to go here forever. Every time we pass Austin he wants to stop here. They just ignored us, but none the less were here!!

3. We were in IKEA for two hours for mom, auntie and me were fascinated with all the different designs and variety of uses of ideas for things. My dad is weird on Sundays, he is outgoing all morning and afternoon until it starts to hit 4 in the afternoon. He likes to be home and just relax for the rest of the day, which is fine but can be annoying at times. Like today, we got to IKEA at 3. And we were all together for the first 30 mins. But after that he went straight to the bedroom section because that is what we were looking for my sister. He tries to hurry us up but we want to continue looking. So we do so, but we do it a little faster. We left at around 5ish and my dad drove the rest of the way home.

4. So we get home around 7 and are finally able to relax. The saying of “there is no place like home” is definitely true. I start helping my sister separate her room apart. Starting with her clothes, since she is moving across the hall. The less we have to carry out the easier the move will be. She has soo much clothes that she doesn’t wear, that I don’t know why she has them. But I have no room to talk either since I do have clothes that I don’t wear. I keep clothes because I always think that an occasion will come up and it will be my reason to wear that piece of clothing.

Breakdown: That my parents have selective hearing. They only hear what they want. I have mentioned IKEA for years and now are barely discovering it and claiming I have never mentioned such a place. Grrrr

Breakthrough: That we actually MADE IT IN to IKEA. That once we stepped inside, all our argument became pointless and we all felt like children in a candy store. With all the designs and fancy gadgets and furniture are eyes had stars.

Lesson Learned: That even though knowing I was right, sometimes letting things go, is best.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/11/2011

1. Woke up at 11 this morning, with my intentions to wake up at 9 to go to the gym early since this weekend I was a fatty. But I woke up later, I believe this to be so because of my one class on Mondays, weds, and Fridays. Organizational communications is my only class on those days and it begins in the middle of the day. I feel like I waste time to make this class sometimes. It is my last semester and I had a perfect schedule of only attending Tuesdays and Thursdays, but because of last semesters incident (prof lost two of my papers causing me to get a D) here I am again.

2. Had to go back to the office to finish up things for the Great Strides event. Had to make sure there was enough coverage for the event. Had to verify responses from the emails and letters I sent out. Along that all the calendars needing our event to be posted was online.


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3. Suddenly, my schedule for this week and next week become suddenly full. I have to attend several activities held by my school and internship. I have an event for my internship in Laredo this Saturday and conference for a program at UTSA. On top of that I am seeking a new internship that way I can have two under my belt before graduation. Sooo much to do!

4. I realized that my flash drive is not here and I left it at the last computer I used. Let's hope it's not gone. It's only 4 GB of flash drive and I have already lost two of them this semester. Which I find odd since of all my years in college I have never lost it. This is my third one this semester! I don’t know if I have another drive at home but it's still so valuable for me to get this one back since my schoolwork and workload is on there.

Breakdown: Timing flies by when not paying attention. I just did not plan on the program being on the same week as my event. I have to travel to Laredo at 2 a.m. on Saturday to be there on time. The program is on a Thursday at night gosh no sleep this weekend.

Breakthrough: That I am able to do it all, well except sleep much. But being professional requires me to do my duties. I will catch up on sleep when I come back.

Lesson Learned: Getting the job done is one of the keys to success, that when you finish your job. It won’t feel like a job really, it feels more fulfilling than being paid for it. It makes you proud of your work and effort.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/12/2011

1. Today my cousins Sally and Shelly and aunt are staying over the weekend. They are looking for quincenera dresses. Sally is older and is turning 16 while Shelly is turning 14. They decided to combine their quince to save money, which I find it as a great idea. Their almost the same age, just several months apart. So they arrived at 11 a.m. of course my sister and I were asleep since it is the weekend. So they wake us up because they want to go shopping. We lazily get up.

2. Apparantly the store they wanted to go to was a place on the other side of town, getting close to the sketchy scary area of San Antonio. It was in the ghetto to be honest. So we arrive to the store where it is a huge warehouse dress store where they have everything for this type of events. Dresses, formal wear, mens formal suits, tuxedos, etc. The girls needed help looking for a dress, so everyone went their own ways and looked for dresses they may find suitable. A lot of them were pretty but a lot more were hideous. But in Mexico, wearing bright colors on a fancy gown is not all that unusual. I just think many colors used in these dresses clash horrendously.

3. So after two hours they tried on the qualified dresses that they liked, while they tried some on. The idea sprung that my sister as well should get measured since we are having her sweet sixteen next year. This would be a great opportunity to begin since this store was far from where we lived. So she tried some gowns on, one looked great. But she wasn’t into it for some reason, she stated that she didn’t want a quince. We were all taken aback because she never mentioned it before today. We have been planning and getting ideas since she was 13 and now she is barely telling us she doesn’t want one. Made me mad because I want her to have one!

4. So we got the dresses my cousins liked, I am still a little upset that my sister does not want a party for her birthday next year. But it is her decision. Even though I acted as if it were my party to do, I was the planner. I had meetings at locations to see if it was good for the party, catering companies, event rentals, etc. So all my planning is going down the drain. What a waste of time, but again it is her decision.

Breakdown: Sister not wanting a sweet sixteen/quince for herself. Everyone is bummed because it was going to be a time where EVERYONE we knew was going to be reunited. A reunion of everyone we loved, all the family which has not happened in a long time. Friends from around the world were going to come, all this excitement for nothing.


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Breakthrough: That my cousins found what they were looking for at a reasonable price. There was so many dresses they tried on and were able to compromise with my aunt on the price of the gowns.

Lesson Learned: That even in the sketchy side of town, you can find a great gown. I usually never judge a book by its cover, but I did today and now recall why I do not do so.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/13/20111. So I realized that my sisters birthday was coming up, I have yet to buy her anything. Not having a job is

really killing me. I am spending all my savings, thank goodness I put away some money that I cannot access in a separate account. I have a cute girls jacket I bought for my cousin years ago for her birthday, but she never remembered to get it so it is just sitting in my room. I remember my sister saw it and loved it, so I guess I won’t be spending money.

2. My sister is so lucky that her birthday is on a Saturday, I have not had a birthday on a weekend in years! I always wanted to do a big party but because of leap year, it has prevented me to do it on a night where not everyone has to wake up early the next morning. This year my birthday was on a Monday and last year on a Sunday. Friday and Saturday were skipped for some whatever odd reason, but either way I went to Austin for the past two birthdays. It is nice to get away for a little bit, get tied up in new adventures is always fun.

3. So today I told Felix it was not going to work out, he seemed sad. “I understand, but DAMN.. you were a good one” which broke my heart because I could tell he knew he cared for me. “I feel worse for the fact that, I can’t give you what you want.. no matter how much I want to do it.. I just am not in the position to do so.” I told him that, I think the timing may not be right. Who knows, maybe in a couple years when he is able to buy a car or have some type of transportation then it could possibly work out. I still want to remain in contact with him because we get along very well.

4. I went to my friend Loris’ house tonight, we usually just talk or play pool. She tells me she is planning to move to Dallas in January, she was afraid to tell me. I was confused on why she was for if it makes her happy then go for it. She was afraid that I would get mad or sad and that I would make her stay. Being best friends and the fact that we live fairly close to each other I could understand why she would think that. But being her best friend also means that I am there to support her when needed. She needs to escape her parents home, for they don’t want her to go to college. All they want is for her to work and to take her money that she earns from work to pay the house bills. Her mother is a day care provider, so Lori wakes up at 5 a.m. mon- fri. to help her mother out in the house. She does not get paid for this, which I understand that she is helping. But the mom gets paid to do the job, why does she need Lori to wake up and do her job? Lori works as a provider for those who cannot take care of themselves (mental isues). She does the cleaning in the house, cooks, changes clothes, gives medication, entertainment, etc. And the hours are pretty long. Although she gets paid minimum wage for it, which I find upbsurd. So every paycheck is taken from her hands and given to her parents. Lori never has money because her parents are selfish, they also do not let her go out when she wants to. They feel that because Lori is young at 22, that she can live the life her parents never could. Her parents got married young and had Lori at 21 yrs young. From then on, they have had kid after kid. The father is a cop and has had multiple affairs and has to pay child support for four other children with two different women. One woman has one child, and the other has three. They are always drinking on the evenings that I go over and tonight was no exception. I hope Lori gets out of here soon.

Breakdown: Well obviously the fact that my best friend could not talk to me about moving was shocking. I think she cares too much about what people think of her. She is constantly telling me “yeah I don’t think …so and so… likes me.” I feel her parents have made her weak and self conscious about herself.

Breakthrough: Well the fact that she told me was good. That I was able to provide her more insight on how to do it and what she needs to do before she leaves. We were finally able to communicate what she had on her mind for the longest time.


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Lesson Learned: That even though Lori and I are best friends, sometimes hard topics are difficult to discuss. The fact that she told me was a huge relief for her and I came to an understanding that she loves me too much and was afraid she was going to lose me because of her view on things.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/14/2011

1. I have started to download another Gordon Ramsay's work on reality show called Kitchen's Nightmare in which Ramsey will spend a week on a certain failing restaurant and tried to revive its business back in the track. It has reached its fifth season (even though it's based on the UK's version of Kitchen's Nightmare, also by Ramsey). I will start watching this as soon as I complete the last few episodes on Hell's Kitchen season 9 where there are only few participants left in both the red and blue team as on each episode, there is one person leaving the Hells Kitchen due to their performance and failed to fight back (the spirit that Ramsey always wanted from the chefs that will be the head chef on BLT Steak in New York City). Don’t know why I like this over the top drama because I hate the Jersey Shore. The communication mood is always tense on this show.

2. On facebook I saw a post about that Yogurt place I went to a couple days ago is having a 50% discount today. So I invited Lori for some yogurt in the afternoon, we ate a lot of yogurt. but since its 50% off, the price wasn't that expensive. We had more of the talk about her moving situation and about my Felix situation. It was a beautiful day.

3. After dropping off Lori, my parents asked where I was. I swear they have alzheimers, they never pay attention or do not hear me. I tell them exactly where I am going and doing with a confirmation from them. As soon as I get home they sound worried and ask where I was at. I feel like there is always a miscommunication with them. I tell them where I go and they ask, but when I do not tell them they will not ask. I do not understand!!

4. So looking for a new internship and came across The CE Group which is a marketing firm in SA that does events such as Luminaria, Fiesta, NCAA mens and womens final four. I want to work here, it looks exactly what I want to do in a job. Events and public relations, being a planner as I am. This seems like a dream job, I applied with my resume and cover letter and can only hope. I also applied to CULINARIA, which would be great because I love food and wine. I also applied to Bromley Communications which is the one I really want, since it is a top notch company and would look fantastic on my resume.

Breakdown: Parents never knowing where I am, either if I tell them or not. I have talked to them about it, but they always say I never tell them where I go. When in fact I have proof because I bring my sister to every confirmation I have with them.

Breakthrough: Social media and its interaction has created a great source of information. If it were not for that post on facebook, I never would have gone to get yogurt today. And by bringing a friend, two half priced cups of yogurt equal one whole price cup.

Lesson Learned: That maybe I should just contact my father over facebook about where I am. Kidding! I guess keep reminding where I am by calling or texting them during the event or location. But facebook would be a good source since my father does use it daily.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/15/20111. So it is my sisters birthday and she has a football game, which means I wont see her at all today. She had a

tennis tournament this morning and ended at 2, then had to shower and change for pep squad. She had to be at the school at 5. So it was in and out for her. The game was at 7 but she has to ride the bus and practice on the stands for the game. I asked if she wanted to have a sleepover yesterday, but she said no. I feel like something is wrong with her, she usually is very social. But for some reason, she has not presented her new friends to the family. She would have had a new friend come over by now, I know she is growing up and going through puberty. I wish I was a girl so that I could talk to her about her body, since I know that is a possible issue she is dealing with.


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2. So I basically wasted today because my plan was to be with my sister all day. But since she has her own schedule, my plans were ruined. Even by the time she is done with the game, she will be too exhausted to do anything. So what to do tonight…

3. I ended up going to the gym for a little workout and came home to watch movies with the family. We watched Bridesmaids, which was hilarious! I have seen it in the theaters twice and I believed it was one of the best feel good movies I have seen in a while. When I saw it in the theaters, more men were laughing than women. Which I found interesting because for a movie with an all women lead ensemble, the men found it most amusing. So my parents loved the movie, which is rare that they like any movie anymore.

4. I ended up going out tonight with my friends to our usual bar, which is always fun. My friends Alex and Michael are always up meeting there. We started planning Jesses’ going away party since he is moving to Spain to continue school.

Breakdown: Not communicating with my sister before I made plans with her. That was a mistake, do not know why I did not ask her before if she was available.

Breakthrough: Was able to plan Jesses’ going away party with Michael and Alex. Needed their insight on ideas on what to do. I was thinking a dinner at his favorite restaurant and drinks afterwards.

Lesson Learned: To always plan ahead. I usually do but of course the one time I don’t turns out to be a disaster. I have to schedule myself into my sisters availability geez.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 09/30/20111. Halloween is coming up and I still have no costume! I have been wanting to be speed racer for years.

Since the new movie came out, I fell in love with him! I have the light skin and dark wavy hair for it, I just have not been able to find the costume. Well I have but it costs around $60 and that is just for the jacket and some stretched pants. I do not think it is worth it, maybe I can find the jacket by itself.

2. So my group in org com. Is being a problem again. As I posted on google groups the topics that some of us could start working on about two weeks ago, no one has assigned themselves to a project. I already finished my parts of; community relations, awards, history, external communications. I even printed out 10 articles about Valero. No one has done anything, okay well a member began the powerpoint. Which was made up of 20 empty slides, yeah some contribution he has made. I am worried!!! HELP?

3. I talked to prof. Wright after class and he said he would check up on the group by looking at our work on google. He agreed that I was not crazy and that the contribution of a blank powerpoint was worthless. I hope he can settle them out because, I am no one to tell them what to do. If I was the leader, all of this would have been different.

4. So I got a response from all the internships I applied for. Culinaria wants an interview Wednesday, The CE Group on Friday and Bromley just responded by saying they were interested in meeting. I want Bromley and as I was telling the news to some of my peers all were saying that Bromley was definitely a great place. Some were jealous.. hehe

Breakdown: My group, every time we get together NOTHING gets done. It is pointless to set up a meeting when no one brings anything. I feel like the project should just have my name on it since I am the only one providing documentation.

Breakthrough: My internship applications were viewed and considered. I will prepare for my interviews but still in hope to get one scheduled for Bromley.


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Lesson Learned: That because this group has a way of performing, I may be over reacting. I hope I am wrong and that they do not wait till the last minute to do their parts. Being a planner creates deadlines, but as I say to myself EVERYDAY.. not everyone is me.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/17/20111. I found my costume at an affordable price! I just hope it gets here on time by next Friday because of a party I will be

attending. I got my speed racer jacket and pants for $28 on amazon. So thank you amazon! I found it odd since the closer to Halloween is, costumes would be more expensive but not going to question this miracle.

2. I started seeing someone else, his name is Noah. He is a sweet guy and when we first met he really wanted me. As in the way he saw me, it felt like it was either love or lust at first sight. Either way he wanted me. He is very polite, opens the door for me and is quite the gentleman. Although there is something about him that I find fishy.. I don’t know what, but maybe it is me. I do not get treated this way before, usually I am the man in the relationship, which I like but sometimes someone pulling my chair or opening the car door for me feels wonderful.

3. I also started decorating the house for Halloween, the only ones who do so for Halloween is our house and our neighbor. It feels like this neighborhood has gotten less in spirit over the years. I always am the one decorating the house, my parents want the house decorated but they do not want to do it because they are lazy. I also am more creative than they are. So it allows me to do whatever with the house.

4. My father and I also started on my sisters room renovations. We tore off the carpet from the two rooms, we are putting tile on the floors. I do not like the color choice my parents picked out but.. eh I did not pay so it will have to do. This is going to be a lot of work, because I remember messing with cement when I helped put tile in the front foyer and backyard patio. Not looking forward to this.

Breakdown: That I am questioning Noahs motives, he says he wants to get to know me. But I am putting up a barrier from him. I do not want to get hurt, and maybe he is just trying to know me. But it is difficult for me.

Breakthrough: Got my costume, that patience is a virtue. Or maybe it was just sheer luck, I even emailed the seller about sizes and it is a good fit.

Lesson Learned: Again everyone is different, Noah is communicating in a new way I have not experienced before. I like it but also don’t because it causes me to become suspicious.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/03/20111. So my interview with Culinaria is today and I am confident that I will get it. I was prepared and I am a likeable

person, or so I think. Also with my experience with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has opened a lot of doors for me. Learning about social media, task sheets, coordinating volunteers, etc. I am good and ready! GO!

2. I got the internship on the spot, Suzanne Estheredge who is the manager of Culinaria showed me around the building. It is located in front of Central Market HEB. It was in a yellow house with a purple fence which I found cute. She welcomed me to the team and explained what I will be doing as their public relations intern. I am excited and start next Wednesday since Monday is a holiday.

3. After leaving Culinaria, I felt like it was good, but not the best I can do. I wanted to work somewhere I can gain the most experience with projects and clients. The CE Group and Bromley looks more like what I am seeking, so I hope after the interview with CE on weds I will get a better understanding. If I land the CE I am taking it.

4. I am still wanting Bromley but no response past the first email. Which stated that we need to set up a time and date for an interview. A week has gone by and have sent her a third email, verifying if all was well. I want it but if it is not meant to be then so be it.


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Breakdown: No response from Bromley, they responded right away at first and now dragging on. They are killing me!!

Breakthrough: Landing the internship with Culinaria, we had a lot in common and stated that she liked me. They usually hire after discussion with team, but she liked me so much she took the action of approving.

Lesson Learned: Being able to communicate at a level with Suzanne was great practice for me, I can bounce from topic to topic with

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/10/2011

1. First day of work and am excited, although I have to wake up at 6 a.m. and leave the house at 7:30ish to be at the office at 8:30. But hey, that’s how it is going to be in the real world right!

2. Left the office at 12:20 to get to class at 1. Work was overwhelming since they only trained me the basics of how to log on to the network server. Then after a brief orientation I was thrown to handle projects. One project in particular is Bohanans Holidays on Houston Street. It is an event at Bohanans Restaurant on Dec. 2 from 6 -8 p.m. I had to make a Media Task Sheet, which I had no idea what it was. But Bryn who is an assistant, was working on it already so she showed me. It is a list of media outlets that we contact for coverage on an event or something. Name of who we are targeting, the company, address, phone, email, then what we did to contact them and then if they responded.

3. So when I get to class I was already tired, I felt like a lot of energy was used at work. Thank goodness, I did not need to come back to the office. So I headed home after class and took a nap, which lasted for 4 hours. I hate naps because my naps turn into a long period of rest. So I woke up at 5 and was still tired but knew if I didn’t get up I would not be able to sleep at night. So I went to the gym to give me energy.

4. Came home and showered, by that time everyone was in their parts of the house. My parents in their room, sister and aunt in theirs. I then ate and watched some television, it felt like a long day. Maybe because I did have a long busy day. I felt like my boss felt like she was overwhelming me, but I really wasn’t. I was fine, the fact that as long as I get taught how to do this work then I am good. But I was not really trained to do this, just thrown in with the lions.

Breakdown: Not getting the proper training, felt out of place. I was sure I was going to be assigned a project, but I am not familiar with anyone attached to it. I will have a lot of work in the means of networking at a fast rate.

Breakthrough: Learned that this is a fast paced environment, which I love. It is a challenge but I love to prove to others and myself that I am a strong worker.

Lesson Learned: That extra research is required when working here, asking questions is not something to be ashamed of. To know who is doing what in the office is important, such as this task sheet. Only Bryn would know the details since this is her project and I am taking it over.

Communication Journal Name: Alberto Ramirez Date: 10/29/20111. So today I have plans to go out with my friends Lori and Marlen to Sparkys, one of the gay bars in town. I

like it there because the music is very good, they have a variety of music and various types of people go there. And for sure there will be a lot of dressing up so it should be fun, plus Marlen and Lori love to dance so I am excited.

2. I helped clean the house