commoriom submission v3,27

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  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    A Submission for

    Trail of Cthulhu


    General/structural comments:

    It would be good if, by the end, the protagonists

    have an idea of what KZ and his spawn might be,

    maybe where they came from. Do they also need a

    copy of the Book of Eibon

    !he offspring of KZ have two forms" adult and

    #uvenile. !he #uvenile is simply a fissile off$shoot

    of an adult. It%s about the si&e and appearance of a

    leech. 'nly the #uvenile can parasitise a human.

    !hey take about ($) weeks inside a human to reach


    !here is a fro&en mastodon carcass in the upper

    chamber of the tower.

    *an e+uipment be defined in terms of opportunities

    for the use of reparedness Eg. -inches, ropesetc. eview travel, supply levels and some physical

    challenges to make them properly player$facing and

    simple to use. But wait to see what /aws comes up

    with in 0ythos E1peditions.

    Ekkehardt Bauer" real archaeologist who did a lot

    of work for 2lfred osenberg and #oined the

    34D2 in 56(5.

    7ohannes !8ufer 9 possible pseudonym. 2uthor of

    56(: article on ;ril Vril. Die Kosmische Urkraft.

    "I have yet to translate the terrible andabominable legend telling how a certain doughty

    citizen of Commoriom returned to the city after

    its public evacuation, and found that it was

    peopled most execrably and numerously by the

    fissional spawn of Knygathin Zhaum, which

    possessed no vestige of anything human or

    even earthly" ! Clar #shton $mith

    Before ice covered the land of

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    In The Valley of ommoriom! the protagonists

    can find the bodies of the last survivors of the

    @erman team, mysteriously burned to death.

    3earby, there is a strange temple inscribed with a

    history of the early pre$human settlers. 'n the

    valley floor, a shadow under the ice indicates the

    location of the archaeological site.

    !here is strange singing in the valley and theprotagonists see the elusive figures of blond


    Excavation leads to the discovery of an ancient

    tower entombed in ice, containing the remains of

    ancient astronomical e+uipment.

    ?nseasonal bli&&ards harry the team as they work

    and they may glimpse a strange creature in the

    storm. !he problems escalate with damage to the

    camp and people attacked, until the rotagonists

    neutralise the Eskimo clan that is causing theseproblems.

    Aurther digging uncovers a stairway with a frie&e

    describing a history of

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    )*ymbol: *tandalone, !his symbol defines

    sections that apply only to running the scenario as a


    Creating the Protagonists2ppropriate roles for the e1pedition include

    archaeologists, geologists, anthropologists,

    biologists, e1plosives e1perts, drill engineers andradio engineers. 2ll team members should be

    healthy and fit, and preferably are competent cross$

    country skiers 9 represented for game purposes as a

    minimum 'utdoorsman rating of 5 and 2thletics of

    (. !he e1pedition will also need a medic with

    0edicine and Airst 2id ratings of at least =.

    !he e1pedition leader is 1enophobic and the Arench

    in particular need not apply.

    )*ymbol: $rmitage #n+uiry, !eam members are

    likely to be 2merican, perhaps connected to the?niversity.

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    -ilfred /ipton, at Ethelrod%s office in the British




    *cene Type:Introduction.ead0ut:reparations, !he 2tlantic ;oyage

    )*ymbol: $rmitage #n+uiry,!he briefing takes

    place in a seminar room at the 2rchaeology

    Department of 0iskatonic ?niversity. 2ssociate

    rofessor Arancis 0organ is a self$assured yet soft$

    spoken field researcher in his early (:s, who

    e1presses regret at being unable to attend the

    e1pedition due to it being brought forward by a

    year. :s walks

    to the front of the room and stands in front of the


  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    research vessel used in the 56=>

    e1pedition. It will depart from


    o )*ymbol: *tandalone,!he

    e1pedition ship is theBeatrice, an

    2rctic research vessel leased by the

    oyal @eographical 4ociety. It will

    depart from 4outhampton.

    !he team should be prepared to overwinter

    in @reenland, facing temperatures as low as

    $):A, and returning in spring when the site

    is accessible by sea once more. !he f#ord is

    likely to be inaccessible from the sea

    between 4eptember and 0ay. In case of

    emergency, with climbing e+uipment,

    @odthHb is reachable on foot in about five


    !he planned route is longer and gentler thanthe 56=> 0athieson E1pedition, allowing

    transportation of heavy drilling e+uipment.

    !hey will use dog sleds and a snow tractor.

    !eam members will be issued with rifles to

    protect themselves from bears and other

    dangerous animals.

    2 prefabricated cabin with outhouses for

    dogs and storage will be provided. !hey will

    use the drilling rig, blasting e+uipment, ice

    melting machine, chainsaws and handdigging to e1cavate the site.

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    Ethelrod%s closest friends.

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    Zhotha++ah who lived beneath an e1tinct

    volcano. !he ;oormis were originally slaves of

    Fsnake$people%, but they revolted and won their


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    doesn%t appear to know much about the 0athieson


    &etting to know Charles &ranger

    2nyone spending a significant amount of time with

    @ranger will find him a friendly and competent


    Evidence ollection: 5 point spend@rangerseems to have a slight tremble in his hands.

    2edicine: !remors of the e1tremities can

    be a symptom of Delerium !remens, caused

    by alcohol withdrawal.

    2edicine: 5 point spend@ranger%s skin showssymptoms of long$term alcohol abuse.

    If asked about 0athieson E1pedition, @ranger

    repeats the official account and doesn%t add any

    more detail.

    $ssess 3onesty: @ranger is hiding something. 5point spend

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    4eapon:$= fists, $5 boat hookRimprovised, 5

    /ee Enfield rifle

    #odth$%*cene Type: *ore

    .ead#n:!he 2tlantic ;oyage

    .ead0ut:!he ival E1pedition, Evighedsf#orden

    !he ship makes a scheduled stop for three days in

    @odthHb, the capital of @reenland, to refuel, collect

    supplies and coordinate with the sledding team.

    'nce the ship is prepared, a local barge is to

    transport the sleds and sled dogs to Evighedsf#orden


    It is late 7uly by the time the team arrive. !he

    climate is surprisingly mild. 0ost of the land and

    sea is free of ice apart from a few small icebergs

    called Fgrowlers%. In spite of a near complete

    absence of trees, there is a fair amount of greeneryand the rivers swell with melt water.

    @reenland at this time is a Danish colony with

    Danish currency and mostly Danish place names.

    @odthHb is the capital and has a population of

    around =:::, mostly Eskimo, but with a few people

    of 4candinavian descent.

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    2nyone who accepts will find themselves lectured

    about the noble origins of the 2ryan raceC and

    how archaeological sites all over the world prove

    that their ancestors brought civilisation to the

    ancient world. 2nyone who vigorously disagrees

    finds the offer of hospitality prematurely


    Reassurance/8lattery: 5$oint spend !he@ermans reveal their route north$northeast

    from @odthHbsf#orden, a similar route to the

    0athieson E1pedition.

    $ssess 3onesty: Behind the bragging, there

    is a slight sense of uneasiness. 5$oint

    spend !he @erman crew seem to be

    worried about their team.

    o Reassurance: = oint spend !he

    @ermans admit that they are being

    lead to the site by 7ean aymond@obineau, a 0athieson E1pedition

    veteranW however, several of them

    believe he is unstable. .

    *imple *earch: !he ship contains some supplies of

    food, fuel ammunition, radio e+uipment and so

    forth. !here is also a small library of books on

    relevant geographical, geological, anthropological,

    archaeological, historical, linguistic and occult

    sub#ects, almost all in @erman, including 4trabo%s

    %eogra&hica and

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    with the build up of sea ice means that landing here

    by sea starts to become difficult from 'ctober until

    0ay or 7une.

    2 local barge is in the process of dropping off the

    sleds, dogs, mushers dog sled drivers and a team

    of ponies on the beach. !he plan is to then use it to

    ferry supplies, e+uipment and the e1pedition

    members onto the muddy shore.Evidence ollection:2bout thirty feet from thewater%s edge is a low mound.

    -iology: Arom a distance it appears to be

    the body of a whale. 5 oint 4pend It%s

    clearly a dead narwhal.

    Polar +ear

    2 polar bear is behind the whale%s body with it%s

    head inside, eating it from the inside. 2 4ense

    !rouble test against Difficulty ) will let thecharacters spot strange movement from the body at

    about (: feet Difficulty > at L: feet, if they have

    not approached. !he bear will issue a vocal

    warning and will charge at the humans to protect

    it%s catch. !hey will have two round before it

    reaches those closest to it.

    Aailing to detect the bear means they will be only a

    few feet away from it when it emerges, provoking

    an attack. Being attacked by the bear is a ($point

    4tability test.

    7olar -ear

    !he bear can attack twice in a round 9 two claws or

    a claw and a bite. If it loses half it%s

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    December =5 $56

    Effects of limate

    Below =:A e1posed characters without 2rctic

    clothing on act as if hurt. Below $=:A, characters

    must make 2thletics tests Difficulty ( to keep

    moving. Aor each further =:A drop, the Difficulty

    increases by 5. Difficulty is increased by = if the

    character isn%t wearing protective clothing.

    *haracters who fail this test lose 5

    minutes, or every > minutes in a bli&&ard.

    2rctic clothing gives 5 point of 2rmor, but

    increases the Difficulty of 2thletics and Aleeing

    tests 9 and anything else re+uiring e1tensive

    mobility 9 by 5.

    2 tent and small stove effectively raise the

    temperature by =:A. 2 cabin and more powerful

    stove raise it by (:A, (>A with the stove on full



    Ethelrod and the crew of the ship agree to

    communicate by radio twice a day" once at M20

    and once at N0.

    Sledding Teams

    !here are three sleds with ten dogs per sled and

    three mushers or fewer if any rotagonists are able

    drive a dog$sled.


    2 stocky Inuit with bad teeth who seems to show

    them off with his smile almost all the time.

    2pproaching middle age, he is an e1pert hunter and


    3it Threshold:($lertness 2odifier:5

    *tealth 2odifier:5

    4eapon:$= fists, $5 knife, 5 rifle,

    $rmour:$5 vs any 2rctic clothing

    ;a&ob *>rensen

    4Xrensen is a highly e1perienced cross$country

    skier, mountaineer, outdoorsman and guide. 2s the

    name suggests, he is of Danish descent and speaks

    Inuit, Danish and some English.

    $bilities:2thletics 6, Driving ), Airearms ),

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    &vighedsforden #lacier*cene Type:*ore, *hallenge


    .ead0ut:!he *limb to the Ice *ap

    !he first stage of the overland trek is likely to last

    one day and is very challenging. !he loaded dog

    sleds must run uphill along the bottom of thecanyon on gravel and mud, avoiding ice$falls from

    the glaciers overhead. !he canyon is about 5( miles

    long. rogress is slow due to the team of ponies

    accompanying them. Aor any rotagonists who are

    driving dog sleds this is a Driving test against

    Difficulty (. Aailure means that one of the dogs is

    in#ured or the sled is stuck, resulting in delays. Aor

    dogs this costs 5: 2thletics pool points.

    5ce 6all

    2s they progress up the canyon, have everyonemake a 4ense !rouble test at Difficulty ) to spot ice

    tumbling into the path of one of the sleds. 2nyone

    who succeeds with 4ense !rouble can call out a

    warning allowing the driver to take evasive action.

    2voiding this re+uires a Driving test against

    Difficulty > ) if the driver passed 4ense !roubleW

    otherwise, all on board and the dogs take 5

    damage and supplies on the sled may be damaged.

    )owling3ear the top of the canyon, the rotagonists must

    make 4ense !rouble tests against Difficulty ( to

    hear strange howling sounds. 2nyone with

    0utdoorsmancan reassure themselves and other

    characters that this is purely a natural phenomenon

    caused by the wind funnelling down the canyon,

    allowing any 4ense !rouble points spent to be

    refunded. 'therwise, this is a 5$oint 4tability test.

    $ssess 3onesty:@ranger is showing signs of stressor agitation. If asked, he refuses to talk about it and

    denies that anything is wrong.

    A Quarrel

    2t the end of the day, the group needs to make a

    camp near the top of the canyon. !hat evening, a

    +uarrel can be heard in Ethelrod and @ranger%s tent.

    2pproaching +uietly without interupting them is a

    4tealth test against Difficulty (.

    Evidence ollection: Ethelrod is repremanding

    @ranger for bringing alcohol.

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    Evidence ollection" /arge, strange footprints can

    be seen in the snow, perhaps distorted by melting.

    0utdoorsman/-iology: !he prints are those of acarnivore, perhaps a large bear. 5 oint spend

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    The 4atcher

    2s the #ourney progresses, the team gradually

    approaches a range of nunataksmountains

    emerging from the ice sheet to the southeast. !here

    are a few smaller nunataks along the way.

    !owards the end of the last afternoon here, a 4ense

    !rouble test against Difficulty ) will allow the

    protagonists to spot someone watching them fromthe top of a ridge ahead. will give a

    rotagonist +uick access to binoculars.

    Evidence ollection:If viewed through binoculars,

    or telescopic sight, he appears to be an Eskimo, but

    dressed rather strangely in a high$collared parka

    with a sort of pointed hat instead of a hood.

    !he Eskimo +uickly disappears from view whether

    seen or not.


  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    wall of icy rock over 5:: feet high. *limbing down

    is an 2thletics test Difficulty L. @etting back up

    the wall is a test against Difficulty N. In both cases,

    damage is at (. If a safety rope is used the damage

    is reduced to $5 and the 2thetics test must be

    attempted again. . If the

    rotagonists wait until the dusky conditions of

    night, it drops to ).

    Evidence *ollection" !he camp is in a state of

    disarray. 4everal of the tents appear to be damaged

    and heavy snow has been only partially cleared.

    !he remains of one completely destroyed tent lied


    !he @ermans are nervous and suspicious of theEthelrod E1pedition%s appearance in the area.

    @obineau is rather unstable and paranoid and will

    be +uick to resort to violence.

    Ethelrod advises his team to ready themselves as

    they approach. If the rotagonists attempt a surprise

    attack, Ethelrod will order them to stop 9 he wants

    to talk to them. -hen they are about (: yards away,

    he calls out to the camp in @erman. !hree men

    appear from tents, pointing rifles. If the

    rotagonists open fire, the @ermans will shoot too.

    'therwise, there is a standoff and a heated

    e1change between Ethelrod and the @ermans.

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    will grant a piece of information from the clues

    above, those in his #ournal see age 11 or the

    information below.

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    #ranger goes -ad*cene Type:2ntagonist eaction

    .ead#n:!he ;alley of *ommoriom

    .ead0ut:!he ;alley of *ommoriom

    ore lue: The route to ommoriom Valley

    -hen the team sets up camp for the night, Ethelrod

    invites the others to talk about the #ourney ahead,and in particular, techni+ues for avoiding crevasses.

    !he meeting takes place in a tent shared by up to

    three of the protagonists. @ranger opts to retire.

    Ethelrod%s suppressed disapproval of this is noted

    with a 57oint *pendin $ssess 3onesty.

    briefly notices a silhouetted

    figure among the tents mutter something in the


  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    !hese handwritten notes were written in the late

    56=:s, based on the /atin version of theBook of

    Eibon. Ethelrod%s notes focus on language, the

    geography, history and culture of

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    !he wind blows harshly through the high valley,

    whipping up particles of ice and snow into dancing

    phantoms. 2 4ense !rouble test against Difficulty (

    allows rotagonists to hear a strange droning sound.

    !his is a natural effect caused by the wind blowing

    between the mountains and through the valley.

    'nce this is established, allow any 4ense !rouble

    points spent to be reclaimed.

    Evidence ollection! 0utdoorsman or Geology lbs

    and cumbersome nature and high visibility make it

    dangerous to wear, decreasing the wearer%s

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    /ike Ethelrod and 0athieson, @obineau

    called the site F*ommoriom% in reference to

    a city mentioned in the /ivre d%Eibon.

    Kossinna called it F?ltima !hule%.

    'n invitation, @obineau #oined the

    e1pedition. It arrived in @odthHb in early

    7uly and, following @obineau%s directions,

    landed in @odthHbsf#orden where the shipanchored in order to ma1imise radio


    Bauer describes @obineau as obno1ious and

    mentally unstable. Bauer feels he is more of

    a hindrance to the mission than a help.

    Bauer and @obineau fight sporadically.

    4trange$looking Eskimo were spotted

    watching from a distance. /ater one of them


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    !he Keeper might consider using or adapting *lark

    2shton 4mith%s story The Testament of Athammaus

    for the content of the main body of the story.

    The End of the +auer E-pedition

    Evidence ollection:

    !here are three charred bodies here in a

    blackened mass.

    !here are rifle cartridges scattered around. 2t

    least L shots were fired.


    !he group was burned with fuel, probably


    !here is an odd tarry residue here that you don%t

    recognise as a normal by$product of chemical

    fires like this. It seems to be organic.

    o -iology:!his isn%t any known organic


    8orensics:2ll three men appear to have died from

    burns caused by an inflammable li+uid

    Evidence ollection:3e1t to the first man is adark stone statuette. It is a s+uat, grotes+ue, vaguely

    toad$like form with a fat body, half$closed eyes,

    large ears and a lolling tongue. 4eeing this is a 5$

    point 4tability test, 0ythos related. 2nyone failing

    this test is disturbed by a haunting sense ofrecognition, as if of a childhood memory or a

    dream. !hat night, they are visited by an unpleasant

    dream of this corpulent entity leering at them in

    some dark, subterranean place. !hey will lose a

    second point of 4tability.

    thulhu 2ythos: 4imilar toad$like statues

    were used by e1tinct 2merican Indian tribes

    in *anada and 3ew England. !hey

    supposedly represent a being called

    Tsathoggua. !here are interesting parallelswith an entity called Sa$og/ahassociated

    with witchcraft in the 2uvergne region of

    Arance. 2ccording to the Book of Eibon, the

    worship of this god began on the lost

    continent of

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    !he floor is seen to be tiled in a strange pattern of

    large, irregular, five$sided flagstones. 7hysics or

    $rchitecture:!his pattern of tessellated pentagons

    is unfamiliar and implies a sophisticated

    understanding of obscure geometry.

    4trange hieroglyphs identifiable as a primitive

    version of !sath$Go can be seen covering the

    walls, in some still covered in frost and somealready e1posed. !he glyphs relate a history of the

    original builders of the city as translated in

    Ethelrod%s*ictogra&hs in the Tem&le of oth-


    'n the back wall is an empty two$tiered altar.

    Evidence ollection:2 bare spot in the frost andwear on the stone indicates that an ob#ect rested on

    this altar for a long time time. 57oint spend

    recognises the outline of the statuette found at The

    End of the -auer Expedition.

    The -urial hamber

    Behind the altar, what may once have been a hidden

    doorway lies open with fragments of corroded

    bron&e chain on the floor nearby.

    hemistryindicates that the chain fragments have

    been in this position for only a few years. @reen

    stains on the door itself imply that the door was

    probably chained for millennia.

    !he windowless chamber beyond is almost fiftyfeet wide and about ten feet deep. 'pposite the door

    seated on a large, bron&e throne is the striking

    figure of a mummified baboon$like ape dressed in

    the remnants of a red and purple robe and a

    feathered headdress. !ufts of orange hair poke

    through holes in the robe. !his is a ($oint 4tability

    test 0ythos related.

    -iology:!he creature is of no known species of

    ape and possesses certain features, for e1ample the

    structure of the foot, which places it closer to

    human beings.

    !he throne is again of heavily corroded bron&e, but

    in better condition than the basin.

    !here is a long stone table at one end of the

    chamber, which is empty apart from a few

    fragments of ancient organic matter the remains of

    flowers, fruit and other foods.

    The Shadow under the 5ce

    3ear the centre of the ice cap, there is a dark spot of

    roughly circular shape and about forty feet in

    diameter. Evidence ollection:2 structure of

    some kind, the top of which is around fifteen feet

    beneath the surface, descends deep into the ice.

    Evidence ollection5 7oint spendor

    $rchitecture:It is difficult to see through the

    distortion, but it has a resemblance to the top of a

    tower complete with railed balcony.

    If, at any stage, the rotagonists balk at e1cavating

    the structure 9 to ensure they can leave the sitebefore the sea$route is closed off by ice for e1ample

    9 you can use a 3ard =riverF

    Setting up Camp

    2t some stage, the protagonists will probably want

    to build their cabin. 2nyone with 0utdoorsmanor

    $rchitecturewill know to build it on solid groundrather than on ice. !here are several spots on the

    foothills at the edge of the valley to choose from.

    Building the cabin takes four days. If therotagonists wish to do so, they can spend pool

    points from 2rchitecture or a relevant *raft and

    reduce construction time by half a day per point


    -hile the team members are sleeping in tents and

    building the cabin, it might be a good time for their

    first e1perience of !he 4inging see sidebar.

    'nce completed, the cabin has two rooms 9 a living

    space with a stove and simple kitchen and +uarters

    that sleep eight people in bunks. 'thers may needto sleep in the living space. Both rooms have one

    small window. !here is an outhouse for storage and

    another for the dogs.

    Attac/s %y the)y"er%oreans

    *cene Type: 2ntagonist eaction

    .ead#n:!he ;alley of *ommoriom


  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    ?nfortunately for them, while their song summons

    the creature, it offers no control or protection from

    it. If the caller is successful, they are as likely as

    not, to become victims themselves. Either toss a

    coin, a die or make a decision according to what is

    dramatically interesting in each instance. !his also

    means that all the men of the clan bar one are likely

    to be dead by the time the creature has been

    summoned about si1 times.

    The Hperboreans

    !hese natives are, to the best of their knowledge,

    the last of an ancient race that once had great cities

    here. 0ost of their civilised culture has been lost 9

    they are now simple hunter$gatherers, living harsh

    lives in the more remote parts of @reenland. !heir

    ancient religion has been lost and they make their

    offerings and prayers to *thulhu, who they call

    FKulu#.hysically, they look very different from other

    Eskimo people, being blond, with long faces,

    elongated ear$lobes and substantial facial hair. !hey

    wear hoodless, wide$collared parkas with hats.

    !hey believe that the thing that comes from the ice

    in answer to their song is a F-hite Bear 4pirit% and

    wear amulets, mistakenly believing that they can

    offer protection from the @noph$Keh.

    $nthropology:!his primitive #ewellery is an

    amulet depicting a fierce, stylised polar bear andpossibly intended to offer protection of some kind.

    -iology:!he pendant looks like polar bear boneand the necklace is decorated with bear teeth and


    $nthropology:!hese men do not appear to be a

    members of any known Eskimo tribe, either in

    terms of their clothing or in terms of their fair hair,

    slender build, long faces, large noses or long ear

    lobes. 'ne man, who may be a shaman, has motifs

    on his clothing and ornamentation in an unfamiliarstyle and a+uatic theme. 57oint spend:;ilh#almur4tefansson reported blond Eskimo in northern

    *anada in 565:, and there have been such reports

    since the 5Mth*entury.

    thulhu 2ythos:!he images of odd, octopoidbeings dwelling in undersea towers on the shaman%s

    long parka seem to be a depiction of *thulhu and

    his race.

    The $nge&o&! "lat

    !his white$bearded man may be in his L:s. , -eapons >,

  • 8/13/2019 Commoriom Submission v3,27


    $rmor" $5 vs all hide

    *tealth 2odifier::

    $lertness 2odifier:5

    *pells:*ontact @noph$keh

    The hild! .amah

    $bilities:2thletics 5, Aleeing 5, 4cuffling 5,

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    2nother strategy the Eskimo may use is sabotage.

    !his will occur at night.

    !he team awakes to discover that some of their

    e+uipment is sabotaged 9 the drill in need of

    0echanical epair, the Ice melter destroyed or,

    most dramatically, the diesel tanks set on fire. !he

    cabin itself may even be set on fire. 2 4ense!rouble test against Difficulty > will allow the

    protagonists to hear the culprits 9 most likely the

    two younger Blond Eskimo 9 at work. If someone

    is on watch, success indicates that their approach

    has been noticed.

    Tracking Eskimo

    0utdoorsman:2 57oint spendwill allow tracks

    to be followed southwest for about three miles a

    little over an hour from the valley edge to a

    cramped shelter in the snow see The *no%*helter. If this is attempted at night, this is a 6

    7oint spend.

    The )airy Thing in the!li00ard

    *cene Type: 2ntagonist eaction


    !he @noph$Keh is motivated by hatred and hunger.

    It will attempt to kill any human it encounters,probably by free&ing them to death, and devouring

    the remains if it can.

    'nce close to the camp, the creature will summon

    up a bli&&ard, and if it sees vulnerable targets 9

    disorientated, few in number or in#ured 9 it will

    attack in the confusion and blindness of the

    snowstorm. If it loses over half of its

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    0utdoorsman or $nthropology:!his small type

    of igloo is typically built as a temporary shelter for

    hunting trips, often on sea ice.

    $nthropology: !his may be a totem animal spirit,

    probably to protect the igloo.

    *imple *earch: Inside the igloo are a hearth, food

    for several days, bedding for one, and possible

    spare clothes or a stone spear, a1e or knife.

    0utdoorsman: !racks of a dog sled can be found

    nearby. 2 57oint *pendis needed per day to trackthem to the homestead.

    The )omestead*cene Type: 2lternate

    .ead#n:!he 4now 4helter

    2bout four days away by dog sled, the clan%s

    homestead is huddled in a narrow valley in the wildmountains near Evighedsf#orden.

    !he house is large structure of whalebone and hide

    construct, covered in ice and snow and out of sight

    of the valley. 2 trickle of hearth smoke often

    emerges from a hole in the roof.

    3ear the fire is a makeshift altar and a grotes+ue

    idol. !he altar is a #agged, natural rock. In front of

    it, is a bowl of blood and the heart of a polar bear,

    sprinkled with tiny flowers. erched on the altar is a

    small, crude whalebone statue of a s+uattingcreature with tentacles for a face. 4eeing this

    re+uires a 5$point 4tability test, 0ythos related.

    thulhu 2ythos identifies it as a depiction of


    2ll of the surviving members of the clan will be

    here. 2pproaching without alerting anyone is a

    4tealth test against Difficulty M. If alerted, they will

    flee a strong group or attack a weak one. If

    surprised, they will be in or around the shelter. If

    cornered, they will fight fiercely to the death.In any case, Kinguyakki will be here with her son

    F/amah%. 4he is visibly pregnant.

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    .ead0ut:!he *ity in the Ice

    ore lue: The structure descends deep into theicesheetF There is an accessible stair%ay that

    leads thereF

    E-ca)ation (ethods

    !here are several methods at the team%s disposal for

    e1cavating the site. E1act rates of e1cavation arenot important.


    !he drill provided for the e1pedition is a standard

    cable tool rig, which can be operated by single

    engineer. It operates by repeatedly lifting and

    dropping a heavy boring tool at the end of a cable,

    pulverising everything beneath it. -ater is added to

    the hole and debris collected periodically with a

    scoop$like device attached to the cable. !his

    process creates a borehole 6 inches wide. Either theice melter or e1plosive charges could be used to

    widen the shaft enough for a man to be lowered on

    a rope.

    !he drill is obviously of little or no use for

    e1cavating the interior of the tower.

    !he operators must have 0echanical epair.

    7oint *pend -enefits

    In any given phase of the e1cavation, a character

    running the drill can spend up to two pool points of0echanical epair and reduce the length of that

    phase by one day per point.

    (anual E-ca)ation

    0anual e1cavation is slower, involves breaking the

    ice apart with ice picks and chainsaws then

    removing it with shovels and buckets.

    7oint *pend -enefits

    In any given phase, a character e1cavatingmanually can spend up to two pool points of

    2thletics and reduce the length of that phase by one

    day per point.

    5ce (elter

    !he ice melter is an electrical device with long

    cable that heats up when connected to a power

    source. In combination with a water pump, it can

    clear significant amounts of ice with little

    assistance. ower for both the melter and the pump

    are supplied by the diesel generator.!he operators must have Electrical epair.

    7oint *pend -enefits

    In any given phase, a character operating the ice

    melter can spend a pool point of Electrical epair

    and reduce the length of that phase by one day.


    E1plosive charges can be used to widen e1isting

    boreholes +uickly or, used with great care, to breakup ice inside the tower itself.

    !he character using e1plosives must have the

    E1plosives general ability.

    7oint *pend -enefits

    In any given phase, a character overseeing the use

    of e1plosives can spend up to two pool points of

    E1plosives and reduce the length of that phase by

    one day per point spent.

    E-ca)ation Phases@uidelines for the timings of the various phases of

    e1cavation are provided the various e1cavation

    phases describedbelow. !he Keeper should feel at

    liberty to modify these timings for dramatic effect.

    Accessing the

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    2ethods "sable:0anual E1cavation, Ice 0elter,


    $rchaeologyorEvidence ollection: !he remainsof an unknown metallic device can be found in the

    upper chamber of the tower.

    2echanical Repair as an Investigative

    ability" !here are moving parts 9 wheels,

    cogs and globes. !his is a mechanical

    device, but it%s function is unclear.

    o $stronomy:!he device appears to

    be a moving model of the inner

    planets of the solar system

    Geology! $rchaeology or appropriate


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    0hu !hulan there to plunder the treasures

    of athousand sunken galleys5:. Zon 0e&&amalech has a tower of copper

    built in 0hu !hulan

    55. !he -hite 4ybil of olarion, a strange

    woman from the realms of ice, foretells an

    undescribed and abominable doom for all

    mortal beings who dare to remain in*ommoriom

    5=. ueen /uthomne takes the throne of

    *ommoriom. 4he hold ecclesiastical courts.

    4he builds a high tower in *ommoriom,

    which takes thirty years.

    5(. 4econd city is built called ?&uldaroum

    5). !he eign of King . Aounding of *ommoriom

    5L. *ity called F/omar% settled by people from

    Zobna in the north

    5M. Early humans build temples to Zhotha++uah

    the old god of

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    against the elements and it will take a couple of

    minutes to pass through the keyhole.

    !his creature will attempt to hide among the

    outhouses and e+uipment and ambush a lone human

    as they wander outside. If necessary it might enter

    the cabin and attack a lone sleeping host.

    !he spawn will attempt to enter unconscious or

    subdued host, smothering their sounds as it forcesitself down their throat and takes up residence in

    their body.

    ?nless one of the rotagonists unwittingly sets

    himself up as an obvious target, the spawn should

    attack a non$player character" one of the mushers or

    @ermans if present.

    2 successful 4ense !rouble test against Difficulty L

    N if the attack is at night will allow protagonists to

    hear a strange sound in the camp. 2 second 4ense

    !rouble test against Difficulty L is needed to catch

    sight of a bi&arre black thing like a huge spider. If

    it%s passing through the cabin door they will

    automatically spot a stream of thick, black oo&e

    passing through the keyhole. 2ttacking it will cause

    it to attack the protagonist.

    Evidence ollection: !here are traces of a dark

    greyish slime on any victims% bodies and wherever

    the creature has passed.

    If a rotagonist is attacked, a 4ense !rouble test

    against Difficulty > N at night will alert them to

    the imminent attack. haum

    2lso known as Farasitic 4pawn of !sathoggua%,

    these entities bear a resemblance to their cousins,

    the formless spawn e1cept that they are slightly

    smaller, more viscous and thus slower and lessagile, and have the ability to parasitise human

    hosts. /ike their relatives, they are black, oo&ing,

    plastic entities capable of taking almost any shape

    and of s+uee&ing themselves under doors and

    through small holes.

    Due to their li+uid nature, normal physical wounds

    will flow closed.

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    4uffocation rules !rail of *thulhu rulebook LN.

    -hen being strangled, successful 4cuffling contest

    or -eapons if a suitable weapon is available will

    allow a victim to break free.

    Grab:!endrils or limb attacks can be used toprevent escape or to render a target unable to fight.

    'nce grabbed, a 4cuffling contest or -eapons if a

    suitable weapon is available is re+uired to breakthe grip.

    #nvade 3ost:!he creature can force itself into a

    victim via a bodily orifice usually the mouth if the

    target has been successfully suffocated or grabbed

    in the previous round or is unconscious. 2gainst a

    conscious victim, this is an 2thletics contest with

    the spawn rolling against a Difficulty 3umber of (.

    If the mouth is being used as an entrance, the victim

    will suffer the effects of 4uffocation as in

    4trangling above, until the contest is over and for

    another ( rounds.

    #nvade 3ost

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    $rchaeology! Geology or Evidence ollection:

    !he given times for e1cavation can be halved with

    a 57oint spend.

    Explosives:-here these can be used they will half

    the given e1cavation times. 2 57oint spendinE1plosives will half the time again.

    The +ase of the Tower

    ore lue : feet across. 4hadows of tall

    buildings can be glimpsed, entombed in the blue ice


    'ne side is dominated by the facade of aparticularly grand structure. -hen bright light

    shines on it, there is a suggestion of several towers

    e1tending upwards through the ice. !he facade is

    riddled with small holes and a trickle of water flows

    towards the ice$choked centre of the s+uare.

    2 glacier of sorts dominates the centre of this huge

    ice cavern, occupying half the floor of the s+uare

    and e1tending from a wide avenue, which is

    completely blocked with ice.

    2n unblocked *ide *treetalso e1tends away fromthe 4+uare.

    Excavation: 56 hours

    Beneath the glacier in the central area is a raised,

    stepped area.

    $rchaeology:'n top of this are the remnants of alarge block of fossilised hardwood.

    Evidence ollection: -ith a 57oint spend, the

    head of a huge bron&e a1e can be found.

    Evidence ollection

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    Excavation: 61 hours

    !he grand facade is the front of the original alace

    of *ommoriom. Knygathin Zhaum and his Finner

    circle% are hibernating here. 0ore dormant spawn

    can be found after 5= hours. E1cavation accelerates

    the !hawing of the city see . 11 and reveals

    channels in the ice. E1cavation, particularly the use

    of e1plosives here will rapidly accelerate the

    catastrophic awakening of Knygathin Zhaum and

    his spawn see The -lac& =oomon p. 11. Ideally

    this should not occur until after the Eye of ?bbo$

    4athla is found.

    Side Street

    !his is essentially identical to the 3igh *treet,

    e1cept that it e1tends away from The *+uareand

    ends in a dead$end after about 5:: yards.

    The "ibrar

    2 large archway leads to a rubble$strewn room that

    includes rows of collapsed stone shelves. iles of

    dust and mould are fre+uent.

    Evidence ollection: !here are tablets of stone,

    pottery and bron&e among the broken shelves.

    !hese are covered in the !sath$Go script.

    thulhu 2ythos: 4tudy of these te1ts recognises

    them as nakotic 0anuscripts. 2 57oint spendisneeded to recognise the Githian and Elder !hing

    scripts. 2 67oint spendsuggests that much of thematerial here is previously unknown.

    Commorian Pnakotic (anuscripts

    !he library includes transcriptions and some

    original e1amples of manuscripts in the curvilinear

    Githian script and the dot$based cipher of the Elder


    !he entire collection here behaves like any

    collection of nakotic 0anuscripts as described in

    !rail of *thulhu age VV. ecovering each pointof *thulhu 0ythos worth of fragments to the

    surface takes at least a day.

    !ranslating, collating and interpreting this material

    is a pro#ect that would takes years. hours, minus > hours for eachpool point spent in *ryptography, /anguages,

    2rchaeology, 2nthropology or *thulhu 0ythos

    4kimming grants dedicated pool points in

    2stronomy, @eology and 'ccult.


    !his material consists of fragments passed

    down through many generations from the

    library city of nakotus archived by !he @reat

    ace. !his knowledge was gathered from across

    the entire universe, from the future and the past.

    4ome of the material was inherited from the

    fallen civilisation of the olar 'nes at the 4outh


    It was translated and interpreted by priests

    called the nakotic Brotherhood over hundreds

    of generations

    !his library is a #ust part of a larger collection

    distributed across ancient

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    thulhu 2ythos:2ccording to the Book of Eibon,

    a powerful wi&ard of ancient to recall

    something. If they succeed, roll on the table below

    to determine the memory, then have them make roll

    more 4tability tests until they fail.

    Regression #nsights

    !ake two dLs and decide which is tensC and which is

    onesC. oll below"


    55 9 5L

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    *tability test:($point 4tability test

    *anity lost:5 point

    =rives at sta&e:2nti+uarianism, !hirstfor Knowledge7illars of *anity at sta&e:Aamily, 9 )L 4hoggoth rebellion defeated in Elder thing


    *tability test:)$point 4tability test

    *anity lost:5 point

    >5 9 >= 4erpent people kingdom of ;alusia

    *tability test:($point 4tability test

    *anity lost: 5 point

    >( 9 >) *ataclysm raises Qlyeh, arrival of

    *thulhu, war of *thulhu and the Elder


    *tability test:L$point 4tability test

    *anity lost: = points

    =rives at sta&e:2nti+uarianism, !hirstfor Knowledge

    >> 9 >L Elder thing e1periments create vertebrates

    *tability test:)$point 4tability test

    *anity lost:5 point=rives at sta&e:2nti+uarianism, !hirst

    for Knowledge

    7illars of *anity at sta&e:Aamily,

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    !he surface of that wall seems more pitted than

    when we first saw it. I don%t remember those

    holes being there

    *omeoneBs 2issingI

    'ne of the 3on$layer *haracters if there are any

    left working or moving alone in the city ruins is

    noticed as missing.

    2 4ense !rouble test against Difficulty ) may allow

    characters to hear a cry for help.

    2fter a search, the character is found unconscious,

    lying in a large pool of blood.

    2edicine:!here is no obvious sign of in#ury. 5

    point spend

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    The *pa%n and their J8atherB $%a&enI

    !his eventuality is handled below in the scene

    hildren of 'nygathin (haum $%a&eI

    Children of 3nygathin.haum Awa/en4

    *cene Type: 2ntagonist eactionR*lima1

    .ead#n:!he !haw

    2 4ense !rouble test against Difficulty L is re+uired

    to detect the approaching spawn. !he first wave

    consists of five spawn, with others not far behind.

    4omething much larger can be heard or even

    glimpsed crashing, slithering and hissing in the

    rear. !his is an N$oint 4tability test.

    *haracters who don%t flee immediately will be

    attacked in two rounds.

    Aor those who flee, this is a *hase. If none of theprotagonists passed their 4ense !rouble, the test

    Difficulty is >. !hose who passed get a head start

    and a Difficulty of (. !hose who failed but were

    alerted by others get a Difficulty of ).

    !reat the leading wave of pursuers as a single

    entity. 2 character who fails the chase contest will

    be immediately pounced on by one or two spawn

    and he must fight them.

    2 second wave of si1 spawn is two rounds behind

    the first. Knygathin Zhaum and three spawn aremoving at a steadier pace at the rear. !he

    rotagonists can%t afford to miss a step.

    !he Keeper may also consider allowing

    rotagonists to reduce the Difficulty with

    convincing Investigative spends, from 2rchitecture

    or @eology for e1ample.

    4topping to take a shot at the pursuers will increase

    the Difficulty by 5. Depending on their previous

    actions, it may be possible to create obstacles for

    the pursuers such as pulling a door closed behindthem, burning pools of fuel, shooting a bo1 of !3!,

    rolling fuel barrels, detonation of planted !3!

    charges etc. !he Keeper should assess such

    attempts on a case$by$case basis.

    )*ymbol: 7ulp, If a rotagonist has the

    flamethrower, they could use it to delay the spawn

    with suppressive fire.

    Don%t forget the two gaps in the stairs. !hese could

    be an obstacle or a boon depending on whether they

    need to be climbed or whether a bridge has been

    built. 4abotaging a bridge, once it has been crossed,

    is an 2thletics test against Difficulty ) ( with

    0echanical epair or 2rchitecture.

    If the spawn fail the *hase contest, the protagonists

    have reached at least temporary safety a vehicle,

    the cabin, a vertical shaft accessing the top of the

    ruins with the rope ladder pulled away etc.


    !he entity that was known an age ago, by the name

    FKnygathin Zhaum% is a dark, mottled and

    mammoth$si&ed entity 9 a bloated trunk, with a

    one$eyed Fface% emerging from its midsection, and

    a second eye beneath that. !wo long tentacles with

    Ffingers% like knots of writhing snakes emerge from

    its Fshoulders% and a cup$like mouth protrudes at the

    top. !he lower limbs are a mass of slender

    proboscides covered in suckers.

    Knygathin Zhaum can attack with each of its two

    tentacles in a single round. /ike his spawn, he can

    assume the form of a viscous, black li+uid. 2nd

    most forms of physical in#ury will simply flow


    $bilities:2thletics 5=, trampleW = tentacleW = suckingproboscidesW a successful tentacle attack may,

    instead of inflicting damage, pull the victim to the

    many mouths for automatic damage on each

    following round

    $rmour: $= thick, mottled membrane

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