commercial real estate - real estate information.pdf · basic fundamentals in...

COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Leasing and Selling Commercial Properties vs. Leasing and Selling Residential Properties Leasing Residential Property - Assisting your clients by informing them of the requirements to Lease a property to include their credit, deposits, first month’s rent, assistance and knowledge of any Housing Assistance Program they may be associated with. You will share any County rules and guidelines. Example: Group or No Group allowed. You will also inform your clients about acceptance based on affordability, application approval and you will use the standard Lease provided by MAR. Some Leases may have additional Addenda for pets, County Specific, Security Deposits, Lawn Care, Utilities, Repairs, Snow, Rent to Own, etc. Leasing Commercial Property - Commercial Leases entail affordability, their credit history, lease term, application approval, type of business, Zoning, Rental/Useable square footage, CAM/CAM Cap, Demographic/Economic Sectors, Net/Gross/Percentage Leases (Percentage Leases are not common in our areas, but possible), Sub-Leasing, possible Feasibility Studies, Tenant Improvements by Tenant and/or Landlord, etc. Most Commercial Rental Properties use the Landlord’s Lease. Selling Residential Properties include Contracts based on the property specifics, Buyer affordability and possible monetary needs. Selling Commercial Properties are completed by Attorneys after you have helped your client with theirs needs to include affordability, Zoning, Permits, Demographic/Economic Sectors, Feasibility Study, etc. If you are interested in learning how to do Commercial Real Estate, CENTURY 21® offers the Fundamentals of Real Estate and CCIM offers an Intro Course. These courses will teach you the basics of doing Commercial Real Estate. If you are not currently Trained or Certified for Commercial Real Estate, please refer your business to an agent that is or contact Gary Hoffer for assistance with placing your referral. You are entitled to a referral fee for Commercial Sales and Rentals.

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Page 1: COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE - Real Estate Information.pdf · Basic fundamentals in conducting the complexities of commercial real estate transactions, terminologies and


Leasing and Selling Commercial Properties vs. Leasing and Selling Residential Properties Leasing Residential Property - Assisting your clients by informing them of the requirements to Lease a property to include their credit, deposits, first month’s rent, assistance and knowledge of any Housing Assistance Program they may be associated with. You will share any County rules and guidelines. Example: Group or No Group allowed. You will also inform your clients about acceptance based on affordability, application approval and you will use the standard Lease provided by MAR. Some Leases may have additional Addenda for pets, County Specific, Security Deposits, Lawn Care, Utilities, Repairs, Snow, Rent to Own, etc. Leasing Commercial Property - Commercial Leases entail affordability, their credit history, lease term, application approval, type of business, Zoning, Rental/Useable square footage, CAM/CAM Cap, Demographic/Economic Sectors, Net/Gross/Percentage Leases (Percentage Leases are not common in our areas, but possible), Sub-Leasing, possible Feasibility Studies, Tenant Improvements by Tenant and/or Landlord, etc. Most Commercial Rental Properties use the Landlord’s Lease. Selling Residential Properties include Contracts based on the property specifics, Buyer affordability and possible monetary needs. Selling Commercial Properties are completed by Attorneys after you have helped your client with theirs needs to include affordability, Zoning, Permits, Demographic/Economic Sectors, Feasibility Study, etc. If you are interested in learning how to do Commercial Real Estate, CENTURY 21® offers the Fundamentals of Real Estate and CCIM offers an Intro Course. These courses will teach you the basics of doing Commercial Real Estate. If you are not currently Trained or Certified for Commercial Real Estate, please refer your business to an agent that is or contact Gary Hoffer for assistance with placing your referral. You are entitled to a referral fee for Commercial Sales and Rentals.

Page 2: COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE - Real Estate Information.pdf · Basic fundamentals in conducting the complexities of commercial real estate transactions, terminologies and

CI Intro: Introduction to Commercial Investment Real Estate Analysis is a two-

day overview tailored for newer commercial real estate professionals, inves-

tors, residential agents who conduct some commercial transactions and other

professionals interested in the commercial real estate industry. It is also good

preparation for the CCIM designation curriculum and counts for one elective


CCIM Intro Course Register

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© 2014 Century 21 Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. CENTURY 21®, the CENTURY 21 Logo and CENTURY 21 Commercial® are

registered service marks owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC. Century 21 Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair

Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

CENTURY 21 Commercial® Catalog for Commercial Real Estate Studies

2014 Core Curriculum


This catalog offers a wide variety of Commercial Real Estate course studies. The 2014

learning curriculum offers key developmental courses with new, basic, intermediate

and advanced commercial industry course topics. Other outside training platforms are

also provided in this catalog allowing the CENTURY 21 Commercial real estate

professional the opportunity to explore and expand into specialized areas of expertise

that may fit their needs and advance their careers.

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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss

Introduction to Your Commercial Real Estate Education Studies ........................................... 3

2014 CLS CoreSM Curriculums

The Fundamentals of Commercial Real Estate (FOCRE) ……………………………………….... 4 *4 Courses throughout 2014 starting January 27, 2014

APRIL 2014

April 8th – Rev-Up Your Personal Productivity in Commercial Real Estate .............................. 5

April 22nd - Commercial Property Identities – Finding Your Niche Market ……………………. 5

May 2014

May 6th - 8 Steps to Effective Tenant Representation ……………………………………………. 6

May 27th - Calculating Retail Supply and Demand – The Retail Gravity Model ……………. 6

June 2014

June 3rd – Land & Zoning – Fast Track Series ………………………………………………………. 7

June 19th - Effective Valuation Methods of Commercial Real Estate ………………………… 7


August 2014

August 21st - Financial and Investment Analysis – Need to Know Principles ….………………. 8

September 2014

Sept. 4th - Negotiating Commercial Leases – Getting What You Want ……….……………….. 8

Sept. 23rd - Getting to the Next Level- Kick it up a Notch ……………………............................. 9

October 2014

Oct. 14TH - 1031 Exchanges: Increase Your Client's Return on Equity …………………………. 9

Oct. 28TH / 30th - High Tech Marketing – Virtual App Tools for CRE Productivity …………...... 10

November 2014

Nov. 11th & 13th – CRE Presentation Selling – Winning More Assignments ……………………… 10

Commercial Real Estate Industry Curriculums / Certifications

CENTURY 21 Commercial® Best Practice Series……………………………………………………. 11

State-by-State CE courses through the CENTURY 21 Learning System® ………………………. 12

Other Commercial Real Estate and Specialized Training …………………………………….. 13-15

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Introduction to Your Commercial Real Estate Education Studies

Congratulations! You have either decided to enter into one of the most exciting fields in

real estate, or you are looking to advance your commercial learning and training in order

to be more specialized in your commercial real estate career.

As you embark on this exciting and possibly life-changing step, we would like to share

some insights that will help guide you into a rewarding and successful career in

commercial real estate. This Commercial Real Estate Studies Catalog can provide you

with valuable insights, opportunities and perspectives to help make the right choices for

your business. Our goal at CENTURY 21 Commercial® is to ensure you have the proper

tools to transition from the academic world to “the real world” of commercial real estate.

This catalog guide will not guarantee you any success or new clients; however, it can

help you begin to think about commercial real estate opportunities in a broader

perspective. We challenge you to ask some important, but tough questions about

yourself, your goals, your ambitions and your happiness in the commercial real estate

field. You must be committed to your choices to make them count!

Our charge in 2014 is to provide a continued diversified learning platform that speaks to

all levels of our commercial real estate professionals. We are dedicated in offering

excellence to your learning curriculum and this year we are presenting all of our learning

courses at NO CHARGE to our CENTURY® 21 System members!

As you advance your commercial knowledge, we would encourage you to focus on

specialized areas of commercial real estate (CRE). We think you will find that our course

catalog offers a fresh new way to advance your knowledge in this wide ranging real

estate playing field. Whatever learning direction you decide, the 14 specialized courses

provided in this year’s training lineup will offer easy logon to each class from a “Static

URL” in order to attend each class. A Static URL means that you can save the URL address

(LINK) in your browser and just click to attend each time a class is scheduled to take


Most successful commercial agents specialize in specific property types such as industrial,

office, retail, hotels, land, or Multi-family. One of the keys to success in a commercial real

estate is finding your individual market niche and becoming knowledgeable in that field.

Those professionals that become well educated and versed in their specialized area, with

time, can earn stronger trusting relationships that can help build a solid foundation and

network of clients. Specialize, Specialize, Specialize and find your market niche.

NNOOTTEE:: One important aspect of specializing in a commercial sector is to learn how to

evaluate and calculate supply-and-demand for your specialized property type(s). Learn

the value of the “What, When, Where and How-to’s” of watching your market trends in

order to anticipate economic trends that may affect the real estate market(s) that you

are in and then adjust accordingly to serve your Client.

OUR GOAL in providing a Commercial Real Estate Education Studies program catalog is

to support our independent real estate professionals affiliated with the CENTURY 21 real

estate professionals. We want to offer you a better knowledge and understanding of the

commercial real estate areas of opportunity in today’s market. These areas of

specialization can be a gateway or a road map for your path in the CRE and your future

in this industry.

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22001144 CCoorree CCuurrrriiccuulluummss

As you preview the following course topics and content for 2014, make note that the courses

are ALL at “no charge” to our system members, including the “The Fundamentals of

Commercial Real Estate” (FOCRE) course. The FOCRE course is covered in a 4 day, 2 hours

per day, class sessions. The FOCRE course is a requirement in order to conduct business for a

CENTURY 21 commercially designated office. All learning course webinars throughout 2014

are brought to you by C21 University. No pre-registration will be required to attend these

courses. Simply save the date/time/link in your calendar and click to launch.

The corporate learning team at CENTURY 21 Commercial understands the value of education

and we are striving to make your commercial world a better place. As we endeavor to

develop a robust education platform for our CENTURY 21 Commercial Investment Network

professional, we are consistently striving to take our education platform to the next level.

We would encourage all CIN members to take the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) learning

courses that are provided in this catalog. The topics for 2014 have been hand selected to

encompass a broad spectrum of CRE studies, in hopes to give our CIN professionals a diverse

learning module that will serve as a foundation for your future. If you take outside CRE

training, and/or, are studying outside curriculums to advance your career, file them away for

your records for future accreditations as a CENTURY 21 CIN professional.

NOTE: All course starting times are set from Eastern Standard Time Zone

The Fundamentals of Commercial Real Estate

8 hours – 2 hour courses over a 4 consecutive days

Instructor: CLS Trainer ~ NEW agents in Commercial Real Estate

*This course is scheduled 4 times throughout the year. The scheduled classes are listed by month

below (Monthly schedules may vary and are subject to change). The FOCRE course dates below

are currently scheduled and are subject to change.

• Jan. 27, 28, 29, 30, 2014 (all times at 2:00pm EDT)

• May – 12, 13, 14, 15, 2014

• August – 4, 5, 6, 7, 2014

• November – 3, 4, 5, 6, 2014

NEW commercial agents are required to take this course before becoming a CIN Agent.

Basic fundamentals in conducting the complexities of commercial real estate transactions,

terminologies and the specific nuances of the commercial real estate industry.

Learn about Market Dynamics, principals of commercial real estate from the viewpoint of the

owner, investor, buyer, and seller.

Course manuals provided for student participation and individual student “scope-of-work”.

The 10 Types of Commercial Real Estate with class examples, story problems and workbook studies

Classifying Office Buildings, Measuring Space and identifying their values of investment

Included; Case studies, formulas for computing returns on properties, IRR, Cap rate, and more.


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

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AApprriill CCoouurrsseess:: PPeerrssoonnaall PPrroodduuccttiivviittyy // MMaarrkkeett ((NNiicchheennoommiiccss)) KKnnoowwlleeddggee

Commercial Property Identities – Finding Your Market Niche

April 22, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Professor Loren Keim

~ Recommended for New and Intermediate CIN Professionals

Identify the 10 Types of Commercial Real Estate

Learn key terminologies and identifiers for each market

Learn which commercial property types are best suited for your

professional specialty(s) or market niche

Classifying Office Buildings and Measuring Space

Evaluate business environments, demographics and Supply-and-demand

SWOT Analysis for Business Opportunities

Methods of Comparison for Multi-Family Property

Locating and Analyzing Industrial and Flexible Sites

Farms, Ranches and Developable Land

Shopping Centers, Tenant Representation and Leasing Retail Space


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

Rev-Up Your Personal Productivity in Commercial Real Estate

April 8, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT (Recorded session LINK below)

Instructor: Bob McComb – Top Dogs

~ Recommended for All Real Estate Professionals

Commitments for Success - The Master Formula

The Three Keys to Behavioral Modeling

Your Physiology - Motion Creates Emotion

Power Moves – Power Goals

How to Put a Dollar Value on Your Time

Four Steps to Setting Inspiring Goals

Using Flow Charts to Help Achieve Goals

Time Management Basics - The Four Necessary Tools for Effective Time Management

A Key to Success: Wealth is the Experience of Flow


Click HERE to launch the recorded session (Click to launch) *

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

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MMaayy CCoouurrsseess:: TTeennaanntt RReepprreesseennttaattiioonn // RReettaaiill SSuuppppllyy && DDeemmaanndd

8 Steps to Effective Tenant Representation

May 6, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Bob McComb – Top Dogs

~ Recommended for all CIN Professionals

Understand Your Client’s Objectives

Seller and Landlord Agency vs Buyer and Tenant Agency

Investors VS End-Users and the Benefits of Real Estate Ownership

Campaigns to Attract Buyers, Investors and Tenants

Handling Income Inquiries and Switching Techniques

Developing a Rapport with the Client - Follow-Up Systems

The Buyer or Tenant Presentation

Prequalifying Clients and Conducting a Needs Analysis

Showing Techniques - Handling Buyer and Tenant Objections

Writing a Letter of Intent

Due Diligence, Inspections, Verifying the Numbers and Zoning

“Wow” Service and the Referral Mindset


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

Calculating Retail Supply & Demand – The Retail Gravity Model

May 27, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Andre J. van Rensburg, CCIM, ALC, CIPS, CDEI

~ Recommended for CIN Professionals

Learn the values and strategies in Site Location Strategies

Use the technology of heat maps and demographic strategy sites

to enhance an accurate

Learn how to use retail and demographic data to attract Retailers

Use the values of POS and e-commerce data in innovative ways

Insights on targeting the retail client’s needs

By-pass the competition by learning the data needed to list your listings

to the applicable customers and more…


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

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JJuunnee CCoouurrsseess:: LLaanndd && ZZoonniinngg // CCRREE VVaalluuaattiioonn MMeetthhooddoollooggiieess

Land & Zoning (Fast Track Series)

June 3, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Bob McComb – Top Dogs

~ Recommended for All Real Estate Professionals

Land brokerage, Land uses, Zoning laws effecting your listings

Permitted, conditional and prohibited

Spot zoning, Density, Easements, Variances

Investment Ground leases vs. Land Sales

Lease Rights to natural resources

Natural and legislated growth boundaries

Re-zoning, subdivision and up-zoning

Legal, but non-conforming uses


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

Effective Valuation Methods of Commercial Real Estate

June 19, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Andre J. van Rensburg, CCIM, ALC, CIPS, CDEI

~ Recommended for CIN Professionals

Comparing the Real Estate Investment to other Investment Vehicles

Capital Repairs and Upgrades and seasoned Tenant Improvements

Learn Annual Property Operating Data formula (APOD) and major

forms of return including Cap Rate, Cash on Cash Return

Examine the Time Value of Money and the value of the Discounted

Cash Flow Model including the Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return

and Modified Internal Rate of Return

Building a Multi-Year Forecast that Accounts for Lease Termination Dates and Tenant Renewal

Probability, including Renewal Commissions and Improvements

Account for Expense and Base Stops, CAM fees, Reimbursements and Other Income


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.


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AAuugg.. //SSeepptt.. CCoouurrsseess:: FFiinnaanncciiaall && IInnvveessttmmeenntt // NNeeggoottiiaattiioonn

SSeepptteemmbbeerr CCoouurrssee::

Financial and Investment Analysis – “Need-to-Know” Principles

August 21, 2014 2:00 - 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Professor Loren Keim

~ Recommended for New and Intermediate CIN Professionals

Learn key financial analysis and investment strategies

Calculating a Cash on Cash Return

Determining a Cap Rate and Valuing by Cap Rate

The Principals of Value – Substitution, Highest and Best Use,

Supply and Demand

Understanding Investment Income from Gross Scheduled Income

to NOI to Net Cash Flow After Taxes, including Gross Multipliers and Accounting for Expenses

Building a Multi-Year Cash Flow and Projecting Income and Expenses

Introduction to Net Present Value (NPV)and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Debt Service Coverage Ratio’s effect on price

Evaluating and Pricing the Property by ROI


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

Negotiating Commercial Leases – Getting What You Want

September 4, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Professor Loren Keim

~ Recommended for all CIN Professionals

Learning the key action steps and strategies in negotiation

Understanding the basics of types of commercial leases

(NNN, Gross Rent, Hybrid Lease, Percentage Lease, and more…)

Office, retail, industrial and other leases and how they are negotiated

The workshop delves into landlord and tenant objectives and their

differences depending on their marketplace

The economic and legal ramifications of Landlord-centric and a Tenant-centric leases

Strategies to negotiate the best lease for a client, and strategy options to develop a win-win

between the parties.


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

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SSeepptt.. //OOcctt.. CCoouurrsseess:: EExxcceelllleennccee iinn PPrroodduuccttiivviittyy // RReeaall EEssttaattee EExxcchhaannggiinngg

OOccttoobbeerr CCoouurrsseess:: 11003311 RReeaall EEssttaattee EExxcchhaannggiinngg

Getting to the Next Level – Kick it up a notch

September 23, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Ralph Spencer, CCIM, SIOR

~ Recommended for all Real Estate Professionals

There comes a time in your career when you must "re-engineer"

your practice if you want to reach the next level

Learn how to change your knowledge, attitude, skills and habits

in order to work at the next level in the real estate industry

Learn the How-To’s of honing your current skill-set into a higher level

You cannot continue to do the same things and expect significantly better results

Learning the key action steps and strategies needed to jump-start yourself to the next level

Getting to the next level and staying there


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

1031 Exchange: How to Increase Your Client's

Return on Equity and Escalate Your Growth in Sales!

Oct. 14, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Tom Lundstedt, CCIM (Former Chicago Cubs Player)

~ Recommended for Investment Real Estate & CIN Professionals

Learn the current up-to-date Rules, Guidelines and Tax Laws

Receive Easy-to-Use worksheets for Exchanging vs. Selling

How to calculate a property's current return on equity (ROE)

How to motivate your client to use an exchange to increase return on equity

Four key points to explain to your investor/clients

How to use a simple, easy to use, Exchange worksheet

Learn step-by-step methods to analyze and complete a real estate exchange

Real-world case studies and examples will simplify exchanging for you and unlock it’s powerful

potential for your investors clients

Savvy and successful real estate investors use exchanges to save a fortune in taxes and you

should be a part of their success by becoming an advisor


Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

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OOcctt.. //NNoovv.. CCoouurrsseess:: HHiigghh--TTeecchh MMaarrkkeettiinngg ((22 PPaarrtt SSeerriieess))

NNoovveemmbbeerr CCoouurrsseess:: CCRREE PPrreesseennttaattiioonn SSeelllliinngg ((22 PPaarrtt SSeerriieess))

Commercial Real Estate Presentation Selling

~ Winning More Assignments ~

November 11th & 13th, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Ralph Spencer, CCIM, SIOR

~ Recommended for all CIN Professionals

The Listing Track

Pre-Listing Packages and Pre-framing the Appointment

Working in Teams – Team Building

Rev-up Your Presentation Skills

The Presentation from the Client’s Perspective

The Marketing and Servicing Plan – a Visual Presentation

The Executive Summary

Pricing the Property Properly

Handling Objections

FREE (2 part series)

Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

High Tech Marketing –

Virtual Tools for a More Productive Edge

Oct. 28 & 30, 2014 2:00 – 3:30pm EDT

Instructor: Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM, CRE-Tech Founder

~ Recommended for all Real Estate Professionals

Demonstrations to “TOP” live mobile applications for CRE

Maximize living in the “Smart-Device-World”

Best-in-class marketing applications and the “How-to’s”

Best-in-Class presentations applications and the “How-to’s”

Demographics and High–Tech analysis applications

“Inspect what you expect” from your mobile tools

Leading edge application tools to advance your production

High-Tech efficiency applications tools for the top CRE professional

FREE (2 Part Series)

Click HERE to launch the session (No registration required – Click to launch) *It is suggested to launch your session 5-10 minutes prior to the class start time to avoid compatibility issues.

Note: You can save the Static URL address above and use for ALL 14 scheduled courses.

Questions? Webinar support, call Adobe Support @ 800.422.3623. Webinar information, call C21 Support @ 877.221.2765”.

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CCEENNTTUURRYY 2211 CCoommmmeerrcciiaall –– ““BBeesstt PPrraaccttiiccee SSeerriieess


IInnvveesstt ttiimmee iinn yyoouurr eedduuccaattiioonn ssoo yyoouu ccaann ggrrooww!!

WHEN: Quarterly – Held the 4th Wednesday at 11:00am (EASTERN TIME ZONE)

WHERE: Online Meeting Place and then join with audio via phone:

1. Go to:

2. Key in your Meeting ID# 2100, then click on Attend Meeting.

3. Sign in as Guest or with your Cisco MeetingPlace User ID, and click on Attend Meeting.

4. Dial in to 1-973-407-5555 and when prompted, key in your Meeting ID# 2100


Visit to test your web browser for compatibility with

the web conference prior to the meeting.

DATE: March 26th

- Sam Mizrahi – “Win with Robust Marketing” • Sam was a top 5 producer in sales volume in 2013 for C21C

• Learn Sam’s best practices on marketing his listings • Where to place you listings for maximum exposure • What tools and resources are Sam’s Best Practices?

June 25th

- Ray Brownfield (Realtor Land Institute) - “The Land Pro’s Best” • Are you a land professional or want to know how to be one? • Hear from one of the best land brokers for the RLI • Ray will give his top hints on the steps to becoming a successful land specialist

Sept 24th

- Todd Kuhlmann (Founder of CRE Tech) – “Virtual Edge with Top Mobile Apps”

• Be a Smarter CRE professional with Todd’s Top 5 Mobile APPS

• Listen to the pre-curser of a 2- class session that Todd will hold on Oct. 26th & 28th

• A CCIM, Todd has developed his own mobile APPS, as well as, inspected others

• What are your top APPS? Do they match up to Todd’s?

• Share your top APPS with other members on the call

Dec 17th

- Rick Davidson, CEO of Century 21 Real Estate, LLC

• Ever wondered Rick Davidson’s Best Practices for commercial real estate? • DON’T MISS this event!!!

Questions? [email protected]

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Other Commercial Real Estate Training / Industry Leaders / Certifications

The following sections are dedicated to our CRE industry organizations. We will be updating

this section often to keep you informed on new resources, organizations, or other industry

partner educational opportunities to add to your CRE studies library. Come back soon!

CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg CCRREE EEdduuccaattiioonn CCoouurrsseess

Continuing education credits are mandated in most states in order to retain your commercial

real estate license. The CENTURY 21 Learning System® has provided a convenient service to

facilitate your continuing education when it is required by your state. This service is powered

by the CE Shop and offers multiple selections of CE credit courses and CE course packages

for learning in most states. All courses in approved states for educational credit by the

regulatory entity in your state (find your state from the map on the homepage).

Check out our web-site below to decide if this “On-Demand” system is right for you! It could

save you time and money, which is a valuable asset in any business. Whether you decide

take these CE courses or not, you can find out your state license renewal requirements for

the number of CE credit hours needed and the renewal date criteria to meet your license


Upon completion of your course (and where applicable, digital signature) you will receive a

completion email and certificate. Your certificate of completion will be loaded into your

account for INSTANT printing from your online account. If required by the licensing authority,

The CE Shop will also provide them with notification of your completion.

Commercial Real Estate CE Courses from C21 University

~ States CE not available; AZ, NM, NC and WI

Powered by: The CE Shop

~ Recommended for all CIN Professionals

Making continuing education credit requirements for your state easier

Course credit hours for state-by-state CE mandated Commercial Real Estate Education

Courses for state educational credits are approved by the regulatory entity in that state

State regulatory information can also be found on the course catalog page

Click on your state to preview renewal date requirements, hours required by state, etc…

Take single courses or bundled course for your CE credits

24/7 on-demand courses for your convenience

Course material organized into units and chapters

Courses are short and can be re-taken as many times as necessary

Completion credits can be easily printed

If required, we can also provide the licensing authority notification of your completion

Register: Click HERE to register or learn more Questions? [email protected]

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Product & Market

PPrroodduuccttiivviittyy aanndd CCRREE MMaarrkkeettiinngg

Top Dogs Commercial Real Estate Training Series

Top Dogs have two “online video streaming” training series that are an excellent “step-

by-step” process that teaches Agents/Brokers how to become top producers in

commercial real estate. CENTURY 21 Commercial® has partnered with Top Dogs to offer

all CIN members a discounted price from $595 per, to $459 per series. Top Dogs offer

unconditional money back guarantees! Discount Code: C21TopDogs

1. How to Fast Track Your Expertise in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Program

15-session course (60-90 minute long) – Introduction video – 584 page learning manual

For more information, or to place an order: CLICK HERE (Streaming Videos allows usage


2. How to Run with the Big Dogs in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

13-session course (50 minute sessions) – Introduction video – 350 page learning manual

For more information, or to place an order: CLICK HERE (Streaming Videos allows usage


*To preview more Top Dogs training and/or download a FREE report on “The 6 Reasons Commercial

Agents Struggle & Fail”, CLICK HERE

Questions? [email protected]

CENTURY 21 Commercial® & REI Wise Team Up!

AAllll CC2211CC AAggeennttss RReecceeiivvee aa 6600%% DDiissccoouunntt oonn PPOOWWEERRBBRROOKKEERR!! Limited Time Purchase Only $199* (Retail @ $498)

REI Wise offers a comprehensive solution for financial analysis for both investment and leasing

brokers. CENTURY 21 Commercial is pleased to introduce REIWise POWER BROKER tool to members of

the Commercial Investment Network (CIN) starting January 2014. Do you need a new professional

tool that can boost your productivity and marketing to your clients? Here are some features…

Valuation software to without automatic calculators

Financial Analysis with “cash flow and IRR” tools

Lead Generation by maximizing your marketing and exposure

Comparables Management

Proposal & Marketing, Property Website, E-Publications, and more…

Transaction Management and Collaborative Networking.

Closing with due diligence and an online document center

This software is a “Propose –to- Close” tool that is possible “game-changer”

*To preview more benefits and features of the REI-Wise Power Broker software, CLICK HERE

Questions? [email protected]

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REALTOR® Land Institute

EExxcclluussiivvee ooffffeerr ttoo AALLLL CCEENNTTUURRYY 2211®® LLaanndd PPrrooffeessssiioonnaallss

$50 discount good towards “ONE” 2014 LANDU Course

Call 1-800-8441-5263 and mention the Discount Code ”C21”

*For more information regarding the REALTORS® Land Institute and the benefits they have to offer

from membership to educational offering and certifications, log onto

Questions? e-mail: [email protected]

REALTORS® Land Institute LANDU Courses • Advanced Tax Deferred 1031 Exchanges • Legal Aspects of Real Estate • NEW Auction • NEW Mineral, Oil and Property Rights • Agricultural Land Brokerage and Marketing • NEW Marketing Strategies

• Basics of Eminent Domain Law • Transitional Land • Essentials of Negotiations • Timberland • Ethics in Real Estate • Tax Implications of Real Estate • Land 101: Fundamentals of Land Brokerage • Tax-Deferred 1031 Exchanges

• NEW Building Business Through Technology • Site Selection • Land Development • Practical Navigation for Land Professionals • Land Investment Analysis

REALTORS® Land Institute Member Benefits

• The “new” exclusive land listing site, THE LAND CONNECTIONS: Do Business with the Best in the Business

• The prestigious Accredited Land Consultant Designation (ALC)

• The 2014 National Land Conference: If Land Could Talk, March 12-14 in Charleston, SC

• 17 LANDU best-in-class education courses

• Networking opportunities: The biggest land deal ever made in the country was made by

the networking that took place between ALCs

• A Voice in Washington, D.C.

• Special member rates on all LANDU courses, web seminars, and events

• Terra Firma — the official Institute newsletter

• A personal profile listing on the Institute website’s “Find a Land Consultant”

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NAR Commercial Webinars Access FREE on-demand education by downloading monthly webinars

brought to you by NAR Commercial. These are Podcast audio only.


Questions? [email protected]

NAR Affiliated Education

NAR Affiliate organizations provide educational programs that promote professionalism and offer real

estate designations. Click on each logo ICON to read more about their educational offerings. Learn

more about these organizations, their membership, and their education.

CCIM is the global leader in commercial and investment real estate education

and services. And the coveted CCIM designation, recognized as a hallmark of

professional competency, affords members an undisputed competitive

advantage. Only 10,000 Designees worldwide.

The REALTORS® Land Institute (RLI) is a membership organization created for and

by land experts, dedicated to building knowledge, building relationships, and

building business for its members - the extraordinary real estate professionals - who

broker, lease, sell, develop, and manage our most precious resource. Check out

the Land section for some CENTURY 21 Commercial® discounts.

Founded in 1953, the organization serves 1,100 members worldwide, all who hold

the "CRE" credential. CRE’s are linked to one another by their commitment to

integrity, competence, community, trust, and service; and they adhere to a strict

Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice. This site is dedicated mainly

to provided counsel, education and knowledge to specific CRE areas.

The SIOR Center for Career Advancement provides commercial real estate

education focused on the industrial and office arenas. Whether you’re in your first

year in the business or your fiftieth, the SIOR CCA can increase your knowledge

and enhance your business skills. Members and non-members can benefit from

the exceptional education offered throughout the year.

IREM offers a variety of membership types for professionals of every experience

level, from on-site managers to high-level executives. Thier credentials, earned by

meeting high standards of education, experience, and ethical business practices.

Learn more about the Accredited Commercial Manager (ACoM) designation.