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TRANSCRIPT commando.gif (15424 bytes) Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 6 Mission 7 Mission 11 Mission 12 Mission 16 Mission 17 Mission 1: Baptism by Fire Mission Mission Mission Mission 3 8 13 18 Mission Mission Mission Mission 4 9 14 19 Mission Mission Mission Mission 5 10 15 20

dddddh, climb the fence, stab the guard by the guard shack, and quickly climb ba ck over the wall to safety. As soon as the excitement of finding their dead comrade fades, have the Driver c rawl out from his hiding place where he can get a good shot at the patrolling gu ards. If he can get a clear shot at them near the tree, this usually works out b est. Set his sites on the guard in front, and fire a couple of busts to kill the m both. Have your driver and Green Beret meet at the dock just north of the hous e in that section. The Marine Have your Marine walk up to the rocks just behind him, and then wait for the nea rest guard to turn his back. Stab him, then crawl to a position to shoot the gua rd near the boat when the other patrolling guard is farthest away. Run to safety behind the nearby rocks after shooting the guard on post, and wait for the patr olling guard to come running. Shoot him as he rounds the corner. If the patrolli ng guard doesn't try to investigate your hiding place, shoot a round or two to l ure him in. Have your Marine scuba northeast to the post guard, and stab him quickly while t he patrolling guard to the right has his back turned. Equip the scuba gear and d ive back down into the deep water. Now wait for the patrolling guard to calm dow n and go back to his post. Sneak up in the shallow water behind him, jump up and stab or shoot him. Head for the boat on the other shore, and go pick up the Gre en Beret and the Driver. Taking out the Communications Camp Take the boat behind one of the buildings on the south shore. Watch for the thre e patrolling guards to turn their backs to the building, then have the Green Ber et move one of the barrels near the shore next to the barrel in between the two buildings. Make sure that the guards aren't looking, and have him drop the decoy by the barrels, then run just behind the corner of the house on the left. Make sure that he has a good shot at one of the barrels, and activate the decoy to lu re the guards in close. Once they're next to the barrels, shoot at one of them, and with one shot you can take out all three guards and the northeast house. Have your driver crawl to a spot where he can take out the submachine gunner, th en all you have to do is have the Green Beret move the barrels close to the rema ining structures and shoot at them from a safe distance. Make sure that you dest roy the Communications tower last, as soon as you do you will end the mission. Mission 2: A Quiet Blow Up Overview Once you cross the river, the rest of the mission is comparatively easy. Wade yo ur Marine into the shallow water, and click on the boat in his backpack. Remembe r that you can only take three men at a time. It's tempting to travel around the outside of the compound, killing all the guards outside. This is not necessary, however. Use your sniper's bullets wisely from across the river, then when you cross you can use the ladder on the wall to get into the compound. Make sure tha t you have two bullets left in your Sniper's rifle for inside the camp. The leve r at the front gate isn't just there for looks, you will have to have someone ac tivate it by clicking on the base of it. Once you blow up the fuel tanks, get ou t as quickly as possible with all of your men in the truck.

The First Three Guards The first thing that you want to do is take out the three patrolling guards arou nd your crew. Have your Green Beret set up the decoy near the fence to alert the middle guard. Have your Green Beret near the break in the fence, and stab the g uard as soon as he rounds the corner. The second guard is a little tricky, try u sing the decoy in the same way, hiding your Green Beret behind the fence on the right. For the third and final guard, simply have one of your crew fire a shot f rom behind the building, and he will come running. Fill him with lead as soon as he comes into sight. You should have all three guards killed just as the boat b egins its first pass. Crossing the River Have your men rendezvous behind the wall on the bank of the river. Watch out for the pesky Patrol Boat, it can't be taken out. Before crossing the river, have y our sniper crawl just north of the broken wall by the bank, and snipe the guard on top of the wall across the river. Have him then run down the bank south and t ake out the patrolling guard in the field, but make sure that his body will land behind the rock formation. When the coast is clear, have your Marine run to the bank, and click on the boat in his backpack to use it. Have the Green Beret and the Driver accompany him on his first trip across the river. Land them across t he river, near the ladder that goes up the wall. Your Green Beret will have to l ower down the ladder, have him climb the wall when the Guard in the yard has his back turned, lower the ladder, then climb back down the wall where he won't be seen. Have the Marine return and bring the rest of your troops across the river, landing them in the same place as your other members. Storming the Compound Once the Green Beret has lowered the ladder, have your driver climb up when the patrolling guard in the yard has his back turned. Hide him behind the building o n the right. Next have your sniper climb the wall and hide in the same place. Ma ke him crawl to the right, in between the two trees. When the patrolling guard s tops at the end of his route near the fence, take him out with the sniper. His b uddy out in the field will eventually see him lying dead and come running. Take him out as soon as he crouches over his dead friend. Have your sniper crawl once again around the back of the building, over by the truck. Take out the guard at the gate, then have everyone come over. Taking out the Fuel Tanks All of the enemy soldiers inside the compound should be dead. Have the Green Ber et go to the gate, and activate the lever to raise the gate. It's kind of tricky not to enter the building instead, as they are so close together. Once the gate is lifted, have everybody jump in the truck except for the Sapper. While everyb ody is climbing aboard the truck, position him at the front end of the fuel tank s, close to the gate. Have the driver move the truck into position just in front of the gate, and check the patrolling guards just outside the gate. When they a re far enough away, have the Sapper drop a time bomb, jump in the truck, and tak e off down the road. The fuel tanks should explode just before the truck reaches the end of the road. Mission 3: Reverse Engineering Overview This is a pretty large map, deal with each area individually. You will have to u se the decoy and trap wisely to get rid of the first six guards and get down to the river. The Marine can pick up the boat at the far end of the first camp, you really only need to bring your Spy and Marine into this area. Leaving the other s on the shore on the other side of the cliff will save you some time in the lon g run. While you're there, take out any enemies that can potentially see you acr oss the river. Learn to use the Spy's "distract" move inside the Power Station,

as this skill is invaluable. When you finally have your explosives, you will hav e to act very quickly. The hut at the bottom of the dam can only be taken out wi th one of the time bombs, and the truck will show up straight across the river f rom it. The First Six Guards First off, you want to get rid of the three patrolling guards. Have the Sapper s et a trap just at the edge of the rocks near the fence and run around in the sno w nearby before the guards come back. When they see your tracks, they will come running around the corner. The trap takes out one, and your pistol should take o ut the other two. Once they're taken care of, run to the left and take your men into the small cove. Have your sapper set another trap at the left edge, then fi re a shot to get the closest guard to round the corner. If you set it just off t he edge of the big boulder there, you should snag him every time. Reset the trap , and have someone run out into the clearing. Don't have him run too far, just e nough to get the next guard's attention, to have him come running into the same trap. Have your pistol ready in case he goes around the trap. The last guard at the water's edge is an easy mark, simply walk up behind him, and stab him. Getting the Boat Once you have your crew assembled at the water's edge, you need to get the boat in order to carry out the rest of your mission. Have your Marine scuba downstrea m until he is near the area where the boat is stored. Place him in the shallow w ater, and when the patrolling guard has his back to you, click on the scuba tank , click on the gun, and shoot him dead in his tracks. Grab the boat and head to the corner of the wall on the left. From there you should be able to see the ten ts, and one more patrolling guard. Wait until he rounds the corner, and find a h iding place along the rock wall. Equip the Harpoon gun, and once he gets close e nough, let him have it. Have your Marine return to the water, and swim to the la st guard outside the northern wall. He keeps his back to the water, so sneak up and stab him. Return to your troops on the other side of the cliff, and pick up your spy. Have your spy run completely around the entire compound, meeting the Marine at t he southernmost wall. Watch out for the guard patrolling the gate; make sure you run when his back is turned. Have your Marine take your Spy just around the wal l and drop him off where he won't be seen. The Spy can now run up to the clothes line and get into the German Uniform. He can now simply walk out the gate, and m eet your Marine at the cliff wall. Give him a lift in the boat around the corner , where your other troops are waiting. Getting Your Troops into the Power Station Have all of your troops except for the Spy jump in the boat on the right side of the dam. Make sure that you are out of view of the hut across the other side, c lick the sight on it and stay just south of its sweeping view. Your spy can run along the top of the dam, and head for power station. Go into the compound with your spy, and turn off the electric fence. Now run outside the fence and kill th e two guard in between the river and the outer fence. Make sure that they are ou t of sight of all the guards inside. Remember that you can move the bodies after ward to a safe hiding place. Return to the compound, and kill the guard at the s outhern most end. Distract the guard next to the switch by standing behind him a nd using the officer's hat. When he turns around to face you, have your other th ree comrades boat across, and land just behind him. Crawl the length of the fenc e until the generators near the southern end can hide you. Your Sapper can now c ut through the fence with his wire cutters and enter the power station. Picking up the Explosive Charges Once your guys are safely inside, and your Spy is still commanding the attention of the guard near the fence switch, have your Green Beret crawl over and kill t he guard that patrols near the first charge. Hide behind the house nearby, and w hen he turns his back, knife him, and take dump his body back behind the house.

Do the same to the guard on post near the charge; then have your Sapper pick it up. Use basically the same technique with the other charge by the doorway to the hou se, the only difference is that you have to only kill the guard next to the char ge, pick it up, then run around the house and knife the other from the back. You can now take care of the guard that is talking to your spy in the same manner, making sure that you dump his body in a safe place. Getting Past the Gate Guards You will need to kill every last gate guard in order to complete your mission. F irst, have the spy kill the one south of the wire spools with a lethal injection , then hide him behind the wire spools. Then have your spy talk to the guard out side of the gate on the left side of your screen. Make him face the opposite way , and when the other guard outside is looking away, kill the guard inside and on the right with your Green Beret's knife. Carry him behind the house next to him so that the body won't be seen. When the outside patrol guard stands and faces north, have your Green Beret kill the inside guard on the left, and dump his bod y behind the wire spools. Now comes the tricky part. Click the enemy sight on th e group patrolling northwest of the gate. When they aren't watching the patrolli ng guard outside on the left, have your Green Beret kill him and drag his body b ack behind one of the houses. Now have your Spy dismiss the guard that he was di stracting, and as long as the patrolling group above does not see you, kill him with a lethal dose and hide his body. Have your group rendezvous near the hut to the left of the power station. Blowing up the Dam You should have your group together below the dam on the left side of the river. Have the Marine take the spy and the Green Beret across, landing them just out of sight of the hut guarding the dam. They can now crawl just north of the landi ng spot, just to the side of the rocks on the side of the dam. Return your Marin e and his boat back across the river. Once he's there, have the Sapper drop a ti me bomb next to the hut, and jump in the boat. Take the boat almost all the way across the river, just out of sight of the hut. Once the hut blows, quickly row to the base of the dam, place a charge, and head to the riverbank. Get out quick ly and crawl to where the Marine and the Spy are waiting. Jump in the truck as s oon as it arrives, and once you get all your men in safely, your mission will be complete. This part may take a few times to master, make sure that you save you r game just before this final part. The trick is to have your boat almost all th e way across the river, that way when the hut blows, you don't have far to go to reach safety once you place the charge that blows up the dam. Mission 4: Restore Pride Overview Getting to the tank in the first area is imperative for your survival; the area south of this is almost impossible without stealing the tank. You will not be ab le to take the tank out of the first area, so don't waste your time trying to sq ueeze it through the opening in the fence. Using the bridge can be dangerous whe n a train is coming, but you can walk just along the edge to avoid being run ove r. Before you cross though, take note of the post guard at the other side. If he sees you, he will alert some friends. Don't bother bringing the diver to the ot her side, he is best used from the backside, climbing down the ladder in the mid dle of the bridge. The sapper has grenades for a reason, don't be afraid to use them to do away wit h groups of enemies that would otherwise take you hours to kill individually. Yo u will only need one near the end of the mission, once you make it to the enemy camp. The sergeant that comes and goes in the truck will not alert anyone even i f you stand right in front of him, so don't worry about him. The truck also make s an excellent weapon for taking out groups of enemy soldiers. Make sure that th e Sapper, Sniper, and the Driver make it to the area where the supplies have lan

ded in the northern part of the map. Killing the First Six Guards The first three guards can be taken out easily enough. Have your Marine and Sapp er run to the second rock wall, and have the rest hunker behind the first wall o n the right. When the patrolling guard comes close enough, have the Green Beret fire a shot to bring him running. Shoot him and his two compatriots as soon as t hey round the corner. Leave them where they lay, they will not be discovered. The next three guards are almost as easy. Hide your Green Beret behind the broke n down house, and run up behind the patrolling guard and knife him. Hide his bod y behind the house, then knife the other two post guards north of the house, and hide their bodies behind the rocks north of the house. The Patrolling guards are a little tricky. Have your Sapper and Green Beret Hide behind the Boulders just northwest of the train cars. Place the decoy out aroun d the corner, and the bear trap right in front of it. When they come to investig ate, lure them around the corner with a shot. They may alert a couple of other g uards, and this is okay, but you have to be quick with the pistol to kill them a ll. Make sure that you save right before you set up the trap, as they might reac t a little differently each time. Stealing the Tank It's not necessary to steal the tank to complete the mission, but it makes your next move a whole lot easier. After you've taken out the patrol group in this ar ea, the next guard that you want to take out is the one with his back to you, ju st to the right of the wrecked boxcars. Have your Sapper set a trap right behind the car next to the guard, drop a decoy and the guard should come running right into your trap. The next guard to take out is the post guard just south of the trees. Use the same Trap and decoy method with him, making sure to get your guys back behind one of the trains before turning on the decoy. Watch for the patrol guard just to the south. Now you can crawl just north of the trees and over to the guard sitting on the bank of the river. If you crawl close enough to the edg e, the post guard by the tank won't see you. Stab the guard by the river's edge, then fire a shot to bring one of the guards by the tank running over. Shoot him as well, the other tank guard will not leave his post. Now have someone sneak a round behind the tank, shoot the other guard on the bank, and the remaining post guard next to the tank. Now you can have your driver board the tank, and drive down by the barbed wire, shooting everyone in his path and all of the patrols ac ross the train tracks. Unfortunately, you cannot take the tank out of this area; you will have to hoof it across the bridge. Crossing the Bridge Before you go tearing off across the bridge, take a gander across the river. The re is a post guard next to his motorcycle that will go make a report if he sees you. Take him out with the sniper. A few of his buddies will show up, you might consider taking a couple of them out in the same way. This will definitely make things easier for you later on, just make sure that you save at least one bullet for later. Go across first with your Green Beret and the Sapper, their traps wi ll be invaluable on the other side. If you happen to keep getting run over by th e train, you can walk right along the south edge of the tracks to avoid this. Ha lfway across the bridge is a ladder. Have your Marine head down the ladder and w ait at the bottom. The rest of the group will rendezvous after you've taken out the guards in the meadow. The Meadow You should first have your Green Beret and Sapper hide behind the big rockpile j ust to the right of the train tracks. There are two ways to go about clearing al l the enemy troops in the meadow. One is by of course, sneaking around and knifi ng or trapping them one by one. There is another way, however. Once your Sapper and Green Beret are behind the rockpile, wait for the patrol group to come aroun d between the rockpile and the group of trees. When they are close enough, toss

'em a grenade. This will eliminate four enemies immediately. When the others hea r the explosion, they will also come running over. Once they've all grouped toge ther, toss a grenade over the rockpile once more, and now you can freely move th rough the meadow, keeping in mind that one of the post guards just north of your position will not leave his post. Have your Green Beret crawl back behind the t rees, then out into the meadow. Once he is close enough, have him shoot the rema ining post guard. Have him crawl back over to the rock walls to the east, then h ave the rest of your troops rendezvous there. The Truck and Supplies With any luck, the guard from the other side of the gatehouse came running and g ot killed when you took out the rest of the guards in the meadow with the hand g renade. If not you will have to knife him with the Green Beret and carry his bod y quickly to the woods. The sergeant that comes to and fro in the truck is not w orried about you, so don't worry about him. Simply go up to him with the Green B eret, knife him, and carry his body out of view. Wait until the patrol group starts heading north of the gatehouse then shoot a s hot from the woods just to the east of the gatehouse. The patrol guard to the no rth should come running. Shoot him down then have everyone climb in the truck. I f you're quick enough, you can catch up to the patrol group and simply run them over with the truck. Pick up your supplies near the drop, and head the truck ove r near the back part of the woods. There will be a time bomb for the Sapper, som e bullets for the Sniper and a submachine gun for the Driver. Preparing to Storm the Compound The patrol guard just outside of the gate near the road is the first one that yo u want to take out. Have your Sapper crawl down just out of his sight when he is walking northwards. Once he turns around, quickly run down into the snow, place a trap, and have your Sapper take off for the safety of the woods at the very t op of the map. Once the guard sees his tracks in the snow, he should walk straig ht into the trap. You should have one grenade for your Sapper left in your ammo belt. Once the pat rol guard is taken out, have your Sapper run along the wall, behind the enemy ba rracks. Have him wait there. Next, have your Sniper leave the truck and run near the road. You will have to keep him out of sight of the two guards at the entra nce to the compound. Have him crawl a fair ways up, until he can get a clear sho t at the guard at the entrance. Once you can line him up, have your Sapper toss a grenade over the wall at the enemy barracks. The Sniper can now take out the g uard at the gate. Make sure that he crouches down right after the shot, and take out the solitary enemies that come back from investigating the barracks explosi on. Don't waste his ammo if the group patrol comes to investigate the dead guard at the gate, however. Inside the Compound Once you have taken care of the guards at the gate, the enemy patrol group shoul d go to the inner part of the base. This gives the rest of your men the chance t o go inside the first fenced area. Have your group rendezvous to the left side o f the inner gate, making sure that your driver has a clear shot at anyone coming through the archway, and the rest of the group is right up against the wall. Ha ve your Green Beret run down and shoot a couple of shots near the river. This sh ould bring the patrol group and one additional guard toward the archway. When th ey get there, mow them down with the Driver's submachine gun. Now your Sniper ca n move into position to take out the post guard by the fountain, then quickly co nceal himself back by the wall. Now it's time to put your Marine into action. Have him scuba down to the dock, c limb the ladder, and take out the guard there with his harpoon gun. Crawl up the stairs, and do the same to the guy in the machine gun nest. There is one more g uard left, standing by the pathway. Take him out with the Harpoon gun as well, b ut you have to be careful not to let the guard behind the enemy command center s ee you. Stay just out of his bright green vision field while crawling up close e

nough to shoot the guard by the path. When his vision sweeps past you, shoot the guard and quickly crouch back down and crawl out of sight. Now the rest of your buddies can easily come on into the inner part of the compound, take out the gu ard behind the house, and blow up the rest of the buildings with a Time Bomb. On ce everyone is in the boat down by the river, your mission will be accomplished. Mission 5: Blind Justice Overview This is a pretty straightforward mission, so let's move out. Getting the German Uniform This is pretty much a bait and trap mission. Start out by placing the remote jus t to the right side of the supply tent behind the house. Get back behind the hou se, set off the remote, and wait until the guard comes up. Turn off the remote, and when the guard goes to leave, stab him and carry his body to the back of the house. Repeat this process to get rid of the other guard at the front of the ho use, but this time place the remote closer to the side of the house. When those two are done with, place a remote at the left corner of the house, by the shed. Take care of this guard in the same way, then sneak down and simply stab the oth er patrolling guard when his back is turned. Work your way with the Green Beret down the left side of the screen, using the remote and the knife to make it to t he telephone. Be aware of the patrolling group down south of you, and when the t ime is right, hop on the telephone. Your spy should be positioned over as close as possible to the guard watching by the clothesline. The phone will distract hi m, and your Spy can take the officer's uniform from the clothesline. Taking the Tram Once your Spy has his uniform, go and have him distract the guard that watches t he other two on the tram platform. Your Green Beret should be able to sneak up b ehind the one nearest the building, and when his buddy isn't looking, stab him a nd carry him out of sight. Do the same with the other guard, making sure that yo u keep track of the patrolling group to the south. Once your Green Beret is hidd en away again, dismiss the post guard talking to your spy. Use the lethal inject ion, and carry him to a hiding place. Have your spy take the tram to the top, an d kill the guard there. Return him to the bottom and pick up your Green Beret. T his is a little tricky. You have to make sure that the two guards patrolling in the middle of the camp have their backs turned to the tram, otherwise they will see your Green Beret inside. Taking out the Satellite Once you get your Green Beret and your Spy at the top, the rest is easy. Have yo ur spy stand behind the guard in front of the barracks. When the patrolling guar d have their backs to him, inject him and carry his body down behind the barrack s building. Now have your Spy go and inject the lone guard just north of the sat ellite, and carry his body behind the smaller building. The important part is wa iting for just the right moment, as you have to go and distract the guards befor e they turn and see his body. When you have the patrolling guards attention dist racted with your spy, your Green Beret can set up the final part of the mission. First, he must hide the body of the guard that the spy just killed behind the ba rracks with the other. Now sneak up behind the guard near the cliff wall, knife him, and hid the body. There are three barrels nearby, take two of them to the b ase of the satellite. Leave the other where it is near the barracks door. Now yo ur Green Beret can go hide back on the tram platform. Dismiss the patrol group f rom your Spy, and run down to within shooting range of the barrel by the barrack s. When the patrol group is next to the barrel, shoot and destroy the barracks a nd the patrol group in one swift motion. Now shoot the barrels next to the satel lite, and take off.

Mission 6: Menace of Leopold Overview This is where things begin to get difficult. The only way to the camp is through the burned out building, and this area is not easy. Take careful note of the vi ewpoints of each guard in this area, and understand that the guard near the cloc k cannot be decoyed away from his post. Clicking on the different guards to see their point of view sweep back and forth is invaluable. Some guards may be facin g forward, but you can run right in front of them if you follow their vision pat h. Make sure that you save after every guard killed in this area to save some ti me. The truck that patrols the meadow is best dealt with head on. Your Sapper ha s two remote bombs here, and the cannon only takes one to blow it up. An explosi on might bring some key guards out of the camp to see just what the heck all the noise is about. Make sure that you clear the house near the escape point before you blow up the cannon, and once you do, begin entering the truck as soon as yo u see it show up. The First Building This is a tricky one, and will tax your coordination. First off, knife the patro l guard just to the south of you, then have all of your troops rendezvous near t he ladder on the right side of the burned out building. You Green Beret will be doing most of the work with his trusty knife here. Imagi ne the second floor of the burned out building as a square. Make sure that you c lick on the guard in the upper left corner by the clock to see what he can see. Then check out the guard at the bottom of the square. Have the Green Beret knife the guard nearest the ladder, then carry him straight south and hide him behind the partial wall at the top of the stairs. Knife the guard just below you on th e stair landing, and return to the wall. Now wait until the patrol guard in the upper right hand corner of the floor is w alking toward the right, run around the wall and knife the guard at the bottom o f the square when his back is turned. You should be able to leave him where he l ays, and hide behind the partial wall that is L-shaped. When the coast is clear, run and hide behind the wall just north from your position, the one with the Hshaped frame still attached to it. You will have to have the sight marker on the guard in the upper left by the clock. Now, when the guard patrolling the right two rooms is out of sight from him, knife him from the back. Have your Green Beret set up his decoy there, and run into the upper room on the right, and hide him along the left wall. Have your Sapper set a trap where you killed the last guard, and hide by the Green Beret. Set off the remote decoy, an d the guard at the top of the left stairway should run right into it. Make sure that the trap is out of sight of the guard by the clock. Have Green Beret pick h is decoy back up, and watch the clock guards sight sweep over the floor. When it starts to sweep left, run across the hallway to the outer landing where there i s another guard with his back turned. Knife him, and have the Sapper and the Sni per run across the hallway in the same manner until you are all out on the landi ng. The Meadow and the Truck Once out on the landing of the burned out building, have the Sapper set a trap o n the steps, then lure him up to the second set of steps with the Green Beret's decoy. Have the Green Beret climb down the wall in the corner, then sneak him up and around the corner to knife the guard near the barbed wire. There are two mo re guards just south of there, they will also have to be taken out with the Gree n Beret's knife and the bodies hidden behind the rocks out by the tents. Have yo ur Sapper and Sniper meet you there. Now this next part is a little tricky. You'll never be able to get into the camp with the truck roving around, so you want to use one of the remote bombs on it. Set up your Green Beret on the southwest side of the house, and have the Sapper place a bomb just up and to the left of him. Your Green Beret should be able to have a clear shot at whoever comes to investigate the wreckage, which should be

a couple of guards from the camp. Blow up the truck and kill the guards. Now ha ve your sniper set up where he can shoot the guard on top of the tower at the en trance of the camp. This may take a few times to get it all right, but when you do it this way, you take out two patrol guards from the camp, and the truck as w ell. Finishing the Mission Once your sniper has taken out the guard on the platform near the entrance of th e camp, have him crawl over by the crates and look across the camp. There will b e a post guard looking toward the entrance that he has to take out. Once he does , all three men can run freely along the wall and over to the left side of the c annon that you have to destroy. Before you blow it up, you have to take out the three guards in the building to the right side of the cannon. Have your Green Beret stand at the bottom of the ladder, and as soon as the guar d in the hallway turns his back, run up the ladder and hide behind the wall at t he end of the hallway. Wait until the guard on the left turns his back, run up a nd stab him, then run around the hallway wall to stab the other patrol guard. Yo u must act quickly, but it is possible. Then stab the guard in the corner, overl ooking your escape route. This is where you will want the Sniper to come and pic k off the guard in the field, the one in the corner by the barbed wire, and the machine gunner. Make sure that you kill the guard across the field when he is on the left side of the tree, so the other guards won't see him. Now have your Sap per place the remaining bomb next to the cannon, and have all of your troops ren dezvous right at the machine gun nest. Set off the remote bomb, and as soon as y ou see the escape truck, start loading your men into it. If you wait for it to s top, you men will not make it in time. Mission 7: Chasing the Wolves Overview Start out with the Green Beret and the Marine. In the immediate area where they begin, a pistol shot will not bring on a red alert. Keep in mind that there are explosive barrels behind the enemy barracks in this area as well, taking out the whole barracks just might save you time dodging patrols in the long run. A red alert in one area will not cause one in the other, however. When you are safely in the boat, it's time to switch to the Spy, Driver, and the Sapper. The camp ne ar the submarines is meticulously defended, to have the Spy try and poison all o f the guards and drag their bodies away is impossible. You might try causing a d istraction nearby to send them all away while you take over their camp. The Sapp er has three time bombs, and only one per sub is necessary. The enemy camp has an empty vehicle available with a load of machine gun ammo ju st begging to be used. Enough shots with the guns on this truck can even take ou t a mortar gunner if shot at long enough. The time bombs must be placed on the s ubs so that the whole ship blows, so be careful with that placement. The Green Beret and the Marine From behind the rock, have one of your guys go to the upper edge when the two pa trol guards are a little ways away. Shoot the nearest guard when he sees you rig ht around the corner and all three other guards as they come running up. No alar m will sound. Work your way southwest and have your Marine hide behind the corne r of the building and take out the guard with his Harpoon Gun. Lure the next clo sest guard with the decoy and shoot him with the Harpoon as well. Make sure that you hide the bodies. Now work your way down around the houses and have your Green Beret run behind th e patrolling guards and stab the lone guard when he stops behind the barracks. Q uickly run and pick up a barrel, placing it next to the barracks. Stand a safe d istance away and shoot near the barrel to bring the patrolling guards running. W hen enemy soldiers start piling out of the barracks, shoot at the barrel, and ta ke everyone out at once. Take out the remaining soldiers near the dock, using the decoy and a knife for o

ne, and just shoot the other at the end of the dock. You can either enter the ro wboat with both the Marine and the Green Beret, or try and take out the three gu ards near the lighthouse. I suggest you take out the guards by the lighthouse, t hey become a pain later if you don't. The Spy, the Sapper, and the Driver Keep your eye on the patrolling soldiers in the meadow south of your original po sition, and sneak your spy over to the clothesline. Inject the guard there, and hide his body behind the blanket on the clothesline. Take the Officer's uniform, and go distract the three patrolling soldiers in the northern meadow so that th e Sapper can pick up the explosives. Wait until your Sapper's tracks disappear i n the snow before you dismiss them. Once your Sapper has the explosives, sneak him down by the barracks with the hou se next to it. You can distract the patrol guards near there with the Spy. Make sure you can see what the Machine gunner there can see, his vision sweeps in bet ween the house and the enemy barracks. The Sapper can run from one building to t he other while the machine gunner is looking away. Sneak your driver behind the clothesline where your Spy hid the body of the guar d. Make sure that he crouches down. Now with everyone in position, you're ready to do some damage. Have the Sapper p lace a time bomb near the door of the barracks, then run and hide in the house n ext to it while the Machine Gunner looks away. Your Spy should be distracting th e patrolling guards so that they cannot see in between the buildings. When the e xplosion goes off, all of the soldiers from next door will go and check out the situation. Once the last group leaves that area, have the Driver get up and run for the tank near the submarines. Drive it over near the gate of the compound an d start shooting. You will have to swing your guns around, back and forth betwee n the gate and the barracks next to you, as soldiers come piling out. Make sure that you concentrate mostly on the barracks, as more of these soldiers have subm achine guns, which will do the most damage. If you stay there long enough, they will destroy you, so try to line up each shot to take out the most enemies at a time. At the end of the fracas, you should have quite a pile of dead soldiers. N ow back up your tank so that it is about halfway between the wall and the water, and start shooting at the Mortar Gunner closest to the barracks. He will turn a round immediately to aim at you, but if you simply stay still and keep firing at him, he won't shoot at you, and you will eventually destroy him. Now that all immediate soldiers are out of the way, have your Sapper leave the h ouse that he was hiding in, and run back behind the other Mortar Gunner along th e dock. Place another time bomb behind him, and get away. Once he's taken care o f, you can take out the subs with the rest of the time bombs. Make sure that you place the bombs near the tubes on each ship. The escape buoy is located over by where you picked up the lifeboat. Mission 8: Pyrotechnics Overview Start out by taking out the guards in the immediate area with the decoy and a kn ife. The guards out in front of the walls can be dealt with last, remember that they can be seen from down below. While you're up there, drag one of those barre ls over near the Mortar Gunner to set up the end of the Mission. The Sniper will come into play once you have the top level cleared. You'll be doing a lot of cr awling in this mission, so get used to it. It might be tempting to drag a barrel down with you to take out the enemy's barracks, but in this case the barracks a re able to withstand a blast like this. Brick structures with sandbags around th em are impenetrable to attacks like this. The guards on top of the water depots can't really see you if you are right up u nderneath them, even though their point of view would tell you otherwise, so tak e advantage of this. Make sure that you clear as much of your escape route as yo u can before the red alert comes up, and you can shoot at barrels through the wi re fence here.

Upper Level Stab the first patrolling guard on the other side of the wall when his buddy can 't see you. You will have to be quick, and take his body where it can't be found . Now place the decoy against the north wall, so that the other patrolling guard has his back turned when he goes to check it out. Stab him and hide his body as well. Now place the decoy along the east wall where the post guard off to the r ight of you will come and check it out with his back turned. Stab him as well, a nd leave him where he lays. Now you can run over to the patrol guard by the truc k and stab him first, then the post guard right in front of the truck while his back is turned, listening to the decoy. Now go along the right side of this area, run and stab the first guard, then dec oy the next two into the corner of the small room behind the guard near the ledg e. Stab them, then take care of the one patrolling the area near the mortar gun. The next one you have to take out is the one standing to the right of the barre ls, check the sight on the guard on the left side of the truck to see when it is okay to take him out. Now you can take out the two guards at the top of the roa d. Simply stab one when the other guard isn't looking, then stab the other right away. Lower Level- Entrance/Shack Guards Have your Sniper shoot the guard at the entrance behind the black barrels. Now y our Green Beret can sneak down and place the decoy in between the two sets of oi l barrels. Set it off, and when both patrolling soldiers check it out, run up be hind them and stab them both. For the two guards at the tents, place the decoy at the northeast corner of the tent on the right. Crawl back to the left side of the guard on the left, stab hi m, and carry his body back behind the tent. Make sure that the guard below you d oes not see you. As long as the coast is clear, do the same with the other guard by the right tent, and hide his body as well. Now take out one of the patrollin g guards by placing the decoy around the back corner of the building by the truc k, hide behind the truck, and stab the soldier as he comes to check out the deco y. For the patrolling soldiers by the little shacks, have your Green Beret place th e decoy in between the enemy barracks and the first shack. Hide behind the shack , and stab the guard when his back is turned. Clear his body from the scene. Pla ce the decoy just a little south of where you placed it earlier to kill the guar d that patrols over by the clothesline. You will have to hide inside the first s hack in order to sneak up behind him. Hide his body as well, and go over by the row of shacks that run north to south. Place the decoy in the middle, and hide i n the end shack once you have activated the decoy. When the third guard comes ar ound the corner, step out of the building and stab him in the back. Lower Level - Barrel Guards You can lure the middle patrol guard away by having your Sniper crawl out and sh oot the soldier behind the sandbag wall by the bridge. As soon as the patrol gua rd inside sees him dead, he will come running. Have your Green Beret standing be hind the truck with a knife ready, and stab him as he rounds the corner. No need to hide his body, you're almost done. Now you must sneak around the corner of t he building and take out the post guard in the middle of the barrels. This is ea sier than it sounds, although it may take you a few tries. Make sure that you se t the sight on the guard on the depot that is closest to the water tower. When h is vision sweeps away, and the other two remaining guards have their backs turne d, sneak behind the barrels to the left of the post guard, stab him, then hide h im very carefully behind the barrels. Now for the last patrol guard. Have your Green Beret run from the corner of the row of shacks right behind the closest depot. If you stick right next to the sid e, the guard above cannot see you. Place the decoy next to the side of the depot , then hide around the corner. When the patrol guard comes to check it out, wait for him to lose interest and turn his back, then stab him quickly. Now you can

have your Sniper take out the guard on the depot just above. Have the Green Bere t decoy the last depot guard into looking away from the ladder then climb up and stab him. You're ready to move the rest of the barrels into position. Finishing the Mission Place one of the middle barrels next to the water tower, and one next to the dep ot next to it. Place one in between those two, so that it will catch from the ba rrels in the crates. Make sure that you leave a single barrel close to the fence in the upper right of the field. Once the barrels are arranged, have your snipe r crawl along the main road until he has a clear shot at the soldier on the brid ge, and can shoot the barrel inside the fence with his pistol. Your Green Beret should be up on the upper level, moving a barrel into position next to the Mortar gunner if he already hasn't. This has to move very quickly. Have the Sniper shoot the soldier on the bridge; an alarm should sound. Then hav e him shoot the barrel inside the fence to total the depot. Have your Green Bere t shoot the barrel next to the Mortar Gunner, then start climbing down the side of the hill as your Sniper runs up and shoots the machine gunner in the nest by the bridge. If all goes well, a jeep will come to pick you up on the bridge. Was te no time in jumping aboard and getting the mission over with. Mission 9: A Courtesy Call Overview Use your Spy to begin with in this mission. A few of the guards inside the camp are only covered by one other guard, so you should have no problem clearing the camp with his fatal injection technique, or combining his "distract" move w