comenius multilateral partnership 2013 – 2015 training for life leadership initiative for europe...

COMENIUS Multilateral Partnership 2013 – 2015 TRAINING FOR LIFE LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE FOR EUROPE November 2013 – May 2015

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COMENIUS Multilateral Partnership2013 – 2015



November 2013 – May 2015

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Personal and leader’s Values

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How would you define your values?

Personal Value

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Before you answer this question, you need to know what, in general, values are.

A personal value is an  absolute or relative and ethical value, the assumption of which can be the basis for ethical and cultural action.

OrOur values are the things that we believe are important in the way we live, relationship and work.

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Imprint period - from birth to 7 years

According to Morris Massey, values form during three significant periods:

Modelling period - from 8 to 13 years

Socialization period - from 13 to 21 years

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we are like sponges, absorbing everything around us and accepting much of it as true, especially when it comes from our parents. 

Imprint period - from birth to 7 years

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we copy people, often our parents, but also other people. Rather than blind acceptance, we are trying on things like suit of clothes, to see how they feel. We may be much impressed with religion or our teachers. You may remember being particularly influenced by junior school teachers who seemed so knowledgeable—maybe even more so than your parents.

modelling period - from 8 to 13 years

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we are very largely influenced by our peers. As we develop as individuals and look for ways to get away from the earlier programming, we naturally turn to people who seem more like us. Other influences at these ages include the media (social media), especially those parts which seem to resonate with the values of our peer groups.

socialization period - from 13 to 21 years

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Values can be defined as broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes. As such, values reflect a person's sense of right and wrong or what "ought" to be. "Equal rights for all", "Excellence deserves admiration", and "People should be treated with respect and dignity" are representative of values.

Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior.

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How do you define leadership?

Leadership Values

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Most of people says: A "leader" is someone who brings people together and guides them toward a common goal. 

Leaders guide and facilitate others to make a positive difference in their own lives and to contribute to a larger good.

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Many people whose natural leadership ability was close to zero but through training, experience, and most of all, persistence, became great leaders.

Leadership is an ability, meaning a leader has a capacity to do something through talent and skill. Talent is natural ability and skill is proficiency gained through training and experience. Talent certainly  helps, but it isn’t required.

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A Good Leadership Values

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Top 10 Qualities That Make A Great Leader by Forbes

• Communication

• Sense of Humor

• Ability to Delegate

• Confidence


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• Commitment

• Positive Attitude

• Creativity

• Intuition

• Ability to Inspire

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Today , the definition of the leadership is said to according to the position where the leader is, So there are many definition of leadership.

Finally, leaders must have a strong sense of VALUES, if they are to succeed in manage to people in the long term. Values are enduring standards of behavior.

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What is leadership style?

Leadership is the process of persuasion or inducing a group to

pursue objectives held by the leader.It is the way in which that process is carried out.It’s related

with a leader’s providing direction,implementing plans and

motivating people.

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Leaders’ styles encompass ;– How they relate to others

within and outside the organization

_ How they view themselves and their position whether or not they are successful as leaders

 If a task needs to be accomplished,how does a particular leader set out to get it done? If an emergency arises, how does a leader handle it? If the organization needs the support of the community, how does a leader go about mobilizing it? All of these depend on leadership style.

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Why pay attention to the leadership style?

The style of an organization’s leadership is reflected in the nature of an organization and its relationships with the community.If a leader is suspicious and jealous of his power,others in the organization are likely to behave similarly in their relationships.If a leader is collaborative and open,he/she is likely to encourage the same attitudes among staff members and to work collaboratively.

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A leader’s style must be consistent with the organization.For example,an autocratic leader in a democratic organization can create chaos.That’s why,leaders should be able to move among different leadership styles, adopting the most suitable one for needs of the moment. But adopting a certain leadership style doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she is a successful leader.Leaders can be either effective or ineffective in any of these leadership styles.

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There are many different leadership styles that can be exhibited by leaders in the political, business or other fields. Here are some of them:

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Autocratic leaders control almost everything around them with no participation from staff members. They have all the power,make all the decisions and they don’t often tell anyone else what they are doing.

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They create a distinct professional relationship. They believe direct supervision is the key in maintaining a successful environment. They keep close supervision and think this is necessary for anything to be done. Autocratic leadership style can increase the productivity of employees on the short term when placed under tight control. 

Autocratic leaders set goals individually, engage primarily in one-way, downward communication, eliminate arguments over how and why things get done.

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They are mostly concerned with their power and status and disregard staff members’ emotions. They often leave fear and mistrust in an organization. Therefore,others in the organization tend to copy protection of position and mistrust of others’ ideas.

 However, some believe that it’s the best style to get things done without losing time, as you don’t have people questioning every decision you make.

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Actually,many autocratic leaders are not hated and feared but rather esteemed an deven loved. This depends on the leader’s own personalities, the organization itself and the needs of the people headed.

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Howell Raines is an American journalist. He is an efficient autocratic leader. Because the newspaper industry requires autocratic leadership style to meet the deadlines day after day. Nevertheless, his autocratic style sometimes causes distress among journalists.

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Donald Trump is a positive example of an autocratic leader. He is a leader that has centralized all the decision-making to himself. This limits the inputs of his employees, but he is nevertheless respected and liked by his employees.

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In the paternalistic leadership style,there is still a great amount of authority, but these leaders are more willing to help subordinates become more efficient. Paternalistic leaders work and act as a father figure. They take care of their subordinates as a parent would.They supply complete concern for workers.In return,they receive complete trust and loyalty.

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The relationship between the leader and the workers is extremely solid. Workers are expected to stay with a company for a longer period of time because of the loyalty and trust. Not only do they treat each other like family inside the workplace, but also outside,too.

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Jose Mourinho, the great football manager, represents paternalistic leadership style. He is highly respected by his players due to his experience,career and knowledge.The trust he puts in his players helps to build a relationship leading great results on the field.

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Democratic ( Participative )

Democratic leadership is a participatory style. It is characterised by consultation with the subordinates and their participation in the formulation of plans. Democratic leaders encourage participation in decision-making.

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They lead the subordinates mainly through persuasion

rather than fear and force.They think that there is no organization without its people.Although they take into account others’ opinions,they have the

ultimate responsibility for decision-making.

Democratic style of leadership encompasses discussion,debate,shari

ng of ideas and encouragement of people to feel good

about their employment.

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Democratic leadership,with its emphasis on equal status,can encourage friendships and good relationships throughout the organization.It helps people feel valued when their opinions are asked.This leadership creates higher productivity and increased group morale.It works best when group members are skilled and eager to share their knowledge.

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Barack Obama,the US president,is an example of democratic style. Surrounded by extremely competent people,one of his significant tasks is gathering information from the people around him and then choosing the best option to solve problems. He uses the information and opinions of the people around him to make decisions that affect an entire nation.

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Laissez-Faire ( free-rein )

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Free-rein leaders avoid power and responsibility. These leaders pass on the responsibility for decision-making to his subordinates. They give no direction and allow the group to establish own goals and work out problems.

  This style of leadership allows followers a

high degree of autonomy and self-rule,while at the same time offering guidance and support when requested.

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Free-rein leaders play only a minor role. They think that each member of the group when left to himself will show his best effort and the maximum results can be achieved in this way. They act as umpires.But,as no direction or control is exercised over the people,the organization is likely to fail.

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This is a style that can be very comfortable for entrepreneurs. To carry out this style of leadership requires trust and hiring the right people.

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Warren Buffett is an example of Laissez-Faire leadership style. He is an American business magnate. He believes in giving autonomy to a confident management team. He always has trust in the teams of the companies he owns and he knows they are capable,confident and motivated.

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Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I’m changing myself.

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Peace at Home, Peace in the


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