columbus journal (columbus, neb.). (columbus, ne) 1903-12 ...thomas burtch. living in the south part...

BrjT - $ '5zrv!sB$j' k feiaCasfa ss x at ITHI'.EZ11?jBX.? L?7 I BBaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBa H iwm 2 i? : X an la if aa a a 0 0. 0 n x mn. S.0 a.. 09. a Tliis Globe, two lovely Gold Fish, Water Plant and Pebbles A com- plete aquarium usually sold for 75 cents, is given away by the grocer with each and every pound of "International Hairing Powder sold at 50c per pound. Extra Fish Will be Said 15 Celts Each. C. S. Easttn ft Co. Week's End Sale FRIDAY SATURDAY, D EC. 18 AND 19. SODA CRACKERS made by the Kenedy Biscuit Works of the National Biscuit Co., of Chicago. Thebest Soda Cracker ever produced; crisp and right from the factory, boxes hold on an average JT 1 20 lbs. Per lb. by the box . . . w2u SALMON. A 20c can of 1 lb. flat Cheftian Alaska red. Salmon worth and sold for 20c everywhere on Friday and J gEii Saturday . I 9b WASHING MACHINES. We have 5 Wash- ing Machines of different makes, all first-cla- ss machines, will do excellent work, s worth from S5.50 to Saturday until sold, each fir AND fresh You will never strike such a bargain in Washing Machines again. FOE XM1S TIME. Our immense supply of Candies and Nuts, for the Holidays is now on hand. We can supply you with any priced Candy from 10c oer pound up. Good Candy for 10c. A great deal better from 15c to 25c and as fine chocolates as you ever ate for 40c lb. Best sxade English Walnuts for 18c. Fil- berts, Jumbo Pecans, Brazil Nuts for 15c; Almonds 18 and 20c; a mixture of the best grade of English Walnuts, Filberts, Pe- cans, Brazils and Almonds put up ourselves for 15c per lb. v $7.00 on Friday $3.00 art Mae. We win be headquarters for CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS as we always have been in the past, such as Christmas Trees, Ever- green Wreaths, Holly Wreaths, igs Magno- lia Wreaths, Holly Branches, Mistletoe and Evergreen reathin. i"We will faror Sunday School or Ckmrck Com- mittees with special low prices for qaantity om Camiies, "uts. or Xmas decorations. GRAYS'. Both Telephones 27. WE OFFER FOR FALL WINTER SEASON A VERY COMPLETE LINE OF Men's and Boys' Clothing Made in the best style, finest fit, at prices not any higher than what others sell you inferior goods for. We carry the largest line of GENTS' FUENlSHTSG GOODS at a vervlow price. Our shoes all made up for us especially bv the foremost manufacturers of the country. .A. large stock to select from for man. woman and child. You will not run the risk of getting shoddy or shelf-wor- n goods if vou buv of us. SIm RepalrtM Ncatli and Prmpftli Frischholz Bros. 411 Eleventh Street ColnmtmsfnrtixL XWAEL advei timmeni in tite loeml columns are charged at the rait of 5 cent a fine each, is e. Heocwfaeetgpe double price. Dr.Pwl, Dr. VaUier, Oaf path, Dc Pallor. drag "Salamia" at Sacth Satarday evening. Bant tar th Spadal Sale thai Hk at Galley's. A goad stock Simitar Iaqair E. too Baca waa tahaa quit with. Imiwh itia laat Friday. For art photography eall oa Ma. lis of dear for Chriatma t at ffagaT howling- - allay. 2t Dr. Chaa. H. Plata, homeopathic phy-aua- an aad urgoa, aaetoase baitrfiag. Mr. H. J. Hudaoa haa rented bar res i dance on Fourteenth atraat to E. F. Tonnkfn Alvin E. Fool, violinist. Punfle accepted. Concert and raritila Tele phone No. 65. tf Dr. Martya, Evaaa,Gear k oa three doora north of hofaetota. tf Auguet Laraon and Martin Albera were granted ritizanahip papers in di-tri- et court laat weak. A little girl came raaaatly to glad- den the home of Mr. aad Mm. H. D. Clanaen north of town. Baaidencee and vacant lota in all parts of the city for aale on eaay term. Becher, Hockenbergar k Chaaibera. We can hardly begin to enaaaerate oar stock of holiday gooda. Coaae to von Bergen's and see for youraalf. 3t Jake Lioa, the funny little Triahimn in the German LQipwtiam Go North opera house Thursday eveaing, Dec 17. Wm. Schila makea boota and ahoea in the beat styles, and uaea only the rery beat stock that can be procured in the market, tf Fred C Williams now principal of the Seward schools is on the program of the state association for a talk on "Regu- lar School Work." Albert Dobmeyer of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, haa arrived here to make hiB hoaae with his uncle, 6. Frischholz, and attend school in the city. When you buy your Christmas pre- sent, dont forget the FJareath street jeweler. He can save you money. Re- pairing carefully done. J. E. Nichols, living three sad a half miles east of Columbus, offers his well improved farm for sale. Shade and fruit trees. Inquire at the residence. luy iaa Bast. The Tryher Plana leads them all in construction, finish, durability and price. Sold on monthly payments. Auditorium Music Co. The Geraun Liliputians; everything they say ia funny; every move a laugh; fourteen little awa and women. North opera house Thursday evening, Dec 17. Rev. Millard, of this city, will de- liver a lecture in Monroe thia Wednesday evening, his subject being UA Yankee Boy's Life in the South During the War." Odelia B. Fatach has sued for a divorce from Louia Fatach, claiming abuse and cruelty to herself and non-supp- ort of the family. They have five children. H. J. Alexander is advertising a sale of ten horses and about forty head of cows, at the White dairy farm, one-ha- lf mile north of town, thia Wednesday afternoon. Frank McTaggert paaaed through town last Tuesday on bis way from Washington state to Omaha. He will spend his holiday vacation with hie parents here. We da not issue calendars, but we offer our customers on Bed Seal flour a chance to win a complete dinner est of 42 pieces. Full particulars at your store. Elevator Roller Mills Co. 3 The New York Journal says of the play, Mr. Plaster of Paris, which will appear in North opera house, Monday evening: "A farce comedy which your wife and sister will enjoy." The ladies' musical postpone their meeting this week from Tuesday to Thursday, on account of the benefit con- cert given for Mrs. Page. The masting Thursday wffl be held with Mrs. Gleasou. Mr. A. G. McAllister, who recently purchased the MialartT stadia, has put in several hundred doUara in improvements the past few weeks in the way of dra- peries, scenery, instruments and aces Clint Stevenson of Richland was in town Saturday on baameaa. He aaya the farmer in hi neighborhood are husking corn as rapidly aa possible and find they have all the way from firat daas ears to ao corn at alL Henry Wuhan, who has treatment at Baflya at Lin- - coin, returned hosae Friday improved in health. His aad his another wul make their hoaaa with Mr. Bablar, a relative at Leigh, Nabr. The dab Mysterious met with the Misses Esraenbroek Thursday Homer Tiffany and Mail Sarah Fit pat, rick received fret hoaors of the Miit in the card brock aad thebaoby pdasa. -- The children of Saat Kavich who improving aa wall aa eaald ha saaaasad, a very vaaoaa son, araa esaMzaai are aow sfficted, oaw dyaag a few day agev - . , - . r!zVtaasTt k aiajaaj VHEa4r safsV WaW aia a traiy it aad let fifa' aaop,aaOBaraaaBtaatlraa3ta5aaBaB a pound eheaasr than farmer price. quality of the aat apoa yoar tot par- - -- hrrr, f laaar nthata m he tf Lom HaZu whash waaHBcamMoTki laat wwata JbcaoUK . aa saaar am trial, - - ""- - - vV r JZ a aH"aBB (ay aaar aBsTW jib Ogata aa iaa at HagaTa hamaaaj Spadal BadactiaK Sala thai waak at Galley7. Mav l. u. iMBTf waa warn. last weak. Br, fahtiB' . - B. P. Dafy ia Piatt Caaaar aaaar Ififtlaa' old atand. -- Dr.LC Ya, nianiijathii aftym- - Far dolla, toy, boaka tkkegato Brodfuehrer, a aaa. At Hag!' bowhaa; allay daata fcsftoaios. Finest lia ia ta city. Do aa fail to aaa oar Moat tasd steal aull for asBJaV A. Sob. tf They tell u they have the beat at the Thuratoa Annex. Aay AakKally. tf C 8. Eaatoa k Co. have a largs stsai cylinder corn shellar for ifaokiaoon. Dr. Mclean's method of aluminas plates places the " equality with gold. Miss Deads South of Humphrey been elected to teach the aehool in district No. 3BL Lands in Boone, Sherman, Buffalo aad Caster counties for ssle or exchange. Becher, Hockeaberger k Chsthara Wanted, a good girl for general house work. Apply at J. H. Galley's residence, corner of Fifteenth aad Mur- ray atreeta. Judge Batterman iaeaed only marriage license during the past It waa to Andrew Chriatenaes and Laura C Johnson, both of Lindsay. Two tkesaasl CkristMas Haaikere kiefs. Osaka prices. Follow tke erowi to tke Wkite Froit Dry Goods Store. Remember the corn that win the stove at Easton'a must be in before Dec 2L We have only eight competitors at the present writing and the chance of getting a cheap stove is exceedingly good for some one that has good. corn. Miss Lida McMahon, matron at the Geneva school for girl isexpeeted home the 26th for a short vacation. Mark McMahon wul return next Saturday from Chicago where he is attending dental college, and will be at home three weak. The Independent Telephone com- pany made connection with the Monroe line Friday. They expect to be coa- - aected with the Platte Center Independ- ent lines some time this week. Both these lines will be given free service to Columbus until January L John W. Byrnes, through his attor- ney B. P. Duffy, has been informed that he will receive $1,121 from an estate left by a brother-in-la- w in Melbourne, Aus- tralia. Mr. Duffy haa been working three years on the case and has now the satis- faction of winning his suit. Captain A. H. Hardy of Hyannai and Prof. Ellis of Boekford, HL, will give a shooting contest at Orpheue hall Saturday evening. An exhibition of their skill in shooting 500 balls, in a contest against time, will be the attrac- tion which all lovers of sport wul enjoy. Give your relatives or friends a year's subscription to Tax Jocxxm. for a Christmas gift. What would be more appreciated than a weekly news letter? We can also make you several extremely good rates on other reading matter which you can not afford to misa. Call or send for sample copies. Rev. Halaey of the Presbyterian church Sunday evening; read parts from the story "The Other Wise Man," which he had to take up about forty minutes time. The story waa in- terspersed by selectione of mode by the choir appropriate to the theme of the story. Thomas Burtch. living in the south part of town, aged about 45 year, died Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock from dropsy, of which he has been a suffatai for six months past. He leavea a large family. The funeral will be held thia Wednesday from the United Brethren church. The art department of the Wbaua's dub will meet Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Brindley instead of with Mrs. Herrick aa haa been announced. A talk on the Madonna pictures and basket weaving, aside from the regular program will be aa attractive part of the program. C S. Easton Jfc Co. have now the largest assortment of fish globes aad ornaments in town. We also have an- other large shipweut of fish and thai will be the laat this season. Come early while the assortment is complete. We are giving them away with fine Teas aad Baking Powder. At a baataaat aaeatiag. awaibaraof the Baptist church voted to give thdr paatsr Rev. Ulaur a week's vacation duriaa; the holidays. TheosacaBlaaf the ehurch will ask the dty odala to plase an are light on the corner near the church and will drcalate a petition for that purpose smong residenta in the dty. Will Caia, son of Thoaaa Cain, who hroaght to St aosaatai om day lest weak. u with (tishts. bat "" ' 'P- - w - v- iL rf.utAbaa, wswsa near txeaoa, waa Mary here by bis mother. Mr. Cata is a fbr-- """J-10- " nS0Tr7 'j wwmt muowMej (mmbbb ate efaaaaa to go to Frssaoat to atssad Co, No. L John Stovassk; Heae Oa. No. L? MeCrmy- - Jhdr altaraataa Cm Biatn aad Thee Moaraaa. The atkar eoatpaauea have not yet ehoaaa Ceaahi hawkca deaaatad a taeaa from Sckaykr hy aesr of 34X4 te 2175 allaya at thai dty. Sekay ler wea rean- - maSad J Beaa Goeaapadwaaar, VaiaaaasU aTeaiiiBV aaWai VkWMn tjM Tlm- - MWCXam SMaaaWaaU IJMJIW1 ril M. tat ar W have a aawasaakaf ap4c-dat- e laayl iti leseii-i- n, TTia.j Hii Oaaua Oemldsj, riiTsia; WauBodm-- - - asBsaHMVaaa Haik aaeasa eVsi WCmaaaw XSKaw Vemlf a aML aama OtaaaaWt XXBRT uCSK attafPK aaBV? taaa wrlT aaafaarJB raa: the aaasa lata mt tha Uaaaa Faaafe had his right leg si i ssa at the knee Friday aaght, from a fall ? the rear platform of tarn cab of haa train wail pallia; into Caafl aUass. Mr. Burka waa taadxaffjoa th platform when the and-d- aa tatpuffof the trdn threw i from the platfiai. H waa amaght home Satarday aad ia now aaaBtaad to th of with not i iiag i hi, waaca gxvaa you deaaliaea aad lastiag qualities that eanaot ba obtaiaed by aaaag oa alone. We have solved the problem of how to get oat of bayaag high priced coal with our bland, a it eoata only $5JS0 par ton. Try it and see if it isn't what yoa want for your cook stove. Sold only at Wea- ver Jfc Newman's. Charles, William and Mia Tilda Dietrich arrived here Sunday from New York City to attend the funeral of their father, C. H. W. Dietrich. Willie, son of Charles, and Dollie, daughter of William, also came with their parent. Both of the gentlemen are engaged in wall decoration, painting panel in scen- ery, dower, etc for the elegant homes in the big dty. William will probably remain here with his mother. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. W. Dodds to the marriage December 30, of their daughter Mia Olive to Mr. John Cooper of Monara, Pa. The bride is well known to many of our reader and the groom was formerly a resident of this community, living a few miles south of town. A brother of the groosa, who ia a uuaiatar ia Fan) will perform ta wedding ceremony. Mr. Cooper ia engaged in fanning. Look Stracke, a former Columbus reauleat in the 70a, proprietor at oae time of the old Central hotel, now of Stuart, thia atata, waa in the dty last week accompanied by hi wife who is receiving treatment at St. Mary's hos- pital. Louie says he almost lost his bearing upon bis arrival here, so many change having take place in the build- ing line since he left years ago. He haa grayer grown, yet he look in splendid health. Invitations have been received here announcing the marriage of Mae Zura Browne Morse, daagatr of Mr aariMr. Charles E. Mora of Wenatchse, Wash- ington, to Mr. Ellsworth D. Seheble of the same dty. The couple were married Wednesday, December 9, aad will be at home in Wsaatehee after January L The bride until a few years ago spent her life m this dty and her many frisada and acquaintance here will wish her an abundance of good fortune and happi-- James Speed gave an exceedingly interesting lecture Wednesday evening; aa the second number of the High school course. After hearing Mr. Speed, no one can hear the birds dng without feeling more akin to the bird life, for he de- scribe them in so charming and simple a way, and hrritata their songs and calle ao naturally, that hi audience felt they had learned many of nature' wonder. The lecture was made more interesting by fine magic lantern view of scenes from nature. The friend of Mia Edith Williams, who is visiting here, have given several aodal affaire in her hoaor the pact week. Thursday evening Ethel Baker enter- tained a large aaabar, various gaaass being played a ama msnt. On Friday evening Gwendolyn Garlow issued eigh- teen invitatiooe to girl friend, and the game of the evening waa progressive finch at which Mis Williams won the prize. Saturday evening- - the "Jolly I Eight" dub eatertained at progrsssrve fundi at th hoaaa of J. G. Reader. The Schuyler Quill has the following to aay ia regard to A. H. Hardy, brother of C.C. Hardy of thai city: -- Captain A H. Hardy of Hyaania, formerly of this county, made a aew record at Chadroa Saturday. He broke 500 ball, loading his owa rifle, in thirteen minute and five second. The best previoa record wae thirteen mrnnta aad ten second, held by T. J. Malanaof Boekford, Uli-no- it MIaa i th maa who defeated Captain Hardy shortly after the latter gave aa exhibition in thia city laat auS train 5b. 4, east bound, in th yard, juatwaatof the TJaioa Pacific depot, about 9 o'dock A wheal oa the broke, eaaaiag three to he thrown off th track. Owing to the aeddaat lisppsaing ia the yard, the car were ot tamed over. Nobody iajared. aad th paanagera were to other ears. The train was of Cbadactor Footer aad 3y. A aim i Tag ezaw waa oat by th eraapaay aad withe two 9kfcaVla fkM rTBBBBa saiBBaaaBaa Ta MarylL, w1f MahlenCIetherat their hoaaa at Flats CaBsar, death Baaaaj eaaaad by heart triiabl, sAsr only a taw Ohse afcaasr forty-ai- r yaaaa age, hat haa hvad a Nahfaaka aiaae IMS. Sawaa ami, ami many f th caia. ItevaaMv. Bala this waak at Galley'. 12r W.A. Way ST; A. Drake 204, 211, 2M, 2W; T, W.Oaawn 2; W. J.CTiegnii 21 r- - 1 T Tnjflsrlll V V Tsisa snub TLD.Caaa.LiB-ae- e th alisya with a aaoca af SSr E.E. a,21;E.E.Cfc- - Hagntan, ai,at A rfal taaaawof little ppl ataaaa waaah are to appear atthaSactk apara ho Tharaday tea- - iag. Dec 17. When th management of to r LiHpnti) who wee th our own east bla, they at h aecarad." Bat aad money r eombtaed it iaa hard CTotaatina to defeat. And that ecplaia th prsss acs in this coun- try of th woaderful little people. th hoaaa of A. E. Friaat had a sap from bdag destroyed by fir. Mrs. Priest sad aetaome bread to aad pTarad it back of the stove and cov- - it up with a table doth. At bed th stove waa rlosad, but net baiaa tight, and aa that waa an nag wiad te rsatea good draft, about aaidaight it bseasa red hot aad st fir to the doth aad before it waa dmeoversd had baraed np a chair and Io a hole in the floor, and it took some hard work to save the hooa. The damage amounted to about twenty dollar. 8. E. Baker's tailor shop waa bur- glarized last Thursday night. Oneeoat, two pairs of pants and two overcoats were stolen but the coat and one pair of pants were found concealed in another part of the building. The value of the goods was estimated at something over Soft Entrance waa made through a window into Judge Curtis' office from the hall, and from then the burglar walked into Mr. Baker's rooms, which are ad- joining and connected by a door that haa always been left unlocked. No due to the discovery of the guilty party. Mr. Plaster of Pari, the fascinating farce comedy, will be seen here in the North opera hooa next Monday evening. This play haa had a very successful trip through the west. The play is strictly American in its flavor, and the fun is clean, pare and wholesome. It differs greatly from the time-wor- n and stereo- typed style of farce comedy; in fact, it is an innovation and a revelation, presenti- ng; tboae characters most familiar to the average theatregoer, and above all it ha a eoheaent plot. An evening of fast and furious fun from the ram to the fall of th curtain. Several bueines men of the dty met Friday evening; to talk over the canal project, and discuss ways in which they could assist Mr.Babcock in his efforts to land the prize for Colombo. The gen- tlemen showed their willingness to stand ready to help financially and otherwise in any emergency, and among themselves have subscribed a large amount of money to send' to Mr.Babcock. The last report from New York is to the effect that a third engineer was called in the confer- ence to help dedde the better of the two plans. Columbus or Fremont. No de- cision haa yet been reached. The ladies Macabee lodge hdd their annual election of officers last Friday evening, resulting in the following being chcaen for positions: Commander, Mrs. Cora Boyd; lieutenant commander, Mr. Jennie Hagel; chaplain, Mrs. Carrie Sla- ter; mistress at arm, Mr. Kuntzelman; ticket, Mrs. Belle Seofield; sentinel. Mrs. Warden; sergeant, Mrs. Ella Scott; finance. Mrs. Csasin; record keeper. Miss Maud Woosley; organist, Mrs. Farrand; peat commander, Mrs. Doweil. Miss Ella Lark of Lincoln, the state com- mander, waa present at the meeting Fri- day. The installation of officers of both the Sir Knights and ladies will probably take place together on January 8. Two men, who gave their name as James Wilson and Sam Marcell went into Greisen's store Friday noon and while one engaged the clerk to sell him a small article, the other managed to get away with four pairs of pants, valued at $16. The artides were not missed at the tore at the tune, but about twenty min- utes afterward Chief of Police Hagel picked the men up with the stolen arti- cle in their possession. Both men pleaded guilty in Judge Batterman's court, Wilson being brought before the judge on Saturday and Marcell on Man-da- y. Wilson was given thirty days for having the gooda in hia possession and Marcell ten days for hia association with Wilson in the steal. The B. k M. will do some extensive repairing on their bridge over the Platte river a soon a the ice freezes sufficient- ly to do the work. Part of the new repair will be constructed of iron. The Lincoln Star says: "To repair the bridge over the Platte at Columbus, a new pile-driv- er is being constructed in the car- penter department of the Burlington yard, and it will be sent in a few days. The bridge at that place haa been in podtion for many year, and some of the apporte need renewing. The frame work for a similar piece of mechanism to be aaat to Schuyler i being constructed and will be loaded on the ear in a day or a. Thm m what i known a a -- land driver,' its use being much the same aa when the big post are farced into the slight difference in method of iethe noteworthy feature." Personality and originality of Misa Trsseott, and in s enabled to give fan to her unique idea. She a a than a follower, and doe all tadyiag from aature. ma gnat ravonte ever too basy to devote kttle to oe atag aspirant for.i aptly aaya, "There is many a Bernhardt or Carter ploddxac done; in and all they seed hi happy indeed would I if I eaald be the oae to give greatly httacassad ha aehooi work aad aByaahagsheJevutsatoviitTBcthe tiifii Vfcjaiite-'-VirmXa- , ..,,.,-M- f afijMjr fv - r CHRISTMAS IS COMING And we wish to remind yoa that we have a large stock of Candies, Nuts, Tree Decorations, eta, ready for the holiday seaaon. Our China department con- tains a large asaortment of useful and beautiful ware ranging in prices to suit the purchaser. I HENRY RAGATZ 1 & C2. 1 I aaaaBaaaaaaa ? a a t I a a t a aw t a T 1 a a a a sh2 a a hi Sk ) a a a vv$ -- " hat. Manv girls paving positions their start from a millinery pages a expert in each a Te a a cutting fitting have had a a the December a a seam finishing a a- - sorts every step a a a a a aaaaaaaaaa holding- The Designee's lesson by an number. Dressmaking Instructions sewing trim- ming remarkable suc- cess lesson is on. fashionable of these instruc- tions illustrated by carefuHy-mad- e drawings. SnouLbtt ycu liie j send j year's saoxrip-tianf-or The Designer tosame nice prl that you Suca? She zamld think a delightful little Chriiimzs ?ifiSD cents ayeartu ant j copy our pattern department. FT e 7iave too many Silk and Wool Shawls, Cor- sets, Handkerchiefs, Under- wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Rib- bons, and Velvets, etc. etc. to sacrifice them now and the benefit rather than wait till the end of the season. J.C. FILLMAN. CLEARANCE We have made Hats, sweeping reduc- tions Fascinators, an all of our lines : : : : We prefer It's necessary give yoa to reduce stock. is usual Albert P. Plagemann aad Hary A. Schneider will be married this Wedces- - day raorninjr at the home of the zreem's ' mother in the east part of the city. Ra- - Miesaler omciatintr. After a fe Jays ' visit Omaha the couple "ill begin ; housekeeping in the new home prepared by the groom. Miss Marie Kyle, from near Duncan, returned home last Tuesday from her visit of two months with relatives in Ireland. She was accompanied on her return by her aunt Mrs. Cben and her cousin Miss Mary Bowman, both of county Sligo, Ireland, wno xill make their future home here. Miss Kyle was delighted with the beautiful scenery there bat did not enjoy good health on account of the damp climate. She says , the Irish Land Bill has caused zreat hopes among the residents there fori better time. Land is rented for about four dollars per acre, and from that up to exorbitant prices. The principal industry is dairying, moetof the farmers i fakiny their sulkto separator stations as i done in this country. Miss Kyle says , the younger people would all like to, come to the United States. Little chance) for progression is given the young folks. ' and they are consequently not independ- ent in spirit as is the case in America. ' The basket ball game played last Friday evening at Albion between the ; girls7 teams of the Columbus and Albion High schools resulted in a score o? 10 to 8 favor of Columbus. A misunder-- ! fitanding as to the rules to govern caused a delay of the game aad a number of , fouls on both side, which would not have occurred had the teams been used j to th same rules. There was no lagging 4-- or lack of spirit during any part of she i. game and the Columbus girls that j they worked hard for all that they got. Misses Lane. Galbraith, Smith. Watson. Chady, Butler, Pettibone and Mareheod played on the Albion team while Misses Elliott. Evans, Ra3muasec. Becher. Sny- der, Walker; Bead and Douglas repre-- ted Couunnua. A return game is for next Friday evening to be played ia Columbus. This will be the last gaaaa here this season, and a very Inrge crowd will probably witness the wftT ba played m Orpheus - k.A i'c, s - - - .- - -- f- -- j. 1 w a a -- a - Yoar at Winter . -- a Hat a ta m aakiil- -l m -- a a "oull be sur prised to -- a see how mt- easy it z&J to maice a stv-Iis- h good" as milliners got m a a 1- - a a a a -- a -- a a -- a a -- a a a a a a SALE. a all is it at aaaaaaaaaaaa Caps, as in in feel is A. A. MILLIKAN, Auctioneer. Farm sales eoadaeteal oa moderm principles 2TSaIe bills arranged to seller advantage?. Phone or writ me far dates and terms at Columbus. Nebr. jjx. j. jit. rauii, .. Mr UALn. 1WiaTL ifc.l -- jjJ UU'C f icwiut, uoinTTincn. tor. Gas animnis-tere- d far aain t. .; af teeth. Qffict. Telephoaw X i- - mTmSm '::;! DR. R. A. VALUER, v. -- & OSTEOPATH. ' X C'oIahns, Xebr.. Monday, TVednesdav and FrTdav. 4 Sfaraita 'Fhrmo A III. IaiepsiieBt 4 Thane So. Ti. Office. Barber block- - . t rv t "V j .mifiy ifcwr.y iuesaay, X Xharsdavand aaturdav. Madison Thone G 12. CMBw. Prsaci. X block. Ee will ctxre mil aebfls a be UBla. tiuiiiiiniiininmnn SL.. J I 3 . il . r

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Page 1: Columbus journal (Columbus, Neb.). (Columbus, NE) 1903-12 ...Thomas Burtch. living in the south part of town, aged about 45 year, died Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock from dropsy, of

BrjT - $'5zrv!sB$j'



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Tliis Globe, two lovely Gold Fish,Water Plant and Pebbles A com-plete aquarium usually sold for75 cents, is given away by thegrocer with each and everypound of "International HairingPowder sold at 50c per pound.

Extra Fish Will be Said 15 Celts Each.

C. S. Easttn ft Co.


D EC. 18 AND 19.SODA CRACKERS made by the Kenedy

Biscuit Works of the National Biscuit Co.,of Chicago. Thebest Soda Cracker everproduced; crisp and right from thefactory, boxes hold on an average JT 120 lbs. Per lb. by the box . . . w2u

SALMON. A 20c can of 1 lb. flat CheftianAlaska red. Salmon worth and sold for20c everywhere on Friday and J gEiiSaturday . I 9b

WASHING MACHINES. We have 5 Wash-ing Machines of different makes, all first-cla- ss

machines, will do excellent work,


worth from S5.50 toSaturday until sold,each




You will never strike such a bargain inWashing Machines again.

FOE XM1S TIME.Our immense supply of Candies and

Nuts, for the Holidays is now on hand. Wecan supply you with any priced Candy from10c oer pound up. Good Candy for 10c. Agreat deal better from 15c to 25c and as finechocolates as you ever ate for 40c lb.

Best sxade English Walnuts for 18c. Fil-berts, Jumbo Pecans, Brazil Nuts for 15c;Almonds 18 and 20c; a mixture of thebest grade of English Walnuts, Filberts, Pe-cans, Brazils and Almonds put up ourselvesfor 15c per lb.


$7.00 on Friday


art Mae.

We win be headquarters for CHRISTMASDECORATIONS as we always have

been in the past, such as

Christmas Trees, Ever-green Wreaths, HollyWreaths, igs Magno-lia Wreaths, HollyBranches, Mistletoe andEvergreen reathin.

i"We will faror Sunday School or Ckmrck Com-mittees with special low prices for qaantity om Camiies,"uts. or Xmas decorations.

GRAYS'.Both Telephones 27.



Men's and Boys' Clothing

Made in the best style, finest fit, at prices not any higherthan what others sell you inferior goods for. We carrythe largest line of GENTS' FUENlSHTSG GOODS ata vervlow price. Our shoes all made up for us especiallybv the foremost manufacturers of the country. .A. largestock to select from for man. woman and child. You willnot run the risk of getting shoddy or shelf-wor-n goods ifvou buv of us.

SIm RepalrtM Ncatli



Frischholz Bros.411 Eleventh Street


XWAEL advei timmeni in tite loeml

columns are charged at the rait of 5cent a fine each, is e. Heocwfaeetgpedouble price.

Dr.Pwl,Dr. VaUier, Oafpath,Dc Pallor.

drag"Salamia" at Sacth

Satarday evening.

Bant tar th SpadalSale thai Hk at Galley's.

A goad stock Simitar Iaqair

E. too Baca waa tahaa quitwith. Imiwh itia laat Friday.

For art photography eall oa Ma.

lis of dear for Chriatmat at ffagaT howling-- allay. 2t

Dr. Chaa. H. Plata, homeopathic phy-aua- an

aad urgoa, aaetoase baitrfiag.

Mr. H. J. Hudaoa haa rented barresidance on Fourteenth atraat to E. F.Tonnkfn

Alvin E. Fool, violinist. Punfleaccepted. Concert and raritila Telephone No. 65. tf

Dr. Martya, Evaaa,Gear koa three doora north of

hofaetota. tfAuguet Laraon and Martin Albera

were granted ritizanahip papers in di-tri- et

court laat weak.

A little girl came raaaatly to glad-

den the home of Mr. aad Mm. H. D.Clanaen north of town.

Baaidencee and vacant lota in allparts of the city for aale on eaay term.Becher, Hockenbergar k Chaaibera.

We can hardly begin to enaaaerateoar stock of holiday gooda. Coaae tovon Bergen's and see for youraalf. 3t

Jake Lioa, the funny little Triahimnin the German LQipwtiam Go Northopera house Thursday eveaing, Dec 17.

Wm. Schila makea boota and ahoeain the beat styles, and uaea only the rerybeat stock that can be procured in themarket, tf

Fred C Williams now principal ofthe Seward schools is on the program ofthe state association for a talk on "Regu-lar School Work."

Albert Dobmeyer of Ft. Dodge, Iowa,haa arrived here to make hiB hoaae withhis uncle, 6. Frischholz, and attendschool in the city.

When you buy your Christmas pre-sent, dont forget the FJareath streetjeweler. He can save you money. Re-

pairing carefully done.J. E. Nichols, living three sad a half

miles east of Columbus, offers his wellimproved farm for sale. Shade and fruittrees. Inquire at the residence.

luy iaa Bast. The Tryher Planaleads them all in construction, finish,durability and price. Sold on monthlypayments. Auditorium Music Co.

The Geraun Liliputians; everythingthey say ia funny; every move a laugh;fourteen little awa and women. Northopera house Thursday evening, Dec 17.

Rev. Millard, of this city, will de-

liver a lecture in Monroe thia Wednesdayevening, his subject being UA YankeeBoy's Life in the South During theWar."

Odelia B. Fatach has sued for adivorce from Louia Fatach, claimingabuse and cruelty to herself and non-supp- ort

of the family. They have fivechildren.

H. J. Alexander is advertising a saleof ten horses and about forty head ofcows, at the White dairy farm, one-ha- lf

mile north of town, thia Wednesdayafternoon.

Frank McTaggert paaaed throughtown last Tuesday on bis way fromWashington state to Omaha. He willspend his holiday vacation with hieparents here.

We da not issue calendars, but weoffer our customers on Bed Seal flour achance to win a complete dinner est of42 pieces. Full particulars at your store.Elevator Roller Mills Co. 3

The New York Journal says of theplay, Mr. Plaster of Paris, which willappear in North opera house, Mondayevening: "A farce comedy which yourwife and sister will enjoy."

The ladies' musical postpone theirmeeting this week from Tuesday toThursday, on account of the benefit con-

cert given for Mrs. Page. The mastingThursday wffl be held with Mrs. Gleasou.

Mr. A. G. McAllister, who recentlypurchased the MialartT stadia, has put inseveral hundred doUara in improvementsthe past few weeks in the way of dra-

peries, scenery, instruments and aces

Clint Stevenson of Richland was intown Saturday on baameaa. He aayathe farmer in hi neighborhood arehusking corn as rapidly aa possible andfind they have all the way from firat daasears to ao corn at alL

Henry Wuhan, who hastreatment at Baflya at Lin- -coin, returned hosae Fridayimproved in health. His aad his anotherwul make their hoaaa with Mr. Bablar, arelative at Leigh, Nabr.

The dab Mysterious met with theMisses Esraenbroek ThursdayHomer Tiffany and Mail Sarah Fit pat,rick received fret hoaors of the Miitin the cardbrock aad

thebaoby pdasa.--The children of Saat Kavich who

improving aa wall aa eaald ha saaaasad,

a very vaaoaa son, araa esaMzaai areaow sfficted, oaw dyaag a few day agev

- . , - .r!zVtaasTt k aiajaaj VHEa4r safsV WaW

aia a traiy it aad let fifa'aaop,aaOBaraaaBtaatlraa3ta5aaBaBa pound eheaasr than farmer price.

quality of the aat apoa yoar tot par----hrrr, f laaar nthata m he tf

Lom HaZu whash waaHBcamMoTki

laat wwata JbcaoUK. aa saaar am trial,- -

""- - - vV

r JZ a

aH"aBB (ay aaar aBsTW jib

Ogata aa iaa at HagaTa hamaaaj

Spadal BadactiaK Sala thai waak atGalley7.

Mav l. u. iMBTf waa warn.

last weak.

Br, fahtiB' . -

B. P. Dafy ia Piatt Caaaar aaaar

Ififtlaa' old atand.--Dr.LC Ya, nianiijathii aftym- -

Far dolla, toy, boakatkkegato

Brodfuehrer, a aaa.

At Hag!' bowhaa; allay daatafcsftoaios. Finest lia ia ta city.

Do aa fail to aaa oar Moattasd steal aull for asBJaV A.Sob. tf

They tell u they have the beatat the Thuratoa Annex. AayAakKally. tf

C 8. Eaatoa k Co. have a largs stsaicylinder corn shellar forifaokiaoon.

Dr. Mclean's method ofaluminas plates places the "equality with gold.

Miss Deads South of Humphreybeen elected to teach theaehool in district No. 3BL

Lands in Boone, Sherman, Buffaloaad Caster counties for ssle or exchange.Becher, Hockeaberger k Chsthara

Wanted, a good girl for generalhouse work. Apply at J. H. Galley'sresidence, corner of Fifteenth aad Mur-ray atreeta.

Judge Batterman iaeaed onlymarriage license during the pastIt waa to Andrew Chriatenaes and LauraC Johnson, both of Lindsay.

Two tkesaasl CkristMasHaaikerekiefs. Osaka prices.Follow tke erowi to tke WkiteFroit Dry Goods Store.

Remember the corn that win thestove at Easton'a must be in before Dec2L We have only eight competitors atthe present writing and the chance ofgetting a cheap stove is exceedingly goodfor some one that has good. corn.

Miss Lida McMahon, matron at theGeneva school for girl isexpeeted homethe 26th for a short vacation. MarkMcMahon wul return next Saturdayfrom Chicago where he is attendingdental college, and will be at home threeweak.

The Independent Telephone com-

pany made connection with the Monroeline Friday. They expect to be coa--aected with the Platte Center Independ-ent lines some time this week. Boththese lines will be given free service toColumbus until January L

John W. Byrnes, through his attor-ney B. P. Duffy, has been informed thathe will receive $1,121 from an estate leftby a brother-in-la- w in Melbourne, Aus-

tralia. Mr. Duffy haa been working threeyears on the case and has now the satis-faction of winning his suit.

Captain A. H. Hardy of Hyannaiand Prof. Ellis of Boekford, HL, willgive a shooting contest at Orpheue hallSaturday evening. An exhibition oftheir skill in shooting 500 balls, in acontest against time, will be the attrac-tion which all lovers of sport wul enjoy.

Give your relatives or friends ayear's subscription to Tax Jocxxm. fora Christmas gift. What would be moreappreciated than a weekly news letter?We can also make you several extremelygood rates on other reading matter whichyou can not afford to misa. Call or sendfor sample copies.

Rev. Halaey of the Presbyterianchurch Sunday evening; read parts fromthe story "The Other Wise Man," whichhe had to take up aboutforty minutes time. The story waa in-

terspersed by selectione of mode by thechoir appropriate to the theme of thestory.

Thomas Burtch. living in the southpart of town, aged about 45 year, diedMonday afternoon at 5 o'clock fromdropsy, of which he has been a suffataifor six months past. He leavea a largefamily. The funeral will be held thiaWednesday from the United Brethrenchurch.

The art department of the Wbaua'sdub will meet Saturday afternoon at 3o'clock with Mrs. Brindley instead ofwith Mrs. Herrick aa haa been announced.A talk on the Madonna pictures andbasket weaving, aside from the regularprogram will be aa attractive part of theprogram.

C S. Easton Jfc Co. have now thelargest assortment of fish globes aadornaments in town. We also have an-

other large shipweut of fish and thaiwill be the laat this season. Come earlywhile the assortment is complete. Weare giving them away with fine Teas aadBaking Powder.

At a baataaat aaeatiag. awaibaraofthe Baptist church voted to give thdrpaatsr Rev. Ulaur a week's vacationduriaa; the holidays. TheosacaBlaaf theehurch will ask the dty odala to plasean are light on the corner near thechurch and will drcalate a petition forthat purpose smong residenta in the dty.

Will Caia, son of Thoaaa Cain, whohroaght to St

aosaatai om day lest weak. uwith (tishts. bat


' 'P-- w - v- iL rf.utAbaa,

wswsa near txeaoa, waaMary

here by bis mother. Mr. Cata is a fbr--

"""J-10- "


'j wwmt muowMej (mmbbbate efaaaaa to go to Frssaoat to atssad

Co, No. L John Stovassk; Heae Oa. No.

L? MeCrmy- - Jhdr altaraataaCm Biatn aad Thee Moaraaa. Theatkar eoatpaauea have not yet ehoaaa

Ceaahi hawkca deaaatad a taeaafrom Sckaykr hy aesr of 34X4 te 2175

allaya at thai dty. Sekay ler wea rean--maSad J Beaa Goeaapadwaaar,VaiaaaasU aTeaiiiBV aaWai VkWMn tjM Tlm--

MWCXam SMaaaWaaU IJMJIW1 ril M.

tat ar

W have a aawasaakaf ap4c-dat- e

laayl iti leseii-i- n, TTia.j HiiOaaua Oemldsj, riiTsia; WauBodm--- - asBsaHMVaaa Haik aaeasaeVsi WCmaaaw XSKaw Vemlf a

aML aama OtaaaaWt XXBRT uCSK attafPKaaBV? taaa wrlT aaafaarJB raa:

the aaasa lata mt tha Uaaaa Faaafe hadhis right leg si i ssa at the knee Fridayaaght, from a fall ? the rear platform oftarn cab of haa train wail pallia;into Caafl aUass. Mr. Burka waataadxaffjoa th platform when the and-d- aa

tatpuffof the trdn threw i fromthe platfiai. H waa amaght homeSatarday aad ia now aaaBtaad to th


not i iiag i hi, waaca gxvaa youdeaaliaea aad lastiag qualities thateanaot ba obtaiaed by aaaag oa alone.We have solved the problem of how toget oat of bayaag high priced coal withour bland, a it eoata only $5JS0 par ton.Try it and see if it isn't what yoa wantfor your cook stove. Sold only at Wea-

ver Jfc Newman's.Charles, William and Mia Tilda

Dietrich arrived here Sunday from NewYork City to attend the funeral of theirfather, C. H. W. Dietrich. Willie, sonof Charles, and Dollie, daughter ofWilliam, also came with their parent.Both of the gentlemen are engaged inwall decoration, painting panel in scen-

ery, dower, etc for the elegant homesin the big dty. William will probablyremain here with his mother.

Invitations have been issued by Mr.and Mrs. W. Dodds to the marriageDecember 30, of their daughter MiaOlive to Mr. John Cooper of Monara,Pa. The bride is well known to many ofour reader and the groom was formerlya resident of this community, living afew miles south of town. A brother ofthe groosa, who ia a uuaiatar ia Fan)will perform ta wedding ceremony.Mr. Cooper ia engaged in fanning.

Look Stracke, a former Columbusreauleat in the 70a, proprietor at oaetime of the old Central hotel, now ofStuart, thia atata, waa in the dty lastweek accompanied by hi wife who isreceiving treatment at St. Mary's hos-

pital. Louie says he almost lost hisbearing upon bis arrival here, so manychange having take place in the build-ing line since he left years ago. He haagrayer grown, yet he look in splendidhealth.

Invitations have been received hereannouncing the marriage of Mae ZuraBrowne Morse, daagatr of Mr aariMr.Charles E. Mora of Wenatchse, Wash-

ington, to Mr. Ellsworth D. Seheble ofthe same dty. The couple were marriedWednesday, December 9, aad will be athome in Wsaatehee after January LThe bride until a few years ago spenther life m this dty and her many frisadaand acquaintance here will wish her anabundance of good fortune and happi--

James Speed gave an exceedinglyinteresting lecture Wednesday evening;aa the second number of the High schoolcourse. After hearing Mr. Speed, no onecan hear the birds dng without feelingmore akin to the bird life, for he de-

scribe them in so charming and simplea way, and hrritata their songs and calleao naturally, that hi audience felt theyhad learned many of nature' wonder.The lecture was made more interestingby fine magic lantern view of scenesfrom nature.

The friend of Mia Edith Williams,who is visiting here, have given severalaodal affaire in her hoaor the pact week.Thursday evening Ethel Baker enter-tained a large aaabar, various gaaassbeing played a ama msnt. On Fridayevening Gwendolyn Garlow issued eigh-

teen invitatiooe to girl friend, and thegame of the evening waa progressivefinch at which Mis Williams won theprize. Saturday evening- - the "Jolly I

Eight" dub eatertained at progrsssrvefundi at th hoaaa of J. G. Reader.

The Schuyler Quill has the followingto aay ia regard to A. H. Hardy, brotherof C.C. Hardy of thai city: --Captain AH. Hardy of Hyaania, formerly of thiscounty, made a aew record at ChadroaSaturday. He broke 500 ball, loadinghis owa rifle, in thirteen minute andfive second. The best previoa recordwae thirteen mrnnta aad ten second,held by T. J. Malanaof Boekford, Uli-no- it

MIaa i th maa who defeatedCaptain Hardy shortly after the lattergave aa exhibition in thia city laat

auS train 5b. 4, east bound,in th yard, juatwaatof

the TJaioa Pacific depot, about 9 o'dockA wheal oa the

broke, eaaaiag threeto he thrown off th track. Owing

to the aeddaat lisppsaing ia the yard,the car were ot tamed over. Nobody

iajared. aad th paanagera wereto other ears. The train wasof Cbadactor Footer aad3y. A aim i Tag ezaw waa

oat by th eraapaay aad withe two

9kfcaVla fkM rTBBBBa saiBBaaaBaa TaMarylL, w1f MahlenCIetherat theirhoaaa at Flats CaBsar, death Baaaajeaaaad by heart triiabl, sAsr only a taw

Ohse afcaasr forty-ai-r yaaaa age, hat haahvad a Nahfaaka aiaae IMS. Sawaa

ami, ami many f th caia.ItevaaMv.

Bala this waak at Galley'.

12r W.A.Way ST; A. Drake 204, 211, 2M, 2W;T, W.Oaawn 2; W. J.CTiegnii 21r- - 1 T Tnjflsrlll V V Tsisa snub

TLD.Caaa.LiB-ae- eth alisya

with a aaoca af SSr E.E.a,21;E.E.Cfc- -

Hagntan,ai,atA rfal taaaawof little ppl

ataaaa waaah are to appearatthaSactk apara ho Tharaday tea- -iag. Dec 17. When th management of

tor LiHpnti) who wee

thour own east

bla, they at h aecarad." Bataad money r eombtaed

it iaa hard CTotaatina to defeat. Andthat ecplaia th prsss acs in this coun-try of th woaderful little people.

thhoaaa of A. E. Friaat had a

sap from bdag destroyed by fir.Mrs. Priest sad aetaome bread toaad pTarad it back of the stove and cov--

it up with a table doth. At bedth stove waa rlosad, but net baiaa

tight, and aa that waa an nag wiad tersatea good draft, about aaidaight it

bseasa red hot aad st fir to the dothaad before it waa dmeoversd had baraednp a chair and Io a hole in the floor,and it took some hard work to save thehooa. The damage amounted to abouttwenty dollar.

8. E. Baker's tailor shop waa bur-glarized last Thursday night. Oneeoat,two pairs of pants and two overcoatswere stolen but the coat and one pair ofpants were found concealed in anotherpart of the building. The value of thegoods was estimated at something overSoft Entrance waa made through awindow into Judge Curtis' office from thehall, and from then the burglar walkedinto Mr. Baker's rooms, which are ad-

joining and connected by a door that haaalways been left unlocked. No due tothe discovery of the guilty party.

Mr. Plaster of Pari, the fascinatingfarce comedy, will be seen here in theNorth opera hooa next Monday evening.This play haa had a very successful tripthrough the west. The play is strictlyAmerican in its flavor, and the fun isclean, pare and wholesome. It differsgreatly from the time-wor- n and stereo-typed style of farce comedy; in fact, it isan innovation and a revelation, presenti-ng; tboae characters most familiar to theaverage theatregoer, and above all itha a eoheaent plot. An evening of fastand furious fun from the ram to the fallof th curtain.

Several bueines men of the dty metFriday evening; to talk over the canalproject, and discuss ways in which theycould assist Mr.Babcock in his efforts toland the prize for Colombo. The gen-

tlemen showed their willingness to standready to help financially and otherwisein any emergency, and among themselveshave subscribed a large amount of moneyto send' to Mr.Babcock. The last reportfrom New York is to the effect that athird engineer was called in the confer-ence to help dedde the better of the twoplans. Columbus or Fremont. No de-

cision haa yet been reached.

The ladies Macabee lodge hdd theirannual election of officers last Fridayevening, resulting in the following beingchcaen for positions: Commander, Mrs.Cora Boyd; lieutenant commander, Mr.Jennie Hagel; chaplain, Mrs. Carrie Sla-

ter; mistress at arm, Mr. Kuntzelman;ticket, Mrs. Belle Seofield; sentinel. Mrs.Warden; sergeant, Mrs. Ella Scott;finance. Mrs. Csasin; record keeper. MissMaud Woosley; organist, Mrs. Farrand;peat commander, Mrs. Doweil. MissElla Lark of Lincoln, the state com-

mander, waa present at the meeting Fri-day. The installation of officers of boththe Sir Knights and ladies will probablytake place together on January 8.

Two men, who gave their name asJames Wilson and Sam Marcell wentinto Greisen's store Friday noon andwhile one engaged the clerk to sell hima small article, the other managed to getaway with four pairs of pants, valued at$16. The artides were not missed at thetore at the tune, but about twenty min-

utes afterward Chief of Police Hagelpicked the men up with the stolen arti-

cle in their possession. Both menpleaded guilty in Judge Batterman'scourt, Wilson being brought before thejudge on Saturday and Marcell on Man-da- y.

Wilson was given thirty days forhaving the gooda in hia possession andMarcell ten days for hia association withWilson in the steal.

The B. k M. will do some extensiverepairing on their bridge over the Platteriver a soon a the ice freezes sufficient-ly to do the work. Part of the newrepair will be constructed of iron. TheLincoln Star says: "To repair the bridgeover the Platte at Columbus, a new pile-driv- er

is being constructed in the car-

penter department of the Burlingtonyard, and it will be sent in a few days.The bridge at that place haa been inpodtion for many year, and some of theapporte need renewing. The frame

work for a similar piece of mechanism tobe aaat to Schuyler i being constructedand will be loaded on the ear in a day ora. Thm m what i known a a --land

driver,' its use being much the same aawhen the big post are farced into the

slight difference in method ofiethe noteworthy feature."

Personality and originalityof Misa Trsseott,

and in s enabled to givefan to her unique idea. She a a

than a follower, and doeall tadyiag from aature.

ma gnat ravonteever too basy to devote

kttle to oe atag aspirant for.iaptly aaya, "There is many a

Bernhardt or Carter ploddxac done; inand all they seed hi

happy indeed would Iif I eaald be the oae to give

greatly httacassad ha aehooi work aadaByaahagsheJevutsatoviitTBcthe

tiifii Vfcjaiite-'-VirmXa- ,..,,.,-M- f afijMjr fv



And we wish to remind yoa

that we have a large stock ofCandies, Nuts, Tree Decorations,

eta, ready for the holiday seaaon.

Our China department con-

tains a large asaortment of useful

and beautiful ware ranging inprices to suit the purchaser.


aaaaBaaaaaaa ?aa

tIaata aw ta

T 1a


sh2aa hi Sk )




hat. Manv girlspaving positionstheir start from

a millinery pagesa expert in eacha


cutting fittinghave hada

a the Decemberaa seam finishingaa-- sorts every step





The Designee'slesson by an



sewing trim-ming remarkable suc-

cess lesson is on.fashionable

of these instruc-tions illustrated by carefuHy-mad- e


SnouLbtt ycu liie j send j year's saoxrip-tianf-or

The Designer tosame niceprl thatyou Suca? She zamld think a delightfullittle Chriiimzs ?ifiSD cents ayeartu antj copy our pattern department.

FT e 7iave too manySilk and Wool

Shawls, Cor-sets, Handkerchiefs, Under-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Rib-bons, and Velvets, etc. etc.

to sacrifice them now andthe benefit rather than wait

till the end of the season.



We have made Hats,sweeping reduc-tions Fascinators,an all ofour lines : : : :

We preferIt's necessary give yoato reduce stock. is usual

Albert P. Plagemann aad Hary A.Schneider will be married this Wedces- -day raorninjr at the home of the zreem's '

mother in the east part of the city. Ra- -

Miesaler omciatintr. After a fe Jays '

visit Omaha the couple "ill begin ;

housekeeping in the new home preparedby the groom.

Miss Marie Kyle, from near Duncan,returned home last Tuesday from hervisit of two months with relatives inIreland. She was accompanied on herreturn by her aunt Mrs. Cben and hercousin Miss Mary Bowman, both ofcounty Sligo, Ireland, wno xill maketheir future home here. Miss Kyle wasdelighted with the beautiful scenerythere bat did not enjoy good health onaccount of the damp climate. She says ,

the Irish Land Bill has caused zreathopes among the residents there foribetter time. Land is rented for aboutfour dollars per acre, and from that upto exorbitant prices. The principalindustry is dairying, moetof the farmers i

fakiny their sulkto separator stations asi done in this country. Miss Kyle says ,

the younger people would all like to,come to the United States. Little chance)for progression is given the young folks. '

and they are consequently not independ-ent in spirit as is the case in America. '

The basket ball game played lastFriday evening at Albion between the ;

girls7 teams of the Columbus and AlbionHigh schools resulted in a score o? 10 to8 favor of Columbus. A misunder-- !

fitanding as to the rules to govern causeda delay of the game aad a number of ,

fouls on both side, which would nothave occurred had the teams been used jto th same rules. There was no lagging 4-- or

lack of spirit during any part of she and the Columbus girls that jthey worked hard for all that they got.Misses Lane. Galbraith, Smith. Watson.Chady, Butler, Pettibone and Mareheodplayed on the Albion team while MissesElliott. Evans, Ra3muasec. Becher. Sny-

der, Walker; Bead and Douglas repre--ted Couunnua. A return game is

for next Friday evening to beplayed ia Columbus. This will be thelast gaaaa here this season, and a veryInrge crowd will probably witness the

wftT ba played m Orpheus

- k.A i'c,s - -- .-- -- f- --j.




Yoar at

Winter . --aHat a

ta m

aakiil--l m--aa

"oull be surprised to --asee how

mt-easy it

z&J to maicea stv-Iis- h

good"as milliners got


a1- - aa



















Farm sales eoadaetealoa moderm principles

2TSaIe bills arranged to selleradvantage?. Phone or writ me fardates and terms at Columbus. Nebr.

jjx. j. jit. rauii,

.. Mr UALn. 1WiaTL ifc.l -- jjJ UU'C f

icwiut, uoinTTincn. tor.

Gas animnis-tere- d

far aain

t. .;af teeth.

Qffict. Telephoaw X i--

mTmSm '::;!DR. R. A. VALUER, v.


C'oIahns, Xebr.. Monday,TVednesdav and FrTdav. 4

Sfaraita 'Fhrmo A III. IaiepsiieBt 4Thane So. Ti. Office. Barber block- - .

t rv t "Vj .mifiy ifcwr.y iuesaay,X Xharsdavand aaturdav.

Madison Thone G 12. CMBw. Prsaci. Xblock.

Ee will ctxre mil aebfls abe UBla.





. il

