colour scheme

Hex Code: Grey- 818F86 White- F7FFE4 Black- 141410 Orange- B5300C Red- D40015 This is the colour scheme that I have chosen for my school magazine. I have chosen these colours because they are similar to the School colour scheme and uniform. These colours are formal as they link in with the school uniform. They are sophisticated colours that suit my target audience.

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Colour scheme

Hex Code:Grey- 818F86White- F7FFE4Black- 141410Orange- B5300CRed- D40015

This is the colour scheme that I have chosen for my school magazine. I have chosen these colours because they are similar to the School colour scheme and uniform.

These colours are formal as they link in with the school uniform.

They are sophisticated colours that suit my target audience.