colonoscopy procedure

Beat the colon cancer with some easy tips The colon is one of the most important muscular tubes of the human body. It is usually five feet long and catering the functions like observing water and nutrients from food passing through. The colon is divided into four sections, including transverse, sigmoid, ascending and descending colons. While in many incidents, colorectal cancers arise in the sigmoid colon, however it can develop in any portion of the colon as well. If not identified on the right time and stage, colon cancer may prove deadly for the patient. Hence, it is better to know a few things that can be done to lower the risk of colon cancer. While the preventions for the colon cancer are quite simple, but they may require will power on your part.

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Page 1: Colonoscopy procedure

Beat the colon cancer with some easy tips

The colon is one of the most important muscular tubes of the human body. It is usually five feet long and catering the functions like observing water and nutrients from food passing through. The colon is divided into four sections, including transverse, sigmoid, ascending and descending colons.

While in many incidents, colorectal cancers arise in the sigmoid colon, however it can develop in any portion of the colon as well. If not identified on the right time and stage, colon cancer may prove deadly for the patient.

Hence, it is better to know a few things that can be done to lower the risk of colon cancer. While the preventions for the colon cancer are quite simple, but they may require will power on your part.

You want to learn the tips to prevent colon cancer? Some of them are listed below:

Lower the alcohol intake- Do you drink a lot? Well, this may be harmful to your internal system. You must realize that an excessive consumption of alcohol may increase the chances of colon cancer risks. A glass full of red wine is normal for routine, as this contains certain antioxidants. These antioxidants are helpful to fight cancer.

Lose weight- If you are suffering with the obesity, it is the time to understand that the obesity is the biggest friend of cancer problems. The experts have described that obesity causes colon cancer. The obese are at a much higher risk than those of a normal weight.

Page 2: Colonoscopy procedure

Stop Smoking- You must have seen the TV commercials, requesting you to quit smoking as this can kill you. They speak the truth! With the smoking, you transport dangerous carcinogens to your colon.

Exercise daily- According to a survey, it has been proved that the people who have a habit to exercise on a daily routine, they are at lower risk of colon cancer by as much as 40% if compared with the others.

Eat healthy- As we all know that a healthy food is the key to healthy you. Always prefer a diet that is low in fat and rich in fiber. It is better to get away from red meats and start eating more fruits and vegetables.

Know the symptoms- Knowledge can help you escape from the disastrous effects of bad health. Hence it is good to learn the symptoms of colon cancer. Once you are able to understand the symptoms and have noticed any of them, see your doctor right away. Early detection can help you beat the colon cancer and increases your chances of survival.

Regular screenings for colon cancer- prevention is better than cure. Hence, it is better to keep getting your colon cancer screening on a regular basis. This is even more important for the people who are above the age of 50. The older people are recommended to get their screening done annually.

Get yourself prepared for Colonoscopy with simple tips

A healthy body is all we crave for; after all it’s the base of a healthy life. As a matter of concern, doing something for your health is always worth a try because of its positive effect on your personal and professional life.

A healthy colon is one of the most important steps for a healthy lifestyle. Colonoscopy procedure is an examining of the rectum and interior part of the colon for the sake of estimating bowel disorders or any tumors. Colonoscopy procedure is conducted to check rectal and colon cancer in the people above 50 years of age.

Page 3: Colonoscopy procedure

Wondering how to get a successful Colonoscopy? Well, it’s not a rocket science. All you have to do is to find a skilled physician in your locality. The other thing for a successful Colonoscopy procedure is to prepare yourself before you visit a clinic.

There are various important preparations you could do for better results and a healthier body. The followings are some important preparations before undergoing for a Colonoscopy procedure:

Make your physician about your lungs Arrangements for post-treatment care Don’t use aspirins Follow pre-operative instructions Follow post-surgical advices

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