colonialism in the middle east

Question number one asks, “ Does colonialism and the greed of one nation ever justify the transgressions of the rights of weaker nations in the Middle East”. This is somewhat of a loaded question since the word ”greed” is used in the sentence. Therefore, one must assume that the answer is no, but I imagine that neoconservatives would differ on that opinion. As far as I am concerned, both greed and power absolutely play a tremendous part in America’s role in the Middle East, and nothing ever justifies the transgressions of any human. People are far from perfect, but it is not our job to judge other’s actions. God is the arbiter of His people, not the Kleptocracy that is disguised as America. We are all born with God given rights, and for someone to blatantly strip one of his or her rights, is wrong! So, Despite different views by neocons, I think, it’s safe to say that most Americans would all agree that the 1953 overthrow of Mohammed Mossadeq was one instance where American and British governments exhibited unadulterated greed and rapaciousness! The United States Central intelligence Agency set forth its first secret task to defeat a foreign government in 1953. The prime minister of Iran, Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq, held office

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Post on 25-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Colonialism in the Middle East

Question number one asks, “ Does colonialism and the greed of one nation ever justify the

transgressions of the rights of weaker nations in the Middle East”. This is somewhat of a loaded

question since the word ”greed” is used in the sentence. Therefore, one must assume that the

answer is no, but I imagine that neoconservatives would differ on that opinion. As far as I am

concerned, both greed and power absolutely play a tremendous part in America’s role in the

Middle East, and nothing ever justifies the transgressions of any human. People are far from

perfect, but it is not our job to judge other’s actions. God is the arbiter of His people, not the

Kleptocracy that is disguised as America. We are all born with God given rights, and for

someone to blatantly strip one of his or her rights, is wrong! So, Despite different views by

neocons, I think, it’s safe to say that most Americans would all agree that the 1953 overthrow of

Mohammed Mossadeq was one instance where American and British governments exhibited

unadulterated greed and rapaciousness!

The United States Central intelligence Agency set forth its first secret task to defeat a foreign

government in 1953. The prime minister of Iran, Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq, held office legally

by way of Iran’s parliamentary process. Iranians adored Mossadeq. In fact, Washington also

possessed favor for him, as they often used Mossadeq in prevention of a communist takeover.

Ironically, British forces were able to persuade Eisenhower that Mossadeq received political

support from Communist, and was falling under their influence. This was a blatant lie for the

benefit of British Petroleum! Mossadeq did not have anything to do with the Communists from

the Soviet Union. The British convinced Eisenhower of this falsehood because Mossadeq

decided that the Iranian-State should have control over its own oil, so he nationalized the British

run oil fields. An independent Iranian-State was unsupported by the British, the United States, or

Page 2: Colonialism in the Middle East

the Soviet Union. Mossadeq unfortunately was just one of the victims of the rivalry between the


Allen Dullas, head of the United States CIA, formed a coup d’état, TPAJAX Project to

overthrow Mossadeq. President Eisenhower gave, then Secretary of State, John Dullas authority

to restore the thrown to the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who was known to oppress

his people. Pahlavi, with American interests as the forefront and with help from his secret police

force the Savak, which was formed by the CIA, was able to instill great fear in Iranians. George

Carol, an American CIA agent, constructed the notion that subjects identify themselves as

partisans to the Shah, so the resistance could not assemble in the streets. Those driving vehicles

had to display a portrait of the Shah in their windshield and keep their headlights on to

demonstrate their loyalty to him. If drivers did not submit to the dictatorship, the mobs paid for

by Carol would rip drivers from their vehicles and often beat them to their deaths. American oil

companies subsequently obtained almost half of Iran’s oil production. Over the next twenty

years, United States weapons dealers profited over $18 billion in sales. However, others lost in

the debacle. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters were subjected to tyrannical

practices from the regime such as torture, stripping of liberties, false imprisonment, deprivation

of personal property without due process, and death. The system was a buccaneering

dictatorship with the United States name written all over it! The SAVAK murdered thousands of

the Shah's opponents. The United States fed the Shah's hunger for the craving of power, which

sadly blinded America to the rising hostilities of the Shah’s own citizens. ” Death to the Shah!

Death to the American Satan!” is what the people shouted in 1979 when they revolted against

him, and ultimately defeated his reign of terror.

Page 3: Colonialism in the Middle East

In a classified CIA post-report, agents described the term “blowback “ as not just the

unintended consequences of foreign operations, but instead the unintended consequences of

foreign operations that were deliberately kept secret from the American public. Therefore, when

foreigners attack buildings, take hostages, or resist change, Americans are left with many

questions as to why “why do they hate us?” Because of the blowback of the coup d’état in 1953,

Ronald Reagan met the demands of the Iranian hostage captors, who after 444 days in captivity,

were finally released on January 20, 1981. Reagan felt as though he had no other choice but to

succumb to the demands of the captors despite U.S. foreign policy, which prohibits meeting

hostage demands. This is just one of many circumstances where colonialists oppressed those in

the Middle East for their own benefit. Such an extremely sad story, but such a horrible reality.

Shame shame shame on the United States!