collective bargaining & labour welfare


Upload: nancy-raj

Post on 15-Jul-2015




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• Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation by collective

action by a body of workers regarding their terms and conditions

of services such as wage leave, norms of employment, gratuity,

bonus and other benefits of the like nature.

Collective bargaining is made of 2 words

Collective : which implies group action through its representatives

Bargaining : which suggests negotiating

Thus it implies, “collective negotiation of a contract between themanagement’s representatives on one side and those of the workers on theother.”

• Collective bargaining is a mode of fixing the terms of employment by meansof bargaining between an organized body of employees and an employer or anassociation of employers usually acting through organized agents.


• The resolution of industrial problems between the representatives ofemployers and the freely designated representatives of employees actingcollectively with a minimum of government dictation.


• It is a group action as opposed to individual action and is initiated through

representative of workers

• It is flexblie and mobile and not fixed and static

• It is a two-party process,

• It is continuous process

• It is dynamic not static

• It is a industrial democracy at work

• Collective bargaining is not a competitive process but is essentially a

complimentary process

• “It is an art”, an advanced form of human relations

• It helps in solving the industrial disputes.

• Establish uniform conditions of employment with a view toavoid industrial disputes and maintaining stable peace in theindustry.

• Helps redress worker grievances promptly and fairly.

• Avoid interruptions in work which follow strikes, go-slowtactics and similar coercive activities.

• Lay down fair rates of wages and norms of working conditions.

• Achieve an efficient operation of the plant and

• Promote the stability and prosperity of the industry.

It deals withissues or anissue in whichtwo or moreparties haveconflicting oradvisoryinterests

It is a process where both the parties can win, each contributing something for the benefits of other party.





• Collective bargaining not only focuses on “traditional issues”

like wages, D.A

• Non traditional issues like additional and better welfare

facilities, fringe benefits.

• Unfair or corrupt labour practices.

• Non availability of factual data.

• Failure on the part of management to recognize the tradeunion.

• Politicization of issues.

• Multiplicity of trade unions.

• Unequal strength of parties participating in the collectivebargaining process.

• Lack of objectivity in addressing and handling a grievance.

• Labour welfare is flexible and elastic and differs widely with

time, region, industry, social values and customs, degree of

industrialization, the general socio-economic development of

the people and the political ideologies prevailing at a

particular time.

• It is also moulded according to the age group, sex, socio-

cultural background, marital and economic status and

educational level of the workers in various industries

• It is the work which is usually undertaken within the

premises or in the vicinity of the undertakings for the

benefits of the employees and the members of their


• The purpose of providing welfare amenities is to bring

about the development of the whole personality of the

worker- his social, psychological, economic, moral, cultural

and intellectual development to make him a good worker a

good citizen and a good member of the family.

• The need for the labour welfare arises from the nature of the

industrial system

1. The condition under which work is carried on are not

congenial for health.

2. When a labour joins an industry.

• The labour welfare work aims at providing such service

facilities and amenities as would enable the workers employed

in industries/factories to perform their work in healthy,

congenial surroundings conducive to good health and high


• It improves the efficiency of the worker, increases its

availability where it is sacrce and keeps him contented.

• It minimizes the desire of the workers to form or join unions

and to resort to strikes.

• Conditions of work environment

• Workers’ health services

• Labour welfare programme

• Labour’s economic welfare programme

• General welfare work

• To establish contacts and hold consultation with a view to

maintating harmonious relations between the factory

management and workers.

• To maintain an impartial attitude during legal strikes or

lockouts and to help about peaceful settlement

• To encourage the formation of works and joint production

committees, cooperative societies, safety first and welfare

committees and to supervise their work

• Dynamins of industrial relations- BY MAMORIA GANKAR