collaboration tools for student


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Page 1: Collaboration tools for student




Page 2: Collaboration tools for student

What are collaboration tools?

They are computers applications that allow

individuals to work in a group on a single task

to achieve common goal

Enable student to communicate with other

students and instructors

Share ideas, Information, knowledge, views


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Why collaborative tools are important

University still uses conventional ways of knowledge delivery (Pen & Paper based, hard copy and recently presentations )

Introduces new ways of seeking and sharing knowledge

Introduces efficiency to learning

Flexible teaching/learning environment

Decreases distance between students and teachers

Enable student to think out of the box

Individuals to see from different dimensions

Bring motivation among team & Makes learning fun Enable

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Common Collaboration tools for


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Mind Map

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Mind Map

Mind maps are diagrams used to brainstorm and organize ideas, and can be used by everyone for anything.

Benefits of Mind Map

Reduce re-reading tons of books

Make revision easy for student (You only capture main point)

Give a big picture of subject

Easy to concentrate and memorize

Organize information for research and assignments

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Electronic Calendar

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Electronic calendars

E-Calendar is a great tool for managing time

It helps student Schedule important academic event in Calendar

Share calendar with other student

Schedule meetings with instructors

Tells students when they have free time

Get reminder for the tasks

Highlight important deadline and milestone

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Google Cloud Connect for Ms.


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Google Cloud Connect

Enable individuals to store, share, back up and simultaneously edit Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point document with coworkers

Enable Multi-person editing

Keeps a history of file edits

Edit offline

Syncing to the cloud

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Reference management software package

Help researchers easily gather, manage, store

and share all types of information, as well as

generate citations and bibliographies

Helps researcher avoid plagiarism

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A collection of pages that allows multiple

users to collaborate on information together.

The innovative element of wikis is simplicity;

anyone can edit pages and immediately see

the changes made by other users.

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Wiki tool for team work

Enable students to work on an assignment as a team

Enable student to learn about the challenges while working in a team

Share, edit each others ideas and critically assess team member work

Enable them to monitor team members progress

Share and edit each other work

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Drop box

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Drop box

Enable individual's to maintain a back up of their locally

stored data on the cloud


Enable user to share and access data through the


User friendly interface | 5 GB spare free

Accessed globally | Maintain file versioning

Synchronize locally stored files with Drop Box hosting


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RSS Feeds

Enable the delivery of regularly changing web


Allow users to keep themselves abreast about

recent development in their area of interest

Saves time, by not needing to visit every site

individually and ensure users privacy

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It is an online journal or website where users

can post articles

Express their view

Share links, news, video, audios, etc.

Professor can write blog to share is expertise with

other fellows or students

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It is a social bookmarking web services used

to store, share and discover web book marks

Helps individuals collects all the web

resources used for a class, project under

single tag

Most used social book marking tool

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A multimedia digital file made available on the

Internet for downloading to a portable media

player, computer, etc.

Post cast could be audio or Video cast

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Video Cast

A video file made available on the Internet for

downloading or watching online

Many universities throughout the world share

their video lectures online, a good source is

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What does collaboration tools offer?

• It not only helps student take most

out of their academic life, but also

• Helps students learn most

important skills needed for every


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Improve communication skill

Improve team work

Improve time management skills

Increase and solidify knowledge

Problem solving

Critical thinking

Self confidence

Increase productivity

Skills learned

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University should add a new modules to its curricula by the name of Academic success, which will include the following

Using collaborative tools in education

Using social networking in higher education

Project and time management skills

Conducting research and referencing

Searching for information

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