cold war the cold war. origins by the end of world war ii the alliance between the u.s and the...

Cold War The Cold War

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Page 1: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Cold War

The Cold War

Page 2: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused


• By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone.

• The Soviet Union refused to relinquish control over Eastern Europe

Page 3: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

U.S. Aims vs Soviet Aims

• Create a new world order in which all nations had the right to self determination.

• Rebuild Europe to ensure stability and create markets for the U.S.

• Reunite Germany.

• Encourage communism as a world wide struggle.

• Rebuild Russia using Eastern Europe's equipment and raw materials.

• Keep Germany divided and weak.

Page 4: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

World War II Deaths

• USSR – 25,000,000 USA 295,00

Page 5: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused


• The Truman administration adopted a policy of Containment.

• Take measure to prevent the extension of communist rule.

Page 6: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

The Truman Doctrine, put forth by President Harry Truman when he addressed Congress on March 12, 1947,

• "The United States will defend free people and their free institutions at any place at any point in the world where outside communist aggression threatens that nation's internal stability."

Page 7: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Iron Curtain• From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in

the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe.

• Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, 1946

Page 8: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused
Page 9: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Marshall Plan

• Marshall Plan: Offered aid to all European nations that need it.

• By 1952 Western European countries were flourishing.

Page 10: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused
Page 11: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Berlin Airlift

• Stalin closes all roads to W. Berlin -1948

• 327 days of flights keeps W. Berlin going

• May 1949 Soviets lift Blockade

Page 12: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused
Page 13: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

NATO• To counter Soviet military power the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe formed the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance.

Page 14: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused


• In 1949 the communists under Mao Zedong take control of China.

• Containment failed.• A growing fear of

communism developed.

Page 15: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Soviets Get the Bomb

• 1949 The USSR explodes an atomic bomb.

Page 16: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused


• In 1950 Communist North Korea invaded South Korea.

• The U.N. authorizes the sending of troops to stop North Korean aggression.

Page 17: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Korean Conflict

• To counter U.N. advances into North Korea, China enters the war.

• In 1952 Republican Dwight Eisenhower is elected president.

• Pledged to end the conflict.• After two years of stalemate a

truce is declared in 1953.

Page 18: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Red Scare

• At the height of WWII approximately 100,000 U.S. citizens claimed membership in the Communist Party.

• Many people began to fear communist influence in the U.S

Page 19: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Loyalty Review Board

• In 1947 the Loyalty Review Board was established to investigate government employees.

• Between 1947-1951 212 employees were fired.

• Another 2,900 resigned.

Page 20: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

House Un-American Activities Committee

• The HUAC formed in 1947 to investigate Communist influence both inside and outside the U.S. Government.

Page 21: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Hollywood Ten

• The HUAC believed Communist in Hollywood were sneaking Communist propaganda into films.

• 43 witnesses from the Hollywood film industry were called to testify.

• Ten “unfriendly witnesses” refused to cooperate.

• They claimed the hearings were unconstitutional.

• For refusing to answer questions all ten were sent to prison

Page 22: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

For refusing to answer questions…

• Hollywood executives blacklisted 500 actors, directors, writers and producers.

• Unable to work most had their careers ruined.

Page 23: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused


• Some individuals compiled and circulated their own blacklists, which were accepted by frightened employers and casting directors who feared being blacklisted themselves if they sought facts and fair play. The motives of some self-serving or vindictive accusers were summed up by Herb Block in a phrase:

• "If you can't crush the commies, you can nail a neighbor."

Page 24: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

Joseph McCarthy

• Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy looking for an issue for re-election claimed that Communist were taking over the U.S. government.

• In February 1950, at a Washington press conference, he waved sheets of paper claiming that he had uncovered 205 communist agents in the State Department.

Page 25: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused


• Taking advantage of people’s concern over communism McCarthy made unsupported accusations.

• McCarthy claimed the Democratic Party was guilty of treason for allowing communist to infiltrate government.

Page 26: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused

McCarthy's Downfall

• In 1954, McCarthy made accusations against the U.S. Army.

• In a televised Senate hearing McCarthy bullied witnesses alienating the viewing audience.

• The Senate censured McCarthy for bringing dishonor to the senate.

• In 1957 McCarthy dies a broken man.

Page 27: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused
Page 28: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused
Page 29: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused
Page 30: Cold War The Cold War. Origins By the end of World War II the alliance between the U.S and the Soviet Union was becoming undone. The Soviet Union refused