cold war review head for your nearest bomb shelter…this test will be a nuclear missile!

Cold War Review Head for your nearest bomb shelter…this test will be a nuclear

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Cold War Review

Head for your nearest bomb shelter…this test

will be a nuclear missile!

Where were the war-crimes trials held which argued that each person is responsible for

his own action?

Nuremberg Trials

What was one of the four charges against the men

tried at Nuremberg?

Conspiracy, Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, Crimes

Against Humanity

What government philosophy was viewed as the greatest danger to the

U.S. after WW II?


What was the name of U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War period toward

communism which meant that the U.S. was trying to

hold it back?Containment

At which conference did Stalin break his promise to

give free elections in Eastern Europe after the war?

Potsdam Conference

The U.S. wrote a constitution for what

former Asian enemy in 1947?


It was the major treaty alliance between the U.S.

and Western Europe.


Who coined the term “iron curtain?”

Winston Churchill

What was the alliance between the Soviet Union and her Eastern European


Warsaw Pact

In 1947, President Truman was concerned about the expansion of communism into which two countries?

Greece & Turkey

The U.S. agreed to “help free peoples resisting

communist aggression.”

Truman Doctrine

The U.S. gave billions of dollars to help rebuild

Western Europe.

Marshall Plan

The Soviet Union and U.S. had a major showdown

over this city in the 1940s.


The Berlin Blockade lasted about how long?

11 months (just under a year)

How did the U.S. get food into the citizens of Berlin

during the blockade?

An airlift

Who was the Nationalist leader of China during the


Chiang Kai Shek

The supporters of Chiang Kai Shek were forced to flee to which island in


Formosa (Taiwan)

What communist leader took over China in 1949?

Mao Zedong

During the late 1940s and early 1950s, what

happened to the amount of money being spent on


It increased

Term generally used for a hysterical witch hunt--in this case the search for



It was commonly known as HUAC.

The House Committee on Un-American


HUAC was looking for communists in what



They were executed for given atomic secrets to

the Soviets.

The Rosenbergs

What was the name given to the first directors and writers who appeared before HUAC and were jailed for contempt of


Hollywood Ten

What was the dividing line between North and South


38th Parallel

What action began the Korean War?

North invaded the South

How did Truman characterize the Korean


As a police action

What percentage of UN troops in the Korean War

were US troops?


Besides North Korea, what other nation’s troops

fought against U.N. and South Korean troops?


Who was the target of President Truman’s anger and ultimately was fired during the Korean War?

General MacArthur

Who was the Secretary of State under President

Eisenhower and author of Brinkmanship?

John Foster Dulles

What was the name given to the policy of

threatening nuclear war against the Soviets?


The Eisenhower Doctrine was applied to which region of the world?

Middle East

In which Middle Eastern country did the CIA

engineer a covert action that resulted in a new

prime minister?


In what Central American nation did the U.S.

engineer a coup to oust a communist leaning



Who was Gamal Abdel Nasser?

President of Egypt

What important waterway was taken over by Egypt

in 1956, almost leading to war?

The Suez Canal

What nation was established in 1948, much to the dismay of her Arab



Which two European nations threatened war

with Egypt because of her takeover of the Suez?

Britain and France

Which Eastern European nation had a counter-revolution against the

Soviet Union in 1956 that ended in defeat?


What event convinced Americans that the U.S.

had lost her technological edge to the Soviet Union?

The launching of Sputnik

Which Soviet leader followed Stalin and

threatened the U.S. with the line, “We will bury



Where was the site of the amphibious landing by

General MacArthur during the Korean War?


What was the name given to being denied a job

because one was suspected of communist

activity or sympathy?


Potential Essays???

Explain why there was a fear of Communist

influence in the United States in the late 1940s and 1950s. Discuss the

ways in which it was manifested

Explain the significance of THREE of the following to BOTH the United States and the Soviet Union:

- The Marshall Plan - The Berlin Airlift - The fall of China - The Korean war - Successful launch of Sputnik