coins banknotes book2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    evsj v k evsKiviK gyvI bvU

    Commemorative Coins and Notesof Bangladesh Bank

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    evsj v k evsKi

    viK gyvI bvUCommemorative Coins and Notes

    of Bangladesh Bank

    eyj eyj AvngBulbul Ahmed

    eBbKkvI cQ : nvkg LvbBookdesign & Cover : Hashem Khan

    Taka Museum Bangladesh Bank

    UvKvRvyNi evsj v k evsK

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    evsj v k evsKiviK gyvI bvU

    j LKeyj eyj Avng

    evsj v k evsK

    cKvkKvjGwcj 2013

    P 1419

    cKvkKGd.Gg. gvKvj nK

    gnvee vcKwWcvUgUAe KwgDwbKk G

    cvewj Kk, evsj v k evsK

    gyYvKj AvBwUBwUwUDU, wmki x, XvKv

    g~j t 500.00 UvKv

    Commemorative Coins and Notes

    of Bangladesh Bank


    Bulbul Ahmed

    Bangladesh Bank

    Date o f Publication

    April 2013

    Chaitra 1419

    Published By

    F.M. Mokammel Huq

    General Mana ger

    Department of Communications and

    Publicat ions, Bangladesh Bank

    Printed By

    Sparkle ITInstitute, Siddeswari, Dhaka

    Price : Tk. 500.00

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    evsj v k evsKi viK gyvI bvU

    Commemorative Coins and Notes of Bangladesh Bank

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    Dc gwYKvYRbvRvZxq ew Z i wZ Ges RvZxq I AvRvwZKi Zen wbY D &hvcb Dcj mgq mgq evsj v kevsKi Bmy Ki v vi K gyv I bvU j vi mwPewkweeiYxmwj Z GB cKvkbvwUcvVK i mvgb Zzjai vi myhvM cq Avwg wekl Avbw Z eva Ki wQ|evsj v k evsKi Bmy Ki vviK gyvI bvU j vi g~jwel qi AvMviK gyvI bvUBmyi ewkK BwZnvmiI ci MelYvagxZ_ ej m~PbvAavqwU cKvkbvwUKAvi I mg KiQ| evsj vI Bsi wR f vl i cvkvcvwkgyY mvRvbvGB cKvkbvwU k we ki gyvI bvUmsMvnK ew I cwZvb QvovI Mel K Ges mvavi YcvVK i AvK Ki e ej Avgvi wekvm|

    evsj v k evsKi msMn _vKvwbR i I Abvb kibZzb cyi vZb gyv I bvU j v GKwU c~YvKvixwgDwRqvg evUvKvRvyNi mywebKivi KvR Pj Q; UvKvRvyNi i mgyq msMni I ci bZzb Aavq GB cKvkbvwUif wel Z ms i YK mgZi Ki e ej Avwg Avkvevx|

    cKvkbvwUi cYqb, mvbvI gyY mswk-mevi RbiBj Avgvi AvwiK abev|


    I am very pleased to have this opportunity of

    introducing before the readers this publication

    featuring illustrated description of commemorative

    coins and notes issued from time to time by

    Bangladesh Bank in memory of eminent

    personages of national stature or on occasions ofimportant national or international events. An

    information rich investigative review of global

    history of commemorative coin and note issuance

    preceding the chapter on those from Bangladesh

    Bank has enriched the publication further. I

    believe the publication with Bangla and English

    text laid out side by side will attract wide attention

    of researchers and general readers at home and

    abroad, besides numismatist individuals and


    Work of laying out Bangladesh Bank's collection of

    old and new coins and currency notes of

    Bangladesh and other countries in a full-fledged

    currency museum is underway. I hope that a

    future edition of this publication will be enriched

    further by a new chapter on the collection in the

    currency museum.

    My heartfelt thanks for all involved in drafting,

    editing and printing of this publication.

    (Atiur Rahman)


    Bangladesh Bank

    (AvwZDi i ngvb)Mfbi

    evsj v k evsK

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013



    Avgv i Mie I AnsKvi 52i f vl vAv vj b, 71 Gignvb gyw hy| nvRvi eQi i k evOvj x, RvwZi RbKeezkL gywReyi i ngvb Avgv i exiZI mvnwmKZvicZxK| evsj v ki RvZxq mxZi i PwqZv wekKweiex bv_ VvKzi Avgv i cvYi Kwe| RvZxq Kwe KvRxbRi j Bmj vg iwPZ we vnxKweZvcivaxbZvi kLjf vOvi Kvj Rqxmw| viK gyvI bvUcKvki gvagevsj v k evsK RvZxq Rxebi Gi c i Yxq NUbvIARb Ges ei Yxq gnvb e w MYi wZK wPi f v i i vLvicqvmcvq| k I we ki AvMnx gyvmsMvnK igvag Gme viK gyvI bvUAvgv i RvZxq RxebiMiegq ARb I ei YeMi wZ Kvj vi i mvxKii vLe| iK gyvevbvUBmyi NUbvcx, K_KZvev

    BwZnvmmwVKf ve cYxZ nI qv Avek K| evsj v kevsKi vi K gyv I bvU cywKvwUi i PwqZvRvnvxibMi wekwe vj qi mnhvMxAavcK Rbve eyj eyjAvng KvRwUwbf zj f ve Ki Z ci Qb ej B Avgviwekvm| evsj v k evsK KZK gywZ I BmyKZ viKgyvI bvU j vK GK m~ Mw_Z KiQG cywKv| Gigvag f vl vA vj b _K vaxbZvARbi gwngvhgbczwUZ nqQZgwb wPw Z nqQG ki AvRbj vwj ZmvwnZ, ms wZ I xovcgxHwZn| evvj xi exiZMv_v,A_bwZK Dbqbi gweKvk Ges xov, mvwnZ I

    mvs wZK HwZn i ccvl K wnme GwU evsj v kevsKi f ~wgKvK mgyj Ki e| hv i wbi j mkgeBwUi cKvk me nqQ Zv i K RvbvB Avwi Kabev| eBwUi cQ cK K cw_ZhkveiY wP wk xRbve nvkg Lvb kZ eZvi gvSI Zvi g~j evb mgq`vb Ki evsj v k evsKK AKw g ezZi eb AveKiQb| evsj v k evsKi gbvMvd-1wnme cywKvwUcKvki mvweK Drmvn I wKwb kbv vbi Rb Avgv icvYwcq Mf bi Wt AvwZDi i ngvbi cwZ mKZ kv|


    We are crowned with the glory and grandeur of thegreat language Movement of 1952 and LiberationWar of 1971. The thousand years greatest Bangaleeand father of the nation Bangabondhu Sheikh MujiburRahman is the icon of our heroism and courage.Rabindranath Tagore, the compositor of our nationalanthem, is our invigorating poet. The rebellious poemBidrohi of national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam is thetime-defeating creation for salvation from subjugation.By issuing commemorative coins and notes,Bangladesh Bank endeavors to make thereminiscences of such outstanding memorableevents and achievements and venerable greatpersonalities of the nation everlasting. Thesecommemorative coins and notes will keep thememories of our magnificent national achievementsand adorable persons as eternal witness through the

    enthusiastic collectors of home and abroad. Theevents, their interpretation or histories relating to theissuance of commemorative coins and notes shouldbe properly composed. I believe that the author of theCommemorative coins and notes of BangladeshBank Mr. Bulbul Ahmed, Associate Professor ofJahangirnagar University has accomplished the jobaccurately. Commemorative coins and notes printedand issued by Bangladesh Bank has been composedtogether in a single thread by this booklet. Thisbooklet has fully manifested the splendor ofLanguage Movement to attaining freedom anddepicted the born cherished literature, culture andsport-loving tradition of this country as well. It willilluminate the role of Bangladesh Bank as the patronof Bangalees heroism, gradual evolution of economicdevelopment, sports, literature and cultural heritage. Isincerely thank them whose relentless efforts haveenabled us to publish the booklet. Eminent coverdesigner as well as honorable painter Mr. HashemKhan has confined Bangladesh Bank in truefriendship by engaging his much valuable timedespite enormous business. My grateful respect toour devoted Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman for hisoverall direction and inspiration to publish this booklet

    as Monograph-1 of Bangladesh Bank.

    `vk Amxg KzgviwbevnxcwiPvj Kevsj v k evsK

    Dasgupta Asim KumarExecutive Director

    Bangladesh Bank

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013



    mgMcw_exZB wewf bDcj viK gyvI bvURvwiek Rbwcq| viK gyvi cPj b 1960 Gi ci Rbwcqnq I V| Ze cvPxb mgq viK gyvRvwi i AbK

    `vAvQ| Kvbvwekl Dcj K K Ki gyvRvwicvq gyvi gZvB cvPxb| evsj v ki c_g viK gyvRvwi Ki vnqwQj 1991 mvj weRq wemi 20Zg evwl KxDcj | evsj v k evsK wewf b i Zc~YNUbvKZvrchgwZ Kivi Rb G-chGMviwUviK gyvI `ywUbvU Rvwi Ki Q| GB cKvkbvwUZ evsj v k evsKiRvwi Ki vviK gyvI bvUi I ci we vwiZ Avj vPbvi qQ| AvkvKi wQ GwU Mel K, msMvnK I mvavi YcvVK i mnvqK ne|

    Avwg KZZvcKvk KiwQ AavcK gybZvmxi gvgybiKvQ whwb AvgvK GB wel q KvR Ki Z DrmvwnZKi Qb| GB MwU cKvki D vMMnYi Rb AvwgUvKvRvyNi KwgwUi mm i Ges evsj v k evsKiwWcvUgUAe KwgDwbKk G cvewj KkK abevRvbvwQ| wewf bKvR mnvqZvi Rb Avwg wi wZvZvmwgb,Kvgi j nvmvb wg_yb, cwigj P P ex, wekwRZ emvK,gv. b~i j Bmj vg, gv. gvgyb I qvb, gvt AveyAvj

    nvmvb, gvt Avbvb Avwid mvwj g, gvt i ngZ Dj -vnj wZd I gv. BwqvK gvwbKi cwZ KZ| MwUcKvkimgq Zuv i mKj K i Y Ki Z ci Avwg f xl YAvbw Z|


    Issuing commemorative coins and notes in

    various occasions are much popular all over the

    world. The trend on issuing commemorative coins

    has become popular from the 1960s onward. But

    there are numerous examples of commemorative

    coins of more ancient date. Issuing coins to

    celebrate special occasions are nearly as old as

    coins themselves. The first commemorative coins

    of Bangladesh were issued in 1991on the

    occasion of the 20th anniversary of Victory Day.

    Bangladesh Bank has issued eleven

    commemorative coins and two notes so far to

    signify various events. This publication contains

    the detail discussion on the commemorative coins

    and notes issued by Bangladesh Bank. Hope it

    will be helpful to the researchers, collectors and

    the general readers.

    I express my gratefulness to Professor Muntassir

    Mamoon who inspired me to work on this topic. I

    thank the Members of the Taka Jadughar

    Committee and the Department of

    Communications and Publi-cations of Bangladesh

    Bank for taking initiatives to publish this book. I

    am greateful to Ridita Tasmin, Kamrul Hasan

    Mithun, Parimal Chandra Chakraborty, Bishwajit

    Basak, Md. Noorul Isalm, Md. Mamun Dewan,

    Mohammad Abu Al Hasan, Md. Adnan Arif Salim,

    Md. Rahamat Ullah Latif and Md. Istiake Manik for

    their support in various purposes. It is my great

    pleasure to remember all of them at the time of

    publishing this book.

    Bulbul Ahmed

    Associate Professor

    Department of Archaeology

    Jahangirnagar University

    Savar, Dhaka

    eyj eyj AvngmnhvMxAavcKcZZwef vM

    RvnvxibMi wekwe vj qmvf vi , XvKv

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    f ~wgKv 15BwZnvm: viK gyv 15BwZnvm: viK bvU 23

    evsj v k evsKi RvwiKZ

    viK gyvI bvU 25Dcmsnvi 59

    Z_ m~ 60

    Introduction 15

    History: Commemorative Coins 15

    History: Commemorative Notes 23

    Commemorative Coins and Notes

    issued by Bangladesh Bank 25

    Conclusion 59

    References 60

    m~wP Contens

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    Commemorative Coins and Notes 15

    viK gyvI bvUCommemorative Coins and Notes

    f ~wgKvviK gyvI bvU Rvwi Kivnq wbw KvbvNUbvhgb, hyRq, i vRKxq weevn, RbevgZzevwl KxKiYxq Ki i vLZ A_evLj vayj vi i Zc~YNUbv,vcZ cwZvGes evwbK ARbK D &hvcb Ki Z|mvavi YZ viK gyv I bvUi mywbw bK&kv _vK,mLvb Kvb Dcj mj vRvwi Ki vnqwQj Zvi m~Dj -L _vK| G j vcavbZ msMvnK i mvgMxnj IwKQz k bwgwK cPj bi Rb viK gyvRvwi Ki

    _vK| cw_exi AwaKvsk kB HwZnvwmK ew Zighvv mgybZ Ki Z, wecbcRvwZ mKmPZbKi Z, MYwkv, Rb v -ms v wewf bk-vMvbKQwoq wZ cwZwbqZ AmsL wel qwf wK gyvI bvURvwi Ki Q| vi K gyvcvqB vi K c`Ki mv_wevw Zwi Ki | c`K KLbvgyvwnme eeZ nqbv| wKmvk c~YMVb I AvKvi i Kvi Y vi K gyvcvqB GB wevwi Zwi Ki |

    BwZnvm: viK gyvviK gyvi cPj b 1960 Gi ci Rbwcq nq I V|Ze cvPxb mgq vi K gyvRvwi i AbK `vAvQ|

    Kvbvwekl Dcj K K Ki gyvRvwi cvq gyvigZvB cvPxb| wMK mf Zvi cv_wgK chvq gyvwQjwewbgq ee vi m~iK avivGes ZvcZ KivnZvagxq Drme ILj vayj vi mgq| 1mvBi vwKDm2 cvWKv-WvK&gv3 (Avby.400 wLc~ev)(Avj vKwP 1) G-ai bi gyvi AbZg

    D vniY|


    Commemorative coins and notes are issued to

    commemorate particular event like victory in war,royal wedding, birth or death jubilee, or

    celebrating sporting event, architectural

    establishment and scientific achievement etc.

    Usually commemorative coins and notes have a

    distinct design with reference to the occasion on

    which they were issued. Mainly they serve as

    collectors' items, although some countries are also

    issuing commemorative coins for regular

    circulation. Huge number of thematic coins and

    notes are continuously being issued by most of

    the countries all over the world to highlight

    historical personalities, aware about theendangered species, flourish various slogans on

    mass education, public health etc. The

    commemorative coins are often confused with

    commemorative medals. Medals have never been

    used as coin but are often mistaken for coins due

    to their similar form and size.

    History: Commemorative Coins

    The trend on issuing commemorative coins has

    become popular from the 1960s onward. But there

    are numerous examples of commemorative coins

    of more ancient date. Issuing coins to celebratespecial occasions are nearly as old as coins

    themselves. In early period of the Greek

    civilization coin was a

    subsidiary form of

    currency and was

    struck for religious

    festivals or games.1

    The deca-drachms2

    (ca. 400 BC) from

    Syracuse3 (Plate 1)

    were the prominent

    examples of that typeof coins.

    Avj vKwP 1: mvBivwKDmcv WKv-WvK&gv(Avby. 419 wLc~ev)4

    Plate 1: Deca-drachms from Syracuse (ca. 419 BC)4

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    16 viK gyvI bvU

    WKv-WvK&gv Rvwi Ki v nZv AwbqwgZf ve GesbwgwK wewbgq bq ei s Lye meZ viK D k |WKv-WvK&gvAvi I cvI qvwMqQG_, Kv_R Iwgki _K| 4 G-mKj gyvRvwi i D k weePbvKij ej vhZ cvi G j vcw_exi c_g viKgyv|

    gnvgwZ Avj KRvvi AvbygvwbK 326 wLc~ev i vRvcyi i (whwb Di cwg cvwKvb i vRZ Ki Zb)wei hyRqj vf Kib| ej vnq _vK GB weRqKi Yxq Ki i vLvnqwQj i cvi WKv-WvK&gvGesUUv-WvK&gvRvwi i gvag|5 G-mKj gyvi mvgbiwcV i qQ Nvovq emv gvbe cwZKwZ (meZAvj KRvvi i ) hvnvwZi wcV emvAci GK gvbecwZKwZK (meZ cyi K Dcvcb Ki Q) Av gYKi Q| gyvi wecixZ wcVweRqi exbvBK KZKAvj KRvvi K gyKzU ci vbvi `k DrKxYnqQ(Avj vKwP 2)| Abygvb Kivnq _vK GB gyvmeZmj yKvmKZK Rvwi Ki vGes Avj KRvvi i f viZAwf hvbi ci ciB evwej b gywZ nqwQj |6 B v-evKwUqvb kvmK i ga A vMv_vKm(Avby. 190-180 wLc~ev) Avj KRvvi , A vwUI Kvm, wWI WUvm,BDw_Wgvm, wWwgwUqvmI c vUvwj qbi gv_vhy viKgyvRvwi Kib| Abyi cf ve BD wUWm(Avby. 170-145 wLc~ev) Zuvi wcZv nwj I wKm I gvZvwj I wWmivK i Yxq KiQb gyvq Zuv i hyMAvecwZKwZ DrKxYKi |7

    The deca-drachms struck only occasionally and

    most probably for commemorative purpose

    rather than general currency. The deca-

    drachms are also known from Athens, Carthage

    and Egypt.4 Considering the intention of issuing

    these coins it is said that these are the first

    commemorative coins of the world.

    Alexander the Great got victory against King

    Puru (who ruled a region in the Punjab, North

    Western Pakistan) in ca. 326 BC. This victory is

    said to have been commemorated by issuing

    silver deca-drachms and tetra-drachms.5 The

    depiction on the obverse of the coin is: a human

    figure (most probably Alexander) on horse-back

    is attacking another human figure (perhaps

    intended to represent King Puru) riding an

    elephant. The reverse contains the figure of

    Alexander being crowned by Nike the goddess

    of victory (Plate 2). It is assumed that thesecoins were perhaps issued by Seleucus and

    minted in Babylon following Alexander's

    campaigns in India.6 Among the Indo-Bactrian

    rulers Agathocles (ca. 190-180 BC) issued

    commemorative coins containing the heads of

    Alexander, Antiochus, Diodotus, Euthydemus,

    Demetrius and Pantaleon. Similarly, Eucratides

    (ca. 170-145 BC) commemorated his parents

    Heliocles and Leodice by depicting their joint

    busts on his coins.7

    Avj vKwP 2: Avj KRvvi i viK gyv(Avby. 322 wLv)9

    Plate 2: Commemorative Coin of Alexander (ca. 322 BC)9

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 17

    Avj vKwP 3: j ywmqvmf i vm(Avby. 161-169 wLv) Gi gyv10

    Plate 3: Coin of Lucius Verus (ca. 161-169 AD)10

    wekl Dcj gyv Rvwi i GB i xwZ cvPxb i vgvbmvvR I cPwj Z wQj | mvUj ywmqvmf i vm(Avby. 161-169 wLv) cvw_qvi PZz_f vj vMvmm(Avby. 147-191wLv) Gi weiRqj vf K D &hvcb Ki Z viK gyvRvwi KiwQj b (Avj vKwP 3)|11

    f viZxq Dcgnv ki BwZnvmI cvPxb hyMviK gyvRvwi i `vi qQ| hyMviK gyvRvwi i KqKwUD vniY i qQ| c_g P (Avby. 320-335wLv)/mgyi (Avby. 335-380 wLv)12 GKai bi gyvZ i vRvI i vbxDf qK DrKxYKi vnqQ|gyvi mvgbi wcV bvgmn c_g P I Zuvi i vbxKzgvi exi `uvovbvcwZKwZ DrKxYKivnqQ| mywbw

    wKQzgyvq Lvhvq i vRvcwivi f ve i vbxK weqi evRyevAvswU(weevnKZzKv)wbe b Ki Qb|13

    The practices of issuing coins in special occasions

    were also common in ancient Roman Empire.

    Emperor Lucius Verus (ca. 161-169 AD) issued

    commemorative coins (Plate 3) to celebrate hisvictory against Vologases IV (ca. 147-191 AD) of


    Examples of issuing coins from ancient period

    have also been known in the history of the Indian

    subcontinent. There are several instances of

    issuing commemorative coins in the Gupta period.

    On one type coin of Chandragupta I (ca. 320-335

    AD)/ Samudragupta (ca. 335-380 AD)12 both king

    and queen are depicted. Standing figures of

    Chandragupta I and his queen Kumaradevi with

    name have been depicted on the obverse of thiscoin. On certain coins king is clearly offering the

    queen a wedding armlet or ring (vivahakautuka).13

    Avj vKwP 4: c_g P /mgyi i vRvI i vbxkwYi gyv14

    Plate 4: 'King and Queen' Type coin of Chandragupta I/Samudragupta14

  • 7/27/2019 Coins Banknotes Book2013


    18 viK gyvI bvU

    gyvi wecixZ wcV i qQ wmsni cxV emv j xicwZKwZ mv_ wj wc wj Qwe (Avj vKwP 4)| mvgbiwcVi welqe I wj wc Lye mnRB c_g P i mv_Kzgvi exi weevnK Dcvcb Ki Q| KvbvKvbvMel K gb Kib h, wcZvgvZvGes wbR wj Qwe

    MvxK i Y Ki gyvwU mgy KZK Rvwi Ki vnqwQj |15 c_g Kzgvi (Avby. 414-455 wLv) I I (Avby. 455-467 wLv) i vRv I i vbxkwYi gyvRvwi KiwQj b| Ze Zuvivgyvq i vbx ibvg cKvk Kibwb| G-mKj gyv Aek BcKwZMZf ve viK kwYi |

    i Avi I GK kwYi gyvK viK wnme kbvKivhZ cvi | GB kwYwUAkga (NvovDrmM)

    bvg cwiwPZ| mgy I c_g Kzgvi GB kwYi gyvRvwi KiwQj b|

    Akga kwYi gyvi mvgbi wcV cvcxVi I ci`uvovbvNvovGes Gi mvgb dzj j Svv(A_evwdZv)hy GKwU hycv (DrmM-mxq `) i qQ| gyviwecixZ wcV`uvovbvbvixcwZKwZK (meZ gwnqmxevcavb ivbx) Lvhvq| Dj -L h, 1964-65 mvj iDrLbb evsj v ki Kzwgj -vi kvj eb wenvi nZmgyi GKwU Akga gyv AvweZ nqQ

    (Avj vKwP 5)|16

    The reverse of the coin contains a figure of

    Laksmi seated on a lion with the legend

    Lichchhavayah (Plate 4). The obverse legend and

    feature simply represent the marriage of

    Chandragupta I with Kumaradevi. Researchers

    seem that this coin was issued by Samudragupta

    in commemoration of his parents and his ownLichchhavi descent.15 The 'king and queen type'

    coins were also issued by Kumargupta I (ca. 414-

    455 AD) and Skandagupta (ca. 455-467 AD). But

    they do not disclose the names of their queens.

    These coins must be commemorative in nature.

    Another type of coin of the Guptas may be

    identified as commemorative issue. This type is

    known as Ashvamedha (horse-sacrifice).

    Samudragupta and Kumaragupta I issued this

    type of coins.

    The obverse of Ashvamedha type of coins

    contain a horse stands on a pedestal and in front

    of a yupa (sacrificial post) fitted with a flowering

    banner (or fillet). A standing female (probably

    mahishi i.e. the chief queen) is visible on the

    reverse of the coin. It should be mentioned here

    that an Ashvamedha coin of Samudragupta has

    been discovered from Salban Vihara, Comilla,

    Bangladesh through excavation in 1964-65 (Plate


    Avj vKwP 5: mgyi Akga gyv, kvj eb wenvi , Kzwgj -v, evsj v k17

    Plate 5: Ashvamedha coin of Samudragupta, Salban Vihara, Comilla, Bangladesh17

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 19

    Akga gyvi cQbi Kvwnbx Gi vi K Pwi KDc vcb Ki| kZc_-evYAbymvi weRqi D kmgi hv vi c~eA_evGKi ci GK hyAvwacZARbi ci (Lye meZ ci iwU) Akgah cvj b KivnZv|18 cwZi v19 weePbvKi b GB DrmMAbyvbKi Yxq Ki i vLZ Ges Abyvb AskMnYKvi x

    evY i gvS `wYv(mvbx) wnme weZi Yi RbAkgagyvRvwi Ki vnZv| gb Ki vnq, G-mKj gyveo msLvq Rvwi Ki vnZv|20Akga gyvAekBcKwZMZf ve viK kwYi |

    KvbvbZzb kvmKi i vR weRq Nvl YvKivi D kvi K gyv Rvwi i avi v gahyM j Ki v hvq|BLwZqvi -D &-`xb gynv web eLwZqvi Lj Rxi(1204-5 wLv) weL vZ Mo weRq21 (Avj vKwP

    6) gyvwU GB kwYi gyv| myj ZvbxhyMviK gyvRvwi i Avi I `v AvQ| nvewk myj Zvb mvgy xbgyRvd&di kvn (1490-1493 wLv) KvgZvweRqGes myj Zvb Avj vD xb nvmb kvn (1493-1519wLv) Kvgi -KvgZv-RvRbMi I Ewok v weRq(Avj vKwP 7) Dcj viK gyvRvwi KiwQj b|

    The narration behind Ashvamedha coins

    represents its commemorative character. Ac-

    cording to Satapatha-Brahmana theAshvamedha

    sacrifice might be performed before setting out on

    a campaign of conquest or in celebration of

    acquisition of supremacy after a series of

    conquests (more usually the later).18 Scholars19

    consider that Ashvamedha coins were issued onthe occasion of this sacrifice in commemoration of

    it and as dakshina (fee) for distribution among the

    Brahmans who participated in that ritual. It is

    seemed that these coins must have been issued

    in large numbers.20 TheAshvamedha coins must

    be commemorative in nature.

    The trend of issuing commemorative coins has

    been found during the medieval period to proclaim

    the coronation of a new monarch. The famous

    'Gauda-Vijaye' coins21 (Plate 6) of Ikhtiyer-ud-din

    Muhammmad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji (1204-5 AD)

    belong to this type. There are other examples of

    issuing commemorative coins in the Sultani

    period. Habshi ruler Sams al-din Muzaffar Shah

    (1490-1493 AD) and Ala al-din Husayn Shah

    (1493-1519 AD) issued coins on the occasions of

    their conquests against 'Kamta' and 'Kamru-

    Kamta-Jajnagar and Orissa' (Plate 7) respectively.

    Avj vKwP 6: BLwZqvi D &-`xbi Mo weRqgyv22

    Plate 6: 'Gauda-Vijaye' coin of Ikhtiyer-ud-din22

    Avj vKwP 7: myj Zvb Avj vD xb nvmb kvni Kvgi -KvgZv-RvRbMi I Ewok vweRq viK gyv23Plate 7: 'Kamta' and 'Kamru-Kamta-Jajnagar and Orissa conquest'

    commemorative coin of Sultan Ala al-din Husayn Shah23

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    20 viK gyvI bvU

    gyMj kvmK i ga mvUAvKei ekwKQzviK gyvRvwi KiwQj b| mvUAvKeii mvbvi gyvq 20wUi 24AwaK I i cvi gyvq cvq 45wUUvKkvj i 25 bvg cvI qvhvq| gb Ki v nq cv wkK i vRavbx AvMv, j vnvi ,Rbcyi , wj -x I Avng vev Qvov G i ewki f vMBKvbvAwf hvb Pj vKvj wei vg wkwei wKsevRq Kiv

    Kvbvkni wKsevivR hvviK gyvi UvKkvj wnmeeeZ nqQ|26 G-mKj gyvi ga Lv ki AvwmiMo`yMRqK i Yxq Ki vi Rb cPj b Ki v mvbvi gyvweL vZ| GB gyvi mvgbi wcV i qQ evR cvwLicwZKwZ| Avi wecixZ wcVAvj -vAvKei Bm&dvb&vigyRBj vnx49 Rvi &e Avwmi DrKxYiqQ(Avj vKwP 8)|meZ G-NUbvDcj G-aibi wKQzicvi gyvI evRcvwLmn Akvi vnxAvKei i cwZKwZhy AviK ai bigyvcPj b Ki vnqwQj |27 AvKei Zuvi i vRZi 50 eQic~wZDcj wKQzmvbvI i cvi vi K gyvI cPj b

    KiwQj b hLvb gyvi mvgbi wcVbvMixnid ivg-wmqvwj wcmn i vg I mxZvi cwZKwZ DrKxYi qQ(Avj vKwP 9)|

    Among the Mughal rulers Emperor Akbar issued

    a good number of commemorative coins. Over

    20 mint24 names are found on gold coins and

    about 45 mints25 on silver coins of Akbar. It

    seemed that apart from the provincial capitals

    Agra, Lahore, Jaunpur, Delhi and Ahmadabad,

    most of the names are either of the halting places

    during the invention or are the occupied cities orkingdoms which were used as the mint name of

    the commemorative coin.26 Among these coins,

    the gold coin issued to commemorate the victory

    of the Asirgarh fort of Khandesh is famous. The

    obverse of this coin bears a hawk. The legend-

    Allah Akbar Isfandarmuz Illahi 49 zarb Asiris de-

    picted on the reverse (Plate 8). Perhaps on this

    occasion, some silver coins of this type and

    another type, showing Akbar riding on a horse

    with a hawk, were also issued.27 Akbar issued

    commemorative coins on gold and silver also on

    the occasion of his 50th

    reignal year, where theeffigy of Rama and Sita with the words Rama-

    Siya in Nagri is found on the obverse of the coin

    (Plate 9).

    wbqwgZ mvbvi gvni (cvq 11 Mvg) Ges icvi i cx(cvq

    11 Mvg) QvovI gyMj hyMkvmKivgvS gvS DP (2-1000Zvj v) I zgvbi gyvgyY Ki Zb| zgvbigyvmg~n mvaviYZ `vbi Rb cZ KivnZv| G iga me _K cPwj Z wQj wbmvi |30 GB gyvi KvbvwbavwiZ Zj i xwZ wQj bv| Drmei i Zi gv vweePbvKi wewf bI Rbi gyvcZ KivnZv|31

    During the Mughal period apart the regular gold

    muhar (about 11 gm) and silver rupee (about 11gm), coins of higher (varies from two to thousand

    tola) and lower denominations were also minted

    by the Mughal rulers from time to time. Generally

    the lower denominational coins were struck for

    largesse. The commonest of these was the


    Avj vKwP 8: mvUAvKeii viK gyv,AvwmiMo Rq Dcj Rvwi Kiv28

    Plate 8: Commemorat ive coin of Emperor Akba r,

    issued on the occasion of Asirga rh conquest28

    Avj vKwP 9: mvUAvKei i viK gyv,i vRZi 50Zg eQi c~wZDcj Rvwi Ki v29

    Plate 9: Commemorative coin of Emperor Akbar,

    issued on the occasion of 50th reignal year29

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 21

    mvURvnvxi (1605-1627 wLv) Gi m~PbvKibGes mvUdvi Lkvqi (1713-1719 wLv) mgq Zve nq hvq| 32 Kvbv wbw Dcj ev DrmeRbMYi gvS weZi Yi D kwbmvi gyvgyY Ki vnZv| mvaviYZ bZzb f wg `Lj , Dvab, RbwemevhyRq cf wZ D k G-mKj gyvgyVvgyVvKi

    weZi Y KivnZv|

    AvBb-B-AvKeixZ AvKei (1542-1605 wLv) IRvnvxi i AvZRxebx ZzRyK-B-Rvnvxi xZ RvnvxiKZK cPj b Ki v DP gvbi gyvi Dj -L AvQ|KwZcq chUKI G-mKj gyvi Dj -L KiQb|33mvU AvKei 100 gvni (kvnvbkvn&), 50 gvni(i vnvm), 25 gvni (AvZv) Ges Avi I Ab gvbi gyvRvwi KiwQj b| mvURvnvxi 100, 50, 20, 10 I

    5 gvni Ges G i wewf bY-gvbi mvbvI i cvigyvi cPj b KiwQj b| mvbvi gyvj vi bvg wQjh_vg b~i -kvnx, b~i -myj Zvbx, b~i - j Z, b~i -Kig Ib~i -wgn&i | i cvi gyv j vK h_vg KKf -B-Zvj vB, KKf -B-BKevj , KKf -B-gyi v, KKf -B-eLZ I KKf -B-mv ej v nZv| ci eZx gyMjkvmKi vI GB ixwZ Abymi Y Ki wQj b|`yf vMRbKf ve G-mKj wekl gyvLye KgB cvI qvwMqQ| wewUk wgDwRqvg (j b), nvUwiqb wgDwRqvg(M-vmMv), wdUR DBwj qvg wgDwRqvg (KgweR)

    KqKwUDP gvbi gyvmsMn KiQ|

    There was no fixed weight standard for nisarcoins. According to the degree of importance ofthe occasion, nisar of various weights were

    minted.31 It was initiated by Emperor Jahangir(1605-1627 AD) and was stopped in the reign ofEmperor Farrukhsiar (1713-1719 AD).32 Nisarcoins were minted to distribute among the public

    on some particular occasions or festivals.Usually, these coins were distributed in handfulson the occasion of occupying new lands,inauguration, birthday or victory in war etc.

    Coins of higher denomination of Akbar (1542-1605 AD) are mentioned in theAin-i-Akbari andof Jahangir in his autobiography Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri. These coins are also referred to byseveral travelers.33 Emperor Akbar had issued100 muhar (Shanshah), 50 muhar (Rahas), 25muhar (Atmah) and other denomination of coins.Emperor Jahangir had issued the higher

    denominational coins in gold and silver in themultiples of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 muhar. Thesegold coins were known as Nur-shahi, Nur-sultani, Nur-daulat, Nur-karam and Nur-mihrrespectively. The silver coins were respectivelycalled Kaukab-i-tala'i, Kaukab-i-iqbal, Kaukab-i-murad, Kaukab-i-bakht and Kau-kab-i-saad. Thesucceeding Mughal monarchs also follow thistradition. Unfortunately a very few of thesespecial coins are now found. British Museum(London), Huntarian Museum (Glasgow) andFitz William Museum (Cam-bridge) havecollected several Mughal coins of higher


    Avj vKwP 10: mvURvnvxi i 1000 gvni (cvq 12 KwR) Gi mvbvi gyv34

    Plate 10: 1000 muhar (about 12 kg) gold coin of Emperor Jahangir34

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    22 viK gyvI bvU

    mvURvnvxi i 1000 gvni Gi wekvj vKvi GK mvbvigyv, meZ KvbvKUbwZK DcXKb, 1987 mvjmyBRvi j vi Rbf v nvem&evMdj &Wgvb GmG bvgKwbj vg Kvvwbi gvag wewi Rb Avm(Avj vKwP10)| gyvwU 1613 wLv AvMvUvKkvj cZ| Gievm20 mwg Ges I Rb cvq 12 wKj vMvg| ej vnq GwU

    cw_exZ Zwi mePq eo mvbvi gyv| HwZnvwmK m~AbyhvqxmvUJ iRe (1658-1707 wLv) weRvcyi iwei Kvbv GK Awf hvb mvUi cy gyqvwgKmnvqZvKi vi xKwZi c Gi c wekvj vKvi GK gyvAvmvd-hvwn ivReski wdi R RsK wqwQj b| 35i vR`~Z, gwnj vGes Ab wcq cv i Dcnvi qvi RbG-aibi DP gvbi gyvcZ Ki vnZv|36 gyMj izI DP gvbi G-mKj gyvK Aek B viK wnmeweePbvKivhZ cvi|

    viK gyvi Avi I `vcvI qvhvq RqxqvivR (Avby.1548-1835 wLv)| f vi Zi gNvj q ivR i Rqxqvcvnvo Ges eZgvb wmj Ui Di -c~emgf ~wgZ RqxqvbvgK GB vaxb i vR Mo DVwQj | Rqxqvi i vRvivwmsnvmb AvivnY Dcj viK gyvRvwi Ki Zb| G-ch 15 Rb Rqxqv i vRvi gyv AvweZ nqQ(Avj vKwP 11)|37 G-mKj gyvi i Zc~Yewk nj vZvivcPj bKvixi vRvi bvg aviY Ki bv| AwaKvsk cPj bKvixi vRvK kbv Ki vnq gyvq DrKxYZvwiLiwf wZ|

    A gigantic gold coin of 1000 muhar, possibly a

    diplomatic gift of Emperor Jahangir had come for

    sale in 1987 through an auction company,

    Habsburg Feldman S.A. of Geneva, Switzerland.

    This coin was struck in the Agra mint in 1613 AD.

    It has diameter of 20 cm and weighted almost 12

    kilograms (Plate 10). It is said to be the largest

    gold coin of the world ever made. According tohistorical records one such gigantic coin was

    given by Emperor Aurangzeb (1658-1707 AD) to

    Firuz Jung of Asaf-Jahi dynasty in Hyderabad in

    recognition of services rendered to the emperor's

    son, Muazzam, during one of his expeditions

    against Bijapur.35 Coins of higher denominations

    were struck for presentation to ambassadors,

    ladies and other favourites.36 The lower and

    higher denominational coins of the Mughals can

    be considered as commemorative coins.

    The examples of commemorative coins have alsofound in Jaintia kingdom (ca. 1548-1835 AD). The

    independent kingdom of Jaintia was formed in the

    Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, India and plain land of

    north east Sylhet. The Jaintia kings issued

    commemorative coins on the occasion of

    ascending the throne. Coins (Plate 11) of fifteen

    Jaintia rulers are discovered so far.37 An

    important feature of these coins is that they do not

    contain the name of the issuers. In most of the

    cases their issuers are identified on the basis of

    the date depicted on coins.

    Avj vKwP 11: RqxqvivRvwZxq i vgwms Gi gyv(Avby. 1790-1832 wLv)38

    Plate 11: Coin of Jaintia King Ramsimha II (ca. 1790-1832 AD)38

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 23

    wmsnvmb AvivnY Dcj gyv cPj b Ki vi i xwZf viZxq Dcgnv k J cwbewkK hyMI cPwj Z wQj |wKkvmKivgyvq Dcj Dj -L Ki Zb bv| wZxqwekhyi c~egyvmvaviYZ g~j evb avZzZ cZ Ki vnZv| wesk kZK wewbgqhvM gyvq g~j evb avZzieenvi gB mxwgZ nq co|

    c_g wekhyGes 30 Gi `kK wekA_bwZK g vidj mvbvI i cvi gyvi Avqxevvqxwej vc NUGes Zv evsKbvU i cvwi Z nq| Zvi ci I H`kKj vZ g~j evb avZzZ viK gyvcZ Ki vnZvGes wewbgqhvM gyvwnme G i eenvi mxwgZA_evm~Yi cB e nq hvq| dj GKwU c_KkwYi gyvwnme viK gyvi Dbqb NUhvi mv_bwgwKf ve e eZ gyvI bvUi cZf ve xKZKvbv hvMm~ bB| eZgvb GB kwYi gyvmsMvnK i mvgMx A_ev wKQz A_bwZKwewbqvM|

    BwZnvm: viK bvUgyvAvwevi i AbK ci bvUi Avwef ve NU| c_gKvMRi bvUi Avwef ve NUmg kZK Pxbi kvsi vReski mgq (Avby. 618-907 wLv)| mI `vMi IcvBKvix eemvqxiveo eo evwYwR K wewbgqi mgqf vixavZe gyvi cwienb GovZ GB bvU eenviKi Zb| cKZc i vKZK c_g KvMRi bvU(wRqvDwR) Rvwi nq 1024 wLv Pxbi wmPzqvbivR i ms ivResk (Avby. 960-1279 wLv)|39gvKvcvj v(Avby. 1254-1324 wLv) I DBwj qvgAe i ei K (Avby. 1220-1293 wLv) cgyLchUK i gvag Pxbi KvMRi bvUwLxq 13 kZKBDivc cwiwPZ nqwQj |40 Z_vwc BDivc h_v_bvUi cPj b nq 1666 wLv evsK Ae myBWbic~em~ixKnvgmevsKv(evsK Ae cvgvmA_evcvgvmevsK bvgI cwiwPZ) Gi gvag|

    f viZxq bvUi BwZnvm1770 mvj i hLb Kj KvZv GKwUemiKvwi evsK, evsK Ae wn yvb c_g bvUcPj b Ki |411806 mvj cwZwZ evsK Ae ej IbvU Rvwi KiwQj | G-mKj bvU f viZel 1861mvj chPvj ywQj |

    The tradition of issuing coins in the occasion of

    ascending the throne was continued during the

    Colonial period in the Indian subcontinent. But the

    rulers did not mention the occasion on coins.

    Before the World War II, coins were generally

    made of precious metals. However, during the

    20th century, the use of precious metals for

    circulating currency became increasingly limited.

    The World War I and the world economic crisis of

    the 1930s brought about temporary or permanent

    abolition of the convertibility of notes to silver and

    gold coins. While the commemorative coins of

    these decades continued to be issued

    predominantly in precious metals, their use as

    circulating currency became scarce or stopped

    entirely. Thus, the commemorative coins

    developed into a separate class of coins with no

    immediately recognizable link to the coins and

    notes used in everyday transactions. This class ofcoins are collectors' items, or in some cases

    objects for economic investment.

    History: Commemorative Notes

    Notes appeared after a long period of the

    invention of coins. The first known note on paper

    appeared in China in the Tang Dynasty (ca. 618-

    907 AD) during the 7th century. The merchants

    and wholesalers used these notes to avoid the

    heavy bulk of metallic coins in large commercial

    transactions. Actually, the first paper currency(Jiaozi) was issued by the state in 1024 at

    Sichuan in China during the Song (ca. 960-1279

    AD) dynasty.39 The Chinese paper money

    became known in Europe through the travelers,

    such as Marco Polo (ca. 1254-1324 AD) and

    William of Rubruck (ca. 1220 -1293 AD) in the

    13th century.40 Though in Europe, proper notes

    were issued by Stockholms Banco (also known as

    Bank of Palmstruch or Palmstruch Bank), a

    predecessor of Bank of Sweden in 1666.

    The history of Indian notes dating back to 1770,when Bank of Hindustan, a private bank located in

    Kolkata issued its first notes.41 Bank of Bengal

    established in 1806 also issued notes . These

    notes were in circulation till 1861.

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    24 viK gyvI bvU

    1861 mvj f viZ mi Kvi (wewUk) bvU Rvwi i KZZMnYKi Ges c~eRvwiKZ mKj bvU R Ki | 1935 mvjwiRvf evsK Ae BwqvcwZwZ nq Ges ZLb _K GwUf vi Z bvU Rvwi Ki vi GKgv KZc|

    bvUi GB `xNBwZnvm viK bvUi Avwef ve nq 1910mvj gw KvZ|42 G-eQi evbKvwgbiv(gw KvimveK UwPqvqvAewZ wQj ) gw Kvi vaxbZvikZel D &hvcb Dcj 5 cmv(Avj vKwP 12) Ges10 cmvg~j gvbi `ywUviK bvU cPj b Ki |43

    The Government of India (British Raj) undertook

    the authority to issue notes in 1861, and ceased

    all banks' currency issued earlier. In 1935, the

    Reserve Bank of India was established, and since

    then it has been the only currency-issuing

    authority for India.

    From that long history of notes, thecommemorative issues appeared in 1910 in

    Mexico.42 In this year Banco Minero (formerly

    located in Mexican state Chihuahua) issued two

    commemorative notes of 5 peso (Plate 12) and 10

    peso to celebrate the centenary of Mexico's


    Dcgnv k, f viZ c_g viK bvU Rvwi Ki 1969mvj gnvZvMvxi RbkZevwl KxDcj | viK bvUcPj bi aviv1990 Gi kZK _K Rbwcq nZ _vK|eZgvb mgq cw_exi cvq me kB wewf bDcj viKbvURvwi Ki _vK|

    In the subcontinent, India issued its first com-

    memorative note in 1969 on the occasion of the

    birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi. The trend on

    issuing commemorative notes has become

    popular from the 1990s onward. Now a day,

    almost every country of the world issues

    commemorative notes in various occasions.

    Avj vKwP 12: 5 cmvbvU, gw Kv, 191044

    Plate 12: 5 Peso note, Mexico 191044

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 25

    evsj v k evsKi RvwiKZviK gyvI bvU

    Commemorative Coins and Notes

    issued by Bangladesh Bank

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    26 viK gyvI bvU

    1947 mvj wewUk f vi Z wef vMi ci evsj v kcvwKvbi Ask cwiYZ nq Ges Zv1971 mvj i gyw hyc~eeZx mgqKvj ch ej er wQj | G-mgq GLvbcvwKvwb gyvI bvU cPwj Z wQj | 1971 mvj evsj v kRbi ci evsj v k miKvi UevsK Ae cvwKvbiXvKvkvLvK ki K xq evsK cybwebvmKi Ges

    Gi bvg ivLvnq evsj v k evsK| evsj v k evsKiKvhg i i mgq aivnq 16 wWmi 1971| K xqevsK nI qvq GwUevsj v k gyvI bvU Rvwi i GKgvKZc| 1972 wLv cvwKvwb i cxK cwZ vcbKi UvKvevsj v ki gyvq cwi YZ nq| bwgwKcPj bi Rb 1973 mvj evsj v k c_g 5, 10, 25Ges 50 cqmvg~j gvbi gyvi m~Pbvnq| evsj v k gyviBwZnvmGK bZzb Aavqi m~Pbvnq 1991 mvj hLbevsj v k evsK viK gyvRvwi i Ki |

    evsj v ki c_g viK gyvRvwi Ki vnqwQj 1991mvj weRq wemi 20Zg evwl KxDcj | evsj v kevsK wewf bi Zc~YNUbvK ZvrchgwZ Kivi Rb G-chGMviwUviK gyvRvwi KiQ| h-mKj Dcj G-me gyvRvwi nqQZvnj vMxKvj xb Awj wK Mgm1992, vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx1996, evsj v k evsKiiRZ Rqx1996, hgybvmZyDvab 1998, AvRvwZKgvZf vl vwem2000, AvBwmwmwKUwekKvc 2011,i ex bv_ VvKzi i 150Zg Rbevwl Kx2011, we vnxKweZvi 90 eQi c~wZcf wZ| evsj v k evsK G-me gyv

    we qi ee vAvQ| gyvj vi ga GKwUmvbvi AvievwK j vi cvi Zwi | gyvj vi Awf wnZ g~j nj v1,10 Ges 20 UvKv| G-mKj vi K gyv Rvgvwb,b vi j v, WbgvK, KvbvWv, -vf vwKqv cf wZ kiUvKkvj _K gyY Ki vnqwQj |

    evsj v k evsK G-ch5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 Ges1000 UvKvg~j gvbi bvU Rvwi Ki Q| me j vbvUBbwgwK eenvi i Rb | G-mKj bvU QvovI ,mvcwZKKvj evsj v k evsK `ywU viK bvU Rvwi

    KiQ| bvU`ywUi ga , 40 UvKvAwf wnZ g~j i c_gbvUwU40Zg weRq wemDcj 2011 mvj Rvwi Ki vnq| Avi 60 UvKvAwf wnZ g~j i wZxq bvUwURvwi Ki vnq 2012 mvj f vl vAv vj bi 60 eQi c~wZDcj |

    After the parti tion of British India in 1947, theterritory of Bangladesh became the part of Pakistanand it continued till the Liberation War of 1971.During this period Pakistani coins and notes were incirculation here. After the birth of Bangladesh in1971, the Government reorganized the DhakaBranch of the State Bank of Pakistan as the Central

    Bank of the country, and named it BangladeshBank. It came into existence with retrospective effectfrom 16 December 1971. As the central bank it hasthe sole authority to issue coins and notes inBangladesh. The 'taka' became Bangladesh'scurrency replacing the Pakistani 'rupee' in 1972.Coins for regular circulation were first introduced inBangladesh in 1973 in denominations of 5, 10, 25and 50 paisa. A new chapter was opened in thehistory of coins of Bangladesh in 1991 whenBangladesh Bank under took to issuecommemorative coins.

    The first commemorative coins of Bangladesh wereissued in 1991 on the occasion of the 20thanniversary of Victory Day. Bangladesh Bank hasissued eleven commemorative coins so far to signifyvarious events. The occasions on which these coinswere issued, are Summer Olympic Games 1992,Silver Jubilee of Independence, 25th Anniversary ofBangladesh Bank, Inauguration of Jamuna Bridge,International Mother Language Day, ICC CricketWorld Cup 2011, 150th Birth Anniversary ofRabindranath Tagore 2011, 90 Years of the Poem'Bidrohi', 40th Victory Anniversary of Bangladesh,

    etc. All these coins are available for sale in theBangladesh Bank. Among these coins only one ismade of gold and the rest other are in silver. Theface values of these coins are one, ten and twentytaka. The commemorative coins were minted invarious mints in Germany, The Netherlands,Denmark, Canada, Spain, Slovakia etc.

    Bangladesh Bank has so far issued notes in thedenominations of tk.5, tk.10, tk.20, tk.50, tk.100,tk.500 and tk.1000. All these notes are used forregular transaction. Beside these notes, BangladeshBank has issued two commemorative notes in

    recent time. Between the two notes, the first one hasbeen issued on the occasion of 40th Anniversary ofVictory Day in 2011 in denomination of tk. 40. Thesecond one has been issued on the occasion of 60 th

    Anniversary of Language Movement in 2012 indenomination of tk. 60.

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 27

    evsj v k viK gyv01

    Dcj : 20Zg weRq evwl Kx1991

    1947 mvj wewUk f viZ wef nq ywUbZzb i vf viZ IcvwKvb MwVZ nq| cvwKvb MwVZ nq f Mvwj K Imvs wZKf ve Avj vv`ywUAj cwg cvwKvb I c~ecvwKvb (AvaywbK evsj v k) wbq| cwg cvwKvbi vRbwZK kw K xf ~Z wQj Ges GwU evcKf veDcj w KivhvwQj h Acwimxg `ytL `ykvmnKvi c~ecvwKvb A_bwZKf ve kvwl Z nQ| c~ecvwKvbvaxKvi Avvqi Av vj b `vbv euvaZ _vK| GBcvcUc~ecvwKvbi evOvwj i v1971 mvj i 25 gvPivZ cwg cvwKvwb kvmK Mvxi cvkweK `gbg~j Kkw i gyLvgywL nq hvAcvi kb mvPj vBUbvg cwiwPZ|cvwKvb mbvevwnbxGB Av gY i Ki vi ciB eezkL gywReyi i ngvbK Zuvi avbgwi evmf eb _K 26 gvPgai vZ MdZvi Ki vnq|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 01

    Occasion: 20th Anniversary ofVictory Day 1991

    The Partition of British India in 1947 formed to two

    new states; India and Pakistan. Pakistan

    comprised two geographically and culturallyseparate areas; West Pakistan and East Pakistan

    (modern-day Bangladesh). Political power was

    concentrated in West Pakistan and it was widely

    perceived that East Pakistan was being exploited

    economically, leading to many grievances. The

    movement to claim independence started. In that

    situation, at night on 25 March 1971, the Bengali

    people of East Pakistan were met by brutal

    suppressive force from the ruling authority of West

    Pakistan which was termed 'Operation

    Searchlight'. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur

    Rahman was arrested from his Dhanmondiresidence at midnight on 26 March 1971 after the

    Pakistan Army crack-down started.

    Rbvij R.Gm. AivivI j dUbvURbvij G.G.K. wbqvRxi AvZmgcY wj j vi 45

    Gen J.S. Aurora and Lt. Gen A.A.K. Niazi's signatures on the Instrument of Surrender45

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    28 viK gyvI bvU

    hy gyw hvviv47

    Freedom fighters in a battle field47

    gywRebMi miKvii kc_ MnY, gywRebMi , gnicyi , 17 Gwcj 197146Oath taking of Mujibnagar Government, Mujibnagar, Meherpur, 17 April 197146

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 29

    MdZvi i AvMB eezevsj v ki vaxbZv Nvl YvKib| 1971 mvj i 16 wWmi weRq AwRZ nq `xNbqgvmi hy Ges c~ecvwKvbi cvq 30 j cvYiwewbgq| G-wb cwg cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi AwabvqKj dUbvU Rbvij G.G.K. wbqvRx XvKvi imKvmgq vb (eZgvb mvni vI qvxD vb) AvZmgcY Kib

    Ges mwbB evsj v k bvgi RvwZ i vP~ovf vecwZwZ nq| GB wbwUK RvwZ weRq wemwnmeD &hvcb Ki | 1991 mvj i 16 wWmi RvwZ weRqi20Zg evwl KxD`&hvcb Ki | evsj v k evsK G-Dcj GKwUicvi viK gyvRvwi Ki| gyvwUGbvgyj nKibKkvKivGes RvgvwbZ gywZ|

    Prior to his arrest Bangabandhu declared the

    Independence of Bangladesh. The victory was gained

    in 16 December 1971 through a war spanning nine

    months and loss of about 3 million people of East

    Pakistan. Lt. Gen A.A.K. Niazi, Commanding Officer

    of Pakistan Army surrendered at Ramna Racecourse

    Ground (now Suhrawardy Uddyan) in Dhaka on that

    day and the nation state of Bangla Desh was finallyestablished on the following day. This day is

    celebrated as the Bijoy Dibash (Victory Day) of the

    nation. The nation has celebrated the 20 th

    anniversary of victory in 16 December 1991.

    Bangladesh Bank has issued a commemorative coin

    of silver to celebrate the occasion. This coin was

    designed by Enamul Haque and minted in Germany.


    mvgbi wcV: ei gvS gyw hyi mvZ exi kicwZKwZ, evBi evsj v wj wcZ evKvi exi k/evsj v k 16B wWmi 20Zg weRq wem1991| cyi vwel qe GKwUe wq Niv|

    wecixZ wcV: I ci i Ask BsiwR wj wcZ evKviUzqbwU_ wf ixWAe evsj v k, wbPi Ask BsiwRwj wcZ bvkbvj ggvwiqvj , Rvwi Ki vi mvj 1991GesAwf wnZ g~j I qvb UvKv, gvS RvZxq wZmaicwZKwZ| cyivwel qe GKwUe wq Niv|


    Obverse: Within a circle images of seven

    Beershreshtha (great heroes) of the Liberation

    War in the middle; outside the circle Beer-

    shreshtha / Bangladesh 16 December 20tamo

    Vijay Dibash 1991 in Bangla in a circular way. The

    total composition is enclosed by a circle.

    Reverse: 20


    VICTORY DAY OF BANGLADESH in acircular way in English in the upper field; NATIONAL

    MEMORIAL, the year of issue 1991 and the face

    value ONE TAKA in English in the lower field; the

    image of the National Memorial in the middle. The

    total composition is enclosed by a circle.

    avZz: 925 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 31.47 Mvggv v: 38.61X38.61X3.00 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 1 UvKv

    Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm

    Dimension: 38.61X38.61X3.00 mm

    Face value: 1 Taka

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    30 viK gyvI bvU

    evsj v k vi K gyv02

    Dcj : MxKvj xb Awj wK Mgm&1992

    wLc~eAg kZvwZ Mxmc_g Awj wK Mgm& i nq| GB Mgm&RvwZ, ag, eYwbwekl mvivcw_exigvbyl i gvS ezZc~YmKZwi Ki | 1992 mvj iMxKvj xb Awj wK Mgm&(`vwiKf ve Mgm&Ae ` vUzqbwU-wdd&_ Awj wqvW bvg cwi wPZ) bievmj vbvq AbywZ nqwQj | GB gnvb Mgm&169 ki 9,356 Rb (cyi l 6,652 I bvi x 2,704)

    xovwe 286wULj vq AskMnY Ki | evsj v k _K 6Rb xovwe `ywULj v: cyi l i 100 wgUvi wcUI4X100 wgUvi wi j i mAsk wbqwQj | evsj v k evsK

    1992 Gi Awj wK Mgm&Dcj GKwUicvi viKgyvRvwi Ki | gyvwU Gbvgyj nKi bKkvKi vGesRvgvwbZ gywZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 02

    Occasion: Summer Olympic Games 1992

    Olympic Games was first started in Greece in 8 th

    century BC. This games develops friendship

    among the people across the world irrespective of

    nations, religions and races. 1992 Summer

    Olympic Games (officially known as the Games of

    the XXV Olympiad) was held in Barcelona, Spain.

    9,356 (6,652 men and 2,704 women) athletes

    from 169 nations had participated in 286 events in

    the great game show. Six athletes from

    Bangladesh had taken part in the game in two

    events: Men's 100 Metres Sprint and Men's 4x100

    Metres Relay Race. Bangladesh Bank has issued

    a commemorative coin of silver on the occasion ofthe Olympic Games of 1992. This coin was

    designed by Enamul Haque and minted in


    1992 MxKvj xb Awj wKi j vMvLogo of 1992 Summer Olympics

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 31

    avZz: 925 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 31.47 Mvggv v: 38.61X38.61X3.01 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 1 UvKv

    Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm

    Dimension: 38.61X38.61X3.01 mm

    Face value: 1 Taka

    welqe mvgbi wcV: I ci i Ask evKvi BsiwR wj wcZUzqbwU-wdd&_ Awj wK Mgm&1992, wbPi Ask BsiwRI evsj vDf q wj wcZ evsj v k, evg Awf wnZ g~j I qvbUvKv| gvS Awj wK gkvj wbq oi Z `yRb

    xovwe i cwZKwZ| cyivwelqe GKwUe wq Niv|

    wecixZ wcV: mvj 1992 mn evsj v ki RvZxq cZxK|

    cyivwel qe GKwUe wq Niv|


    Obverse: 25th OLYMPIC GAMES 1992 in English in

    the upper field; BANGLADESH in both Bangla and

    English in the lower field; face value ONE TAKA in

    the left field; two athletes running with Olympic

    flame in the middle. The total composition is

    enclosed by a circle.

    Reverse: National Emblem of Bangladesh with

    date 1992. The total composition is enclosed by a


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    32 viK gyvI bvU

    evsj v k viK gyv03

    Dcj : vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx1996

    1947 mvj cwg cvwKvb I c~ecvwKvb (AvaywbK

    evsj v k) wbq cvwKvb MwVZ nq| c~ecvwKvb cwgcvwKvbi i vRbwZK kw i KvQ cwZwbqZBA_bwZKf ve kvwl Z nwQj | eez kL gywReyii ngvbi bZZ c~ecvwKvb vaxKvi AvvqiAv vj b `vbveuvaZ _vK| GB cvcU1971 mvj i25 gvPivZ cvwKvb mbvevwnbxc~ecvwKvb Av gYKi | GB wnsmAv gYi gyL 26 gvP1971 eezkLgywReyi i ngvb c~ecvwKvbK vaxb i vevsj v kwnme Nvl YvKi b| GwbB evOvwj mvgwi K evwnbx,Avavmvgwi K evwnbx I mvavi Y gvbyl cwg cvwKvb

    mbvevwnbxi wei hy i Ki |

    f vi Z gyw evwnbxK A_bwZK, mvgwi K I KUbwZKmnvqZv q| 1971 mvj i 16 wWmi vaxbZvAwRZnq cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi wei `xNbq gvmi hyGesc~ecvwKvbi cvq 30 j cvYi wewbgq|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 03

    Occasion: Silver Jubilee of

    Independence 1996

    Pakistan was formed to comprise West Pakistan

    and East Pakistan (modern-day Bangladesh) in1947. East Pakistan was being exploited

    economically by the political power of West

    Pakistan. The movement to claim independence

    started under the leadership of Bangabandhu

    Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In that situation, the

    Pakistan Army started crackdown in East Pakistan

    at night on 26 March 1971. The violent crackdown

    led Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

    declaring East Pakistan's independence as the

    state ofBangla Desh on 26 March 1971. Bengali

    military, paramilitary and civilians started fight

    against the West Pakistan army from that day.

    India provided economic, military and diplomatic

    support to the Mukti Bahini. The independencewas gained in 16 December 1971 through a war

    spanning nine months against the Pakistan Army

    and loss of about 3 million people of East


    gyw hvv i cwkY wkwei 197148

    Training Camp of the Freedom Fighters 197148

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 33

    26 gvP1996 RvwZ vaxbZvi iRZ RqxD &hvcb Ki |GB wbwUiY Ki vnq vaxbZvi Nvl YvGes j j bvMwiKi gZzi Rb huvivAvgv i vaxbZvi Rb RxebDrmMKi MQb| GB wbwUK i Yxq Ki Z evsj v kevsK GKwU icvi viK gyvRvwi Ki | gyvwU gvtgyQwj g wgqvi bKkvKivGes b gywZ|

    In 26 March 1996, the nation had celebrated the

    Silver Jubilee of Independence. This day

    commemorates the country's declaration of

    independence as well as the deaths of millions of

    civilians who sacrifice their lives for the sake of

    our independence. To commemorate this day

    Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative coin

    of silver. This coin was designed by Md. MuslimMia and minted in Spain.

    welqe mvgbi wcV: evBi i ei wf Zi evsj vwj wcZ evKvievsj v ki vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx1996, wbPi Askevsj vwj wcZ Awf wnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, gvS eezkLgywReyi i ngvbi cwZKwZ|

    wecixZ wcV: evBi i ei wf Zi evsj vwj wcZ evKvievsj v ki vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx1996, I ci i AskBsi wR wj wcZ wmj f vi Rywej x, wbPi Ask evsj vwj wcZ

    RvZxq wZ ma I Awf wnZ g~j `k10 UvKv, gvSRvZxq wZmai cwZKwZ|


    Obverse: Bangladesher Swadhinatar Rajat

    Jayantee 1996 in Bangla in a circular way inside

    the outer circle; the face value ten 10 taka in

    Bangla in the lower field; a image of

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the


    Reverse: Bangladesher Swadhinatar Rajat

    Jayantee 1996 in Bangla in a circular way inside

    the outer circle; SILVER JUBILEE in English in the

    upper field; and Jatio Smriti Shoudho; the face

    value ten 10 taka in the lower field in Bangla; animage of National Memorial at Savar in the


    avZz: 925 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 31.47 Mvggv v: 38.61X38.61X2.84 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 10 UvKv

    Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm

    Dimension: 38.61X38.61X2.84 mm

    Face value: 10 Taka

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 35

    evsj v k viK gyv04

    Dcj : evsj v k evsKi i RZ Rqx1996

    evsj v k evsK nj v ki K xq evsK| vaxbZv

    hyi ci evsj v k mi Kvi UevsK Ae cvwK vbiXvKv kvLvK ki K xq evsK cybMwVZ Ki GesGi bvg ivLvnq evsj v k evsK| evsj v k evsKiKvhg i i mgq ai vnq 16 wWmi 1971| kigyvbxwZ cYqb, cqvM I ee vcbv, FY e e vcbv, ki AvRvwZK gyvZnwej ee vcbvGes kievswKs mi wbqY GB evsKi cavb KvR| gyvIevsKbvU Rvwi i evsj v k evsK GKK gZviAwaKvix| 1 I 2 UvKvi bvUQvovGB evsK mKj gvbievsj v wk UvKvRvwi Ki | evsj v k Gi Awdm AvQ

    `kwU| G j vnj vgwZwSj , miNvU, ewikvj , Lyj bv,wmj U, e ov, i vRkvnx, i scyi , PMvg I gqgbwmsn| Gimi `i XvKvi gwZwSj AewZ| 1996 mvj evsj v kevsK mvdj i mv_ 25 eQi (iRZ Rqx) c~YKi | GDcj evsj v k evsK GKwU icvi viK gyvRvwiKi | gyvwUgvt gyQwj g wgqvi bKkvKivGes bgywZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 04

    Occasion: Silver Jubilee of

    Bangladesh Bank 1996

    Bangladesh Bank is the Central Bank of the

    country. After the Liberation War the Government

    of Bangladesh reorganized the Dhaka branch of

    the State Bank of Pakistan as the Central Bank of

    the country, and named it Bangladesh Bank.

    Bangladesh Bank came into existence with

    retrospective effect from 16 December 1971.

    Formulation, implementation and management of

    monetary policies, credit management,

    management of the country's international

    reserves and regulating the banking sector of the

    country are main tasks of the bank. Bangladesh

    Bank exercises monopoly power over the issue of

    currency and the notes. Except 1 and 2 taka

    notes, this bank issues all other denominations ofBangladeshi Taka. It has ten branches in

    Bangladesh. These are in Motijheel, Sadarghat,

    Barisal, Khulna, Sylhet, Bogra, Rajshahi, Rangpur,

    Chittagong and Mymensingh. It's headquarter is in

    Motijheel, Dhaka. In 1996 Bangladesh Bank has

    successfully passed 25 years (Silver Jubilee).

    Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative silver

    coin on this occasion. This coin was designed by

    Md. Muslim Mia and minted in Spain.

    evsj v k evsKi gbvMvg49

    Bangladesh Bank Monogram49

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    36 viK gyvI bvU


    Obverse: The image of the head office of Ban-

    gladesh Bank in the middle; Bangladesh Bank

    Rajat Jayantee 1971-1996; the face value ten 10

    taka in Bangla in a circular way of the image;

    SILVER JUBILEE in English in the upper field; the

    total composition is enclosed by a circle, this circle

    is again enclosed by a octagon.

    Reverse: National Emblem of Bangladesh in the

    middle; Bangladesh Bank Rajat Jayantee 1971-

    1996; the face value ten 10 taka in Bangla in a

    circular way; the total composition is enclosed by

    a circle, this circle is again enclosed by a octagon.

    avZz: 925 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 31.47 Mvggv v: 41.83X38.61X2.87 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 10 UvKv

    Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm

    Dimension: 41.83X38.61X2.87 mm

    Face value: 10 Taka


    mvgbi wcV: gvS evsj v k evsKi cavb Kvhvj qicwZKwZ, Pvi wK evsj vwj wcZ evKvi evsj v k evsKiRZ Rqx1971-1996, Awf wnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv,I ci i Ask Bsi wR wj wcZ wmj f vi Rywej x, cyivwel qe GKwUe wq Niv, GB ewUAviKwUAfzRwq Niv|

    wecixZ wcV: gvS i qQevsj v ki RvZxq cZxK, GiPvi cvk i qQevsj vwj wcZ evKvi evsj v k evsKiRZ Rqx1971-96 I Awf wnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, cyi vwel qe GKwUe wq Niv, GB ewUAviKwUAfzRwq Niv|

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 37

    evsj v k viK gyv05

    Dcj : eezmZzi Dvab 1998

    eezmZzeZgvb evsj v ki `xNZg mZz| 1998

    mvj wbgvYi mgq GwUcw_exi GMviZg `xN(4.8 wKwg)mZywQj | mZywUi wbgvY KvR kyi nqwQj 1994 mvj i15 Avei Ges 1998 mvj i 23 Ryb GwUhvb Pj vPj iRb Dby Ki vnq| wekvj vKvi mZywUi N 4.8 wKwghLvb cvq 100 wgUvi Ni 47wUvb Ges `ycvcvq 65 wgUvi Ni `ywUvb i qQ| Gi Dcwi f vMic18.5 wgUvi |

    mZzwUwbwgZ nqwQj vB Bwwbqvwis A v KUvKkb(Kvwiqv) KZK 962 wgwj qb Wj vi Li P Ki | GB Li PiAskxvi nq BUvi bvkbvj Wf j cgU Avmvwmqkb(AvBwWG), Gwkqvb Wf j cgU evsK (GwWwe),

    AMvbvBRkb di BKvbvwgK Kv-Acvi kb A vWf j cgU(I BwmwW) Ges evsj v k miKvi | evsj v kevsK eezmZzi Dvab Dcj 20 UvKvAwf wnZg~j i GKwUicvi viK gyvRvwi Ki| GwUi bKkvKib gvt gymwj g wgqv| gyvwU -vf vwKqvq cZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 05

    Occasion: Inauguration of the

    Bangabandhu Bridge 1998

    At present Bangabandhu Bridge is the longest

    bridge in Bangladesh. It was the 11th longestbridge (4.8 km) in the world when constructed in1998. The construction work of the bridge wasstarted in 15 October 1994 and opened in 23 June1998. The massive bridge is 4.8 km long with 47main spans of approximately 100 metres and twoend spans of approximately 65 metres. The totalwidth of its deck is 18.5 metres.

    This bridge was constructed by HyundaiEngineering and Construction (Koera) at a cost of$962 million. The cost was shared by InternationalDevelopment Association (IDA), AsianDevelopment Bank (ADB), Organisation for

    Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD), and the Government of Bangladesh.Bangladesh Bank has issued a silvercommemorative coin of 20 taka face value on theoccasion of the inauguration of BangabandhuBridge. It was designed by Md. Muslim Mia. Thiscoin was minted in Slovakia.

    eezmZzi wbgvYConstruction of Bangabandhu Bridge

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    38 viK gyvI bvU

    welqe mvgbi wcV: evBi i ei wf Zi evsj vwj wcZ evKvieezmZzi Dvab 1998 evsj v k, Awf wnZ g~j wek20 UvKv, gvS eezkL gywReyi i ngvbi cwZKwZ|

    wecixZ wcV: evBi i ei wf Zi evsj vwj wcZ evKvieezmZyi Dvab 1998 evsj v k, Awf wnZ g~j wek20 UvKvgvS eezmZyi cwZKwZ|


    Obverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998

    Bangladesh and the face value twenty 20 taka in

    Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; an

    image of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in

    the middle.

    Reverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998

    Bangladesh and the face value twenty 20 taka in

    Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; the

    image of the Bangabandhu Bridge in the middle.

    avZz: 90% dvBb wmj f vi I 10% wbKj ,I Rb: 30 Mvg

    gv v: 40.00X40.00X2.25 wgwgAwf wnZ g~j : 20 UvKv

    Metal: 90% fine silver and 10% nickel,

    Weight: 30 gm

    Dimension: 40.00X40.00X2.25 mm

    Face value: 20 Taka

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 39

    evsj v k viK gyv06

    Dcj : eezmZzi Dvab 1998

    eezmZzhgybvb xi c~eZxi i f yTvcyi I cwg Zxi i

    wmivRMK mshy Ki Q| evsj v ki wZb cavb b xiGKwU Ges Rj wbvkbi wePvi cw_exZ cg enghgybv b xi I ci GB mZzwbwgZ nqQ| GB mZzevsj v ki c~eI cwg cvi ga GK Kkj MZmKvcb Ki Q|

    GwUMYgvbyl i Rb bvbvwea mydj eq GbQwekl Ki , k AvtAvwj K evwYR msNwUZ Kivi | moK Ii j c_ gvj vgvj I hv xi `Z hvZvqvZ QvovI GB mZzwe yr I cvKwZK Mvmmvj b Ges Uwj hvMvhvMee vi mgqK mnR KiQ| ki AvtAvwj KevwYR AMMwZ mvab mnvqZvi gvag eezmZzevsj v ki Av_-mvgvwRK Dbqb Zvrchc~Yf ~wgKviLPj Q|

    evsj v k evsK eezmZzi Dvab Dcj 10 UvKvAwf wnZ g~j i GKwU wbKj i viK gyvRvwi Ki |GwUi bKkvKib gvngyvLvZzb| gyvwUKvbvWvq cZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 06

    Occasion: Inauguration of the

    Bangabandhu Bridge 1998

    Bangabandhu Bridge connects Bhuapur on the

    Jamuna River's east bank to Sirajganj on its west

    bank. It was constructed over the Jamuna River,

    one of the three major rivers of Bangladesh, and

    the fifth largest in the world in terms of volumetric

    discharge. The bridge established a strategic link

    between the eastern and western parts of


    It generates multifarious benefits for the people

    and especially, promotes inter-regional trade in

    the country. Apart from quick movement of goods

    and passenger traffic by road and rail, it facilitated

    transmission of electricity and natural gas, and

    integration of telecommunication links. By

    promoting inter-regional trade within the country,

    Bangabandhu Bridge has been significantly

    improving the socio-economic condition of the


    Bangladesh Bank has issued a nickelcommemorative coin of 10 taka face value on the

    occasion of the inauguration of Bangabandhu

    Bridge. It was designed Mahmuda Khatun. This

    coin was minted in Canada.

    eezmZzBangabandhu Bridge

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    40 viK gyvI bvU

    welqe mvgbi wcV: ei wf Zi evsj vwj wcZ evKvi eezmZyi Dvab 1998 evsj v k Ges Awf wnZ g~j k 10UvKv, gvS eezmZyi cwZKwZ|

    wecixZ wcV: ei wf Zi evsj vwj wcZ evKvi eezmZyi Dvab 1998 evsj v k Ges Awf wnZ g~j k 10UvKv, gvS evsj v wj wcZ bvgmn Aci vRq evsj vicwZKwZ|


    Obverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998

    Bangladesh and the face value ten 10 taka in

    Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; the

    image of the Bangabandhu Bridge in the middle.

    Reverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998

    Bangladesh and the face value ten 10 taka in

    Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; the

    image of Aparajeyo Bangla with its title in Bangla

    in the middle.

    avZz: 100% wbKj , I Rb: 25 Mvggv v: 35.00X35.00X3.14 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 10 UvKv

    Metal: 100% nickel, Weight: 25 gm

    Dimension: 35.00X35.00X3.14 mm

    Face value: 10 Taka

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 41

    AvRvwZK gvZf vl vwemDcj BDb vi c_g cPvic 20021st Poster of UNESCO on International Mother Language Day 2002

    21 February 2002

    International Mother Language Day

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    42 viK gyvI bvU

    Agi GKzk Dcj K xq knx wgbvi Avj cbvAsKb, 2013Drawing alpana in front of the Central Shaheed Minar for Amar Ekushey celebration, 2013

    evsj v k viK gyv07

    Dcj : AvRvwZK gvZf vl vwem2000

    f vl vGKwU RvwZi HwZni aviK| gvZf vl vi gvag

    GKwU ki ms wZ cRb_K cRbvi Qwoq co|f vl vZ, mvs wZK ewP I ef vl vi cwZ wekevcxmPZbZv cmvi i j 1999 mvj i 17 bf iRvwZmsNi wkv, wevb Ges ms wZ wel qK ms vBDb vi mvaviY mf vq AvRvwZK gvZf vl vwemi (21deqvwi ) Nvl Yv I qvnq| wemwU1952 mvj i 21deqvwi K Dcvcb Ki hvevOvwj i BwZnvmGKwUiYxq wb| Hwb cuvPRb Qv wbR i Rxeb DrmMKi wQj b Zuv i gvZf vl v evsj vi xKwZi `vweZ|cw_exi BwZnvmGwUB GKgv bwRi hLvb gvZf vl v

    ivi Rb RbZvwbRi i wqQ| 21 deqvwi GgbGK behyMm~PbvKvixNUbvh ZvAvRvwZK gvZf vl vwemwnmve wekevcx xKwZi gvag wPi i Yxq nqQ|evsj v k, evsj vf vl vGes f vl vAv vj bi mevP ZvMwekevcxckswmZ, i Yxq Ges mvwbZ nI qvq RvwZwnme Avgi v Meeva Kwi | BDb vi GB xKwZD &hvcbi j evsj v k evsK 2000 mvj GKwUmvbvi viK gyvRvwi Ki | gyvwU gvngyvLvZzbibKkvKivGes KvbvWvq gywZ |

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 07

    Occasion: International Mother

    Language Day 2000

    Language bears the heritage of a nation. Culturespreads across generations of a country through

    mother language. International Mother LanguageDay (21 February) was declared by the GeneralConference of the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO in17 November 1999 to promote worldwideawareness of linguistic, cultural diversity andmultilingualism. The date represents the day 21February of 1952 which is a red-letter day in thehistory of Bengali people. In that day, five studentssacrificed their lives for recognition of theirlanguage, Bangla. This is the only example in theworld where people gave their blood to save their

    mother tongue. 21 February was such an epochmaking incident that it has been immortalized byglobal recognition as International MotherLanguage Day. We as a nation feel proud thatBangladesh, Bangla language and the supremesacrifice of our language movement are beingmuch admired, remembered and honouredworldwide. To celebrate this recognition of theUNESCO Bangladesh Bank issued acommemorative gold coin in 2000. This coin wasdesigned by Mahmuda Khatun and minted inCanada.

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 43


    mvgbi wcV: ei wf Zi evsj v wj wcZ evKviAvRvwZK gvZf vl vwem, Bsi wR wj wcZ BUvi bvkbvjgvvi j vyqR WI , Awf wnZ g~j 20 UvKv, wbPiAsk evsj vI BsiwR Df q wj wcZ21k deqvix, gvSK xq knx wgbvi i cwZKwZ mv_ PviwUevsj veYA,Av, K, L| knx wgbvii I ci GKwUDocvwL|

    weci xZ wcV: evBi i ei wf Zi BsiwR wj wcZ

    evKvi BUvi bvkbvj gv vi j vyqR W, evsj v IBsi wR wj wcZ 2000 mvj Ges Bsi wR wj wcZ Awf wnZg~j UzqbwU UvKv, gvS ei wf Zi evsj vwj wcZevsj v k evsKI evsj v k evsKi j vMv|


    Obverse: Anterjatik Matribhasha Dibosh in


    English and the face value 20 taka in both English

    and Bangla in a circular way inside the outer

    circle; 21 FEBRUARY both in Bangla and English in

    the lower field; the image of the Central Shaheed

    Minar with four Bangla alphabets au, aa, ka, kha

    in the middle. An image of a flying bird is on the

    Shaheed Minar.


    English, the year2000 both in Bangla and English

    and the face value TWENTY TAKA in a circular wayinside the outer circle. Bangladesh Bank in Bangla

    and the logo of Bangladesh Bank are within a

    circle in the middle.

    avZz: 22 K viUmvbv, I Rb: 10 Mvggv v: 25.00X25.00X1.64 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 20 UvKv

    Metal: Gold (22k), Weight: 10 gm

    Dimension: 25.00X25.00X1.64 mm

    Face value: 20 Taka

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    44 viK gyvI bvU

    AvBwmwmwKUwekKvci DvabxAbyvb 2011Opening of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 45

    evsj v k viK gyv08

    Dcj : AvBwmwmwKUwekKvc 2011

    AvBwmwmwekKvc wKU nj v GKwbi AvRvwZK

    wKUi mevP AvRvwZK cwZhvwMZv| 1975 mvj_K cwZ Pvi eQi ci ci GB cwZhvwMZvAbywZ nq|wekKvc wKU 2011 nj v`kg wekKvc wKU hvh_f ve AvqvRb KiQGwkqvi wZbwU k evsj v k,f vi Z Ges kxj v| 14wU RvZxq wKU `j GBcwZhvwMZvq AskMnY Ki , hvi ga 10wUAvBwmwmi c~YGes 4wUmnhvMxmm| GB wekKvc 2011 mvj i 19deqvwi _K 2 Gwcj i gvS AbywZ nq| GwUevsj v ki Rb c_g mn-vMwZK k wnme wekKvcwKUi AvqvRb| MYcRvZx evsj v k mi Kvi i

    gvbbxq cavbgxkL nvwmbv2011 mvj i 17 deqvwiXvKvi eezRvZxq wWqvg GB Avmi i DvabNvl YvKib| 2011 mvj i AvBwmwmwKU wekKvcDcj evsj v k evsK GKwU icvi viK gyvRvwiKi | gyvwUK. wR. gyvdvi bKkvKi vGes RvgvwbZgywZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 08

    Occasion of Issuing: ICC Cricket

    World Cup 2011

    The ICC Cricket World Cup is the premier

    international championship of One DayInternational cricket. The event held in every forth

    year from 1975. World Cup Cricket 2011 was the

    10th Cricket World Cup jointly hosted by tri-Asian

    nations- Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.

    Fourteen national cricket teams competed in the

    tournament, including ten full members and four

    associate members of ICC. The World Cup took

    place between 19 February and 2 April 2011. It

    was Bangladesh's first time co-hosting a World

    Cup. The Honourable Prime Minister of the

    Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina,

    declared the event open on 17 February 2011 at

    Bangabandhu National Stadium, Dhaka. On the

    occasion of the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup

    Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative silver

    coin. This coin was designed by K.G. Mustafa and

    minted in Germany.

    AvBwmwmwKUI qv Kvc 2011 Gi j vMvLogo of ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

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    46 viK gyvI bvU

    welqe mvgbi wcV: wbPi Ask BsiwR wj wcZ AvBwmwmI qv Kvc evsj v k 2011, gvS AvBwmwmI qv Kvci j vMv,cyi vwelqe GKwUAj sKZ e wq Niv|

    wecixZ wcV: I ci i Ask evsj vwj wcZ evsj v k evsK,wbPi wK Bsi wR wj wcZ evsj v k evsK, Wvb BsiwRwj wcZ Awf wnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKv, gvS wKUwekKvci Uwd, cyi vwel qe GKwU Aj sKZ e wqNiv|


    Obverse: ICC World Cup Bangladesh 2011 in

    English in the lower field; image of the ICC World

    Cup Logo in the middle. The total composition is

    enclosed by a decorated circle.

    Reverse: Bangladesh Bank in Bangla in the

    upper field; BANGLADESH BANK in English in the

    lower field; the face value 10 TEN TAKAin the right

    field; the image of the ICC World Cup trophy in

    the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a

    decorated circle.

    avZz: 925 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 30 Mvggv v: 38.00X38.00X2.66 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 10 UvKv

    Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 30 gm

    Dimension: 38.00X38.00X2.66 mm

    Face value: 10 Taka

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 47

    evsj v k viK gyv09

    Dcj : weRqi 40 eQi D &hvcb 2011

    cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi wei `xN9 gvmhyi kl

    1971 mvj i 16 wWmi evsj v k vaxb nq| GB wbwURvwZi weRq wemwnme cvwj Z nq| GB vaxbZvhyiAMbvqK wQj b eezkL gywRei i ngvb| 1971 mvj i25 gvPcvwKvb mbvevwnbxi AvKwK nvgj vi ci 26gvP1971 Gi c_g cni wZwb evsj v ki vaxbZvNvl YvKib| cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi wei P~ovweRqiAvMch hy Ki vi Rb eezi WvK evOvwj RvwZiD vg ZzI V| RvwZ ARb Ki vaxbZv|

    2011 mvj i 16 wWmi RvwZ weRqi 40 eQi D &hvcb

    Ki | weRqi 40 eQi D &hvcbK i Yxq Ki i vLZevsj v k evsK GKwUicvi viK gyvRvwi Ki| gyvwUK. wR. gyvdvi bKkv Ki v Ges i qj WvP wgU,b vi j v _K gywZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 09

    Occasion of Issuing: 40th

    Anniversary of

    Victory Day 2011

    Bangladesh achieved freedom in 16 December

    1971 after a liberation war against Pakistani Army

    for nine months. This day is celebrated as the

    Bijoy Dibash (Victory Day) of the nation. The

    leading figure behind the liberation war was

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He had

    declared the independence of Bangladesh in the

    early hours of 26 March 1971 prior to the

    crackdown of Pakistani Army at midnight of 25

    March 1971. The spirit of the Bengali nation soars

    in response of Bangabandhu's call to fight against

    Pakistan Army until final victory. The nation

    achieved independence.

    The nation has celebrated the 40th anniversary of

    victory in 16 December 2011. Bangladesh Bank

    issued a silver coin to commemorate the occasion

    of 40th Victory Day. This coin was designed by

    K.G. Mustafa and minted in the Royal Dutch Mint,

    the Netherlands.

    eezKZK mvf vi RvZxq wZmai wf wci vcb 16 wWmi 197250Foundation-stone of Nat ional Martyrs Memorial, Savar, Laid b y Bang ab and hu 16 December 1972


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    48 viK gyvI bvU


    mvgbi wcV: I ci i Ask evKvi Gevi i msMvgAvgv i gyw i msMvg/Gevi i msMvg vaxbZvi msMvg;wbPi Ask evKvi evsj vI BsiwR wj wcZ evsj v kevsK, I BsiwR wj wcZ eezkL gywReyi i ngvb, evgwK Bsi wRZ Awf wnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKvGes Rvwi imgq 2011, gvS eezkL gywReyi i ngvbi f vl YiZcwZKwZ, cyivwel qe GKwUe wq Niv|

    weci xZ wcV: I ci i Ask evKvi evsj vwj wcZevsj v ki 40Zg weRq evwl Kx, wbPi Ask BsiwRwj wcZ 1971-2011 I evKvi dvwU_ wf wiAvwbf vmvwi Ae evsj v k, gvS QqRb mkgyw hvviweRqvj -vmiZ cwZKwZ, cyi vwel qe GKwU e wqNiv|


    Obverse: Ebarer shongram amader muktir

    shongram/ebarer shongram swadhinatar shongram

    in Bangla in the upper field in a circular way;

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in English

    and BANGLADESH BANKboth in Bangla and English

    the lower field in a circular way; the face value 10

    TEN TAKA and the year of issue 2011 in the left field;

    an image of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur

    Rahman in delivering speech in the middle, the

    total composition is enclosed by a circle.

    Reverse: Bangladesher 40tamo Vijaya Barshiki in

    Bangla in the upper field; 1971-2011 and 40th

    Victory Anniversary of Bangladesh in English in the

    lower field; the image of six armed freedom fighters

    in expressing joy for victory in the middle, the total

    composition is enclosed by a circle.

    avZy: 999 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 25 Mvggv v: 38.00X38.00X2.56 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 10 UvKv

    Metal: 999 fine silver, Weight: 25 gm

    Dimension: 38.00X38.00X2.56 mm

    Face value: 10 Taka

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 49

    weRq wemi 40Zg evwl KxD &hvcb Dcj XvKvq evsj v k wk Kj vGKvWgxZ 40,000 gvgevwZ cj b 16 wWmi 20115140,000 candles were ligh ted at Bang ladesh Shilpakala Acad emy, Dhaka in 16 December 2011 to celebrate the 40th

    anniversary of Victory Day51

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    50 viK gyvI bvU

    evsj v k viK bvU01

    Dcj : weRq wemi 40 eQi c~wZ2011

    Avgv i vaxbZvi 40 eQi ci wewf b j Yxq Dbqb

    AwRZ nqQ| RbMYi cavb Lv km avb Drcvbevsj v k cvq qsm~YZv ARb Ki Q| Zwi cvkvKwk i Dbqb Af~Zc~e| GwU50 j kwgKi Kgms vbKiQ hvi ga 40 j B nZ wi `gwnj v| wkvq `ZmyhvM-myweavevovbvi dj mviZvi nvi eo `uvwoqQcvq 60% hvgyw hyi mgq wQj gv 18%| bvix-cyi l iMo Avqyewcq 50 eQi i wbP (1970 mvj ) _K 65eQi i I ci DbxZ nqQ| AvRvwZK xovbIevsj v ki Zvrchc~Ymvdj j Ki vhvq|

    evsj v ki wKU `j GKwbi AvRvwZK (I AvBwW),U Ges wU-20 wKU Lj vi ghvv ARb Ki Q|evsj v k f viZ I kxj sKvi mv_ h_f ve 2011 mvj iAvBwmwmwKUwekKvc AvqvRb KiQ| mgA_bwZKvwqZ, wbwZ gvbevwaKvi , wbi Mgwj K bvMwiK RxebAvgv i weRq wemD &hvcb A_en Ki Z cvi | weMZ mvZeQi , evsj v k Kg ewk 6% wRwWwc cewARb KiQ|G-mKj m~PK BwZ Ki h 2021 mvj i ga evsj v kGKwU gaeZxAvqi k cwiYZ ne| Avkv Ki vhvqAvgivkxNB Avi I A_en weRq wemcvj b Ki e| 2011mvj i 16 wWmi RvwZ weRqi 40 eQi D &hvcb Ki |weRqi 40 eQi D &hvcbK i Yxq Ki i vLZ evsj v kevsK GKwUviK bvURvwi Ki| GB viK bvUwUibKkvKib K. wR. gyvdv| Avi Qvcvnq MvRxcyi wwmwKDwi wUwcwUs Kcvikb evsj v k wj wgUW|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Note 01

    Occasion of Issuing: 40th Anniversary of

    Victory Day 2011

    After 40 years of our independence notabledevelopment has been achieved in various sectors.

    Bangladesh has achieved near self-sufficiency in riceproduction, the main food of the people. Thedevelopment of the readymade garment industry issurprising. It employs about 5 million labourers ofwhich around 4 million are poor women. There hasbeen rapid expansion of educational facilitiesresulting in the increase of literacy rate to about 60%from 18% at the time of liberation war. Average lifespan for men and women has increased from below50 years (in 1970) to 65 plus years. Achievements inthe fields of international sports are also significant.

    Bangladesh cricket team has achieved One DayInternational (OID), Test and T20 status. Bangladeshco-hosted the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup alongwith India and Sri Lanka. Prosperous economicstability, assured human rights, secured citizen lifecan make our Victory Day celebration meaningful. Inthe last seven years, Bangladesh achieved GDPgrowth rate more or less at 6%. All indicators

    suggest that Bangladesh will be a middle incomecountry by 2021. Hope we will celebrate a more

    meaningful Victory Day soon. The nation has

    celebrated the 40th anniversary of victory in 16

    December 2011. Bangladesh Bank issued a note

    to commemorate the occasion of 40th Victory Day.This commemorative note was designed by K.G.Mustafa. And it was printed in The Security PrintingCorporation Bangladesh Limited, Gazipur.

    hykl weRqvj -vmiZ mkgyw hvviv52

    Armed freedo m fighte rs expressing joy after victory in the ba ttle52

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 51


    Rj Qvc: eezkL gywReyi i ngvb, evsj v k evsKij vMvI 10|

    wbi vcvmyZv: mvgbi wK _K Lj , myZvKvMRiwf Zi I evBi XD Gi gZv Lvq| myZvZgvB vwcUevsj vq10 Lvhvq|

    mvgbi wcV: evg wK RvwZi wcZveezkL gywReyi

    i ngvbi WvbgyLxfvl YiZ cwZKwZ I Wvb wK mvf vi RvZxq wZ mai cwZKwZ|

    vi `vZv: AvwZDi i ngvb (Mf bi , evsj v k evsK)

    weci xZ wcV: Qq Rb mkgyw hvvi weRqvj -vmi ZcwZKwZ I evsj v k evsKi j vMv|


    Watermark: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur

    Rahman, Logo of Bangladesh Bank and 10.

    Security Thread: Thread appears to weave in

    and out of the paper when viewed from front side.

    Microprint 10 in Bangla is visible on the thread.

    Front: An right-faced image of the Father of the

    Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman indelivering speech at the left side and the National

    Martyr's Monument at Savar at the right side.

    Signatory: Atiur Rahman (Governor of

    Bangladesh Bank)

    Back: Image of six armed freedom fighters in

    expressing joy for victory and Logo of Bangladesh


    Dcvvb: KvMR, cvavb we viKvixis: j vjcwigvc: 124X60 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 40 UvKv, wcwd : `ywUevsj veYmbwgK bs:0391839

    Material: Paper, Predominant Colour: Red,

    Size: 124X60 mm

    Face Value: 40 Taka, Prefix: Double Bangla alphabet Sh Na

    Serial No. 0391839

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    52 viK gyvI bvU

    iex bv_ VvKzi 53

    Rab indranat h Tag ore53

    evsj v k viK gyv10

    Dcj : iex bv_ VvKzi i 150ZgRbevwl Kx2011

    evsj v mvwnZ I msMxZi

    wKse xcyi l i ex bv_ VvKzi(7 g 1861-7 AvM 1941)f vi Zi Kj KvZvi RvovmuvKviVvKzi evwoZ RbMnY Ki b|1913 mvj MxZvj xKveMiRb wZwb c_g A-BDi vcxqwnme mvwnZ bvej cyi vicvb| evsj vi i bmuvi GKRbceZK wnme wP Kg, kZvwaKM, Ges yB nvRvi i ewk Mvb

    i Pbvi gvag wZwb eo ai biAMMwZ mvab Ki Qb|evsj v ki RvZxq msMxZ ZuviBj Lv| Zuvi cwZwZ wekf vi Zxwekwe vj qi gvagI wZwb Aginq AvQb| wZwb cKvk ewUkkvmbi wb v KiwQj b GesweUb _K vaxb nI qvi cgZ wqwQj b| i ex bv_ eveviRwg`vi x Lvkvbvi Rb

    evsj v ki wewf bRvqMvhgb kvnvRvcyi , cZxki ,Kvwj Mvg Ges wkj vB n gY KiQb| evsj v ki gvbylGes cKwZ Zuvi ZLbKvi j LvKweZvq Mf xi f ve RwoqAvQ| 7 g 2011 wQj i ex bv_ VvKzi i 150ZgRbevwl Kx| evsj v k evsK G-Dcj GKwU i cviviK gyvRvwi Ki| gyvwUK. wR. gyvdvi bKkvKi vGes evWb-I qvi UgevMUvKkvj , Rvgvwb _K gywZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 10

    Occasion: 150th

    Birth Anniversary of

    Rabindranath Tagore 2011

    Rabindranath Tagore (7

    May 1861-7 August 1941),the most prominentcelebrity in Bengaliliterature and music wasborn at Jorasanko ThakurBari, Kolkata, India. He wasthe first non-European towin the Nobel Prize inLiterature in 1913 forGitanjali. As a promoter ofthe Bengal Renaissance,he advanced a vast canon

    that comprised paintings,sketches, hundreds oftexts, and more over twothousand songs. He wrotethe national anthem ofBangladesh. His legacyendures also in theinstitution he founded, theVisva-Bharati University.He denounced the BritishRaj and advocatedindependence from Britain.Rabindranath travelled

    throughout Ban-gladesh, going to places such asShahzadpur, Patisar, Kaligram as well asShelidah, to manage his father's estates. Thepeople and the landscape of Bangladesh areclosely linked to the poems he wrote then. 7 May2011 was the 150th birth anniversary ofRabindranath Tagore. Bangladesh Bank issued asilver commemorative coin on this occasion. Thiscoin was designed by K.G. Mustafa and minted inBaden-Wuerttemberg Mint, Germany.

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 53


    mvgbi wcV: I ci i Ask evKvi evsj v wj wcZi ex bv_ VvKzi i mvakZ Rbevwl Kx- 2011, wbPi AskevKvi BsiwR wj wcZ I qvb nvbWWA v wddwU_ ev_A vwbf vmvwi Ae i ex bv_ UMi - 2011, evg wKAwf wnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKvGes gvS i ex bv_ VvKzi iWvbgyLxcwZKwZ| cyivwelqe GKwUe wq Niv|

    weci xZ wcV: I ci i Ask evKvi evsj v wj wcZevsj v k evsK, wbPi Ask evKvi BsiwR wj wcZ

    evsj v k evsK, gvS evsj vwj wcZ i ex bv_ VvKzi iKweZvi wZbwUj vBbn b~Zb, / LvwK Avi -evi / Rbic_g f Y\ I Zuvi vi | cyi vwel qe `ywUmgvi vje wq Niv, bK&kvq hv i GKwU mvaviY I AbwUAj sKZ e|


    Obverse: Rabindranath Thakurer shardhoshato

    janmobarshiki - 2011 in Bangla in the upper field

    in a circular way and 150th Birth Anniversary of

    Rabindranath Tagore 2011 in English in the lower

    field in a circular way; the face value 10 TEN TAKA

    in the left field; a right-facing image of Poet

    Rabindranath Tagore in the middle. The total

    composition is enclosed by a circle.

    Reverse: Bangladesh Bank in Bangla in the upper

    field in a circular way; BANGLADESH BANK in English

    in the lower field in a circular way; he nuton,/

    dhekha dik ar-bar/jonmer prothom shuvokkhan\

    depicted in three lines in Bangla and signature of

    Poet Rabindranath Tagore in the middle. The total

    composition is enclosed by two parallal circles,

    one is general and another is decorated in design.

    avZy: 925 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 22.10 Mvggv v: 38.00X38.00X2.36 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 10 UvKv

    Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 22.10 gm

    Dimension: 38.00X38.00X2.36 mm

    Face value: 10 Taka

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    54 viK gyvI bvU

    evsj v k viK gyv11

    Dcj : we vnxKweZvi 90 eQi c~wZ2011

    2011 mvj we vnxKweZvi 90

    eQi c~wZDcj evsj v kevsK GKwU vi K gyv RvwiKi | GB weL vZ KweZvwUevsj v ki RvZxq Kwe KvRxbRij Bmj vgi (25 g 1899 -29 AvM 1976) j Lv|bRij i j Lvq dzU I Vf vj vevmv, vaxbZv I we vn|wZwb agxq Ges wj wf wKel gmn mKj ai bi Muvovwgi

    wei vwaZvKiwQj b| 1922 mvjweRj x cw Kvq Zuvi we vnxKweZvcKvwkZ nI qvi ci wZwbL vwZi Pig wkLi cuQvb| ewUkkvmbi wei RbMYi c_gRvZxqZvevxAwf hvb, AmnhvMAv vj b Zuvi we vnxf vl vGesKweZvi wel q RbwcqZvcqwQj |Zuvi KweZv Ges RvZxqZvevxKgKv ZuvK Rbwcq we vnx

    KweDcvwaZ f ~wl Z Ki | h Kvbvaibi MYAv vj bZuvi j LvAvkvi Avj vRvMvq| GB viK gyvwUK. wR.gyvdvi bKkvKivGes i qj WvP wgU, b vi j v _KgywZ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 11

    Occasion: 90 Years of the

    Poem 'Bidrohi' 2011

    In 2011 a commemorativecoin has been issued by theBangladesh Bank on theoccasion of 90 years of thepoem 'Bidrohi'. The famouspoem was written by KaziNazrul Islam (25 May 1899-29 August 1976), thenational poet ofBangladesh. Nazrul'swritings explore love,freedom, and revolution. Heopposed all bigotry,including religious and

    gender. He reached thepeak of fame with thepublication of 'Bidrohi' inBijli (Thunder) magazine in1922. The rebelliouslanguage and theme of thepoem was popularlyreceived, coinciding withthe Non-cooperationMovement in the first, massnationalist campaign of civildisobedience against the

    British rule. His poetry and nationalist activismearned him the popular title ofBidrohi Kobi(RebelPoet). His writings always show the light in anymass-movement. This commemorative coin wasdesigned by K.G. Mustafa and minted in RoyalDutch Mint, the Netherlands.

    KvRxbRi j Bmj vg 192654Kazi Nazrul Islam in 1926


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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 55


    mvgbi wcV: I ci i Ask evKvi evsj v wj wcZwe vnxKweZvi 90 eQi , wbPi Ask evKvi BsiwRwj wcZ cqUKvRxbRi j Bmj vg I bvBbwUBqvimAe` vcvqg we vnx1921-2011, evg wK Awf wnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKvGes gvS KvRxbRij Bmj vgi cwZKwZ|cyi vwelqe GKwUe wq Niv|

    weci xZ wcV: I ci i Ask evKvi evsj v wj wcZevsj v k evsK, wbPi Ask BsiwR wj wcZ 2011 I

    evKvi evsj v k e vsK, gvS evsj v wj wcZ KvRxbRi j Bmj vgi we vnxKweZvi PviwUj vBb ej exi -/ej DbZ gg wki !/wki bnvwiAvgvwi ,/bZwki I B wkLiwngvwi ! I Zuvi vi | cyi vwelqe GKwUe wqNiv|


    Obverse: 'Bidrohi' kabitar 90 bachor in Bangla in

    the upper field in a circular way; Poet Kazi Nazrul

    Islam and 90 Years of the Poem 'BIDROHI' 1921-

    2011 in English in the lower field in a circular way;

    the face value 10 TEN TAKA in the left field; an

    image of Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam in the middle.

    The total composition is enclosed by a circle.

    Reverse: Bangladesh Bank in Bangla in the

    upper field; the year of issue 2011 and

    BANGLADESH BANK in English in the lower field in a

    circular way; 'balo vheer-/ balo unnata mamoshir!/ shir nehari' amari,/ natoshir oi shikhor

    hemadrir!' depicted in four lines in Bangla and

    signature of Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam in the middle.

    The total composition is enclosed by a circle.

    avZy: 999 dvBb wmj f vi , I Rb: 25 Mvggv v: 38.00X38.00X2.57 wgwg

    Awf wnZ g~j : 10 UvKv

    Metal: 999 fine silver, Weight: 25 gm

    Dimension: 38.02X38.02X2.57 mm

    Face value: 10 Taka

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    56 viK gyvI bvU

    cyi vZb Kj vf ebi mvgb HwZnvwmK mgveki Askwekl 21 deqvwi 195255

    Part of the histo ric meeting in front o f Old Arts Faculty Building 21 February 195255

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    Commemorative Coins and Notes 57

    evsj v k viK bvU02

    Dcj : gvZf vl vAv vj bi 60 eQi c~wZ2012

    1947 G cvwKvb Rbi ci _KB D yK i vf vl vKivif qven P vPj Z _vK| 1948 Gi 21 gvPcvwK vbiMf bi Rbvi j gynv Avj xwRbvn Nvl YvKib D yB nec~eI cwg Df q cvwKvbi GKgv `vwiK f vl v| c~ecvwKvbi msL vMwi RbZvi f vl v wnme evsj v c~ecvwKvbi i vf vl vnI qvDwPZ| Qv mgvR evsj vK i vf vl vKivi Rb p cwZ nq| 1952 mvj 21 deqvwi cv wkKcwi l i AwaekbK mvgb i L mgM k evsj vKi vf vl vKi vi Av vj b `vbveuvaZ _vK| G-wb cywj kQv -RbZvi cwZev wgwQj wj el Y Ki , KqKRb wbnZnb| Zuv i ga cuvP Rb nj b mvj vg, iwdK, eiKZ, ReviGes mwdDi |

    cvwKvwb kvmKMvxevsj vK AbZg i vf vl vi ghvvwZeva nq| BDb v1999 mvj i 17 bf i GB wbK

    AvRvwZK gvZf vl v wemwnme Nvl YvKi | ZvB 21deqvwi evsj v wk RbMYi Rb Mf xi Zvrchi , DrmMiGes ARbi | cwZeQi evsj v ki gvbyl 21 deqvwi evsj vf vl vAv vj b wemwnme D &hvcb Ki Ges gnvb exi imvb Rvbvq huvivgvZf vl vevsj vi Rb 1952 mvj i 21deqvwi Rxeb DrmMKiQb| 2012 mvj evsj v f vl vAv vj b wemi 60Zg evwl KxD &hvwcZ nqQ|

    Bangladesh Commemorative Note 02

    Occasion: 60th

    Anniversary of LanguageMovement 2012

    After the birth of Pakistan in 1947, the dire conspiracy

    for making Urdu as the state language continued. On 21

    March 1948, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the GovernorGeneral of Pakistan, declared that Urdu would be the

    only official language for both West and East Pakistan.

    As the language of the majority of people of East

    Pakistan, Bangla should be the state language of East

    Pakistan. The students expressed their firm

    determination to make Bangla as the state language.

    The movement to establish Bangla as the state

    language was becoming intensive with the Provincial

    Parliamentary Assembly of 21 February of 1952 in

    focus. The police fired on the students and people

    protests and a number of people were killed. Five of

    them were Salam, Rafiq, Barkat, Jabbar and Shafiur.

    The Pakistani rulers were compelled to dignify Bangla

    as one of the main state language of Pakistan.

    UNESCO has already announced the day as the

    International Mother Language Day in 17 November1999. Thus, 21 February is a day of great significance,

    sacrifice and achievement for the Bangladeshi people.

    Every year, Bangladeshi people celebrate 21 February

    as the Bangla Language Movement Day, and pays

    respect to those great heroes who sacrificed their lives

    for their mother tongue, Bangla on 21 February, 1952.

    In 2012 Bangladesh has celebrated the 60th anniversary

    of Bangla Language Movement Day.

    K xq knx wgbvi f vl vAv vj bi knx i cwZ kvwbe bTribut e to t he martyrs of the Languag e Movement at the Central Shaheed Minar

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    58 viK gyvI bvU

    G-Dcj K i Yxq Ki i vLZ evsj v k evsK 2012 mvjGKwUviK bvURvwi KiQ| bvUwUi bKkvKib wk xgv dvgbvqvi I K. wR. gyvdv| Avi Qvcvnq MvRxcyi w wmwKDwi wUwcwUs Kcvikb evsj v k wj wgUW|

    To commemorate this occasion Bangladesh Bank

    issued a commemorative note in 2012. This note was

    designed by Artist Mostafa Monwar and K.G. Mustafa.

    And it was printed in The Security Printing Corporation

    Bangladesh Limited, Gazipur.

    welqe Rj Qvc: eezkL gywReyi i ngvb, evsj v k evsKij vMvI 50|wbi vcvmyZv: mvgbi wK _K Lj , myZvKvMRiwf Zi I evBi XD Gi gZv Lvq| myZvZgvB vwcUevsj vq50 Lvhvq|

    mvgbi wcV: f vl v Av vj bi XvKv K xq knxwgbvii cwZKwZ|

    vi `vZv: AvwZDi i ngvb (Mf bi , evsj v k evsK)

    wecixZ wcV:wkgyj i GKwUdzj j Wvj , evsj vwj wcZbvgmn cuvP fvl vknx: knx mvj vg, knx iwdK, knxeiKZ, knx Revi , I knx mwdDi Gi cwZKwZ, 1952Gi c_g knx wgbvi i cwZKwZ I evsj v k evsKij vMv|


    Watermark: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,Logo of Bangladesh Bank and 50.

    Security Thread: Thread appears to weave in andout of the paper when viewed from front side.Microprint 50 in Bangla is visible on the front side.

    Front: Image of the Central Shaheed Minar