*cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*cognates are words or terms that are...

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist. © 2019 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. | 12/19 0K 1

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Page 1: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Page 2: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Citing Evidence: Literary Text

interrogate To interrogate someone is to ask the person a lot of questions to get information.

Passage interrogate/interrogar

Citing Evidence: Literary Text refuge When you have refuge, you have a

safe space to hide in. Passage refuge/refugio

Citing Evidence: Literary Text chai

In India, chai is the word for tea. In the U.S., the word is used to describe black tea made with milk, sugar, and spices.


Citing Evidence: Literary Text resolve

When you resolve to do something, you firmly decide to do it. Passage resolve/resolver

Citing Evidence: Literary Text feigned

When you feign a feeling or condition, you pretend to have it or experience it.


Citing Evidence: Literary Text entwined

When two or more things are entwined, they are closely connected together.


Citing Evidence: Literary Text hamstrings

Your hamstrings are muscles and tendons in the back of your thighs and knees. Tendons are flexible cords that connect muscles to bones.


Citing Evidence: Literary Text hurdle

A hurdle is a structure that runners must jump over. A hurdle can also be a difficulty that a person has to overcome. The author uses it both ways in the story.


Citing Evidence: Literary Text barrier

A barrier is something that blocks you from moving forward. This can be physical, like a wall or fence, or it can be a problem in your life.

Passage barrier /barrera

Citing Evidence: Literary Text inference

An inference is a guess you make based on what you already know and what you read in a story.

Activity inference/inferencia

Citing Evidence: Literary Text

evidence Text evidence are details found in the story that support a statement or inference.

Activity evidence/evidencia

Citing Evidence: Literary Text

background knowledge

Your background knowledge is what you already know or understand about a topic.


Citing Evidence: Informational Text infection An infection is a disease caused by

bacteria or a virus. Passage infection/infección

Page 3: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate* Citing Evidence: Informational Text effective Something is effective when it

works well or is successful. Passage effective/efectivo(a)

Citing Evidence: Informational Text vaccine

A vaccine is a medicine given to a person to prevent a particular disease.

Passage vaccine/vacuna

Citing Evidence: Informational Text

probiotic supplement

A probiotic supplement is a pill or food that helps your body produce beneficial microbes.

Passage probiotic supplement/ suplemento probiótico

Citing Evidence: Informational Text inactive

When a substance is inactive, it is not working or interacting chemically with another substance.

Passage inactive/inactivo(a)

Citing Evidence: Informational Text withstand

You withstand something when you are strong enough to survive it and not be harmed by it.


Citing Evidence: Informational Text burrow To burrow is to dig a tunnel or hole

in something and move into it. Passage

Citing Evidence: Informational Text immune system

Your immune system is all the parts of your body that operate to protect you against infections and disease.

Passage immune system/ sistema immunológico

Citing Evidence: Informational Text virus

A virus is a very small living thing that causes illnesses that can be spread to others.

Passage virus/virus

Citing Evidence: Informational Text supplement

A supplement is a pill you take or food you eat in addition to your normal diet.

supplement/ suplemento

Citing Evidence: Informational Text restore

When you restore something, you return it to its original condition or to the state it was once in.

Passage restore/restaurar

Citing Evidence: Informational Text evidence Evidence is a fact you read that

proves something is true. Activity evidence/evidencia

Analyzing Development of a Theme

critical If something is critical, it is serious, important, or dangerous. Passage critical/crítico(a)

Analyzing Development of a Theme

animated If you are animated, you are lively with expression, energy, and movement.

Passage animated/animado(a)

Analyzing Development of a Theme

punctuated When something is punctuated, it is emphasized. Passage

Page 4: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Analyzing Development of a Theme


Reggaeton is a popular style of music that began in Puerto Rico. It reflects hip-hop and Caribbean music and includes rapping and singing.

Passage reggaeton/reguetón

Analyzing Development of a Theme

lush If something is lush, it is thick, healthy, and beautiful. Passage

Analyzing Development of a Theme

cringe If you cringe, your body shrinks back suddenly with an unpleasant feeling.


Analyzing Development of a Theme

plant If you plant something, you put it down purposely and firmly. Passage plant/plantar

Analyzing Development of a Theme

pursue If you pursue something, you follow it with a plan and purpose. Passage

Analyzing Development of a Theme

supervise If you supervise someone, you watch to make sure he or she is safe and acting properly.

Passage supervise/supervisar

Analyzing Development of a Theme

saunter When you saunter, you walk slowly and casually. Passage

Analyzing Development of a Theme

engulf To engulf something means to completely cover it, usually suddenly.


Analyzing Development of a Theme

unfurl If you unfurl something, you open it and spread it out. Passage

Analyzing Development of a Theme

theme A theme is a message about life or human nature. Activity theme/tema

Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

allergic Someone who is allergic to something becomes sick after eating, touching, or breathing it.

Passage allergic/alérgico(a)

Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

fraud Fraud is the crime of gaining money or goods by tricking or lying to people.

Passage fraud/fraude

Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

toxin A toxin is a poisonous substance. Passage toxin/toxina

Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

exposure Exposure to something dangerous means being in a situation where it may harm you.

Passage exposure/exposición

Page 5: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate* Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

recall During a recall, a company asks customers to return a product that has something wrong with it.


Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

savvy A savvy person has a good understanding and practical knowledge of something.


Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

nonprofit organization

A nonprofit organization uses the money it raises to pay for programs that help people in some way.


Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

vendor A vendor is a person or a company that sells things. Passage

Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

key detail A key detail is a piece of information that explains and expands on the central idea.


Analyzing Development of Central Ideas

central idea The central idea is the most important point a writer is trying to make about a topic.

Activity central idea/ idea central

Summarizing: Literary Text porthole Ships and aircraft have small round

windows called portholes. Passage porthole/portilla

Summarizing: Literary Text specialist A specialist is a skilled expert in a

particular subject. Passage specialist/especialista

Summarizing: Literary Text custodian A custodian is a person whose job is

to take care of a place. Passage

Summarizing: Literary Text hologram A hologram is a moving 3-D

photographic image in the air. Passage hologram/holograma

Summarizing: Literary Text sector A sector is one part of a large

geographical area. Passage sector/sector

Summarizing: Literary Text Namaste

Namaste is a traditional East Indian greeting accompanied by a slight bow with the palms of both hands pressed together.

Passage namaste/Namasté

Summarizing: Literary Text meander Something that meanders moves

slowly in a bending path. Passage

Summarizing: Literary Text bejeweled

Something decorated with sparkling jewels or gems is bejeweled.


Summarizing: Literary Text pristine Something pristine is brand new or

in its original, unspoiled state. Passage pristine/prístino(a)

Summarizing: Literary Text aerial Something is aerial when it is up in

the air. Passage aerial/aéreo(a)

Page 6: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate* Summarizing: Literary Text deactivated When a device is deactivated, it no

longer works. Passage deactivated/ desactivado(a)

Summarizing: Literary Text counterintuitive

An idea is counterintuitive when it goes against a basic belief or commonsense expectation.


Summarizing: Literary Text insignificant Something insignificant is small or

unimportant. Passage insignificant/ insignificante

Summarizing: Literary Text interaction

Affecting other people, such as talking to them or working with them, is having an interaction with them.

Passage interaction/interacción

Summarizing: Literary Text console A console is a control panel. Passage console/consola

Summarizing: Literary Text heritage Heritage is cultural knowledge

passed down through generations. Passage heritage/herencia

Summarizing: Literary Text summary

A summary is a short description of a story that includes only the most important events and details.

Activity summary/sumario

Summarizing: Literary Text objective

Something that is objective, such as objective information, is based on facts, not feelings, emotions, or opinions.

Activity objective/objetivo

Summarizing: Literary Text setting The setting is the time when and

the place where a story happens. Activity

Summarizing Social Studies Texts advocate An advocate works to help a

specific group or population. Passage

Summarizing Social Studies Texts accommodation

To make an accommodation is to adjust something to meet a person's needs.

Passage accommodation/ acomodación

Summarizing Social Studies Texts legislator

A legislator is someone who makes laws. Passage legislator /legislador(a)

Summarizing Social Studies Texts pirouette When a dancer performs a

pirouette, he or she spins. Passage pirouette/pirueta

Summarizing Social Studies Texts inclusion

Inclusion is the act of welcoming people of all backgrounds and abilities into a group.

Passage inclusion/inclusión

Summarizing Social Studies Texts

paralyzed Someone who is paralyzed is unable to move parts of his or her body.

Passage paralyzed/paralizado(a)

Summarizing Social Studies Texts mobility Mobility is the ability to move. Passage mobility/movilidad

Summarizing Social Studies Texts makeshift

Something that is described as makeshift is temporary and is usually of poor quality.


Page 7: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Summarizing Social Studies Texts

central idea The central idea is the most important point an author is trying to make about a topic.

Activity central idea/ idea central

Summarizing Social Studies Texts summary

A summary is a brief retelling in one's own words of the most important ideas in a text, without opinions or judgments.

Activity summary/sumario

Summarizing Social Studies Texts summarize

To summarize is to briefly retell in one's own words the most important ideas and details in a text.


Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

pumped When you are pumped about something, you are filled with enthusiasm or excitement.


Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

kicks Kicks is an informal term for sneakers. Passage

Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

abuela Abuela is the Spanish word for grandmother.


Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

interior The interior of a place is the area inside of that place. Passage interior/interior

Analyzing How Story Elements Interact


When you do something symbolically, you do it only for show to represent something important.

Passage symbolically/ simbólicamente

Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

muster When you muster something, you manage to come up with a reaction or response under stress.


Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

gauge A gauge is a device that measures something, such as temperature or pressure.


Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

El Monstruo The name El Monstruo means “The Monster" in Spanish. Passage

Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

dolly A dolly is a low platform on wheels that is used to move heavy objects. Passage

Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

busboy A busboy (also busgirl or busser) is a person who clears dishes off the tables in a restaurant.


Page 8: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate* Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

setting The setting of a story is the place and time in which the events occur.


Analyzing How Story Elements Interact

plot The plot of a story is the sequence of events that happen from the beginning to the end.


Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

haltingly When you do something haltingly, you do it slowly and with pauses. Passage

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

deprivation You suffer deprivation when you do not get something you want or need.

Passage deprivation/privación

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

retain You retain something when you continue to keep or hold that thing.

Passage retain/retener

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

energetic If you are energetic, you have a lot of energy or enthusiasm for an activity.

Passage energetic/energético(a)

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

absenteeism The result of frequently missing school or work is absenteeism. Passage absenteeism/


Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text


When you ignite something, it catches fire literally or metaphorically. A person can ignite a bonfire with a lighter or can ignite people's feelings with a powerful new idea.


Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

unconventional Something is unconventional when it differs from the norm. Passage unconventional/

no convencional

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

civics A class in civics teaches the rights and duties of the citizens of a country.

Passage civics/civismo

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

massive Something massive is very large, very important, or very serious. Passage massive/masivo(a)

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

college acceptance

A college acceptance is an invitation to attend that college and is offered after a student's application is accepted.


Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

proponent If you actively support something or someone, you are a proponent of that thing or person.

Passage proponent/proponente

Page 9: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text


When you respond to a particular situation or make a change to accept it, you accommodate that situation.

Passage accommodate/ acomodar

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

shortcoming A shortcoming is a fault, weakness, problem, or difficulty. Passage

Analyzing Interactions in Informational Text

cause-effect pattern

A relationship in which one or more events cause one or more other events is a cause-effect pattern.

Activity cause and effect pattern/patrón de causa-efecto

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text


Commercial fishers use their own fishing boat and equipment to make a living by selling what they catch.

Passage commercial/comercial

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

sear To sear something is to burn its surface using intense heat. Passage

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text


If an animal regurgitates something, it brings that thing back into its mouth after having swallowed it.

Passage regurgitate/regurgitar

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

fatal Something that is fatal causes death. Passage fatal/fatal

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

taunt If someone taunts you, they tease you in an unkind way meant to anger or upset you.


Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

aloha People in Hawaii say “aloha” instead of “hello" and “goodbye." Passage

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

haupia Haupia is what native Hawaiians call coconut.


Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

mahalo If you want to say “thank you" in the Hawaiian language, you say mahalo.


Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

callused Callused hands have hard, rough skin in places. Passage callused/calloso(a)

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

figurative language

The creative use of words or phrases to express something other than their literal, or usual, meaning is figurative language.

Activity figurative language/ lenguaje figurado

Page 10: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate* Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

simile A simile is a description that compares two unlike things using the word like or as.

Activity simile/símil

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text

metaphor A metaphor is a description that compares two unlike things without using the word like or as.

Activity metaphor/metáfora

Determining Word Meaning: Literary Text


Authors use personification when they give nonhuman things human characteristics or actions, like “the leaves danced."

Activity personification/ personificación

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

havoc If something creates havoc, it causes confusion and disorder. Passage

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

besieged If people are besieged, they are attacked on all sides. Passage

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

marauding A marauding animal invades an area and causes destruction before moving on.

Passage maraud/merodear

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

devastate If you devastate something, you destroy it. Passage devastate/devastar

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

annihilate If you annihilate something, you destroy it completely. Passage annihilate/aniquilar

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

entomologist An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects. Passage entomologist/


Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

infestation During an infestation, a type of pest arrives at a place in large numbers. Passage infestation/infestación

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

impediment An impediment is something that prevents people from making progress.

Activity impediment/ impedimento

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

connotation A connotation is the feeling or idea associated with a word. Activity

connotation/ connotación

Determining Word Meaning: Informational Text

denotation A word's denotation is its dictionary definition. Activity

Analyzing Poetic Elements and Structure


When you crouch, you bend down low. Here, the writer suggests that the words are sitting low and watching like a person would.


Page 11: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate* Analyzing Poetic Elements and Structure

multitude A multitude is a very large number of people.

Passage multitude/multitud

Analyzing Poetic Elements and Structure

none the wiser If you are none the wiser about something, you are not aware of it. Passage

Analyzing Poetic Elements and Structure

script A script is a piece of writing. Passage script/escrito

Analyzing Poetic Elements and Structure

stanza A stanza is a group of lines in a poem. Activity

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

endeavor An endeavor is when you try to do something new, especially if it is difficult.


Analyzing Informational Text Structure

lunar module

The lunar module was the part of the spacecraft that carried astronauts to the surface of the moon and back to the spacecraft.

Passage lunar module/ módulo lunar

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

ingenuity Someone who has ingenuity is skilled at creating new inventions and thinking of new ideas.

Passage ingenuity/ingeniosidad

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

ratchet wrench

A ratchet wrench is a tool with a cylinder-shaped socket at one end. It is used to loosen and tighten nuts and bolts. Unlike a regular wrench, it can turn nuts and bolts more than once without having to change position.


Analyzing Informational Text Structure

foresee If you foresee something, you expect or believe it will happen in the future.


Analyzing Informational Text Structure

transplant A transplant is an operation to replace an organ or another part of a person's body.

Passage transplant/trasplante

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

compatible When things are compatible, they work well or can be used together. Passage compatible/compatible

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

framework A framework is a structure that helps hold up or support a larger object or structure.


Page 12: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Analyzing Informational Text Structure


Cartilage is a strong but flexible body substance that helps make up body parts like ears, noses, and joints.

Passage cartilage/cartílago

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

misshapen Something that is misshapen does not have the normal or natural shape or form.


Analyzing Informational Text Structure

central idea The central idea of a text is the most important point the text makes about the topic.

Activity central idea/ idea central

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

text structure The text structure of a passage is the way the information in the passage is organized.

Activity text structure/ estructura del texto

Analyzing Informational Text Structure

problem and solution

The problem and solution text structure is a way of organizing information that explains a problem and suggests one or more ways to fix it.

Activity problem and solution/ problema y solución

Analyzing Narrative Point of View amateurish

Something that is amateurish lacks skill. Passage amateurish/amateur

Analyzing Narrative Point of View terminate When you terminate something,

you end it. Passage terminate/terminar

Analyzing Narrative Point of View surly If you are surly, you are behaving

rudely. Passage

Analyzing Narrative Point of View realize

If you realize something from your imagination, you achieve it or make it real.

Passage realize/realizar

Analyzing Narrative Point of View thrift store

A thrift store is a shop that sells used clothing and household goods at low prices.


Analyzing Narrative Point of View nostalgia When you feel nostalgia, you feel

affection or longing for the past. Passage nostalgia/nostalgia

Analyzing Narrative Point of View mutate

Something that has mutated has changed into something very different.

Passage mutate/mutar

Analyzing Narrative Point of View

retro Something that is described as retro looks like a style from the past.

Passage retro/retro

Analyzing Narrative Point of View point of view

A character's or narrator's point of view is their thoughts and feelings about events or other characters in a story.

Activity point of view/ punto de vista

Page 13: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Analyzing Author's Point of View

point-blank If you say something point-blank, you state it very directly without adding an explanation.


Analyzing Author's Point of View horrific

If you say something is horrific, you mean that it is shocking in a horrible way.

Passage horrific/horroroso(a)

Analyzing Author's Point of View station

If you station yourself in a place, you intend to stay there for a period of time.

Passage station (v.)/estacionar

Analyzing Author's Point of View reluctant

If you are reluctant to do something, you hesitate before doing it and you do it slowly, without energy.


Analyzing Author's Point of View chilling effect

A law or rule can have a chilling effect when it discourages, prevents, or damages a right that people have supported.


Analyzing Author's Point of View enforce

People in authority enforce a law when they make sure it is obeyed and punish people who don't obey it.


Analyzing Author's Point of View

considerate A considerate person pays attention to other people's feelings.

Passage considerate/ considerado(a)

Analyzing Author's Point of View valid A valid idea or concern is both

important and reasonable. Passage valid/válido(a)

Analyzing Author's Point of View point of view

An author's point of view is what the author thinks, feels, or believes about a topic.

Activity point of view/ punto de vista

Evaluating Arguments exhibit

If people exhibit a specific type of behavior, feeling, or trait, they show it.

Passage exhibit/exhibir

Evaluating Arguments tendonitis

The medical condition tendonitis occurs when a tendon becomes painful and swollen.

Passage tendonitis/tendonitis

Evaluating Arguments burnout

If a person suffers from burnout, he or she has become overly tired from working too much and not resting enough.


Evaluating Arguments

athletic scholarship

An athletic scholarship is an amount of money given to a student athlete to pay for school. In return, the athlete agrees to play for a team at the school.


Page 14: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate* Evaluating Arguments influence Influence is power used to change

the way someone thinks or acts. Passage influence/influencia

Evaluating Arguments argument

An argument is a statement used to convince others to agree with an idea or opinion.

Activity argument/argumento

Evaluating Arguments claim A claim is a reason that is given to

support an argument. Activity

Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction boarding house

A boarding house is a place where people pay for daily meals and a spot to sleep.


Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction strike

When people go on strike, they stop working as a way to pressure their employers to improve working conditions or increase pay.


Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction compromise

A compromise is an agreement between two or more people or groups in which both sides gain something and lose something.

Passage compromise/ compromiso

Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction hoard

To hoard is to keep, collect, or hide away large amounts of something. Passage

Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction boycott

When people stage a boycott against a company, organization, or country, they refuse to buy or do something in order to show their disapproval.

Passage boycott/boicot

Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction unified When people are unified, they think

and act together as one. Passage unified/unido(a)

Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction tactic A skill or action that helps someone

achieve a goal is a tactic. Passage tactic/táctica

Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction inconspicuous

When something is inconspicuous, it is ordinary looking and people are unlikely to notice it.

Passage inconspicuous/ no conspicuo(a)

Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction posse

A posse is a group of people gathered together by a law officer to help search for a criminal.


Historical Fiction Versus Nonfiction historical fiction

A historical fiction story draws from the author's imagination but includes actual people, places, and events of historical importance.

Activity historical fiction/ ficción histórica

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic hoax A hoax is a trick that leads people to

believe something that is not true. Passage

Page 15: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic outlet

A news outlet is a source like a newspaper or TV show that reports the news for people to see or read.


Comparing Texts on the Same Topic reputable A reputable person or organization

can be trusted to be honest. Passage reputable/reputado(a)

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic biased

When a source of information is biased, it treats one group or side of an issue unfairly.


Comparing Texts on the Same Topic loaded

Loaded words are words that are associated with certain feelings. Loaded words are used to affect how people think about something.


Comparing Texts on the Same Topic controversy

A controversy is a major disagreement about an important idea or action.

Passage controversy/ controversia

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic manipulate

If you manipulate people's opinions, you make them think or say what you want them to.

Passage manipulate/manipular

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic objective

Something that is objective, or has objectivity, is based on facts, not opinions.

Passage objective/objetivo(a)

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic crop up Something that crops up appears

suddenly or with little warning. Passage

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic journalism

Journalism is the job of writing about news for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio. Professional journalists need education or experience that helps them gather and write news accurately and effectively.


Comparing Texts on the Same Topic nervous system

Your nervous system is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Your nervous system allows your body to feel things like heat, cold, and pain, and it also controls your body's movements.

Passage nervous system/ sistema nervioso

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic anxiety Anxiety is a very nervous or worried

feeling. Passage anxiety/ansiedad

Page 16: *Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ......*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In -iReady Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 7 Lesson Name Term Definition Type Spanish Cognate*

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic consequence The consequence of an action is its

result or effect. Passage consequence/ consecuencia

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic author’s purpose

The author's purpose is the main reason that the author creates a piece of writing.

Activity author's purpose/ propósito del autor

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic evidence

Text evidence is facts, quotations, examples, and other details or information from a text that support the author's ideas or point of view.

Activity evidence/evidencia

Comparing Texts on the Same Topic

author’s point of view

The author's point of view is what the author thinks, feels, or believes about a topic.
