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  • PresenterPresentation NotesFocus Boards encourage and harvest staff-generated ideas on how to improve the organization and the care it provides.

    They tap into front line employee creativity and ownership to generate ideas on how to better serve patients and each other.

    It is a hardwired program that promotes, tracks, implements and rewards creative problem solving.

    When FOCUS Boards are supported by leadership and transparent, it can be a prime mover in pushing an organization fromgood to great.

  • • Purpose• Logistics• Standard Layout• Performance Measures • Defects and Action Plans• Root Cause Analysis - Asking the right

    questions• Leadership Expectations• Leader Standard Work

    PresenterPresentation NotesSome may be here for first time training others for review and to learn more about RCA on the Focus Boards.

  • Our Mission• Devoted to improving the health and

    wellbeing of our family, friends and neighbors.– An environment where people can realize their

    full potential – Excellence and leadership in clinical care and

    service – Customer focus – Stewardship of resources

  • Our Vision

    • To be a recognized leader in the revolutionary transformation of community healthcare.

  • Our Values• Integrity: We do no harm. • Service: We serve with compassion, dignity

    and respect. • Loyalty: We build relationships that exceed

    expectations. • Excellence: We improve performance

    through learning and innovation.

  • Our Strategic Focus (Triple Aim)

    • Enhance the patient experience

    • Improve health and health outcomes

    • Reduce and/or control costs

  • WH’s Lean Management System

  • Hoshin Kanri Cascade

  • 0%










    Org Lean 2.0 Audit Rollup

    Forecast Actual Goal Linear (Actual)
































    FOCUS Board Group A3's

    Forecast Actual Goal Linear (Actual)

    Level 2 Level 3

    Strategic Measures Cascade

  • WH Measures• Safety • Quality• Satisfaction• Time/Productivity• Cost• Other In-Process Measures

    How do you know if you don’t measure?

    PresenterPresentation NotesMission, Vision and ValuesOur MissionDevoted to improving the health and wellbeing of our family, friends and neighbors.An environment where people can realize their full potential Excellence and leadership in clinical care and service Customer focus Stewardship of resources Our VisionTo be a recognized leader in the revolutionary transformation of community healthcare.Our ValuesIntegrity: We do no harm. Service: We serve with compassion, dignity and respect. Loyalty: We build relationships that exceed expectations. Excellence: We improve performance through learning and innovation. Our Strategic Focus (Triple Aim)Enhance the patient experience Improve health and health outcomes Reduce and/or control costs

  • Communication and action board in the Gemba

    Focus On Customer’s Ultimate SatisfactionDo we have any safety events?

    What are our customer’s saying?

    PresenterPresentation NotesF O C U S - Focus on Customers Ultimate Satisfaction……… this is a our main goal – follows along with Triple AimTool for Root Cause AnalysisIncrease communication Focus on what is importantVisual to help manage our work and improve processes, etcCultivate deep thinking……

    What stops FOCUS board engagement?Excuses: “I don’t have the staff…money…time.”Victim thinking: “We’ve tried it before and it didn’t work.”Blame: “No one will ever read it.”Lack of response: “I never heard anything about the idea I submitted.”Fear: “Everyone will think it’s stupid.”

  • • 10 minute “touch-point” meeting within the Gemba

    • Every day or shift

    • Facilitated by Gemba staff

    • Leadership present and supportive

    PresenterPresentation NotesMay be longer until standard work is established, then assign a time-keeper to keep the meeting to under 10 minutes.

    Initially led by Director/Manager-then will be handed off to other staff. Leadership is mentoring-teaching.

    All leadership initially leading the FOCUS board meeting needs to be trained by CSI.

    All items are STANDARD, the information in each area will be different – but area cannot change the agenda

    Send suggested improvement to CSI - any changes to the boards will be made organization wide

    Leaders must encourage their employees to contribute, and they need to create a climate in which Focus Board ideas are welcome and “safe.”

    This means that leaders track and hold every employee accountable for producing some. We are looking at a minimum of 4 JDI’s/year/employee

  • Control the process throughout the shift/day

    Use Root Cause Analysis to address issues

    Visual management – Cascades from Strategy

    Standard communication in real time

    Process Improvement work at the Frontline

    Standard Work Tracking

    PresenterPresentation NotesThis is not just data collection-we need to know why the defects are happening-thus RCA is vital for us to know why these issues are happening

    If we just use the Problem and Occurrences list we are just collecting data

    Leader standard work – Weekly VS Boards

    Daily leadership standard work – gemba walks etc

    Visual Management-In-Process MeasuresCreate action plans to resolve issues in real timeComponent of Leaders Standard Work

    Why use FOCUS Boards? Because they result in…Improved clinical outcomesIncreased efficiencyIncreased satisfaction scoresIncreased retentionIncreased profitabilityPROBLEM SOLVING-USING RCA TOOLSPART OF LEAN MANAGEMENT-leaders standard work.

  • FOCUS Board – 52 of them!

  • Facilities FOCUS Board Meeting

  • Time Financial Satisfaction Quality

    Visual Management - Focus BoardSafety

    Outcome Metrics – 5ft/5sec


    Process Metrics

    Reasons for


    PresenterPresentation NotesLine 1: Performance measures at the top relate to your boxscore – need to understand the trend, target/goal and which direction we want to go. Does not mean you will have one for every metric!

    Line 2:Reason for not hitting target – needs to match the interval above. If this is not done the A3’s will not be as targeted to metric not improving.

    Line 3:The A3’s come directly from the Issues and Occurrences in Row 2. ALWAYS start with the largest issue…. A3 gets to RC.

    Line 4:Process metrics help with new behaviors and std work being followed. Address every FB – may also be on scorecards and reported on at the FB. What are the issues we are seeing? What needs to be tweaked?

  • Focus Board Leader • Encourage ideas and creative problem solving

    • Encourage employees to contribute.

    • Create a climate that is welcoming and safe.

    • Develop an atmosphere of respect.

    • Recognition of great work

    PresenterPresentation Notes

    Keep the flow of the meeting at a steady pace.Utilize the questions on the Standard Work Checklist.Start the meeting on time and end on time.Stick to the standard work – don’t jump around the board.Show respect- do not criticize

    What stops FOCUS board engagement?Excuses: “I don’t have the staff…money…time.”Victim thinking: “We’ve tried it before and it didn’t work.”Blame: “No one will ever read it.”Lack of response: “I never heard anything about the idea I submitted.”Fear: “Everyone will think it’s stupid.”

  • Agenda Item Defect Monitoring Action Plan

    1. Safety Cross / Logic Manager X X2. Performance Measures (Quality,Financial, etc.)

    X X3. In-Process Measures X X 5. Behavioral Standards/MVV

    6. Standard Work/Training Matrix X X7. Problem A3s & Just Do It’s X X8. WH News

    9. Attendance X X

    PresenterPresentation NotesStandard agenda use - this with the standard work questions.

    Add additional agenda items to the White Board for discussion-anyone can add to this – this needs to be for agenda items-others items should be located in the appropriate area on the FOCUS Boards. We do not want it over-flowing with post-it notes.

    All topics will have a designated area to list the defects in every category. Every category will also have the reasons these issues are occurring and an action plan.

    The action plan may address issues, defects, or create opportunities for improvements.

    It is very important for you to remember that just talking about issues is not productive…your action in response to these issues is the key!

  • Focus Board Standard Work

    PresenterPresentation Notes

  • MeasuresPurpose: Measures to help control a process

    Daily cell measures • Defects or daily measures to understand and manage a


    Post Kaizen, 5S, CIP In-Process measures• Manage and identify defects in a new processRegulatory / CMS Measures• Inpatient protocols/pathways; may be ongoing watch


    Roll off Focus Board IssuesCascade from Hoshin to frontline measures/work

    PresenterPresentation NotesHelps to monitor the progress-fix the issues real time

    This will need daily reviewing

    Delegate measures to staff and have them report daily

    Discuss issues and occurrences in the processes-document them on the Issues and Occurrences sheet

    When trending shows an issue-staff in the Gemba may initial a JDI or CIP……add to the JDI board

    What have we learned?

    Cell measures from the linkage chart and improvement projects

    In-process measures track the performance of a process as it is unfolding, providing real-time feedback that can be acted upon without waiting for the process to end, at which point end-of-process or outcome measures tell you the results of that process. In a perfect world, in-process measures align with end-of-process measures.

  • Metrics – Actual Results/Trends/Goals

    CGCAHPS Nov Dec Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July August Sept FINALOctAll Clinics Combined


    % 80.60% 81.80% 82.80% 81.70% 81.20% 81.30% 81.00% 79.50%

    Primary Forecast

    78.96 79.33% 79.70% 80.07% 80.44% 80.83% 81.18% 81.55% 81.95% 82.32% 82.69% 83.08% 83.08%


    % 80.40% 82.00% 84.40% 80.50% 83.00% 82.30% 83.90% 81.50%

    Specialty Forecast

    78.16% 78.52% 78.90% 79.28% 79.66% 80.03% 80.41% 80,79% 81.15% 81.53% 81.90% 82.28% 82.28%


    % 82.70% 84.80% 84.40% 83.70% 79.20% 77.80% 79.60% 78.00%


    Wk 1Wk 1Wk 1

    Wk 2Wk 2Wk 2

    Wk 3Wk 3Wk 3

    Wk 4Wk 4Wk 4

    Wk 5Wk 5Wk 5

    Wk 6Wk 6Wk 6

    Wk 7Wk 7Wk 7

    Wk 8Wk 8Wk 8

    Wk 9Wk 9Wk 9

    Wk 10Wk 10Wk 10

    Wk 11Wk 11Wk 11

    Wk 12Wk 12Wk 12


    ED/UC Patient Satisfaction Forecast

    ED/UC Patient Satisfaction Actual

    ED/UC Patient Satisfaction Goal

    Medication Explanation




































    ED/UC Patient Satisfaction


    Wk 191%91.3%91%

    Wk 291%90.3%91%

    Wk 391%89.9%91%

    Wk 491%90.1%91%

    Wk 591%91.1%91%

    Wk 691%91.5%91%

    Wk 791%89.9%91%

    Wk 891%90.2%91%

    Wk 991%92.3%91%

    Wk 1091%92.8%91%

    Wk 1191%91.8%91%

    Wk 1291%



    ED/UC Patient Satisfaction Forecast

    ED/UC Patient Satisfaction Actual

    ED/UC Patient Satisfaction Goal

    Medication Explanation

  • Excel charts and graphs

  • Why did we not meet goal?

  • Why not hitting target/goal? Problem List & Frequency of Occurrence Location:

    Dates of Occurrence per Identified Problems/Obstacles to Efficient FlowProblem/Obstacle Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date

    Waiting for orders x xWaiting for meds x xWaiting for ride x x x x x x x x


    0Cause 5



    Chart Title


    Enter Data

    1. Add Reasons / Types / Causes in Column A & Number of Occurences in Column B2. Enter Chart Title in cell C3

    3. Select Ctrl-P to generate Pareto Chart

    ReasonsQuantityChart Title

    Cause 187

    Cause 2230

    Cause 340

    Cause 4333

    Cause 5400

    Cause 610

    Cause 7211

    Pareto Chart

    Cause 5Cause 5

    Cause 4Cause 4

    Cause 2Cause 2

    Cause 7Cause 7

    Cause 1Cause 1

    Cause 30.9923722349

    Cause 61



    Chart Title















    Cause 540030.5%30.5%

    Cause 433355.9%25.4%

    Cause 223073.5%17.5%

    Cause 721189.5%16.1%

    Cause 18796.2%6.6%

    Cause 34099.2%3.1%

    Cause 610100.0%0.8%




















    Contact Info

    Karen Martin, President 858.677.6799



  • Problems & Occurrence• Defects

    – Interrupt a process– Prevent or alter standard work– Result in patient/customer dissatisfaction– Result in any safety events or near misses

    PresenterPresentation NotesWe use the Problem and Occurrences Form to track how often defects are occurring by their type.

    This form automatically builds a bar graph and can be easily used by staff in the Gemba to create the action plan to improve the process.

    Some root causes are obvious but others you may need to ask 5-Why’s, etc.

  • Root Cause• Review most common issue(s) on Problems

    and occurrence list• Use a Root Cause Analysis tool (i.e. 5 Whys) to

    determine the real causeThe Sterile Drapes weren’t available in exam room Why?

    The supply room was out and the exam rooms couldn’t be filled to par. Why?

    The supply room par level wasn’t large enough. Why?

    When the supply room par was established, the exam rooms were not full.

    PresenterPresentation NotesPick the issue that is the most problematic-based on the issues and occurrences list and then list the most common reasons that cause that issue.

  • Root Cause Example

    Causes of the Late Report Outs:1. CSI staff didn’t follow standard work, was not put on calendar2. Team Leader did not respond to emails3. Reschedule, Team Lead ill4. Team Leader not scheduled on report out date

  • Root Cause Determines Actions

    Actions should address root cause

  • Connecting Defects and Actions


    Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

    Series 1Series 2Series 30


    Backorder Par Level Demand ⇧

    Root Causes



    PresenterPresentation NotesThe action plans link improvement to the items in the Problem and Occurrences list.

    What needs an action plan? Is it every item that we fix? Or is it more detailed fixes? What is the value to entering every action taken?

  • Action Plan• Empower staff to problem solve in real-time• Eliminates the root cause of the defects• Document actions on Improvement Tracking form

    PresenterPresentation NotesThese action plans are created by staff in the process as a way to empower gemba staff to problem solve and support the value stream goals in a productive way. It is based on data.

  • Group FOCUS Board A3

  • Just Do-It (JDI)Purpose: To empower people in the Gemba, who do the work, to make quick and

    easy improvements. This is about daily problem solving.

    •Write ideas on white board for approval or JDI form at the focus board•Once approved document on the Improvement Tracking form•Completed JDIs are submitted to the Pulse

    PresenterPresentation NotesWe all have ideas to improve the work around us – use this tool to do that

    Show boardProcess:Write idea for improvementDiscussed at the daily meeting-many ways to solve each problem-find the bestAssigned Due date-make sure that you follow up on the items that are DUEReport back on due dateFill out JDI log on the FOCUS board

    These will be trended and shared through out the organization-we will only be counting the JDI that are finished on the form.

    Need to pull ideas out-leadership may need to start the first example

    Defects may include: JDI’s not being completed timely, and the action plan may address when and how the approval process occurs within the department

    Action plans may also qualify as a JDI and should be written up as such.

  • Safety CrossSafety is Non-Negotiable

    Description:• Cross shaped document indicating the of safety

    events in a month. • Also it gives a glance at the monthly events

    throughout the year.

    Purpose:• Brings awareness to all safety incidents/near misses• Correct issues immediately• Encourage reporting – best is 3/yr./employee• Visual management tool in the Gemba.

    PresenterPresentation NotesSafety is one area where there is no “do over” when mistakes happen and for this reason we need to be vigilant year-around.

    Shaped like a cross because to is a universal sign of safety

    It demonstrates the talk of action on respect for people.The safety issues should be the top priorities from Press Ganey, Safety Surveillor or other feedback. The Focus of the week or month should be discussed daily and needs to be entered into safety Surveillor-how did we improve this-what was the Root cause(s) and the action plans need to be sustained.

  • Safety CrossTo document

    any safety incidents



    PATIENTS, or


    in the department

    or cell. These also

    need to be

    documented in

    Safety Surveillor





    Safety Calendar 1 2 MonthJAN

    3 4FEB

    5 6MAR

    7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21APRIL

    8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22MAY

    23 24JUNE

    No Incident25 26


    Reportable Incident include near miss 27 28


    29 30SEPT


    Safety Focus for the month




    Patient call lights within reach.

    PresenterPresentation NotesInstructions: Fill in the day on the cross with Red-if issues or near misses or Green if there are not any.

    Review using the standard questions.

    This is deeper than a surface conversation.

    There needs to be meaningful dialog and employees need to feel safe to share their observations and concerns.


    The issues and occurrences list needs to match the safety Surveillor.

    THIS IS VISUAL-safety Surveillor is in the computer-hidden from view.

    Move the total incidents/month to the side in the appropriate month

    Apparent Cause- Can be indicated on the right side of the cross and results shared with the staff.

    Think deeply

    We miss many safety issues right in front of our eyes

    Defects need to tracked on the issues and occurrences log and placed on a pareto chart. Defects might include falls, medication errors, or needle stick injuries. Action plans around safety may include changing to needles equipment, using single dose vials, etc.

    What is the RCA-ask 5 Why’s

    What have we learned?

    This will be trended and we will looks for areas to improve

    Includes a column for the “Apparent Cause Analysis”

    We want to know of any reportable safety issues that happen to patients, staff and visitors-Learn by trending, discussing daily-Manager/Leader may need to engage staff-may need to add something observed

    Visual so that anyone can see the progress-red and green

    Reviewed daily

    Gemba walkers can add to the list-or anyone else

    Column added for # of Apparent Cause Analysis Completed

    What will be your safety focus of the month???

  • Review Safety questions-standard work

    • Safety Cross-patients, visitors and staff• Has there been any safety issues’, including near misses involving

    patients, residents, visitors or staff since the last meeting?•

    SEEKING DEFECTSHave there been any safety issues or near misses identified since the last meeting?

    DIGGING FOR ROOT CAUSEWhy is this safety issue occurring?

    Who might be impacted?

    DETERMINING ACTIONSHow can we take action to prevent reoccurrence?

    Do we need to involve other departments/staff?

    Log ALL near misses and

    actual events in Logic


    PresenterPresentation NotesThis is “Improving Health and Outcomes” in the Triple Aim.

  • Safety Standards

  • Standard WorkPurpose: To reduce variation in a process and minimize


    • Outcome from A3s, Kaizens, 5S or CIPs• Monitor adherence issues• Keep it up to date• Always available for staff to refer to

    PresenterPresentation NotesDefects here will often revolve around standard work implemented by a Kaizen or CIP event.

    If a new process asked that staff use a wheelchair to transport patients from the clinic to radiology, a defect would be any time the w/c was not used. The defect would be listed by typew/c unavailable patient refused

    New standard work from a kaizen should be on the In-Process board under the Kaizen/CIP in-process measures-once the kaizen is closed the standard work can be moved over to the “Standard Work” area.

    Action plans may be to relocate the wheelchairs or bring radiology to the patient when refusals occur

  • Behavioral Standards• Description: A set of behavioral expectations

    for Winona Health Employees

    • Purpose: Assist employees to live these behaviors by:• Focusing on the behaviors daily• Links the standards to our daily work• Engage all staff in improvements which

    support the behavioral standards

    PresenterPresentation NotesSchedule:Monthly:  ‘Behavioral Standards of the Month’ will be sent to post.Weekly:   The weekly standard will be featured on a Pulse banner.  The weekly standard will be reviewed on the Pulse, including patient/resident survey comments on what this could mean from the customer perspective. Feedback:  Who is your weekly behavioral standards champion?  Send Betsy or Hayley the name of the staff member who best exemplifies the standard.  Why were they chosen?  These individuals will be recognized in next week’s Pulse announcement and will be asked to suggest a staff member that exemplifies the next standard…and so on …  Forward any other helpful suggestions or comments to both Betsy and Hayley. 

  • Behavioral StandardsIt is the expectation that the ‘behavioral standard of the week’ are discussed every week.

  • Training Matrix

    Pediatrics Training Matrix

    LEGEND0 Not trained1 Trained5 Competent9 TrainerX Not applicable

    SERVICE EXCELLENCEBehavioral Standards 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    CSI TRAININGKaizen Training Event #1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Kaizen Training Event #2 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Kaizen Training Event #3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Team Lead Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Co-Lead-Team Leader Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Team Leader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Data Collection 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05S Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05S Event 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Mapping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0JDI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0FOCUS/Daily Meeting Leader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    PresenterPresentation NotesTraining Matrix can be used for: New proceduresNew standard work from an improvement projectNew equipment trainingSoftware upgrade training

    Cross Training Matrix will be on the Weekly VS Board utilized more for:Flexible capacityGrowing staffPrevention of overtimeCross training to prevent issues with flow

    Do not want all your eggs in one basket-what happens if that person gets ill, leaves, etc?

  • Winona Health NewsPurpose: To communicate to all employees organizational events, news and announcements.• Upcoming events

    • New providers & Services

    • PULSE announcements

    PresenterPresentation NotesDefects in this may include that clinic staff were not aware of a start date for a provider and the action plan may be to post all provider notices on the focus board.

  • Attendance• Should not impact meeting time

    • Diversity of team is important

    • Meeting times may need to be adjusted or staff rotated

    • Attendance does not mean engagement

    PresenterPresentation NotesAttendance doesn’t mean engagement…….take interest in this-it the same person is always out on the floor – is there an engagement issue?

    Just like being a an event is not “engagement” – we as leaders must speak to the value.

    Great time to communicate any updates…….communication is many times the root cause of issues that come up.

    Defects may include: A provider is not available during the focus meeting time and the action may be to open up the physician schedules to accommodate this meeting. This can be challenging-especially in the clinical areas.

  • Maintaining your FOCUS Boards• Training on the PULSE

    • Templates on the Pulse under “Tools” then “FOCUS Boards”

    • New leaders will need training from CSI then it is Train the Trainer

    • Requiring documentation of new issues on the boards BEFORE the meeting starts

  • Pulse Templates

  • Facilitating the Focus Board• 1. Energize ideas and thinkers

    Encourage fresh ideas Create solutionsSeek observations

    • 2. Encourage thoughtExplain a situation and time to think

    • 3. Get it nowValue opinions and experience

    • 4. Don’t say NO, dig deeperThinking outside the boxEncourage deeper conversation – Humble Inquiry

    PresenterPresentation Notes“Are there systems or communication tools you’ve used or heard about that work well?”“Your comment brings up a good point—do you have any ideas on how we might improve?”“Is there anything you see that could work better?”“Your idea has recently been implemented and resulted in…. Have you seen any improvement? Do you have more ideas?”

    “Our patient satisfaction has been trending down in the area of attention to personal needs. “Over the next day/week, be thinking about how to improve this situation.”

    “How about Holli and Jenni brainstorming and bring back some suggestions tomorrow?”

  • Leadership Coaching• Foster innovative ideas

    • Mentor staff to also be innovative

    • Supporting ideas

    • Consistency by all leaders.

    Go see, Show respect, Ask why. . .

  • Lessons Learned• Meaningful metrics to frontline• Connection to strategic plan and waste• Control outcomes – can they fix it?• Standard content• Start with Leaders facilitating meeting• Challenging to find the right time in clinical

    areas• Defects and Recognition

  • Results• Engaged staff• Communication improves• Problem solving by experts in the process• Line of sight connections - Leaders• Data based• Learning – CSI Learning Lab• Gemba Walks – Leadership – in touch with

    staff and in the know with current state

  • Any questions?

    Slide Number 1Learning Objectives�Tools Needed: Question Worksheet & FOCUS board exampleOur MissionOur VisionOur ValuesOur Strategic Focus (Triple Aim)�WH’s Lean Management SystemHoshin Kanri CascadeSlide Number 9WH MeasuresWhat are FOCUS Boards?Slide Number 12Slide Number 13FOCUS Board – 52 of them!Facilities FOCUS Board MeetingSlide Number 16Visual Management - Focus BoardFocus Board Leader Slide Number 19Focus Board Standard Work MeasuresMetrics – Actual Results/Trends/GoalsExcel charts and graphsWhy did we not meet goal?Why not hitting target/goal? Problems & OccurrenceRoot CauseRoot Cause ExampleRoot Cause Determines ActionsConnecting Defects and ActionsAction PlanGroup FOCUS Board A3Just Do-It (JDI)Safety Cross�Safety is Non-NegotiableSafety CrossSlide Number 36Safety StandardsStandard Work�Behavioral StandardsBehavioral StandardsTraining Matrix�Winona Health NewsAttendanceMaintaining your FOCUS BoardsPulse TemplatesFacilitating the Focus Board�Leadership CoachingLessons LearnedResultsSlide Number 50