coding html5 games for directcanvas

06/14/2022 1 Extreme Mobile HTML5 Canvas Rendering Using DirectCanvas HTML5 | CLOUD SERVICES

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Post on 22-May-2015




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This deck was presented by appMobi's CTO Sam Abadir at the New Game Conference on November 2, 2010 and covers best practices on developing native-speed games with appMobi's DirectCanvas technology.


Page 1: Coding HTML5 Games for DirectCanvas

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Extreme Mobile HTML5 Canvas Rendering Using DirectCanvas


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• HTML5 was built for desktop, but is more important on mobile.

• DirectCanvas is an HTML5 stop-gap. Nothing will make us happier than when it’s not needed anymore.

• The DOM is your enemyo The DOM is inherently constructed around a “reflow” concept – bad for

game rendering.

• The DOM was developed to address the presentation of a readable/interactive page.

Browsers weren’t build for games

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Demo of Game Using

DirectCanvasHTML5 Canvas is slow – especially on “old” devices like iPhone 3GS

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• DOM Context: Menuing and touch controls• DirectCanvas Context: canvas

rendering• PUT ALL RENDERING CODE INTO index.js• Add AppMobi.canvas.load("index.js"); to



Separate into two contexts

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• DOM speaks to DirectCanvas context via “AppMobi.canvas.execute()”o Touch event listeners get hooked up to

“AppMobi.canvas.execute(‘xxxx()’)” in order to invoke functions in the DirectCanvas Context

• DirectCanvas speaks to DOM via AppMobi.webview.execute("AppMobi.device.hideSplashScreen();");

Communicate between contexts

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• Var mycontext = Appmobi.canvas.getContext(‘2d’)

• Make sure the render loop is explicitly told to render via: mycontext.present();

Use the DirectCanvas

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• All rendering code (using standard canvas syntax) must be in the DirectCanvas Contexto Move rendering and game logic into index.jso All sub-included js files must be referenced in

index.js via:o AppMobi.context.include( ’XXXX.js' );

All Rendering in the DirectCanvas


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• DirectCanvas renders UNDER the DOM context. Therefore, the DOM context must be transparent.

• Remove body/canvas styling like body color/background color.

Make the DirectCanvas Visible

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A large subset of Box2D is available via DirectBox2D• http


Box2D Available via b2 namespace

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• Appmobi.player.playSound(‘xxx.wav’);

Multi-Channel Sound

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Do it yourself