codex: word bearers (alpha) file · web viewfrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of...

Thou shalt have no work save the destruction of the Imperium of man. Thou shalt have no reward save the blessings of Chaos. Thou duty is war. Thou shalt obey only the Lords of the Word. Thou shalt rejoice in Killing. Thou shalt be a tool of Chaos. To disobey the Lords is death. The greatest reward is the instillation of Hatred in those that stand against us. Thou shalt speak but hatred of the Emperor of Mankind. The Heretic is the chosen one; protect him, for his life is pain to the Emperor. Like the great storm of the Horus Heresy the forces of the True Gods will descend upon the Emperor's minions. The stars will tremble at their passage and the mighty armadas of the Warmaster Abaddon will bring annihilation to a hundred worlds. Know this, for these things will come to pass. With the thirty-seven keys of Tzeentch, we open the way for our brothers. With the thousand whispers of Slaanesh, we call to them. With the twelve plagues of Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) The First Heretics 9.547.999.M40 +EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF THE HOLY INQUISITION+

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Page 1: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

Thou shalt have no work save the destruction of the Imperium of

man. Thou shalt have no reward save the blessings of Chaos. Thou duty is war. Thou shalt obey only the Lords of the

Word. Thou shalt rejoice in Killing. Thou shalt be a tool of Chaos. To disobey the

Lords is death. The greatest reward is the instillation of Hatred in those that stand

against us. Thou shalt speak but hatred of the Emperor of Mankind. The Heretic is

the chosen one; protect him, for his life is pain to the Emperor. Like the great storm of the Horus Heresy the forces of the True

Gods will descend upon the Emperor's minions. The stars will tremble at their passage and the mighty armadas of the

Warmaster Abaddon will bring annihilation to a hundred worlds. Know this, for these things will come to pass. With the thirty-seven keys of Tzeentch, we open the way

for our brothers. With the thousand whispers of Slaanesh, we call to them.

With the twelve plagues of Nurgle, we kill their enemies. And with the mighty axe of Khorne, we cut open the world for them. From the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son

Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha)

The First Heretics



Page 2: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

“Hear my warnings, unbelievers - carried to your minds by the power of the Prince of Excess himself. We have raised altars in this land so that we may sacrifice you to our gods. Veterans of ten millennia of unholy war wait to grind you beneath the treads of their mighty boots. There is no hope in opposing the inevitable. Put down your arms,

unbelievers, and bow before the forces of Chaos Undivided.”

++ Eliphas the Inheritor ++

By Wyrmwood, with special thanks to MvS for his expertise and use of his Apocalypse Extravaganza: Word


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The Great Betrayal…The First Founding - The Imperial Heralds- ColchisThe Great Crusade- Lorgar- Monarchia- The Pilgrimage+ The Scarus Sector+ The Eye Stares Back- Ullanor- Nikea and the Chaplain EdictThe Horus Heresy- Isstvan V- Calth- TerraThe ScouringThe Long War- The Boros Gate- The Black Crusades

The Warp…The Cadian GateThe Eye of TerrorDaemon WorldsGods and Daemons- Faith and Ritual

The Word Bearers…Chaos Space Marines- Crusaders and Adjudicators- Iconoclasts- Proselytisers - Possessed Word Bearers Lords and Heroes- Dark Apostles- First Acolytes- Coryphaeus- Theosophists- The Seraphim

The Cults- Raptor Cult- Obliterator Cult+ The Techno-Virus of Ghalmek- The Anointed- The Gal VorbakDreadnoughts…- Possessed Dreadnoughts- Venerable Dreadnoughts- Penitent DreadnoughtsBattle Tanks and Vehicles…- Word Bearer Bike Squad- Rhino- Predator- Vindicator- Land Raider+ Eschaton Pattern+ Crusader Pattern+ Ark Pattern- Dreadclaw Assault PodDaemon Engines…+ Talion + Soul Grinder+ Ophanim

The Divine Emissaries…- Hashmallin+ Daemon Princes, Lords and Kings- Potesta- Angels and Daemons

The Cult Lorgar…- Black Cardinals and Hierophants- Qadashi, Preachers and Redemptionists- Fanatics and the Faithful- Cult Apostate

Armoury…- Wargear- Gifts of Chaos- Faith Abilities- Psychic Powers

Page 4: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

Army List…- HQ- Elites- Troops

- Fast Attack- Heavy Support


IntroductionWhat is Codex: Word Bearers?

Welcome, Word Bearer! The most obvious goal of this (completely unofficial) Codex is to provide a supplement for Word Bearer players to use in place of Codex: Chaos Space Marines, which should be used in conjunction with the main Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and any number of the expansions. More importantly, we’re (I am) hoping to represent the Word Bearers on the table with, not just everything I’d like to see, a very characterful assortment of religious and theosophical themed units.

In fact, the feel I get from reading about the death cult of Antiochus (don’t bother trying to look him up on the internet, you’ll find next to nothing about him) is very important to the vibe that I get from the Word Bearers. That being the case, I’m trying to capture that atmosphere and inject it into the feel of the army, so that it seeps out and flows into the backstory behind every unit and action.

That isn’t to say that all Word Bearers are near suicidal death cultists or one dimensional zealots, but each Word Bearer is not only a scholar and a warrior but also someone who understands the fabric of the universe and the truth behind it, and is not afraid. He doesn’t try to use power that isn’t his own like the sorcerers of the Thousand Sons, or deny that power and try to destroy it like the Grey Knights. The Word Bearer works with that power because he understands that it is intelligent, and to toy with it would be dangerous. He understands that the Imperium would have crumbled if it were to stand against it, regardless of the irony present in the Horus Heresy – sooner or later, and that the current Imperium is too weak to resist it and the numerous alien threats, so he understands that the Imperium of Man must be replaced and Chaos worshiped and served. He does not resist this, but he is implacable and questioning to any belief that offers another answer. Better still, like the Imperial Inquisitors, he’d sooner see such heretical belief destroyed lest it weaken his brotherhood.

Does a Word Bearer feel fear? Perhaps he does, but no more or less than any other Space Marine. He simply understands that it is his duty to safeguard the human race, and lead its ascension to a higher plane in the grand scheme of things. Whether this is actually true or not is up for debate, but the Word Bearer has seen enough to truly believe and faith is a mechanic that I want to work into the army. You still get bad apples, and we’ve only seen those bad apples in the 41st Millennium. That isn’t to say that the Word Bearers are good, but evil for evil’s sake? No-one but the most one-dimensional and deluded hold that point of view, of which there are likely many amongst the ranks of the Word Bearers theocratic domain, but all? Nah, that’s boring.

“Being in part a

disclosure of the dread powers of Chaos, and

in the main an illustration of said

powers’ followers and Daemons and other

diverse Abominations, especially those

damned warriors and Heretics that comprise

the Word Bearers Traitor Legion and

wherein is conducted an Examination of the

most lamentable Extent of Chaos to be

found in the Imperium of Man; and a further

Discussion of the Daemons, Mortals and sundry Creatures who worship, serve, follow

and venerate the dread Primarch Lorgar

within those Hellish regions of the Galaxy known as the Eye of

Terror and Maelstrom.”

Page 5: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

This humble scribe (Wyrmwood) is simply a vessel for the will of the divine emissaries, and it is through this tortured husk that they dictate the information that fills this holy tome. With me in this undertaking is that most vile rogue, warp-maddened MvS – disgraced intellectual and trafficker of forbidden knowledge. Between us, we hope to craft a satisfying and flavourful guide for fans of Chaos in general, not just Word Bearers despite the focus on them. Oh, there was also some Inquisitor bloke that got his hands on this file, and left annotations all over the place. He won’t be bothering us anymore.

The Dark Armoury

“The revelation of spirit when encountering the power of Chaos is as freeing for

the machine as it is for the mortal mind. It is our duty to create this blessed state of union.”

Page 6: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

Word Bearer Special RulesThe Laughter of Thirsting Gods – Anytime a unit with this rule fails a Morale test, declines a Challenge or goes to ground, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1, 2 or a 6, all of the units’ weapons have the Gets Hot special rule for the remainder of that turn.

Bearer of the Word – All units with this rule benefit from Crusader and Faithful. In addition, non-fearless units that fall back automatically regroup within 6” of an Independent Character from this Codex or any allied detachment of Battle Brothers. The Laughter of Thirsting Gods still applies to a unit with this rule, but the Bearer of the Word may add or subtract 1 to or from the result. For example, Apostle Antiochus declines a Challenge and rolls for The Laughter of Thirsting Gods; he rolls a 2, which would normally activate the rule, but as he is a Bearer of the Word he adds 1 to the result. The resulting 3 disables the penalty.

Divine Law – All models with this rule are Fearless. Furthermore, a model with this rule cannot decline a Challenge.

Maledicti Aeternum – All models with this rule benefit from Veterans of the Long War and Preferred Enemy (Chaos Space Marines).

Infernal Machine – The vehicle may move an extra D6 in the assault phase.

Abyssal Mantle – The unit gains the Shrouded special rule.

Shemhamforash – Allied units within 6” of a model with this special rule benefit from Zealot.

He Who Is Invoked – A model with this rule can only enter play via Deep Strike.

Iconoclast – All models with this rule add +1 to their armour penetration rolls against fortifications and structures.

Aetheric Blessing – A weapon with this buff benefits from Soul Blaze.

Aetheric Wings – Gains the Infantry (Jump) type.

Lorica Sancti – Armour save increased to 2+.

Sanctus Fortis – A model with this possesses a 4+ invulnerable save.

Divine Emissary – All units with this special rule benefit from Fear and Sanctus Fortis. They do, however, count as Daemons.

We Are the Perils… – This model is immune to the Perils of the Warp.

Faithful – All units with this rule may perform Epiklesis. In addition, when they are victorious in combat they gain one point of Faith.

Epiklesis – Roll on the following table:

D6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1

Page 7: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

2 3 4 5 6

Page 8: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

Headquarters Dark Apostle of the Cult Lorgar, Prophet of Chaos Undivided

Apostle 150pts

WS BS S T W I A LD Save6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+/5+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 1

Wargear:- Power Armour- Reconsecrated Crozier- Bolt Pistol- Close Combat Weapon- Frag and Krak Grenades

Special Rules:- Independent Character- Divine Law- Word Bearer- Shemhamforash

Options:- Eternal Warrior 20pts- Aetheric Blessing 5pts- Lorica Sancti 15pts- Aetheric Wings 15pts- Sanctus Fortis 10pts

May replace his Close Combat Weapon with:- Power Weapon 10pts- Powerfist 15pts- Thunder Hammer 20pts- Chainfist 20pts- Lightning Claw 15pts- Blessed Weapon 25pts- Combat Shield 10pts

May replace his Bolt Pistol with:- Plasma Pistol 10pts- Bolter free- Twin-Linked Bolter 5pts- Combi-Weapon 10pts

He may replace all Wargear and weapons with Terminator Armour, a Combi-Bolter and Reconsecrated Crozier for free.

He may replace his Twin-Linked Bolter for a Combi-Weapon, 5pts or a Storm Shield at 25pts.

He may upgrade his Crozier to a Transfigured Crozier for 40pts. This replaces the Crozier and CCW slot.

He may be accompanied by a retinue of Disciples

0-1 Thousand Sons Sorcerer Lord, Manipulator of Fate 120ptsMay only be taken if allied Thousand Sons Space Marines are included in the army. Use the rules and options

(including psychic powers) for the Chaos Sorcerer in Codex: Chaos Space Marines with the following changes/additions:

Page 9: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

o +1 Ballistic Skillo Mark of Tzeentch

(Invulnerable save increased to 4+, immune to ‘Perils of the Warp’)

o May exchange his Force Weapon:- Warp Blade, 20pts- Bedlam Staff, 20pts

- Deathscreamer, 30pts

o In addition to two Psychic Powers from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, he may take up to two of the following:- Psychic Duel, 10pts- Reckoning, 10pts- Weaver of Fates, 10pts

- Withering Gaze, 10pts

o May select the following:- Eye of Tzeentch, 5pts- Inferno Bolts, 10pts- Warp Talisman, 10pts

o Unless accompanied by a retinue, he may choose to ride a Disc of Tzeentch at 30pts

First Acolyte of the Cult Lorgar, Tongue of the Pantheon

Acolyte 60pts

WS BS S T W I A LD Save5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+/5+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 1

Wargear:- Power Armour- Bolt Pistol- Close Combat Weapon- Frag and Krak Grenades

Special Rules:- Independent Character- Word Bearer- Disciple of Chaos- Faithful- Shemhemforash

Options:- Chaos Armour 15pts- Aethyric Wings 15pts- Blessed Ammo 5pts- Personal Icon 5pts- Blasphemous Runes 10pts- Combat Shield 10pts

May replace his Close Combat Weapon with:- Power Weapon 10pts- Powerfist 15pts- Thunder Hammer 20pts- Chainfist 20pts- A pair of Lightning Claws 25pts- Blessed Weapon 25pts

May replace his Bolt Pistol with:- Plasma Pistol 10pts

- Bolter free- Twin-Linked Bolter 5pts- Combi-Weapon 10pts- Storm Shield 25pts

He may replace all Wargear and weapons with Terminator Armour, a Twin-Bolter and power weapon or with the Gal Vorbak upgrade for 20pts.

He may replace his Twin-Linked Bolter for a Combi-Weapon, 5pts or a Storm Shield at 25pts.

He may accompany the Dark Apostle as part of the Disciples

Coryphaus, Commander of the Host



WS BS S T W I A LD Save6 6 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+/5+

Page 10: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 1

Wargear:- Power Armour- Bolt Pistol- Close Combat Weapon- Frag and Krak Grenades- Tainted Auspex

Special Rules:- Independent Character- Word Bearer- Urizen’s Blessing- Tactical Acumen - Rites of Battle

Options:- Eternal Warrior 20pts- Blessed Ammo 5pts- Chaos Armour 15pts- Aethyric Wings 15pts- Combat Shield 10pts- Anointed 30pts- Crusader 10pts

May replace his Close Combat Weapon with:- Power Weapon 10pts- Powerfist 15pts- Thunder Hammer 20pts- Chainfist 20pts- Lightning Claw 15pts- Blessed Weapon 25pts- Storm Shield 25pts

May replace his Bolt Pistol with:- Plasma Pistol 10pts- Bolter free- Twin-Linked Bolter 5pts- Combi-Weapon 10pts

He may replace all Wargear and weapons with Terminator Armour, a Twin-Linked Bolter and a power weapon for 20pts.

He may replace his Twin-Linked Bolter for a Combi-Weapon, 5pts or a Storm Shield at 25pts

Word Bearer Champions, Blades and Executioners of the Coryphaus

Champion 50pts

WS BS S T W I A LD Save5 4 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 1 - 3

Wargear:- Power Armour- Bolt Pistol- Close Combat Weapon- Frag and Krak Grenades- Tainted Auspex

Special Rules:- Word Bearer- Crusaders- Tactical Acumen

Options:- Blessed Ammo 5pts- Combat Shield 10pts- Anointed 10pts

May replace his Close Combat Weapon

with:- Power Weapon 10pts- Powerfist 15pts- Thunder Hammer 20pts- Chainfist 20pts- Lightning Claw 15pts- Blessed Weapon 25pts- Storm Shield 25pts

May replace his Bolt Pistol with:- Plasma Pistol 10pts- Bolter free- Twin-Linked Bolter 5pts- Combi-Weapon 10pts

He may replace all Wargear and weapons with Terminator Armour, a Twin-Linked Bolter

and a power weapon for 15pts.

He may replace his Twin-Linked Bolter for a Combi-Weapon, 5pts or a Storm Shield at 15pts

Page 11: Codex: Word Bearers (Alpha) file · Web viewFrom the fires of betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all

Theosophist, Bending the Fabric of the Universe through the Divine

Theosophist 100pts

WS BS S T W I A LD Save5 5 4 4 3 5 2 9 3+/4+