codes & standards

INDIAN PLUMBING TODAY CODES & STANDARDS FEBRUARY 2013 68 The Importance of a Plumbing Product’s Listing to Society Charles Gross to protect the public’s health and safety when most plumbing products are about to be installed into a major remodeling project, or a new construction latest information to ensure that the minimum standards are complied with, such as those cited within chapter 14 in the 2011 Uniform Plumbing Code-India. The Uniform Plumbing Code-India (UPC-I) is a code that is updated and published in three year cycles, and most of its cited standards are usually updated as well. However, the great majority of plumbing done on an irregular basis, which is usually on an ‘as-needed’ basis. This is why it’s so very important from a third party listing agency, preferably one to subsequent product installation permits and/or approvals can be made. The plumbing industry continues changing at a rapid pace, and sometimes it seems more so each protect the public’s health and safety by staying abreast of such changes. Attorneys sometimes have jurisdictions into their web of construction defect lawsuits. The sad truth is these suits often leave little taken out. Every jurisdiction needs to work with the plumbing industry to help solve such problems. Over the years, most of society has become complacent and are able to recognize the so-called ‘copycat’ products as being unlisted. Again, in most cases, the majority of society has erroneously assumed for too long that all plumbing products and

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    FEBRUARY 2013 68

    The Importance of a Plumbing Products Listing to Society

    Charles Gross

    to protect the publics health and safety when most plumbing products are about to be installed into a major remodeling project, or a new construction

    latest information to ensure that the minimum standards are complied with, such as those cited within chapter 14 in the 2011 Uniform Plumbing Code-India.

    The Uniform Plumbing Code-India (UPC-I) is a code that is updated and published in three year cycles, and most of its cited standards are usually updated as well. However, the great majority of plumbing

    done on an irregular basis, which is usually on an as-needed basis. This is why its so very important

    from a third party listing agency, preferably one

    to subsequent product installation permits and/or approvals can be made.

    The plumbing industry continues changing at a rapid pace, and sometimes it seems more so each

    protect the publics health and safety by staying abreast of such changes. Attorneys sometimes have

    jurisdictions into their web of construction defect lawsuits. The sad truth is these suits often leave little

    taken out. Every jurisdiction needs to work with the plumbing industry to help solve such problems. Over the years, most of society has become complacent

    and are able to recognize the so-called copycat products as being unlisted. Again, in most cases, the majority of society has erroneously assumed for too long that all plumbing products and


    FEBRUARY 2013 69

    must rededicate themselves to the publics health and safety mission by ensuring and/or requesting every plumbing products listing certification be provided on all plumbing projects seeking installation permits/approvals.

    Section 301.1.1 in the UPC-I requires all plumbing pipe, pipe fittings, fixtures, materials, and devices shall be listed or labeled by a product listing agency, such as IAPMO India. It is very important that we recognize what the label means. For example, a product that has a label with the UPC-I shield mark of conformity designates that this product complies with the respective requirements within its product standard and the UPC-I. Other products labels, with a different mark of conformity, normally comply only with the products performance standard, without reference to any other document, or code. Hence, these two types of marks of product conformity exist on the market, but the labels that confirm compliance to a standard and to a code appear to be the most beneficial to everyone as theyre more comprehensive than compliance only to a standard.

    Besides listing products to their performance standard, a very important advantage in also listing products to a plumbing code, such as the UPC-I , is that such codes mandate ordinance(s) providing minimum product installation requirements for the maximum protection of the publics health, safety and welfare. Should an official find that a product is in conflict and fails to meet a codes minimum requirements; the official will then be acting in good faith by not allowing the installation or use of such a product, although it may be listed to its performance standard only. This is another benefit when plumbing products are certified to a plumbing code and a performance standard.

    There are many factors and other products besides plumbing products that cause major headaches and challenges for jurisdictional officials such as design-build buildings, value-engineered buildings, green buildings, and buildings using the fast-track schedules, which are often unrealistic and require decisions without sufficient time for research and verification. However, we must not lose sight of each officials goal which is to ensure that plumbing products comply to the minimum performance requirements in each products standard and plumbing code so as to help ensure the publics maximum health and safety - All jurisdictional


    Mr. Charles Gross currently serves as IAPMOs Director of India Product Certification within its IAPMO India business unit since June 2012. Previously, Mr. Gross served IAPMO for fifteen years

    within IAPMOs R&T business unit in previous capacities that included Product Evaluation Engineer, Assistant Director of Product Certification, Director of Product Certification, and Director of Product Standards. He can be contacted at [email protected]

    officials must demand proof of product certification before confirming approval to proceed on any project - It is imperative that the government, plumbing industry and society work together to encourage and to support officials in ensuring that all plumbing performance standards and plumbing codes be kept as up to date as possible, and that all plumbing products information, including certification, is available for review, so that officials have all the necessary information to make correct decisions in the best interest of the publics health, safety, and welfarewhereby everyone wins by working together in this manner!

    Editorial Note : The situation described in the article where legal action can be taken against a manufacturer for a substandard product or an installer for non-compliance with the relevant code is more prevalent in developed countries. The situation in India is quite different, in that, none of the codes are, mandatory. All, including the National Building Code (NBC) furnish only guidelines. Until such time our codes become mandatory the only recourse for the discerning user will be to insist on at least third party certified, listed products, tested in an accredited testing laboratory such as the IAPMO-Intertek initiative. This will at least ensure that the products used are of the highest quality.