codes and conventions of magazine contents page

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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Codes and Conventions of Magazine Contents Pages By Amy Patton

2. Masthead usedreinforces thebrandDateCaptions- Tell theaudience what thearticle is aboutSide Headings split thecontents into sectionsPage Numbers-usually boldand in adifferent colourHeadlines Bold and incapitals to stand out.Images magazine usedrelates to articles,captions and columns 3. Date and websiteImages 3 or 4 imagesColour Scheme- Suit that relate to theconnotations of the magazines contentgenre.Columns- usuallyuses three columnsSections- Headingsput the articles in tosections e.g.Features ,Oasis special,Every MonthTypography Used signifiesthe genre