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2011 Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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2011Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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Critical to any marketing, sales or financial strategy is your technique to acquire and retain your employee, channel partners, customers and consumers. So at the grass root, it is your relationship with these forces of people that counts.

Educate Excite Reward

And they will bring home your business goals

Our business is to provide you with knowledge & expertise to plan & execute all this and More.


Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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We are team of over 50+ experienced, dedicated, focused, sincere and passionate people

Our team constitutes of strategists, business analysts, technical and production personnel, data process personnel, copy writers , graphic designers, sales and marketing teams

Our in-house resources give us the edge you are looking for in any part of your value chain and will be instrumental in providing you with turnkey solutions

Our Team

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Ideas, innovation & integration

҉� Our people……..!!!

҉� World class Event technology

҉� Creative excellence҉� Expertise in marketing


҉� Execution capabilities & bandwidth҉� Comprehensive experience

҉� Widespread national and international network

҉� Relationship with our clients, vendors, employees. Indian and International Artistes, Celebrities across the World

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Direct Marketing

҉� Events

҉� Rural marketing

҉� Digital Marketing

҉� Promotions and Activations

҉� Rewards and Loyalty Programs

҉� Exhibitions

҉� Print Advertisements

҉� OOH Media

҉� Radio and Television

Business Solutions

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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Bulk Emails (EDM) & Viral Campaigns

Tele-Calling SMS (Short Messaging Service)

Online, Market Survey & Research

Lead Generation

Database Management, Maintenance & Profiling

Direct Mail Response & Audience Generation for Events & Promotions

Post Activity Response Management & Analysis

Mystery Shopping

Data Entry Corporate Gifts

҉� Targeting a Specific Demographic & Geographic Audience to Launch, Promote & Market any specific Product or Service through Response Management.

Direct Marketing

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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Conferences & Seminars Brand & Product Launches B2B & B2C Events Networking Events VIP Visits Facility Inaugurations Employee Events Awards functions Entertainment & Thematic Events Dealer/ Channel/

Customer/interaction programs

҉� A combination of creative and design excellence , our events offer a high quality delivery at a competitive price


Event Concepts & Communications

Pre-Event Communications &

Teaser Campaign On ground Promotions

Road Shows Design & Fabrication

Venue, Sound & Light

Management Artists & Celebrity Management

Special Event Properties

Media / Press meets

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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For nearly half a century, , marketers have been aware of the market potential of this part of India. However, the massive scale of operations that it required convinced marketers, both foreign and indigenous, that the rural market, although a thoroughly tempting prospect, could not be reached unless a serious specialised communication effort was devised. Cobalt Rural Initiative is a dedicated division designed to provide specialised marketing and communication services to rural India with a specialised team of resources,its services extend from brand-planning, research, marketing and communication strategies, media planning, selling and buying, to complete creative execution across the country.

Rural Marketing

Market Analysis/ Congregation point analysis

Strengths in identifying and implementing

unconventional media

Implementation network across country for macro

project implementation

Seamless monitoring systems

Strengths to identify new distribution opportunities

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� In this space we take up both push and pull aspects of any organization’s digital initiative. Our area of service extend from internet marketing activities like paid promotions, social media optimization, rich media services and SMS marketing, eMail marketing etc.., We emphasise on understanding your business in depth and suggesting some of the best solutions.

Digital Marketing

Website and Micro site design

Search engine optimization

Online Marketing

Viral marketing

Content Development: Video, Blogs, Podcasts, Games

Direct response programmes

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� An activity pre and post an event are the best way to create curiosity and sustain mindshare, thus leading to unique and scalable campaigns

Promotions & Activations

LCV / Canter Promotions

Mall / market Road Shows

Consumer Promo Loyalty Programs Trade / In-shop Activity

SCP (School Contact Program)

Auditions Carnivals Human Visibility Programs

Prop Design & Fabrication

Special Brand Promo Corporate Activity Rural Promotions Merchandising: Signage/ Corp Gifts

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� It is a specialized cell that combines rewarding with redemption to give an integrated solution. The solutions are offered on an online platform and are customizable and scalable in any environment. It can offer a complete turnkey solution from communication, implementation, delivery and maintenance

Rewards and Loyalty Programs

Rewards & Recognition Programs

Loyalty Management Program

Non Cash Incentive Planning

Customized Software Solutions

Product Cataloguing - Online / Offline

Reward Product Identification & Sourcing

Reward Delivery / Fulfilment Solutions

Vendor Management

Communication Management

Web Campaigns Viral Marketing Gaming Solutions Mobile Content Development

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Exhibition division is committed to providing satisfaction to its customers by organizing focused trade shows through exceptional services, employee involvement, market intelligence and continual improvement


Organizing Domestic & International Exhibitions

Kiosks Installation Art

POP Design Production & Execution

Spatial Design

Creative Conceptualization

Stall Set up Stall Booking & Management

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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Product Awareness


Post Event eDM

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Events

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Events

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Events

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Events

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Events

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Events

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Stall Design

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Stall Design

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Stall Design

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Stall Design

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Website Design

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Website Design

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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҉� Website Design

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҉� Website Design

Cobalt Experiential Marketing

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Thank You

Cobalt Experiential Marketing