coasts revision booklet


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Booklet containing the essentials of revision on the topic of Coasts for GCSE Geography.


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GCSEGCSE GEOGRAPHYGEOGRAPHYNote: To use with the work you have in your exercise books and further revision

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Helpful links

On FRONTER there are all powerpoints as used in your lessons, with working links to the online resources/ clips etc that have been used in lessons.

On FRONTER there is a link to an electronic version of the OCR GCSE Geography textbook

Miss Nash will be doing LOTS of revision with you in the run-up to your exams!

There will be afterschool sessions held in the run up to exams if required. These will be informal, and will involve things like practising exam technique, and help with general revision technique.


When completing your GCSE Geography exam you must read the question carefully and answer it in the right way to make sure that you get as many marks as possible. Always use geographical terms in your answers e.g. compass directions, use the scale of the map, give grid references.

Here are some of the command words that you may be given:

Annotate - add notes or labels to a map or diagram to explain what it shows.

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Compare - look for ways in which features or places are similar or different. e.g. a city in a LEDC compared to a MEDC

Complete - add to a map or graph to finish it off.

Contrast - look for the differences between features or places. Often the question will ask you to compare and contrast.

Define - explain what something means e.g. hydraulic action.

Describe - give details about what a map or diagram shows.

Discuss - usually wants a long answer, describing and giving reasons for or explaining arguments for and against.

Draw - a sketch map or diagram with labels to explain something.

Explain or account for - give reasons for the location or appearance of something.

Factors - reasons for the location of something such as a factory.

Give your ( or somebody else’s) views- say what you or a particular group think about something , for example should limestone quarries be allowed in the Peak District.

Identify - name, locate, recognise or select a particular feature or features, usually from a map, photo or diagram.

Mark - put onto a map or diagram.

Name, state, list - give accurate details or features.

Study - look carefully at a map, photo, table, diagram etc. and say what it shows.

With reference to /refer to examples you have studied - give specific details about your case studies.

With the help of/using the information provided - make sure you include examples from the information, including grid references if it is a map

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Destructive or constructive?

Content Revised?


How weathering, erosion, transport and deposition operate along constructive and destructive coastlines. The formation of landforms along a stretch of coastline, including cliffs, headland, cave, arch, stack, beach, spit -with appropriate examples. Human and physical reasons why the protection of coastlines is necessary. Different methods of coastline protection including the sustainability of each (examples include groyne, offshore breakwater, sea wall, rip-rap, revetment, gabion, beach replenishment and managed retreat).

Case studies Named example


A case study of one coastal area and its landforms.

A case study of coastline management, including reasons for protection, measures taken, resulting effects and possible conflicts.

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Consider the wave characteristics carefully and identify whether they are for destructive or constructive waves.

Destructive or constructive?

Wave description

weak backwashShort wavelengthSteep wavesErodes the beachLong wavelengthLow wavesStrong swashDeposits materials and builds beachesWeak swashStrong backwash

1. Read through each definition carefully and then choose the key term you think it is related to and write this into the attempt box.

Definition Key term - Attempt Key term - Correct answer

This is the force of water hitting the cliff and squeezing air into the cracks in the rock. As the air is squeezed into the cracks this puts pressure on the cracks and pieces of rock may break off.This is the process of rocks hitting each other and breaking into smaller rocks when they are in the sea. This is the breakdown of rock in situ caused by the weather and animals.The force of the waves flings sand and pebbles against the cliffs. This is known as a sandblasting effect.This is when animals such as rabbits burrow into rocks or the roots of plants widen cracks in rocks, putting them under pressure. This is a chemical reaction between the sea water and the minerals in the rocks. The sea water can slowly dissolve chalk and limestone increasing the size of cracks and joints.These processes occur on the cliff-face and include mass movement and weathering.

2. Read through the descriptions of the landforms and then complete the name and case study section of the table.



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Name Description of landform Case study exampleExtended stretch of beach material that projects out to the sea and is attached to the mainland at one end.An area of hard rock that extends out into the sea.An isolated pillar of rock that is separated from the headland by sea.

3. What coastal landforms can you indentify in the map extracts?

Landforms of erosion: Headlands and Bays



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Headlands and bays form in area where there are alternating layers of hard rock and soft rocks.

An example is Lulworth Cove in Dorset.

At Lulworth Cove the outer layer of hard rock is limestone.

The marine processes of hydraulic action, solution and abrasion have eroded through this hard rock to soft clays and sands behind it.

As the clays and sands behind the limestone rock are less resistant to erosion, the sea erodes sideways and backwards forming a bay in the soft rock.

The development of the bay was stopped when the sea had eroded back to the layer of chalk, a hard rock which is resistant to erosion at the back of the bay.


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Deposition Landforms: Spit, Bars and Tombolos

A spit is a long narrow piece of land made of sand and shingle.

This feature is joined to the land at one end and projects out into the sea or across a river estuary at the other end.

They are features of coastal deposition.

Spits are formed when the sea moves particles of sand along the coast in a zig zag pattern.

This is called long shore drift.

The direction of long shore drift depends on the prevailing wind direction.

When the coastline suddenly changes direction, usually at a headland, the sand and shingle continue to be moved along the coast out to sea building upwards and outwards.

The spit cannot grow right across to the other side of the river due to the river currents.

When the wind changes direction it causes the waves to change direction and this can lead to the end of the spit forming a curved end as the material gets blown in a different direction.

Salt marsh often develops behind the spit from the deposition of fine silt and mud.

An example of a spit is found at Dawlish Warren. The salt marsh behind the spit is a nature reserve.

If a spit grows across a bay (that has no river feeding it) and connects to the other side it is called a bar (For example, Slapton Sands).

If a spit joins the mainland to an offshore island it is called a tombolo (For example, Chesil Beach)

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DEPOSITIONAL LANDFORMS: Spits, Bars and Tombolos

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Landforms of erosion: Headland erosion

The sea attacks a crack in the headland.

Hydraulic action opens up the crack to form a cave.

Over time, the sea will erode the cave until it goes through the headland to form an arch.

The roof of the arch will collapse as there is nothing to support it. This is because of constant erosion and weathering.

This leaves a pillar of rock which has broken away from the headland called a stack.

Eventually, erosion will cause the stack to become a stump.

An example is Old Harry in Dorset.


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Landforms of erosion: Wave cut platform

The sea moves against the case of the cliff, abrasion and hydraulic action will slowly erode the base of the cliff.

The continuous erosion creates a wave-cut notch which begins at the high tide level and ends at the low tide level.

As the erosion continues the wave-cut notch gets bigger. Overtime the overhang of rocks above the notch will fall into the sea due to it not being able to support its own weight and the pull of gravity.

The sea will then continue to attack the cliff and form another notch. In this way, the cliff will retreat (move backwards), becoming higher and steeper.

The remains of the cliff rock, now below the sea at high tide, form a rocky, wave-cut platform.

As the width of the wave-cut platform increases, the powers of the wave’s decreases, as the waves have further to travel to reach the cliff.

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Soft coastlines

Storm waves attack the base of the cliff.

Cracks appear after dry weather.

Rain soaks into cliff.

The cliff becomes increasingly heavy and unstable.

Mass movement occurs along slipping planes (lines of weakness in the rock).

The cliff retreats (moves back) away from the sea.

The Holbeck Hotel near Scarborough on the Holderness Coastline is a case study.

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Over 4 billion people worldwide live in coastal areas, and they are also used heavily by industry. There is a growing threat of flooding due to sea-level rise, and erosion is increasing. As a result, many areas of coastline are now being protected. Coastal environments can provide unique habitats for wildlife, and so the challenge is to find ways of balancing the competing needs of people, wildlife and the environment. 


 Hold the line - maintain the existing coastline by building defences

Advance the line - build new defences seaward of the existing defences

Managed realignment - allow the land to flood, and construct a new line of defences landward of the existing coastline

No intervention - allow natural processes to shape the land

The map below shows the policies set out for sub-cell 11c.


Hard Engeneering

Method of Protection how does it work? Advantages Disadvantages

Lipped sea wall

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Concrete Wall, curved under the side to deflect the power of the waves.

Sea walls reflect rather than absorb wave energyMost effective means of preventing erosionMost expensive (up to £2.5 million / km)Deflected waves often scour the base, undermining the wall (may eventually collapse)

Large boulders on the beach - lesson the force of the waves by absorbing the wave energy within the gaps between the rocks

Relatively CheapUse natural materials / rocksEnvironmentally uglyCan be undermined and removed by waves due to washing away of sand and shingle beneath.

Cages of boulders built into the cliff face - small rocks help to absorb the wave energy

Effective where severe erosion and cheaper than sea wallsEnvironmentally ugly (usually used in large numbers

 Wooden or concrete structures break the force of the waves and trap beach material behind them

Much cheaper than a sea wallEffective at breaking the force of the waves

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Less durable than a sea wall - may need replacing quickerDon't give total protection to base of cliffEnvironmentally ugly

Wooden or in some cases steel structures that stop longshore drift and build up / anchor the beach, protecting the base of a cliff

Stops longshore drift encouraging the build up of the beach and effectively reducing erosion.Can increase erosion further down coast by stopping longshore drift and starving areas further down coast of sediment.

A Tale of two villages- North East Norfolk

So what are the existing defences at Sea Palling?

 Following some of the worst storms in the history of the East Coast, a seawall was built at Sea Palling in 1953 to protect inland areas from flooding. It was to work alongside a wide sandy beach, which would absorb much of the power of the waves. However, by the 1990s, most of the beach had been washed away so the seawall was being directly attacked by the waves during storms. In order to protect the seawall, 100,000 tonnes of boulders were places in front of the sea wall as rock armour. These were imported from Scandinavia. 1,000,000 cubic metres of sand were also brought in and dumped on the beach (beach replenishment) and four offshore reefs were built parallel to the coast using huge granite boulders. The offshore reefs break the waves before they reach the beach and the absorb their energy. Sediment is trapped on their landward side, creating a wide beach which is then very effective in absorbing wave energy. The reefs worked so well that a second set was added later (to the south of Sea Palling). You can see the impact of the reefs in building up the beach very clearly on an OS map or on an aerial photograph.



Happisburgh is a village with a population of about 1400 people



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in about 600 houses. This is one of the fastest eroding coastlines in Europe, and thousands of tonnes of cliff material are washed away every winter. It has been estimated that the Happisburgh cliffs are now retreating at a rate of 10-15 metres every year. More than 30 buildings have been lost so far.




In 1959, timber sea defences were constructed between Ostend and Cart Gap, including along the front at Happisburgh. These were wooden revetments and groynes. They worked very well for a number of years, but started failing in the 1980s due to lack of maintenance and repair. As a result, the soft boulder clay cliffs took a severe battering from the waves.  By 1989, North Norfolk District Council identified the need for a major investment in new defences. Local government is responsible for repairs and upkeep of sea defences, but any capital scheme such as renewal of existing defences or creation of new ones requires the acceptance, approval and funding of central government.

In 2000, the Ministry of Agriculture, Farming and Fisheries (the body in charge of coastal defence at the time) agreed to fund a study of the coast between Ostend and Cart Gap to investigate the coastal processes and if possible to develop a strategy to renew the defences. A report and scheme was advertised in December 2001 recommending a 3-stage approach, starting with the construction of a rock groyne at the south end of Beach Road. Objections were received from Professor Clayton and Lord of the Manor Eric Couzens. Despite 325 letters of support, it was not possible to progress the

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scheme until these objections had been resolved. While the scheme was tied up in red tape at Whitehall, the sea continued its erosion at a rate far in excess of any forecasts. The end result was that in December 2002 the scheme was withdrawn as it no longer met financial or technical criteria. The diagram below shows the outline of the scheme.



North Norfolk District Council recognised that this was an emergency situation and they provided funding for 4000 tonnes of rock to be placed at the toe of the cliff as rock armour to give some short term protection. The Council emphasised that this was only intended as a temporary measure, and was not expected to withstand anything other than normal weather conditions.




The 2006 SMP proposes that Happisburgh is no longer protected from erosion. This is partly because the financial costs of protection are very high in relation to the value of property in the village, and partly because the eroded material from the cliffs at Happisburgh forms the beach sediment that is so virtually needed to protect down drift locations from erosion.


Protecting the coastline: beach replishment

Beaches are a superb defence against storm waves and coastal erosion as they absorb the power of the breaking waves. Having a wide beach can also protect from the threat of coastal flooding.

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 Soft engineering is where beaches (or naturally formed materials) are used to control, reduce or redirect erosion processes. Soft engineering options are often less expensive than hard engineering options. They are usually also more long-term and sustainable, with less impact on the environment, as they work with natural processes rather than against them.

 Beach replenishment (sometimes called beach nourishment) is an example of soft engineering. Beach replenishment means that sand is dumped or pumped from elsewhere onto the beach.

 Beach recycling is an attempt to even out the natural process of longshore drift. You could think of it as being the opposite of long shore drift - sand and shingle is moved from areas where it has built up from long shore drift and put back to its original position. It is most common for beach recycling to happen after winter storms when large amounts of material have been moved by natural processes.

 Beach reprofiling happens where bulldozers are used to move material up the beach. After storms, the upper beach levels can get very low because materials have been removed in the wave backwash. Bulldozers are used to push material back up the beach to create gently sloping profile. A gently sloping beach can absorb more wave energy than a steep beach, so it is a better natural form of defence.

Using the Natural environment to help prevent flooding

Managed realignment (also known as managed retreat) means that the land is allowed to flood until it reaches a new line of defence inland. This defence may be natural (eg. a ridge of higher land) or built. This is shown in the animation below (wait until the 'Existing hard flood defences' statement at the top of the list is highlighted in green for the start of the animation; the picture changes to reflect the highlighted text on the right hand side of the image). Note that if there is no natural ridge of earth, an earth bund may be constructed. This is a mound of earth that is built to separate freshwater from saltwater.



Managed retreat is often the policy where existing sea defences are allowed to fail. The sea floods the land behind the breached defences, but builds up its own natural defences such as mudflats, marshes and beaches. This can only really work where population density is low and there is little infrastructure to protect. It is seen as being a much more sustainable way of the managing the coastline than using hard engineering methods. It can also be much cheaper than hard engineering projects.

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 Managed retreat is well suited to low-lying, saltmarsh environments, for example the estuaries of Essex and Suffolk. Over time, the broad tidal marshes will help absorb and reduce wave energy, providing a low-cost coastal defence. They also enhance the ecosystem.

 A problem with this form of management is that good quality agricultural land may be lost. Settlements and property along the coastal strip may also be destroyed. Coastal blight occurs where the price of properties in an area subject to managed retreat falls signficantly, meaning that homeowners may find themselves in negative equity and unable to afford the cost of a move inland. There have been reports of properties in the village of Happisburgh, North Norfolk being valued at just £1 due to the policy of managed retreat being proposed for the area.  


Sustainable management Management which meets the needs of the present while preserving the area for future generations.

Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) Management of the coastal zone to protect areas from over development and environmental damage. Was introduced by the EU in 1996.

Coastal area/ zone The built-up area that stretches inland and the shallow seas and marshes that border the land. It is not just the point where the sea meets the land.

Integrated management Management of the whole area/ system rather than just parts of it.

Coastal flooding Storms and increased sea levels can lead to submergence of coastal areas.

Salt marsh A natural habitat which lies between the sea and land. It acts as a natural defence to flooding.

Managed retreat Restoring salt marshes so that the land can be used as a natural buffer from flooding, therefore, protecting the land behind it.

Mediterranean A large area of water which borders Southern Europe and Northern Africa.

UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland make up this country.

Remember if there is anything you need help with you can come and speak to Miss Nash

Or attend the revision club after school

If you would like additional help speak to Miss Nash and she will arrange a time to work with you.

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remember to read the question and think what the command word is asking you to do- look at the number to marks they will tell you how many points you need to make.