co-production designing and delivering services with citizens

nef (the new economics foundation) 1 Co-production Designing and delivering services with citizens Lucie Stephens nef (the new economics foundation)

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nef (the new economics foundation) 1

Co-production Designing and delivering

services with citizens

Lucie Stephens nef (the new economics foundation)

nef (the new economics foundation) 2

Agenda for the session

•  Brief history of co-production •  How is it different from other forms of

involvement •  What does it mean in practice •  What’s the value in co-producing

nef (the new economics foundation) 3

About nef

•  Independent ‘think and do’ tank in London, England •  Developed a range of practical tools and publications

including well-being, SROI and timebanking A prosperous future needs three economies working

together –  Planet : the natural economy –  Markets: a regulated market economy –  People: the human or ‘core’ economy

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Defining co-production

‘Co-production is a relationship where professionals and citizens share power to plan and deliver support together, recognising that both partners have vital contributions to make in order to improve quality of life for people and communities’.

Co-production critical friends group, 2012

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Here’s the real wealth

The “core economy” is made up of

countless under-valued and

priceless human and social

assets that make it

possible for society to flourish.

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Six principles of co-production

•  Seeing people as assets •  Building on our capabilities •  Developing mutuality and reciprocity •  Investing in networks to share information •  Blurring distinctions between producers and

consumers •  Facilitating rather than delivering services

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Co-production is not…..

•  User involvement

•  Civil society provision

•  Volunteering

•  Engagement and consultation

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Co-producing services Professionals design services

People & professionals co-design services

People design services

Professionals deliver services

Traditional service model

Co-designed services

Professionals & people co-deliver services

Co-delivered services


People deliver services

People trained to deliver services

Self-organised community provision

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Co-producing outcomes •  Public services cannot be ‘delivered’ because

we are each directly involved in the processes of our own health, education, etc.

•  We are co-producers of the outcomes of public services.

•  Talking about health and education as if they can be delivered like pizzas undermines and undervalues citizen’s own responsibilities to the detriment of the whole enterprise

Jake Chapman, System Failure

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Family by Family

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S.U.N Service Users Network

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Value of co-production

Monetary value to

individuals and the state

Increased capacity and

impact of public


Intrinsic value for individuals

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Individual and community outcomes Most evidence points to improved outcomes – and common outcomes across a number of projects includes; •  Improved well-being; •  Improved employability; •  Reduced need for acute services; •  Improved social inclusion and cohesion; What people say: ‘’We are told what we can’t do – but we can achieve’’ - PFG ‘’you’re not dictated to – other places assume what the right way to help you is, whereas here, we get to decide what the problems and solutions are’’

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Value of co-production

•  The time of over 500 members at HCCT is valued at over £130,000 a year.

•  Crime reduced by 17 % due to the introduction of a Spice time credit system to Bettws, South Wales.

•  Local area co-ordination in Western Australia is estimated to have reduced costs by around 30 %.

•  Childcare at Scallywags co-operative nursery in East London is half the market rate for London

•  Peer support for people with asthma in Virginia reduced emergency admissions by 74 % (worth £217,000 over two years)

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Over to you

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What is well-being?

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•  Is it safe? •  Does it raise people’s expectations? •  How much time does it take? •  Does it cost more? •  What skills do you need to do it?