cnn el salvador

CNN EL SALVADOR 2014 Healthy Body SOCIAL HEALTH ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT Krissia Marcela Aguilar Angélica Gabriela Alas Yoselin Beatriz Cortez Mónica Guadalupe García Alejandra Catalina Peña Gilda Patricia Moreno oooooooooOOrtega

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Healthy Body






Krissia Marcela Aguilar

Angélica Gabriela Alas

Yoselin Beatriz Cortez

Mónica Guadalupe García

Alejandra Catalina Peña

Gilda Patricia Moreno




Age: 30- 40 years

Nationality: Salvadorean

Religion: All religions Professions: All Professions

Gender: Male and Female

Purpose: To inform about the cyber bullying, what it is , its

consequences, how identify this situation in kids and how to help

its victims.

Our kids and teens spend a lot time using the technology in

different ways. Many of them play games online, sending

messages at an early age. The majority of teens have smart

phones that permit them to be connected to internet all the time. Their knowledge about

technology is a little intimidating, but if parents stay involved in their kids’ life, they can protect

them about online dangers.

One of the dangers that kids or teens can face on internet is the cyber bullying, but parents

know what is it? And what kind of problem can carry its victims?.

What is the cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten,

embarrass or hurt another person. It is more common in young people. When an adult is

involved in this situation the cyber bullying receives the name of cyber- harassment or cyber-

stalking, it is a crime with legal consequences.

Some kids make fake accounts in different

social networks such as facebook or twitter to

post personal information, photos or videos in

order to hurt or embarrassed another person.

Sometimes it is easy to identify when a kid

has been cyber bullied, for example if your


son or daughter show you a text message, a tweet or a comment on facebook that is cruel or

unrespectful , that is a clear sign that your kid is victim of cyber bullying.

Effects of Cyber bullying

The cyber bullying can happen at home as well at school, basically the 24 hours, mainly when

the victim has access to a phone, a computer or another devices, such as a tablet. The kid cyber

bullied always is at risk because in any moment he / she can receive a message with the

intention to hurt him or to hurt her.

The kid cyber bullied are prone to suffer anxiety, depression and stress- related disorders.

Sign of Cyber bullying

How parents can identify if their kids are victims of it?

If parents watch the following behavior in their kids, it is

because they are victims:

-Kids change their behavior, moods, sleep or appetite.

- Kids avoid the school or activities with other people.

- Kids are more protective with their lives, especially on

what they do on internet.

How parents can help?

If a parent discover that his or her kid is cyber bulling, the parent most to talk with a kid’s

teacher, it may help.

Other measures to try:

- Block the bully Limit access to technology

- Know your kid’s online world

- Look for information about the cyber bullying on internet


Audience: for over 18 years

Purpose: To inform the people about consequences of deforestation

Gilda Patricia Moreno Ortega


One of the threats to

human survival on

earth planet is

deforestation. This is a

process of

disappearance of forest and ironically is

caused by the same man. Deforestation is

the excessive felling of trees, either caused

or injured, and at the termination of forest

the ecological balance and biodiversity are

lost. The Deforestation significantly affects

the weather and climate. One of the worst

Consequences of Deforestation is that many

of the forest that is devastated are spaces

where several kinds of animals live, many of

these endangered. Moreover, in these areas

there are considerable amounts of water.

End up with a forest means that many of

the animals and plants that live in it will die,

or will have to move to another place to

continue their Development, so many kinds

of animals, some of them unknown to man

are fading forever from the planet, further

medicines and potentially valuables

Materials are lost, like water and clean air.

Another terrible Consequence is that the

ability of the medium to absorb carbon

dioxide is reduced, causing the greenhouse

effect, phenomenon enhanced by pollution

that causes global warming. The planet is

warming, the last ten years have been

hotter and is expected that the future will

be even hotter. Trees play a very important

function that is the absorption of huge

volumes of water through their leaves

becomes steam. This steam forming clouds

as it raises and condenses, and then rain

and this allows growing more trees. So if

end up with the trees the rain stops, and no

rain the earth begins to die, and runs the

risk where deforestation had become

desert. Today a good alternative is

repopulation of the deforested areas; this

process of reseeding is recognized as

reforestation. However, it is a process that

takes a while to become, and it does not

have enough reach when it comes to

recovering lost ecosystem. Daily the

rainforest of the planet, most of them

located in Central America and South

America, Central Africa and Southeast Asia,

suffer the excessive cut down of its tress.

Deforestation process is more destructive in

the tropics, as these have less fertile soils

and is more difficult their recuperation;

developing countries try to improve their

economies trough the inappropriate use of

forest to obtain economics gains in a short-

term. Unfortunately countries like Brazil

have flooded sq km of forest in the Amazon

jungle to build hydroelectric dams or


factories, probably the greatest

consequence of deforestation is in the

future¨ climate change¨. If the greenhouse

effect raises the temperature of the planet,

rainforest may no longer survive in its

present habitat, some will have to climb the

mountain slopes or move to more fresh or

wet environments, but unfortunately Global

Warming will happen so fast, that will

prevent that many forests, animals and

plants can adapt. There are currently gaps in

the methods, mechanism and strategies

that support and develop ecological

measures to prevent destructive processes

such as deforestation. Governments must

confront and combat the effects of damage

to forest areas because of pollution, air, fire

and indiscriminate felling, but effective

measures and approaches are needed to

improve the formulation, planning and

development of created strategies.

Participation of whole population, the

private sector, ONGS and governments is

essential for awareness on sustainable

exploitation and utilization of

environmentally sound forest. Measure to

stop the processes of deforestation is a

reforestation program that each country

must promote to forest the incentives of the

conservation and sustainable use of

biological resources. Likewise, governments

should lead forestry research networks to

facilitate and stimulate the exchange of

information, it is also important to perform

studies that analyze the causes of

deforestation and environmental

destruction in each country. Cooperation

should be encouraged in the transfer and

use of technology related to forests, trough

public and private investment. On the other

hand, the evaluation of process that

promoted strategies that tends to the

reduction of environmental degradation is

required. The policies should aim awareness

of the population for forest sustainability,

reforestation, conservation and protection

of forest.


Violence in El Salvador

Alejandra Peña

El Salvador is considered one of the

most violent countries in the world. Based on current statistics, violent crime remains significantly higher than U.S. and international rates. El Salvador ranks second highest in murder rate in the world

The number of murders in El Salvador rose 44 per cent in the first three months of 2014 compared with the same period last year, leaving a two year old truce still in force between violent gangs.

There were 794 murders from January to end of March, up from 551 over the same period last year, El Salvador’s Institute of Legal Medicine inform. Crimes of every nature occur 24 hours day, daylight is not a deterrent. There are no areas that are deemed free of violent

crime. Robberies, home invasions, and extortions occur in the most affluent neighborhoods, and closely guarded officials, independent business persons, and diplomats are not immune from these attacks.


As a result, neighborhood watch groups employ armed private security, while security checkpoints and police patrols have increased personal attacks, such as muggings; continue in the public transportation sector.

Passengers on public buses are frequently robbed in route, at roadblocks, and at bus stops. Would be muggers and gang members have become so brazen that they are known to keep to a daily schedule, riding city buses from one stop to the next, mugging and committing criminal acts with impunity from criminal persecution. El Salvador has hundreds of known gang cliques, totaling more than 20,000 members. Gangs concentrate on narcotics and arms trafficking, murder for hire, carjacking, extortion, and violent street crime. The gangs have stretched these governments to their limits. Gangs run large swathes of urban and semi urban areas, prisons are overflowing and are largely administered by the gangs, and actions of the gangs may be upgrading to more sophisticated criminal activities.

The new authorities who will assume the leadership of El Salvador has said they will fight crime head on with "smart bag” that is a combination of enforcement and crime prevention.


Healthy Body

+ Healthy Mind

+ Healthy Heart =

Healthy Life

Angelica Gabriela Alas

Good health habits can help us to

avoid an illness and improve our

quality of life.

Many people consider that is very

complicated having a good health;

since they have to avoid some kind

of meals and practicing a sport,

and even do not eat their favorite

food. But for many people it is an

easy task because they have had a

healthy life since they were

children, or definitely they enjoy

eating health, but how to live a

healthy lifestyle?

Do you want to live a healthy

lifestyle and leave your lazy life


When we talk about health, we

think that is almost impossible to be

health and fit because there are

many things that we need to leave

and things that we need to do too.

For example, some kinds of meals

and plenty of exercise.

But in this you can follow some

simple and practical tips to have a

good health:

First of all, you must choose

food that contains minimal of

unhealthy fats and select

food that are low in both

sugar and carbohydrates;

avoid unhealthy fats like:

butter, dark chocolate,

cheese, nuts, and seeds. You

can eat food that is low in

sugar and carbohydrates

like: lettuce, green

vegetables, meats and



Get some exercise. It helps

you to avoid stress; you

Can stretch out after you get

up, and it will relax your

muscles. You should go to the

gym 3 to 5 times per week.

Avoid unhealthy habits like:

excessive smoking and

alcohol. Some people tend to

exaggerate in their diets and

they consume liquid diets,

diet pills and other diet

supplements. It is very

important to get plenty of

sleep; studies have showed

that those who sleep less

tend to weigh more.

Finally, remember good

hygiene is part of a good


Take a shower every day

Brush your teeth daily

Clean your feet


Audience: all ages

Purpose: to inform people about the

important to take care their money.

Krissia Marcela Aguilar



I consider that in El Salvador we live in

consumerist society where we think that

between more electronics devices we

have, does meant better life, but many

people has some debts because generally

people who has excellent work and a good

salary has a higher education.

“A universal principle is that the higher

education the lower degree of

consumerism” said Esmahan.

If we have a solid education there high

probabilities to reduce the consumerism

and to organize yours priority needs in that

way we can save your financials and won`t

have unnecessary debts.

Financial and basic education terms to

achieve a better quality of

Life Salvadorean culture, in general terms

is characterized by the Pursuit of short

term satisfaction aside saving and



You need to survive with your 30% of your

salary. 10% for your necessary needs, the

other 10%

To help others people and the rest of your

30% of your salary if the pay for your work.

This 10% will be for your savings; you need

to save this money in the bank for many

years when you consider that you have a

good amount of money, you need to invest

The popular book “Padre rico, pobre

padre” wrote by Robert Kiyosaki

Lechter shown us that many people

dream about to earns more money, to

get better life.

The most of the population hanker to

buy a big safe house to get a new car

but in the reality to have better earns

no always means to have a relaxed life.

Salvadorians people are a good

examples that to have a better pay not

make us better administrators, this

brings us bigger consequences; like

bank debts, credit cards debts and

other services like, cell phones,

internet etc.


in your own company. Think how much

money you will need to live comfortable

for 20 or 30 years after you stop working.

The rest of you money will be for your deal

or company ( invertion)

Parents can show their children how to

save the money and why is really

important to save the money at an early


To have into account; never to use your

credit cards if you don`t really have an


Pay your debts at time. It is an excellent

way to take care of money, remember if

you don`t pay at time your debts those will

be more every day, you will pay a high



Things you want to do before you


term, it is a list of all the

goals you want to achieve,

dreams you want to fulfill

and life experiences you

desire to experience before

you die. There you’ll find

five examples of those

things to do and we hope to

inspire you to create your

own list which definitely

will be much longer.

Yoselin Beatriz Cortez

Our life consists of overcoming fears,

achieving goals, realizing dreams and

even simple pleasure; those are the

things that give meaning to our life and

we strive every day to achieve them.

We all have things we want to do before

we die; some of these things require

more effort than others, but we must

remember that nothing is impossible in


It is good idea to make a “bucket list”, if

you haven’t heard about the

1. Swing with dolphins

Dolphins are very lovable and

smart animals, they seem to

understand people.


2. Live in a different country

Moving to a different country is

a whole other thing. The first

Option is The United States of


3-Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower

Simply it’s more than a tower. It

is a symbol of the most visited

city in the world and one of the

most beautiful in the world,


4-Buy my own house and live alone

Feeling responsible for yourself


Independent is necessary at

some point in life.

5- Go to Camp Noun stadium

and watching a match between

F. C Barcelona and Real Madrid

Definitely an unforgettable
