cng fuelling stations for vehicles

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  • 7/30/2019 Cng Fuelling Stations for Vehicles


    The Standards Institution of Israel

    42 Chaim Levanon Street, Tel-Aviv 69977, Tel. 03-6465154, Fax 03-6412762,



    2012May 2012



    This document is a proposal only
  • 7/30/2019 Cng Fuelling Stations for Vehicles


    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    This standard was prepared by an Experts Committee of the following members:

    Anatoly Dubov, Armand Abramovici, Daniel Weinberg, Haim Melamed,

    Dr. Jacob Dror (convenor), Sandra Moscovich

    Coordinators of the Standard preparation: Dr. Richard Marrow

  • 7/30/2019 Cng Fuelling Stations for Vehicles


    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    compressed natural gas, automotive, vehic les, fuel ing, fuel l ing, f i l l ing, s tat ions, fuel



    Updating the Standard

    Israel Standards are reviewed periodically at least every five years, in order to adapt them to scientific and technological

    developments. Users of Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest editions of the Standard

    including its Amendments.

    A document appearing in the Reshumot (The Israeli Official Journal) as an Amendment may be a separate

    Amendment, or an Amendment incorporated into the Standard.

    Official Standard

    Whether the document or parts of it are Official should be checked. An Official Standard or Amendment (in whole or in

    part) takes effect 60 days following publication of the notice in the Reshumot, unless the notice states otherwise for the

    effective date.

    Standards Mark

    A manufacturer of a product complying with the requirements of the

    applicable Israel Standards is entitled, after being licensed by the

    Standards Institution of Israel, to mark it with the Standards Mark:


    This Standard or any part of it may not be photocopied, copied or published by any means whatsoever, without prior

    permission in writing of the Standards Institution of Israel.

  • 7/30/2019 Cng Fuelling Stations for Vehicles


    Draft SI 6236 (2012)



    Foreword............................................................................................................................................................... 1

    Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 2

    1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 22 Normative References............................................................................................................................. 3

    3 Definitions................................................................................................................................................. 5

    4. Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................... 10

    5 General provisions................................................................................................................................. 11

    5.1 Gas compressor................................................................................................................ 11

    5.2 Gas storage...................................................................................................................... 11

    5.3 Mother-daughter station ..................................................................................................... 11

    5.4 Dispenser......................................................................................................................... 11

    5.5 Control systems ................................................................................................................ 12

    5.6 Dryer............................................................................................................................... 12

    5.7 Gas cooling system ........................................................................................................... 12

    5.8 Filtration........................................................................................................................... 12

    6 General principles of design and installation ....................................................................................... 12

    6.1 General construction.......................................................................................................... 12

    6.2 Gas composition ............................................................................................................... 16

    6.3 Safety devices .................................................................................................................. 17

    6.4 Delivery pressure to the vehicles......................................................................................... 17

    6.5 Venting ............................................................................................................................ 18

    6.6 Control system.................................................................................................................. 18

    7 Location and layout of equipment ........................................................................................................ 19

    7.1 General provisions ............................................................................................................ 19

    7.2 Hazardous areas............................................................................................................... 19

    7.3 Storage Facility (including ancillary equipment) ..................................................................... 20

    7.4 Compressors (including ancillary equipment) ........................................................................ 20

    7.5 Dispenser......................................................................................................................... 21

    7.6 Enclosures ....................................................................................................................... 21

    7.7 Canopies.......................................................................................................................... 22

    7.8 Restrictions and safety distances ........................................................................................ 22

    8 Gas supply, metering and composition ................................................................................................ 22

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    8.1 General Provisions ............................................................................................................ 22

    9 Gas Compressors (including ancillaries) ............................................................................................. 23

    9.1 General Provisions ............................................................................................................ 23

    9.2 Gas recovery .................................................................................................................... 249.3 Condensate drainage and disposal...................................................................................... 24

    9.4 Stage safety devices.......................................................................................................... 25

    9.5 Delivery line non-return valve.............................................................................................. 25

    9.6 Suction line components .................................................................................................... 25

    9.7 Instrumentation ................................................................................................................. 25

    9.8 Markings .......................................................................................................................... 26

    9.9 Instructions....................................................................................................................... 27

    10 Storage facility (including ancillaries) ................................................................................................... 27

    10.1 Storage pressure vessels ................................................................................................... 27

    10.2 Pressure relief devices....................................................................................................... 27

    10.3 Emergency isolation valve.................................................................................................. 28

    10.4 Pressure gauge ................................................................................................................ 28

    10.5 Control Systems................................................................................................................ 28

    10.6 Storage volume................................................................................................................. 28

    11 Station pipework and ancillary devices ................................................................................................ 28

    11.1 Station pipework ............................................................................................................... 28

    11.2 General provisions ............................................................................................................ 29

    11.3 Inlet supply pipework ......................................................................................................... 29

    11.4 Outlet pipework................................................................................................................. 30

    11.5 Flexible connections .......................................................................................................... 32

    11.6 Pressure gauges ............................................................................................................... 32

    11.7 Pressure testing ................................................................................................................ 32

    11.8 Gas detection system ........................................................................................................ 32

    12 Emergency shutdown procedures ........................................................................................................ 32

    13 Dispenser............................................................................................................................................... 33

    13.1 Dispensing unit ................................................................................................................. 33

    13.2 Filling hose ....................................................................................................................... 34

    13.3 Filling nozzle..................................................................................................................... 35

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    13.4 Captive vent systems......................................................................................................... 35

    14 Electrical equipment and wiring ............................................................................................................ 35

    14.1 General............................................................................................................................ 35

    14.2 Earthing protection ............................................................................................................ 3514.3 Lightning protection ........................................................................................................... 35

    15 Testing, purging and commissioning .................................................................................................... 35

    16 Marking, operating notices and instructions ........................................................................................ 36

    16.1 General............................................................................................................................ 36

    16.2 Marking............................................................................................................................ 36

    16.3 Dispenser signs ................................................................................................................ 37

    16.5 Instructions....................................................................................................................... 37

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  • 7/30/2019 Cng Fuelling Stations for Vehicles


    Draft SI 6236 (2012)



    The intent of this Standard is to provide requirements for safety, design, construction, testing,

    commissioning, general maintenance and operation of compressed natural gas (CNG) fuelling

    stations and facili t ies which take a natural gas supply from the supply network or from mobile

    storage and deliver i t as fuel for the propulsion of a vehicle.

    I t is addressed to both manufacturers and installers, for whom this document provides the basic

    pr inciples for the design and instal la t ion of fa ci l i t ies and par ts thereof, and to operators, fo r

    whom the minimum requirements for safe operation are given. I t also serves as a basis for the

    inspection of natural fuelling gas stations. Additional requirements may be defined by the

    authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).

    I t is necessary to ensure, through the use of appropriate components and materials that CNG

    fuelling stations and their components, when correctly constructed, operated and maintained are

    permanent ly sa fe and op erat ional . Pr event ive measures shal l be taken to ensure pr ot ect i on

    against f ire and explosion.

    I t is now widely accepted that the majority of accidents in industry generally are in some

    measure attr ibutable to human as well as technical factors in the sense that someone's actions

    initiated or contr ibuted to the accidents or someone could have acted better to avert them.

    It is therefore necessary to give proper consideration to the management of these human factors

    and the control of r isk. This document includes provisions that are relevant for f i l l ing mobile

    storage trailers supplying CNG to daughter fuelling stations.

    The complete requirements framework will be defined by the relevant authorities and within a

    future relevant standard.

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)



    This standard provides requirements for the design, construction, installation, testing,

    commissioning, maintenance and operation of CNG vehicle fuelling stations.

    The document makes use of the terms "should" and "shall" when prescribing particular procedures.

    (a) The term "shall" prescribes a procedure which, i t is intended, will be complied with in full

    and without deviation.

    (b) The term "should" prescribes a procedure which, i t is intended, will be complied with

    unless, af ter pr ior consideration, deviation is considered to be acceptable.

    1 Scope

    1.1 This standard covers the design, construction, installation , testing, commissioning and

    operation and maintenance of CNG vehicle fuelling stations operating with Maximum

    Operational Pressure (MOP) of 260 bar from the CNG fuelling stat ion inlet isolat ion valve

    to the f il l ing nozzle.

    1.2 I t applies to fuelling stations supplied with Natural Gas as defined in SI 6119.

    1.3 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) fuelling stations are not covered by the scope of this


    1.4 LNG to CNG regassif ication module is not covered by th e scope of this standard.

    1.5 Vehicle Refuelling Appliances (VRA) are not covered by this standard.

    1.6 The scope of the standard includes fuelling stations of the following types (as shown in

    Annex J) :

    On site f i l l of vehicles

    Fast f i l l of vehicles

    Private access

    Public access (self-service or assisted)

    Metered dispenser

    No n metered dispenser

    Mother-daughter fuelling stations

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    The Standard also includes general cr iter ia concerning the following aspects:

    a) Pressure adjustment due to temperature during refuelling;

    b) Safety during f il l ing;

    c) Filling hose;

    d) Storage;

    e) Pressure control devices;

    f) Distances between components;

    g) Multifuel dispensing stations;

    h) Piping;

    i ) Installation;

    j) Final inspection and testing.

    k) External safety distances

    1.7 The CNG fuelling facili ty may be integrated with new or existing fuelling facili t ies of

    other fuels.

    1.8 This Standard applies to private and commercial stations having fast and/or slow fuelling

    dispensers. I f fuelling stations are intended to be used by the general public, due regard

    needs to be taken to any additional public safety, security and trading issues.

    1.9 Guidance on the operation and maintenance of fuelling stations is given in Annex J.

    2 Normative References

    Standards and documents referenced in this Standard (for undated Standards and

    documents, the latest edition applies) :

    .Israeli Standards

    SI 413 - Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures

    SI 4295 - Pressure vessels

    SI 5512 (2004) - Automotive liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) refuelling facili t ies

    SI 5664 (all parts) - Natural gas systems

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    SI 6119 ` - Automotive natural gas

    SI 1173 Part 1 - Lightning protection systems for buildings and installations:

    External protection system

    SI 60079 Part 10.01 - Explosive atm ospheres: Classif ication of areas Explosive g asatmospheres

    International Standards

    ISO 14469-1 - Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas refuelling connector - Part

    1: 200 bar

    ISO 14469-2 - Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas refuelling connector - Part

    2: 200 bar size 2

    ISO 14469-3 - Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas refuelling connector - Part

    3: 250 bar

    ISO 15501-1 - Road vehicles Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel systems Part

    1: Safety requirements

    ISO 15501-2 - Road vehicles Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel systems Part

    2: Test methods

    ISO 15609-1 - Specif ication and approval of welding procedures for metallic

    materials Welding procedure specif ication - Part 1: Arc welding

    ISO 15609-2 - Specif ication and qualif ication of welding procedures for metallic

    materials Welding procedure specif ication - Part 2: Gas welding

    IEC 60079-29 - Gas detectors Performance requirements of detectors for f lammable


    European Standards

    EN 287-1 - Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels

    EN 473 - Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel General principles

    EN 1012-1 - Compressors and vacuum pumps; Safety requirements Part 1: Compressors

    EN 10204 - Metallic products Types of inspection documents

    EN 15001-1 - Gas Supply systems Gas installation pipework Part 1 design requirements

    EN 13445-1 - Unfired pressure vessels - Part 1: General

    EN 13445-2 - Unfired pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    EN 13480-1 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 1: General

    EN 13480-2 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials

    EN 13480-3 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and calculation

    EN 13480-4 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and installation

    EN 13480-5 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing

    EN 13480-6 - Metallic industrial piping - Part 6: Additional requirements for buried piping

    National Standards

    IGE/UP/5 part 3 Natural gas vehicles Fill ing station operations

    IGEM/SR/25 ed.2 - Hazardous area classif ication of Natural Gas installations

    ASME B31.3 Process piping

    ASME VIII-1 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Rules for Construction of Pressure


    NGV1 - Com pressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel ing Connect ion Devi ces

    Israeli legislation:

    Tama 18 Rev. 4 (2006) National Outline Plan for Fuel Stations

    Electr icity regulations 2004

    Other legislation:

    Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on the

    approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment

    Directive 98/37/EEC The Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to


    3 Definitions

    For the purpose of this Standard, the fol lowing def init ions apply:

    3.1 Enclosed space

    a structure that cannot be def ined as an open bui lding

    3.2 Burst pressure (pb)the pressure which causes fai lure and consequential f lu id loss through the component


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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    3.3 Break-away device

    a device which, when act ivated, stops gas f low from the dispenser (for example i f the

    vehic le moves away) whi le st i l l connected to the refuel l ing hose

    3.4 Canopy

    a roof, for example a shelter, a hood etc. , which affords a degree of weather protection

    3.5 Cascade dispensing sequence

    a means of al lowing eff ic ient use of the gas storage faci l i ty by dividing i t into banks

    operating at dif ferent pressure levels

    3.6 Competent person

    a person having the abi l i ty, appropriate training, knowledge and experience, to supervise

    or carry out the work being undertaken in a safe and proper m anner

    3.7 Compression unit

    a unit that compresses the natural gas consist ing of one or more compressors, including

    al l p iping and equipment

    3.8 Compressor

    a machine which increases the pressure of gas from a low to a higher level

    3.9 Cyl inder

    any vessel used for the storage of compressed natural gas

    3.10 Blow down vessel

    a vessel which receives compressed gas from the high pressure section of the instal lat ion

    and conducts i t to the input of the compression system and also serves to col lect the

    el iminated l iquids

    3.11 Dispenser

    the equipment through which the compressed natural gas is suppl ied to the vehic le

    3.12 Dryer

    a system which decreases the water content of the natural gas

    3.13 Enclosure

    a designated structure, not a bui lding, such as a housing, a container etc. , which encloses

    components of the stat ion

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    3.14 Explosive gas atmosphere

    a mixture with air , of a f lammable material in the form of gas or vapour in which, after

    ignit ion, combustion spreads throughout the unconsumed mixture

    3.15 Fast f i l l

    a f i l l ing operation which is comparable in duration to that of l iquid fuel

    3.16 CNG fi l l ing/fuell ing area

    a location at which CNG is dispensed into a vehic le or to a mobi le CNG storage.

    3.17 Fire wall

    a wal l , screen or separating part it ion erected in the open air to reduce the effects from

    radiated heat and to e nsure an adequate dispersion distance for CNG leaking from any


    3.18 Gas condit ioning equipment

    equipment to f i l ter and/or remove unwanted constituents (moisture, debris, l iquid and

    vapours) from the gas either prior to or after compression

    3.19 Hazardous area

    an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere (f lammable gas-air mixture) is present, or

    may be expected to be present, in quantit ies such as to require special precautions forthe construction, instal lat ion and use of el ectr ical apparatus and other sources of

    ignit ion

    3.20 Liquid separator

    a device which causes any l iquids within the gas to drop out of suspension for col lect ion

    and can be located after compression of the natural gas

    3.21 Lower explosive l imit (LEL)

    the concentration of f lammable gas or vapour in air below which the gas atmosphere is

    not explosive. (For natural gas containing only methane the LEL is 4.5 % by volume. For

    example 10 % LEL means 0.45 % gas in air . )

    3.22 Maximum operational pressure (MOP)

    the maximum pressure at which the system can be operated continuously under normal

    condit ions.

    Note :

    Normal condit ions are no fau lt in any dev ice or stream.

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    3.23 Overpressure

    the pressure above the maximum operational pressure which shal l be prevented by safety


    3.24 Delivery pressure

    the pressure at which the gas is del ivered to the vehic le

    3.25 Nominal del ivery pressure

    the pressure at which f i l l ing automatical ly stops

    3.26 Maximum delivery pressure

    the maximum pressure acceptable by the vehic le to be f i l led

    3.27 Mobile CNG storage vessel

    a pressure vessel (mult i -cyl inder or a tank) used for the transportation of CNG to other

    fuel l ing stat ions.

    3.28 Mother-daughter

    a stat ion not connected to the pipel ine (daughter) where CNG is suppl ied by a mobi le

    CNG storage transported from a stat ion connected to the pipel ine (mother).

    3.29 Natural gas

    a mixture of gases, hydrocarbons or others, mainly methane (CH4 ) , in the gaseous state at

    a temperature of 15 C and at atmospheric pressure (1.013 bar).

    3.30 Normal operation

    a situation where the equipment is operating within i ts design parameters

    3.31 Safe area

    an area in which an explosive gas is not expected to be pre sent in quantit ies such as to

    require special precautions for the construction, instal lat ion and use of apparatus

    3.32 Open building

    a construction, in which the same venti lat ion condit ions are present as in the open air

    and no obstruction for natural air c irculat ion is present

    3.33 On site fi l l ing

    f i l l ing where many vehic les are connected at the same t ime for several hours

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    3.34 Primary grade of release

    release of gas which is l ikely to occur under normal operation

    3.35 Recovery vessel

    a vessel that r ecovers gas from the compressor and its anci l lar ies and which may also

    serve to damp out pressure pulsations in the compressor inlet

    3.36 Safety distance

    Theseparation distance between the fuel l ing stat ion, i ts components and structures and

    other instal lat ions and structures in the vi c inity for protecting people and reducing the

    degree of danger in the case of an incident

    3.37 Secondary grade release

    the release of gas which is unl ikely to occur in normal operation and wi l l have only a

    l imited duration

    3.38 Slow fill

    a f i l l ing operation which takes, typical ly, several hours

    3.39 Station owner/operator

    the person who owns, or is responsible for the operation of the fuel l ing stat ion

    3.40 Storage

    any number of suitable compressed natural gas storage containers designed for the

    purpose of containing and subsequently releasing compressed natural gas

    3.41 Test pressure (TP)

    the pressure to which the instal lat ion or part of instal lat ion, is tested. Dif ferent levels

    may be required for storage pressure vessels and other components

    3.42 Venti lat ion

    either natural movement of air and its replacement with fresh air due to the effects of

    wind, temperature gradients, or mechanical movement by art i f ic ial means (for example

    fans or extractors)

    3.43 Vehicle refuell ing appliance (VRA)

    a self -contained system that compresses natural gas and dispenses the gas to a s ingle

    vehic le fuel system via s low f i l l .

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    3.44 Hazardous area classification (according to SI 60079-10.01)

    3.44.1 Zone 0

    an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present continuously or for long

    periods or frequently

    3.44.2 Zone 1

    an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is l ikely to occur in normal operation

    occasional ly

    3.44.3 Zone 2

    an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not l ikel y to occur in normal operation

    but, i f i t does occur, i t wi l l persist for a short period only

    3.454 CNG fuell ing station inlet isolation valve

    connection point to the suppl ier as def ined by Israel i law

    3.465 Inlet supply pipework

    the pipework section upstream the compressor.

    3.476 Outlet pipework

    the pipework section downstream the compressor.

    4. Abbreviations

    pb - burst pressure

    AHJ - Authority having jurisdiction

    MOP - Maximum operating pressure

    NHA - Non-hazardous area

    TP -Test pressure

    STP - Strength test pressure

    TTP - T ightness test pressure

    LEL - Lower explosive l imit

    CNG - Compressed natural gas

    NGV - Natural gas vehic le

    PRV - -Pressure rel ief valve

    VRA - Vehic le refuel l ing appl iance

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    5 General provisions

    A comprehensive scheme of possible components is shown as an e xample in the diagram in

    Annex I . For al l components of a CNG fuel l ing stat ion, the manufacturer shal l provide

    proof of their conformity to specif icat ion.

    5.1 Gas compressor

    In general , gas compressors for Natural Gas fuel l ing stat ions produce high pressure l i f ts.

    Compressors may supply to bulk storage and/or to a direct fuel l ing faci l i ty. A typical

    compressor, for example would be a mult i -stage machine which may be direct ly or

    indirect ly driven by an electr ic motor i n stat ionary faci l i t ies. The compressor shal l be in

    compliance with the essential requirements of European Directive 98/37/EEC on

    machinery and with EN 1012-1

    5.2 Gas storage

    A certain volume of gas may be stored to faci l i tate fast f i l l ing of vehic les. For example,

    storage is provided in banks of mult iple vessels to speed up fuel l ing, to optimise the

    station design and to l imit the number of start/stop cycles of the g as compressor. Often,

    cyl inders are manifolded together to form dif fering pressure groups to enable a cascade

    dispensing sequence.

    5.3 Mother-daughter station

    All components of the stat ionary parts of this type of stat ion have to comply with this

    standard. The mobi le storage (with or without on-board compressor) shal l comply with

    transportation regulat ions. In al l other situations this standard appl ies.

    5.4 Dispenser

    5.4.1 Components

    A dispenser comprises for example:

    - a dispensing and optional metering unit;

    - a f i l l ing hose;

    - a f i l l ing nozzle.

    Gas for dispensing is drawn either direct ly from a compressor or via on-site storage,

    and then passed into the vehic le CNG cyl inder.

    5.4.2 Fuell ing methods

    Vehicle fuel l ing can be undertaken in the fol lowing ways:

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    a) Fast-f i l l ;

    b) On site f i l l/s low f i l l ;

    c) With temperature compensation.

    If s low-f i l l faci l i t ies are unattended during the fuel l ing operation, then the instal lat ion

    of extra safety and security systems is necessary.

    5.4.3 Operation

    The dispenser can be operated in several forms, for example:

    a) Manual ly or automatical ly operated;

    b) Metered or unmetered;

    c) A f i l l -post, which is used on slow fuel l ing stat ions;

    d) Assisted or self -service

    5.5 Control systems

    A control system operates the compressor and/or any storage faci l i ty in conjunction with

    the demands of the dispenser.

    5.6 Dryer

    A drying system may be required to control the water content of the gas to comply withrelevant standards. (See SI 6119 for CNG qual ity). If the drying system used reduces the

    odorant present in the gas, odorisat ion equipment shal l be added to re-odorise the gas to

    the required level .

    5.7 Gas cooling system

    A system may be required to control the del ivered gas temperature.

    5.8 Filtration

    I f f i l trat ion is required. i t shal l be sized for the maximum gas f low and have a suitable

    col lect ion device and a means of r emoval/exchange. Dif ferential pressure monitoring

    should be used to check performance.

    6 General principles of design and installation

    6.1 General construction

    All equipment, components, pipework and f i tt ings shal l be of a type and manufacture and

    be assembled in such manner suitable for their intended use, for the ful l range of

    pressures, type of gas, temperatures, weather condit ions and loadings which may occur

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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    under normal and fault condit ions. These shal l be supported by appropriate cert i f icat ion

    (such as in EN 10204). These shal l be instal led and used in accordance with the

    manufacturer's instructions.

    The design of the stat ion shal l ensure that al l the individual elements are compatible and

    can be integrated.

    Consideration shal l be given to pressurisat ion and depressurisat ion of components e.g.

    for removal for maintenance purposes, draining condensate, by the provision of valves,

    gauges and vent connections to ensure that sect ions are depressurised before service

    interventions. The design process shal l i nvolve appropriate r isk assessments (such as

    HAZID, HAZOP, FMEA etc. ) to determine the adequacy of the proposed systems and

    procedures to mit igate harm or damage to acceptable levels.

    6.1.1 Materials

    All material used for the construction of the stat ion shal l conform to the required

    specif icat ions. In part icular, documentation provided by the material manufacturer

    aff irming compliance with the specif icat ion must be obtained for al l materials used

    for the production of pressure carrying components. For the main pre ssure-bearing

    parts, this shal l take the form of a cert i f icate of specif ic product control . Where a

    material manufacturer has an appropriate qual ity assurance system, cert i f icates

    issued by the manufacturer should identify conformity with the relevant


    Materials used for the construction of pressurized parts shal l :

    a. have suitable propert ies for al l operating condit ions which are reasonably

    foreseeable and for al l test condit ions. In part icular, they should be suff ic iently

    ducti le and tough. Moreover, due care should be exercised, in part icular, in

    select ing materials in order to prevent britt le-type fracture, where necessary;

    b. be chemical ly resistant to del ive red qual ity natural gas in accordance with SI 6119,

    and, i f appl icable, to rege nerative produced gases;

    c. not be signif icantly affected by ageing;

    d. be resistant to corr osion or, alternatively, protected against corrosion by suitable


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    Draft SI 6236 (2012)


    e. be suitable for the intended pressures, pressure cycl ing and temperatures and the

    variat ions thereof;

    f . be selected in order to avoid signif icant undesirable effects when the various

    materials are put together.

    6.1.2 CNG fuel l ing stat ions under the scope of this standard may be subject to the global

    conformity assessment procedure which is appl icable for assembled products from a

    variety of sources under the r esponsibi l i ty of the manufacturer.

    6.1.3 Requirements for the various elements of the assembly

    These shal l not only be appropriate to their normal functioning but also take into

    account the effect of extraneous forces such as the effects of changes in pressure and

    temperature, and forces and vibrations set up during manufacturing and assembly.

    This impl ies proof of adequate strength either by calculat ion or by experimental

    design. Al l the elements of assembly shal l be protected against corrosion by means of

    suitable systems, such as painting, and/or cathodic protection, taking into account

    environmental condit ions.

    6.1.4 Optional components

    Optional components (e.g. dryers, odorisers, f i l ters and chi l lers) shal l not impair the

    operabi l i ty and safety of the fuel l ing stat ion.

    6.1.5 Permanent joining of components

    Permanent joints and adjacent zones shal l be free of any surface or internal defects

    detrimental to the safety of the system. The propert ies of permanent joints must meet

    the minimum propert ies specif ied for the materials to be joined unless other relevant

    property values are specif ical ly taken into account in the design calculat ions. The

    number of joints should be kept to a minimum.

    Any joining of components shal l be performed by a competent person. I n part icular,

    welded connections shal l be produced by a suitably qual i f ied welder in accordance

    with EN 287-1.

    The welding shal l be carr ied out in accordance with ISO 15609-1 or ISO 15609-2 taking

    into account any necessary heat treatment and traceabi l i ty of materials.

    Al l weldedpermanent joints shal l be subject to non-destructive tests carr ie d out by

    suitably qual i f ied personnel , e.g. in compliance with EN 287-1 and EN 473.

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    6.1.6 Working area

    A suff ic ient working area for checking, maintenance and service shal l be avai lable.

    Components such as cyl inder banks may have to be removed at intervals for

    reval idation. etc.

    6.1.7 Noise attenuation

    Control of noise during operation and maintenance act iv it ies shal l comply with local

    legislat ion and site requirements. This i ncludes noise generated by compressors and

    venti lat ion systems and from pressure rel iefs and venting operations.

    6.1.8 Coll is ion protection

    The fuel l ing stat ion components shal l be adequately protected ag ainst col l is ion by

    vehic les. Special consideration shal l be given to col l is ion protection of the storage and

    dispenser. Addit ional protection shal l be provided in the area surrounding a dispenser

    serving mobi le storage (mother-daughter) vehic les, or a stat ion suppl ied by a mobi le


    6.1.9 Traffic management

    Consideration should be given to the f l ow of vehic les on the stat ion premises. Gr eater

    levels of access may be required where the stat ion is suppl ied by a mobi le storage.

    Mobi le storage vehic les not undertaking supply shal l not be permitted to park in the

    station premises.

    6.1.10 Foundation

    The compressed natural gas fuel l ing stat ion shal l be mounted on adequate

    foundations. The foundation design shal l comply with the Israel i standard for

    earthquakes (SI 413).

    6.1.11 Unauthorized access

    There shal l be adequate means provided such that safety of operation cannot be

    affected by unauthorized interference. Equipment shal l be suitably protected to deter

    unauthorised access and to minimise the effects of interference, damage and

    vandal ism. Addit ional precautions may be necessary to protect mobi le storage units

    during supply operations.

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    6.1.12 Location of components

    Equipment shal l be located preferably in open air or dedicated enclosures. In al l other

    cases, due consideration shal l be given to safety and venti lat ion requirements.

    Electr ical components shal l be suitably rated for their location.

    6.1.13 Building regulations

    Consideration shal l be given to local bui lding regulat ions and permits.

    Al l on-site constructions shal l comply with the I srael i standard for earthquakes (SI 413).

    6.1.14 Fire

    Levels of f i re protection required by the Israel i f i re authority shal l be implemented.

    6.1.15 Routine isolation

    A manual isolat ion valve shal l be f i tted to:

    the compressor inlet pipework;

    the inlet/outlet of any group/bank of storage pressure vessels;

    the inlet gas supply of any dispenser;

    6.2 Gas composition

    6.2.1 General

    Compressed natural gas dispensed by the fuel l ing stat ion shal l be according to SI 6119.

    6.2.2 Gas supplied to the fuell ing station

    The gas supply and metering equipment for the stat ion shal l be suitable for the

    fuel l ing stat ions requirements.

    6.2.3 Gas supplied to the dispenser

    Gas suppl ied to the dispenser shal l have a part iculate matter level which wi l l not

    cause malfunction of the dispensing equipment and shal l comply with dispenser

    manufacturer requirements.

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    6.2.4 Gas Composit ion during maintenance

    Any maintenance or servic ing antic ipated during operation of the fuel l ing stat ion shal l

    not affect adversely the composit ion of gas suppl ied from the stat ion.

    6.3 Safety devices

    6.3.1 General

    Fuel l ing stat ions shal l be equipped with safety devices that prevent overpressure in

    any part of the fuel l i ng stat ion and its pipework, and the uncontrol led release of

    pressurized gas.

    Safety devices shal l be ful l y independent of other functions, unless their safety

    function cannot be affected by such other functions. They shal l comply with

    appropriate design principles in order to obtain suitable and rel iable protection.

    6.3.2 Automatical ly operated safety device

    The compressed natural gas dispensing system shal l be equipped with an

    automatical ly operated safety device, which wi l l work in such a way that the del ivery

    pressure to the vehic le cannot exceed the maximum operating pressure.

    6.3.3 Safety isolation devices

    Safety isolat ion devices shal l include at least:

    an automatic emergency gas isolat ion valve which i solates:

    - the stat ion;

    - storage;

    - dispenser(s);

    (a) suitably located emergency shutdown button(s).

    The type of automatic valves f i tted shal l be suitable for the required operation and


    6.4 Delivery pressure to the vehicles

    The maximum del ivery pressure of the compressed natural gas to the vehic le shal l not

    exceed 260 bar for fuel l ing stat ions, regardless of temperature. The fuel l ing stat ion has

    to control the f i l l ing of the vehic le in such a manner as to obtain an on-board gas mass

    not exceeding the mass corresponding to storage at 200 bars and 15 C.

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    6.5 Venting

    Where rel ief valve vents are manifolded together, operation of any rel ief valve shal l not

    be impeded or obstructed.

    Venting shal l not be possible into enclosures.

    Where more than one piece of s imi lar equipment (e.g. compressors, dispensers or storage

    banks) is instal led, manifolded vents from each piece of s imi lar equipment shal l not be

    connected together.

    Rel ief vent l ines shal l not be impeded or obstructed. Where isolat ion valves are required

    for test ing/cal ibration purposes, they shal l be locked in the open posit ion.

    A hazardous area c lassi f icat ion assessment of the vent end points shal l be undertaken

    and appl ied.

    Note :

    The analys is wi l l be d i f ferent for d i f fer i ng designs of vent.

    Vent manufacturers should be able to provide the re quired information.

    Permanent or temporary ignit ion sources shal l not be permitted within the vent end point

    calculated radius.

    Safety rel ief valves shal l vent to the atmosphere and the vent pipe end point shal l :

    a) be facing upward and be unimpeded;

    b) be located at a safe area outdoors at a height of at least 3 m above the ground, and at

    least 1 m higher than any bui lding roof level within the calculated radius per c lause

    7.2 of this standard.

    c) be designed to take account of the adverse effects of rain, condensation, foreign

    bodies and rust.

    6.6 Control system

    The control system for the fuel l ing faci l i ty shal l ensure the safe del ivery of CNG to the

    dispensing units. It shal l not override or adversely affect any of the essential safety

    devices or emergency shutdown systems.

    Al l control system components and wir ing shal l comply with the hazardous area

    classi f icat ion requirements.

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    7 Location and layout of equipment

    7.1 General provisions

    Site location shal l comply with separation distances as outl ined i n TAMA 18, c lause

    15.1/A, sub-sections 1 and 2.

    S ite location and layout shal l be planned careful ly as most of the site components have

    location restr ict ions and minimum safety distances and may be affected by hazardous

    area requirements. Annex B g ives guidance on the minimum safety distances to be

    appl ied. These restr ict ions may only be reduced where special measures are taken to

    remove or reduce the effect of the hazard.

    If the CNG fuel l ing faci l i ty is integrated with new or exist ing fuel l ing faci l i t ies of other

    fuels, the requirements of this standard and those of the other fuel l ing faci l i t ies shal l be

    ful ly implemented.

    7.1.1 Location

    Location should be preferably in the open air and in a wel l venti lated location, but

    under certain condit ions in a separate f i t for purpose enclosure. Any security fence or

    f ire wal l shal l not interfere with the venti lat ion aspects of the open area or enclosure.

    7.1.2 Fire fighting

    Consideration shal l be given to accessibi l i ty by f i re f ighters and their equipment.

    7.2 Hazardous areas

    7.2.1 A hazardous area c lassi f icat ion analysis of the fuel l ing stat ion and its components

    shal l be undertaken and implemented for the location of e lectr ical equipment and

    other sources of ignit ion. Special attention must be given to exist ing equipment and

    structures, such as high voltage equipment and overhead cables. Precautions shal l be

    taken for any hazardous areas generated by other equipment exist ing on the site (oradjacent to i t) . Vent terminations shal l also be c lassi f ied (see c lause 6.5).

    The c lassi f icat ion shal l be in accordance with Israel i Standard SI 60079 Part 10.01.

    Further guidance is given in Annex A.

    7.2.2 Hazardous areas may have to be provisional ly determined at an early stage in a

    project to al low electr ical equipment to be specif ied and other potential sources of

    ignit ion to be located. However, a hazardous area c lassi f icat ion drawing shal l be

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    produced prior to instal lat ion of the fuel l ing stat ion and shal l be based on the

    requirements in Israel i Standard SI 60079 Part 10.01.

    Further information is given in IGEM/SR/25 ed.2.

    7.2.3 Both new and exist ing instal lat ions shal l comply with SI 60079 Part 10.01 when

    affected by new hazardous areas.

    7.2.4 The hazardous area shal l not e xceed the boundary of the property.

    7.2.5 All identi f ied hazardous areas shal l be maintained and revi ewed at regular intervals.

    7.2.6 All of the CNG fuel l ing stat ion components, excluding the dispensers, shal l be

    restr icted from unauthorised access.

    7.3 Storage Facility (including ancillary equipment)

    7.3.1 Instal lat ion shal l be in a wel l venti lated location, ideal ly in the open air . However,

    where this may have unacceptable aspects, for example, due to safety, security, noise

    levels, weather protection etc. , consideration may be given to the use of a f i t for

    purpose enclosure, with a suitably designed venti lat ion system. I nstal lat ion in

    bui ldings shal l not be permitted.

    In exceptional cases, i f supported by appropriate r isk assessments, consideration may

    be given to the use of a suitably designed and protected below ground storage faci l i ty.

    More information is given in Annex K.

    In addit ion, the base of the faci l i ty shal l be designed to prevent the col lect ion of

    l iquids, for example water, l iquid fuels etc. , beneath the storage pressure vessels.

    7.3.2 Adequate access, including overhead i f appropriate, should be given to permit

    removal and exchange of individual banks of storage vessels, dependent upon design,

    to al low reval idation. Consideration shal l be g iven to the protection of manifold

    pipework during removal of vessels.

    7.3.3 Mobile storage units shal l be located in open air wel l venti lated locations during

    supply operations.

    7.4 Compressors (including ancillary equipment)

    7.4.1 Instal lat ion shal l be in a wel l venti lated location, ideal ly in the open air . However,

    where this may have unacceptable aspects, for example, due to safety, security, noise

    levels, weather protection etc. , consideration may be given to the use of a f i t for

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    purpose enclosure, with a suitably designed venti lat ion system. I nstal lat ion in

    bui ldings shal l not be permitted.

    7.4.2 Adequate access, including overhead, i f appropriate, should be given to permit

    removal and replacement of individual compressor.

    7.5 Dispenser

    7.5.1 Dispensers shal l be located so that vehic les have adequate space for manoeuvring into

    and out of the f i l l ing location. This shal l be simi lar to normal fuel l ing stat ion design

    for other fuels. Instal lat ion in bui ldings shal l not be permitted.

    7.5.2 Where a slow-f i l l faci l i ty is provided, adequate security protection shal l be given to

    protect against unauthorised interference, part icularly during periods of unmanned

    fi l l ing operations.

    7.5.3 The dispenser shal l comply with the hazardous area c lassi f icat ion applying to other

    equipment in the area where the dispenser is placed.

    Where a mobi le storage (mother/daughter) unit is to be f i l led, the dispenser shal l be

    separated from any publ ic or private vehic le fuel l ing faci l i ty and shal l be used for

    mobi le storage f i l l ing only.

    7.6 Enclosures

    7.6.1 General Provisions

    It is preferable to instal l any compressor or storage faci l i ty in the open air . However,

    where this may have unacceptable consequences, e.g. for safety, security, noise

    levels, weather protection etc. , consideration may be given to the use of a f i t for

    purpose enclosure, with a suitably designed venti lat ion system. Suitably designed

    explosion rel iefs shal l be provided i f identi f ied by the r isk assessment. A compressor and storage faci l i ty, including their respective anci l lar ies, may be

    housed in the same enclosure. Control panels may be instal led in a separate

    compartment within the same enclosure. An enclosure used to house a compressor and/or a storage faci l i ty, including their

    respective anci l lar ies, shal l not be used for any other purpose. A venti lat ion system shal l be provided for the enclosure which:

    ensures continuous di lut ion of the internal volume such that a potential gas

    release wi l l not produce a concentration of 10 % LEL;

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    ensures that there are no dead spaces where a f lammable mixture can accumulate;

    provides suff ic ient venti lat ion for any equipment cool ing requirements;

    uses uncontaminated air taken from a non-hazardous area, using inlets posit ioned

    so that a f lammable mixture cannot be created;

    Uses venti lat ion openings which are not subject to inadvertent obstruction.

    Acoustic treatment shal l not reduce the effect iveness of the openings. A mechanical venti lat ion system design shal l include controls to ensure safe shutdown

    and safe maintenance of the system on and fol lowing fai lure of the venti lat ion system.

    It may be appropriate to have a combination of both mechanical and natural

    venti lat ion to help faci l i tate fai lure of the mechanical venti lat ion. Enclosures shal l be secured agai nst unauthorised access. Access to the enclosure shal l

    be control led by suitable procedures to e nsure the safety of persons enteri ng.

    7.7 Canopies

    Any canopy shal l not inhibit natural venti lat ion and shal l be designed to prevent the

    accumulation of any gas release.

    7.8 Restrictions and safety distances

    See SI 60079 Part 10.01 and Annex B.

    7.8.1 General Provisions

    I f a f i re wal l is constructed, thus reducing the minimum safety distances, i t shal l be of

    at least 1 hour f i re resistant construction, impermeable and of sol id masonry or

    concrete. The wal l shal l be at least as high as the highest component and have a

    minimum height of 2 m. The f ire wal l shal l not interfere with the venti lat ion aspects,

    maintenance access or escape routes.

    8 Gas supply, metering and composition

    8.1 General Provisions

    Consideration shal l be given to the effects of the operation of a compressor on the local

    gas supply network.

    The gas transportation company shal l be advised of the existence of the i nstal lat ion in

    order that the antic ipated transient f low variat ions can be checked for compatibi l i ty with

    the overal l gas supply/metering system for the site.

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    Where the gas is suppl ied by a mobi le unit the compressor or storage faci l i ty on the

    station shal l be compatible with supply from a mobi le storage unit .

    8.1.1 Connection to the gas supply

    The capacity of the gas supply network shal l be suff ic ient to cope with the gas

    compressor suction requirements, and compressor operation shal l not create

    problems of low f low rate, low pressure, or pulsation for the l ocal gas supply network.

    The capacity of the mobi le storage unit shal l be suff ic ient to sat isfy the stat ions

    storage and del ivery re quirements. The design of the connection system shal l permit

    safe and secure connection and disconnection.

    8.1.2 Non-return system

    A non-return system shal l be f i tted i mmediately downstream of the CNG stat ion inlet

    isolat ion valve.

    The system should consist of , as a minimum, two devices, e.g. a non-return device and

    a pressure operated slam-shut device.

    8.1.3 Low inlet pressure

    A safety device (e.g. a pressure switch) shal l be instal led for shutt ing down the

    compressor and prevent automatic re-start i f the i nlet gas pressure to the compressor

    fal ls below an acceptable level , as def ined by the manufacturer.

    8.1.4 Special equipment

    It may be necessary to provide gas condit ioning equipment, f i l ters and pressure

    regulat ion which shal l be designed and constructed to appropriate standards. If

    unodorised gas is suppl ied, odorising equipment wi l l be required, noting that any

    dryers may reduce odorant levels.

    The system shal l be designed such that any element can be replaced safely and easi ly.

    9 Gas Compressors (including ancillaries)

    9.1 General Provisions

    9.1.1 Gas supplied from compressors

    The gas suppl ied from the compressor(s) shal l not cause malfunction of equipment

    downstream of the compressor with respect to corrosion and blockage. The

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    compressor(s) shal l incorporate a means to minimize l iquid carryover into the storage

    or dispensing system.

    9.1.2 Design

    The compressor(s) shal l be designed for safe operation and should be capable of

    continuous ful l load duty.

    9.1.3 Vibration

    The compressor(s) shal l be provided with adequate means of balancing, support or

    mounting to minimise the transmission of mechanical v ibration to the structure and

    connected equipment. The inlet and outlet connections of the compressor(s) shal l be

    designed to prevent the transmission of v ibration to pipework and equipment.

    9.1.4 Pulsation

    The compressor(s) shal l be provided with a suitable device which protects the outlet

    system from unacceptable pressure pulsations.

    9.1.5 Protection against weather

    A compressor intended for outdoor instal lat ion has to be adequately protected against

    weather condit ions to ensure safe and rel iable operation. Precautions shal l be taken

    in order to protect the compressor and anci l lar ies from heat radiat ion ( i .e. sun

    radiat ion).

    9.1.6 Accessibi l ity

    Components, integral parts and user controls that may require adjustment or

    replacement during servic ing, operation and maintenance shal l be readi ly accessible.

    9.2 Gas recovery

    9.2.1 General provisions

    Consideration should be given to recovery of gas released from separators using a

    suitable system which is acceptable to the compressor manufacturer.

    9.3 Condensate drainage and disposal

    A safe and control led system shal l be used to faci l i tate l iquid removal from the point of

    condensate col lect ion. In part icular, any pressure rel ieved during this act ion shal l not

    endanger the operator or any other person.

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    Condensate shal l be considered as hazardous waste and shal l be disposed in accordance

    with the Israel i hazardous waste regulat ions.

    9.4 Stage safety devices

    9.4.1 General provisions

    Each stage of compression may be equipped with a device to prevent over -pressurising

    (i .e. a pressure switch). However, a safety valve shal l be provided for the f inal stage

    of the compressor. Resett ing of the control system shal l be by manual means.

    9.4.2 Relief Valve

    The f inal stage shal l have a ful l capacity rel ief valve which shal l vent to the

    atmosphere or may vent to a recovery vessel , which i tself shal l have a rel ief valve

    which vents to the atmosphere.

    9.5 Delivery line non-return valve

    A suitable non-return device shal l be f i tted to the compressor discharge l ine to prevent

    loss of downstream pressure when the compressor is unloading and when the l iquid

    separator is draining.

    9.6 Suction line components

    The procedures discussed in this subclause are in addit ion to those given in c lause 8.

    9.6.1 General provisions

    A normal ly c losed valve shal l be f i tted to isolate the gas supply to the compressor

    whenever the compressor is not in operation.

    9.7 Instrumentation

    9.7.1 An hours run meter shal l be provided for the purpose of identifying maintenanceintervals.

    9.7.2 The compressor system shal l be f i tted with shutdown devices in the event of the

    fol lowing:

    low gas inlet pressure;

    high gas inlet pressure i f exceeding the c ompressor inlet pressure can occur;

    high gas outlet pressure;

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    high outlet temperature at the f inal stage;

    and when appl icable:

    low lubricant pressure/level ;

    high hydraul ic oi l temperature ;

    low hydraul ic oi l level ;

    high temperature of cool ing f luid.

    Other adverse condit ions may need to be taken into account.

    9.7.3 Indicators shal l be provided to show that the electr ical supply is "on" and that the

    motor is operating.

    9.7.4 The compressor(s) shal l shut down safely in the event of loss of energy supply (to the

    compressor drive).

    9.7.5 The compressor(s) shal l shut down safely in the event that the storage PRV were to

    st ick open, or the storage thermal rel ief valve is act ivated.

    9.8 Markings

    A compressor shal l be suitably m arked by the manufacturer according to the appl icable

    requirements. It shal l bear the fol lowing markings in a durable, legible manner on a

    f irmly attached plate:

    identi f icat ion of compressed gas (e.g. CNG compressor).

    identi f icat ion of the manufacturer and, where appropriate, identi f icat ion of his

    authorized representative establ ished within the country;

    the year of manufacture;

    unique identif icat ion of the compressor, such as type, seri es or batch identif icat ion

    and/or serial number;

    essential l imits such as maximum al l owable pressures and temperature; rated power

    in kW and supply voltage in V;

    maximum operating pressure of the compressor.

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    All electr ical motor and anci l lar ies shal l be marked as suitable for use in hazardous area

    according to appl icable standards.

    Al l operational valves of the compressor and anci l lar ies shal l be label led with

    identif icat ion tags, displayed on the P&ID diagram.

    The P&ID diagram shal l be placed adjacent to the compressor.

    9.9 Instructions

    The compressor(s) shal l be provided with comprehensive instal lat ion instructions,

    diagrams, maintenance ( including purging procedure), servic ing and user instructions.

    10 Storage facility (including ancillaries)

    10.1 S torage pressure vessels

    10.1.1 Al l CNG storage vessels shal l comply with the European Directive 97/23/EC,

    EN 13445 1 and EN 13445-2 or ASME VII I-1.

    Horizontal cyl inders shal l not be in direct contact with each other. Storage vessels

    shal l be subjected to regular inspection and test ing at intervals as required by the

    Israel i Standard SI 4295

    10.1.2 Preca utions sha ll be taken in order to protect the stora ge fa cil ity from he at radiation

    (i.e. sun radiation).

    10.2 P ressure relief devices

    10.2.1 At least one suitable non-temperature dependent safety device shal l be f i tted to

    protect the storage system from over-pressurisat ion, with a discharge rate that is

    adequate to ensure a control led depressurisat ion of the system.

    10.2.2 A storage pressure vessel shal l not be isolated from a pressure rel i ef device.

    Where several vessels are manifolded together with a s ingle suitably s ized rel ief

    valve, no vessel shal l be able to be isolated from the rel ief valve.

    10.2.3 A suitable device that releases the pressure at a temperature of 100 C 10C when

    using steel pressure vessels should be f i tted to each manifolded group of vessels, in

    order to permit control led discharge in the event of f i re.

    Where pressure vessels made from materials other than steel are used,

    documentation shal l be provided, proving that the safety device wi l l operate before

    fai lure of the material due to high temperatures in case of f i re.

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    10.2.4 Any pressure rel ief device shal l be of a design such that:

    when activated, i t shal l be able to keep the pressure not exceeding 1 .1 t imes the


    i f adjus table, it ca n be se aled in the set position in orde r to pre vent una uthorize d


    i t is marked with the set pressure and, where appropriate, the direct ion of f low;

    i t d ischarges to a safe termination point per c lause 6.5 of this standard.

    10.3 Emergency isolation valve

    An automatic emergency isolat ion valve shal l be f i tted on the outlet from any storage

    faci l i ty.

    10.4 Pressure gauge

    At least one pressure gauge shal l be f i tted to the storage faci l i ty.

    The pressure gauge shal l be capable of reading a pressure level of at least 1.2 t i mes the


    10.5 Control Systems

    Systems to control the pressure levels in dif ferent storage banks (e.g. cascade systems)

    or buffer system shal l be f i t for purpose shal l not adversely affect the safety systems of

    the storage faci l i ty

    10.6 S torage volume

    Mobile storage in publ ic stat ions shal l be l imited to two trai lers with maximum total

    volume of 25,000 Nm (normal cubic meters).

    11 Station pipework and ancillary devices

    11.1 S tation pipework

    Pipework and f i tt ings shal l be f i rmly and securely f ixed to prevent disconnection during

    normal operation.

    Where components are placed on dif ferent foundations, which could move separately,

    consideration shal l begiven to using appropriate f lexible connections. In al l other

    situations, the use of f lexible connectionsshal l be l imited and subjected to an

    appropriate r isk assessment.

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    11.2 General provisions

    11.2.1 The number of mechanical joints shal l be kept to a minimum.

    11.2.2 Pipework shal l be located in a location where i t cannot be damaged by moving

    vehic les, or suitable protection shal l be provided.

    11.2.3 Prior to pressure test ing, al l welds shal l be subjected to non destructive test ing. See

    clause 6.1.5 of this Standard.

    11.2.4 Pipework shal l be inspected on a regular basis. This shal l be def ined in the operation

    and maintenance procedure as described in Annex J .

    11.2.5 The design of the pipework wi l l consider stress analysis.

    11.2.6 All operational valves shal l be l abel led with identif icat ion tags, which wi l l be

    displayed on the P&ID diagram.

    The P&ID diagram shal l be displayed for operational use.

    11.3 I nlet supply pipework

    The pressure of the inlet pipework wi l l depend upon the source. It may be low pressure i f

    suppl ied from the distr ibution system, but could be up to 260 bar i f suppl ied from a

    mobi le storage unit . The standard used shal l be suitable for the pressure level .

    The inlet pipework shal l be in accordance with one of the fol lowing standards:

    EN 15001-1, ASME B31.3. EN 13480-1, EN 13480-2, EN 13480-3, EN 13480-4, EN 13480-5

    and EN 13480-6 or the relevant part of S I 5664, depending on the NG supply pressure.

    The inlet pipework can be above or below ground (may be buried)

    Al l in let pipework shal l be constructed of appropriate corrosion protected or stainless

    steel pipe.

    For mobi le supply, the design and operation of the connection system shal l permit safe

    and secure connection and disconnection. The connection point shal l be securely sealed

    when not connected to a supply source.

    11.3.1 Above ground inlet pipework The above ground pipework section shal l be r estr icted from unauthorised access.

    11.3. 2 Buried inlet pipework All buried pipework joints shal l be welded.

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    30 Buried pipework shal l be inspected for leakage on a regular basis. Carbon steel pipework shal l be suitably protected by an anti -corrosion system. Where the piping is cathodical ly protected or other considerations cal l for i t ,

    insulated connections shal l be f i tted to electr ical ly isolate fuel l ing devices from gas

    pipework. Insulated connections instal led above ground in hazardous areas shal l be adequately

    separated to avoid sparking. When instal l ing insulated connections outside the covered area of the fuel l ing

    station, the section of underground piping, including the insulat ion joint(s), shal l be

    external ly wrapped. Underground piping shal l be marked by means of laying a warning tape above it

    during construction.

    11.3.3 Inlet pipework in ducts Where pipework is instal led in below ground ducts, effect ive venti lat ion and

    drainage shal l be provided. Al l p ipework joints shal l be welded and the pipework

    shall be constructed of an appropriate grade of carbon steel or stainless steel. The ducts shal l be accessible for v isual inspection of the pipework. The construction and qual ity of the pipework shal l be the same as for above gr ound

    pipework. Pipework shal l be located in a duct or void only i f the duct or void is adequately

    venti lated.

    11.4 Outlet pipework

    The fol lowing appl ies to pipework downstream of the compressor(s):

    11.4.1 The outlet pipework shal l comply with one of the fol lowing standards, e.g. the EN

    series of EN 13480-1, EN 13480-2, EN 13480-3, EN 13480-4, EN 13480-5, EN 13480-6

    and ASME B31.3.

    11.4.2 Above ground outlet pipework All above ground pipework shal l be constructed of appropriate corrosion protected

    or stainless steel pipe.

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    31 I f possible, above g round pipework should not be used for vehic le accessed areas.

    If above ground pipework is used, i t shal l be so located and protected to avoid

    damage from high vehic les.

    11.4.3 Below ground level outlet pipework Pipework instal led below ground level shal l be instal led within ducts as def ined in

    clause of this standard or in below ground casing as def ined in c lause Pipework may be instal led i n pits containing below ground storage (see c l ause

    7.3.1). Outlet pipework in ducts Ducts shal l be special ly designed for CNG use.

    The ducts shal l only contain CNG pipework, drainage water l ine and compressed air

    l ine, i f required.

    CNG pipework shal l be separated from other pipe l ines. The ducts and its covers shal l be constructed to withstand vehic le loading. The ducts shal l have adequate drainage. CNG pipework shal l be adequately supported and raised above the bottom of the

    duct. All p ipework joints in ducts shal l be welded. The ducts shal l be easi ly accessible for v isual inspection of the pipework. The duct shal l be adequately venti lated. Outlet piping in casing The outlet piping in casing shal l be instal led between wel l venti lated, drained pits.

    When one end of the pipework i s direct ly connected to equipment ( i .e. a dispenser

    or compressor) one pit (at the other end) is permitted. The pits shal l be located in a safe location. Pits shal l be accessible to authorised personnel only.

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    32 Pipework periodical inspection shal l be specif ied in the operational and

    maintenance procedures.

    11.5 Flexible connections

    Any f lexible connection shal l be suitable for the design parameters. For dispenser f i l l ing

    hoses, see c lause 13.2.

    11.6 Pressure gauges

    11.6.1 Where appropriate, adequate monitoring devices, e.g. pressure gauges shal l be

    instal led to enable adequate act ion to be taken either automatical ly or manual ly to

    keep the pressure equipment within the al lowable l imits. Al l gauges shal l have a ful l

    scale reading of at least 1 .2 t imes the MOP. Suitable pressure transducers may be


    11.6.2 All pressure gauges throughout the fuel l ing stat ion, storage faci l i t ies and dispenser

    shal l have the same units.

    11.7 Pressure testing

    The complete instal lat ion shal l be tested for strength and t ightness using an approved

    method. See also Annex E.

    11.8 Gas detection system

    I f a gas detection system is instal led, i t shal l comply with IEC 60079-29.

    Detectors shal l be instal led in enclosures for the compressor unit and storage faci l i ty.

    12 Emergency shutdown procedures

    12.1 An emergency shutdown procedure shal l be provided to shut down the fuel l ing stat ion

    safely and isolate the gas inlet in an emergency or in a case of a power fai lure. This shal l

    be incorporated into the operational safety management system for the fuel l ing stat ion.

    12.2 The procedure shal l include a compressor shutdown and isolat ion of any storage faci l i ty

    outlet by the operation of automatic valves and a restart procedure after shutdown.

    For example, an emerge ncy shutdown procedure could be as fol lows:

    The fuel l ing stat ion power supply shal l be isolated except power for the unit monitoring

    control and to the mechanical venti lat ion system;

    The gas supply to the dispenser fuel l ing hose(s) shal l be isolated;

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    The gas f low between the compressor, storage, and dispensing unit and also between

    storage sections shal l be stopped. If more than one dispensing unit is connected to the

    storage, the del ivery may be stopped with common valves.

    The inlet valve should be automatical ly c losed during emergency shutdown.


    Automatic depressur isat ion s hould be avoided during emergency shutdown.

    12.3 Emergency shutdown activation devices (e.g. panic buttons) shal l be suitably located

    throughout the fuel l ing stat ion. This requirement demands special attention for self -

    service stat ions, in order to avoid interference and mishandl ing.

    12.4 A rel iable power supply source shal l be used to operate components that are essential for


    13 Dispenser

    The location shal l be in a wel l venti lated location, preferably in the open air . I f not located

    in the open air , the location shal l be subjected to r isk analysis.

    The location shal l be in the open air for publ ic accessed fuel l ing stat ions.

    13.1 Dispensing unit

    13.1.1 Gas shal l only be dispensed using equipment with the fol lowing safety devices:

    Break-away system. The disconnection force of the breakaway device shal l be lower

    than 500 N for dispensers for personal vehic les and 850 N for high f low dispensers

    for commercial vehic les, in any direct ion;

    An automatic system shal l be instal led for each fuel l ing hose to shut off the gas

    f low i f a pressure level of 200 bar at +15 C in the vehic le gas tank is reached or

    when the fuel l ing process has ended.

    13.1.2 The dispensing unit shal l be protected against vehic le col l is ion. In case of damage to

    the dispenser (despite the col l is ion protector), an automatic valve or excess f low

    valve shal l be act ivated c losing the supply to the dispenser at i ts in let.

    13.1.3 When connected to the vehic le, the vehic le and dispensing equipment shal l be

    equipotential .

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    13.1.4 For publ ic fast-f i l l sel f -service fuel l ing stat ions, the dispensing unit shal l be equipped

    with a button or handle, such that after connecting the nozzle to the vehic le, the

    refuel l ing wi l l only start when this button or handle is manual ly operated.

    13.1.5 Vehicles shal l be al lowed to enter the hazardous area only around the dispenser to be

    fuel led.

    13.1.6 Suitable cal ibrated metering systems are r equired for publ ic fuel l ing dispensers

    according to the Israel i regulat ions.

    13.1.7 Dispensers shal l be lockable or have other provisions for preventing their use when

    the site is not manned.

    13.2 Filling hose

    13.2.1 The f i l l ing hose shal l be f lexible and resistant to corrosion and mechanical damage. It

    shal l be adequately supported or coated to prevent kinking and abrasion.

    13.2.2 The hose shal l be suitable for CNG under normal operating condit ions.

    13.2.3 The length of the f i l l ing hose assembly shal l be the minimum required. It shal l ,

    however, not exceed 5 metres or be less than 3 metre s.

    13.2.4 The f i l l ing hose shal l be safely stowed when not in use.

    13.2.5 The f i l l ing hose shal l have a burst pressure of at least 4 t imes the MOP.

    The hose shal l have been subjected to a strength test of at least twice the MOP and

    the test report shal l be avai lable.

    13.2.6 The hose shal l be continuously marked with the MOP, date of production and the

    manufacturer's name or trademark, appl icable service. The hose shal l be inspected

    regularly and replaced at specif ied intervals according to the manufacturer's


    13.2.7 The hose connections shal l withstand a force in the l inear direct ion 20 % greater than

    the force required to operate the break-away device (see c lause 13.1.1) and the

    hose's burst pressure. The m anufacturers instructions for the breakaway device shal l

    be fol lowed for instal lat ion, operation and maintenance.

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    13.3 Filling nozzle

    13.3.1 The f i l l ing nozzle shal l permit the f low of gas i f there is an adequate connection

    between the nozzle and the re ceptacle device on the vehic le. The connection shal l

    prevent the escape of gas when it is not ful ly engaged or becomes separated.

    13.3.2 The nozzle shal l comply with the re quirements of ISO 14469 or NGV1 and shal l match

    the receptacle of any vehic le complying with ISO 15501-1 and ISO 15501-2. The nozzle

    shal l be suitable for the intended mode of use self service/fast f i l l /s low f i l l .

    Adaptors and other types of connection f i tt ings shal l not be used.

    13.3.3 Fi l l ing nozzles shal l be secured ag ainst inadvertent disconnection, e.g. by the

    activation of a locking device. They shal l be constructed so that no one wi l l be

    endangered even when disconnected under pressure.

    13.3.4 When the f i l l ing nozzle is not in use, i t shal l be stored in a manner to prevent entry of

    moisture and debris.

    13.4 Captive vent systems

    Where nozzle designs incorporate a system to col lect the smal l releases of gas on

    connection/disconnection, they shal l be vented to a safe ar ea.

    14 Electrical equipment and wiring

    14.1 General

    Where the equipment is placed i n a hazardous area, i t shal l comply with the appropriate

    zoning rat ing as required in S I 60079 Part 10.01

    14.2 Earthing protection

    Care must be taken to ensure that al l conducting surfaces ( for example framework, piping

    etc. ) shal l be adequately attached to a common earth according to the Israel i electr ic ity

    regulat ions.

    14.3 Lightning protection

    Measures for protection against l ightning shal l comply with the requirements in S I 1173

    Part 1.

    15 Testing, purging and commissioning

    15.1 The equipment ( i .e. compressors, valves, etc) shal l be strength tested. This can be

    performed off-site by the manufacturers or contractor.

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    All pressure loaded e quipment shal l be tested for strength and t ightness and adequately

    purged before use as def ined in Annex E. Upstream of the compression unit ,

    consideration should be given to instal l ing a temporary start-up (commissioning) f i l ter.

    Documentation of al l tests, on and off-site, shal l be provided.

    Al l tests shal l be performed by a competent person.

    15.2 The compressor may need to be excluded from on-site test ing and purging according to

    the manufacturer's instructions.

    15.3 The system shal l be purged using a method such as described i n Annex H.

    15.4 Commissioning of al l stat ion components and proper operation of al l safety equipment

    shal l be undertaken by a competent person and documented.

    16 Marking, operating notices and instructions

    16.1 General

    All markings and l i terature of a CNG fuel l ing stat ion shal l be in Engl ish.

    Warning signs shal l c learly mark the area which is c lassi f ied as a hazardous area

    indicating that smoking, naked l ights and the use of unprotected electr ical equipment are


    Signs shal l be printed in Israel 's off ic ial languages and shal l include the relevant


    Restr icted hazardous areas shal l be marked accordingly.

    16.2 Marking

    Fuel l ing stat ion components shal l carry the markings in a durable, legible manner on a

    f irmly attached data plate that includes the fol lowing:

    Identi f icat ion of the manufacturer and, where appropriate, identi f icat ion of his

    authorized representative;

    Year of manufacture;

    Unique identif icat ion of the stat ion, such as type, serie s or batch identif icat ion

    and/or serial number;

    Essential l imits such as MOP and temperature;

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    Operating pressure;

    Rated power in kVA and supply voltage in V .

    16.3 Dispenser signs

    The dispenser shal l be c learly label led, indicating that i t d ispenses "CNG".

    Warning signs shal l be placed adjacent to the area which is c lassi f ied as a hazardous area

    indicating that smoking, naked l ights and the use of unprotected electr ic equipment are


    Signs shal l be printed in Israel 's off ic ial languages.

    16.4 Fuell ing instruction signs

    For self -service fuel l ing stat ions, the fuel l ing instructions shal l be c learly displayed at

    dispensing units adjacent to each f i l l ing hose. For other f i l l ing stat ions, the instructions

    shal l be easi ly accessible for the personnel .

    The instructions shal l include the relevant safety precautions especial ly no-smoking, turn

    off engine, do not use cel l phone.

    An emergency telephone number shal l be displayed as r equired in S I 5512 c lause 8.4.3.

    An example of instructions are detai led in Annex C.

    Instruction signs shal l be printed in Israel 's off ic ial languages and shal l include the

    relevant pictograms.

    16.5 Instructions

    16.5.1 Instruction of employees

    The fuel l ing stat ion operators and staff shal l be suitably trained in the operation of

    equipment and in the emergency procedures.

    16.5.2 Instal lat ion and operating instruction

    Instal lat ion and operating instructions shal l be provided. They shal l i nclude at least

    the fol lowing:

    A recommendation to instal l an isolat ion valve between the gas supply and

    metering pipework and the fuel l ing stat ion's in let connection;

    Mounting, including assembling of dif ferent pieces of pressure equipment, i f any;

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    How to put the stat ion into service;

    Its proper operation;

    Minimum requirements for maintenance including inspection by the operator such

    as visual inspection of the f i l l ing hose and nozzle;
