clustering and imitation in innovation strategy: toward an incumbent-entrant dynamics

1 Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant Dynamics YIYI SU School of Economics and Management Tongji University 2007, Zonghe Building, Tongji University Shanghai 200092, China Telephone/Fax: 86-21-6598-6119 Email: [email protected] CHANGHUI ZHOU Guanghua School of Management Peking University Beijing 100871, China Telephone/Fax: 86-10-6275- 5089 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant Dynamics

YIYI SU School of Economics and Management

Tongji University 2007, Zonghe Building, Tongji University

Shanghai 200092, China Telephone/Fax: 86-21-6598-6119

Email: [email protected]

CHANGHUI ZHOU Guanghua School of Management

Peking University Beijing 100871, China

Telephone/Fax: 86-10-6275- 5089 Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant



In an emerging market, the lack of the intermediary mechanisms, constraints in

knowledge flow, and high transaction costs in acquiring intellectual assets bring about

the problem of institutional voids in intellectual asset market, which impedes

organizational learning and firm innovation. Under this circumstance, industrial

cluster functions as institutional substitute, i.e., the clustered firms mimetically learn

from other clustered firms in innovation strategy. Based upon Beijing Zhongguancun

Science Park, we found that entrants tend to imitate incumbents’ innovation strategy

within an industrial cluster and the imitation effect is moderated by cluster density and

cluster variability.

Key words: firm innovation; emerging market-based industrial cluster; imitation

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Innovation strategy plays a crucial role in organizational adaptation and survival.

In general, R&D and innovation indicate a substantial input of capital, human, and

management cognitive resources for the development of absorptive capacity (Cohen

and Levinthal, 1989; Kor, 2006) and long-term competitive advantage (Dierickx and

Cool, 1989); it is also conceived as an innovative search behavior through which

organizations evolve and adapt (Greve, 2003a). Despite of its strategic importance,

firms in an emerging market usually find themselves in an embarrassing position in

making innovation strategy: on one hand, innovation is a key element for firms to gain

competitive edge; on the other hand, expensive R&D investment may put their limited

resource and legitimacy under pressure. Especially, in the context of an emerging

market, where the lack of efficient institutional intermediaries brings about

institutional voids problem in the intellectual asset market, firms will face substantial

institutional uncertainty in making innovation strategy and their learning and

innovation mechanism is largely impeded.

Drawing insights from the existing literature on imitation (see Lieberman and

Asaba (2006) for a recent review), this paper proposes, under institutional voids,

imitation can be an alternative learning mechanism for firms in an emerging market.

From institutional perspective, firms in face of environmental uncertainty will

naturally seek to reduce uncertainty by imitation; such mimetic isomorphism process

can partially alleviate legitimacy constraints of newly founded establishments

(DiMaggio and Powell, 1983; Meyer and Rowan, 1977). From learning perspective,

firms tend to draw inferences from the behavior of other firms when their own

experience provides inadequate guidance (Cyert and March, 1963; Levitt and March,

1988; March, 1991). From information cascade theory, firms follow the patterns of the

“fashion leader”, which is perceived to have superior information (Bikhchandani,

Hirshleifer, and Welch, 1992, 1998). From game-theoretical perspective, in

“winner-takes-all” situations, rival firms tend to adopt similar innovation strategy to

maintain relative competitive position (Cockburn and Henderson, 1994; Dasgupta and

Stigliz, 1980). Different focuses and rationales as they have, all the theoretical

perspectives suggest that imitation poses a viable strategy for firms in an emerging


This paper attempts to explore imitation process in the context of an emerging

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market-based industrial cluster. Our first goal, then, is to test whether firms in an

emerging market mimetically adopt innovation strategy under institutional voids. Our

second goal is to examine the moderating role of external information distribution on

imitative behavior. Literature has long recognized the vital role played by information

in imitation and learning process (Haunschild and Miner, 1997; Lieberman and Asaba,

2006). Researchers made endeavors to explore the potential factors contributing to

information condition, say, information quality and quantity, concerning imitation,

and resultant imitative behavior, such as attributes of the reference group (Haunschild

and Miner, 1997; Haveman, 1993), inter-firm linkage (Greve, 1998a; Haunschild,

1993), network structures (Abrahamson and Rosenkopf, 1997). Following this line of

research, we identify cluster density and cluster variability as the determinants of

information environment surrounding imitators, and empirically examine their

moderating effects on imitation of innovation strategy.

We test these relationships by looking into firm’s R&D investment strategy in the

largest Chinese technology park, Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park (Zhongguancun

Science Park, hereafter), from 2001 to 2003. The Zhongguancun Science Park is

characterized by geographic agglomeration of small- and medium-sized firms,

incubation of innovation, and dynamic institutional environments, constituting a

natural laboratory for entrepreneurship and innovation research (Tan, 2005).

Furthermore, geographical proximity makes the Zhongguancun Science Park a

confluence of information and knowledge, and facilitates the diffusion of

organizational practices. Specifically, we attempt to investigate firms’ imitation

process through the incumbent and entrant dynamics. We argue, in the emerging

market-based industrial cluster, the entrants tend to mimetically learn from the

incumbents in innovation strategy. In this sense, industrial cluster functions as

institutional substitutes. We further predict that characteristics of the geographic

industries influence information condition in the imitation process, and thus, shape

their perception of the reference group, and imitative behavior. Set in this specific

context, our study extends the recent developments in imitation research (Baum, Li,

and Usher, 2000; Lieberman and Asaba, 2006), and echoes the persistent interests in

industry clusters and agglomeration economies (Audretsch and Feldman 1996;

Marshall, 1920; Porter, 1998).

In the following sections, we will firstly go over relevant research streams in the

literatures, paying specially attention to research on imitation, institutional voids, and

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information process view of organizations, and develop a set of testable hypotheses

concerning imitation. Then we will briefly introduce our research setting, Beijing

Zhongguancun Science Park, and empirically test our theoretical framework. In the

last section, we will summarize and analyze the main founding of the paper and

discuss both the limitations and contributions of the research.

Theoretical Background

Imitation as a Viable Strategy

There is a fairly well-developed literature concerning interorganizational

imitation in organizational and management research. While early work in this

domain elaborated imitation solely from economics, sociology, or psychological

perspective, recent research has integrated and contrasted various theories of imitation,

and specified the conditions to discriminate different theories. Gimeno et al. (2005)

demonstrated that the drivers for clustering can be classified into (1) externalities

among the strategic actions of organizations, (2) competitive reactions among

organizations, and (3) noncompetitive referential process. Lieberman and Asaba (2006)

proposed a two-part typology of imitation theories, viz., information-based theories

and rivalry-based theories: the former emphasize the information value from imitation,

while the latter underline competition mitigation via imitation.

In the following, we selectively review the research streams on imitation, paying

special attention to institutional theory, organizational learning theory, information

cascade theory, and rivalry-based theory of imitation, and then look into pertinent

discussions about innovation strategy. Since our study does not aim to conduct a

comprehensive survey, the literature search is not exhaustive and focuses on those

most relevant to our research topic.

Institutional theory. Institutional theorists argued that organizations imitate other

organizations in pursuit of legitimacy or for taken-for-granted practices (DiMaggio

and Powell, 1983; Meyer and Rowan, 1977). Imitation can be seen as a natural

response to environmental uncertainty; organizations facing high uncertainty will seek

to reduce uncertainty by copying other organizations’ action, i.e., mimetic

isomorphism (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). The central focus of imitation in

institutional theory is legitimacy, rather than efficiency. Empirically, Deephouse (1996)

further found a positive relationship between strategic isomorphism and legitimacy in

banking industry.

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Organizational learning theory. Organizational learning theorists argued that

learning from other organizations can be seen an exploratory learning mode and is

more likely to be used when organizations’ own experience provides inadequate

guidance (Cyert and March, 1963; Levitt and March, 1988; March, 1991). Empirically,

Henisz and Delios (2001) found that firms lacking experience in the host country tend

to imitate plant location decision of industry peers. Compared with institutional

isomorphism, imitation in organizational learning theory embodies both technical and

social values (Haunschild and Miner, 1997).

Information cascade theory. Information cascade theory is an economics

version of imitation theory and explicitly articulates the information aspects in

imitation (Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, and Welch, 1992, 1998). In this model, the

behavior of the first actor is based upon his private information, and conveys

information to his followers; as information accumulates, the followers imitate others’

behavior regardless of their own information. This model has generally been applied

in FDI and financial market. In contrast with institutional isomorphism, imitation in

information cascade is less enduring, since new information often reveres imitation

process (Lieberman and Asaba, 2006).

Rivalry-based theory of imitation. While the above theories of imitation,

explicitly or implicitly, emphasize on the information value in imitation, rivalry-based

theory regards competitive reaction as the driver for imitation (Gimeno et al., 2005;

Lieberman and Asaba, 2006). When one firm takes competitive move to improve its

position at the expense of the others, its rivalries tend to make “retaliation or efforts to

counter the move” (Porter, 1980). As for the respondents, imitation is a rational

behavior to signal decisiveness to maintain position without escalating rivalries (Chen

and Miller, 1994). This line of research can be further classified according to their

imitation motivation: to mitigate competition, e.g., multi-market contact, and to

minimize risk, e.g., FDI, R&D (Lieberman and Asaba, 2006).

Different theories of imitation are not mutually exclusive; their mechanism can

simultaneously work, with one dominating over another at a given time (Lieberman

and Asaba, 2006). Academic discussion about imitation in R&D inputs is confined to

rivalry-based theory (Cockburn and Henderson, 1994; Dasgupta and Stigliz, 1980).

According to Dasgupta and Stigliz (1980), R&D investment “is not a case of a single

firm making a single decision, but rather a case in which several firms make a

complex of decisions” (p.267). In “winner-take-all” situations, competition in R&D

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becomes a Prisoner’s Dilemma, and rival firms may imitate other firms’ research

strategy to maintain their competitive position, leading to over-investment in research.

Yet, relevant empirical evidence is still lacking. Cockburn and Henderson (1994)

found that research investment is only weakly correlated across firms in

pharmaceutical industry. Additional work is needed to model dynamic competition in


Furthermore, we do see some opportunities to apply other imitation theories in

R&D investment research (Lieberman and Asaba, 2006). Especially, when

institutional uncertainty confounds the predicted outcome of R&D investment, when

firms cannot rely on experiential learning, or when firms need to derive legitimacy

from R&D activities, imitation of R&D investment strategy is not merely a response

to competition, but a self-adjusted information-processing process.

Institutional Voids and Organizational Learning

Both in the fields of economics and sociology, institutional theory emphasizes

institutional influences on organizational structures and processes (Aoki, 1990;

DiMaggio and Powell, 1983; Granovetter, 1984; North, 1990; Powell and DiMaggio,

1991). New institutional economics examines the interaction between institutions and

firms due to market imperfections (Harriss, Hunter and Lewis, 1995). Specifically,

one critical dimension of institutions, specialized intermediaries, plays a significant

part in organizational structure and performance implications. Such intermediaries can

partially solve the transaction and information costs in transactions and therefore

reduce the transaction costs in labor, product or financial markets. From transaction

cost economics (Coase, 1937; Williamson, 1975, 1985), the optimal scope of a firm is

the function of transaction costs and extent of specialized intermediation.

The development and maturity of the specialized intermediaries varies across

different institutional environments. In the institutional context of developed countries,

the specialized intermediaries are well developed and can efficiently bring down

transaction costs. On the contrary, in emerging markets, there exist severe problems of

market failure. Take financial market for example, the financial market in an emerging

market faces substantial challenges: lacking efficient and adequate disclosure system

and weak corporate governance, not well-developed financial intermediation system

(e.g., financial analysts, mutual funds, investment bank, venture capitalists, and

financial press), distorted governance regulation and incomplete legal systems. All

these challenges result in high transaction costs for firms in emerging markets. Such

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problems also take place in product and labor markets.

Khanna and Palepu (1997) characterized the specific institutional environment of

emerging markets as institutional voids. The authors illustrated the impact of

institutional voids on organizational structure and diversification strategy through the

case of diversification business group. Their main argument is, under institutional

voids in emerging markets, diversification business group functions as specialized

intermediation, which bridges the individual firms and the incomplete markets. Such

group can use its broad scope to smooth out income flows in individual business units

and reduce potential risks; it can also provide the channels of internal financing and

relieve the financing problems in emerging markets. Therefore, in the specific context

of emerging markets, diversified business group contributes to value creation,

although the benefits will decrease as the institutions or specialized intermediaries

gradually develop.

In retrospective of the previous literature, we found out that research on

institutional voids mainly focuses on financial or labor market. We argue that the

institutional voids problem can also occur in intellectual asset market in emerging

markets. The lack of intermediaries (e.g., industry association, underdeveloped

technological personnel market) constrains the information flow and technology

spillover and impedes the organizational learning process. Subsequently, we will

adopt an information process view of organization and look into the role of

information in organizational learning and imitation process.

The Role of Information in Imitation Process

Information-processing view of organizations posits that organizations need

quality information to improve decision making and to deal with the uncertainty

stemming from environmental turbulence and dynamism (Galbraith, 1973). From this

perspective, imitation can be conceptualized as an information-processing process,

where firms acquire knowledge based upon the observation of other firms, distribute

information across organizations, interpret the information towards a better

understanding, and eventually decide to incorporate it into current routines (Huber,

1991; March and Simon, 1958). Even in rivalry-based theories of imitation, where

acquiring information is not a major concern, information structure of the game is still

a precondition of competitive behavior, for example, stochastic racing models of

R&D are built on a strong assumption that information is available to actors in the

game (e.g., Reinganum, 1982).

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Literature has seen persistent attempts to explore how imitative behavior is

contingent upon the information potentially flowing through the imitators (Lieberman

and Asaba, 2006). Some studies show that characteristics (e.g., profitability, largeness)

of the reference group convey information about value, legitimacy, efficiency in

imitation, and lead to “trait-based imitation” (Haunschild and Miner, 1997; Haveman,

1993). Some studies treat certain inter-firm linkage as the information sharing

mechanism in imitation process, such as interlocking directors (Haunschild, 1993),

market contact (Greve, 1998a).

Social network research also sheds light on the information component of

imitative behavior. Relevant studies demonstrate that social network channels

information to potential adopters, and therefore have effects on diffusion of

organizational practice and innovation (Abrahamson and Rosenkoft, 1997;

Granovetter, 1985). For example, Abrahamson and Rosenkoft (1997) adopted a

simulation approach to model the effects of idiosyncratic social networks on

innovation diffusion by disseminating information concerning innovation to network

participants. The social network logics can be further extended to other environmental

contexts. Take geographical industries for example. Conceiving a geographical

industry as an institutional field with interconnected organizational constituencies

(DiMaggio and Powell, 1983), we predict that the structure of geographic industry

may well condition information distribution and imitative behavior within it.

Hypotheses Development

Institutional Voids Framework and Imitation: Industrial Cluster as the

Institutional Substitute

As we discussed above, the institutions in emerging markets, especially, the

specialized intermediation, are not well developed, bringing about the institutional

voids in intellectual asset market and impeding organizational learning and firm

innovation. In this situation, new entrants in an industrial cluster usually face

substantial difficulty deciding upon the appropriate level of R&D investments:

long-term oriented R&D should be balanced with the current high rate of failure;

direct experience is lacking to provide adequate guidance; insufficient legitimacy may

make their behavior or strategy absurd; even worse, institutional voids in emerging

markets obscure the potential cost and benefit of R&D investments.

Drawing upon recent developments in imitation research (Abrahamson and

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Rosenkopf, 1993, 1997; Gimeno et al., 2005; Lieberman and Asaba, 2006), we argue

that entrants in an emerging market-based industrial cluster tend to follow the strategy

of certain reference groups at least for four reasons: (1) to overcome the liability of

newness via legitimacy building, (2) to vicariously learn to innovate in absence of

experiential experience, (3) to acquire relevant information dealing with

environmental uncertainty, and (4) to gain or maintain competitive positive relative

their rivals. In this sense, industrial cluster functions as institutional substitute by

setting the reference groups in organizational learning and imitation. The critical role

of industrial cluster in organizational learning has been elaborated in previous

literatures. For example, Frost and Zhou (2000) identified firms’ immediate

geographic milieu as the source of learning. Research on industrial cluster pointed out

that geographic agglomeration facilitates imitation and learning among the

organizations (Tan, 2006; Pouder and St. John, 1996).

So how do entrants in an industrial cluster choose their reference group? In

previous literature, the judgment of reference groups is based on the similarity in

industry (Porac and Thomas, 1994), geographic location (Baum et al., 2000), strategy

(Fiegenbaum and Thomas, 1995) and others. Oftentimes, scholars adopt multiple

criteria in defining reference groups for specific research settings. In examination of

mimetic entry into foreign markets, Xia, Tan and Tan (2008) relied on similarity

judgments regarding industry, geographic location, and country origin, and identified

as reference groups industry peers in the home country and in the host country. Such

similarity judgments in strategy formulation proffer a simplified decision-making

mechanism to model the external environments (Farjoun and Lai, 1997).

In our research setting, we suggest that entrants in an emerging market-based

industrial cluster tend to resort to a unique set of reference groups: incumbents in the

geographic industry. As for the new entrants in an industrial cluster, they face a

substantial dilemma in making innovation strategy: the entrants are unfamiliar with

the specific institutional environment of industrial cluster, while the institutional voids

problem inhibits the transmission of information and knowledge. Under this

circumstance, the experiences of incumbents within the industrial cluster seem

particularly valuable, because the incumbents usually have better knowledge about the

specific industrial cluster and innovation strategy within it. Therefore, the incumbents

proffer reliable role models for the new entrants in imitation and learning. By

mimetically learning from the incumbents, new entrants can partially alleviate the

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decision-making problems resulting from environmental uncertainty and institutional

voids. Furthermore, geographic proximity facilitates formal and informal information

sharing, making geographic industry peers more observable for imitation than other

types of industry peers (Greve, 1998a; Tan, 2005). Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 1a. Within an emerging market-based industrial cluster, the entrant is more likely to undertake R&D strategy, when the proportion of incumbents that undertake R&D strategy is higher. Moreover, extant research argues that an organization tends to model after

organizations with certain traits (e.g., salience, ease of observation, and similarity),

which confer both technical and legitimacy values (Haunschild and Miner, 1997;

Haveman, 1993; Greve, 1998a). Following this logic, we formulate our hypotheses by

defining different reference groups in incumbents and linking them to entrants’

mimetic behavior. Therefore,

Hypothesis 1b. Within an emerging market-based industrial cluster, the entrant is more likely to undertake R&D strategy, when the proportion of similar incumbents that undertake R&D strategy is higher. Hypothesis 1c. Within an emerging market-based industrial cluster, the entrant is more likely to undertake R&D strategy when the proportion of salient incumbents that undertake R&D strategy is higher.

The Moderating Effect of Cluster Density

Literature has long documented the external economies that geographic

concentration produces (Baum and Haveman, 1997; Marshall, 1920; Graitson, 1982).

Marshall (1920) was the first to describe the benefits for firms within industrial

districts and proposed three agglomeration economies: interorganizational knowledge

spillovers, specialized labor and intermediary inputs. In the context of geography,

economies of agglomeration was further elaborated in terms of (1) shared

infrastructure available to firms that locate close to each other, (2) information

externalities about demand or the feasibility of production at a particular location that

are available to the prospective entrants who observe established firms operating there

profitable, and (3) reduction of consumer search costs (e.g., Graitson, 1982). Past

research has found that firms locate close to other organizations for information

consideration (e.g., Baum and Haveman, 1997).

In this paper, we focus on the information externalities of geographic

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concentration and explore how cluster density moderates the imitation process by

determining the quantity of information flow. From information-processing view of

imitation, one premise of imitative behavior is that an imitator can get access to the

information about the role models. Sufficient information flow can call attention to

the prevalence of innovation or organizational behavior, increase the perceived value

of imitation, and facilitate information analysis and interpretation. In other words,

firms having sufficient information are more likely to copy or vicariously learn from

other firms’ behaviors.

New entrants in a highly agglomerated industry are usually exposed to an

information-rich environment. Firstly, new entrants in high-density industries can gain

first-hand information via personal observation and communication (Greve, 1998a).

Secondly, their industry peers can act as a conduit to disseminate information about

incumbents. Thirdly, frequent job mobility of the workforce assists the diffusion of

information (Tan, 2006). Furthermore, conceptualizing geographic industry as a

network, we argue that cluster density may be a proxy for network size, which is

positive related to innovation diffusion (Abrahamson and Rosenkopf, 1997).

Therefore, we argue that information externalities stemming from a high-density

environment drive new entrants to imitate incumbents’ innovation strategy during

institutional transition.

Hypothesis 2. Within an emerging market-based industrial cluster, the relationship between the proportion of incumbents adopting innovation strategy and the likelihood of a new entrant adopting innovation strategy is strengthened by cluster density.

The Moderating Effect of Cluster Variability

By cluster variability, we mean the extent to which innovation pattern varies with

respective to the reference group. We argue that not only the prevalence of innovation

strategy but also the overall strategy profile of reference group exerts influences on

new entrants’ R&D strategy. Great strategic variability in the reference group may

reduce the accountability and reliability of the prevailing strategy perceived by the

new entrants. Also, it increases complexity in the processing of information, and

therefore may negatively moderate the imitation of innovation strategy.

Here, we replicate Koput’s (1997) model of innovation search in our research

setting. Imagine a simplified scenario: organizations in the reference group are so

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different in innovation behavior that each of them represents a completely different

role model. In this situation, new entrants will face two problems in their information

processing process: (1) an absorptive capacity problem—too many role models for the

firm to learn and choose among, and (2) an attention-allocation problem—there are so

many role models, few of these role models are taken seriously. Hence, great strategic

variability within the referent groups may distract new entrants from finding or paying

attention to the dominant strategy. It is also consistent with information overload

argument that information overload hinders effective interpretation (Huber, 1991).

In face of information complexity, organizations might leap into a biased model

of the objective world to simplify the evaluation and to reduce cognitive strains (e.g.,

Bruner, 1957; March and Simon, 1958). We can find clues in the following argument.

Presented with a complex stimulus, the subject perceives in it what it is ready to perceive; the more complex or ambiguous the stimulus, the more perception will be determine by what is already “in” the subject and the less by that is in the stimulus (Bruner 1957, pp. 132-133) In our research setting, one natural response to a high level of cluster variability

might be that “incumbents differ in innovation strategy and all they survive; therefore,

it does not matter much for survival and performance”. In this situation, new entrants

may have less incentive to learn from incumbents’ innovations. Therefore, we predict

that cluster variability will decrease the imitation of innovation strategy by the new


Hypothesis 3. Within an emerging market-based industrial cluster, the relationship between the proportion of incumbents adopting innovation strategy and the likelihood of a new entrant adopting innovation strategy is weakened by cluster variability of incumbent.

Research Setting: Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park

The Zhongguancun Science Park originated from the Zhongguancun electronic

marketplace in the early 1980s and is the largest technology park in China. Up to

2004, there were 13957 firms in operation with 557,000 employees. In 2004, total

income of the Zhongguancun firms reached 369.22 billion RMB (about 46.15 billion

U.S. dollars), with a growth rate of 16.7%.

Within the Zhongguancun Science Park, small- and medium- sized enterprises

cluster together with extensive inter-firm linkages; highly concentrated scientific and

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technological institutions foster strong academic-and-industry links; the government

issued a series of preferential policies on taxes, loans, and others to promote regional

development. Since different organizational constituencies interact with each other in

these industry clusters, the science park can be conceived as an integrated geographic

system within which firms are no longer kept isolated, their strategic decision being

determined not only by firm-specific capabilities or an independent assessment of the

environment, but by the behavior of other firms within the region (Gimeno, Hoskisson,

Beal and Wan 2005). Tan (2006) identified three mechanisms to account for regional

knowledge/information sharing, viz., formal ties, informal information network, and

job mobility. Given the overwhelming role played by the government in the

Zhongguancun Science Park, we add the fourth mechanism – the government, which

disseminates information for its own economic and political purposes.

Another distinctive feature of the Zhongguancun Science Park is that it has

undergone fundamental institutional transitions since inception. Tan (2006) classified

the evolutionary path of the Zhongguancun Science Park into four major stages: (1)

institutional innovation (early 1980s-late1980s), (2) technological innovation (late

1980s to early 1990s), (3) market innovation (early 1990s to late 1990s), and (4)

transition and reorientation (1998 to early 21st century). This dynamic nature of the

institutional environment brings about substantial ambiguity surrounding firms’

long-term strategic planning and motivates mimetic behavior.

During the time period covered in this study, the Zhongguancun Science Park

was confronted with stagnation and reorientation. A number of intertwining factors

hinder the technological progress within the science park, e.g., diseconomies of

agglomeration, insufficient venture capital, strategic rigidity of the existing firms (Cao,

2004; Tan, 2005). Among these inhibiting factors, lack of entrepreneurship and

underinvestment in R&D is especially essential, as both entrepreneurship and R&D

investments provides motivation and energy for technological innovation. Therefore,

exploring new entrant strategy in R&D in this setting has not only theoretical

implications, but also practical implications.


Data and Sample

We collected data from a unique database, the Zhongguancun database, provided

by Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Science Park of Beijing Municipal

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Government (ACZSP, hereafter). The Zhongguancun database recodes detailed

information about every high-tech corporations certificated by ACZSP. The database

contains basic information (ownership type, time of entry) and financial reports for

the period 1998 to 2003, and firm technological activities for the period 2000 to 2003.

Because ACZSP certificates high-tech corporations to give preferential treatments

(e.g., tax deduction), firms have the incentive to apply for the high-tech certification

as they enter the science park. The certificated firms are also required to submit the

yearly reports to ACZSP. The Zhongguancun database is compiled based on high-tech

certification and yearly reports. In total, the database contains 31274 company-years

for 2000-2003.

We operationalized an entrant in year t as the firms that are not included in our

database in year t-1, and appear in our database for the first time in year t; and used

the entrant’s R&D activities in year t+1 as the dependent variable, which reflects a

one-year lag design. We operationalized an incumbent in year t as the ones that have

existed in year t-2 and are still in operation in year t; and used their R&D data in year

t to generate independent variables, imitation. For example, we counted Firm A in

2000 as an incumbent if the firm had been found in our database in 1998. In other

words, an incumbent entered the science park at least two years earlier than an entrant.

The two-year design is an outcome of the time frame of the database, 1998-2003. It

may seem short but most Zhongguancun firms are young (firms’ average age is 3.61

in our database) and two-year Zhongguancun experience is especially significant for

the young firms. Based on the operational definitions, we identified 10552 incumbents

for 2000-2002 and 5575 entrant for 2001-2003.

Besides, we used three sampling criteria: 1) the Zhongguancun firms that were

not in normal operation were excluded; 2) industries in which the number of the firms

was less than 5 for any year through 2000-2002 were excluded; and 3) food and

retailing industries are excluded for they are not conventional high-tech industry.

Because some of our independent and control variables are industry factors, our

research design was cross-industry, instead of single-industry. We used two-digit

industry code of Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T

4754—2002), which was issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, to create

industry-based variables and to conduct sampling procedures.

The final sample included independent and control variables for the period

2000-2002 and entrants’ R&D strategy for the period 2001-2003, yielding 4472

Page 16: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


observations across 20 high-tech industries. Table 1 shows the distribution of critical

variables over industries in our final sample. We can see that the average R&D

intensities are highest in instrumental machinery, research service and telecom service.

The lowest average R&D intensities are in chemistry, other machinery, and

environmental management. The proportions of group-affiliated firms are generally

low across different industries, ranging form 0.03 to 0.2. The aggregate number of

entrants from 2001-2003 is highest in software industry (1251), followed by

professional service (650) and computers and communications equipments (626). The

lowest numbers of entrants are found in petroleum (13), other machinery (25), and

mining (28).


Insert Table 1 about here


All the aforementioned evidence showed that industries in the science park have

experienced unbalanced development in the period 2001-2003. To note, Table 1 only

provides us interindustry distribution concerning entrants, which might not represent

the general industrial R&D patterns.


Dependent variable. The dependent variable, an entrant’ R&D strategy, was a

dummy variable. We observed whether an entrant was in the top quartile for R&D

intensity of all Zhongguancun firms, irrespective of industry. R&D intensity was

measured as R&D spending divided by the number of employees. We normalized

R&D spending by employment, rather than by sales because more than half of the

entrants (2627) in our final sample were newly founded firms and employment can be

more reliable than sales for these new founders.

When the top quartiles were used as cutoffs, the thresholds for R&D strategy are

6.79, 15.14, 20, and 28.57 for year 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. We coded R&D

strategy as one if the firm’s R&D intensity exceeded the current-year threshold, and

zero otherwise. We used a dummy variable rather than continuous R&D intensity, for

the former, to do or not to do, can better capture firms’ strategic orientation in R&D

activities. As a similar example, Haveman (1993) employed a 5-percent threshold (5

percent of firms’ asset) to define whether a firm entered into a new market.

To validate the measure, we experimented with different cut-off points for R&D

strategy, e.g., whether an entrants’ R&D intensity was in the top 50% of the

Page 17: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


Zhongguancun firms. Also, we alternatively used the continuous variable, R&D

intensity, as the dependent variable to run the regressions for the robustness check.

Imitation. Hypothesis 1a -1c predict that incumbents’ R&D patterns pose role

models for the entrants in making innovation strategy. To test Hypothesis 1a-1c, we

developed five measurements to capture the prevalence of R&D strategy in different

reference groups of incumbents: general, size-localized, ownership-localized,

profitable and large. The first reference group is the general incumbents, the second

and third reference groups refer to similar incumbents, and the last two reference

groups refer to salient incumbents.

As for imitation (general incumbents), we calculated the proportion of

incumbents that undertake R&D strategy, i.e., whose R&D intensity were in the top

quartile of all Zhongguancun firms in the two-digit industry in a particular year.

By size-localized incumbents, we meant incumbents that had similar size

compared to the entrant. Size here was measured in terms of firm employment, the

number of employees the firm has. The notion “size-localized” comes from ecology

literature (Hannan and Freeman, 1977; Haveman, 1993), indicating that firms’

interaction tend to be localized along a size gradient and that organizations compete

only with other organizations within some range of their own sizes. Consistent with

previous literature (Haveman, 1993), we set the size window for an entrant is (.5S,

1.5S), where S represents the size (employment) of the entrant, and measured

imitation (size-localized) as the proportion of incumbents that undertake R&D

strategy within the size-localized window of the entrant.

By ownership-localized incumbents, we meant that incumbents that have the

same ownership type, state-controlled or non-state-controlled, tend to have similar

institutional constraints and resource endowments in transitional economies (Nee,

1992). Analogous with size-localized argument, we postulate that interaction tend to

be localized within the same ownership type. We measured imitation

(ownership-localized) as the proportion of incumbents that undertake R&D strategy

within the ownership-localized window of the entrants, i.e., having the same

ownership type as the entrant, in the two-digit industry. In other words, the

ownership-localized for (non)state-controlled entrant is the proportion of incumbents

that undertake R&D strategy in the (non)state-controlled incumbents in the two-digit


As for imitation (profitable) and imitation (large), we calculated the proportions

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of incumbents that undertake R&D strategy in the most profitable and largest

incumbents in the two-digit industry, i.e., in the industrial top quartile for profitability

(ROA) and size (employment) of the industry in a particular year.

We developed a number of alternative measures of imitation variables for

robustness checks, e.g., using alternative profitability (ROS) and size measure (assets),

measuring the profitable and large incumbents using the top quartile cutoffs based on

all Zhongguancun firms.

To investigate the moderating effects of the structural factors of industrial cluster

in imitation process, we create interactive terms for the moderating effects, i.e.,

imitation X cluster density and imitation X cluster variability. Before multiplication,

we adopt mean-centering approach to partially alleviate the potential problem of

multicollinearity (Haunschild and Miner, 1997; Li and Atuahene-Gima, 2001).

Cluster density. We measure cluster density as the natural logarithm of the

number of firms in the two-digit industry of the science park.

Cluster variability. We created five cluster variability variables to capture the

extent to which R&D intensity varied in five reference groups of incumbents, namely,

cluster variability (general), cluster variability (size-localized), cluster variability

(ownership-localized), cluster variability (profitable), and cluster variability (large).

Because deviation or standard deviation of R&D intensity will be inflated by

some very large values, we measured cluster variability using a Herfindahl index,

which has been widely used in strategy research, e.g., diversification (Acar and

Sankaran, 1999). Firstly, we calculated 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 quantiles for incumbents’

R&D intensity: 0, 0, 1.5, 9.34 in 2000, 0.13, 2.5, 7.11, 18.29 in 2001, and 0.61, 4.48,

11.11, 27.78 in 2002. We then used the quantiles to classify incumbents’ R&D

intensities into five categories each year (exc. three categories in 2000), and assigned

1-5 to each categories from the smallest to the largest. Finally, we calculated cluster

variability for different reference groups in incumbents using the following




1 ii


−� , where p is the percentage of certain types of incumbents in each

categories. For example, for cluster variability (size-localized), we calculated the

Herfindahl index of R&D intensity in all the incumbents that fall into the entrant’s

size window in the two-digit industry.

Control variables. Three control variables were included in our regression

models: firms size (natural logarithm of the number of employees), age (in years),

Page 19: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


state-control (dummy variable: 1=state-controlled, 0=otherwise), business group

affiliation (dummy variable: 1 if the entrant was affiliated to a business group and 0 if

it was not.) and performance feedback variables (firm performance-cluster aspiration

(<0) and firm performance-cluster aspiration (>0)). Besides, we created and included

industry dummies at the two-digit level, as well as year dummies in regressions. Table

2 briefly summarized the definitions of variable.


Insert Table 2 about here


Statistical Model

As the dependent variable, the entrant’ R&D strategy, is binary, we employed

pooled logit regression to predict the likelihood of an entrant to undertake R&D

strategy. Panel analyses cannot be applied because we identified an entrant by a

moving window. As for Hypothesis 2-3, we used hierarchical moderated regression

analyses to model the moderating effects. Additional robustness checks (not reported,

to save space) were also conducted, e.g., using R&D intensity as a continuous variable,

alternative measures for profitability and size, alternative cutoffs to code dummy



Table 3 presents means, standard deviations, minimums, maximums, and

pairwise correlations for the independent and dependent variables. The table shows

some relatively high correlations, which need clarifications in two aspects. Firstly, the

high correlations among the five measures of imitation variables are quite

understandable, reflecting some basic industrial trends. As Haveman (1993), we

included in separate models the R&D variables for general, size-localized,

ownership-localized, profitable and large incumbents. Secondly, the high correlations

between imitation and cluster density deserve our special attention. The following

measures were took to diagnose and relieve the potential problem of multicollinearity:

i) we mean-centered the two sets of variables for creating interactive terms, ii) we

calculated their variance inflation factors (VIFs) using OLS regressions and all VIFs

were well below 10, and iii) we found that the regression estimates were stable and

log-likelihoods consistently increased after introducing the relevant variables into our

hierarchical models (Haunschild and Miner, 1997).


Page 20: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


Insert Table 3 about here


Table 4 shows the results of pooled of logit regressions. As in Table 4, the

models marked by “a” includes the main effects of imitation, cluster density and

cluster variability; the models marked by “b” includes both main effects and

interactive terms. The numbers, 1-5 in Table 4 represents imitation variable in specific

reference groups of incumbent firms: 1 for general incumbents, 2 for size-localized

incumbents, 3 for ownership-localized incumbents, 4 for profitable incumbents, and 5

for large incumbents. For example, in Model 1b imitation means the innovation

patterns of general incumbents, i.e., the prevalence of innovation strategy in

incumbents; in the Model 2b imitation means the innovation patterns of size-localized



Insert Table 4 about here


Hypothesis 1a-1c predict that when innovation strategy is more prevalent in

general, similar and salient incumbent firms, an entrant is more likely to undertake

R&D strategy. As we can see in Table 4, the coefficients of imitation are positive and

significant across the models. Therefore, Hypothesis 1a - 1c are supported.

Hypothesis 2 posits a positive moderating effect of cluster density on entrants’

mimetic behavior. This hypothesis was tested by including the interactive term,

imitation X cluster density. It receives partial support in Model 1b and 2b, with

positive signs and significance levels in the ranges of p<0.10 and p<0.05. Therefore,

Hypothesis 2 is partially supported.

Hypothesis 3, predicting a negative moderating effect of cluster variability of the

reference groups, was tested by including the interactive term, imitation X cluster

variability. The coefficients of the interactive terms are negative and significant in the

ranges p<0.1 and p<0.05. Hypothesis 3 hence received consistent and strong support.

Discussions and Implications

This paper contributes to extant literature about innovation strategy among

Chinese firms in three ways. First, we conceptualize innovation strategizing in China

as a imitation process that Chinese firms tend to imitate other firms’ innovation

Page 21: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


strategy. It is deeply rooted in the Chinese context: institutional voids and firms’

inexperience in innovation activities. The perspective reveals an important

decision-making process, imitation, in Chinese firms’ innovation strategy.

Conceptualizing innovation itself as a learning technology, this perspective also

echoes with the organizational learning arguments on ecologies of learning and

learning to learn (Heimer, 1985; Levitt and March, 1988). Second, identifying the

moderating effects of informational factor further contributes to our understanding

about how imitation unfolds in the context China. Thirdly, we test our theoretical

framework in an interesting setting: an emerging market-based science park. It

demonstrates interorganizational learning through incumbent-entrant dynamics:

entrants learn from the incumbent within the high-tech cluster, while the entrant’s

strategy in itself is imitated by the later follower.

Our results on Hypothesis 1a-1c depict positive relationships between the

prevalence of innovation strategy in incumbents and the likelihood of an entrant to

undertake innovation. The coefficients vary in their magnitude and significance levels

in the ranges of p<0.5 and p<0.01. Concerning firms’ cognitive categorization process

(e.g., Porac, Thomas, Wilson, Paton and Kanfer, 1995), it is possible that some

characteristics is more likely to be used than others in identifying the role models

among incumbents.

Also partially supported is the positive relationship between cluster density and

new entrants’ imitation of innovation strategy in Hypothesis 2. The coefficients are

significant for general and similar-sized reference group. One possible explanation for

the weak results is that the quantity of information pertaining to cluster density might

go to the other extreme and bring about information overload problem (Huber, 1991).

The strong finding on Hypothesis 3 confirms our prediction about the negative

relationship between strategic variation in the reference group and entrants’ mimetic

behavior. It suggests that information complexity may impede new entrants to learn

from the incumbents.

The results should be interpreted within the limits of the study. The first has to do

with different types of innovation strategy. The analysis of R&D expenditure in our

paper cannot be readily explored to other innovation strategy (e.g., product innovation

strategy). The second has to do with the specific research setting. The science park in

China has some peculiar features, e.g., the clustering of high-tech corporations.

Therefore, the finding in our paper might not be generalizable to other less technology

Page 22: Clustering and Imitation in Innovation Strategy: Toward an Incumbent-Entrant  Dynamics


intensive context. For example, substantial affiliated corporations in our sample are

research centers. While the centers has the mandate given by business group to learn

from other Zhongguancun firms, it is still unclear that affiliated corporations in other

districts have such learning propensity.

In conclusion, this paper explores imitation of innovation strategy in the context

of an emerging market-based industrial cluster. Our results show that entrants under

institutional voids tend to mimetically learn from incumbents’ innovation strategy and

that mimetic behavior is determined both by informational conditions of the industrial

clusters, as proxied by the cluster density and cluster variability.

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Table 1 Basic Information about Late Entrants by Industry (2001-2003)

Industry Average R&D/employees

Proportion of the affiliated

Number of new entrants

Agriculture 20.02 0.06 112 Mining 40.73 0.04 28 Petroleum 33.85 0.08 13 Chemistry 13.24 0.10 125 Medicine 25.33 0.06 190 Metals 14.70 0.05 132 General machinery 23.03 0.05 157 Specialized machinery 23.23 0.07 263 Transport machinery 28.92 0.05 39 Electrical machinery 23.75 0.07 103 Computers & communications equip. 38.14 0.09 626 Instrumental machinery 82.98 0.07 263 Other machinery 13.75 0.08 25 Telecom service 62.02 0.09 133 Computer service 30.64 0.03 413 Software service 32.33 0.05 1251 Research service 68.79 0.07 75 Profession service 21.93 0.04 650 Scientific service 23.14 0.07 138 Environmental management 14.49 0.03 38

Sources: Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Science Park.

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Table 2 Variable Specification

Variable Specification Innovation Strategy Dummy variable: 1=R&D/employment in the top quartile of all

Zhongguancun firms, 0=otherwise Imitation (General Incumbent)

Proportion of incumbents that undertake R&D strategy the two-digit industry

Imitation (Size-localized)

Proportion of size-localized incumbents that undertake R&D strategy the two-digit industry

Imitation (Ownership-localized)

Proportion of ownership-localized incumbents that undertake Innovation strategy the two-digit industry

Imitation (Profitable Incumbent)

Proportion of profitable incumbents that undertake Innovation strategy the two-digit industry

Imitation (Large Incumbent)

Proportion of large incumbents that undertake Innovation strategy the two-digit industry

Group Affiliation Dummy variable: 1=group-affiliated, 0=not Cluster Density (log) Natural logarithm of the number of firms in the two-digit industry Cluster Variability (General Incumbent)

The Herfindahl index of R&D intensity for incumbents in the two-digit industry

Cluster Variability (Size-localized)

The Herfindahl index of R&D intensity for size-localized incumbents in the two-digit industry

Cluster Variability (Ownership-localized)

The Herfindahl index of R&D intensity for ownership-localized incumbents window in the two-digit industry

Cluster Variability (Profitable Incumbent)

The Herfindahl index of R&D intensity for the most profitable incumbents in the two-digit industry

Cluster Variability (Large Incumbent)

The Herfindahl index of R&D intensity for the largest incumbents in the two-digit industry

Performance-cluster aspiration (>0)

Performance minus industry average if performance > social aspiration, and 0 if performance<social aspiration

Performance-cluster aspiration (<0)

0 if performance > industry average, and performance minus social aspiration if performance<social aspiration

Employees (log) Natural logarithm of the number of employees Age Current year minus year of founding State-control Dummy variable: 1=state-controlled, 0=not

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Table 3 Means, Standard Deviations, Minimums, Maximums, and Pairwise Correlations Variable Mean S.D. Min. Max 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 The Entrant’s Innovation Strategy 0.30 0.46 0.00 1.00 1 2 Imitation (General Incumbent) 0.27 0.08 0.09 0.60 0.10* 1 3 Imitation (Size-localized) 0.26 0.11 0.00 1.00 0.11* 0.62* 1 4 Imitation (Ownership-localized) 0.27 0.09 0.00 0.83 0.09* 0.88* 0.55* 1 5 Imitation (Profitable Incumbent) 0.37 0.12 0.00 0.67 0.09* 0.87* 0.53* 0.79* 1 6 Imitation (Large Incumbent) 0.33 0.13 0.00 0.67 0.11* 0.86* 0.52* 0.78* 0.81* 1 7 Business Group Affiliation 0.06 0.23 0.00 1.00 0.06* -0.01 0.06* 0.02 -0.01 0.00 1 8 Cluster Density (log) 6.29 1.01 2.48 7.57 0.04* 0.56* 0.33* 0.51* 0.55* 0.53* -0.04* 9 Cluster Variability (General Incumbent) 0.76 0.06 0.58 0.85 -0.06* -0.15* -0.15* -0.14* -0.18* -0.16* -0.01 10 Cluster Variability (Size-localized) 0.73 0.11 0.00 0.88 -0.02 0.05* 0.08* 0.05* 0.02 0.04* -0.01 11 Cluster Variability (Ownership-localized) 0.76 0.06 0.44 0.85 -0.05* -0.10* -0.11* -0.07* -0.12* -0.13* -0.01 12 Cluster Variability (Profitable Incumbent) 0.73 0.06 0.00 0.84 -0.06* -0.24* -0.18* -0.23* -0.13* -0.19* 0.00 13 Cluster Variability (Large Incumbent) 0.73 0.06 0.00 0.84 -0.06* -0.22* -0.16* -0.17* -0.08* -0.21* -0.01 14 Performance-cluster aspiration (>0) 0.07 0.18 0.00 6.34 0.07* 0.09* 0.09* 0.08* 0.07* 0.08* -0.02 15 Performance-cluster aspiration (<0) -0.15 0.79 -35.85 0.00 -0.04* -0.04* -0.02 -0.04* -0.04* -0.03* 0.03* 16 Employees (log) 2.81 1.04 0.00 8.16 0.07* -0.03* 0.36* 0.02 -0.01 -0.01 0.22* 17 Age 1.17 2.43 0.00 20.00 -0.06* -0.10* 0.01 -0.07* -0.09* -0.08* 0.07* 18 State-controlled 0.15 0.36 0.00 1.00 0.01 -0.11* 0.04* 0.00 -0.08* -0.10* 0.31*

Note: * p<0.05.

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Table 3 (Continued) Variable 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 Cluster Density (log) 1 9 Cluster Variability (General Incumbent) -0.01 1

10 Cluster Variability (Size-localized) 0.24* 0.57* 1 11 Cluster Variability (Ownership-localized) 0.06* 0.95* 0.55* 1 12 Cluster Variability (Profitable Incumbent) 0.08* 0.67* 0.46* 0.65* 1 13 Cluster Variability (Large Incumbent) 0.25* 0.58* 0.46* 0.59* 0.80* 1 14 Performance-cluster aspiration (>0) 0.04* 0.01 0.03* 0.01 -0.02 -0.02 1 15 Performance-cluster aspiration (<0) -0.05* 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.07* 1 16 Employees (log) -0.03* -0.10* 0.05* -0.11* -0.07* -0.04* 0.10* 0.01 1 17 Age -0.06* 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0.04* 0.04* 0.00 0.03 0.19* 1 18 State-controlled -0.06* -0.02 -0.03* -0.05* 0.03* 0.04* 0.01 0.05* 0.30* 0.17* 1

Note: *p<0.05.

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Table 4 Results of Logit Regression Analysis General Size-localized Ownership-localized Profitable Large 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b

Imitation 1.87* (0.71) 2.16**

(0.72) 1.27** (0.39) 1.54**

(0.41) 1.22* (0.54) 1.17*

(0.54) 1.10* (0.46) 1.63**

(0.52) 1.47** (0.45) 1.69**

(0.47) Imitation X Cluster Density

0.86† (0.51) 0.65*

(0.29) 0.55 (0.43) 0.51

(0.36) 0.43 (0.32)

Imitation X Cluster Variability

-20.33* (8.49) -11.88*

(5.08) -12.63† (6.88) -16.62*

(5.89) -12.20* (5.28)

Cluster Density (Log)

0.00 (0.08) -0.06**

(0.02) 0.01 (0.08) -0.06**

(0.02) -0.01 (0.08) -0.06**

(0.02) -0.04 (0.08) -0.06**

(0.02) -0.06 (0.08) -0.06**

(0.02) Cluster Variability -1.86

(1.31) -0.07 (0.10) -2.43†

(1.28) -0.05 (0.10) -1.89

(1.33) -0.11 (0.10) -1.74

(1.34) -0.07 (0.10) -0.99

(1.38) -0.06 (0.10)

Employees (Log) 0.13** (0.04) 0.52**

(0.14) 0.08† (0.04) 0.53**

(0.14) 0.13** (0.04) 0.53**

(0.14) 0.13** (0.04) 0.53**

(0.14) 0.13** (0.04) 0.52**

(0.14) Age -0.06**

(0.02) 0.78** (0.20) -0.06**

(0.02) 0.78** (0.21) -0.06**

(0.02) 0.79** (0.20) -0.06**

(0.02) 0.79** (0.20) -0.06**

(0.02) 0.77** (0.20)

State-controlled -0.07 (0.10) -0.14*

(0.06) -0.06 (0.10) -0.15*

(0.06) -0.10 (0.10) -0.14*

(0.06) -0.08 (0.10) -0.14*

(0.06) -0.07 (0.10) -0.14*

(0.06) Group Affiliation 0.53**

(0.14) -0.04 (0.08) 0.53**

(0.14) -0.02 (0.08) 0.53**

(0.14) -0.02 (0.08) 0.53**

(0.14) -0.05 (0.08) 0.52**

(0.14) -0.05 (0.08)

Performance-cluster aspiration (>0)

0.78** (0.20) -0.25

(1.51) 0.78** (0.21) -1.01

(1.37) 0.78** (0.20) -0.85

(1.49) 0.79** (0.20) 0.12

(1.59) 0.76** (0.20) 0.03

(1.52) Performance-cluster aspiration (<0)

-0.14* (0.06) 0.12**

(0.04) -0.15* (0.06) 0.05

(0.04) -0.14* (0.06) 0.12**

(0.04) -0.14* (0.06) 0.12**

(0.04) -0.14* (0.06) 0.12**

(0.04) Log-likelihood -2651.8 -2648.0 -2633.3 -2628.0 -2652.8 -2650.6 -2652.6 -2648.2 -2649.9 -2646.9 Chi2 171.4** 179.1** 173.6** 184.1** 169.5** 174.0** 170.0** 178.6** 175.3** 181.19**

Note: 1. †p<0.10;*p<0.05;**p<0.01.