cloud foundry

Cloud Foundry Introduction

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Introduction Cloud Foundry and using Micro Cloud Foundry in your PC


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Cloud FoundryIntroduction

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1. Cloud Foundry is an open source cloud computing platform as a service (PaaS) [1].2. Developed by VMware [1].3. Apache License 2.0 [1].4. The industry’s first open platform as a service [2]5. Derek Collison and Mark Lucovsky - Two of the Super Coders Behind Cloud Foundry when it was initially started in April 2011 [3].

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The Magic Triangle

It’s all about CHOICE! [4]

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Why Cloud Foundry?● Developers Agility - No one between you and your

application [5]● Optimized Software Delivery - Portability without

changes – Dev/Test/Production, Private/Public clouds [5]

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Why Cloud Foundry?● Open System - The freedom to choose [5]

○ Choice of clouds for deployment, across public, private and hybrid clouds■ – VMware's operated Cloud

Service■ Micro Cloud Foundry™

○ Choice of industry standard frameworks. Spring for Java, Scala etc.

○ Choice of application services. RabbitMQ, MySQL, MongoDB etc

○ Extensible architecture○ A Community open-source project

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Choice of Developer Frameworks (The Top of the Triangle)

Cloud Foundry supports the following application development frameworks [6]:

1. Spring/Java2. Ruby on Rails3. Ruby and Sinatra4. Node.js5. Grails

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● The support includes a runtime environment that enables your applications to execute on Cloud Foundry

● Deployment tools (vmc and STS) detect the framework and automate configuration and deployment to Cloud Foundry

● Can bind with services, such as database

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Choice of Application Services (The Left Side of the Triangle)

Cloud Foundry services [7]:1. MySQL, the open source relational database.2. vFabric Postgres, relational database based on PostgreSQL.3. MongoDB, the scalable, open, document-based database.4. Redis, the open key-value data structure server.5. RabbitMQ, for reliable, scalable, and portable messaging.

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● To access Cloud Foundry services from your application, you first create a service, and then bind it to your application [7].

● When your application runs on Cloud Foundry, the environment contains a VCAP_SERVICES variable that has information about all the services bound to the application. The content of this variable is a JSON document [7].

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Eg: VCAP_SERVICES variable (JSON){ "mysql-5.1" : [ { "credentials" : { "host" : "", "hostname" : "", "name" : "dd6c83789383c421287bdb25b63eca1a6", "password" : "pYS3fjgQTmO7I", "port" : 3306, "user" : "uTdRF0y1H2R9r", "username" : "uTdRF0y1H2R9r" }, "label" : "mysql-5.1", "name" : "mysql-service", "plan" : "free", "tags" : [ "relational", "mysql-5.1", "mysql" ] } ] }

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Choice of Clouds (The Right Side of the Triangle)

● Public, Private, VMware based and non-VMware based it up to the developer and organization as to where they want to run Cloud Foundry [4].

● Cloud Foundry can run on top of vSphere and vCloud Infrastructure [4].

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Micro Cloud Foundry

● Micro Cloud Foundry™ - now you can run a complete instance of Cloud Foundry on your own computer [8].

● It is a full instance of Cloud Foundry that provides the flexibility of local development while preserving your options for future deployment and scaling of your applications [9].

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Micro Cloud Foundry

Just 3 steps [8]:1. Install - VMware Player (free) 2. Login using credentials3. Download Micro Cloud Foundry virtual machine image (It's about 1.4GB)

prompt$ du -h micro-v119-20121113.000224.zip1.4G

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Micro Cloud Foundry VM

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Micro Cloud Foundry Configuration

● When you first start the VM, it will prompt to configure the Micro Cloud Foundry instance.

● Set password for the ‘root’ and ‘vcap’● The ‘root’ and ‘vcap’ users are the administrative/control

accounts for your Micro Cloud Foundry VM [9].● Micro Cloud Foundry networking is also configured.● Enter DNS configuration token, which is received on the

page where you downloaded the Micro Cloud VM. (This is very important to work in offline mode as we are relying on DNS lookup)

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Micro Cloud Foundry Configuration

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Micro Cloud Foundry Configuration

Can use SSH tunnel to access the Micro Cloud Foundry VM [10]

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Working Offline With Micro Cloud Foundry

● Virtual Machine Settings -> Network Adapter -> make sure that NAT is selected.

● Select option 6 to toggle to offline mode.● Configure host computer to route DNS

requests to the Micro Cloud Foundry VM.○ For DHCP:

edit the file /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and add this line:prepend domain-name-servers <IP_VM>

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Cloud Foundry tools

● Command-Line Interface (vmc)● Eclipse Plugin● Apache Maven

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Command-Line Interface (vmc)

Cloud Foundry command-line interface can be used to execute all the Cloud Foundry operations, such as configuring your applications and deploying them to Cloud Foundry [11].

Prerequisite: Ruby and RubyGemsprompt$ sudo gem install vmc

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vmc target

Execute the vmc target command to specify the Cloud Foundry target to which you will deploy your applications [11].

1. To deploy on the PaaS Cloud Foundry, specify https://api.cloudfoundry.com2. To deploy on your local Micro Cloud Foundry, specify http://api.<appname>, where appname is the domain you registered for your application at the Micro Cloud Foundry Web site.

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VMC Basic Commands

The following command targets the PaaS Cloud Foundry [11]:prompt$ vmc target

To determine your current target:prompt$ vmc target

Login:prompt$ vmc login

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VMC Basic Commands

Ensure you have successfully logged in:prompt$ vmc info

Change password:prompt$ vmc passwd

View the full list of VMC commands:prompt$ vmc help

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Logging into Micro Cloud Foundry

First register a user:prompt$ vmc register

Then login:prompt$ vmc login

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vmc target & vmc login (Public Cloud)

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Deploying a Sample Application

A simple Java Web Application from Maven.

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.example -DartifactId=maven-webapp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp

Run “mvn package” to create war file.

Change directory to “target”

Deploy the application using the vmc push command:prompt$ vmc push

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Deploying a Sample Application

You can specify one or all of the following options to pass deployment values; if you do not specify an option, vmc push will interactively prompt you for it [12]:

prompt$ vmc push <appname> --path <directory> --url <deploymentURL> --instances <instance-number> --memory <MB> --no-start

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Deploying a Sample Application

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Deploying a Sample Application

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Getting Information about the Cloud Foundry Target

Display the instances of these service types created [12]:prompt$ vmc services

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Getting Information about Applications

Display the list of applications that are currently deployed for your account, along with instances, health, and associated service instances [12]:prompt$ vmc apps

Display the standard output log entries for an application [12]:prompt$ vmc logs <appname>

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Debugging Problems With Your Applications

Viewing Log Files:

Use the "vmc files" command to get a list of available log files [13]

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Does Cloud Foundry Auto Scale?

According to Collison [14], Cloud Foundry provides all the mechanisms to allow auto-scaling, however auto-scaling at its simplest form is not directly builtin.

Thorsten [15] answers to this question by saying “no, but trivially so”

RightScale [16] provides dynamic server configuration for Cloud Foundry with their All-In-One Cloud Foundry ServerTemplate™.

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Simplified Application Deployment With Cloud Foundry “Manifest”

● Automates application deployments [17].● The manifests feature uses a YAML

document, "manifest.yml" [17].

Ways to create manifest● The manifest can be created by hand● It can be created after a "vmc push"

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Topics Not Covered

Eclipse Plugin & DebuggingApache MavenSupport for other frameworks. eg: PHPvmc tunnel (Accessing services)

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References[1] Wikipedia, “Cloud Foundry,” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[2] VMware, “Cloud Foundry — Delivering on VMware’s ‘Open PaaS’ Strategy,” The Console Blog - VMware Blogs, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[3] VMware, “Two of the Super Coders Behind Cloud Foundry,” Blog, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[4] VMware, “Explaining The Magic Triangle,” Blog, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].

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References[5] VMware, “About Cloud Foundry,” 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[6] VMware, “Frameworks Overview,” Documentation, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[7] VMware, “Services Overview,” Documentation, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[8] VMware, “Micro Cloud Foundry,” 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[9] VMware, “‘We Shrunk the Cloud’ – Introducing Micro Cloud Foundry for Developers,” Blog, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[10] VMware, “Working Offline with Micro Cloud Foundry,” Blog, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].

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References[11] VMware, “VMC Installation,” Documentation, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[12] VMware, “VMC Quick Reference,” Documentation, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[13] VMware, “Debugging with VMC,” Documentation, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jan-2013].[14] D. Collison, “auto scaling in cloud foundry : Support,” 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10-Jan-2013].

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References[15] Thorsten, “Cloud Foundry Architecture and Auto-Scaling,” RightScale Blog, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10-Jan-2013].[16] RightScale, “RightScale Free Edition | RightScale Cloud Management Platform,” 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10-Jan-2013].[17] VMware, “Simplified Application Deployment With Cloud Foundry ‘Manifest’,” Blog, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10-Jan-2013].