closer to christ prayer journal · i am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to...

Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal This is YOUR “Closer to Christ” prayer journal. Each week, you will use it as a guide for class. There are EIGHT titles included and highlighted in yellow. This journal is accompanied by lesson readings or proclamations. We’ll use this as a resource which includes notes for class, scripture references, prayers, reflection space, and more! God has given us a great gift – the gift of prayer. These are not simply words to say to God, but an experience to share with Him. God has an unquenchable thirst for us that will not be satisfied until we are with Him in paradise. Prayer is the beautiful opportunity for us to encounter God’s thirst for us as we thirst for Him. Christ calls each of us to have a relationship with Him, which can only develop by coming frequently to Him in prayer. Our Moral Guide The Great Commandment “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 Ten Commandments I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before Me. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath Day. Honor thy father and thy mother. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. You shall not covet thy neighbor's wife. You shall not covet thy neighbor's goods. The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

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Page 1: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal

This is YOUR “Closer to Christ” prayer journal. Each week, you will use it as a

guide for class. There are EIGHT titles included and highlighted in yellow. This journal is accompanied by lesson readings or proclamations. We’ll use this as a resource which includes notes for class, scripture references, prayers, reflection space, and more! God has given us a great gift – the gift of prayer. These are not simply words to say to God, but an experience to share with Him. God has an unquenchable thirst for us that will not be satisfied until we are with Him in paradise. Prayer is the beautiful opportunity for us to encounter God’s thirst for us as we thirst for Him. Christ calls each of us to have a relationship with Him, which can only develop by coming frequently to Him in prayer.

Our Moral Guide

The Great Commandment “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,

with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”

Luke 10:27

Ten Commandments I am the Lord your God,

you shall not have strange gods before Me. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath Day. Honor thy father and thy mother.

You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

You shall not covet thy neighbor's wife. You shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.

The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Page 2: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

Books of the Bible in Canonical Order

Old Testament









1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles






1 Maccabees

2 Maccabees





Song of Songs





















New Testament







1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians





1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy





1 Peter

2 Peter

1 John

2 John

3 John



Page 3: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

1 - Well of Life: What is Prayer? Date:

BIBLE find, read & share (make notes): • Luke 11:1-4 (NT)… • 1 Chronicles 16:8-11 (OT) … • Psalm 4: 2 (OT)… • Luke 18:1-1-8 (NT)… PRAY IT! Dear God, Jesus had to remind people to pray always and not to lose hope when faced with injustice. I need to hear that too. Sometimes it seems like I pray and pray, but you are not answering. I know that I have to be willing to look and listen for your response. I know that I have to pray always, not just in times of need. I know I need to share my daily life with you. Help me to do these things I know I need to do. Help me to pray, Lord. Amen. Listen to READING • John 4:1-42 (NT) …

PRAY IT! Jesus, you are the Messiah, the anointed one. I am thirsty…quench my thirst.

SMALL GROUPS: 1. Read together: Something Beautiful for God on the back of St. Theresa of Kolkata (Mother Teresa) prayer card. Answer & Share the following:

• How is St. Teresa of Kolkata (Mother Teresa) a role model for me? For the world?

• What are some things we personally do in daily life that become beautiful for God?

2. Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

• What are things in my life that are keeping me from starting a conversation with Jesus?

• Who is Jesus Christ to you?

• What kind of relationship do you have with God?

• Do you want to change your relationship with God? Is it important to you to pray? Why?

SUMMARY CHALLENGE: • Prayer is a gift from God, where we are able to encounter God’s thirst for us. • True prayer comes from our hearts, and only God is capable of fully knowing the depths of our hearts. • Prayer is not merely words and gestures, but the way to develop a personal and living relationship with our heavenly Father.

CLOSE with the Our Father Meditation

Page 4: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

OUR FATHER Meditation

Leader: Closing Prayer, let us all pray together:

All: Our Father,

Leader: Lord, our brother Jesus asked us to call you Father, and so we do. We say your name lovingly because you are indeed our Father, giving even more love than the best father or mother can give. You are the one who, out of love, gave us life, and you continue to breathe your divine life into us through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. Father, you know us better than anyone else, better than our earthly father and mother know us, better even than we know ourselves. So, when we come to you with our needs and concerns, you know what we really need. That is what you give us, even if we do not understand at that moment. We accept what you give because your wisdom is great and our vision is limited. Help us to know and love you as you know and love us.

All: Who art in heaven;

Leader: Father, it is difficult for us to understand what heaven is like when our experiences here on earth dazzle and distract us, or disappoint us and cause us pain. Give us the faith to believe that heaven is real and more wonderful than anything we have or could experience here on earth. Help us to remember that your desire is to share eternal happiness with us after we have used this time on earth to grow in wisdom, love, and grace.

All: Hallowed be thy name;

Leader: Blessed and holy is your name, Lord, you who are the source of all love. You know all things and can do all things. Sometimes, Father, we glorify ourselves before all else, even you. Help us to remember that we can do nothing without you. You created us out of pure love, and you only desire good for us. We thank you, Father, and praise you for your goodness.

All: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Leader: Evil seems to be all around us, Father. There is materialism, selfishness, disease, poverty, and suffering. This is not the world you want. As individuals, families, and nations, we war against one another. There is immorality wherever we turn. Father, you gave us free will - the freedom to choose between good and evil. Help us to do our part in changing this imperfect world in which we live. Thank you for giving us your son, Jesus, to show us the way to the kingdom, and to teach us to recognize that the kingdom is here and now when we allow you to enter our lives.

All: Give us this day our daily bread;

Leader: Father, each day is a gift, an opportunity to be fed and nourished by your love. Help us to recognize you in the people, situations, and events we encounter. Give us hope and strength. Grant us understanding to see that you can make good come out of even our darkest days.

All: And forgive us our trespasses

Leader: Father, forgive us for the time we have hurt others, for the times we did not listen to your words, and for the times we put ourselves before every other person or consideration. Help those we have hurt to forgive us. And, Father, help us to forgive ourselves and to recognize that your forgiveness is always there waiting for us.

All: As we forgive those who trespass against us;

Leader: Lord, help us to accept the weakness not only in ourselves, but also in others. Help us to recognize that sometimes people act out of ignorance; they are imperfect, as we are imperfect. Those who have hurt us also need forgiveness. Help us to be as ready to forgive them, as you are always ready and waiting to forgive us.

All: And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Leader: Father, we pray that we be spared the temptations of evil. It is so difficult to say no to ourselves. Help us to feel the joy, which comes through doing your will. Help us to realize that, through our obedience to you, we can become the people you created us to be. When temptation presents itself, Father, give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.”

All: Father in Heaven, ever-living source of all that is good, keep me faithful in serving You. Help me to drink of Christ's Truth, and fill my heart with His Love so that I may serve You in faith and love and reach eternal life. In the Sacrament of the Eucharist You give me the joy of sharing Your Life. Keep me in Your presence. Let me never be separated from You and help me to do Your Will. Amen.

Page 5: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

2 - Sacred Places: Where Do I Pray? Date:

What’s in My Crib? Draw a picture or map of your bedroom.

What are important things in your bedroom or even in other rooms of your house?

BIBLE find, read & share (make notes): • Matthew 6:5-8 ... Sacred Space— a certain, special place to pray and to reflect; where God can transform you. Listen to READING SMALL GROUPS: Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

• Why is it necessary that we pray together with a community and as individuals?

• Where do we pray as a community? Where do we pray as individuals?

• Do you have a certain place that you like to go for prayer? What makes that place unique?

• How can you create prayer spaces in your everyday life?

• Where is one area in your house that you or your family can set up as a prayer space?

EXTRA: Bible lookups: read & share (make notes): • Luke 11:1-4 ...

• Matthew 26:36-46 ...

• Psalm 103: 1-5 …


• God calls us into a relationship through prayer. We are invited to pray anywhere.

• We are called to imitate Christ in prayer by praying in community and as individuals.

• There are sacred places like churches and chapels that help us enter into prayer. We can also set up a sacred space in our house to help us to pray every day.


(see prayer card)

Page 6: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

3 - On Your Mark, Get Set, Pray! Date:

BIBLE find, read & share (make notes): • 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 ...

• Romans 8:26 …

Listen to READING Practical Tips on How to Start Praying: 1.



SMALL GROUPS: Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

• Prayer challenge… talk about how someone may have transformed their personal prayer space at home, school or other.

• What is something in your life that takes commitment and discipline? How can you translate that into your prayer life?

• What is keeping you from praying?

• What is one thing you can do to help yourself to start praying?

• Are you ever scared to make the sign of the cross in public when you pray before meals? Why?

SUMMARY CHALLENGE: • It is important to start praying regularly. • Start and end prayer with the sign of the cross. • Start simply.

Starting to Pray sheet displayed in room (my commitment)

What time(s) will I pray?

Who is my prayer partner?

Where will I pray?

What prayers will I pray?

Page 7: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

4 - Conversation with Christ Date:

BIBLE find, read & share (make notes): • Luke 11:9-10, 13 …

• Exodus 33:11 …

• Matthew 28:20 …

Listen to READING SMALL GROUPS: Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

● What types of things do you talk about or text your friends about?

● What do you talk to your parents about?

● What do you talk to Christ about?

● After learning about what to pray about, how will that change what you pray about or what you talk with Christ about?

● What do you struggle with most when it comes to talking to God?

• Prayer challenge… be present in conversations in your life, especially with Christ in prayer. Talk to

parents about their commitment to prayer. (see next page) – Complete CONVERSATION WITH CHRIST SUMMARY CHALLENGE: • Prayer is an honest conversation with Christ. • You can talk to Christ about anything. • Be present in conversations.

The Stations of the Cross is a Lenten devotion. At each station we use our senses to reflect prayerfully upon Jesus’ suffering, Death, and Resurrection, and on Christ’s love for us.

Page 8: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

CONVERSATION WITH CHRIST Instructions: During this time of prayer, write down your answers to the questions as a conversation with Christ.

What is it that you are struggling with most right now? What are your worries and fears? "Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7)

Dear Jesus, What do you struggle with most in prayer? What keeps you from coming to Christ and building a relationship with Him? "Come to me all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

Lord, prayer is hard because… What brings you the greatest joys? List at least three blessings in your life and thank Christ for them. How can you find Christ in these blessings? "All good giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights" (James 1:17).

My Savior, Jesus Christ, thank you...

Page 9: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

5 - PRAYER SQUARED: What can help me pray? Date:

BIBLE find, read & share (make notes): • Acts 2:42 …

• Luke 11:1 ...

Listen to READING

Ways to help you learn to pray and develop your prayer life:






Other tools:

SMALL GROUPS: Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

• What was something that you learned that you did not know before?

• A few weeks ago, you each made a plan to start to pray regularly. Are you able to follow through? Why or why not?

• Which of the prayer aids that we mentioned you use in your prayer? How do they help?

• Which one of them might you like to try to use? Why?

• What can you continue to improve your prayer routine?

Prayer Challenge: Set up at least one time this week to pray the rosary with your family. SUMMARY CHALLENGE:

• There is no “prayer formula,” but we have different models or traditions to follow. • Prayer is an important part of our life and making a commitment to prayer should be a priority. • Summarize and explain your “chosen” prayer to a family member or a friend.

Page 10: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

6 - The Time is Now: When do I pray? Date: BIBLE find, read & share (make notes): • Luke 22:39-46… Agony in the Garden …

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 …

Mark 1:35 …

Luke 6:12 …

Listen to READING When are times I can Pray? *








Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

• Do you talk to your parents and best friends every day?

• Do you pray every day? What is keeping you from praying every day?

• Why is it so important to pray throughout the day? What would life look like if you did not talk to your friends or your parents?

• How do you think your life would be different if you prayed every day?

SUMMARY CHALLENGE: •Prayer is a relationship, and we need to be in constant communication with Christ. •Jesus gives us examples of times to pray in our days and in big events. •We need to commit to times of prayer in our daily lives.

Closing Prayer: (see next page) Praying With Scripture

Page 11: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father


(Luke 22:39-46 Agony in the Garden) Look up the Scripture passage and follow below.

1. LISTEN, as the leader reads the Scripture passage slowly, out loud.

2. READ the passage again, silently. Using your own words, summarize or retell this story in no more than 5 or 6 sentences.

3. Pick one person / character from the passage (either a specific name or description): And, imagine that you are there, in this person’s “shoes.”

* Ask yourself… What do you see, hear, smell, taste or touch? * How do you think this person was feeling in this situation? How would you feel in this situation? * What would you say or do differently in this situation? 4. Have a silent “heart-to-Heart” talk with Jesus. Share your honest feelings about anything that has come to mind as you reflect on or think about this passage. It might be something that is weighing heavily on your heart, or something that moves you to a deep sense of gratitude and joyful praise. 5. Read the passage again, silently. Choose one word or phrase from this passage that has a special meaning for you and why?: 6. Think of your favorite picture of Jesus and LISTEN to HIM. Quietly listening for whatever the Lord might “whisper” in our heart. Close your eyes.

Page 12: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

7 - Father Vs. Genie: Does God Really Hear Me When I Pray? Date:

BIBLE find, read & share (make notes):

• Matthew 7:7-8...

• Luke 11:1-13... Listen to READING SMALL GROUPS: Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

• Why do you think people struggle to believe God hears their prayers?

• Have you ever had a t ime you thought God did not answer your prayer, but He answered it later? Did He answer i t in a way different than you thought He wo uld answer? Share.

• How can prayer petit ions or intentions be self ish?

• How can we make sure our prayers are not self ish, but that we are open to God ’s wil l? Is it diff icult to determine the intention or our intentions ?

• How can you commit to prayer more so that you keep praying even when you think God is not l istening?


• God the Father hears our every prayer — we must have faith and trust in this.

• Sometimes our prayers are self-centered, but all of our petitions should be with the words of the Our Father — Thy will be done.

• Prayer is about aligning our will and desires to the love of God and not about being granted wishes.

PRAYER INTENTIONS Leader or Person with Intention: Loving God, we pray for________________ so that they may . ALL respond: Lord, Hear our Prayer.

Page 13: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father

8 - Without Ceasing: Is prayer really that important??


BIBLE find, read & share (make notes):

• 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 …

• Luke 1:38 …

• Luke 1:46-55 …

• Luke 2:19 …

Listen to READING SMALL GROUPS: Answer & Share the following on PRAYER:

• How has your prayer life grown or changed throughout this semester?

• What improvement do you still hope for in your prayer life?

• What is one concrete step you can take to make that happen?

• Share with the group a powerful moment of prayer that you have experienced.

• What is your favorite way to pray? What is a new way of praying that you would like to try (think of some of the examples from the teaching)?

• If you were responsible for telling someone from your school who was not here about the importance of prayer, what would you say?

SUMMARY CHALLENGE: • Prayer is how we stay connected to God our Creator. • Out of love, Christ wants a relationship with us, and no relationship can flourish without regular and meaningful communication. • We are also called to make our lives a continuous prayer by fully turning our hearts to God. > Create a PRAYER SIGN using the Scripture or Saint quotes from next page. Be creative. Use wood, paper, cardboard, etc.! > Remember to take home Sacred Space personal pieces and display at home along with your new sign. > Take home this journal and refer to it often. Add to it, grow in faith.

PRAY it!

Page 14: Closer to Christ PRAYER Journal · I am thirsty …quench my thirst. ... give us the strength to say, “I am weak. I cannot do it alone. Carry me, Lord, my Father.” All: Father


God speaks to us through His written word, the Bible. Christians speak to God through prayer.Prayeris an important part of our Christian life; we pray in words and sometimes we pray in song.

Psalms 105:1- Give thanks to the Lord, proclaim his greatness. Psalms 118:5– In my distress I called to the Lord; he answered

me and set me free. Psalms 55:16- As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD

shall save me. Jonah 2:1– From deep inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord

his God. Matthew 18:20- For where two or three come together in my

name, I am there with them. Matthew 21:22– If you believe, you will receive whatever you

ask for in prayer. Matthew 26:36– “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” Matthew 6:9– This is how you are to pray: Our Father in

heaven, hallowed be your name. Mark 11:24– When you pray and ask for something, believe that

you have received it, and you will be given whatever you ask for.

Luke 11:1 – “Lord, teach us to pray.” Luke 11:1 – One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. Luke 11:9 – Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find;

knock, and the door will be opened to you. Luke 6:12– At that time Jesus went up a hill to pray and spent

the whole night there praying to God. John 16:23b– the Father will give you whatever you ask of him

in my name. John 4:10b – You would ask Him, and he would give you life-

giving water. Romans 10:13– As the scripture says, “Everyone who calls out

to the Lord for help will be saved.” Romans 12:12– Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in

your troubles, and pray at all times. Ephesians 3:17a - and I pray that Christ will make his home in

your hearts through faith. Ephesians 3:17b - I pray that you may have your roots and

foundation in love. Ephesians 6:18a– Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help. Ephesians 6:18b – Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. Ephesians 6:18c– Pray always for all God’s people. Phillipians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me. Colossians 4:2– Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you

pray, giving thanks to God. 1 Thessalonians 5:17- Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:18– Be thankful in all circumstances. This is

what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.

James 1:5 – But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you.


on PRAYER Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. --St. Augustine

You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him.--St. Teresa of Avila

He who prays most receives most.--St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Prayer ought to be short and pure, unless it be prolonged by the inspiration of Divine grace. --Saint Benedict

Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry. --Padre Pio of Pietrelcino

Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. ―Mother Teresa

If you pray more you will pray better. ―Mother Teresa

You must learn to pray - maybe not big prayers but talk from the heart to God, open your heart to God. ―Mother Teresa

I therefore invite you every day to seek the Lord, who wants nothing more than for you to be truly happy. – Pope Benedict XVI

If you do not know how to pray, ask him to teach you, and ask your heavenly Mother to pray with you and for you. – Pope Benedict XVI

God always has patience.—Pope Francis

VOCABULARY Cease (ceasing) – to stop or end. Note: Do the opposite

when it comes to prayer… Pray always or without ceasing.

Intercession - the prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another.

Petition or Intention - the person, circumstance, or object for which a prayer, Mass, or sacred or devotional act is offered.

Prayer – the elevation of the mind and heart to God in praise of his glory; a petition made to God for some desired good, or in thanksgiving for a good received, or in intercession for others before God.

Sacred – holy, entitled to reverence and respect; highly valued and important.

Thanksgiving – the act of giving thanks; a prayer expressing gratitude.

God Bless you on your faith journey!