clonezilla tutorial

Upload: krithi82

Post on 09-Feb-2018




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  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Clonezilla Server:

    Clonezilla installation needs a machine with Linux installed on it.

    Linux 12.4 LTS Server.

    Once the machine is configured with eth0 and eth1 clonezilla server can !e installed. "elow

    are the detailed ste#s to install clonezilla server$

    1. %re&configuration$

    'n %re&configuration the networ( has to !e configured$

    T)#e in the terminal$

    *$ sudo nano +etc+networ(+interfaces

    ,s we can see on the configuration we have two interfaces eth0 and eth1. -th0 is our main

    networ( cards '% configuration. /e are going to use this to connect to the we! while eth1 is

    another networ( interface which we will use for Clonezilla.

    ust remem!er to match eth0s '% configuration with that of )our local networ( and to ma(e

    eth1 '% a totall) different su!net from that of eth0.

    "elow is the diagram that shows how the networ(s should !e connected !etween Clonezilla

    Server and ,utomation "oxes.


    Clonezilla Server

  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    . . . . .

    Notes: Sometimes another virtual interface exists li(e vir!r0. a(e sure to delete the vir!r0interface using the !elow command.

    *$ virsh net&destro) default

    2. 'nstall 3"L$

    T)#e the following in the command #rom#t$

    *$ sudo sh &c 5echo 6de! htt#$++dr!!l&core dr!l sta!le6 77


    ,dd now the 8%8 encr)#tion (e) for the 3"L re#ositor) with these commands$

    *$ wget &9 htt#$++dr!;&3"L &O& < a#t&(e) add &

    *$ sudo a#t&get u#date

    Start now the installation of the 3"L server =which includes !) default the Clone>illa

    server? with this command$



    Boxes /




    Boxes /




    Boxes /



    Eth0 : WAN Switch

    IP Class A i

    Eth1 : !AN


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    *$ sudo a#t&get install dr!l

    @. To manage the Cloe>illa server run these commands$

    *$ sudo +usr+s!in+dr!lsrv Ai

    Clonezilla =3"L? setu# will !egin. ,nswer ever)thing as )ou see it !elow. The first9uestion !asicall) as(s )ou if )ou want to install other Linux images answer BN

    Dext 9uestion as(s if )ou would li(e to use a serial console instead of a 8E' so choose BD


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Dext 9uestion as(s a!out the t)#e architecture used in )our C%E. %ress B-nter to continue.

    Select BD in the next 9uestion. ;ou do not want 3"L to u#grade )our o#erating s)stem.

    Dext 3"L will !egin downloading and installing all its de#endencies.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Select the Linux :ernel =2?

    ,fter 3"L finishes downloading and installing all its de#endencies we are done installing


    4. Configure Clonezilla$


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    -nter the following command$

    *$ sudo +usr+s!in+dr!l#ush Ai

    ,t the first 9uestion Fust #ress Benter to leave the default name.

    ,t the second 9uestion again Fust #ress Benter to leave the default domain name.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    ,t the third 9uestion again Fust #ress Benter to leave the default server name

    The fourth 9uestion as(s to choose which card to use to go to the internet #reviousl) we

    chose eth0 as our connection to the we! and eth0$0 as our virtual interface for Clonezilla so

    enter Beth0


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Dext 9uestion as(s if )ou want to collect ,C addresses of com#uters to !e clonedG this is

    done so that onl) com#uters that are going to !e cloned get assigned an '% from 3"L. '

    find this time consuming and unnecessar) since it is easier to turn 3"L off once )ou are

    done cloning so that it does not conflict with )our networ(s 3HC% server. 3"L is ver)

    eas) to turn on and off with a sim#le short&cut on )our servers des(to#. So we are going to

    choose BDB


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    3o )ou want to let the 3HC% service in 3"L server offer same '% address to the client

    ever) time when client !oots ='f )ou want this function )ou have to collect the ,C

    addresses of clients and save them in file=s? =as in the #revious #rocedure??. This is for the

    clients connected to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 I

    Select Y

    O:J %lease tell me the file name which contains the ,C address of clients line !) line foreth0$0.

    'n this ste# we can s#ecif) the location of the file which contains the ,C addresses. 8ive

    the exact location of the file K-x 'n our s)stem our file is etcdr!lmacadrMeth0$1.txtN

    /hat is the initial num!er do )ou want to use in the last set of digits in the '% =i.e. the initial

    value of d in the '% address a.!.c.d? for 3"L clients connected to this ethernet #ort eth0$0.

    10. This will !e the starting '% address of )our 3HC% range.

    The file name )ou set is Bmacadr&eth0$1.txt.

    The clients num!er in this file is 1.

    /e will set the '% address for the clients connected to 3"L servers ethernet networ(

    interface eth0$0 ") the ,C address file )ou set the '% addresses for the clients connected


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 as$ [email protected] A [email protected]



    Dext Clonezilla will show )ou how )our networ( configuration will loo( li(eG this is Fust

    information so #ress BenterB.

    Clonezilla will then as( )ou if )ou want to have the o#tion of !ooting com#uter to Linux

    using the networ(.

    we are just setting the server for cloning so choose option 2.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Choose Clonezilla !ox mode o#tion B1B. This wa) the whole cloning o#eration will !e

    lighter on the server.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Dext 9uestion as(s what will !e the default director) where )ou want to store )our images.

    To me the default B+home+#artimag is not intuitive so ' change it to B+clonezilla so it can !e

    easil) accessi!le in the file&s)stem. "ut this is u# to )ouG Fust remem!er that if )ou decide to

    change it ma(e sure )ou create the new folder manuall) since the setu# will not do it for )ou.

    Enless )ou want to !e anno)ed with a #assword #rom#t ever) time )ou want to clone acom#uter or )ou are a securit) frea( choose BD in the next 9uestion.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Choose BD at the next 9uestion as well )ou do not need a !oot #rom#t for clients.

    ' recommend )ou choose B; in the next 9uestion.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Choose B; in the next 9uestion.

    %ress -nter to continue.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Choose B; of course to finish

    R. ST,T CLOD->'LL, S-


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Dow that we have finished with the configuration of Clonezilla we need to start our server to

    get it read) for cloning. To ma(e that t)#e the following command$

    $: suo !usr!s"in!cs

    ,t the first screen choose BSelect all the clientsB.

    ,t the second Screen Choose Bclonezilla#startB


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    ,t the third screen we recommend using Beginner %oe for now.

    'n the fourth screen choose Bselect#in#clientB.


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Select the default o#tion in the ste#


  • 7/22/2019 Clonezilla Tutorial


    Select B%ower Off from the next ste#. 't is to mention what ha##ens to the client after it is


    clic( Bo& and we are doneJ

    P. a(e Clonezilla server as en(ins Slave$

    1. Create a new Dode !) clic(ing on anage en(ins from en(ins 3ash!oard

    2. Then Clic( on anage Dodes&7 Dew Dode&7-nter Dode Dame&7 Select 3um! Slave and

    clic( on O:

    @. 'n the Dext Ste# enter of -xecutors as 1 emote S root as +home+en(ins

    UThis needs that a director) Ben(ins should !e created in Bhome and chec( if it has all

    #ermission for the en(ins userN

    4. -nter Esage as BEtilize this slave as much as #ossi!le and Launch method as BLaunch Slave

    agents on Enix machines via SSH. or the Host enter the '% of the clonezilla server li(e

    10.220.1Q.VVV and go to credentials field and clic( on B,dd !utton in the right.

    R. 'n the ,dd Credential screen leave the (ind and sco#e to !e default enter Esername as

    Clonezilla user name and #assword and clic( on ,dd. a(e sure the Credentials field has

    !een selected as Broot =oot Eser?. Clic( on Save. Ua(e sure SSH is ena!led in Clonezilla

    server machineN
