clitheroe barkc: r5/lariel

Clitheroe: A BaRKC Round Five: Lariel

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Page 1: Clitheroe BaRKC: R5/Lariel

Clitheroe: A BaRKCRound Five: Lariel

Page 2: Clitheroe BaRKC: R5/Lariel

onnor was waiting for me when I arrived back home.

“Welcome back, dear. How was the big meeting with the queen? Do Galain and the princess have a date?”

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I fixed my eyes ahead and brushed past him.

“Oh. Okay,” he mumbled.

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Well, Your Divine Majesty, I can promise you that from now on, I will be the very model of discretion. No one will beat me in discretionary record-keeping.

The Monday leading up to Galain’s birthday was trivial. Connor and I worked the Bobbin, the children went to school. I was awake and alert early that morning while the rest of my family slept, and used the time to practice speechmaking. I am always looking to improve myself and my family, of course.

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Meanwhile, Connor worked on that elusive sewing badge. He also does everything in his power to better the Lariel name.

Of course we didn’t know then that we would be promoted to nobility this week by your gracious wisdom, but still, we work hard for what we earn here. Even without thought of reward.

R.A. Uh-huh.

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Galain spent much of the early week following Shannath about the house. She became more distant to him after she became a teenager, and he missed their childhood roughhousing, I suspect.

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She was sometimes harsh with him, but still he followed her like a puppy.

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He finally became a teenager Monday evening. All the better to make the acquaintance of join the family in working the Silver Bobbin.

R.A. I saw that Imelda. Good effort, though.

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He really did become a handsome boy. It’s really no wonder the princess chose him over that scruffy Renaisse boy. My children would never get away with having such long, untamed hair. Really, Galain’s is pushing it…

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As I said, we are always working to glorify the Lariel name. Sometimes, that means working out and glorifying the Lariel body.

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Tuesday was the first time we got to introduce our children to the wonderful world of retail. We donned uniforms for the first time for the occasion, and took a family picture in front of the Bobbin. We’re a grand family, aren’t we?

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The children did very well for themselves. Even Shannath got into the swing of sales. She’s been so moody lately. I suspect it’s because she’s a teenager now. All teenagers are moody.

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Since we now had more help around the store, I was able to start in on something I had planned to offer at the Silver Bobbin since its inception: haircuts. I offered them for free for anyone brave enough to be my badge fodder, but once I have more skill in it, I will be charging exorbitant prices for them.

Ah, it’s good to have the corner on the market.

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Despite those successes, the Tuesday trip was a bust. Everyone’s needs dropped like stones, none of the customers felt like buying, it was a mess. We barely broke even. That’s why on Wednesday, I went in with a Plan.

I purchased this tiny dragon statue for cheap. I then priced it for $9,999 dollars. All of the clothes that are the focus of the business, I priced to “ridiculously cheap” for now.

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We were rolling in money and customer stars in no time. I should have done this sooner!

R.A. Hm. I did explicitly say not to use custom pricing… but then, I also explicitly said “on ticket machines.” I guess I’ll let this slide, since these guys are noble now.

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Finally seeing massive profits from the Bobbin did not help our needs, though. We were forced to retire early for the day. However, we continued attending to the store each day throughout the round, until finally on Friday…

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…we were thrown our final star, making the Silver Bobbin a Rank 10 business.

It’s my impression based on the recent proclamation, Your Majesty, that this made us Merchants before we were Nobles?

R.A. Yep, that’s right. You catch on to these things quick.

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After we reached that magical number, we closed up shop for the day. I put approximately $40,000 into landscaping the lot and redecorating inside, and then we all went proudly home.

We took a break Sunday to adjust ourselves to our new station. It has just been such a brilliant week, your majesty! Success in our business, a new aristocratic title, the engagement of Galain and the princess… ah, my heart could burst.

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I think my goal for next week will be to open a second business. I’m not sure yet what I will sell, but I’m sure it will be grand.

I did go back to the Bobbin once on Sunday to hang the new Lariel heraldry inside, though I didn’t actually open for business. Doesn’t it look magnificent?

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But I get ahead of myself. Some rather important events happened in the meantime.

For example, the hateful Burglary. I have no idea who this was. I suspect she was a saboteur. In fact, now that I think about it, she was likely sent by the Renaisses! The scoundrels…

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Fortunately, Galain had bought a cell phone from the town square at some point, and used it to call for help from the rudimentary townie law enforcement the queen had organized. They’re calling themselves the “police,” whatever that means.

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They’re rather ineffectual, if you ask me.

R.A. Duly noted.

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The god-queen soon sent us a fine set of electronic alarms for future burglaries and fires, citing that they’ve “become a problem” and that this should help the townie emergency services reach us faster. We are honored you would grant us this gift, Your Divine Majesty.

R.A. We’ll just ignore that the two fires (in addition to the Lariel burglary, of course) that let me send these alarms out… yeah, they both happened at the palace. This is a major problem, you see.

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There was also the matter of your majesty’s disappearance on Thursday.

R.A. I’m going to be hearing about this from everyone, aren’t I?

The king split everyone into search parties—couples together, the teenagers together, and Shannath watching the young children in the palace ballroom while their parents were out. The search focused on the area around the castle, but when we couldn’t find you there, we went a little deeper into the town and countryside. Still, nothing.

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Shannath wasn’t pleased about being put on nursery duty instead of being in the middle of the action. She mouthed off quite badly to me, actually, though at least she was professional and polite with the children. I really need to be stricter with her.

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We were so pleased when you reappeared in the throne room, just as we were all reporting in to the king. I am so glad you weren’t hurt, your majesty.

R.A. Thank you, Imelda.

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It was such a clever idea to get an opportunity for Galain to stay over at the palace and get close to the princess! Though I was slightly disappointed Darion Renaisse was invited to stay, as well. Still, things worked out for the best, so I can’t complain.

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By the way, what do you think of Galain’s refurbished room, your majesty?

R.A. You mean you actually did it? I thought that was just an excuse! …I mean, it looks great, Imelda. Good job.

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Curse these roaches. I think Dienda kicked over our trash can. The entire household caught the flu because of her.

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Speaking of Dienda, that scraggly Renaisse boy has been hanging around the children. Of course I knew he and Galain had formed some kind of friendship, and I’ve been tentatively allowing it—keep your rivals close, after all. I just don’t understand why he kept insisting Shannath be included in their little meetings.

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Saturday evening, of course, was the best night of my life.

“Good evening, Imelda! May we come in?”

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The queen seated herself on my unworthy couch and smiled brightly at me. “Now Imelda,” she said once we were all settled in, “when I say this, I want you to stay calm. Don’t have a heart attack or anything.”

“I will try, Your Divine Majesty,” I deferred.

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She abruptly turned to Princess Anduera. “Would you like to do this, Andi?”

“Um, n-no. That’s okay.” I hadn’t realized the princess stuttered.

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The god-queen shrugged. “Imelda, we would like to make an offer.”

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“For your son.” She glanced at me, and her smile deepened. I may have been stone-still in shock at the time. Her attention settled on Galain. “How would you like to be a prince, Galain? Of course, we would have to make the rest of your family lords and ladies…”

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For a horrible moment, I thought he was going to say no.

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“Well…” He blushed. “Yes.”

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We spent the next while setting a date and talking over what the change in class would mean for us and for the kingdom.

Unfortunately, Galain won’t actually be a prince until his coronation ceremony shortly before they marry, but it’s so grand to think of it… Prince Galain. Prince Galain. I am the mother of the future king! My granddaughter will be Queen!

I am deeply, deeply honored, Your Divine Majesty. I don’t even begin to deserve this honor. Well, I do, but… wow.

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Connor and I are basically still on cloud nine.

The announcement was made Sunday afternoon. My head was spinning. I could barely even breathe. All I’ve worked towards in my life… my goals, my dreams, are being realized in front of me.

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We celebrated by hanging the Lariel colors at the Silver Bobbin, like I’ve already mentioned, and putting down the foundations of the landscaping work outside Lariel Manor. There’s lots to do when you become Nobility, you know. It’s a quite a large Responsibility.

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We were still making arrangements and getting settled into our new, beautiful Noble Title, when I noticed Galain had snuck out at some point. When he got back, I of course demanded to know where he’d gone. He explained he’d been out with Princess Anduera.

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“Oh. That’s okay, then.”

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I understand things went well. I’m glad. Almost as much as I want my children to marry well and be comfortable for their entire lives, I want them to be in love and be happy.

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I am feeling quite fulfilled now, and ready to take on elderhood.

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I admit I don’t have much experience with being an elder yet, but so far, I’m not impressed.

R.A. I am entertained that her head is tilted to the same angle in both of these unrelated pictures.

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I believe that concludes the round, Your Divine Majesty. I have collected taxes from my peasants, taken my share, and am sending the rest to you, as instructed.

Again, your majesty, I am very grateful for this honor.


End of the noble Lariel record of Round Five.