clergate public school€¦ · sky blue long sleeve shirt (no skivvies) tie woollen jumper navy...

Clergate Public School 114 Gazzard Lane, Clergate NSW 2800 Ph: 63658256 Fax: 63658334 Email: Week 10 Term 3 Wednesday 22 September 2010 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT A short newsletter this week mainly to remind our families of the coming events in Term 4. A spectacular Book Week Parade and morning tea were held for our guests from the Uniting Care Ageing Day Care Therapy Centre and all the Clergate families. We were delighted to be able to have the students read to our guests. The students also had the opportunity to read and browse the books brought along by the senior citizens. Thank you to all our families who provided the delicious morning tea and assisted with the organisation of the day. Well done! Students will return to school in summer uniform. Please note however, they will be required to wear their winter uniform on Tuesday 19 October for school photos. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all staff, students, parents and helpers a safe and restful holiday. We will see you back on Monday 11 October. A big thank you to Mrs Haigh-Cole for her effort in organising the day which also included making bridges in co-operative groups. See picture below. UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! OSSA Science Day School Photos (Transition-Yr 6 winter uniform) Tabloid Sports Small Schools Spectacular Concert Kindergarten Transition Active After School Activities (commencing week 2 Term 4) Swimming – (commencing week 2 Term 4) 23 September 19 October 26 October 15 & 16 Nov Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays

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Page 1: Clergate Public School€¦ · Sky Blue Long Sleeve Shirt (no skivvies) Tie Woollen Jumper Navy Tights Black Shoes Navy Trousers (optional) Boys Long Grey Trousers Sky Blue Long

CClleerrggaattee PPuubblliicc SScchhooooll 114 Gazzard Lane, Clergate NSW 2800

Ph: 63658256

Fax: 63658334


Week 10 Term 3

Wednesday 22 September 2010

PPRRIINNCCIIPPAALL’’SS RREEPPOORRTT A short newsletter this week mainly to

remind our families of the coming events

in Term 4. A


Book Week

Parade and

morning tea

were held

for our

guests from

the Uniting

Care Ageing

Day Care


Centre and all the Clergate families. We

were delighted to be able to have the

students read to our guests. The students

also had the opportunity to read and

browse the books brought along by the

senior citizens. Thank you to all our

families who provided the delicious

morning tea and assisted with the

organisation of the day. Well done!

Students will return to school in summer

uniform. Please note however, they will be

required to wear their winter uniform on

Tuesday 19 October for school photos.

I would like to take this opportunity to

wish all staff, students, parents and

helpers a safe and restful holiday. We will

see you back on Monday 11 October.

A big


you to Mrs Haigh-Cole for

her effort in organising the day which also

included making bridges in co-operative

groups. See picture below.


OSSA Science Day

School Photos (Transition-Yr 6 winter uniform)

Tabloid Sports

Small Schools Spectacular Concert

Kindergarten Transition

Active After School Activities (commencing week 2 Term 4)

Swimming – (commencing week 2 Term 4)

23 September

19 October

26 October

15 & 16 Nov




Page 2: Clergate Public School€¦ · Sky Blue Long Sleeve Shirt (no skivvies) Tie Woollen Jumper Navy Tights Black Shoes Navy Trousers (optional) Boys Long Grey Trousers Sky Blue Long

Science Day

Students will travel to Nashdale, Spring

Hill and Borenore schools tomorrow,

Thursday 23 September, to take part in

the Small Schools Science Day. Parents

are reminded that students will need

to be at school at 9.00am sharp.

Students will need a packed recess, lunch

and plenty to drink. Hats and sunscreen

are also a necessity.

Bus Service Update

Thankyou for your comments and

enquiries regarding the Orange to

Clergate bus service. We are still waiting

for confirmation of the bus route. Until

then we cannot provide a date for its

commencement. Should we be provided

with these details we will send these to

you by the end of term.

School Photos

School Photos

School photos will be taken on Tuesday 19

October (Week 2 Term 4).

Students are to wear full winter uniform

which is:

Girls Checked Pinafore

Sky Blue Long Sleeve Shirt (no skivvies)


Woollen Jumper

Navy Tights

Black Shoes

Navy Trousers (optional)

Boys Long Grey Trousers

Sky Blue Long Sleeve Shirt (no skivvies)

Woollen Jumper

Black Shoes


Grey Socks

Student Portfolio Folders

Red student assessment folders need to

be returned ASAP. If you can please check

at home to ensure they have been

returned to school.

Hot Lunches

Hot lunches finish this term.

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons will

commence on Thursdays from

1.50pm – 3.05pm at Fitness

Perfection. The first lesson

will commence on

Thursday 21 October (week 2 of 4th

term). Cost of lessons will be $10.00. This

is a reduced cost as it is heavily

subsidised through AASC funds. A

permission note is attached to this



Parents will be required to collect students

from Fitness Perfection at 3.05pm.


All the children looked amazing in their

Book Week character dress! They paraded

their outfits for the school at assembly

and then during the morning. The Year 3-

6 students accompanied a transition

student to the Learning Centre where they

helped them choose an age appropriate

book. They then found a sunny spot in the

garden and read the book together! Our

class book of the day was the

‘Gingerbread Man’. Everyone enjoyed the

story and then they each made a

gingerbread man cookie to bake at home.

Well done to everyone for their hard work

and good manners this term. We look

forward to seeing you all back next term.

Have a fun holiday!

Mrs Cloete and Mrs Cannell.

Little Learners joined in with the Book

Week parade and had a wonderful time

parading around and also spoke

confidently on the microphone! Well done

little ones. Have a safe and fun holiday!

Coles Sports for Schools

Please don’t forget to

collect your Coles Sports

Gear vouchers. For every

$10 spent the school

receives a voucher to go

towards sports gear. This

is an excellent opportunity for our school

to acquire quality sporting goods.

Vouchers can be placed in the large box in

the school foyer. Please note the

opportunity to collect your Coles vouchers

closes on 31 October.