clearinghouse wg telecon october 7, 2003 (updated after call)

Clearinghouse WG Telecon October 7, 2003 (updated after call)

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Page 1: Clearinghouse WG Telecon October 7, 2003 (updated after call)

Clearinghouse WG Telecon

October 7, 2003(updated after call)

Page 2: Clearinghouse WG Telecon October 7, 2003 (updated after call)


AgendaIntroductionsStatus Gateways, Registration, Service

testing Software (Isite, others)

Geospatial One-Stop Portal Overview Integration with Clearinghouse

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USGSDenver BLMMinnesotaWisconsinOak Ridge NLATS IncDept Homeland SecurityUSDA FSA

IntergraphCornell UnivWyomingWashingtonGt. Lakes CommissionArmy CorpsNew MexicoSARIS

James Madison Univ (VA)NASA GCMDFGDC StaffIllinoisNRCSGeoConnectionsESRI

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GatewaysOperating Blue Angel Gateway 3.6.2 at all six locationsUpdated service templates and a javascript OGC Web Map Viewer (multiviewer) included in the packageGateways should be at same revisionNo migration to MetaStar 6 planned

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Gateway Actions FGDC and EDC have updated their Gateway instances as per recent guidance Be sure Gateway admins are getting the notices Find status of NOAA-CSC, ESRI, and Alaska GDC Gateways

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Status checks on server quality

Existing Clearinghouse Status page is being renovated to provide more information for providers and administrators New page will be set up on the new Linux host at EDC (server consolidation) May add more checks to help in assessing quality for One-Stop use

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1. Quick Status Line• X means successful• 0 means 0 records returned• Timed Out means after 60 seconds the connection was broken• Error means an error occurred2. Test that returned error3. Text of error message (if any)4. Information currently stored in the database for testing5. Contact information for node administrator

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Isite & Isearch ActivitiesOctober 2003

Archie [email protected]

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Summary of Recent ActivitiesNumerous bug fixes and several new features, including new Z39.50 configuration optionsRelease available this week at, FGDC to follow Binaries for Linux, Solaris, Windows


Updated documentation (now and forever)

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Isearch2 Release 2.0.5Spatial Ranking now implemented and undergoing testing CGI and Z39.50 demos will be available


Official release this week Binaries for Linux, Solaris, Windows/Cygwin

Isearch-cgi now includes full support for search engine capabilities numeric, temporal & spatial searching,

remote and virtual collections

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Coming NextNew GUI administration program for configuring and running Isearch2 and Isite2 Both Windows and Unix Based on FLTK GUI toolkit

Investigation into how to improve harvesting capabilities – OAI, RSSCGI interface to support CQL, SRW

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Isite Admin Console Redesign

Similar to Internet Information Server (IIS) control interfaceNodes established through wizard interfaceNodes most visible component that actions are performed againstActions or Right-Click to perform: Re-index Node Properties Server tests (full text, field and spatial)

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Other Software Status Intergraph SMMS/GeoConnect Capability to mass export XML files GeoConnect works with Oracle, SQL-

Server Scripts to store metadata will be

posted to website

ESRI ArcIMS Metadata Server Will be modified to support harvesting

by the OAI-PMH (Library) protocol

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ISO 19115 and 19139 Status

19115 is now a published standard 19139 is a draft ISO Technical Specification to publish an XML Schema for 19115 – soon to be Committee Draft Will allow a conversion engine to convert FGDC metadata to ISO form with some configuration support to fill-in missing source or destination info

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Geospatial One-Stop (GOS)Module 1: Develop logical data models and encoding for Framework data exchangeModule 2: Prepare and publish metadata on existing (primarily) Framework data holdingsModule 3: Prepare and publish metadata for planned data acquisitionModule 4: Set up authoritative and reliable Web services for maps and dataModule 5: Construct an easier-to-use search and access Portal for geospatial data and services

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NSDI: a Foundation for GOSGeospatial One-Stop (GOS) implements the principles of the NSDI spelled out in Executive Order 12906 (recently revised)GOS builds on the resources already available in the NSDI – FGDC and endorsed external Framework Standards, NSDI Clearinghouse NetworkOperated as project coordinated through FGDC Secretariat with many agency partnersNSDI and GOS activities provide no significant new funding

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What's different about One-Stop?

GOS has a timeline for implementation of the various modulesStandards are being developed with multi-sectoral stakeholders as national (ANSI) standards, not FGDC onesVisibility of the initiative as one of 24 e-gov initiatives from the AdministrationGoals include measures of costs and savings through cost-sharing in data acquisition, processing, and service of geospatial data

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What else is different?More explicit focus on including State and Local government as primary stakeholdersDecisions in GOS are made by a governmental (non-FGDC) Board of Directors who advise the Executive DirectorGOS as an initiative is intended to sunset when all Modules are operational (2005+)Management partners from DOI and OMB are watching performance and capabilities (and budget effects) very closely

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GOS Expectations of PortalSearch for geospatial data is 'easy-to-use'Metadata are harvested from remote collections into a single metadatabase for search efficiencyBrowsing for geospatial data is made possible through common ISO Categories and resource type assignmentsDescriptions of map and data services are also indexedData descriptions are linked to an online map viewer where map services exist

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Portal at geodata.govFirst release of a GOS portal is online with a few metadata collections plus individual files uploaded as XML or via form inputDeveloped and temporarily hosted by ESRI through a DOI contract and managed through BLM, DenverOGC Web Map Services (WMS) and ArcIMS supported in viewerData, map services, static maps, and applications are among the resource types indexed

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Current Publication ProcessUser enters FGDC metadata into a form at and they are stored and indexed thereUser uploads FGDC metadata as XML into a the metadata store at geodata.govAdmin staff negotiates with existing Z39.50 or ArcIMS metadata collections to harvest metadataNo current facility to nominate the existence of a metadata collection (Z39.50) to harvest

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Current ProcessBLM validates metadata, inserts special GOS-specific tags for: Provider type Resource type Data extent

Validation and acceptance process is quite tediousMetadata that are uploaded by XML or form are mixed in with harvested metadata

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FGDC Metadata reviewed by GOS Team have many problems: Metadata is not being parsed by 'mp'

and fixed Online_linkage not holding a valid URL Dates violate the strict YYYYMMDD

format Some mandatory fields are populated

with instructional content (e.g. “This field is required”)

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Additional info needed by PortalGOS Portal requires tagging of metadata

content using the ISO 19115 Category values for browse and search assistance

Records must also be tagged as to the provider type (Federal, State, Local, Commercial, Academic, etc)

Also needed: Information on the geographic scope (Global,

National, Regional, Local) Resource type (map graphic, map service,

data, ref) – need feedback on an approach

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Suggested ResolutionMetadata collections will be registered with the Portal along with: Related service information pulled from

Clearinghouse Registry, where available Reference to an ISO Category mapping

table to translate Theme Keyword values to Category equivalents – or add ISO Category as a controlled vocabulary in existing metadata

Classification as to Provider type

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Automated TaggingThe following tag values will be derived from the FGDC metadata and stored in the metadata at

Geographic extent (Global, National, Regional, Local) will be determined by the area referenced in the Bounding Coordinates

Resource type will be determined heuristically from the Geospatial Data Presentation Form and clues in the Online_Linkage and Resource_Linkage URLs

Specific guidance will be given to providers

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Getting Content into GOSMetadata may currently be harvested from existing Z39.50 and ArcIMS (Metadata) servers by the GOS TeamFuture options for publishing to GOS include:

Z39.50 GEO Profile on ISO or FGDC metadata ArcIMS Metadata Server Open Archives Initiative Protocol for

Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) Web-accessible folder of FGDC XML

metadata Form entry of metadata on site XML upload of FGDC or ISO metadata

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Anticipated Publishing Threads for GOS

OAI-PMH Service

ArcIMS Service

Z39.50 Service

Web folder








Entry Form

XML upload XML



ok reject/inform






ok reject/inform


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To participate in One-Stop:Provide XML form of CSDGM V2 (1998)Metadata must pass mp without errorsAreas to focus on:

Assure minimum mandatories Populate online_linkage with valid URL to the data being

described Fix dates Review content of text fields

Select publishing method (XML upload, form, harvest of Z39.50, ArcIMS, Web, or OAI)If a collection is to be harvested:

Develop a mapping table of Theme Keywords to ISO Category values – or add ISO Categories into metadata

Register collection with GOS Portal

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IssuesPolicy decision is needed for harvesting big collections. There are about 25 image collections with between 10,000 and million+ records each. Choices: Require export of XML representations of

metadata Publish only a collection-level metadata record

with links for further search Provide a Z39.50 cascaded search of the deep

servers, as in Geography Network Set up an OAI-PMH Provider on each collection Not include deep collections in

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Discussion: Big collectionsOne-Stop metaphor shouldn’t require one to search again on image collections – incorporate them somehowImage collections should be includedCollection-level metadata record could be provided instead of full inventoryPassthrough distributed search might work well enough on a few collectionsNeed to ask the Big providers their preferences

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What's Next?GOS Team will refine harvesting and publishing services to more automatically process remote metadata

FGDC staff will enhance testing tools and perform audits and metadata counseling to improve metadata content

Guidance will be provided as to how to construct the mappings from local Theme Keywords to ISO Categories

Instructions on setting up registered Web Folders and OAI-PMH providers to follow

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Interface Enhancements

Clarify the options for publishing (XML upload, form entry, collection via Z39.50, OAI, web folders)Clarify the search and display modes of the interface

Display search results rectangle on map

Elimination of the Primary/Secondary/Tertiary classification in favor of more legible and derivable resource typesAllow discovery and loading of a single layer (not all layers from a service)

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Research Topics (6-12 months)

Following USGS example, evaluate spatial ranking to improve geographic relevance of resultsProvide developers with technical information on how applications can connect to catalog, data access, and mapping services identified through GOSRegister organizations and services to the public UDDI as another method to promote GOS resourcesInvestigate a common thematic thesaurus for GOS/NSDI useImplement transition strategy from FGDC to full ISO 19115 metadata

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Discussion What are the timelines for testing and deploying enhancements? Unknown, pending assessment of

workflow and assignments

What are the priorities? ArcIMS harvesting underway Z39.50 and Web Folder next OAI provider connections

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Who are good candidates?The following sites could be good

Z39.50 harvest candidates for GOS: Cornell University (CUGIR) has metadata in good shapeUSGS Geosciences collectionSome EDC International collections