clearing clutter with eft bonus

Carol Look, EFT Master Rick Wilkes, Emotional Freedom Coach Copyright © 2009 Carol Look LLC & Thriving Now LLC. All Rights Reserved. Special thanks to Cathy Vartuli, The Joy Connection LLC, for her invaluable help with the transcripts and audios. Transcription service by Lucy Spencer (through See also Carol & Rick's other sites:  

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How to use EFT to clear your clutter


  • Carol Look, EFT

    Rick Wilkes, Emotional Freedom

    Copyright 2009 Carol Look LLC & Thriving Now LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    Special thanks to Cathy Vartuli, The Joy Connection LLC, for her invaluable help with the transcripts and audios.

    Transcription service by Lucy Spencer (through

    See also Carol & Rick's other

  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    Table of ContentsDisclaimer..........................................................................................4

    Recording #1......................................................................................5The Basics About Clutter...................................................................5Physical Space and Clutter................................................................5Abundance and Clutter.....................................................................7Technological Space and Clutter.........................................................9Emotional Clutter...........................................................................10Physical Body and Clutter................................................................12Spiritual Clutter..............................................................................13Where Does Clutter Come From?......................................................14Needing Some Place for the Stuff to Go.............................................17Scarcity and Lack...........................................................................20Lack of Love..................................................................................22

    Recording #2....................................................................................25Clearing Emotions, Events, and Conflicts............................................25The Feeling of Overwhelmed..........................................................27Tapping on the Feeling of Overwhelmed..........................................29Tapping on Decision-Making.............................................................33More Tapping on Overwhelmed......................................................35The Fear of Facing Clutter................................................................38The Fear of Facing IT (Whatever IT Is)............................................39Tapping on the Fear of Facing IT....................................................40Tapping on Refusing to Face IT......................................................42Tapping on the Fear of Facing IT When Theres Too Much................44Tapping on Being Too Busy..............................................................46The Itch of Scarcity........................................................................48Tapping on Scarcity........................................................................50Tapping on Not Enough.................................................................51

    Recording #3....................................................................................54Abandonment, Hurt, and Clutter.......................................................54Tapping on Abandonment................................................................57Tapping on Rejection......................................................................59Tapping on Clinging........................................................................61Tapping on Anger...........................................................................67Tapping on Rebelliousness...............................................................69Tapping on Accept Me the Way I Am...............................................70Tapping on Anger...........................................................................72Tapping on Guilt.............................................................................74Tapping on Family Clutter................................................................75

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    Tapping on Guilt and Money.............................................................80

    Recording #4....................................................................................82Guilt, Shame, and Clutter................................................................82Tapping on Shame in General..........................................................84Tapping on Shame from Parents.......................................................86Tapping on Shame About Clutter......................................................87The Habit of Clutter........................................................................90Tapping on a Bad Habit of Cluttering.................................................93Specific Events Tied to Clutter..........................................................94Tapping on Specific Events - What Someone Did.................................98Tapping on Rebelliousness.............................................................100Tapping on Specific Events - What Someone Said..............................101

    Recording #5..................................................................................105What Clutters Our Vibration?..........................................................105Tapping on What Others Think........................................................107Tapping on External Approval.........................................................109Tapping on Intrusive Behavior from Loved Ones................................112Tapping on the Past......................................................................114Tapping on the Future (Part 1).......................................................117Tapping on the Future (Part 2).......................................................118Tapping on the Habit of Negativity..................................................123Tapping on Appreciating Yourself....................................................125

    Recording #6..................................................................................128Review of Physical & Emotional Clutter............................................128Tapping on Being Busy..................................................................131Tapping on Where to Start.............................................................134Tapping on Emotional Interference..................................................136Tapping on Backsliding..................................................................138Tapping on Building Habits.............................................................140Tapping on Needing More..............................................................146

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    DisclaimerThe information presented on these recordings is educational in nature, and is provided only as general information. Emotional Freedom Techniques, often known as EFT, is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. To date, EFT has yielded remarkable results for relieving emotional and physical distress. EFT appears to have promising mental, spiritual, and physical health benefits, but has yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities. Therefore, EFT could be considered experimental, and since EFT is a relatively new healing approach, the extent of its effectiveness as well as its risks and benefits are not fully known or understood.

    You agree and understand that the information contained in these recordings is only for your personal use. You further agree and understand that if you choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations, or additional unresolved memories may surface, which could be perceived as negative side effects. Previously vivid or traumatic memories may fade, which could adversely impact your ability to provide detailed legal testimony regarding a traumatic incident.

    The information presented on these recordings is not intended to represent that EFT is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological mental health treatment. Any stories or testimonials presented on these recordings do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue. Further, you understand that Carol Look and Rick Wilkes do not know how you will personally respond to EFT, or whether EFT will help you with a particular issue. Carol Look and Rick Wilkes accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on these recordings. Carol Look and Rick Wilkes strongly advise you to seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed in these recordings, including EFT, and before making any health decisions.

    By continuing to listen to these recordings and using the transcripts, you knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume these risks, including any adverse outcome that might result from using EFT, and agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Carol Look and Rick Wilkes and their heirs, agents, consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims which you or your representatives may have, or any loss, damage or injury of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with listening to these recordings, reading these transcripts, and using EFT. The recordings and transcripts are copyrighted and unauthorized reproduction of these recordings and documents is prohibited by federal law.

    Please enjoy these recordings, and have fun with EFT!

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    Recording #5

    What Clutters Our Vibration?

    Rick: So what kinds of things clutter a persons vibration?

    Carol: So many things, and as you know, I know in how we work with people is we try to raise their vibration. When theres clutter in the vibration, its not very high. I certainly know that about myself. Some of the things that I bump into with clients and with myself: negativity - chronic, negative thoughts or constant negative thoughts or events. What if this happens? This might not work out. Thats a very cluttered vibration. Another big one: fear of what others think about us.

    Rick: Oh, yeah.

    Carol: Right - big one. The general fear of the future and then being in the past. Youre not current and present if youre always thinking about the past and what happened. You havent forgiven this person. This was unfair about what happened with your job. It was unfair when the kids did this. If youre in the past, youre cluttered, and if youre in the future, youre quite cluttered. Both of those are also good angles to approach.

    Rick: I think about somebody that, every time they meet a person that theyve had a relationship with for a while, all of those negative experiences that they might have had I think that, in any relationship, there are going to be experiences that are good, bad, and ugly. If the person is really tuned to the bad and the ugly, the vibration around that person is so cluttered, theres no way that they can see who that person is in that moment.

    Carol: Right, and they cant bring out the best in them. Thats the idea of matching. I was recently with a niece of mine. We bring out the best in each other! We havent had all that parental stuff, and I havent had to discipline her - none of that stuff has gone on, and we are just two little peas in a pod! Shes my little niece. Thats the kind of thing. My vibration around her is totally uncluttered. Theres no agenda, in hers or around mine. Shes gratefulwe love being together!

    Rick: I believe that all relationships have vastly more potential than they demonstrate. When you clear that clutter Look at the specific events that

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    I have with this person. When I remember them, theyre still high emotionally. They create a certain reaction in me. Thats how you can tell. You think about something and it has no impact. Its a 0 or a 1 - its pretty neutral. Well, its not clutter anymore. If you think of them and its a 7, 8, 9 - that old event is still banging around, taking up space, distracting your energy, distracting your presence of mind, certainly diminishing the relationship as it goes forward. The same thing applies to the future, if you envision certain things about the future. Even dreams can be cluttered, cant they? If the dreams have changed, but theres a part of you thats still holding onto a sense of loss or regret - even if you wanted to dream new dreams, those old dreams are taking up space on your wall.

    Carol: Mmm-hmm.

    Rick: So looking at some of those, and letting those go can help you be more present and more imaginative in your day-to-day life now.

    Carol: Part of why you and I got so excited when we thought of doing this clearing clutter with EFT is that the specific events - were going back and doing basic EFT. Those events - what happened with those people that are loud and in our life still - all of those events, and traumas with a little t, and issues and conflicts - thats clutter on an energetic, vibrational level. You and I have gone through all the emotions with the clutter tapping and all sorts of things about our stuff (the material stuff). I just think this is a really, really good exercise for everyone to do - to work on these things that are cluttering our current level of vibration, even right now, right this minute.

    Rick: Its key to me to not look at physical clutter as the only aspect. In fact, our emotional clutter - as you and I have already talked about in these recordings - is the largest contributor to what is showing up in peoples physical lives. If your schedule is cluttered, chances are theres a vibrational clutter that is keeping you from seeing clearly was is a YES for you.

    Carol: Right. I keep making the point - I think at the beginning of each of the recordings - its not enough to have a good system to clear paperwork and shoes and old clothes. You need to do the vibrational and energetic work, then the systems work for you. How many times have you come home and tried to clear the top of the desk, and it gets messy within three days because its a different issue. Its not just a space issue. Living in New York City, I can argue that its a space and countertop issue - theres not enough room in the drawers - but its not, and I see the difference. I am so dramatically different because Ive done the inner work energetically, and that allows me space on all levels. I dont need to hold onto things. I can

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    clear out, and now theres room for things that belong in drawers and closets. I keep making that point. Do the energetic work first. Clean up later.

    Rick: How can we help our listeners go through that energetic work and clean up their vibration?

    Carol: How about we work on the fear of what other people think about us, because those thoughts and feelings can mess up our vibration and were not even quite conscious that were always thinking that way. Many of us are. What is he going to say? What is she going to think of the book? What are they going to think of my workshop? What do they think of how Im raising the kids? Everybody has little bits of What do they think of how Im doing in the world? Thats a great place to get uncluttered.

    Rick: Great.

    Carol: Okay?

    Tapping on What Others Think(starts @ 06:04)

    Karate Chop: Even though Im worried about what other people think about meand I think this takes up a lot of timeI deeply and profoundly accept myself anyway.

    Even though Ive always been worried about what other people think of meIm pretty sure its a bad habitI choose to release it now.

    Even though my fears of what other people think of meclutter my vibrationI choose to let those fears go.

    Eyebrow: Im afraid of what they think of me.Side of the eye: What if they dont approve?Under the eye: I dont like this energy.Under the nose: I can tell it feels like clutter.Chin: Theres so much static.Collarbone: I dont want to worry about what they think of me.

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    Under the arm: I want to raise my vibration.Top of the head: I want to feel better.

    Eyebrow: But what if they dont approve?Side of the eye: What if they dont like me?Under the eye: What if theyre mean to me?Under the nose: What if they dont like me?Chin: So what?Collarbone: How they think of meUnder the arm: is none of my business.Top of the head: I choose to release these fears.

    Carol: Take a breath.

    Rick: Ahhhhh (deep breath)

    Carol: Now that actually reminded me of doing a session with someone whose biggest conflict in her life was that she never got her fathers approval, and then when she was about forty, her father died. She was still looking for his approval and it cluttered her vibration. It cluttered how she approached men, both in her social life and in the workplace, and it took up a lot of space. So, even if the cluttered emotion or conflict doesnt feel like its right front and center, you know its using up space in your mental computer, because its been stored somewhere - even if its not conscious in the moment.

    Rick: You described something that I believe blocks that sense of simple inner guidance. Simple inner guidance comes through when the decks are cleared (so to speak). Looking outside of ourselves - What are they thinking? - especially looking outside of yourself for what somebody whos not even alive is thinking and judging you - wow, that takes up so much energy. You have your antennas out to the world. Theres no attention to your inner world to get that sense in your own heart of Is this right for me? Do I approve of me? Is this something that I want to evolve and shift? If youre looking outside of yourself, youll always pick up a lot of noise. Theres no one in our society today that probably would get much over a 60% approval rating. I dont care who you are.

    Carol: (laughing) Right!

    Rick: Especially if you become a subject of conversation. We see that happen. Thats relief, to me. I didnt think of it as relief until I really let it sink in. You know, people that I know and love and respect - that are on a national stage - I see an awful lot of people that dont approve of them.

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    Well, okay. Whos right? That allowed me to go back more within myself. With this type of tapping, what I encourage people to do is to think of a specific person. Even though we use the they - maybe its Mom and Dad - as I was tapping, I got a specific face in mind. If I had a picture in front of me of that specific person while I was tapping, I know that I would have gotten a little bit more relief. Try that out, folks, and see how that works. You may have to do it six or seven times. You may even want to list out the ways that they dont approve of you and do a round of tapping. You can use the exact same tapping sequence while looking at the ways that person does not approve of you.

    Carol: Great idea. I love the idea of you talking again about clarity and getting our inner guidance, because you cant get clarity when that messy desk and all the files and those piles of books and papers are staring you in the face. Nor can you get clarity internally if youve got a file on your father, a file on your mother, a file on your siblings, a file on your kids, a file on your aunt and uncle, a file on your coach - a file that has something in it like They did me wrong, or They dont approve of me, or whatever conflict might be in those peoples files that are on your mental desk. I love the notion of clarity. You and I both have worked with that with our clients and our groups. The more quiet and clear you are, the more you will get that YES from your own body and mind.

    Rick: Great.

    Carol: Lets do one more on that, because I think its such a biggie. Lets just say he (someone could substitute she) doesnt approve of me.

    Tapping on External Approval(starts @ 11:39)

    Karate Chop: Even though he doesnt approve of meand I spend a lot of time worrying about thatand I can tell that it clutters my vibrationI deeply and profoundly accept who I am.

    Even though he doesnt approve of meand Im the one who spends time worrying about itI accept who I am anyway.

    Even though my vibration is cluttered by fears of what he thinks

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


  • Clearing Clutter with EFT

    I deeply and profoundly accept who I am.

    Eyebrow: I have this cluttered vibration.Side of the eye: Its cluttered with my fear of what he thinks of me.Under the eye: Its cluttered with my fear of what she thinks of me.Under the nose: Im so afraid of how they view me.Chin: No wonder its hard to be clear.Collarbone: No wonder its hard to be clear.Under the arm: I want to be clear.Top of the head: I choose to release this clutter.

    Eyebrow: I love being clear.Side of the eye: Maybe he doesnt approve of me.Under the eye: Maybe she doesnt approve of me.Under the nose: I dont care anymore.Chin: Im doing the best I can.Collarbone: I dont need to fear their thoughtsUnder the arm: because I want to be clearTop of the head: and I choose to be clear right now.

    Carol: Take a breath.

    Rick: Ahhhhh (deep breath) I love the way that you include the negative aspect of not approving as well as positive movement toward I really dont care! Even if that doesnt feel completely true, if you shifted it from caring at 98% to caring at 70%, that will change everything. If you do it again and again, and it continues to go down to the point where Why did I ever care what he thought?

    Carol: Right. And remember when we were talking and tapping about overwhelm with stuff and feelings, people have that overwhelm feeling with clutter. Its very hard to picture taking one corner, or now, what were talking about is taking one emotion or one event and clearing it. Its critical to go piece by piece by piece. If you walk into a very cluttered, messy house or garage and try to do it all at once - you cant do that. What happens is you get overwhelmed and you go back to those feelings, and that clutters your vibration. We want to step through each part that might feel cluttered in your vibration, and get clearer and clearer and clearer. It may take some time.

    Rick: I was helping my friend emptied out clutter from her garage. What was interesting was that she had done a certain amount of work and got to a particular place, and then she needed a helping hand. When I brought my energy in, just for a short period of time, it helped to take care of some

    Carol Look & Rick Wilkes


    DisclaimerRecording #5What Clutters Our Vibration?Tapping on What Others ThinkTapping on External Approval