classroom handbook mott

Miss Mott’s Miss Mott’s Classroom Classroom Handbook Handbook

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Post on 24-Apr-2015




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Miss Mott’s Miss Mott’s Classroom Classroom HandbookHandbook

Miss Mott’s Miss Mott’s Classroom Classroom HandbookHandbook

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Classroom Rules1. We listen when others are talking.2. We raise our hands to speak.3. We respect each other.4. We help our classmates.5. We do not bully6. We do our class work and

homework.7. We keep the room clean.8. We walk in the classroom.

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Consequences for Breaking a Rule

Check-mark System1. Verbal Warning for the 1st offense2. Name = lose half recess3. Name = lose all recess4. Name = phone call or note

to parent

Note: If you do not do your homework, you will stay in for recess automatically.

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Agenda Book and Homework Folder:

1. Every day, you will write your assignments down in your agenda book.

2. Your teachers will initial your book, and you will take it home for your parent to sign and review.

3. You will also be given a homework folder to keep your assignments in.

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Arriving to Class:

1. Take your seat.2. Get out your homework.3. Wait quietly for the teacher to

check your homework.4. Sharpen your pencil before class

begins.5. Use the restroom before class


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Using the Bathroom:1. Use the bathroom before class begins.2. If it is an emergency, you may use the

bathroom during class. 3. You do not need to ask the teacher for

permission to go to the bathroom .4. Knock before you enter.5. Turn the bathroom sign to red.6. Flush the toilet and wash your hands

when you are finished.7. Turn the bathroom sign back to green.

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Using Class Materials:1. Paper2. Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils3. Scissors4. Rulers5. Calculators6. Dictionaries7. Electronic Dictionaries/Thesaurus

* You may use any of these materials. Remember to put these materials back neatly when you are finished.

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How to put your name on your paper:1. Put your first

and last name on all of your papers.

2. Put the date at the top of your paper.

Joey Smith 9-27-07

1. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<2. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<4. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<5. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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How to turn in your work:1. When your work is complete,

make sure that you have your name and date on your paper.

2. Put your work in the correct student work bin.

3. We have 3 work bins:- Spelling- Reading/English- Math

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Student Mailboxes:1. Everyone has a student mailbox.2. This is where we keep your

papers after they have been handed in and corrected.

3. Your work is placed in the cubby above your name.

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Take Home Folders:1. Once a week, we will collect your

papers from your mailbox and put them in your “Important Papers “ folder.

2. Your job is to take your folder home, review your work with your parent, and have your parent sign your folder.

3. Bring your folder back to school the next school day.

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Lining up and walking in the hall:

1. Line up in a straight line.2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.3. Walk quietly down the hall.4. Keep to the right and stay with the

group.5. Be respectful.6. Do not distract other students or

classrooms.7. While waiting to enter a classroom

remain outside the designated area at the doorway.

8. Do not touch student displays, papers, or art work.

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Procedures for a Fire Drill:

1. Immediately stop what you are doing.2. Walk to the door and line up in a

straight line.3. Wait for the teacher to signal you to

go.4. Turn left out the door, walk down the

steps, and exit through the door on the left.

5. We will stand in a quiet straight line until we are called back into the building.

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Classroom Jobs1. Paper Passer2. Mailbox Delivery3. Materials Person4. Substitute Helper

Note: Classroom jobs will be switched at the beginning of each week.

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Classroom Library1. We have a leveled classroom library.

Blue = Level 1 & 2Yellow = Level 3Green = Level 4Red = Level 5+

2. When selecting a book make sure the book is at your reading level. (Ask for the teacher’s help.)

3. When you are finished reading a book, put the book back in the correct colored bin.

4. You may sign out a book to take home to read. Just make sure you sign the book back in when you return it.

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Grading1. Grades are based on the

accumulation of points.2. Points are based on:

– Homework– Class work– Quizzes– Tests– Projects

3. Grades are posted regularly on Ed-line.

4. I will print your grades for you upon request.

Our Grading ScaleA: 90-100B: 80-89C: 70-79 D: 60-69 E: 59 and below


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Your Homework:Directions: Read over the classroom handbook with your parent(s). Tear off this sheet and have your parent(s) sign that they have reviewed this booklet with you.

We have reviewed the classroom handbook together.Student signature:___________________________Parent signature:____________________________


Please feel free to contact me at the school or write me a note in your child’s agenda book if you have any questions or concerns as the year progresses. I look forward to working with you and your child. – Miss Mott