classroom command en français to give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Upload: jackeline-schmitt

Post on 31-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Classroom command en Français

To give

classroom commands and ask the teacher


Page 2: Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Robert Doisneau was one of France's most popular and prolific reportage photographers.

He was known for his modest, playful, and ironic images of amusing juxtapositions, mingling

social classes, and eccentrics in contemporary Paris streets and cafes“ "The marvels of daily life are so exciting; no

movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street." Robert Doisneau

Page 8: Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Je ne comprends pas.

I don’t understand.

Page 13: Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Arrêtes de parler! / stop talkingRestes tranquille! / Be quiet

Arrêtes! / stop it

Page 14: Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Levez la main! / Put your hands up Attendez or Attends! / wait

Bravo! / well done

Page 15: Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

C'est fini! / It is finished

Page 16: Classroom command en Français To give classroom commands and ask the teacher something

Robert Doisneau was one of France's most popular and prolific reportage photographers.

He was known for his modest, playful, and ironic images of amusing juxtapositions, mingling

social classes, and eccentrics in contemporary Paris streets and cafes“ "The marvels of daily life are so exciting; no

movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street." Robert Doisneau