classification of analytical techniquesrdominey/301/local/intro_in... · classification of...

Introduction to Instrumental Analysis Classification of Analytical Techniques Introduction In quantitative chemical analysis, a sample is prepared and then analyzed to determine the concentration of one (or more) of its components. The following figure gives a general overview of this process. chemical sample analytical technique analyte concentration measurement data additional data classical or instrumental single- or multi-channel relative or absolute Figure 1: Schematic showing measurement steps involved in quantitative chemical analysis of a sample. There are three ways of classifying the process, based on the technique (classical vs instrumental), the measurement data (single-channel vs multi-channel), or on whether additional data is needed to estimate the analyte concentration (relative vs absolute). There are a very large number of techniques used in chemical analysis. It can be very useful to classify the measurement process according to a variety of criteria: • by the type of analytical technique – classical or instrumental techniques; • by the nature of the measurement data generated – single-channel or multi-channel techniques; and • by the quantitation method (by which the analyte concentration is calculated) – relative or absolute techniques. Page 1

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Page 1: Classification of Analytical Techniquesrdominey/301/local/Intro_In... · Classification of Analytical Techniques ... The technique of mass spectroscopy is a powerful method for analysis

Introduction to Instrumental Analysis

Classification of Analytical Techniques


In quantitative chemical analysis, a sample is prepared and then analyzed to determine theconcentration of one (or more) of its components. The following figure gives a general overviewof this process.






classical or instrumental single- or mult i -channel

relat ive or absolute

Figure 1: Schematic showing measurement steps involved in quantitative chemical analysis of asample. There are three ways of classifying the process, based on the technique (classical vsinstrumental), the measurement data (single-channel vs multi-channel), or on whether additionaldata is needed to estimate the analyte concentration (relative vs absolute).

There are a very large number of techniques used in chemical analysis. It can be very useful toclassify the measurement process according to a variety of criteria:

• by the type of analytical technique – classical or instrumental techniques;

• by the nature of the measurement data generated – single-channel or multi-channeltechniques; and

• by the quantitation method (by which the analyte concentration is calculated) – relative orabsolute techniques.

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In the next few sections, we will use these classifications to describe the characteristics of avariety of analytical techniques.

Classical vs Instrumental Techniques

In classical analysis, the signal depends on the chemical properties of the sample: a reagentreacts completely with the analyte, and the relationship between the measured signal and theanalyte concentration is determined by chemical stoichioimetry. In instrumental analysis, somephysical property of the sample is measured, such as the electrical potential difference betweentwo electrodes immersed in a solution of the sample, or the ability of the sample to absorb light.

Classical methods are most useful for accurate and precise measurements of analyteconcentrations at the 0.1% level or higher. On the other hand, some specialized instrumentaltechniques are capable of detecting individual atoms or molecules in a sample! Analysis at theppm (µg/mL) and even ppb (ng/mL) level is routine.

The advantages of instrumental methods over classical methods include:

1. The ability to perform trace analysis, as we have mentioned.

2. Generally, large numbers of samples may be analyzed very quickly.

3. Many instrumental methods can be automated.

4. Most instrumental methods are multi-channel techniques (we will discuss these shortly).

5. Less skill and training is usually required to perform instrumental analysis than classicalanalysis.

Because of these advantages, instrumental methods of analysis have revolutionized the field ofanalytical chemistry, as well as many other scientific fields. However, they have not entirelysupplanted classical analytical methods, due to the fact that the latter are generally more accurateand precise, and more suitable for the analysis of the major constituents of a chemical sample. Inaddition, the cost of many analytical instruments can be quite high.

Instrumental analysis can be further classified according to the principles by which themeasurement signal is generated. A few of the methods are listed below. [The underlinedmethods are to be used in the round-robin experiments.]

1. Electrochemical methods of analysis, in which the analyte participates in a redox reaction orother process. In potentiometric analysis, the analyte is part of a galvanic cell, whichgenerates a voltage due to a drive to thermodynamic equilibrium. The magnitude of thevoltage generated by the galvanic cell depends on the concentration of analyte in the samplesolution. In voltammetric analysis, the analyte is part of an electrolytic cell. Current flowswhen voltage is applied to the cell due to the participation of the analyte in a redox reaction;the conditions of the electrolytic cell are such that the magnitude of the current is directlyproportional to the concentration of analyte in the sample solution.

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2. Spectrochemical methods of analysis, in which the analyte interacts with electromagneticradiation. Most of the methods in this category are based on the measurement of the amountof light absorbed by a sample; such absorption-based techniques include atomic absorption,molecular absorption, and nmr methods. The rest of the methods are generally based on themeasurement of light emitted or scattered by a sample; these emission-based techniquesinclude atomic emission, molecular fluorescence, and Raman scatter methods.

3. The technique of mass spectroscopy is a powerful method for analysis in which the analyte isionized and subsequently detected. Although in common usage, the term “spectroscopy” isnot really appropriate to describe this method, since electromagnetic radiation is not usuallyinvolved in mass spectroscopy. Perhaps the most important use of mass spectrometers inquantitative analysis is as a gas or liquid chromatographic detector. A more recent innovationis the use of an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) as an ion source for a mass spectrometer;this combination (ICP-MS) is a powerful tool for elemental analysis.

Although they do not actually generate a signal in and of themselves, some of the moresophisticated separation techniques are usually considered “instrumental methods.” Thesetechniques include chromatography and electrophoresis. These techniques will separate achemical sample into its individual components, which are then typically detected by one of themethods listed above.

Finally, we should note that a number of methods that are based on stoichiometry, and so must beconsidered “classical,” still have a significant “instrumental” aspect to their nature. In particular,the techniques of electrogravimetry, and potentiostatic and amperostatic coulometry arerelatively sophisticated classical methods that have a significant instrumental component. And letus not forget that instrumental methods can be used for endpoint detection in titrimetric analysis.Even though potentiostatic titrimetry uses an instrumental method of endpoint detection, it is stillconsidered a classical method.

Single-Channel vs Multi-Channel Techniques

So now we have classified analytical methods according to the method by which they generatethe measurement data. Another useful distinction between analytical techniques is based on theinformation content of the data generated by the analysis:

• single-channel techniques will generate but a single number for each analysis of the sample.Examples include gravimetric and potentiometric analysis. In the former, the signal is a singlemass measurement (e.g., mass of the precipitate) and in the latter method the signal is a singlevoltage value.

• multi-channel techniques will generate a series of numbers for a single analysis. Multi-channeltechniques are characterized by the ability to obtain measurements while changing someindependently controllable parameter. For example, in a molecular absorption method, anabsorption spectrum may be generated, in which the absorbance of a sample is monitored as afunction of the wavelength of the light transmitted through the sample. Measurement of thesample thus produces a series of absorbance values.

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Any multi-channel technique can thus produce a plot of some type when analyzing a singlesample, where the signal is observed as a function of some other variable: absorbance as afunction of wavelength (in molecular absorbance spectroscopy), electrode potential as a functionof added titrant volume (potentiometric titrimetry), diffusion current as a function of appliedpotential (voltammetry), etc. Multi-channel methods provide a lot more data – and information –than single-channel techniques.

Multi-channel methods have two important advantages over their single-channel counterparts:

1. They provide the ability to perform multicomponent analysis. In other words, theconcentrations of more than one analyte in a single sample may be determined.

2. Multi-channel methods can detect, and sometimes correct for, the presence of a number oftypes of interferences in the sample. If uncorrected, the presence of the interference willresult in biased estimates of analyte concentration.

Multi-channel measurements simply give more information than a single-channel signal. Forexample, imagine that measurement of one of the calibration standards gives the data pictured infig 2(a):

Independen t va riable

Calibration Standard



d si


Sam ple

Independen t va riable



d si


(A) (B)

Figure 2: illustration of how multi-channel data allow for the detection of interferences.Comparison of the multi-channel signal of the (a) the calibration standard, and (b) the samplereveals that there is interference in the latter. A likely explanation is that another component of thesample (absent from the calibration standard) also gives a measurable response. The left side of thepeak appears relatively unaffected by the presence of the interferent; it may be possible to obtainan unbiased estimate of analyte concentration by using one of these channels for quantitation.

Plots of the measurements of the other calibration standards (assuming they are notcontaminated) should give the same general shape, although the magnitude of the signal will ofcourse depend on the analyte concentration.

Now imagine that you obtain multi-channel measurements of a sample, recording the followingdata shown in fig 2(b). It is immediately obvious that the shape has changed due to someinterference. A likely explanation is that some component of the sample matrix is alsocontributing to the measured signal, so that the result is the sum of the two (or perhaps more thantwo) sample components. Another possibility is that the sample matrix alters the response of theanalyte, giving rise to an altered peak shape.

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More than just identifying the presence of an interfering substance, multi-channel data oftenallows the analyst to correct for its presence. For example, if it is suspected that the altered peakin fig 2(b) is due to an additional component, then a channel can be chosen for quantitationwhere the interfering substance does not contribute. The left side of the peak looks unaltered, soperhaps the data in one of these channels can be used to estimate analyte concentration.

An important point: although multi-channel methods are capable of collecting measurements onmultiple channels (e.g., different wavelengths), it is possible to use them in “single-channel”mode. In other words, to decrease measurement time, the analyst has the option of measuring theresponse on only a single channel (e.g., the wavelength corresponding to the peak response). Ifthe nature of the sample or standard is well known, this may be perfectly acceptable. However,the analyst must realize that a lot of information is being thrown away – the advantages ofmulti-channel data described above (multicomponent analysis and detection/correction ofinterferences) will be lost. As a general guideline, it is always a good idea to collect themulti-channel response of at least one of the calibration standards to see what the analyteresponse looks like, and then to collect the multi-channel response of at least one of the samplesto ensure that no interferences are present.

One last item: there is another way of classifying analytical techniques according to themeasurement data produced. Rather than single- and multi-channel techniques, we may speak ofthe order of the analytical technique. The order is equal to the number of independent parametersthat are controlled as the data is collected for each sample. Thus, single-channel techniqueswould be zeroth order methods, since only a single data point is collected. If absorbance ismeasured as a function of wavelength, as in molecular absorption spectroscopy, the technique islabelled first order. Examples of second order techniques include the following:

• gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (the two independent parameters areretention time and ion mass/charge ratio);

• liquid chromatography with uv/vis spectrophotometric detection (signal is determined as afunction of retention time and wavelength); and

• molecular fluorescence (signal measured as a function of both excitation wavelength andemission wavelength).

As discussed, techniques with first-order data are able to identify, and in many cases correct, forthe presence of interferes. Due to their ability to provide data with higher information content,second-order techniques are even more powerful than first-order methods; further discussion ofthe additional capabilities of these methods is beyond the scope of this course.

Relative vs Absolute Techniques

Another way of classifying analytical techniques is according to the method by which the analyteconcentration is calculated from the data:

• in absolute analytical techniques, the analyte concentration can be calculated directly frommeasurement of the sample. No additional measurements are required (other than ameasurement of sample mass or volume).

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• in relative analytical techniques, the measurement of the sample must be compared tomeasurements of additional samples that are prepared with the use of analyte standards (e.g.,solutions of known analyte concentration).

The following figure illustrates the difference between the two types of methods.



measurement (s)of "unknown"

measurement (s)of "unknown"

measurementsof solns

prepared f romstds

AbsoluteQuantitative Methods

RelativeQuantitative Methods

Figure 3: The difference between absolute and relative techniques is that the latter requiresadditional measurements in order to obtain an estimate of the analyte concentration.

Classical methods of analysis are considered absolute techniques, because there is a direct andsimple relationship between the signal (mass in gravimetry; endpoint volume in titrimetry) andthe analyte concentration in the sample. The vast majority of instrumental methods of analysisare relative methods: the measurement of the sample solution must be compared to themeasurement of one or more solutions that have been prepared using standard solutions. Themost common methods of quantitation for instrumental analysis will be described shortly.

Summary: Characterization of Analytical Techniques

There are a large number of techniques used for quantitative chemical analysis. As we havediscussed, any analytical technique may be classified according to a variety of criteria, revealingsomething of the its characteristics. Table 1 on the following page summarizes the techniquesdiscussed in this course.

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Table 1: Characterization of analytical techniques discussed in this course. For each technique, the table states the property being measured (secondcolumn); for multi-channel techniques, the independent parameter is also given. So, for example, we can see that in potentiostatic coulometry (6th row),current is measured as a function of time. The last column states how the measured quantity is determined by the analyte concentration in the sample.


(excitation wavelength andemission wavelength)

fluorescence light intensitymolecular fluorescencesignal is proportional to excited-stateconcentration

multi-channel (wavelength)emitted light intensityatomic emissionmulti-channel (wavelength)attenuation of light intensitymolecular absorption

Beer’s Lawsingle-channelcattenuation of light intensityatomic absorption

analyte diffusion controls signal (Fick’s Law)multi-channel(working electrode potential)


thermodynamic drive to equilibrium (Nernst)single-channelpotentialpotentiometryInstrumental Techniques – all relative methodsb

multi-channel (time)currentpotentiostatic coulometry

complete/selective rxn of analyte; Faraday’sLaw, and the known stoichiometry of titrationreaction

single-channeltimeamperostatic coulometry

multi-channel(volume/mass of titrant solution)

instrument signaltitrimetry(instrum endpt detection)

complete/selective rxn of analyte;known stoichiometry of titration reaction

single-channelendpoint volume/masstitrimetry(chemical indicator)

single-channelmasselectrogravimetrycomplete/selective rxn of analyte;composition of weighing form is known

single-channelmassgravimetryClassical Techniques – all absolute methodsa

Theoretical PrincipleSingle- or multi-channel?(independent parameter)Quantity MeasuredTechnique

astrictly speaking, titrimetry is only an absolute method if the titrant solution is prepared from a primary standard

bmolecular absorption can be an absolute method if the analyte absorptivity is known and the instrument is properly calibrated

calthough usually single-channel, atomic absorption may be multi-channel in some cases

dmolecular fluorescence is the only second-order technique listed in this table: the signal can be measured as a function of twoindependently adjustable parameters

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Methods of Quantitation for Instrumental Analysis

Instrumental techniques are almost all relative in nature: the signal obtained from the analysis ofthe sample must be compared to other measurements in order to determine the analyteconcentration in the sample. Since these other measurements naturally contain measurementerror, relative quantitation increases the overall error in the estimate of analyte concentration –we shall refer to this source of error as calibration error. Calibration error can contain bothrandom and systematic components. One of the advantages of classical methods overinstrumental methods is the absence of calibration error, since classical methods are absolute innature.

Classical methods are absolute because of the direct relationship between the quantity measuredand the analyte concentration. Why isn’t the same thing true of instrumental methods? There area wide variety of instruments used for analysis, and they can generally be broken down into fourcomponents:

1. A signal generator, in which the analyte in the sample results in the production of some formof energy (such as light or heat);

2. A transducer, or “detector,” that transforms the energy produced in the signal generator intoan electrical signal (usually a voltage or a current);

3. Various electronic components, such as amplifiers and filters, that “clean up” the electricalsignal; and

4. A read-out device, such as a chart recorder, an analog meter, an oscilloscope or a computer,that converts the electrical signal into a form that is usable by the analyst.

For example, let’s consider the process involved in the method of flame atomic emission, inwhich the analyte solution is “sprayed” into a hot combustion flame.

• the analyte atoms will absorb thermal energy from the flame, and will release some of thisenergy in the form of light. The light is collected by and separated into its componentwavelengths. This part of the instrument can be considered the “signal generator,” because theamount of light at a certain wavelength will be proportional to the concentration of analyteatoms in the flame.

• light of the proper color (i.e., light emitted by the analyte atoms) is directed to strike a photondetector, which produces a current.

• this photon-induced current is amplified and converted into a voltage

• the voltage is then used to drive the pen of a strip-chart recorder.

This description illustrates that there is no simple relationship between the data produced by theread-out device of an analytical instrument and the concentration of the analyte in the chemicalsample. This is in contrast to the case in classical analysis, where the relationship betweenmeasured values such as mass or volume and the analyte concentration is fairly direct, and can becalculated from the stoichiometry of the chemical reaction.

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To see why the relationship between signal and analyte concentration in instrumental analysis isso complicated, let’s go back to our example of flame atomic emission, where:

• the distance moved by the pen in the chart recorder is proportional to the voltage output of theelectronics in the instrument;

• the voltage output is proportional to the current produced by the light detector;

• the current produced by the light detector is proportional to the light intensity striking thedetector;

• the light intensity striking the detector is proportional to the intensity of light emitted by theanalyte atoms in the flame;

• the emission intensity from the flame is proportional to the number of analyte atoms in theflame; and finally

• the number of analyte atoms in the flame is proportional to the concentration of analyte in thesample solution.

Whew! Although the end result of all this hand waving is that the data produced by theinstrument is proportional to the analyte concentration in the sample, it is not a relationship thatis readily amenable to theoretical treatment. Instead, we must estimate the analyte concentrationin the sample by using solutions of known analyte concentration.

The two most common methods of calibration in instrumental analysis are (i) the use ofcalibration curves, and (ii) the method of standard additions. In addition, internal standardsmay be used in combination with either of these methods. We will now describe how thesemethods may be used in quantitative chemical analysis.

Calibration Curve Method

For any instrumental method used for quantitative chemical analysis, there is some functionalrelationship between the instrument signal, r, and the analyte concentration, CA:

r = f(CA)

The calibration curve approach to quantitation is an attempt to estimate the nature of thisfunctional relationship. A series of calibration standards are analyzed, and a “best-fit” line orcurve is used to describe the relationship between the analyte concentration in the calibrationstandards and the measured signal. The following figure demonstrates the concept.

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concentrat ion of analyte in cal ibrat ion standard

Figure 4. Typical calibration curve. The instrument response is measured for a series ofcalibration standards, which contain a known concentration of analyte. The curve is a function thatdescribes the functional relationship between signal and concentration. Note that the calibrationcurve should never be extrapolated (i.e., never extended beyond the range of the calibrationmeasurements).

The least-squares regression technique is the usual method of obtaining the best-fit line.Although the functional form of the fitted function may be dictated from theory, its main purposeis to allow the analyst to predict analyte concentration in measured samples. Thus, the maincriterion in choosing the regression model is to choose one that enables accurate (and precise)predictions of analyte concentration in samples of unknown composition.

The following points should be made about this method of quantitation:

1. The central philosophy of the calibration curve method is this: the function that describes therelationship between signal and concentration for the calibration standards also applies toany other sample that is analyzed. Any factor that changes this functional relationship willresult in a biased estimate of analyte concentration.

2. A linear relationship between signal and concentration is desirable, generally resulting in thebest accuracy and precision using the fewest number of calibration standards.

3. Ideally, the analyte concentration should only be calculated by interpolation, not byextrapolation. In other words, the analyte concentration should be within the range ofconcentrations spanned by the calibration standards. If the analyte concentration in thesample is too great, then the sample may be diluted. If the analyte concentration is too small,then additional calibration standards can be prepared. For best precision, the concentration isclose to the mean concentration of the calibration standards.

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If we can assume a linear relationship between signal and concentration, then simple linearregression may be used. A point estimate of the analyte concentration in the “unknown” iscalculated from the following equation:

[1]xu =yu − b0


where is the point estimate, yu is the signal measured for the “unknown,” and b1 & b0 are thexu

least-squares estimates of the slope and intercept of the best-fit line.

The point estimate is a random variable because it is calculated from three other randomvariables. There are two sources of error in the point estimate: measurement error in yu and errorin the least-squares estimates b1 and b0. The latter error arises due to error in the measurement ofthe calibration standards (i.e., due to calibration error).

The random error of due to both sources (i.e., random error in “unknown” measurement andxu

in the calibration measurements) can be estimated using the following expression:

[2]s(xu) l sres

b11 + 1

n +(xu − x)2


where sres is the standard deviation of the residuals, n is the number of calibration standards, isxthe average analyte concentration in the calibration standards, and , where sx is thSxx = (n − 1)sx


standard deviation of the concentrations of the calibration standards. The second two terms in thesquare root term accounts for the effects of random error in the calibration measurements.

Exercise 1. The following data was obtained in the analysis of copper using flame atomicabsorption spectroscopy







% transmittanceconc, ppm

Following calibration, a sample of unknown copper concentration was analyzed. Themeasured transmittance was 35.6 %. Report the concentration of analyte in the form of a95% confidence interval.

Answer: 21.8 ± 3.9 ppm (95% CI). This confidence interval accounts for the uncertaintyintroduced in measurements of both the “unknown” and of the calibration standards.

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Equations 1 and 2 are intended for linear calibration curves. Equation 2 depends on the usualassumptions made in linear regression (e.g., measurement errors of standards and samples arehomogeneous). A variety of other regression methods are available to estimate calibration curves,including polynomial regression, nonlinear regression, and weighted regression methods.

Standard Addition Method


Inherent in the calibration curve method is the key assumption that the analyte “behaves” (i.e.,generates signal) in the sample exactly as it does in the calibration standards. In other words, thecalibration curve function is assumed to apply equally to any sample as to the calibrationstandards. However, the sample may be much more complex than the calibration standards, andthe interaction of the analyte with the other components of the sample may alter its signal. Thus,the calibration curve may not describe the relationship between analyte concentration and signalthat actually exists in the sample.

For example, one may with to determine the concentration of lead in seawater by using flameatomic absorption spectroscopy. The calibration standards might be made by dissolving a leadsalt into deionized water. The other components of the seawater may well change the efficiencyof lead atomization in the flame, altering its signal. This effect is absent in the calibrationstandards, and a biased estimate of lead concentration in seawater would be obtained.

The phenomenon just described is an example of a matrix effect. The sample matrix is theportion of the sample that does not include the analyte: in other words, the entire sample consistsof analyte plus its matrix. A matrix effect occurs whenever some component of the samplematrix changes the analyte’s signal – for whatever reason (chemical reaction, changing the ionicstrength, etc).

The method of standard additions is meant to be used in this case. Whenever there is reason tosuspect that the calibration curve approach will not work due to the presence of a matrix effect,the method of standard additions may give more accurate results.

Standard Additions: Dilution to Constant Volume

One way of using standard additions is as follows. Imagine that we have a sample solution, andwe divide it up into four solutions as shown in table 2:

Table 2. One way to perform the standard additions method of analyte quantitation. The sample solution isdivided into four equal 10 mL portions. Each portion is eventually diluted to 50 mL; the solutions havedifferent volumes of added standard, and hence different concentrations of analyte.

50505050total volume, mL:39.739.839.940volume solvent added, mL: standard added, mL:10101010volume sample added, mL:


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In other words, from our sample solution we obtain four new 50 mL solutions, each of whichcontains 10 mL of the original sample solution. In addition, to each new solution a certainvolume of standard analyte solution is added (the concentration of this solution is known). Thevolume of added standard is kept small so that it has little effect on the matrix; presumably, thefinal solutions have identical sample matrices, and so the analyte should be affected by thematrix equally in all the solutions. This is the key assumption in the standard addition method.

Note that we can easily write an expression for the concentration of analyte in the new solutions:

[3]Cnew = CstdVstd + CAVA


where Cstd and CA are the concentration of analyte in the standards and the original samplesolution, respectively, and Vstd and VA are the volumes of added standard and sample,respectively. The volume Vtot is the total volume of the new “sample” solutions.

Why should we divide up the sample like this? Looking at the four new solutions, it should beobvious that each of them is exposed to the same matrix. If we obtain measurements on each ofthe sample, then these measurements will all be equally affected by chemical interferences. Inthis manner, we can match matrices for all the measured solutions. Thus, the only task left is tocalculate CA, the concentration of analyte in the original sample, from measurements that areobtained from our new samples. This objective can be achieved by using a standard additionsplot. If the signal is linearly proportional to the analyte concentration, then the plot will look likethe following

Standard Additions Plot







-0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Volume added standard, mL



Figure 5: A standard additions plot. The signal is plotted as a function of the volume of addedstandard. The slope and intercept of the best-fit line can be used to estimate the analyteconcentration in the original sample (see text for equations).

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In a standard additions plot, the measured signal is plotted as a function of Vstd, the volume ofadded standard. How does this plot help us to calculate the concentration of analyte in theoriginal sample? The value of the intercept of the fitted line with the x-axis is −V /, which iscalculated as

V ∏ = b0


where b0 and b1 are the intercept and slope, respectively, of the fitted line. It turns out that thevolume, , is the volume of the standard solution that contains the same amount of analyte asV ∏

the original sample. The following figure shows this concept graphically:

Standard Additions Plot







-0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Volume added standard, mL






V /

−−−− V /

Figure 6. The “geometry” of the standard additions plot, explaining how V/ is the volume ofstandard that would double the measured signal. Since a linear relationship between signal andconcentration is assumed, V/ is also the volume of standard that contains the same amount ofanalyte that was present in the original solution.

The goal of the standard additions plot is to obtain the value of , the volume of standard thatV ∏

contains the same quantity of analyte as in the original sample solution. We can obtain this valuein one of two ways: by extrapolating the plot to the x-axis, or by solving for y = 2b0, where b0 isthe y-intercept of the standard additions plot. Both of these are shown in the figure. Since thetriangle A and B are equivalent (i.e., same lengths and angles), then both of these methods ofobtaining are equally valid. We will use the second approach, solving for y = 2b0, to obtainV ∏

expressions that allow us to determine the analyte concentration in the sample from the standardaddition plot.

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The y-intercept, b0, corresponds to the signal from the sample that contains with no addedstandard; a signal of b0 is due solely to the contribution of the analyte contained in the originalsample. A signal of double this value, y = 2b0, must correspond to twice the concentration thatwas in the original sample; thus, the volume of standard that is required to reach this point(y = 2b0) must contain the same quantity of analyte as was in the original sample. This volume isindicated on the figure as V/.

Mathematically, we can express this idea as follows. We assume that the signal is directlyproportional to the analyte concentration,

r = kCA

where r is the signal (“response”) and k, the constant of proportionality, is the sensitivity of theanalytical procedure.

The analyte concentration in the new standard addition solutions is given by eqn. 3; thus, we cansay that the signal for these new solutions will be

[4]r = kCstdVstd + CAVA

Vtot= b1Vstd + b0

Thus, a plot of signal r against the volume of added standard, Vstd will be a straight line with aslope of b1 and an intercept of b0, where

[5]b1 = kCstd

Vtotb0 = kCAVA


We want to solve for r = 2b0, where V/ = Vstd

2b0 = b1V ∏ + b0

[6]V ∏ = b0


Substituting for b0 and b1, we see that

V ∏ = CAVA


Rearranging this expression gives [7]CstdV ∏ = CAVA

Thus, we have just proven that is the volume of standard that contains the same quantity ofV ∏

analyte as in the original volume VA of the sample solution. We can now see how to estimate theanalyte concentration in the original sample solution from the standard addition plot:

[8]CA = CstdV ∏


Thus, eqns 6 and 8 can be used to calculate the concentration of analyte in the original sample.

Standard Additions Method 2: Direct Addition of Standard

In the previous standard additions method, a number of sample solutions were each diluted to aconstant volume. Although this approach achieved our goal of perfect matrix matching for each

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of the new solutions, there is an important disadvantage with the method: the analyte is diluted inthe new solutions, thus decreasing the sensitivity of the analysis.

There is another method of standard additions that does not suffer from this disadvantage. Insteadof preparing separate solutions, diluted to constant volume, we can use the following procedure:

1. Measure the signal for a known volume of sample solution;

2. Add a very small volume of concentrated standard solution directly to the sample solution;

3. Measure the signal for the new solution, after the addition;

4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 as many times as desired.

As before, we want to keep the volume of added standard much smaller than the volume of theoriginal sample so that the sample matrix is not changed by the additional volume. Although thenew method does not dilute the analyte, there is one problem: the total volume of the solutionwill change for each measurement following a standard addition. Equations 3 and 4 show that ifwe thus plot the signal, r, against the volume of added standard, Vstd, the slope of the plot will notbe constant, since Vtot is changing. Thus, the standard addition plot will be slightly curved.

Fortunately, we can correct for the effects of increasing Vtot. To see this, notice that we canrearrange eqn. 4 as follows:


VA= kCstd

VAVstd + kCA = b1Vstd + b0

If we plot the dilution corrected response, , against Vstd, we will obtain a straight linercorr = rVtot


with slope b1 and intercept b0, where

[9]b1 = kCstd

VAb0 = kCA

If we again define as the volume of added standard that gives a dilution corrected response ofV ∏

twice the y-intercept, 2bo, we would again find that

V ∏ = b0

b1= CAVA


just as before. Thus, we can still use the same equations to calculate the concentration of theanalyte in the original sample solution; we just have to use a slightly different standard additionplot.

Calculating Confidence Intervals from a Standard Addition Plot

The expression for V/ in eqn. 6 has two random variables, b0 and b1, which are calculated from alinear regression of the standard addition plot. Thus, the value of V/ will also include randomerror, which will propagate to the final results, the calculated analyte concentration. It turns outthat the standard error of V/ is given by the following approximation (which usually works prettywell):

[10]s(V ∏) l sres

b11 + 1

n +(V ∏ + x)2


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where sres is the standard deviation of the residuals of the standard addition plot, b1 is the slope ofthe standard addition plot, n is the number of points in the standard addition plot, is the averagexof the x-data (i.e., the standard addition volumes), and . This equation is verySxx = (n − 1)sx


similar to one that describes the standard error in concentrations calculated using a calibrationcurve; you should note, however, that the third root term involves a sum in the numerator (V ∏ + x)and not a difference, as with the calibration curves.

Once the standard error in V/ has been calculated, we can use propagation of error to show that

[11]s(CA) = s(V ∏) Cstd


Let’s do an example to show how to calculate a confidence interval for the analyte concentrationusing the method of standard additions.

Exercise 2. Anodic stripping voltammetry can be used to measure the leachable lead contentof pottery and crystalware. A sample of pottery being considered for import is leached with4% acetic acid for 24 hr. A 50.00 mL aliquot is transferred to an electrolysis cell, and aftercontrolled-potential electrolysis at -1.0V (vs SCE) for 2 minutes, an anodic scan is recordedwith the differential pulse method. The procedure is repeated with new 50.00 mL aliquots towhich 25, 50, and 75 µL spikes of a standard containing 1000 ppm lead have been added.


Limiting Current, µµµµAVolume added Standard, µµµµL

Answer: 1.07 ± 0.16 ppm (95% CI).

Characteristics of the Standard Additions Method

• advantage over calibration curve method: can be more accurate for complicated samplematrices (corrects for changes in the slope of the calibration line due to the sample matrix)

• caveats: (i) must be linear; (ii) an extrapolation method; (iii) must correct for background; (iv)less precise than calibration curve method; (v) more time consuming when many samples mustbe analyzed

Internal Standard Method

An internal standard is a substance that is added to every sample that is analyzed; theconcentration of the internal standard is known. In most cases, the concentration of the internalstandard is constant in each sample that is analyzed. In this case, the analyte measurement issimply divided by the internal standard measurement, and quantitation proceeds as before. Thus,a “corrected” signal signal may be defined as

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rcorr = rAris

where rA is the signal from the analyte, and ris is the signal from the internal standard. Thismethod may be used in combination with either the calibration curve or standard additionsmethod: the corrected signal, rcorr, is used instead of rA when determining the best fit calibrationcurve (or in the standard addition plot, as appropriate).

The purpose of the internal standard is to improve the precision of the estimate of analyteconcentration. Why is the precision improved? The following example illustrates the generalconcept.

Exercise 3. In the analysis of sodium metals by flame atomic emission spectroscopy, lithiummay be used as an internal standard. Using the data below, calculate the concentration ofsodium in the sample. Compare the precision of the result from the internal standard methodwith that achieved with the calibration curve method (i.e., if the lithium emission signalswere ignored).

480.88“unknown” sample, 500 ppm Li465.005.0 ppm Na, 500 ppm Li512.302.0 ppm Na, 500 ppm Li470.530.5 ppm Na, 500 ppm Li480.220.2 ppm Na, 500 ppm Li

Li emissionNa emissionsolution

Answer: When the internal standard measurements are used, the following confidence interval isobtained:

with internal standards 0.82 ± 0.20 ppm (95% CI)

When the internal standard measurements are ignored, and the usual calibration curvecalculations are obtained, the following confidence interval is the result:

without internal standards 0.79 ± 0.87 ppm (95% CI)

That’s quite a difference! Why does the presence of the internal standard matter so much?

The basic concept is that the internal standard is supposed to behave just like the analyte, and yetthe measurement technique can distinguish between the two (a multi-channel method isrequired). In this way, many sources of error will affect both internal standard and analyte. In theabove example, fluctuations in sample uptake and in flame temperature will affect the signal ofboth sodium and lithium, and to approximately the same degree. Since the lithium is present atthe same concentration in all of the samples, ideally its emission signal would be constant.Presumably, an increase in analyte signal (due to a change in flame temperature, for example)would be reflected in an increase in the internal standard signal. The correlation between thesignals of the internal standard and the analyte is the key to this method.

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Interferences in Quantitative Analysis

Types of Interferences


Ideally, the only property of a sample that affects the data collected from an analytical procedureis the concentration of the analyte in the analyte. Inevitably, there will be other properties thatwill affect the measurements obtained in chemical analysis; common examples of such propertiesinclude temperature, pH, ionic strength, or solution turbidity. Changes in these properties canthus also cause changes in the measurements that are unrelated to analyte concentration, leadingto errors; such properties are thus called interferences, since they “interfere” with the properdetermination of analyte concentration.

Interferences may be broadly classified into two types: (a) chemical interferences, which are dueto the presence of specific chemicals in the sample, and (b) physical interferences. The effects ofchanging ionic strength or pH are examples of chemical effects, while that of temperature orturbidity are physical phenomenon. In this section, we will mostly be concerned with chemicalinterferences that might be present in the sample, and methods that are used to overcome theirpresence.

Generally speaking, any chemical sample consists of two parts:

1. the analyte(s) to be quantitatively determined, and

2. the rest of the sample, called the sample matrix.

The sample matrix is simply all the components of the sample for which quantification is notnecessary. However, the signal due to any individual analyte can be influenced by any othercomponent of the sample, including other analytes and components of the matrix. The effect ofchemical interferences are often called matrix effects; the two terms can be used interchangeably.

Additive and Multiplicative Matrix Effects

The presence of a chemical interferent can affect the measured signal in one of two ways:

1. The interferent can directly affect the signal, usually causing an increase in the signal. Forexample, the electrode used for pH measurements will respond to sodium cations as well ashydronium cations, so that the presence of a high concentration of Na+ will cause an increasein the measured voltage. Likewise, in the gravimetric analysis of Cl− using Ag+ as aprecipitating agent, the presence of the interferent Br− will cause an increase in the mass ofthe precipitant. These types of interferences are sometimes called blank interferences. Evenif the analyte is not present in the sample, the presence of a blank interferent will cause ameasurable signal.

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2. The interferent can indirectly affect the signal, most commonly causing a decrease in thesignal. For example, consider the gravimetric determination of Al using NH3 as aprecipitating agent (which causes precipitation of hydrous aluminum oxide). The presence offluoride in the solution will cause the formation of aluminum fluoride complex, which willnot precipitate. Another example: the presence of dissolved oxygen in solution will reduce(quench) the fluorescence of many organic molecules. These type of interferences aresometimes referred to as an analyte interferences, since they usually alter the response of theanalyte to the analytical method. If the analyte is not present in the sample, then no signal willbe measured, since the analyte interferents do not themselves directly cause a measurablesignal.

The effects of chemical interferences can also be described in another way. Consider that mostanalytical procedures are described by a linear response of the type

y = ✎1x + ✎0

where y is the measured signal, x is the analyte concentration. The value of β1 is the slope of thecalibration line, also called the sensitivity, while β0 is the intercept of the line, sometimes calledthe blank response. Since the term “interference” is defined as a change in signal that is not dueto the change in analyte concentration, the presence of chemical interferents must change eitherthe sensitivity, β1, or the blank response, β0:

• chemical interferents that indirectly affect the signal (the so-called “analyte interference” effect)change the sensitivity of the analyte. This type of a matrix effect can be called a multiplicativeeffect.

• chemical interferents that directly change the signal (the “blank interference” effect) change thevalue of β0, the blank response. This type of a matrix effect can be termed an additive effect.

The following figures show the effect of the presence of an additive or multiplicative interferenton the response function of an analytical technique.

Analyte Concentration




Analyte Concentration




effect of matrix

effect of matrix

Figure 7. Illustration of the effect of the matrix on the relationship between analyte concentrationand measured signal. An additive effect introduces an additional offset to the observed signal,while a multiplicative effect changes the analyte’s sensitivity.

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Both types of interferences, if uncorrected, will result in systematic error in thedetermination of analyte concentration. We will discuss methods used to correct for (mostlychemical) interferences in quantitative analysis.

Correction for Interferences: General Methods

We will now discuss a few general approaches that can be used to correct for the effect ofinterferences (both chemical and physical) in quantitative analysis.


The most straightforward method of dealing with interferences is to eliminate the source, ifpossible. For example, chromatographic methods are commonly used for the analysis ofcompounds in complicated sample matrices, since the analytes are separated from the othercomponents of the matrix. There are numerous other methods used to separate the analyte(s)from interferences in the sample matrix, such as solvent extraction, solid phase extraction,centrifugation, immunoassays, electrophoresis, and many others.


In some cases, elimination of interferences is either not possible or too difficult. For example, theanalyte signal is often affected by temperature of pH, and these effects cannot be removed. Insuch cases, it is possible to eliminate errors caused by the interferences by simply controlling theeffect of the interference. If the interference is present to the same degree in all the calibrationstandards and the samples that are analyzed, then it will not cause any systematic error. Forexample, if pH affects the signal, we would buffer all standards and samples to the same pHvalue. Likewise, we can keep the temperature constant for all standards and samples.


There are situations where interference can neither be completely eliminated nor controlled. Forexample, in environmental analysis it is often desirable to perform rapid “on-site” analysis, ratherthan transporting samples back to a laboratory. You may want to measure the pH of the water ina lake, a measurement that is affected by temperature. Obviously, you cannot control thetemperature of the lake water, or eliminate the interference. What you might do instead is tomeasure the temperature of the water at the same time as you measure the pH (some pH metersactually do this automatically). Then you can adjust for the effect of temperature on your pHmeasurement.

Correcting for the effects of interference by this method means that you must make at least twomeasurements: one that relates to the analyte concentration (and includes the effect of theinterference) and one to assess the magnitude of the interference. There are two general methodsof then adjusting for the interference:

• use some theoretical expression to correct for the interference; or

• use an empirical adjustment factor, based on the results of previous experiments.

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The empirical approach is probably more common. For example, in the measurement of the pHof water that contains sodium cations, the measured voltage is known to exhibit the followingbehavior:

Emeas = B + m log([H+] + ks[Na+])

where the values of B, m and ks must be determined empirically (i.e., during the calibration of theinstrument). Once the values of these parameters are known, then two measurements arenecessary to determine the pH of water containing substantial amounts of sodium cation: onemeasurement with the pH meter, and another measurement to determine the concentration ofsodium cations. This second measurement must be made by some other analytical techniques(perhaps using a sodium ion-selective electrode).

Correction for Matrix Effects (Chemical Interferences)

In the next few sections we will concerned with a few methods that correct for a variety of matrixeffects (i.e., additive and multiplicative chemical interferences). The most direct method tocorrect for matrix effects is to separate the analyte from the matrix by a separation method suchas extraction or chromatography. Essentially, the matrix effect is eliminated by getting rid of thematrix! This is the “brute force” approach

In this section, we will be discussing methods that can be used instead of (or perhaps in additionto) this approach. These methods do not necessarily eliminate the source of the chemicalinterference, but instead try to correct for the bias introduced by the interference. The methodswe will discuss are basically specific applications of the general principles of control andcorrection discussed in the last section.

Before plunging into this topic, it is probably worthwhile to quickly describe some of the mostcommon ways in which the matrix can cause systematic errors.

• the matrix of the sample is different than that of the calibration standards, causing either anadditive or multiplicative effect on the signal. Essentially, the calibration curve does not really“apply” to the sample.

• you are analyzing a number of samples, and the matrix of these samples is somewhat variable.Likewise the additive and/or multiplicative effect of the matrix of the samples will be variable.In this instance, it is difficult1 to prepare a single set of calibration standards that will apply toeach of the samples.

Of course, there are many other ways in which matrix effects can cause error(s) in quantitativeanalysis. Nevertheless, the methods described in this section are remarkably general in theirability to correct for matrix effects.

Blank Measurements

Recall that a sample is composed of (a) analyte and (b) everything else (i.e., the sample matrix).A blank is a sample that contains no analyte, only the sample matrix. If a blank is available for a

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1 but not impossible! Some multivariate calibration methods − which are a little too advanced tobe discussed in this class − can handle this sort of situation.

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particular sample, it can be used to correct for additive interferences by simply subtracting thesignal measured for the blank from that observed for the sample:

net signal = signal from sample − signal from blank

Since the sample matrix may change from sample to sample, this would mean that, theoretically,every sample needs a different blank. Most commonly, however, it is assumed that the samplematrix does not change for a group of related samples (e.g., seawater samples), and so a singleblank is prepared for this group. If the amount of additive interference changes for one of thesamples in the group, then subtraction of the blank will not fully correct for the interference.Obviously, the ability to correct for additive interference will depend on the ability to obtain atrue blank.

The use of multi-channel analytical methods can sometimes help correct for additiveinterferences without the use of a blank. For example, consider the situation in the followingfigure, which depicts the multi-channel response that might be obtained for a sample.

Multi-channel measurement of a sample

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

signal channel (e.g., wavelength)



response due to analyte

response due to sample matrix

Figure 8. Detecting additive matrix interference using multi-channel data. When the sample matrixgives a very broad background, as shown here, it is particularly easy to correct for the interference(no blank is necessary); see fig 9 for a very simple correction method.

This type of response could easily be seen in an atomic spectroscopy technique, such as atomicemission, where the analyte response generally consists of narrow spectral “lines,” andinterferents (such as small molecules) might result relatively broad spectral “bands” appearing inthe data. It is possible in such situations to correct for the presence of the additive interferencewithout the use of a blank. In this example, the maximum analyte response occurs at signalchannel #50 (which would correspond to a particular wavelength in the case of a spectroscopicmethod); the signal on this channel will contain contributions from both the analyte and the

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interferent. However, there are many signal channels where only the interferent will give aresponse; we can use one of these to correct for the contribution of the interferent. In this case,for example, the following figure graphically depicts a very simple, but effective, method ofcorrecting for the interference.

"On-line/off-line" Correction for additive interference

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

signal channel (e.g., wavelength)


al net signaldue to analyte

Figure 9. Simple method to correct for additive interference with a multi-channel method. Theadvantage of multi-channel correction is that a blank is not necessary.

We see that we need to measure the instrument response on at least two channels to correct forthe additive interference by this method: one channel at the maximum analyte response (the“on-line” channel) and one channel where only the interferent responds (the “off-line” channel).In atomic spectroscopy, if the off-line channel is near enough to the on-line channel, then we canoften assume that the net signal due to the analyte is equal to the difference between the on-lineand off-line signals:

on-line/off-line approach net signal = on-line signal − off-line signal

In a way, this multi-channel approach is like taking a blank measurement without actually havingto prepare a blank.

The ability of an analytical technique to collect data on multiple signal channels allows somevery useful methods to be used to correct for the presence of interferences; some of thesemethods are far more sophisticated than this simple “on-line/off-line” approach.

Matrix Matching

The blank-measurement approaches described in the previous section will correct for additive butnot multiplicative interferences. A “brute force” method of correcting for all matrix effects ismatrix matching. In this approach, all calibration standards and samples will (ideally) have the

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same sample matrix, so that any matrix effects in the sample will be reproduced in the standards.The calibration curve obtained in this case will thus correct for all additive and multiplicativeeffects.

For example, if you collect seawater samples for analysis, then you might want to create a seriesof calibration standardsin“seawater.”This could be achieved by either (a) obtaining someseawater that is known to be free of the analyte, and then preparing the standards using thisseawater; or (b) creating some artificial “seawater” that will (hopefully) act like the real thingwith respect to our analytical method.

It is difficult to artificially duplicate complicated sample matrices, such as that of seawater.However, it might not be necessary to match the sample matrix in it’s entirety in order to correctfor matrix effects. If it is known, for example, that it is the ionic strength of seawater that casesinterference, then perhaps it is only necessary to adjust the ionic strength (using any inertelectrolyte) of the calibration standards to match that of the seawater.

In another form of matrix matching, the nature of the sample matrix is actually changed toconform to that of the calibration standards. To give a simple example, if pH is known to affectthe analyte response, then both the samples and the standards will be buffered to the same pHvalue.

Dilution Method

In this method, the samples are simply diluted with a solvent. The idea is that some interferentsdo not affect the signal if they are present at low concentrations. Of course, the analyte is dilutedtoo, and the measurement technique must be sensitive enough to quantify the analyte at thediluted level.

The problem with this method is that the effective detection limits are degraded; frequently themeasurement precision is worse at lower concentrations as well. However, this technique canstill be quite effective in situations where detection limits are not a concern: for example, in theanalysis of metal cations in blood using a very sensitive technique, such as graphite furnaceatomic absorption spectroscopy, or anodic stripping voltammetry. Depending on the expectedconcentrations of the analyte in the blood, the sample can be diluted tenfold or even hundredfold.

Saturation Method

The philosophy of the saturation method is almost the exact opposite of the dilution method. Inthe dilution method, we attempt to reduce the concentration of interferents to low (and hopefullyinsignificant) levels. In the saturation method, high concentrations of interferent is added to eachsample and every calibration standard. This method is particularly effective when the samplematrix may vary from sample to sample. By increasing the concentration of interferent to a highlevel, the sample-to-sample variation will be “swamped out” by the large added conc.

As an example of this method, consider the fact that the signal in potentiometry is usuallysensitive to the ionic strength of the sample solution. One way to correct for systematic errorintroduced by this dependence is to use the saturation method: add a fairly high concentration(e.g., 4 M) of an inert electrolyte solution (e.g., potassium nitrate) to all samples and calibrationstandards. This means that every solution analyzed will have almost the same ionic strength, so

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that the matrix effect on each measurement will be the same. The electrolyte solution used in thisfashion is called an ionic strength buffer.

Another example of this method is the use of ionization suppressors in flame spectroscopy. Anionization suppressor is an alkali salt; the alkalis are easily ionized in the flame. The presence ofthe ionization suppressor acts, as the name implies, to reduce the ionization of the analyte in theflame atomizer. Without the presence of the suppressor, the degree of analyte ionization mayvary according to the sample matrix; this variation would cause a corresponding change in signal.

The main disadvantage of the saturation method is that it can sometimes degrade LOD’s,sensitivity and measurement precision.

Matrix Modifiers

A matrix modifier is a chemical that reacts with either the interferent or the analyte. The purposeof a matrix modifier is to correct matrix effects that are usually due to chemical reactionsinvolving the interferent. For example, masking agents are a type of matrix modifier that iscommonly used in gravimetry and titrimetry. A problem in these techniques is that an interferentmay react with the precipitating agent (in gravimetry) or titrant (in titrimetry); the masking agentreacts with the interferent to prevent this from occurring.

Matrix modifiers are also commonly used in atomic absorption spectroscopy to increase thevolatility of the analyte. They achieve this by either reacting with interferents that tend to forminvolatile salts of the analyte (these matrix modifiers are called releasing agents) or by reactingwith the analyte to form volatile salts (in this case the modifier is a protecting agent).

Acid-base pH buffers can (sort of) be thought of in this context. Whenever the analyte signaldepends on the pH, we can think of H3O+ or OH− as an “interferent.” In aqueous solutions, ofcourse, it is not possible to get rid of these ions; the buffer reacts with them to keep the pH at aconstant level in all samples and standards.

The Method of Standard Additions

• brief review of the method

• describe how it corrects for multiplicative matrix effects

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Evaluation of Analytical Techniques

Overview: Figures of Merit

• importance


• definition (briefly)

Detection Limits and Related FOMs

• general idea: give an indication of the lower limit of an analytical method. Very popular FOMs

• LOD (also called IDL). Show how to calculate (with example)

• characteristic concentration (for atomic and molecular absorption). Advantage: much moreconvenient to measure


• detection vs quantitation. LOQ (other names?)

• alternate formula for LOQ

(Linear) Dynamic Range

• definition and calculation

Measurement Precision

• RSD and S/N


• general idea: immunity from interferences (both additive and multiplicative)

• definition for ISEs

• general definition (?) for multi-channel techniques

• different types of selectivity: e.g., chemical vs spectral

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