class notes eugenics

 Class Notes 9.24.13- Eugenics One of the major questions raised b the e!"eriments conducted in Na#i $erman %as %hether the data collected from the e!"erime nts&the 'no%ledge gained should be used to further science. (o the ends justif the means) Eugenics----* societ o+er the indi+idual. ,rticial selection to further the human race. s it ethical to modif embros/ sterili# e "eo"le/ or do other things in order to hel" the human race e+ol+e faster) 0ositi+ e +s. Negati+e Eugenics----* im"ro+ing the human race b altering humans for the better +s. eliminating the things that ma'e us a %ea'er s"ecies.  he "roblem %i th Eugenics is that it focuses entir el on societ and not on the indi+idual. f the technolog e!ists/ should %e us e it) hat criteria should %e use to e+aluate %hether or not %e %ill use the technolog)

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Post on 08-Oct-2015




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Notes on Eugenics and Bioethics


Class Notes 9.24.13- Eugenics

One of the major questions raised by the experiments conducted in Nazi Germany was whether the data collected from the experiments/the knowledge gained should be used to further science. Do the ends justify the means?

Eugenics----> society over the individual. Artificial selection to further the human race.

Is it ethical to modify embryos, sterilize people, or do other things in order to help the human race evolve faster?

Positive vs. Negative Eugenics----> improving the human race by altering humans for the better vs. eliminating the things that make us a weaker species.

The problem with Eugenics is that it focuses entirely on society and not on the individual.

If the technology exists, should we use it? What criteria should we use to evaluate whether or not we will use the technology?