cj mr.watts sbi4u may 15 th, 2012 is the end of a pregnancy before the fetus can live help or...

ABORTION CJ Mr.Watts SBI4U May 15 th , 2012

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Slide 2 CJ Mr.Watts SBI4U May 15 th, 2012 Slide 3 Is the end of a pregnancy before the fetus can live Help or preserve life of a woman An abortion may be termed induced due to the difference of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) Abortion is safest within the first six to ten weeks 90% of women who have abortions before 13 weeks have less complications Abortions performed between 13-24 weeks have a higher rate of complications After 24 weeks there is a limited life where the mother is in danger Slide 4 If the continuation of abortion continues it may cause emotional or financial burdens The women may not be in the best state of becoming a parent yet The pregnancy may be unintentional or unwanted The woman is being forced into aborting due to partner, parents or others The pregnancy was the result of a rape case or incest Slide 5 First Trimester - In the first 13 weeks after the last menstrual Advantages of medical abortions are: The procedure is non-surgical Anesthesia will not be required Drugs are administered either orally or injection The process is similar to a miscarriage Disadvantages of medical abortions are: The process may require multiple visits to doctor The bleeding after the abortion lasts long after a surgical abortion Slide 6 Methotrexate - Works by stopping fetal cells from separating which causes fetus to die - The first visit to doctor, the woman is injected with methotrexate, on the second visit, she is given misoprostol( fatty acid which stimulates hormonal contractions of the uterus) Mifepristone - It is also known as Mifeprex, and works by blocking action of progesterone, which is needed for pregnancy to continue, and ends pregnancy. - Side effects of this procedure may include nausea, heavy cramping, and vaginal bleeding Slide 7 Similar as to the first trimester but with more materials This may involve induced abortion If having an induced abortion the woman visits doctor, where rods are inserted in her cervix or medication is given to soften cervix On the day of abortion, a salt solution is injected into the uterus Contractions begins 8-72 hours the woman delivers the fetus Side effects may be vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea Process of First Trimester Slide 8 Slide 9 Very early abortions from 13 weeks or less cost between $200- $400 - Late abortions cause more The cost of an abortion increases about $100 per week through the thirteenth and sixteenth week If going through second trimester abortions, it will be much more costly - More risk - Services - Anesthesia - Hospital stay Slide 10 Abortion has been legal in U.S. since 1973 During the first three months, abortions are legal in all states If beyond three months to five months it is restricted in various states If in the sixth to ninth month is it prohibited As of 2012, 37 states in the U.S. passed laws that required a parent to be notified 6 states permit a small amount to obtain an abortion if a relative is involved in decision 33 states permit medical emergency and 50 states permit abortion in causes of abuse, assault, neglect or incest Canada is one out of many countries that do not have a criminal law against abortion Slide 11 Women may have abortions at a clinic or outpatient facility as long as it is a early pregnancy Women who may have o diabetes o controlled epilepsy o mild to moderate high blood pressure o are HIV positive usually have abortions taken with precaution If the women has other various side effects they may need to be hospitalized to have a proper procedure o Heart disease o Previous endocarditis o Asthma o Lupus Erythematosus o Uterine fibroid tumors o Blood Clotting o Psychological disorder Slide 12 The doctor must be informed of the stage the women is at The doctor will ask the woman questions about her menstrual cycle and will do examination to confirm pregnancy - May be done at office before or on day of abortion - Some states require a waiting period before having an abortion If the women is under age 18 they will need parental assistance Pre-abortion counseling is important Slide 13 Serious complication before 13 weeks is rare -90% of women who have abortions in this time period have 2.5% complication -Less than 0.5% have complications that require hospitalization Complications from abortions can include: - Unrestrained bleeding - Infection - Blood clots assembling in the uterus - A tear in the cervix or uterus - A missed abortion - Incomplete abortion Slide 14 ProsCons -A baby should not be brought into world if unwanted - Unborn babies are innocent and have a right to live - A woman has right to choose to have an abortion or not - The sixth commandment of the Bibles Old testament is (Exodus 20:13) is Thou shalt not kill. Against the will of God - Abortion gives couples an option whether to give birth to a child that may have a life threatening medical condition - The abortion industry makes an estimated $831 million, an abortion is $350 to more than $1000 - It lowers crime- Women should use different perspectives with consulting a baby and not abortion - Effective tool in population control (Malnutrition, starvation, poverty, etc) -Abortion increases chance that women will develop breast cancer (Estrogen levels increase, leading to breast growth, and leaving immature cells in womans breast resulting risk of breast cancer.) Slide 15 Abortions may help a lot of people live their life better Result in helping control the population discreet Could become legal all around the world Slide 16 "Abortion, therapeutic." Debra Gordon. The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Ed. Laurie J. Fundukian. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 6 vols. "Teen Pregnancy." Teen Health and Wellness. Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2012. Web. 13 May. 2012 "Abortion." Debra Gordon., Tish Davidson, AM., and Brenda Lerner, RN. The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 4 vols. Finer LB and Zolna MR, Unintended pregnancy in the United States: incidence and disparities, 2006,Contraception, 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2011.07.013.Unintended pregnancy in the United States: incidence and disparities, 2006 Jones RK and Kooistra, K., Abortion incidence and access to services in the United States, 2008,Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2011, 43(1):41-50.Abortion incidence and access to services in the United States ProCon.org. (2012, March 13). Abortion ProCon.org. Abortion.ProCon.org. Retrieved from http://abortion.procon.org/ Slide 17 http://earthreview.eu/wp- content/uploads/2012/03/de.jpg http://earthreview.eu/wp- content/uploads/2012/03/de.jpg http://feministphilosophers.files.wordpress. com/2011/03/cst800.jpg http://feministphilosophers.files.wordpress. com/2011/03/cst800.jpg http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljd4s9v JLx1qbwwvxo1_500.jpg http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljd4s9v JLx1qbwwvxo1_500.jpg http://www.flaccb.org/images/abortion_ban ner.jpg http://www.flaccb.org/images/abortion_ban ner.jpg http://storage.canoe.ca/v1/blogs-prod- photos/3/8/e/c/8/38ec82d9079b126e4abbec bf3aa4666e.jpg?stmp=1274130212 http://storage.canoe.ca/v1/blogs-prod- photos/3/8/e/c/8/38ec82d9079b126e4abbec bf3aa4666e.jpg?stmp=1274130212 http://holywar.org/abort/abort06.jpg http://holywar.org/abort/abort06.jpg